Thursday, February 23, 2017

Murder of Amanda Blackburn Crime Wire

Peter Hyatt on "Crime Wire": The Murder of Amanda Blackburn 

February 23, 2017, Peter Hyatt will be a guest on "Crime Wire" live broadcast, and will be taking your calls and questions at 9am to 1030AM EST.  

Amanda Blackburn was a victim of a sexual homicide in which arrests have been made. 

Questions, however, remain in one of the most bizarre 'solved' murder cases of recent years. 

Peter Hyatt will share analysis of the case, including deception detection techniques, and what this may mean for justice.  

Imagine Publicity Blog  :  broadcast of the show on Madeleine McCann 2016.  


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Anonymous said...

What is love really? Is it a loving gesture, passionate sex, agapeness, loving the lord? I am totally confused.

I am quite sure that whenever I have felt love it was nothing but a delusion; further, one time, it seemed, the feeling itself, to be an impossibility. It was the strangest thing really. A feeling of utter disbelief regarding the feeling itself. Gosh, we could go on all night about this. I really must sleep but I look forward to more talk tomorrow.

Hey Jude said...

I don't even have a basement, Anon - if I did, I would keep hamsters in there, and an electric train set.

Sweet dreams.

Bingo said...

Bobcat, I haven't been able to read all posts these last few days but did I see that the thugs decided to delay the trial? That is interesting. They are not accepting plea deals but are opting to delay the trial? Is is possible, more evidence is being collected and they need to wait? Just thinking out loud and wanted to confirm what I think I saw on an earlier thread. Thank u.

Anonymous said...


Trial dates and attorney contact info here:

Jalen Watson pretrial conference May 26

Larry Taylor pretrial conference June 9

Diano Gordon pretrial conference July 5

Diano Gordon trial July 10

Anonymous said...

Rick Wukasch

Ball Bounces

Anonymous said...

"nothing intellectually compelling or challenging.. bald assertions coupled to superstition... woefully pathetic"

Anonymous said...

Crazy Davey compares his Cross Fit workout to the crucifixion. He is one hot mess!

Nothing like a pastor celebrating Easter with an album release and a Crucified Cross Fit workout. It's all so very normal. We should all stop discussing it right now! Carry on, guys. Nothing to be alarmed about! NOT!

Hey Jude said...

So, on planet Resonate, the Good Friday observance involved viewing an Instagram post of their pastor likening his vanity-driven Crossfit pain to the Passion of Christ. I noticed, despite their fondness for seasons, there is no season of Lent /preparation leading up to Easter - maybe it's the Easter Bunny who brings Easter to Resonate. Well, there can't be the Resurrection without also the lead up to it. Resonate Christmas was the same, that just appeared out of nowhere. Seems weird to celebrate the festivals whilst not following a calander of the Church Year - they have disconnected 'series' of sermons but they don't relate sequentiality to anything. I don't understand how anyone can become rooted in that disjointed type of teaching environmen - I don't see rhythm, rhyme or much reason in the focus being the pastor rather than, week by week, sequentially, the life of Christ. He knows it is missing, otherwise he wouldn't have likened himself to Jesus bearing his cross on what was Good Friday. Still, 'boring church' apparently has to nothing to offer compared to Davey's wonderful offerings - 'If you don't like it, go to boring church,'.

In later life, young Resonaters are probably going to have some questions about the quality of teaching they received at Resonate.

Hey Jude said...

^ The brighter ones have already legged it. ^

Bingo said...

The picture of Davey carrying the weight bar on his shoulder likening it to Jesus carrying the cross may be the most disgusting thing I have seen him do. I am so appalled. You are correct Hey J, no celebration of Lent, Holy Week, etc. The series leading up to Easter "Ever with Me" is the name of the album that are promoting. The album that will be released on Easter. No celebration of Christ. Easter will serve as a day for marketing Resonate's crappy CD. I too am sad for the young resonators. They are being poisoned. I doubt most of them stay long. I sure pray they don't.

Hey Jude said...

Yes, Bingo, it is in appallingly poor taste - he needs to have a word with himself, but if he did he wouldn't listen.

I feel sorry for those kids to have a pastor who makes a mockery of his religion, to the point of likening himself to Jesus on Instagram - he should be ashamed. Davey has all sort of boundary issues - he doesn't know where or when to stop - except that one time he put his finger to his lips to silence himself.

Davey's father described him as 'our level-headed son' - I wondered what their other son must be like, but he seems quite different from Davey.

Trudy said...

My estimation of Jono, Daveys brother, went up after I read the fb post he made (supplied here by someone here, Bobcat I think) about the utter foolishness of attributing the voices in your head, to God speaking to you.

Perhaps Blackburn Snr. meant to describe Davey as "our flat headed son."

He's pretty far from level headed. Resonate is a disgrace. I wonder who took the Easter picture of Davey on the Crossfit.

What a strong relationship of narcissitic supply and demand must exist between them.

Trudy said...

Yep. The prelude to Easter was a massive marketing push for this POS album. Good Friday was marketed as just part of the countdown to album launch. (Pic of the album cover with "3days" written on it)

From resonates website.


Ever With Me
“Ever With Me,” the first album from Resonate Worship, was written as our church was learning what it meant to truly put our eyes on Jesus in the midst of tragedy. These songs are written from a place of sorrow, joy, hope, healing, and faith that the best is still yet to come.

Track List:

Have it All
Ever With Me
Be That For Me
Faithful to the End
Dancing Now

I'm on board with the title track 'have it all", it makes sense... but they should have left the longer title for Dancing Now (on Amanda's grave). Note too, "first" album. So more are planned? Will crazy Davey send a copy to the men awaiting trial for the murder of his wife so that it can minister to their souls? Probably not unless they stump up $10.00. It makes me sick. Promoting and selling an album, in church, at Easter. Happy Ea$$$$ter every one.

Trudy said...

*track titled

Trudy said...

Christmas and Easter are the two days of the year that churches can guarantee a good attendance.

Did that have anything to do with the timing of the release of this POS album, that you can, handily, buy at the church on Easter? Or am I just being cynical? You'd have to be pretty resistant to the "hard sell" to walk out of Resonate with a copy of "ever with me" ..... which, coincidentally, is the title of a pamphlet about herpes.

Trudy said...


Anonymous said...

There was a commenter here months ago hollering about Monday the 9th/Amber who was generally ignored and discounted.

I now believe they were on to something - especially considering Davey's language regarding Monday the 9th, and the black hole of time (except for a moment of laughter which Amber also references) in Amanda's life from Monday until being "found" on Tuesday.

Amber's "statement" of 11/13/2015 is unexpected. Her subsequent statements/facebook blogs indicate awareness of SA.

Whatever influence Davey has over her, it is disturbing and, as Peter says, bizarre.

Me2l/Brenda - I don't care who the heck you are anymore. This case just got 1000 times more interesting.

Trudy said...

What are you thinking Bobcat? Something about the surveillance tape?

It is strange that Amber was even in Indianapolis on the 9th considering the rest of the Byars family was together, holidaying elsewhere. I thought, maybe, being close, Amber had some kind of 6th sense of Amanda being in danger, and so cut the family holiday short to be with her. Stranger things have happened. But, speaking of stranger things, it's not beyond the realms of possibility that Davey and Amber have a relationship which is far closer than just in-laws. Cue the troll.

Anonymous said...

"What are you thinking Bobcat? Something about the surveillance tape?"

I can't put my finger on it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I believe that Amber's first statement from 11/13/2015 is Deception Indicated.

Amber begins her statement by recalling the day Weston was born - when Amanda was in pain, dilated to 10 cm, and "completely ready" to push. Amber also remembers that Davey "had informed her" that Amanda had "showered".

Those are the words Amber posted publically on facebook. There are incomplete introductions for both Davey and Amanda.

Then Amber skips over time to "November 10, 2015"

Skipping over time- is a linguistic indication that the subject is concealing information by jumping over the time period; therefore, the time period that is passed should be considered very important to the investigator.

November 10, 2015 : I was sleeping at my grandparent's house when I got the phone call.

Alibi setting. Phone - Often the addition of "phone" connects a perpetrator to a crime.

Amanda was found unconscious in her home and now in critical condition at the hospital.

In her home – extra information. Missing word before "now".

It was 9:26 am and I threw on clothes and jumped in the car. I drove so fast to make sure I was there. A million thoughts flooded my mind, and I couldn't help but think back to the last time I was driving to the hospital to meet Davey and Amanda.

Davey’s name comes before Amanda’s

My heart and mind couldn't process anything.

'I can't remember' - Deception Indicated

I was in complete shock, yet filled with total hope that God was going to perform a miracle today. We walked into her room. She looked so beautiful lying there. She had tubes everywhere and a bandage around her head, and yet that sweet face was the only thing we could see.

Amber was not in shock. That sweet face = distance. Avoidance of Amanda’s name.

I squeezed her hand to make sure she knew I was there, and I held onto that hand in complete and total desperation for the next two days.

That hand – distance. Avoidance of Amanda’s name. NTP - desperation

Davey and I, along with hundreds of others, sat by her bed and cheered her on with each breath of the ventilator. We wept and laughed and sobbed and giggled about memories of Amanda that flooded our mind. She was a fighter. She was going to make it.

If you were in “desperation”, you wouldn’t be laughing and giggling.


Anonymous said...

She had endured one of the most scary and helpless moments of her life, in her own home, and I know Amanda pushed and fought with everything inside of her.

Extra information - In her own home. What other scary and helpless moments had Amanda endured? Where had she endured them? Was there anything literally “inside” of Amanda?

She was stronger than she had ever been. She rose up in that moment and protected the precious gift she brought into this world only a year before.

That moment = distance
The precious gift OF LIFE
Was the life inside of her under attack?

And I sat by her bed in complete and total awe of what my sweet sister endured.

And - When a sentence begins with "And", it is an indication of connection; in between the connection is missing information.
NTP – awe

Through the distress and fear, she conquered. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but that it would be worth it all.

Amanda died. How did she conquer? Was there an attempt to force her to end the life inside of her? Did Amanda conquer by protecting her pregnancy?

And oh the joy on her face on November 11 at 7:55 am when she was able to walk into the arms of Jesus, holding her precious little Evie Grace in her arms.

And - When a sentence begins with "And", it is an indication of connection; in between the connection is missing information. Avoidance of Amanda’s name

This was the MOST AMAZING day of her life.

NTP that Amanda’s death was a good thing.

I have always looked up to my baby sister.

“Always” NOT normal, typical, usual, regular, always
Avoidance of Amanda’s name.

I always thought it was ironic that my younger sister would be the person I respected most.

Avoidance of Amanda’s name.

I loved her more than she would ever be able to understand.

Was Amanda not capable of understanding a sister’s love?

She helped me through this life in every way. She encouraged me, challenged me, held me in my most difficult times, prayed for me, laughed with me, endured every phase of life with me. She never stopped loving me.

