Sunday, July 14, 2013

Racism, Analysis, and George Zimmerman

I think George Zimmerman is  an ass.

I have always thought that Trayvon Martin would not have been shot that night if Zimmerman had just called the police and not played John Wayne.

I have also read Zimmerman's initial statement, as well as Mark McClish' analysis. Mark did a good job, and showed that when it came to the life and death struggle, Zimmerman told the truth.

Zimmerman did not murder Trayvon Martin.

I am so sick of racism in our country.  I think the President of the United States is a vicious racist.  He called a thug his "son" and the entire "hoodie" thing is nonsense.  I taught my sons to dress respectfully because we are judged by our appearance and only liars say otherwise.

I think Trayvon Martin was a violent thug who would have likely died before age 30 because he was raised to be a thug, and not because his pigment is darker than mine.

He was a thug because his parents did not teach him boundaries, respect for the law, and, by their own words, reveal their need to blame race on their own failure to properly discipline a son.

Boys are stronger than girls.

Willful ignorant politically correct society says it is not so, therefore they put them together, calling it "equality" and have then expect boys to behave towards girls in the same aggressive and natural manner in which they do to other boys.

Then they decry domestic violence.

Go ahead and put your little princess in boys' ice hockey.  It is her "right" to be in his locker room and wear a pink helmet.  Let your little girl learn what it is like to have her clock cleaned by a little boy, so she can accept it later.

It won't be, however, my son that hits her, even if it means chastisement by the coach, ridicule from the other players, and the scorn of modernity's parents.

I'm raising gentlemen, culture be damned.

Did you ever see an "anti domestic violence" bumper sticker?

Why would anyone say that they are against domestic violence?  Is anyone in favor of it?  Well, yes, those who worship upon the altar of egalitarianism, as well as those who have reduced sexuality to biology do, so perhaps the bumper sticker is a good idea.

Imagine reading, "Honk if you love domestic violence!" on  the car in front of you?

It would have to be driven by a white Protestant male.

We've sown the wind, and taught our sons disrespect for women, for life, and for the rule of law, so thugs like Trayvon Martin, you know, the president's own son, will always be, and will always give birth to self proclaimed cowboys like George Zimmerman.

It's politically correct to disagree with the verdict.

George Zimmerman shot Travyon Martin in self defense and did not lie about it.  Zimmerman should never have been there in the first place, nor should have Martin, but it is what it is.

Save your racist comments for the Spam folder...they won't last long here.

Here's a racist for ya.  This stinker should inspire enough young black males to take a pot shot at Zimmerman, who will run for the rest of his life.  Even his own race (whatever that may be) doesn't appear to be supporting him.

OJ Simpson be damned, we have George Zimmerman.

If Zimmerman wishes to say that calling the cops would not have helped, well, with lowered standards of cops today...but at least no white cop would be willing to pull his gun on a black man.  The only hope for justice, today, is if a black cop kills a black criminal.  It is what it is, today, and it stinks.

Oh, and by the way, tell your sons to grow up, dress appropriately, in a way in which strangers will not fear them.  Tell them to do this on job interviews, too.  I still haven't hired anyone in a hoodie, or who needed a bath, but perhaps I'll catch up to speed. Not that Martin doesn't have the right to dress like a scary character, but as you've read here, we all are judged by our appearance, with some studies saying that the first appearance can leave an impression in the brain that lasts for years, but we can influence others' judgements of us by our appearance. Had Martin been wearing Ivy League clothes, well, never mind.

You and I both know that when you see someone wearing a baseball uniform, you judge them to want to play baseball.

Dylan wears a hoodie.

He wore one in New Jersey once and got detained as a crazy homeless man.

He wasn't homeless.

People of faith know that clothing speaks volumes, but people of faith aren't welcome in this country any longer because, as well all know, faith hates.

The NY Giants star is an even bigger jack ass than Zimmerman.  He has, effectively, called for murder and has dishonored himself and our justice system.


After George Zimmerman was found not guilty of all charges on Saturday evening, New York Giants wide receiver Victor Cruz sent a threatening tweet that has since been deleted from his account. 

He tweeted, "Thoroughly confused. Zimmerman doesn't last a year before the hood catches up to him."


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dadgum said...

I don't know where I saw/heard it..I don't see it either..just that he was being held without bond, and the GSR found on the parents..both. Hard to believe this was in March.

Sus said...

I have two points I would appreciate discussion on, or your take on.

1. I didn't watch the trial. I don't know, but didn't TM have skittles and ice tea from the store? Do burglers get refreshments to take along? That has always bothered me.

2. Many commenters on here make prejudicial statements where you define others. I'm not talking about the trolls. Ignore them. I'm talking about those of you who seem to think your making sense, yet you define and pigeonhole people who are differt than you simply because they are different. Different does not mean wrong.

Example: "elevate blacks" wth? Do you have a certain level you think blacks should be?

Fear of difference should not be a defence in the courts of law.

Lemon said...

bonus points for
"Arm candy can't get no respect…" :)

Sus said...

Thanks.....and john has article abv. I'm not putting much stock in the gsr find on her. The defense attorney put that out. Of course, she had residue on her. On the father...hmmm. id like to know when he got his swab. He could have touched her, the stroller, abt anything. Heck it could be a false positive. I thought about him giving the boys the gun, but it was used by Elkins two weeks prior.

Sus said...

Thanks John!

VLW said...

For some reason my comments continue to be deleted. I'm quite puzzled! They're very mild compared to many which are posted here.

VLW said...

Unreal! Deleted again. What on earth is going on here? What is so objectionable about my comments that they are zapped off the blog almost as soon as I post them? I've been a fan and supporter of this blog for quite some time. Am I being confused for someone else?

