Sunday, November 8, 2015

Swedish Magazine Highlights Child Refugee Alone in Europe

16 Year Old Refugee Child Traveling Alone 

Journalism integrity?  

Do you think this is willful complicity or could the journalists have been fooled?

Who do you think is responsible for the deception?

A Swedish periodical has given its citizens a heart wrenching and distinct insight into what it means to be "refugee child", on the run from war,  poverty and abuse, while being  alone, without help, as a refugee in Sweden. They did a "question and answer" interview with him in which the 16 year old described suffering
"unspeakable horrors" in his long journey to the safety of Sweden, and the Swedish journalists felt the moral obligation to its citizens to carefully reveal the plight of this child  to help silence those who oppose opening the borders. 

The child interviewed went  into detail on how he was victimized by human smugglers from Afghanistan on through, as he traced his journey   showing the journalists a map of his travel route: Afghanistan – Pakistan – Iran – Turkey – Greece – Makedonia – Serbia – Hungary – Austria – Germany – Denmark – Sweden.

When he finally made it to Sweden in freezing temperatures, he only had the clothes on his back; ,he has lost his passport and birth certificate along the way, but still had his iPhone. 

They reported that children like this one "enrich the Swedish culture both financially and culturally." and that thousands of "unaccompanied children" are now in Europe, just like this one, suffering and in need of help with  "90% unable to prove their birth or refugee status. " 

In the question and answer format, they did not ask him specific questions, including why, if he went through so many countries, did he not register in each, nor what happened to his birth certificate, nor questions about money.  

When his story was questioned, those who expressed doubt about his plight were labeled "Nazi", "Right Wing Haters", and "Xenophobes."

Since he is only 16, he has received a free apartment, computer, wi fi, Play Station, and public transportation passes.  He complained that Sweden has very poor wi fi and that Sweden has not yet paid for him to get new glasses.  The above pictures were found by those who doubted his account and learned that he has been traveling through these countries as a tourist, and going back 8 years, had sought "sex partners" through Facebook.   The underaged get higher welfare benefits and since this broke, the 24 year old male deleted his Facebook account and other social media and continues to assert that he is only 16 and continues to receive extra benefits.  Those who did the research saved his entries of his vacation in Turkey, as well as his other updates on his life.  

He continues in school, as a 16 year old, competing in sports, carrying his backpack and is getting dental care.  He applied for a grant to buy more clothes and another for the new glasses he says he needs.  

The journalist reported that he was one of "16,000 unaccompanied children" who arrived at the same period of time.  


The original article had photos similar to the ones from Facebook.  Do you believe the journalists (and editors) were complicit with the deception, or were they taken by it, themselves?


  1. I knew the young man was much older than sixteen just by looking at his photos. His facial hair is well established and he has lines on his face that a 16 year old wouldn't.

    My question is, why are they still paying him as a minor when there is proof of his age?

  2. As to journalistic integrity it isn't relevant whether they lied outright or willfully neglected to check their facts so as not to kill a supposedly great story.

    Even if they're too lazy, and/or just wanted to further that obvious load of male bovine feces (notice my distance from it), nobody with a shred of self-respect would write it as proven, obvious fact rather than attributing the unproven statements to their respective sources.
    (even where direct quotes aren't applicable, and they should be for most information, they should use "according to" the named source.)

  3. Is it me, or does he somehow look even creepier in the mirror image?

    All of the photos make my skin crawl. I would check any wooded areas within a few miles of all of his past homes and his present one, for all sorts of buried animals, including people.

  4. I'd guess it's a way of communicating through the pictures if they feel unable to write the truth - evidently he is a grown man, and it's not right if adults attend school with schoolchildren or are housed in children's homes or foster homes (I was going to write 'with real children' - someone will surely come up with a 'cis' equivalent, give it time) - the priority should be to protect the children of known age from those of doubtful age, particularly when it's so glaringly obvious they are adults. What's wrong with Swedes that they allow themselves to be so scammed?

    Here, in the UK, if an unaccompanied child looks like an adult they are sometimes given the benefit of the doubt and treated as a child until bone and dental tests are done - dental tests give a two year either side margin of error, bone scans five years. It seems the responsible thing to do, at least if protecting children is the real priority. Sweden does not age access those claiming to be children, so thirty year olds are pretending to be fifteen or sixteen, and it's just accepted. Pretty dumb, as dumb goes. Someone's laughing, but probably not the Swedes.

  5. It takes a lot of delusion, indoctrination and self-righteousness to convince yourself that this man is a 16 year old teen...

  6. That guy is not 16. He looks mid to late 20's.


    Domestic Violemce and Best Practices - Mulim women's voices on domestic violence

  8. I don't think the journalist's were deceived by this I-dont-know-what- OK I'll say it- SCAMMER!

    I think they're well aware but couldn't present it as such because of political correctness/media censorship. Including his pictures was a smart move: Seeing them, WHO would actually buy that this guy was really 16??!