Amanda held Amber in her difficult times. Amanda endured life with Amber.

Her life meant more to me than words will ever be able to express.

Continued avoidance of Amanda’s name.

Anonymous said...

Amber - Guilty Knowledge?

"Guilty knowledge is indicated when it is a very close familiar relation of whom there is no information to cause the subject to quickly process and accept the death."

Anonymous said...

Bobcat said ...

Me2l/Brenda - I don't care who the heck you are anymore. This case just got 1000 times more interesting.

April 16, 2017 at 11:24 PM

You are acknowledging that your "analysis" of my identity as being Davey is wrong.
You've provided analysis on so much here, Flawed Bobcat. Since your analysis on me is wrong, why would any of your analyses be taken seriously?
Now, your fiction writing has become "1000 times more interesting." I would agree. It has provided me with a belly laugh or two, rather than merely a chuckle and a few eye rolls.

The more fiction you write, the more off the track you venture.

Love ya,


Anonymous said...

It's FIDO !

Anonymous said...

Yep, fido is back baby.😄

Anonymous said...

Did Amanda push and fight with bullets inside of her?

Hey Jude said...

Could Amber's account have been formed in the way it was if she suspected Davey was involved in Amanda's murder? I have tried to imagine Amber sitting besides Amanda in the hospital, with Davey. I think, given the discrepancy between Davey's 'accident' and 'beaten and shot three times', Amber would have been wondering a lot more than it was comfortable for her to wonder, keeping in mind Davey's close proximity, and the possible conversations she and Amanda had had in the preceding days - maybe even in the weeks, months, or years since their double wedding.

I think the reason some people smile and even laugh in dire situations as a way to chivvy themselves or each other along, to divert from tears, create a sense of normality - like saying, it's all going to be alright, you're alright, I'm alright, even though nothing is alright. Smile or give a little laugh, then - actual giggling over a dying murder victim might mean they are an inch away from insanity, or entered it - or a means of trying to remain sane. i don't know what Amber means by giggling - one person's giggle might be another person's smiling whilst making a 'huh, huh' sound.

Smiling or laughing doesn't have to indicate pleasure or amusement at a situation - i.e.:

• The Qualifier smile, which takes the edge off a harsh message which can “trap” the recipient into returning the smile.
• The Compliance smile, an acknowledgement that a bitter pill will be swallowed without protest
• The Co-ordinated smile, a polite co-operative smile showing agreement, understanding and acknowledgement
• The Listener Response smile, which simply indicates that everything heard is understood. It is an encouragement to continue

I think it quite possible that Amber was smiling and giggling in those ways as an indication she was going to be compliant with Davey's narrative - if Amanda had confided, or tried to confide fears to her about Davey, it would follow Amber would be afraid of him, in shock, blind-sided by what has happened to Amanda, and concerned for her own safety.

Hey Jude said...

We don't know why Amanda was keen to collect Amber from the airport when it had already been arranged that Mawmaw would collect her - why they 'got lost' on the way back to Mawmaw's, on a well known route - Amanda was driving, presumably she intended to lose them to extend the time they were alone together, it's reasonable to believe she wanted to speak with her sister about something, in a place they could not be overheard or disturbed.

I think it is interesting that Amber wrote that she had talked all the time during that journey, so Amanda could barely get in a word. Is it a way of saying, 'she didn't tell me anything.'? Why did she remember the conversation they had at the playpark the following day, as merely cheerful chatter (meaning, didn't they sometimes complain to each other about this or that going on in their lives? - maybe not, if they were very competitive, or she just would not want to include anything but the positive in a public post). There is only one (I think) possibly unintended hint that all was not well - how Amanda 'broke the news to Davey' about the pregnancy (one usually breaks bad news, and shares or gives good news). So, I wonder was there something Amanda talked about on both or either days, which Amber is not including?

Did she say something, such as she was frightened, Davey had preached a scary sermon and was waving a gun about, yelling, 'Shoot away your worries!', before saying his finances and his kids, were his worries, and announcing they were pregnant, without even saying Amanda's name? And he was smoking what he was selling. Was Amanda worried he was conveying that he was going to shoot away his worries? I don't see too many other ways in which she might have interpreted it, despite her determination to think the best of Davey.

I think it's likely Amanda either expressed her worries to Amber, or that she tried to, and Amber deflected the conversation to avoid it, not wishing to hear bad about Davey. Their mindset is not to criticise their husbands, but submit - if Amber did not want to hear, and the next she knew was that Amanda was lying in a hospital bed, with Davey claiming beaten and shot Amanda must have got that way by accident - well, there would bound to be feelings of guilt there. I'd think if she knew, or refused to accept that Amanda had been living in fear of Davey, and had not taken her seriously, or seriously enough, or had not disclosed any concerns to anyone, she would have been overcome not only by guilt and fear at what happened to Amanda, but also with extreme fear, for herself, of Davey. Davey would know or suspect that Amber also knew the things Amanda knew about him, and things he may have said to Amanda and wanted to hide. Fear of Davey might have subsided over time due to increased public scrutiny of Amanda and Davey's marriage - many people know and can see for themselves that all was not well.

Hey Jude said...

Did Amber write that post about the car journey and playpark to convince Davey that Amanda didn't get a word in the Sunday, and that on Monday they just chatted, and she believed everything was well with regard to the pregnancy - Amanda and Davey were even discussing baby names?

Did she overdo hiding her expected and natural fearful response out of concern people should not think she was fearful of Davey?

'We just picked on her all the time...' - there is regret and guilt in that, which is the first thing she said in her tribute to Amanda. It's not necessarily a true reflection of how things were - that's Amber's reality. It's unlikely Amanda would have spoken to Amber for an hour on the phone every afternoon if she had anticipated a daily session of just being picked on all the time.

Amber, in the Q&A with Davey, described her extreme fear in the weeks following Amanda's murder - her parents, also, were glad of the reassurance of the police on patrol taking their breaks near to their house. While fear and trauma were to be expected, and she spoke of it publicly there, Amber did not speak of it in her writings, though it continued after the three accused were arrested. It is interesting she did not want or feel able to admit of her fears for her own safety - it would have been natural, though she perhaps would have avoided it for fear of appearing self-concerned. Amanda was, they said they believed, the victim of a random robbery, yet they feared being sought out in their own homes in a similar way - Amanda's killers would have no motive to identify, seek out and attack her family, any more than robbers would have had motive to murder Amanda - who 'did not have an enemy in the world'.

I don't know if that level of ongoing fear was normal - I think it would be normal for at least some weeks as the trauma would be great, reducing over time - much longer if the murder had happened in her home, or even in her street, but Amber does not live in Indianapolis. I don't know of how normal a reaction that would be, to be ongoingly afraid in one's own home of a similar attack, when what happened to Amanda was so out of the ordinary, and so unlikely to happen to any young mother - one might take into account that a pastor's home might attract 'undesirable' people - Amber's husband is not a pastor, so the chances of such an unlikely crime happening at her home were even less than they should have been for Amanda. Perhaps I am insensitive in underestimating the length of time Amber might have been on such high alert - trauma is impervious to logic, and she may have convinced herself she was in real danger of murder by Amanda's attacker.

What I find interesting is the absence of fear in her writing, against what she said in the Q&A. Why did she not address her fear -did she avoid it because was she afraid to express what her fear was, or did not want to be selfish in drawing attention away from Amanda to herself, yet in the more spontaneous and 'safer' setting of the Q&A (her parents were besides her, the accused in custody, others asking questions of Davey) - it came out?

Anonymous said...

The Byars were in a delicate emotional state.

Grandpa Blackburn showed up within the first hours and led in prayer.
Newspring swooped in and took over, spinning and taking care of all the details.

Amber and her brother James both repeated the spin, but her first statement still is unexpected.

She twice mentions "I was sleeping" and "in her home". Repetition. Sleeping = alibi. In her home = NTP. The inclusion of Davey, Amanda, and showered all in one sentence???

HJ, as you've noted before, Amber's facebook "blogs" appear to be creative writing exercises, which may explain some of her language, but there is too much that is unexpected.

Why would Amber distance herself from Amanda? Why would she so quickly, before arrests have been made, accept Amanda's death and write a lengthy SA-red-flag post about it?

Anonymous said...

Bobcat said ...

Me2l/Brenda - I don't care who the heck you are anymore. This case just got 1000 times more interesting.

April 16, 2017 at 11:24 PM

You are acknowledging that your "analysis" of my identity as being Davey is wrong.
You've provided analysis on so much here, Flawed Bobcat. Since your analysis on me is wrong, why would any of your analyses be taken seriously?
Now, your fiction writing has become "1000 times more interesting." I would agree. It has provided me with a belly laugh or two, rather than merely a chuckle and a few eye rolls.

The more fiction you write, the more off the track you venture.

Love ya,


Anonymous said...

Celebration of Life video

Amber 18:20
“Probably what’s the most ironic thing about, having a baby sister, like a little sister, um, because you kind of feel like, you have to protect them and, um, like, (18:35 crying) just watch out for them all the time and, it’s just amazing how, um, looking at- it- just in the last probably 10 years of our life um. I look up to her more than, almost anybody in this whole world.”

Gavin 18:50
“When I met Davey at college and, even, you know, fell in love with him and his heart for Jesus and, his willingness and, wanting to impact the world for God. I just said to him, like “Hey. You have to meet this girl.” I’m like “It’s my, girlfriend’s sister.” I said “She’s beautiful. She loves the Lord.” I go “She’s exactly what you would want.”

Trudy said...

daveyblackburn2 years ago on Easter this was our family. Then the tragedy of Friday struck and flipped everything upside-down. Now Weston and I live everyday in Saturday. But yesterday was a spiritual steroid shot to my soul to remind me that Sunday is coming! The truth of the Resurrection, the promise of Restoration, and the day of Reuniting is soon at hand! Jesus is risen!

Friday? It was Tuesday. What's he on about? Good to know he had a spiritual steroid shot.

Anonymous said...

"You are acknowledging that your "analysis" of my identity as being Davey is wrong."

I am not. I noticed multiple coincidences in language and matching profile photos that confirmed that you also post as Me2l and Brenda Lepchenko on facebook. I acknowledge making some incorrect guesses, but they were NOT based on Statement Analysis.

If there are ANY new readers here, ANY time anon follows up ANY post with "flawed SA" verbiage, back up and reread what preceded it. It's likely important.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Trudy - he's implying some sort of confusing parallel between crucifixion/resurrection and Amanda's death/his and Weston's life.

Good Friday
Saturday in the tomb
Resurrection Sunday

I don't know why he doesn't just say "Good Friday.

The more confusing his statements, the more "ooh-ahh-he's-so-profound" the undiscerning Resonators think he is. Just another trick of the deceptive charlatan he is.

Hey Jude said...