John Mc Gowan said...

Watch Rachel Jeantel on Nancy Grace at 8 tonight. Dr. Drew will follow that up at 9. He'll be speaking exclusively to a trial witness who swore that it was Trayvon Martin heard screaming on the 911 call.

This may be good for Statement Analysis

Anonymous said...

VLW: I think your post(s) are on the "Older" page.

And by the way, I agree with your comment re; Stevie Wonder. If that ain't racist, what is?????

Texas Anon

creepy ass cracka said...
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texas anon is a troll said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"..none of us were aware that he actually intended to destroy the legal system in favor of elevating blacks at the expense of whoever opposed"

I'm sure you haven't noticed, but the legal system is markedly stacked against blacks, so elevating it for them might mean we reach equality. But that's what scares you isn't it?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Keep speaking the truth, Peter. Thank you for standing up for the truth. I hope all is well with you and your family. God Bless you.


Anonymous said...

" If you resided in such a place, you would be grateful to public-spirited citizens such as Zimmerman, who year in and year out worked to make it less unsafe to live there."

Well, unless there's a black teenager in the family.

Also, there was a meeting where some residents complained Zimmerman was too aggressive in his role. why was it the condo association settled their lawsuit so quickly?


Anonymous said...

I have been a long-time reader, and I have respected your posts, even when I don't agree with them. I am independent politically, and rather agree with your assessments that most politicians lie. This post is appalling. To call Obama a racist with nothing to back it up, and Martin a thug, even though he is dead and had just turned 17, is just terrible and unfair. It is unnecessarily inflammatory and ridiculous. I read the whole post, hoping it was a weird form of satire, but I was disappointed. I doubt you care, but I will no longer be reading your blog. I will miss reading your blog, but I will not give you any more of my time or attention.

Unlike Zimmerman, I hope you use restraint with the small amount of exposure you have online.

John Mc Gowan said...

1 Question,can anyone explain to me why Zimmerman's defense would NOT allow him to take the stand?

Anonymous said...

Some sins are more obvious than others. Obama's are obvious. I will be happy if the leftists who read your blog stop coming back. They ruin the discussions with their irrationality and emotionalism. No one is more punishing than the left, including God. They issue threats, they go on witch hunts. Their rush to crucify George Zimmerman reminds me of what the frenzied, ignoble mobs did to Christ. They want to punish one man to cure all their perceived ills of society. Should they be successful in making him their scapegoat, do you think they would then be satisfied? The bloodthirsty are never satisfied. They are vampires who always need innocent blood to survive.

The real issue here which no one will say, is that personal responsibility is under attack, the cornerstone of Judeo-Christian values. The left has been trying to replace the Judeo Christian God from their incept, who mirrors back to them their true image. Their real rebellion is against God, and they are willing to sacrifice people who tell the truth in order to run from personal responsibility - code word* so they can do whatever they wish whenever they wish. Trayvon bears responsibility for his own actions, not society, even though you spend millions in our tax dollars trying to teach him differently. You did him a disservice.

George Zimmerman's actions were lawful and they were prudent. Trayvon Martin's were violent and they were foolish. If George Zimmerman made a mistake it was out of human weakness. Even God forgives that. But not the left. That's why we must never allow them to remain in power. They are not good judges. They are false witnesses. They care nothing for the truth, they only exploit tragedies in order to advance their agenda to dismantle civil society and create chaos.

May God have mercy on all of you who have judged George Zimmerman so mercilessly. It's the most vile ugly witch hunt I have seen in my lifetime, and you should be ashamed of yourselves. And before you say "What about Trayvon Martin who lost his life?" The facts of the case remain, and it is a false equivocation. That was one man against one man on one dark rainy night, one who made a bad decision and one who feared for his life, not millions of people and the government against one man, pursuing him like The Terminator, people and institutions who do not fear for their lives or safety, and have plenty of time to think about their actions, and yet use that time to try craftily to mantle a case against him. GZ was in a moment in fear for his life. Are you? Are you as you move mentally, slowly and methodically, calculatingly, in your vast numbers, seated in your comfortable armchairs, with your LED torches yelling, "Crucify him! Crucify him!"? Are you in fear for your lives? Such hatefulness! Such targeting! As puts GZ's perceived targeting and hatefulness to shame! Once again, may God have mercy on your souls, for you know not what you do. Behold the lamb of God. Behold the wolf in sheep's clothing, uninjured, who pursues him, relentlessly, day after day after day. Behold the madding crowd.

Anonymous said...

Peter, I agree with you about people being judged by their appearance; I also agree there are exceptions. But let's spell it out for the people who don't get it, and who stretch the truth like bungee cords.

About 95% of the time it is true. There might be a woman who is raped and left for dead. Maybe the rapist took or destroyed her clothes leaving her naked. Maybe when she is gathering herself to call for help she sees a pile of clothing in a garbage bin that a prostitute threw away. She grabs it and puts it on so as not to be naked. It's vulgar clothing but it covers her until she can ask for help. You would be wrong in that instance to judge her based upon her clothing. But how often does that happen?

It's the exception not the rule. But the left wants to base the entire law on exceptions, when this is unnecessary because a civilized society understands the spirit of the law, and naturally takes cases like this into consideration. The other 95% of the time when you have a choice what you will wear, well, you have a choice.

Tania Cadogan said...

It would be interesting to note where the GSR was found.

I would expect some GSR around the wound, the amount depending on the distance the gun was fired from ie a lot if the gun was close little to none if the gun was fired from a distance.

If the GSR is on the hand, which hand and where?

On the fingers it is possible if the gun was close to the wound and it was cross contamination - the hand on the wound.