    Bravo to the journalists for doing what they could to get their message out. I hope it sparked some controversy.


  9. The journalists were not fooled. Their joy comes when others buy into their pack of lies-a sign they are doing a good job; not a sign of a misinformed population.

    Sixteen is hardly a "child," though not yet fully adult.

    Most the time these so-called journalists work for others like PIs, the police, certain causes, or advertising agencies and not for the benefit of the reader. Their primary skills are monitoring public records to use for their own benefit-like keeping track of dog licenses or transfers of title and things such as that.

    Their intelligence is lacking in many ways. People assume they are smart because they are published.

  10. klv,
    You said "I think they're well aware but couldn't present it as such because of political correctness/media censorship. Including his pictures was a smart move: Seeing them, WHO would actually buy that this guy was really 16??!"

    Good point. By putting that photo with the story and making a point of mentioning his lack of documentation, I think they are probably trying to get people to say "Who are you trying to fool? That's no CHILD!" and to raise awareness that this is going on.

  11. Anonymous said...

    The journalists were not fooled. Their joy comes when others buy into their pack of lies-a sign they are doing a good job; not a sign of a misinformed population.

    Sixteen is hardly a "child," though not yet fully adult.

    Most the time these so-called journalists work for others like PIs, the police, certain causes, or advertising agencies and not for the benefit of the reader. Their primary skills are monitoring public records to use for their own benefit-like keeping track of dog licenses or transfers of title and things such as that.

    Their intelligence is lacking in many ways. People assume they are smart because they are published.
    November 9, 2015 at 8:03 AM

    This is a really interesting comment.

    Heather and I were wondering...

    could the journalist be so clever to know that by looking outrageously stupid would bring them even more readers??

    The comment about dog licenses...uncommonly astute.


  12. The comment about dog licenses...uncommonly astute. "
    Yeah, it comes with martial art training.

  13. One of the problems we have in the UK with so called 'child refugees' is verifying they are actually under 18.
    Social services will, if pushed. do bone scans of the wrists to work out the true age of the man (they are invariably male)and, even when confronted with the truth they are well over 18 as in late 20's the 'asylum seeker' will play race cards, claim all sorts of bias and use lawyers to back up their claim.
    Granted it can be hard to prove someones age as many countries are haphazard with birth records, along with the fact the person will dump any identity papers or passports to make is harder for them to be deported assuming they are using their real papers and not forgeries.

    There is a thriving business in defending'asylum seekers' with almost unlimited appeals funded by us, the tax payer.
    The government is sort of trying to have requests etc from their home country, but, as can be seen today, there are tens of thousands of illegals invading europe, with no way to verify who anyone is.
    The man in the story is well over 16, luckily with pretty much everyone using social media, it is somewhat easier to find out more information about the person.

    How convenient he had lost his passport and birth certificate yet had managed to keep his iphone. (no surprise there as they are all told to get rid of any indentifying papers)

    I wonder as to the motive of the paper.
    Was it to increase sales of copies?
    Was it to reveal the lies perpetuated by so called 'child refugees'?
    Was it to have a dig at the government and aid agencies?
    Was it to support the suffering by genuine 'child refugees'
    Was it to highlight the gullibility of those promoting unlimited immigration?
    Was it to show up the car crash that is the EU?
    was it something else?

    Since the evidence is clear to even the dumbest of the dumb that he is not 16 and not a genuine refugee, he should be instantly deported to whichever country he comes from or, his chosen country in the middle east.
    I would also be taking prints of hand and feet, retinal scans, DNA samples etc and marking him so that should he try again he will be instantly deported.

    Every 'refugee' should have the same prints and samples taken at their point of arrival (the first country they land in) so should they attempt to claim elsewhere, be sent straight back to their original country of origin or their original point of departure country.

  14. Quoting Peter:
    "Heather and I were wondering...

    could the journalist be so clever to know that by looking outrageously stupid would bring them even more readers??"

    Since jounalistic credibility only comes with journalistic integrity, that would be a shortsighted strategy.

    Would being widely considered the Totally Unreliable Statement Analyst guy be worth any amount of publicity and attention?

  15. foodiefoodnerd

    Your comment is a very good one. You're correct that journalistic credibility is the result (or reward of) journalistic integrity.

    Unfortunately, not everyone is interested in journalistic credibility. To some, the profit margin generated by sensational journalism far outweighs integrity. Their brand of credibility is notoriety (certain tabloids come to mind).