I need to read Amber's first statement again, but I can't find it. I know she made it so that the account of Amanda's death mirrored the account of Weston's birth, as a creative device. That is very controlled writing, she must have spent some time on it, and wanted to make it mirror - there may be no more reason for that than that those were the only two occasions Amanda was in hospital and she and Davey were present, one for birth, one for death - it is so tragic, with barely a year between those events. Coincidentally, she was at Mawmaw's and able to be there quickly - though how coincidental was it? - it could be she linked them because each time Amanda had asked her to be there, needing her support at a critical,time in life, not imagining the second really was so critical,and would also lead her to be at her hospital bedside. Amber returned early from the holiday with their parents - she hasn't said why, except to spend some time with Amanda - I do wonder if Amanda had asked her to come back, and if there was urgency, as she went herself to collect her from the airport when there was no need, then also 'got lost', when she knew the route. Also, it's inconvenient and disappointing to have to cut short a family holiday and travel alone with luggage and a small child, so unless it was necessary, why would Amber do that? Then again, I don't know if that was the case -she may have arranged her holiday that way, rather than cut it short. It's too easy to mould a narrative from assumptions.

Why does that she was sleeping each time have to be considered an alibi? - it could be that each time she was sleeping, or she used poetic licence to make the narratives mirror more effectively - it doesn't matter if really Amber was sleeping or not, unless she committed or colluded in any crime - I think not.

Hey Jude said...

July 28, 2014 : I was sleeping at my grandparent's house when I got the phone call. Amanda's water broke! It was 2:45 am, and Davey had informed me that Amanda had showered and was currently vacuuming the house just to make sure everything was perfect for when she brought the baby home. My grandma got up, and we sat in the kitchen talking about Amanda and the excitement of getting to hold her new baby today! I drove so fast to make sure I was there. When I walked into the room, there she was - in so much pain. I squeezed her hand and told her it was going to be ok. The nurse asked if she wanted an epidural, and Davey and I giggled as she didn't even hesitate to answer - "YES"! The epidural FINALLY kicked in, and she was able to get some sleep. She looked so beautiful lying there. She was dilated to 10 cm but wasn't able to push just yet. After hours and hours of waiting to push, Amanda finally decided on her own that she was ready to push and despite being "completely ready", she pushed with everything she had inside of her. For two hours, Davey and I held her hand and cheered for her with each push. She never gave up. Each push was just as strong if not stronger than the one before. She not only amazed Davey and I, but the entire staff of nurses and doctors taking care of her. She gave one last final push, as she brought the most incredible life into this world. Weighing 6 pounds, 7 ounces, Weston James was here! I sat in complete awe of what I just watched my sister endure. Through the tears and pain, she conquered. She fought with every ounce of her being. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but that it would be worth it all. I never respected her more than I did watching her in that moment. And oh the joy on her face when she held her precious baby in her arms. This day was one of the most AMAZING and incredible days of not only her life, but mine as well.

Hey Jude said...

[Amber's FB post continued...]

November 10, 2015 : I was sleeping at my grandparent's house when I got the phone call. Amanda was found unconscious in her home and now in critical condition at the hospital. It was 9:26 am and I threw on clothes and jumped in the car. I drove so fast to make sure I was there. A million thoughts flooded my mind, and I couldn't help but think back to the last time I was driving to the hospital to meet Davey and Amanda. My heart and mind couldn't process anything. I was in complete shock, yet filled with total hope that God was going to perform a miracle today. We walked into her room. She looked so beautiful lying there. She had tubes everywhere and a bandage around her head, and yet that sweet face was the only thing we could see. I squeezed her hand to make sure she knew I was there, and I held onto that hand in complete and total desperation for the next two days. Davey and I, along with hundreds of others, sat by her bed and cheered her on with each breath of the ventilator. We wept and laughed and sobbed and giggled about memories of Amanda that flooded our mind. She was a fighter. She was going to make it. She had endured one of the most scary and helpless moments of her life, in her own home, and I know Amanda pushed and fought with everything inside of her. She was stronger than she had ever been. She rose up in that moment and protected the precious gift she brought into this world only a year before. And I sat by her bed in complete and total awe of what my sweet sister endured. Through the distress and fear, she conquered. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but that it would be worth it all. And oh the joy on her face on November 11 at 7:55 am when she was able to walk into the arms of Jesus, holding her precious little Evie Grace in her arms. This was the MOST AMAZING day of her life.

I have always looked up to my baby sister. I always thought it was ironic that my younger sister would be the person I respected most. I loved her more than she would ever be able to understand. She helped me through this life in every way. She encouraged me, challenged me, held me in my most difficult times, prayed for me, laughed with me, endured every phase of life with me. She never stopped loving me. Her life meant more to me than words will ever be able to express. I talked to her yesterday in heaven. Through the tears and sobs, I could hear her sweet voice saying "Aaaaaaamber! My sister! Please don't cry. It's going to be ok. I know you're sad, but I'm in the presence of my Savior. The one place in this entire world I feel most safe. Most loved. Most fulfilled. Most perfected. My Jesus is here with me and Evie. He's squeezing our hands. He loves me Amber more than anyone else on the earth combined. I know it's hard, but I'm in the very place I've always desired to be. I'm home. My true home."

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of his glory and grace

I love you #amandagrace. More than you will ever know. 💛 — with Amanda.

Anonymous said...

"You are acknowledging that your "analysis" of my identity as being Davey is wrong."

I am not. I noticed multiple coincidences in language and matching profile photos that confirmed that you also post as Me2l and Brenda Lepchenko on facebook. I acknowledge making some incorrect guesses, but they were NOT based on Statement Analysis.

April 17, 2017 at 6:49 PM

Not once did I speak of Brenda/Me2l, because I never denied that. I was speaking of your ridiculous analysis that I was Davey. Don't try to deflect by intentionally and deceptively confusing the issue.

Do you still think I'm Davey? Were you wrong in your analysis? Why did you forsake SA (as you claim) to analyze me as Davey? Did you not have faith in SA?

It's interesting, because this "analysis" of yours, which you said showed me to be Davey, goes back months, and you said it multiple times.

For the record, I never denied being Brenda/Me2l. In fact, you solved no mystery, because it was terribly obvious and nothing I was invested in hiding or denying. What does that and your "astounding" analysis skill (lol) have to do with Davey or with you being so positive for months that I was Davey? It's almost as if you're trying to point to a success to overshadow your huge failure. Kinda funny, because it was not a success. It was a resounding failure.

Hey Jude said...

I split the birth and death accounts and put them alongside to show how Amber mirrored them for effect:

July 28, 2014 : I was sleeping at my grandparent's house when I got the phone call.

November 10, 2015 : I was sleeping at my grandparent's house when I got the phone call.


July 28, 2014 : Amanda's water broke! It was 2:45 am, and Davey had informed me that Amanda had showered and was currently vacuuming the house just to make sure everything was perfect for when she brought the baby home. My grandma got up, and we sat in the kitchen talking about Amanda and the excitement of getting to hold her new baby today!

November 10, 2015 : Amanda was found unconscious in her home and now in critical condition at the hospital. It was 9:26 am and I threw on clothes and jumped in the car.


July 28, 2014 : I drove so fast to make sure I was there.

November 10, 2015 : I drove so fast to make sure I was there.


July 28, 2014 : When I walked into the room, there she was - in so much pain. The nurse asked if she wanted an epidural, and Davey and I giggled as she didn't even hesitate to answer - "YES"! The epidural FINALLY kicked in, and she was able to get some sleep. She looked so beautiful lying there.

November 10, 2015 : A million thoughts flooded my mind, and I couldn't help but think back to the last time I was driving to the hospital to meet Davey and Amanda. My heart and mind couldn't process anything. I was in complete shock, yet filled with total hope that God was going to perform a miracle today. We walked into her room. She looked so beautiful lying there. She had tubes everywhere and a bandage around her head, and yet that sweet face was the only thing we could see.


July 28, 2014 : I squeezed her hand and told her it was going to be ok.

November 10, 2015 : I squeezed her hand to make sure she knew I was there, and I held onto that hand in complete and total desperation for the next two days.

Hey Jude said...

July 28, 2014 : She was dilated to 10 cm but wasn't able to push just yet. After hours and hours of waiting to push, Amanda finally decided on her own that she was ready to push and despite being "completely ready", she pushed with everything she had inside of her

November 10, 2015 : Davey and I, along with hundreds of others, sat by her bed and cheered her on with each breath of the ventilator. We wept and laughed and sobbed and giggled about memories of Amanda that flooded our mind. She was a fighter. She was going to make it. She had endured one of the most scary and helpless moments of her life, in her own home, and I know Amanda pushed and fought with everything inside of her.


July 28, 2014 : For two hours, Davey and I held her hand and cheered for her with each push. She never gave up. Each push was just as strong if not stronger than the one before. She not only amazed Davey and I, but the entire staff of nurses and doctors taking care of her. She gave one last final push, as she brought the most incredible life into this world. Weighing 6 pounds, 7 ounces, Weston James was here! I sat in complete awe of what I just watched my sister endure.

November 10, 2015 : She was stronger than she had ever been. She rose up in that moment and protected the precious gift she brought into this world only a year before. And I sat by her bed in complete and total awe of what my sweet sister endured.

July 28, 2014 : Through the tears and pain, she conquered. She fought with every ounce of her being. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but that it would be worth it all.

November 10, 2015 : Through the distress and fear, she conquered. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but that it would be worth it all.

July 28, 2014 : I never respected her more than I did watching her in that moment. And oh the joy on her face when she held her precious baby in her arms.

November 10, 2015 : And oh the joy on her face on November 11 at 7:55 am when she was able to walk into the arms of Jesus, holding her precious little Evie Grace in her arms.


July 28, 2014 : This day was one of the most AMAZING and incredible days of not only her life, but mine as well.

November 10, 2015 : This was the MOST AMAZING day of her life.


Hey Jude said...

November 10, 2015 : I have always looked up to my baby sister. I always thought it was ironic that my younger sister would be the person I respected most. I loved her more than she would ever be able to understand. She helped me through this life in every way. She encouraged me, challenged me, held me in my most difficult times, prayed for me, laughed with me, endured every phase of life with me. She never stopped loving me. Her life meant more to me than words will ever be able to express. I talked to her yesterday in heaven. Through the tears and sobs, I could hear her sweet voice saying "Aaaaaaamber! My sister! Please don't cry. It's going to be ok. I know you're sad, but I'm in the presence of my Savior. The one place in this entire world I feel most safe. Most loved. Most fulfilled. Most perfected. My Jesus is here with me and Evie. He's squeezing our hands. He loves me Amber more than anyone else on the earth combined. I know it's hard, but I'm in the very place I've always desired to be. I'm home. My true home."

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of his glory and grace

I love you #amandagrace. More than you will ever know. 💛 — with Amanda.