If there was no GSR around the wound and the GSR was only on one hand then questions should be asked.

John Mc Gowan said...

Hi Hobs.

About GSR.


Interesting article all the same.

Trayvon Martin’s autopsy report shows a single gunshot would in his left chest, and no exit wound — consistent with a close physical confrontation and supporting what Zimmerman told police of a confrontation between the two men. The bullet punctured Martin’s lung and settled in his heart. It’s not clear, however, if Trayvon Martin grabbed at Zimmerman’s gun, as he had told police. Medical examiners found a scar on one of Martin’s fingers and a small abrasion on another, but the report doesn’t indicate any finding of gunshot residue on his hands — which would likely have been present if Zimmerman fired while Martin was trying to wrestle the gun from him.

Read more:

Anonymous said...
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The Rev said...
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george IS a creepy ass cracka and so are you said...
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Tania Cadogan said...

Thanks John, i was asking about the parents of the shot baby though :)

I should have made it clearer, my bad.

I blame the sun and my meds and a lack of coffee and workmen at godawful early hours :)

Anonymous said...
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Jen said...

Hi Hobs

Considering the father of baby Antonio was SUPPOSED to be at Walmart when the shooting happened, I can't think of any good reason for him to have GSR on him anywhere. Not even a transfer after the fact because according to their account the first time he saw West or the baby was after treatment at the hospital (where their clothes would have been stripped). I realize that the younger suspects were arrested and that one of them was supposed to have given up some info...but West and Santiago's story stinks and I have believed from the beginning that there was an agreement between the parents/suspects to kill for insurance proceeds after seeing a similar story on the news (father brought up the shooting of the OTHER infant FIRST in his statement). West mentioned insurance payouts multiple times in her statements and then her older daughter revealed the existance of a life ins policy on the baby, which she claimed West asked her how long it would take to payout the same day the baby was shot. Now add in the fact that the baby's father is even saying West is responsible...we haven't heard the end of this story, or probably even the beginning yet!

John Mc Gowan said...


Antonio Santiago:

Suspicious Gunshot Residue Found On Dead Baby’s Parents..


West claimed that the baby’s father, Louis Santiago, was shopping at Wal-Mart and not with her when Antonio was killed.
Because gun residue was found on both parents, the GBI report tells a different story.

According to the report, “this supports the possibility that the individual discharged a firearm, was in close proximity to a firearm upon discharge or came into contact with an item whose surface bears GSR.”
Sherry West told WJXT reporter Vic Micolucci that the residue found on her must have come from the struggle she says that happened with the teens charged in the murder: De’marquis Elkins and Dominique Lang. She says she didn’t know why the test would come back positive for her baby’s father, Louis Santiago, but insists he was not there. By the way, West and Santiago are no longer together and WJXT couldn’t reach him because he’s in jail, being held without bond on charges of aggravated stalking related to family violence and violation of probation.

Anonymous said...

Lang's lawyer:

"My client's more of a witness than a defendant," Copeland said. "My client didn't participate in anything."

I'd expect "is a witness" the "more of" weakens the claim. Also, how can you not participate in "anything" ?

- Buckley

dadgum said...

there is no compulsion to take the stand. Attorneys will advise against it, because defendants appear nervous, and if they misspeak, or change a word of testimony, they will be made out to be liars.

In this case, prosecutors admitted GZ's police interview, and the Hannity interview, which was all GZ needed to say. His story was told, why risk the yelling prosecution?

John Mc Gowan said...

Thanks dadgum :)

dadgum said...

Has anyone heard anything new regarding Baby Lisa Irwin(mom Debbie was drinking when she 'disappeared'), or Isabel Celis?

John Mc Gowan said...

Hi dadgum,

This website has everything you need to know about Isabel Celis.

dadgum said...

thanks John..looks like nothing new since last year.. Websleuths had a poll. Sad. Was hoping maybe people from those areas might have heard something..

It stuns me how many kids have not been found..

Anonymous said...

This case (Antonio Santiago) is indeed strange. Article on daughter doubting West.

"Glassey said she started to have her doubts after receiving a phone call from her mother telling her that her brother, Antonio Santiago, had been killed. She claims the night of the shooting her mother asked, “How soon do you think life insurance policy will send me a check?”

Glassey tells First Coast News she hopes her suspicions are wrong but based on conversations with her mother she’s not sure. Glassey described their discussions by saying her mother is crying one minute and then sounds fine the next.

“I spoke with the detectives and investigators and the evidence leads to many witnesses, not just me,” said Sherry West, mother of the 13-month-old that was killed last Thursday morning.

Glassey says her mother is bipolar and has schizophrenic tendencies. She believes her mother is on medication but could not tell me any prescriptions specifically.

“She changed her story she told me the baby was shot first and then she told me she was shot first,” said Glassey.

“**They** shot my baby in the head and I had to watch him die and I want **that boy** to die."

Why the shift from plural to singular?

- Buckley

peter has a small pecker said...
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peter has a small pecker said...
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Anonymous said...

"“He asked me for money and I said I didn’t have it,” she told The Associated Press on Friday from her apartment, which was scattered with her son’s toys and movies.

“When you have a baby, you spend all your money on babies. They’re expensive. And he kept asking and I just said `I don’t have it.’ And he said, `Do you want me to kill your baby?’ And I said, `No, don’t kill my baby!’”

Why the "it" for money? I'd expect "I don't have ANY" To me, the "it" implies there was money. Also, she excuses away why she didn't have any not by saying "I" spent all my money on baby things, but with a distancing "you."

A lot of "And"s in that second paragraph.

- Buckley

Anonymous said...

Observer, thank you for expressing your opinion.

Idk if others have also posted their pro-trayvon opinions because i just could not read one word more. I happened to catch yours while I was skimming fast to the end.