    Your last question is thought-provoking too. The fact that the article was published with similar pictures, clearly depicting a late teen-early twenty something carefree man (with multiple outfits, in multiple countries, in multiple settings- none of which were stressful or dangerous), leads me to believe one of three things:

    1. Either the article was published under duress and the pictures are the passive-aggressive response to "out" the truth.

    2. Or the politically correct article was published, complete with the incongruent
    pictures to highlight the lies, deceptions, absurdity, and dangers of being politically correct. In my opinion, the article was meant to incite people, not to violence, but to distrust what is being spoon-fed to them by the majority of media outlets. I think it was intended to make people realize that there is an agenda being perpetrated and it is going to be personally harmful to their families, their neighborhoods, their communities, their society, and their country.

    3. Or the newspaper decided to present both stories (the one verbally told and the one visually told) and let the readers discern the truth. With this approach, the paper sidesteps responsibility for how the information is interpreted and cannot be accused of being Islamophobia, racist, etc. A nice plus if you don't want your offices bombed or your journalists killed in retribution.

    If they were intent on hiding the truth, only pictures that supported the narrative would have been published. I don't think the journalists were lacking in intelligence, quite the contrary in my opinion.

  16. Well, he is not a child. And he is in school with children. Nothing good can come from this person.

  17. I live in Norway. It is difficult for anyone outside Scandinavia, who has not witnessed it, to understand the extreme self loath and delusion that takes place in Sweden.

    Although, understand is not the right word. I do not understand it, I know that it exists.

    Swedish politicians bend backwards to talk horrible of Sweden and the Swedish people, while being extremely tolerant towards the (violent) muslim culture and religion.

    "We did not have any culture before immigration"

    "Swedish people were barbaric, that is the only culture we ever had"

    "Our national day is the only thing we can be proud of, and even that is stupid"

    These words have been spoken by some of Swedens well know politicians, one is even a member of the parliament (Mona Sahlin. Who was convicted of fraud some years ago, btw.)

    So no, I do not think the journalist knew. He lives with this delusion every day, that all refugees are who they say they are, and that all of them are good people.

    My grand parents fled form the Nazis in 1943. They managed to reach Sweden, after travelling through the woods, with my then new born mother in a back pack. They got shelter, food and safety. Nothing else, but that was all they needed. My grand parents worked in Sweden from early morning to late at night, in order to pay back what they had been given.

    They were able to return to Norway in 1945, and untill their death ten years ago, they sent gifts and cards each year to the remaining family of the married couple who had provided shelter and food for them.

    To see now, how some "refugees" treat the Swedish people is heart breaking.

  18. Elizabeth,

    You have many sympathetic readers in the US. More and more people are being made to feel that this is no longer their country and that all the accomplishments of their ancestors, which caused the prosperity, was really evil and somehow came at the fraudulent cost of others. We are now a divided country with few "middle ground" people left and as history lessons are now being discarded, the inevitable backlash will come.

    Historically, people only take so much until they fight back. This goes for every subjugated people.

    I read and hear from others in Europe and the self loathing is more advanced than ours here, however. Europe no longer listens to its people, and once government can legislate silence against it, war is not far behind.

    Power corrupts, and the wealth that is Europe has corrupted her senses and she is drunk with power. The biggest example was when Angela Merkel took upon herself the role of Divinity: "We shall take them all!"

    In spite of government deception and main stream media collusion (I did not realize that Sweden subsidizes media until recently), truth is getting out. In the long run, tyranny is over thrown. As extreme taxation seems to impact birth rates, just as unemployment brings uncertainty, this contagion will run its course and the beauty of Europe restored.

    First, it must run its course, if nature and history have its way.

    As to your grandparents: they were war refugees and they came because of war and were grateful to their host country and assimilated into the culture. They did not seek to over throw the host country. This was what American immigration did in our early days: people came to work and find opportunity and learned English. They did not demand anything, but were grateful and often out-worked others. It is how nature works. Many were not accepted at first, as the unknown is troublesome and cultural differences were evident, but by assimilating, a great country was built.

    This is no longer the ideal as self loathing for America rules our colleges.


  19. Last week, more than "2000 unaccompanied children" arrived in Sweden (7 day period)

    The government statistic will not tell how many are "16", only that "unaccompanied" children "walked by themselves" to Sweden from MENA.

    16 seems to be a popular age. . I did not know that the number of "unaccompanied children" was so extreme. They receive more money for being under 18 and they do not chose 17 because of the months of processing time brings them closer to age 18.

    Swedish officials, like German, see that migrants from MENA skip many countries just to enter Germany or Sweden but do not think it is human nature to chose countries that have such high welfare given to those who did not pay into the system through taxes.

    This is an example of not knowing, or ignoring, human nature, It impacts decision making.


  20. Okay, now that you've done young men, let's rip apart earth's biggest welfare queens who don't pay their proper taxes like Walmart and Amazon.