Hey Jude said...

I think those awkward bits are like when a piece of a jigsaw doesn't fit, but the person is determined to make,it fit, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Why would she be so determined to make it fit?

Her sister was brutally murdered. She has three young children.

Why such determination to write a pretty story about it?

Anonymous said...

If Amber was holding Amanda's hand in desperation for TWO days, did she sit there with Amanda throughout Wednesday, even after brain death was determined at 7:55 AM and Amanda's death was announced (even though she was still on mechanical support until Thursday), or were those TWO days of desperation Monday and Tuesday?

She posted it at 8:01 PM on Thursday.

Hey Jude said...

I'd think she drew on a journal entry made round the time Weston was born, and where it's a little nonsensical, it is due to the effects of bereavement - it was written so shortly after Amanda died. I don't think there is anything suspicious, she is trying to make sense of it by drawing parallels with another event, not so distant, in the same place - to put a positive spin on Amanda's death, for her own need, and to try to create a narrative over which she has some control. One is not much in control whilst giving birth, or in death - Amber is a comforter, she was wanting to give Amanda the dignity of having had some control, where evidently she did not, IMO.

Hey Jude said...

Yes, Bobcat - I would think it most likely she stayed with Amanda right up till the last moment she was allowed before her organs were removed.

Hey Jude said...

I think if she has guilty knowledge it is not of the crime, much more likely to be of Davey abusing Amanda.

Hey Jude said...

Oh, wait - I don't know why I said that - I don't know that she was an organ donor. I think Amber stayed as long as she was allowed.

Hey Jude said...

Pretty story - it is the mindset which she and Amanda shared, in which everything is believed to work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28. Also, 'in everything give thanks'. Romans 8:28 was the text displayed at the beginning of Amanda's Celebration of Life service.

Hey Jude said...

Can't knock it, in some respects - 'better to light a candle than curse the darkness', as they say. Well, I say it, too, but that's irrelevant.

mom2many said...

The oddest thing about Amber's account is the placement of emotion. On that Thursday, I would think she would still be reeling from shock, not an led to place the emotions in the right places in her story. It is creative writing. I think the other flags are due to the elements of story-telling. Maybe she's prettied the whole thing up because she simply couldn't bear to confront reality.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bingo said...

"Maybe she's prettied the whole thing up because she simply couldn't bear to confront reality."

This is absolutely what I believe. Amber is a grieving sister. She is broken as seen in the Q & A. She grew up in a bubble and has never been confronted with such awful evil. She is going along with DB's story because she needs to make sense of it. Her best friend and sister died a horrific death and she needs to find purpose in it. Davey is a great manipulator and has manipulated many close to him to buy the story. Why not? This is what Amanda would want! She would be fine with being beaten and shot because her dead breath would bring life breath to the nations. Revival of epic proportions. They truly were in shock and they trusted DB just like Lacy's family trusted Scott. That Q & A answered a lot of questions in my mind. The body language and break downs of Amber and her Mom is what you always expected to see in Davey instead of joy and resolution that the best was yet to come. I expect a few close to Davey know more than they are sharing but I don't think for a second it is Amber. I hope Amber will one day write a book but doubtful she has truly worked through her grief enough to even have the energy.

mom2many said...

"The body language and break downs of Amber and her Mom is what you always expected to see in Davey instead of joy and resolution that the best was yet to come."

Yes, exactly.

Who, aside from Davey, would you most like to see given a polygraph using statement analysis principles? What would you ask them?

I'd start with Perry Noble. I'd like to know:
Who first told you about Amanda's injury?
What did they say happened?
Whose idea was purchasing the address?
Did you bring in the marketing company to handle Davey's 'story'?

Kenneth Wagner
Who told you?
When did they say 'it'(I'd need to go back and check how he phrased it) happened?
What was your conversation about?
What motivated you to tweet that day?
Did Davey enter the house while you were still on the phone? Did you hear the car door shut, etc?

Ashley and Derrick
When did Resonate begin to expect a coming "season of pain"?
Who initiated the expectation?
How far in advance does Davey plan his sermons?

Hey Jude said...

Mom2Many and Bingo, I agree - except I do think Amber probably knew Davey was abusing Amanda, and knew or suspected Amanda was in crisis during those last days, and she has guilt issues around that, especially if she downplayed, glossed over or wouldn't listen (talked over her to avoid hearing it, wouldn't let her speak in the car) - perhaps it is so that Davey was also at the playpark, so Amanda could not say what she wanted, or Amber has sugar-coated the account.

Bobcat - it's interesting James doesn't say, of the ten years Amanda was married, that he wished he could have protected Amanda, which seems would have been the next expected thing he was going to say - instead he says how much he respected her during that time. Amber also speaks of how much she respected Amanda - I think it is a type of self-justification - a way of saying that Amanda preferred to endure Davey and work on her marriage rather than seek refuge with her family. They respected her wishes, sort of thing, she could look out for herself and God was going to fix Davey. I expect there was knowing, and pretending not to know - also, it's very likely she was encouraged to always support Davey, submit to his agenda rather than have one of her own, trust his judgement, etc - it did seem a thing to Amanda, and others, that Amanda should not have her own agenda - though I don't recall that any family members said that.

Phil also spoke of his wish to always be able to protect his girls - there was anger in him that he had not been able,to - I think he was thinking how Davey, who could and should have protected her, by the simple act of locking the front door, did not. Probably it went rather deeper than that, and they all knew Davey was not good for Amanda.

mom2many said...

Hey Jude,
I think you are right. They may have suspected abuse, but I don't think Amanda would outright say so. And they probably did think it was her decision how to handle it.

Before Amanda's Facebook account was switched to private and deceased, there was a post there about how she was reminded to keep issues with a marriage between the partners in a marriage. I don't think she said much about what was actually happening between her and Davey.

The evangelical church often teaches on the submission of the wife. It is said that her mission is to be under (sub) her husband's mission. Bobcat, do you have any transcripts of Davey on this? He may have preached on it. That would fit quite well with Amanda's desire to submit her agenda to God's agenda.

Concerned said...

I think about what an innocent girl Amanda was when Gavin chose her for Davey.
We have all seen the words written and spoken by Davey through the years. He
was/is not kind, is obsessed with distorting God's word, hits a whole new level of
narcissism and holds women (especially his wife) in contempt. He's snarky and
hateful and let's not forget was so consumed with online pornography that he
required intervention and monitoring. I would also suspect that he did and does
seriously misuse steroids and, perhaps, amphetamines.

It's hard for me to believe this didn't shock and upset Amanda so much that
she sought counsel from her father and/or her sister. We know she went to Perry Noble
because he was one of the porn monitors (Irony abounds!). I would think, as some of
you have said, that the family must feel very guilty about what they overlooked and,
perhaps, about insisting that she stick with Davey, no matter how abusive. I think
Amber loves her sister and feels the best she can do for Amanda now is keep her
memory alive in a loving way for Weston.

It would not surprise me if the reason Meg found herself out of the once-welcoming
Blackburn home had to do with Amanda catching Meg and Davey at something. The fact that
Meg left so suddenly she had to have a Fire Sale of her Etsy signs is such an odd thing.
It had to be Amanda who kicked her out because Megs was back in the thick of things
with Davey before Amanda was cold. I wonder if Derrick, Ashley, Meg and Davey just
couldn't let Amanda ruin their whole "get-famous-and-make-money" Indy gig.
Now look how far they've come!

I expect to one day learn that Meg was at the heart of the hit on Amanda. It would be so
interesting to hear private conversations between her and Davey, wouldn't it? I wonder
where Meg was living in that week before Amanda died? With Derrick and Ashley? Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...


James said that Amanda could take care of herself, even telling a story about her hitting a boy in elementary school.

Here is the train station video where Davey talks about submission.

Regarding Amber's statements, I am working hard to keep images of her 'crying' face out of her unexpected statements. I will review the family-at-resonate videos later. I remember being impressed with her poise. Her ability to continue talking through her 'tears' reminds me of Tammy Faye Bakker. If I personally interpret anything about her at this point - it is that she envied Amanda's faith and 'hot' Pastor husband. Amber didn't have to live with Davey - she only saw him on his best behavior; and as someone who likes everything to be pretty, Davey was eye candy.

I will be carefully reviewing her statements (including leakage of hairstyling, running races, Amanda's suffering) while keeping in mind her angle to 'never miss an opportunity' to sell (Gee, who else does that?) Jesus and maintain the image of Perfect Pastor's Kid.

Amber's relevant public statements are collected here:

Here's my question for Davey:
Do you have an estranged younger sister?

Anonymous said...

"I think about what an innocent girl Amanda was when Gavin chose her for Davey."

This is the worst thing about the entire situation to me.

Gavin and Davey could have been happy together without marrying women.

But no.....they CHOSE to ruin lives by living lies.

Celebration of Life video

Gavin 18:50
When I met Davey at college and, even, you know, fell in love with him and his heart for Jesus and, his willingness and, wanting to impact the world for God. I just said to him, like “Hey. You have to meet this girl.” I’m like “It’s my, girlfriend’s sister.” I said “She’s beautiful. She loves the Lord.” I go “She’s exactly what you would want.”

Hey Jude said...

Bobcat - good job putting all Amber's writings about Amanda together.

There is surely something amiss with the Christmas tree - Not mentioned in earlier account of Friday visit to house, though previous to that she was aware there was a tree up:

...the $15.00 GIGANTIC Christmas tree she bought at a garage sale and just put up a few days before

In the second account of the visit to the house, written a year later:

As I slowly opened the door, tears began to fill my eyes. I didn't even have time to look around, because right in front me was the magnificent glow of your beautiful Christmas tree.I remember you telling me a few days earlier that you had bought a tree at a garage sale for $15.00! I envisioned a tiny little Charlie Brown tree - I didn't expect it to be 10 feet tall! It was the most beautiful sight


What's up with that? Was the first mention of a 'gigantic' tree not from experiential memory of the conversation with Amanda, as by the second account she seems to have forgotten all about the gigantic decorated tree, and was instead 'envisioning a tiny little Charlie Brown tree' - what has that to do with 'gigantic'?

And yet in that moment, standing in the very spot Davey had found you early Tuesday morning, I couldn't bring myself to believe it. I could hardly even stand to look at it. 

-- so Davey found Amanda right in front of the Christmas tree, yet did not mention that, and never has?

It was an artificial tree, which Davey used the next year, also.

Not sure I am believing Amanda had bought, put up and decorated a gigantic tree. Megs or neighbours, as part of the helping to clear up - put the house back to normal, maybe? Were they expecting Davey to return to the house? Would be a strange thing for anyone to do - hardly was the season to be jolly or put an 'It's a Wonderful Life' bauble front and centre in the circumstances. Did Amanda do it - did she buy a gigantic $15 tree, or was that someone else's purchase, put up when? Why did Amber anticipate a tiny Charlie Brown tree if as she says, Amanda had described a gigantic tree?