I couldnt read all of Peter's article either, tho i kept going back to it, forcing myself to read a little bit more each time--- in disbelief :(

I just kept telling myself that i must be wrong, that he simply could not say what i thought he was saying....

Statement Analysis Blog said...

Apologies to all:

I am catching up on the comment deletion.


dadgum said...

thank you!!

Anonymous said...
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shaushayshay said...

I didn't realize a hoodie puts so much fear n people, i just dont get it. Then again im a white female...

John Mc Gowan said...

Excellent article:

Race, bias and the Zimmerman jury..

Statement Analysis Blog said...

To deny that the clothing one wears impacts judgement is without sense.

To deny that people judge by clothing is against scientific research (where car companies, for example, spend millions on researching human reactions to colors!)...

it is also superficial.

When I see a man in blue, with a gun, I don't think he is going to rob me.

When I see a woman dressed as a nurse, I do not think she is going to harm me.

I could be wrong on both counts, but it is a very quickly made judgement on my part.

Anonymous said...

"To deny that the clothing one wears impacts judgement is without sense. "

Yes, but when that judgment leads to death, a right has been violated. Having an opinion about what someone wears is our right, even if it's prejudiced. But acting on that judgment is quite another, especially when it can lead to death.

"When I see a man in blue, with a gun, I don't think he is going to rob me."

I'm betting Martin would have agreed. Did he feel the same way about an unidentified man he probably never learned was the watch captain?

- Buckley

Anonymous said...

But GZ didn't shoot TM because he was wearing a hoodie, Buckley. He shot him because he feared for his life.

Anonymous said...

He treated him as if he were a criminal because he looked like others who had committed crimes there. He called him a suspect with no cause other than his appearance. He pursued him, despite dispatch telling him not to, and he bears culpability for the events that ensued. Granted, I do not believe Zimmerman's account of how things transpired.

- Buckley

John Mc Gowan said...

Hoodies: Intimidate, or intimidating apparel.

Hoodies—today’s word for a sweatshirt with a hood. They’re comfortable. They’re warm. They keep the rain off your head. And the hood keeps your ears from freezing into tiny blocks of ice. Hoodies have also become a fashion of the times, like bell bottom pants of the 60′s, mini skirts, etc. They’re cool. They’re stylish. And they’re a must-have these days. You know, if you want to “be someone.” And I’m all for kids being kids. I know I was my father’s personal nightmare, with that “hippie” long hair and rock and roll bands I played in. I get it, believe me. Ya’ gotta be cool!

Okay, I admit it. I’m a hoodie fan. An addict. They’re my jackets of choice, and I own and wear several. But I don’t wear them to be cool. Instead, I wear them because they’re comfortable and they keep my head warm without leaving behind the dreaded “hat hair.” Besides, they have those fantastic and easily accessible “glove-pockets” in front. Yes, I love my hoodies.

Unfortunately, those pull-tight hoods are also great for helping bad guys conceal their identities. And they’re absolutely fantastic for covering immediately recognizable characteristics, such as hair style, length, and color. Hoodies are the perfect accessory for hiding scars, marks, and tattoos. They’re also worn to intimidate others. I once dealt with a particular group of juvenile gang members who, when they were about to “beat down” a rival, immediately pulled their hoods up over their heads. It was a sign to other gangs that trouble was brewing. When the leader of the gang covered his head with the hood, well, it was game on—a sign to his followers that it was time to go to war.

Before I go any further I feel I must address the Treyvon Martin situation. Yes, I’ve received hundreds of messages asking my opinion, and until now I’ve remained silent on the issue. And there’s a good reason for my silence…I simply cannot offer a reasonable opinion about a situation I know nothing about. I wasn’t there. I haven’t seen the actual evidence. I haven’t spoken to witnesses. And I absolutely refuse to jump to any conclusions based on media reports and family statements. You see, family members in nearly all criminal cases defend their loved ones, and the media is always trying to sell something. So those are two opinionated sources to avoid like the plague when searching for solid evidence that can be used in a court of law. And isn’t that where we’re supposed to try cases…in court? Not on TV or in the street.

John Mc Gowan said...


Also, the police and attorneys have jobs to do. So I choose to allow them to do those jobs. If they fail, which I have not seen because I’m not involved in their investigation, and neither is anyone else on the outside, then it would be time to complain. But not now. Investigations take time, often lots of time. I sort of believe in the theory “where there’s smoke there’s fire.” Sometimes blowing a lot of hot air around that smoke doesn’t allow it to drift into the right place at the right time. Instead, stand back, let the investigators investigate, and soon the source of the fire comes plainly into view. Remember, an arrest that occurs before its time often ends in a not-guilty verdict (Casey Anthony, anyone?). No one wants a bad guy to go free, right?

Sure, my heart goes out to the parents of Treyvon. He was their son. Their child. They loved him. And they would love him no matter what.

Same thing with George Zimmerman. His family loves him and will continue to do so no matter what.

But my blog isn’t about the person inside that particular hoodie. Nor is it about the man who shot the wearer of that hoodie.

No, this piece is about THE hoodie. Sure, everyone has a right to wear one, or any other article of clothing, without being judged, profiled, or stereotyped. But it happens, and it happens sometimes, unfortunately, for good reason. And that reason is…lots and lots of bad guys wear hoodies too, and they wear them for a specific purpose. They’re either trying to send a message—to intimidate someone, or they’re wearing one to conceal their identity. I assure you, their motives for wearing hoodies have nothing to do with fashion.

For example:

See photos in link provided.

John Mc Gowan said...