If it was there when Amanda was dying on the floor, why did Davey not mention it?

If it was there when first responders arrived, how did it get there, if it was not there earlier?

Hmm, better had listen to the press conference and see if they mentioned a Christmas tree.

Hey Jude said...

Yes, Bobcat - they wanted girls who loved the Lord more than they loved anyone else, so they would not think to,bother them too much, IMO. Though, as it turned out, Davey couldn't stand the competition - dog in a manger.

Concerned said...

Bobcat at 5:35 said,
"they CHOSE to ruin lives by living lies."

That whole set-up with Amanda and Davey's "romance" has always bothered me...
how little they actually saw each other in the time they were "dating".
People who are in love can hardly stay away from each other and that
just didn't seem to be the case with Davey and Amanda. Gavin and
Davey would not be the first guys to marry pretty girls as a front for
their true sexual identity

I believe Peter's SA about Davey's sexual orientation will prove to be true.
I have often thought Davey and Meg had something going but I'm now
more inclined to think he used Meg for his own ends of achieving fame.
Meg wanted what Amanda had and it appears she essentially got,
child, dog, business, "church", ?Davey?. (I guess she has as much of Davey as Amanda
ever did, huh?)

Anonymous said...


I don't think there is anything sexual between Meg and Davey. It's a very strong platonic/professional/emotional loyalty. She's his right hand man, #1 assistant. He needs her (maybe not if work dries up), and she is pleased to serve him well.

Anonymous said...

What's interesting to me about the tree...

Davey's dad mentioned it right away.

Amber did not mention (other than brief discussion) it until over a year later, when she gave a beautiful full description.

Davey has not mentioned it at all.

The tree was something beautiful that Amanda procured and installed, but...Amanda had to die (for Davey's church to live). The mind has to make the person 'deserve' to die. It's hard for the mind to get to that place if beautiful expressions of the person (who has to die) are right in front of you.
So you have to block them out. The good things don't exist.

Hey Jude said...

I can't find the first long press conference, wonder if it is still online - can only find snippets on news stories. It's been interesting to listen through quite a number of the early news reports - it's evident the reporters had their doubts about Davey from the get go. One confirmed that he did ask for IFD, and it was they who called in the police - Davey's description seems to have been that he found Amanda 'unresponsive'. I also saw a clip in which Davey said he phoned his dad after he called emergency services - he was getting his story out there bright and early. Strange he thought to call his dad rather rather than try to help Amanda. I wonder what his dad thought about his 'level-headed son' during that call, and more as the day went on.

I think his orientation is gay, but that he's also asexual - Davey loves himself, and Crossfit, and numbers - he's driven and self-contained. I think he has little to no interest in sexual relationships and channels his energies elsewhere. I don't know why I think that.

Hey Jude said...

Maybe because he was abused - never got over it. IDK.

Anonymous said...

level-headed = euphemism for "normal"

Hey Jude said...

Meg posted on her Instagram that Davey sent her out to get bibs and a jockstrap. I don't get where 'professional' or 'loyal' applies there - she let her need that others know they were that 'intimate' take precedence over Davey's interests. It was a power play, especially on Amanda - she posted it as a reminder, a long time after it happened, also she posted pictures of Weston. If Meg was a professional PA she would not have posted that - iit was obviously a joke they previously shared, but it may not have amused everyone who saw it, and was potentially embarrassing to Davey - so no, that was not professional, though, she's intelligent and capable, so she could be professional if she decided it was in all their interests.

Meg had her sights on Davey, and followed him to Indy, IMO - Amanda was surplus to requirements, so Meg can't be too sad, despite she was brutally murdered. Well, that's how it looks, and it was Meg who created how it looks.

Hey Jude said...

Ya, he might just as well have said, 'Our very mentally stable son' - can't remember if he said 'my' or 'our'. I bet it was 'our', lol.

Anonymous said...


November 10, 2015
I squeezed her hand to make sure she knew I was there, and I held onto that hand in complete and total desperation for the next two days.
And oh the joy on her face on November 11 at 7:55 am when she was able to walk into the arms of Jesus, holding her precious little Evie Grace in her arms.

Two days, yet Amanda's death was announced one day later.

Hey Jude said...

adjective UK /ɪnˈkred.ə.bəl/ US /ɪnˈkred.ə.bəl/

B2 impossible, or very difficult, to believe:
an incredible story
The latest missiles can be fired with incredible accuracy.
It seems incredible that no one foresaw the crisis.

The conceit of that man is incredible!
She appears to actually like the man, which I find incredible.
"That's incredible!" he said, shaking his head in disbelief.
Johnson scored an incredible goal in the match.
The story is about theft, fraud and deceit on an incredible scale.

incredible adjective (EXTREME)

B1 informal extremely good:
Yeah, it was an incredible performance.
What an incredible motorbike!

Hey Jude said...

The post I was responding to has gone - was Amanda's birthday tweet to Davey saying 'You are an incredible Christ-follower, pastor, husband' etc - forgotten the rest. My point is, 'incredible' was an interesting choice, unless it only ever takes the second meaning in American English.

Hey Jude said...

Davey announced Amanda was dead a day before the life support was withdrawn, Bobcat. Ashley and Derek's interview was made while Amanda was on life support, they were already speaking of her in past tense. In one of the news clips I watched last evening the reporter said that while it had been announced Amanda had died, she was still alive, and her death was understood to be imminent. Davey could not even wait for the machines to be turned off before saying she was dead. I expect that interlude was when all the non-family visitors were allowed in - did Amber mean hundreds literally visited her bedside? IDK, but from interviews, friends and neighbours said they had been to see her.

Hey Jude said...

'Wonderful' would have been less ambiguous - jus' saying.

Hey Jude said...

Bobcat - I don't know why Amber would distance herself from Amanda - could it be due to guilt or denial, feeling (or struggling against the feeling) that she should have said or done something - known or intuited what might happen, when she did not? Reasonably, even if she knew about the gun-rant sermon, wouldn't her response be to think Amanda was over-reacting, Davey liked to be OTT in church - she might have thought he must be really rattled at the pregnancy, but he would get over it, sort of thing? IDK, except I don't think Amber, or anyone in her family, could have anticipated what was going to happen.

I think, while they were at the hospital, she would align herself with Davey - it sounds that way. I think she would do that out of fear if she did have suspicions he had attacked or caused Amanda to be attacked, considering she had no choice but to sit with him as he feigned concern for Amanda. Shock and confusion, trying to process what might be true, or not - discovering Amanda had been beaten and shot, while Davey claimed he thought she'd had an accident - that's scary stuff, and probably the sight of Amanda was scary, too. ('The only thing I could see was her sweet face' vs 'I could see her sweet face.'?) I think fear and denial are factors in Amber's writing - fear it was Davey, also a need to deny to herself that it could have been - it would shatter her, and the family's 'reality', especially if they had put a lot of work into cultivating that reality, which is likely.


I can see I have bias towards Amber, and I would like to smooth over all her contradictions and discrepancies - that's because I believe she doesn't want or feel able to say some things. I can see there is withholding, but I don't see that as due to involvement in Amanda's murder. It may be it is too painful for her to want or be able to acknowledge some things, at least in public.

What are your thoughts on Amber's distancing language, Bobcat?

Hey Jude said...

Not a conversation, some thoughts. It's not the definition so much as what Amber might have intended in using it - 'incredible' can suggest the speaker/writer is saying one thing whilst also thinking another - in-credible, unbelievable, literally - not credible. 'Wonderful' is less ambiguous, is all.

Hey Jude said...

^Thinking about what a word might mean in a subject's personal subjective dictionary is a thing (by which I mean an aspect) in SA - well, not only thinking, but trying to discover it. I think, even if we had lots of examples of Amanda's use of 'incredible', it is still a slippery word.

For instance, I might usually mean by 'incredible' that something is amazing and awesome, but if I am being sarcastic I am more likely to mean by 'incredible' that I think it is bull., or literally unbelievable.

don't know what Amanda meant by 'incredible'. Should I take it on face value, and decide she only meant amazing and awesome, or if she was intending for it to also mean something else, like not credible, in a 'may the reader understand', sort of way? IDK - I am sharing my thought, which is that 'Incredible' is ambiguous - there are many other words she could have chosen to use which are much less so.


And Davey says Amanda is not well read. Ah, so Amanda had a very limited vocabulary is the idea? Perhaps Davey would think she was so limited in choice that she would only be able to describe him as incredible. And 'husband' was a bit down on the list of incredible, considering she was his wife - she was careful to order Davey's incredibleness by what she found to be his priorities in life - or his burdens.

Anonymous said...

"What are your thoughts on Amber's distancing language, Bobcat?"

It is unexpected.

From her first statement alone:
Phone - Often the addition of "phone" connects a perpetrator to a crime
She is concealing the time period between Weston's birth and the morning of 11/10/2015. She references "my" grandparents, and "my" grandma, but "the" car. Driving fast is repeated and sensitive, even though, while talking about Amanda's labor, Amber sat to talk with grandma first before driving fast.
She uses passive language regarding Amanda's attack "found unconscious".
"She had endured ONE OF the most scary and helpless moments of her life..." Amber allows for other scary and helpless moments in Amanda's life, outside of her home.
Repetition of "in her home". It is extra information and sensitive.
She has concerns about Amanda that she does not want to say.
She repeatedly distances herself from Amanda, never giving a complete introduction.
She has a NTP that she looked up to, respected, and was in awe of Amanda.

Amber has aligned herself with Davey. Is it for the same reason that Kenneth Wagner said in his sermon regarding the biblical Paul - that Paul (i.e. Davey) would be able to reach more people for god if he weren't in prison? Sure, Amanda died, but... #nothingiswasted ... even if we have suspicions that the 'Control Abuser' Davey was involved in her death...

Amber's statements change over time, revealing her awareness of statement analysis. Advanced skills are needed!

Anonymous said...

I look forward to your analysis, m2m. I feel very bad for Amber.

Hey Jude said...

Thanks, Mom2Many, for the great reminders and observations, and for the links.

Hey Jude said...

Thanks for your thoughts, Bobcat.

I don't see how Amber is 'concealing' the time between Weston's birth and Amanda lying on her death bed in the hospital - isn't she rather choosing to compare and to liken in order to contrast those two significant events, one of great joy, one of great sorrow, at which she and Davey were present in the hospital with Amanda? Compare and contrast - creative writing.

She is telling how she got the news - does that reference to a phone need to indicate a perpetrator? What other way is there to say that is how she was called to go to the hospital? I don't know how that works.

Is it 'the car' because it was grandparent's car, she was visiting, maybe did not have her own car.

She did not need to rush immediately to the hospital as Amanda was still vacuuming, and not at the hospital yet herself - there was time for chat and breakfast with Mawmaw.