See what I mean? These for-real bad guys, and woman, all wore hoodies as part of their disguise to commit robberies, murder, or in the case of the protester, destruction of property. Hoodies are indeed associated with bad guys. There’s no way around that statement either. It is what is it is. I cannot begin to count the number of times I’ve responded to reports of hoodie-wearing prowlers, burglars, robbers, rapists, attackers, carjackers, home invaders, etc.

Even I’ve been approached by the police because I was wearing a hoodie. Last winter while staying at our home in N.C. during the Christmas holidays, I went outside at midnight, in a snowstorm, to brush heavy snow off the branches of some newly planted trees. I had the hood of my sweatshirt (I know, I’m old-fashioned), pulled tight to keep out the bitterly cold air, and, well, a neighbor saw me out there with a flashlight and called the police. Two deputies responded and said they’d received a report of a large hoodie-wearing man prowling around our yard.

I’m telling you, it’s the hoodie, people! There’s definitely a perception that they’re associated with crime!
Sure goes to show that you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, huh? But some people do give us reason to judge, like the robbers in the photos above. Well, except for Taylor Swift. The only thing she’s guilty of stealing is hearts

Lemon said...

John, is it possible to just include links for long posts and not the entire articles? Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Someone would have to be totally clueless and out of touch with reality to believe that anyone wearing a hoodie is up to no good. Some of the most evil people around us wear suits and ties.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Peter has crossed the line into insanity. It's especially shocking because I considered him a level-headed and intelligent person. I am let down by his disgraceful comments concerning the president and the murdered teen.

Anonymous said...

Oh, please! The mental health comments are just as prejudiced as the thug ones. There's so much to actually rebut, the mere insults are just a waste.

- Buckley

drdebo said...

Eyes For Lies- says it best- him and Dan Abrams and Mark Geragos- they know the law and they 'get it". It was racial profiling and Zimmerman went looking for someone to shoot- just like the message to his wife- "just tell her I shot someone" you have a gun or know someone with one- they can't wait to use it- their are looking for an excuse- its becomes obsessional.....

drdebo said...

Anon July 18, 2013 at 6:21 PM- Don't be mad at Peter- he's basically a good egg. He's not flawless and everyone has their strenghts and weakness- apparently the attitudes he holds that allow him to work tirelessly for the murdered children- are somehow bound with these intolorant attitudes and one probably fuels the other- so, he's good how he is but he can't be relied upon to be correct in all instances such as those involving politics or religion (which implies worldview/personal philosophy). I adore him for what he does does well and forgive him for the other.

sidewalk super said...

It is a pity the citizens upset with our dead embassy people (all white) in Libya cannot get organized enough to give the endless discussions and permutations of the Zimmerman verdict a run for media air time.
Why not?
There should be an outcry, even if survivors in the hospital have been forced to sign away their right of free speech,
Why don't we care about those killings mr. sharpton?
Why don't you care about the murdered Ambassador, hillary? obama?
Why are we still sending technologically advanced weapons to Libya? Why do we send them monies, still?
Why can the media not be used to force answers about those deaths out of the current president?

Anonymous said...

Sidewalk, the President and Secretary Clinton did honor those slain. The media has covered it a lot. Questions were asked in the presidential debates. The people spoke on Election Day. Secretary Clinton testified before Comgress about the murders.

Have you written Republican House members who voted to cut security at our embassies? Or do you simply want to use these deaths to bad mouth those politicians you don't approve of? Do you even know of diplomats killed under Bush? Google "diplomats killed under Bush" and learn how these attacks aren't just a phenomenon of the party you love to hate.


Anonymous said...

@Buckley - it wasn't meant as an insult. Do you really believe those statements he made are coming from a sane mind?

you are a stank whore said...

Texas Anon: Everybody is a racist, you idiot. I'm a racist, you're a racist and you are rearing little cracka ass racists. So fucking what.

lmao said...

Texas Anon why did you delete my comments? The truth hurts, eh. Stop playing games with yourself. And, for God's sake, stop playing with yourself. lol

John Mc Gowan said...

Did Zimmerman's words convince jury to acquit?

Jury heard several recorded interviews police conducted with George Zimmerman
Zimmerman described his version of events leading up to Trayvon Martin's shooting.

drdebo said...

Dear John- sorry couldn't resist- what convinced the jury to acquit was their 'silent racism"- they had decided before they sat for the trial. Not their fault, they were raised and indoctrinated to think and feel the way they do. There are many minorities that feel the same way- they are inundated with the same media and societal messages (maybe even from their beaten-down parents)- thus the black-on-black crime. It is what it is- we don't have to understand all the factors or be expected to fix it- but we must be open-minded and willing to acknowledge that there is a PROBLEM. That is the first step.

And TEXAS ANON- I'm a 3rd generation Texan myself- and I can only hope you are a European-American- coz your “message" is even more important if you are- but even if you are not- it is still a wonderful contribution- because it IS after all the TRUTH and the TRUTH will in fact SET YOU FREE or at least start the process……

drdebo said...

Dear "lmao said..."- you may be a little paranoid- i don't Texas anon- as wonderful as she/he is- has the power to delete your post.

drdebo said...

oh sorry- it was "you are a stank whore said..." who gave us the truthful message- [re:
Texas Anon: Everybody is a racist, you idiot. I'm a racist, you're a racist and you are rearing little cracka ass racists. So fucking what. July 18, 2013 at 11:21 PM]

drdebo said...

I am in love:

re: "Anonymous said...
I have been a long-time reader, and I have respected your posts, even when I don't agree with them. I am independent politically, and rather agree with your assessments that most politicians lie. This post is appalling. To call Obama a racist with nothing to back it up, and Martin a thug, even though he is dead and had just turned 17, is just terrible and unfair. It is unnecessarily inflammatory and ridiculous. I read the whole post, hoping it was a weird form of satire, but I was disappointed. I doubt you care, but I will no longer be reading your blog. I will miss reading your blog, but I will not give you any more of my time or attention.