'found unconscious' - passive because she does not want to accuse Davey, also does not choose to mention any other possibility? She is repeating what Davey had said - it is Davey's passivity.

'One of the most scary moments' - a very strange thing to write, especially as Amanda did not survive, or endure to remember it as one 'scary moment' amongst others. I think that may be a hint at knowledge of domestic violence.

I think she does not give a full introduction because she is writing to friends and family on FB, who already know what relation Amber is to Amanda and Davey.

I agree Amber has a NTP. Especially she needs to persuade that she has thought over and over and over about what she could remember - there are things she does not want to think about, remember, or share.

mom2many said...

July 28, 2014 : I was sleeping at my grandparent's house when I got the phone call.

- "The" definite article. It should be preceded by "a" phone call, before "the" phone call. Who was on the phone? Amber doesn't say.

Amanda's water broke! It was 2:45 am, and Davey had informed me

- "Davey had informed me" - extra wording. "Had" - Amber moves from past tense to past perfect tense. The PAST PERFECT TENSE indicates that an action was completed (finished or "perfected") at some point in the past before something else happened. This tense is formed with the past tense form of "to have" (HAD) plus the past participle of the verb (which can be either regular or irregular in form) This indicates that this section is out of order.
"informed" - indicates an authoritative voice, while "told" would be closer to relaying a message

that Amanda had showered and was currently vacuuming the house just to make sure everything was perfect for when she brought the baby home. My grandma got up, and we in the kitchen talking about Amanda and the excitement of getting to hold her new baby today! I drove so fast to make sure I was there.

- These two sections contradict each other. If she was in a hurry to arrive, when did she find time to sit? Did the sitting and talking actually occur at this time, or are we out of order?

When I walked into the room, there she was - in so much pain. I squeezed her hand and told her it was going to be ok. The nurse asked if she wanted an epidural, and Davey and I giggled as she didn't even hesitate to answer - "YES"! The epidural FINALLY kicked in, and she was able to get some sleep. She looked so beautiful lying there. She was dilated to 10 cm but wasn't able to push just yet. After hours and hours of waiting to push, Amanda finally decided on her own that she was ready to push and despite being "completely ready",

- "despite being 'completely ready'" - despite indicates contradiction. How does Amanda's being completely ready contradict that she was ready to push? Amber basically says she was ready and was not ready in the same sentence.

she pushed with everything she had inside of her. For two hours, Davey and I

- "Davey and I" should be unified "we" at this point. That they are not shows distancing.

held her hand and cheered for her with each push. She never gave up. Each push was just as strong if not stronger than the one before. She not only amazed Davey and I, but the entire staff of nurses and doctors taking care of her. She gave one last final push, as she brought the most incredible life into this world. Weighing 6 pounds, 7 ounces, Weston James was here! I sat in complete awe of what I just watched my sister endure. Through the tears and pain, she conquered. She fought with every ounce of her being. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but that it would be worth it all. I never respected her more

- "never" what is said in the negative is doubly sensitive. What was it about Amanda that Amber found difficult to respect?

than I did watching her in that moment. And oh the joy on her face when she held her precious baby in her arms. This day was one of the most AMAZING and incredible days of not only her life, but mine as well.

mom2many said...

November 10, 2015 : I was sleeping at my grandparent's house when I got "the phone call."

- "The" again. Amber is mirroring the other account, but still should introduce with "a" rather than "the".

Amanda was "found unconscious"

- Amber avoids saying who found Amanda.

in her home and "now in critical condition at the hospital".

- missing verb and "now" indicates a tense change.

It was 9:26 am and I threw on clothes and jumped in the car. I drove so fast to make sure I was there. A million thoughts flooded my mind, and I couldn't help but think back to the last time I was driving to the hospital to meet Davey and Amanda. "My heart and mind couldn't process anything. I was in complete shock, yet filled with total hope that God was going to perform a miracle today."

- Artificially placed emotion. This is written only two days after and emotions should not be in the logic portion of the statement. If this was a statement given in the free editing process this would indicate that this is not written from experiential memory. Since it is a prepared statement, this might indicate contamination of editing.

Hey Jude said...

Yes, it would be good to have a trained advanced analyst look at Amber's gathered writings - perhaps there is reluctance because Amber is also a victim in this story, if of a different type. Well, I think she is a victim, but I'm just a wannabe.

mom2many said...

We walked into her room.

- Amber does not introduce who is with her when she enters Amanda's room.

She looked so beautiful lying there. She had tubes everywhere and a bandage around her head, and yet that sweet face was the only thing we could see. I squeezed her hand to make sure she knew I was there, and I held onto that hand in complete and total desperation for the next two days. Davey and I, along with hundreds of others, sat by her bed and cheered her on with each breath of the ventilator. We wept and laughed and sobbed and giggled about memories of Amanda that flooded our mind.

- She shows unity when there are plenty of others in the room. She hides within the crowd with the weeping, laughing, sobbing and giggling. Did she participate in all these emotions? Was she uncomfortable with some or all of them, needing to hide in the crowd? She does not want to be alone with this sequence.

She was a fighter. She was going to make it. She had endured one of the most scary and helpless moments of her life, in her own home,

- extra wording indicating the increased sensitivity and trauma of a home invasion. Home is where we sleep; where we are most vulnerable. Home is where Amanda should have been safe, and was most vulnerable.

and I know Amanda pushed and fought with everything inside of her. She was stronger than she had ever been. She rose up in that moment and protected the precious gift she brought into this world only a year before. And I sat by her bed in complete and total awe of what my sweet sister endured. Through the distress and fear, she conquered. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but that it would be worth it all. And oh the joy on her face on November 11 at 7:55 am when she was able to walk into the arms of Jesus, holding her precious little Evie Grace in her arms. This was the MOST AMAZING day of her life.

- the awkwardness in this paragraph is the attempt to force the parallel of two events in the hospital setting. The tragedy must be ignored to develop the plot and drive the parallels.

I have always looked up to my baby sister. I always thought it was ironic that my younger sister would be the person I respected most. I loved her more than she would ever be able to understand. She helped me through this life in every way. She encouraged me, challenged me, held me in my most difficult times, prayed for me, laughed with me, endured every phase of life with me. She never stopped loving me. Her life meant more to me than words will ever be able to express. I talked to her yesterday in heaven. Through the tears and sobs, I could hear her sweet voice saying "Aaaaaaamber! My sister! Please don't cry. It's going to be ok. I know you're sad, but I'm in the presence of my Savior. The one place in this entire world I feel most safe. Most loved. Most fulfilled. Most perfected. My Jesus is here with me and Evie. He's squeezing our hands. He loves me Amber more than anyone else on the earth combined. I know it's hard, but I'm in the very place I've always desired to be. I'm home. My true home."

- "always" indicates need to persuade. There is appropriate eulogizing language, focusing on the angelic features of Amanda. I suspect the sibling relationship was more ordinary, accounting for the need to persuade.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of his glory and grace
I love you #amandagrace. More than you will ever know. 💛 — with Amanda.

Hey Jude said...

^ I haven't read your analysis, yet, Mom2Many - going to make some coffee first.

Anonymous said...

I don't read contrasting so much as drawing parallels.

Amanda was in great pain, but it was worth it.
It was the most AMAZING day of her life.

IF the 11/13/2015 statement were Amber's only statement, I wouldn't notice the skipping over time to the morning of November 10, BUT as I read through her additional statements, November 9th is revealed to be an extremely sensitive date as well.

Knowing that, and coming back to the initial statement, I see that she is concealing information regarding November 9th.

mom2many said...

I'd like to see a trained advanced analysis, too. Even though Amber is a victim, too, she put her writing out there for the public. Public statements should expect a public response. At the very least, I agree that what she says and what she withholds indicates possible knowledge of abuse or mistreatment of Amanda within the marriage. Perhaps it was only a suspicion, rather than a definite knowledge.

mom2many said...

The marathon statement is interesting. It is nearly half way through before Amber acknowledges Davey was with them. She never shows complete unity with him, and then he drops out of the story.

I have FOUGHT the good fight || I have FINISHED the race || I have kept the FAITH (2 Timothy 4)

I ran my first marathon next to this amazing girl. All 26.2 miles. I laugh now thinking about how different Amanda and I do things - and how evident it was during this race. I started the race with overwhelming excitement and energy - wanting to run that first mile with everything I had inside of me (because let's be honest, that first mile feels amazing)! People were yelling and screaming and cheering, and I yelled and screamed and cheered with them! I tried so hard to stay at least one to two steps ahead of Amanda assuming she would catch my momentum and pick up the pace. But she didn't. She stayed focused (thank goodness!). She was sure, and steady, and strong. The COMPLETE opposite of me. I would get distracted by the people and the music and the excitement and waste so much energy talking and laughing and giving high fives! 🖐🏼 At one point she asked me (in a slightly annoyed, yet polite tone - as only she can) to stop talking for a while so she could concentrate. 🙊 She pushed through with complete endurance - determined to finish the race no matter what --- And determined to keep Davey and I on track with her. Davey and I ran beside her drawing strength from her each step of the way. I would look over at her every once in a while to try and get her to smile. She would just roll her eyes and grin. 😊 But she never broke pace. Whether we were running downhill, with the wind at our backs, after a water break and a vanilla bean goo, she wouldn't trust how good her body felt in that moment - instead, she would continue to do what she had trained months for - and that was to run at a steady 9 minute pace and FINISH. And finish strong. I could see the pain in her eyes at mile 22. This was the longest we had ever run, and we had no idea how our bodies were going to respond. But that didn't matter to Amanda. She never quit. She may have been uncertain, but it didn't hold her back. She said VERY FEW words during that 4 hours and 27 minutes (believe me, I even TRIED to get her to talk to me), but the ones she did say were only words that mattered, and words I will never, ever forget - "Come on guys. Don't give up! We can do this." The finish line was .2 miles out and Amanda pushed us into a full out sprint to the finish line. I didn't know I even had it in me, but she knew. She finished that race with unimaginable strength and endurance and rallied us with her as we all crossed the finish line together. And as we iced our legs, ate our bananas, and laughed about how we wouldn't be able to walk the next day (and we literally could NOT walk the next day), I just thanked her for helping me to be strong. And steady. And sure. I finished the race that day because of Amanda. And I watched her run this race of life in the exact same way. She finished WAY BEFORE I thought she should have, but it didn't matter. It didn't catch her off guard. It didn't change the way she lived. Because Amanda never lived by how she felt, but by what she knew to be TRUE - by what she trained her entire life for. She finished her race strong, steady, and SURE. Oh how I miss that girl. But oh how PROUD I am to call her my sister. I'm right around that 22 mile mark - in a lot of PAIN and uncertain as to how my body is going to respond to such loss - but I know that I'm NEVER going to give up. I'm not going to let this hold me back. I'm going to finish one day in a way that is sure and steady and strong.

As always, I love you Amanda Grace. #nothingiswasted — with Robin Byars.

Hey Jude said...

Yes, Bobcat she is drawing parallels, too - I said that a couple of days ago.

Hey Jude said...

Mom2Many - that was an interesting analysis, thanks for sharing.

Here are some things which came to mind whilst reading it:

I think she says 'the phone call' because it is a significant phone call. 'A phone call' would suggest any random call, which it was not.


'Amanda finally decided on her own that she was ready to push' - I think she didn't decide on her own. Maybe Davey had a sermon to write. Amber, was an old-timer, having birthed three babies, maybe she thought Amanda should hurry along with it.


What does 'threw on clothes' mean? It is not possible to throw on clothes, it takes time to dress. I think she is exaggerating the urgency - because, at that stage, they did not realise Amanda was in such a dire situation - they also probably believed Amanda had an accident, knocked herself out, and would recover. That could explain the artificial placement of emotion - she rewrote the facts to make it appear they knew Amanda was desperately injured, when they had not known that until they arrived at the hospital. Pride maybe - (I believe) not all the family or friends were aware of Amanda's pregnancy - they 'backward engineer' the narrative to maintain the family image.


mom2Many said: - 'the awkwardness in this paragraph is the attempt to force the parallel of two events in the hospital setting. The tragedy must be ignored to develop the plot and drive the parallels.'

I think that is spot on.

I think it is strange when people say they talked to someone in heaven today - not so much that they talked, but that the person spoke back to them. Is it made up or do they believe what they are saying? Does Amber believe what she is saying there? It is one thing to imagine, and to eulogise, but putting words into the mouth of a deceased love one - it is not the same. I don't understand - does anyone have any insights on that? Is it related to trauma?

mom2many said...

You are probably right on "the" phone call. It is also an indicator of story-telling.

I pictured the labor story from a practioner point of view. Amanda had an epidural, which often slows labor. The statement indicates that Weston was likely very high in the birth canal when Amanda was complete. Different practioners treat this differently, but it is not uncommon for nurses to advise the mother to wait to push and "labor down" the baby, particularly if the epidural is in place and mother is not in pain. However, the mother is also forced to lie in bed without the aid of gravity, so it can take a looong while to labor that baby down, and contractions might be less effective due to the epidural.

Your scenario could likely fit, that Amanda decided (at the prodding of Davey) to start pushing. It might be "on her own" because it was against the nurse's advice.

I still can't figure out how "despite being completely ready" works into the account. It is contradictory in an odd way.

"Threw on clothes" is an expression to mean got dressed quickly. You probably don't use that expression there. It isn't uncommon here.

Your explanation for the artificial placing of emotions there makes sense! You're right, they had no idea of the urgency of the situation. Davey wasn't telling.

I think Amber was imagining Amanda making a response to her in a way she may have recalled her comforting her in another situation. After my father-in-law passed, I could almost physically hear him as he would sound when he often called to ask if my oldest son would be available on whichever day he had in mind to go fishing or hunting. I still can. It's been nearly 10 years, and the memory is bringing me to tears. Obviously she added the part about being in Jesus presence. She is comforting herself through Amanda's "voice".

Anonymous said...

"I still can't figure out how "despite being completely ready" works into the account. It is contradictory in an odd way."

Amanda's body would have delivered Weston without "pushing", but she pushed with all her might anyway. As a nurse and mother of two (at the time), Amber probably knows that.

Hey Jude said...

Ha, yes - 'on her own' -against the nurse's advice - it also suggests without encouragement or coercion from Amber or Davey. Crafty, that. :)

Good to know re 'threw on clothes' - I gathered that was what she meant, but you're right, it is not a phrase I use or recall hearing. I wondered if it was an expected type thing for her to say, or if it might have any additional significance, like Davey volunteering he grabbed his clothes, but no, just what she did.

That's a good explanation, she is comforting herself - imagining what Amanda might say, whilst recalling her voice.

mom2many said...

Hey Jude,
I agree with your analysis of "incredible". It is a word I typically avoid using, ironically except for sarcastically, because of the dubious definition. I tend to be hyper aware of etymologies, so I figured that was just a personal quirk. I wouldn't ascribe it to others. Most people seem to mean "awesome" or "wonderful". I noticed that Amber also used "incredible" in that way, so I imagine Amanda would have, too.

Hey Jude said...

Yes, quite likely re Amanda's use of 'incredible' - Mom2Many - I still thought it was worth a mention, though. Well, there are 'better' words, IMO, but Amanda would know that Davey would have preferred to be called 'incredible' rather than merely awesome, amazing or wonderful, etc. Lol, he's such a poser. 'Studly' - I have to laugh.

mom2many said...

After reading through all of Bobcat's (thank you!) collection of Amber's statements, I think I have settled in my mind where Amber's envy of Amanda lies.

Amber's version of the haircutting story revolves around who Amanda is. Her description fits a typical last born child to a T. Amanda doesn't let anyone tell her what to do. She's fun. She's sociable. Amber, on the other hand, probably feels constrained to live up to parents' expectations, like a first born would. She can't get to the point where she doesn't care what others think of her. (I'm not totally sure about birth order, but even if Amber is the second child, she is the first daughter and will still exhibit some of the traits of first born due to the two different genders of the first two children.)

The Home post shows some other personality traits that contribute to Amber's envy of Amanda. Amber keeps returning to how Amanda had so many people in her life. I suspect that Amanda was an extrovert while Amber is an introvert. Forming relationships would come much more easily to Amanda than to Amber. It is common for introverts to envy extroverts' ability to seek and maintain relationships.

Last, a not so obvious clue. In many Christian churches, Hospitality is seen as a Spiritual Gift or Charism. People that have been given this gift of the Spirit have an innate ability to provide a comfortable, welcoming home. It appears that Amanda had this gift. Amber has other gifts, but it is not uncommon to compare oneself to others and wish one had gifts that come naturally to others, especially if some gifts are easier to express in the Church community than others. Amber may even be gifted in things that would be difficult or counter to her gender to exercise in the life of her Church, such as pastoral gifts or prophecy.

Christian Hospitality
List of Spiritual Gifts

Hey Jude said...

Mom2Many - 'I said 'domestic violence' - you said 'abuse or mistreatment' - to clarify; I didn't mean Amber might have been aware of or suspect any history of physical violence by Davey towards Amanda.

Here, the term 'domestic violence' Is used to cover all forms of (ongoing) emotional abuse, including verbal abuse, coercion, controlling behaviour,etc, in addition to physical violence - it's all illegal, if little prosecuted to date. I think psychological/emotional abuse would be more likely to have been Davey's MO, which would have made it more difficult to detect - even so, a sister would likely know, or suspect something was not right. Still. I am not thinking Davey was normally physically violent - more psychological violence, silent treatment, passive aggressive etc., and that Amber knew or suspected that.

mom2many said...

Hey Jude,
I think we're on the same page, even if using different terms. I suspect Davey's bedroom behavior tended to abusive, so that leaks through my writing. I don't think Amanda would have discussed that, though. I think you are right on here: "psychological/emotional abuse would be more likely to have been Davey's MO". I think that is why Amber uses subtle distancing from Davey in her writing. She is cautious of him, but ambivalent about it.

Hey Jude said...

Mom2Many - That's very insightful of Amber, on the envy, and the distancing - and yes, she is the first child - Amber, James, Amanda, as I learned the other day. from listening to Phil's Celebration of Life tribute again - it's worth listening again. He said Amber was all energy, James was - I've forgotten, and Amanda brought the joy. Unbearable loss, I can hardly think about it now, so I think I will take a break.

Thanks for the links - you don't know how timely those are for my own life. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm digging my heels in.

To paraphrase Peter:
"Remember that we are analyzing a statement, not a person. ... The Free Editing Process is the most reliable, yet even with prepared statements, much is revealed."

Anonymous said...

I think I see now why Amber's facebook writing and Davey's blog writing is so similar.

Yeah, I feel sick.

Hey Jude said...

Well, that's enticing.

Hey Jude said...

Aren't there also similarities to the style of Meg and/or Ashley? He could be drawing on any number of friends and family for his 'inspiration' and 'wisdom'.

Careful what you post, Bobcat, if you do - maybe you should check it out with someone.

mom2many said...

I think Davey's been like a vampire, sucking off the grief of others. I was reminded of the similarity, too, so I went back to his blog to check dates. He siphons off their stories and then tosses them like salad with his own nonsense. Why do you think he vacationed so often with the Byers? He needed fodder for his book. Has he gone back to that well since wrapping the album? I don't follow as close as many here, but I haven't heard so.

Anonymous said...

If Amber's 'stories' are her own, it's very concerning.

If her 'stories' are influenced by Davey, how much longer will she allow him to hide behind her?

Hey Jude said...

I mosied on over to Davey's blog to see if I could spot Amber, but then I saw and read his new blog post on five reasons to buy the album on their website or iTunes. Then I went to Amazon music, where you can listen to it right through for free (sorry about that, Resonaters) and after an attempt at listening, I decided not to buy it, even though it costs less than six pounds, but I will listen to it again tomorrow, for free, on Amazon, and see if there are any lyrics worth analysing. :)

Yes, he has to borrow others' grief - he was doing that from the start when he said they were 'working out how to grieve', or something along those lines - 'the family' was devastated, he didn't even say, 'we as a family'.

Bingo said...

"I think Davey's been like a vampire, sucking off the grief of others." Spot on. He isn't grieving therefore he has to read books, study people, regurgitate words and try to convince people of his grief in his crazy writings. He will get away with it more now because time has passed. He isn't expected to be raw at this point. If you go back and look at comments of his first interviews, almost noone believed him. Most peeps knew something was off because he was so put together and his lips were almost shaking with glee.

Everything Davey does is something he sucked off someone else. The title of his book Nothing Is Wasted sucked off Newspring. The Run Toward the Roar sucked off Levi Lusko. Resonate Worship sucked off Elevation Worship. All of his sermons are regurgitated off old Newspring sermons which is bad enough but then DB makes them even crazier and cruder.

Davey is speaking at Clemson FCA this week. Must be a Newspring connection. Perry Noble was the chaplain for the Clemson football team for a long time. Gosh, what will he say to a bunch of college students. I am sure there will be the boob squeeze and some potty talk. Did anyone see that he posted a picture of old people sleeping in the waiting room of MD office. It got so much negative reaction, he took it down. Davey is such a rat!

Anonymous said...

Here is the analysis again.

Anonymous said...

"I think Davey's been like a vampire, sucking off the grief of others."

"Everything Davey does is something he sucked off someone else."

Leakage? I think so.

Concerned said...

Bingo and others,
I hope someone here has software that will allow them
to check a document for plagiarism (sp?). As Davey
"researched" grief, I would imagine he lifted whole
sections of text from other authors. If he has a legitimate
publisher they will pull his book in a minute if the press
points out plagiarism.