Unlike Zimmerman, I hope you use restraint with the small amount of exposure you have online. July 18, 2013 at 12:22 AM"---

this gives me hope and the ability to go on...............thank you Anon!

sorry all you closed-like-minded thinkers that drove me and all the other open-tolorant-minded thinkers away from this site- I will stop now- and move on- and won't be back- this time.

John Mc Gowan said...

Hi drdebo.

I found this to be an interesting read.


Intimidate, or intimidating apparel.

dadgum said...

Thanks John. One of my sons wears 'hoodies' frequently. When he had no hair, on a day well below freezing, he went to the mall (he had flip flops on as'd think those would have drawn attention).

He was cold, hood was up. He was stopped by security, and the sign banning hoods was pointed out. Because they are used to hide identity. By whom? Criminals and those about to cause trouble.

No matter the color of their skin.

Tania Cadogan said...

I have a hoodie florescent pink dressing gown, how will i be perecived if i wear it out in the garden or when putting my wheelie bins out (assuming i have not first put myself in said wheelie bin)

Can i go out and not fear for my life (although viewers might need shades to protect their eyesight) or, should i carry on me at all times, my kitty laser pointer and mousie so my cats can leap to my defence?

CanadianGirl said...

I have a bright blue hooded rain coat. I hope that when people see me walking through the rain with my raincoat hoodie on, that their first thoughts would be, "Dang she's lucky!"
It's been raining almost every day, I'm not going to carry extra bulk around (an umbrella) just because some ignorant people associate hoodies with crime.

My winter coat has an attachable hoodie, I make use of it because it provides warmth for the back of my neck even if I am wearing a touque. It's not a symbol of crime, it's a symbol of warmth, especially when it hits -20 and lower.

I wonder if I live in a community of future thugs 'cause a lot of the university kids (females)seem to be wearing those hideous, brightly coloured Lulu hoodies even though they aren't on their way to yoga class. I hope the police are aware of this and are on the lookout for Lululemon thugs.

Anonymous said...

There is a utube video of Trayvons visit to 7-11

I find it very interesting that the store clerk (who is also a black man) follows Travyon as he walks thru the stores never taking his eyes off of him. He clearly seems to also be concerned about this kid.

And all these photos the media is sharing are several years old. The photos NOT shown include him smoking pot, holding a GUN, and flipping off the camera. Very different from this sweet faced kid we see on the media.

Travyon is also about 6' 2 or larger. He has a history of fighting.

He had a text from someone asking "you want a 22 revolver". Now, I dont know about you, but when was the last time someone randomly asked you that? This kid was likely looking to get a gun. That is concerning for a 16 yr old.

He has also been expelled from 3 schools? Its bad enough one school, but 3?

And his own mother had just kicked him out of her home. Clearly issues.

now at the end of the day, this all would not matter.

But I think that everyone is acting like this kid was just walking home with his skittles and was attacked by Zimmerman.


I think Zimmerman was watching him. Concerned just the same as the "BLACK MAN" was at the store who was watching his every move.

The kid looked shady. Its not the hoodie. Its his overall demeanor.

We all know what I mean. There are some kids/adults that look shady. Does not mean the clean cut guy in a business suit is not a rapist, but from history, these kids that dress like thugs, usually are thugs.

So, Zimmerman should have stayed in his car.

Yes, but I think he was frustrated about the string of break ins and likely was not letting it happen again.

I think however that Travyon who could have just gone home when Zimmerman got out of his car choose to attack Zimmerman.

Its not like he was cornered and had no where to go.

Zimmerman just asked what he was doing there. Had he just said he was walking back to his dads girlfriends house, I think it would have never esculated.

and just pay attention to his friend Rachel Jeantel statments since. she has tripped herself up a few times.

Go read the transcripts. She also trips up about weather she was on the phone with him at the time of the beating or not. She contradicts herself.

I really think she knows more.

Would love Peter to analyze her statements.

Also interesting is the fact that the first person she spoke to about all this, was Trayvons dad. Not police.

Why did dad call her? Did he call just to see what happened? or did he call to direct her what to say.

Everyone needs to stop making this a black thing. ITS NOT.

And for the hoards of people protesting.... How is it that we dont see these volumes of protests against child molestors or murderers that were willful.

I mean, why is everyone focused on somethign that is only another way to say that a black person was disprespected.

This is not what happened. HE ATTACKED another man.

He towered over George and at the time, George was thin.

He has a history of fighting.

This is self defense.

So if everyone would pull their heads out of their back side and read the facts they would see this for what it is.

And someday maybe people will protest for the right reasons.

Like against Michael Jackson having charges dropped for child molestation.

For times the judges let out convicted rapists who then go out and kill

Where is the real concern for right and wrong here.

It is simply lacking.

Because people dont really care about Trayvon.

There are thousands of black kids killed everyday.

Why this case?

Why now?

Why not help with what matters.

Find these missing kids.

Rather than put so much energy on one case out of millions....

I think this proves that people just dont pay attention to the words or the actions.

They hear what they want. They jump on causes because everyone else is.

Statment analysis could not be more important.

Anonymous said...

"I find it very interesting that the store clerk (who is also a black man) follows Travyon as he walks thru the stores never taking his eyes off of him. He clearly seems to also be concerned about this kid"

Nope. The clerk is already heading to the back of the store when Trayvon enters. The clerk continues his task, which takes him out of sight range while Trayvon gets his iced tea from the cooler. The clerk re-emerges and he and Travyon both head to the front of the store. Trayvon goes to the candy aisle while the clerk bends down in another aisle. His eyes are below the top of the shelves, so he can't see Trayvon. The clerk then goes back to the counter and does some paperwork, with his back to Trayvon, while he picks out his candy. The clerk turns around to the register when Trayvon approaches the counter. The only time he looks concerned is when he's clearly asking if Trayvon wants a bag.

"She also trips up about weather she was on the phone with him at the time of the beating or not. She contradicts herself."

You mean like Zimmerman?:

"To be honest, I don’t remember I think I stumbled and I... fell down, or he pushed me down and somehow he got on top of me."

or, according to Zimmerman, dispatch on the call says "Can you get to somewhere where you can see him?" to explain why he left the clubhouse. The 911 call transcript shows no such request by dispatch. Why would he make that up?

Zimmerman: states dispatch asked what address he was at, he said he didn't know. Zimmerman then said dispatch said "Well, we need an address." Dispatch said no such thing. Why would Zimmerman make that up?

"Statment analysis could not be more important."

Agreed, there is little statement analysis here and I would love to do some.

"...put his hand on his nose, I mean my nose..."

"He saw, I feel like he saw it, he looked at it"

There has got to be a transcript of this reenactment video but I cannot find one. Anybody know where to find one?

- Buckley

~ABC said...

dr. Debo said.....
sorry all you closed-like-minded thinkers that drove me and all the other open-tolorant-minded thinkers away from this site- I will stop now- and move on- and won't be back- this time.


Please explain to me how an "open-tolErant-minded thinker" can be driven away from anywhere???

Lemon said...

drdebo said-
"sorry all you closed-like-minded thinkers that drove me and all the other open-tolorant-minded thinkers away from this site- I will stop now- and move on- and won't be back- this time."

A small question…if you had indeed been driven away from this site, wouldn't you still be "away"?

Jen said...


I know right!

Talk about ironic! Every other comment is this huffy puffy, 'if I can't make everyone agree with me then I'll call THEM closed minded', & 'I'm leaving' crap. (No really, I'm for real leaving this time, right after I insult some more people and assert myself as the authority on 'tolerant' open minded thinkers, lol!)

Im sorry but if thats all you can contribute to the conversation then you won't be missed!

Anonymous said...

GZ was on Adderall and Temazepam when this happened. Could it have affected his perception or fueled his paranoia to the point where he imagined that TM was a threat?

~ABC said...

Jen said...
I know right!
July 19, 2013 at 11:47 PM

Right Jen!! I mean it is just so laughable. It amazes me how blind people can be to their own behavior! How they can claim the very virtues they sorely lack. There are none so blind as those who won't even look!

And all of you trolls who want to make baseless accusations about white supremacy. Bitch pleeeeeeze :D I've got so many races in my bloodline I'm never sure WHICH box to tick! Trayvon Martin attacked a man and died as a result. Get over it! And teach your children to ACT in a spirit of cooperation instead of REACTING in an attempt to dominate! It's really simple logic folks.

Anonymous said...

You seem to skip over the part where TM - a frightened teenager being stalked by an unknown adult, reacted like someone his age would have. How would YOU have reacted to a creepy stranger following you?

Devrie said...

I read all the texts, tweets, and facebook pages on TM. He wasn't a "violent" thug. He wasn't a thug. He was a pot smoking kid who once tried that lean stuff because he probably heard of it from rappers and friends.

He was a teenage young man who did okay enough in school to have plans for college. That's not thug. He once tweeted that he was looking for a "real relationship" that included "mama meetin' time."

He retweeted some junky stuff, got in trouble for a fight he wasn't supposedly involved in, and actually admitted to getting into a fight with another kid.

He had a picture of a gun on his phone. It doesn't look like it came from a house where the parent is a college graduate who has worked for the county for 25 years, but I guess some would say a picture of something is verifiable "proof" he had it.

Yes I know about the text messages about getting some "38" and splitting a .380. One of the texters opted in to the deal on the .380 then bragged about having some fine "fire ass kush," and if you've ever known any pot heads (after all, pot smoking is way more prevalent than I even realized as a teen myself), you'll know that "kush" is a word for some really good, expensive weed.

It's possible he wasn't even talking about a gun, and even if he were, sounds like the kid was a pot head who may have sold to buy.

As a grown woman who often felt she missed out on the teenaged shenanigans of her peers, I find my friends' memories of high school to be rather sinister. They went to college. No thuggery implied.

If Trayvon was a thug, he'd have had some arrests. He would have been at least known to attack strangers.

Spare the, "He was NO angel," because he didn't have to be to deserve to live. He wan't an angel. He had some disciplinary issues. Not all kids do, but many do.

I went to high school with kids who smoked pot and talked about packin' heat who are totally normal, functioning adults in society.

As for the notion of Trayvon just whopping GZ after hiding on the pathway toward his home (remember, he walked a mile both ways and was now only 45 seconds from home), the only way you can believe that is to believe Trayvon was some violent thug.

He didn't dress the way white people think well-behaved young men should dress. Okay, but neither do a lot of white teens! He couldn't have known GZ was going to get out of his vehicle and go near where he was going!

Why hide, ambush, then say, "Hey, you have a problem?"

Why ask if the guy had a problem if he was walking AWAY as GZ said?

And teens don't say "homie," these days. My daughter says its common for kids to call each other "nigga" regardless of race, but not "homie." Trayvon's tweets and texts had no "homies" in them either.

GZ's re-enactment was hard to believe. "So he was standing here?" asked the guy on the sidewalk, to which GZ seemed bewildered, then mentioned stumbling and then he sort of flopped his arms in the air to the LEFT toward the sidewalk as if to show some sort of school-girl interaction as he and Trayvon sort of walked somewhat closer to where the shooting happened. Odd, right because he originally said, "He punched me, and I fell backward."

GZ says he was looking for the address, when the dispatcher didn't even ask for the address until near the end of the call. It seems important for him to have explained why he went to the other side of that road, when it makes little sense that he was looking for the address. His car wasn't parked over there and he exited the car at 7:11--nearly five minutes before the altercation.

So this "Trayvon was a violent thug" assessment is crass and is based solely on GZ's wishy-washy statements and some idea that this kid who had gotten into non-violent (aside from school-boy fight) mischief was a THUG.

Anonymous said...

wow, the Koolaid is getting stronger and stronger.

Stand your ground, Peter.

It's all unfolding just the way He said it would.

PS I would love it if you would do SA on some of these comments.

Anonymous said...

anon @3:08 PM

I would have called my parents.

Anonymous said...

Peter is the REAL "vicious racist." You people that encourage this obviously mentally disturbed man are just as sick.

Lemon said...


Anonymous said...

Wake up from your stupor and use your own god-given brain. Stop following others blindly.

Mouse74 said...


Long time reader here. I'm pretty behind the game on this post, and at this point, you have probably stopped reading the comments LONG ago! However, I just wanted to comment about the following sentence you wrote, which provoked both curiosity and an epiphany.

"People of faith know that clothing speaks volumes, but people of faith aren't welcome in this country any longer because, as well all know, faith hates. "

1. Why do people of faith know that clothing speaks volumes (curiosity)

2. Your cheeky "faith hates" comment, was a great reminder to tone out the ones that 'speak' of the most faith and pay attention to those that live with most faith. There will always be haters. It is what it is.

Lemon said...

Compliments on your thoughtful post.

Marigoldsandviolets said...

Here is another perspective on the hoodie as a clothing sign that might be of interest.

marigoldsandviolets said...

And one more (less theoretical, more accessible to a non-specialist audience):

Anonymous said...

Hoodies are safe, like wearing black in NY.
Detective: So he is coming this direction here?
Zimmerman: Yes sir. I believe like I said I was already passed that so I didn't see exactly where he came from but he was about where you are. And I said, "No, I don't have a problem." ...And I went to go grab my (cell phone) but my, I had left it in a different pocket. I looked down at my pant's pocket and he said, "You got a problem now." And then he was here and he punched me in the face.

This sounds like Trayvon defended himself from stalker/profiler GZ. GZ fumbles when saying cell phone ".And I went to go grab my (cell phone) but my, I had left it in a different pocket."

Trayvon probably thought GZ was reaching for a gun.

Anonymous said...

"The dispatcher asked me for a description and the direction the suspect went. I told the dispatcher I did not know but I was out of my vehicle looking for a street sign + the direction the suspect went. The dispatcher told me not to follow the suspect + that an officer was in route. As I headed back to my vehicle the suspect emerged from the darkness and said 'You got a problem' I said 'No' the suspect said 'You do now.' As I looked and tried to find my phone to dial 911 the suspect punched me in the face.
Here in his written statement GZ changes the order. GZ followed Trayvon, he sought to unjustly apprehend Trayvon. GZ caused the verbal exchange then elevated it to a 911 situation. "to dial 911" No, sorry GZ, cell phones do not "DIAL" ...sound like to di.

Anonymous said...

I'm so stupid
dialling, dialled, North American English dialing, dialed [transitive, intransitive] dial (something) to use a telephone by pushing buttons or turning the dial to call a number
It still sounds odd "dial 911"

Jessica said...

Wow!! Trayvon Martin is a "thug" with no criminal record, but George Zimmerman is a "hero" with a record of assaulting a police officer, and domestic violence? Hmmmmm??? That's not racial at all! (rolls eyes). You know the good thing is...God gets final justice. Everything may not go the way we think it should, when it should...but everyone will get their just due.

Anonymous said...

Apr. 25, 2012 5:00pm Mytheos Holt

Things have not been looking good for the prosecution in the case of Trayvon Martin since affidavit written by prosecutor Angela Corey got into the hands of the media. The affidavit has been roundly mocked by pro-Zimmerman observers and greeted either with silence or open horror by pro-Martin observers. In fact, one of the more well-known liberal law professors at Harvard Law School told Megyn Kelley point blank today that the affidavit was so incompetently done it rises to the level of a criminal offense:
“This affidavit,” he said, “submitted by the prosecutor in the Florida case is a crime. It’s a crime. If she in fact knew about ABC News’ pictures of the bloody head of Zimmerman and failed to include that in the affidavit, this affidavit is not the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.”[...]

Anonymous said...

If Trayvon's parents and attorney had known that
GZ was going to claim self defense then they would have argued on Trayvon's behalf that GZ was following him, confronted him, and from GZ's own statement Trayvon punched him when GZ became alarmed and reached in his pocket for a phone, Trayvon probably thought he was reaching for his gun. I think he was too. If the filing document is being called criminal then if I was Trayvon's parents I would ask for a new trial.

Anonymous said...

If I was the judge that signed the warrants and criminal charges for GZ, I would drop the charges because the prosecutor filed false affidavits. Convicted criminals appeal trial decisions, Trayvon was unfairly put on trial. He should have had a prosecutor who followed the law.

Anonymous said...

GZ:"As the dispatcher was asking me for an exact location the suspect ( wrong! Trayvon on his way home)emerged from the darkness + (dropped pronoun cause it didn't happen) circled my vehicle. ( He drove his vehicle in a circle following Trayvon)

Anonymous said...

"As the dispatcher was asking me for an exact location the suspect emerged from the darkness +( I think this is short hand for the word plus) circled my vehicle.

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