If a man walks into his home and finds his pregnant wife
bleeding out in the floor and can summon up no more
shock and grief than Davey did, there's no way he could
verbally express those emotions without borrowing, right?

Trudy said...

"Don’t just buy a copy for yourself. Buy several for your friends and family. I’m praying this album and the message encased it’s lyrics and licks will be the catalyst that keeps someone from committing suicide,....

Crazy Davey. What a salesman. A $10.00 investment per friend/family member will stop them from committing suicide. What a sales pitch. Disgusting.

Trudy said...

Crazy Davey is a sociopath who has to mimic genuine human emotion and empathy. He has read books about grief and PTSD and often trots out their lists of physical and psychological symptoms as if they were his own.

Trudy said...

"This is more than just an album, it's a weapon to take with you into a very real, albeit invisible, battleground. When we recorded this live album, our aim was to take back territory the enemy had stolen from us. God has designed us to be warriors and conquerors."

God help us all. It's not a POS vanity recording. It's a weapon.

Hey Jude said...

More ^'Worship' as a Weapon...? I haven't been able to summon the will to listen through the rest of that album yet - I probably won't, life's too short. The bits I listened to were not what I would call musical.

Concerned - Plagiarism is more than borrowing, it's theft. Davey would not be likely to plagiarise, at least I don't think he would - he'd be more likely to draw on what others have said in conversation and present them as his own thoughts or feelings. I think that because that is what he already appears to do at times, several times he has said things which Phil has also said, without saying Phil said it (I know because I have listened to quite a few of Phil's sermons) - though if he has read a book, he will proudly reference it (as though he is not a great reader, despite his claims to read 'scholarly tomes', so- 'Look, I read a book!') - then he will speak about what he read - he knows he should give credit where it is due, at least so far as the written word goes, and that in speech, so he would know it also applies on the page.

Trudy said...

Mom2many and Hey Jude, I read your comments about Sandy Hook (on another thread) with great interest. The language used by Emilie's mother is strikingly similar to Crazy Daveys language. There is the distancing, the forgiveness for the murderer as well as the choice that needs to be made to forgive, repeatedly; the optimism and belief that the murder is for some higher purpose, the book which will keep the story alive, the rebranding of the murder as somehow spiritual and socially and culturally necessary, and I even noticed that she used the word "triggered" in association with returning to the place her daughter was shot.

I hate conspiracy theories. They make me feel crazy, and bad for questioning the veracity of events, but way back in Nov 2015, the sense of unreality about Amanda's murder was so strong, I wondered whether the whole thing was a false flag.

Trudy said...

In the days before LT, DG and JW were arrested, crazy Davey should have been baying for their blood. Instead, he preened and smirked and said that it "was a conundrum" and that Amanda would have wanted to forgive them. Such compassion for a murderer. Akin to the compassion shown by Emilie's mother for Lanza? Like Davey, Emilies mother's anger and grief sound manufactured and hollow.

Hey Jude said...

Amanda's murder, tragic as it is, of no significance on the national level. Not a false flag, though Davey is false - sadly, it's just another murder case in which a young wife was murdered while her husband was at the gym. Probably no-one would have batted much of an eyelid if it were not for Davey being a pastor who can't stop talking.

Sandy Hook, on the other hand, was significant on the national level, as it resulted in calls for stricter gun control, and new legislation. Whether it was a false flag Government orchestrated event or not, it drew attention to the ease with which the mentally unstable are able to access firearms in the US, and it also led to some states tightening their gun laws - others apparently relaxed them.


I probably think the Alison Parker and Adam Ward shootings were a false flag and that they were or became crisis actors - the agenda there to move stricter gun legislation forward. That story never really got off the ground - the acting was not very good, some of it was laughable. It does seem out of order to think a tragedy in the news might not be real, and to question such things. If the news is not real, the US people are being gaslighted, and that has to be absurd, surely... yes, it is absurd, but I'm not convinced it is not possible.

It's an interesting comparison, Trudy - Davey did not grieve Amanda.

Trudy said...

Thanks Hey J, IDK. Three black males accused of shooting a white pregnant pastors wife in her own home seems to me like it could be highly significant on a national level, involving as it does, race relations and gun control issues. It is a highly emotive "narrative" or "story".

Davey Blackburn's language and behaviour is that of a crisis actor. Amber, too, and others, for that matter.

Anonymous said...

"Whether it was a false flag Government orchestrated event or not, it drew attention to the ease with which the mentally unstable are able to access firearms in the US, and it also led to some states tightening their gun laws - others apparently relaxed them."

It drew my attention to children who are the victims of divorce, ignored and raised by electronics, and denial and lack of treatment for mental illness. Lanza was a throwaway kid/adult in his own comfortable home.

Hey Jude said...

Trudy, I meant it has not received ongoing national attention in the way Sandy Hook did.


Davey and Amber are acting, in different ways, but their crisis is real.

Hey Jude said...

Anon - according to the New Yorker, his parents sought out a lot of help - there is a lot of detail surrounding that, too much, perhaps - though that could be explained by a need to self-justify, particularly as he said he had not seen Adam for two years. You'd have to believe Adam existed, to believe any of that. I'm not sure if his father had a NTP that it all 'was real', or if that claim was to be expected in view of the conspiracy theories - why would anyone so close to the alleged killer feel any need to say it was real? IDK. Could he have doubts, or know it was not real? He also (like Emilie's mother) did not have any photographs of either son on display - some believe there was only one son, Adam, who actually was also Ryan. His reason for not having Ryan's picture up was weak, and inconsiderate of Ryan. Why should his picture not be on display, when it was Adam the father did not wish to look at?

Still, it is too much of a mind stretch that anyone would create such an elaborate hoax and also be able to keep a lid on it, as it would have involved so many people, so surely that has to be crazy. IDK, actors are two a penny. Had the school been no longer in use from as early as 2008, or is that a mistake - I could see how belief it was not real could grow from a belief the school was not in use, and therefore had been used as a set. Some say there was a FEMA exercise in the area the previous day. IDK, it's interesting, though unlikely.

Anonymous said...

Did Amber suspect Davey? ... and get sucked into the spin as in "get on board or you'll never see Weston again" wholly suffering from Cognitive Dissonance?


Did Amber help Davey?

What have her words revealed?

Is Amber contaminating Davey's writing?
Is Davey contaminating Amber's writing?
Is someone else contaminating both?

I hope Peter will do an analysis.

Anonymous said...

More of the same writing style here:

"The reality is, God was right there with me. Just as He showed up through people on our doorstep weeks prior when Jon was diagnosed with cancer, He showed up through those same friends AGAIN. The same community arrived with more meals, more cards and more love when my heart felt frail and shattered. God reminded me every single day that He loved me and that He never left me whether it was a card, flowers, a thoughtful gift with Amandas name engraved, or a gift card to grab dinner with Mike I KNEW deep in my heart this was the love of God being shown to me through friends and strangers all around me.

Those few months were deeply humbling and forever changed me.

One of the biggest lessons Ive learned is that God never asks how He can love us. He doesnt say Liz would you prefer this or that, or how could I best serve you? He just loves. He just shows up. No questions asked. We often think that people need their space when bad news or tragedy comes, but we learned as a family that when your heart is breaking, the BEST thing people can do is just show up, just call, just be there. And that is what our friends did. Thank YOU while there are far too many of you to name, you each know who you are as we have felt your impact in our lives significantly.

God continues to remind me that Hes never once forgotten about me and that He will walk with me through the lowest of valleys and stand with me on the highest of mountain tops.

One of those mountain top joys is coming in the form of a new life One year to the day of when Jon was diagnosed with cancer, our sweet baby is due to be born. As we look back on this past year filled with heartache, we know that God is surely our HOPE and that He has GOOD in store."

Anonymous said...

From the same page above^^

"I woke up on November 9 my 28th birthday and told Mike I thought this year was going to be the BEST year of my life. Little did I know, 24 hours later I would receive a phone call that would rock my world. November 10 Amanda had been shot in a home invasion. My heart felt like it was plunged back into the valley again. God, where are you now?"

mom2many said...

These people live in a subculture with a common way of speaking, like a dialect. They immerse themselves in the subculture. They absorb their colloquialisms and regurgitate them as a signal that they are knowledgeable and in with the group. Much of their "witness" for Christ centers around attracting people to their culture, and part of that is lifestyle and conforming to a certain image.

That wasn't the similarities in writing I was noting. Davey took ideas and phrases nearly verbatim from Amber's writing. The story about Weston's sleep schedule was the one I traced and dated. Amber wrote it months before Davey inserted it into the "Let me tell you" blog. I suspect Davey's been taking mental snapshots of all the Amanda stories the family has naturally shared amongst themselves so he could pepper them in, just like he does all the other cliches he uses in his sermons.

Anonymous said...

Thank you m2m.

It's interesting that 'cult' is a root of subculture.

I don't like that dialect. I wonder if Amanda was done with the lies, the charade, and wanted out.

How many people will continue using the same phony phrases to promote the same phony story, and for how long?

And here's another person who starts their recollection with an alibi-setting statement:

It's so ungodly. So disgusting. Evil.

Anonymous said...

"The story about Weston's sleep schedule was the one I traced and dated. Amber wrote it months before Davey inserted it into the "Let me tell you" blog."

Who lied first, the chicken or the egg?

mom2many said...

I agree with your assessment of the subculture. I was raised in it, though it has gotten far worse since I left. I could see where things were headed when "seeker-sensitive" first started gaining traction. There isn't a strong theology of how to address human suffering, because in their faith, Christ accomplished everything at the cross. For Christians, then, personal suffering has no purpose, no value. It can actually cause a real dilemma, because if one is "saved", how could one suffer, but if one is suffering, maybe they aren't "saved"? There are all these permutations and variations of the ideology -- seeker-sensitive, health-and-wealth gospel, whatever Davey, et al, would term Resonate. A lot of it gets called non-denominational, but it infiltrates a lot of Baptist, and other protestant types.

As a Catholic, the resurrection redeemed Good Friday, but it didn't erase it. We acknowledge we are called to take up our own crosses. We serve a suffering Savior, and since we are his body we ought to be prepared to suffer. We cling to verses like Colossians 1:24 " Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church." - which indicates that our sufferings have value for ourselves and the whole Church. By all means, we should mitigate what suffering we can, but whatever can't be avoided, we live through and in, not avoid or ignore. And that is how it can turn into joy, not because somehow if you ignore it the right way, you won't feel it, but because you share it with our Savior and it purifies you. I hope it makes me more human, rather than more like an emotionless automaton, as so many of these other types come off.

All churches do have an internal dialect. Catholics (particularly mothers) tell each other to "offer it up" which can sound insensitive but really is a reminder that Jesus suffered and we can share it with him.

Part of statement analysis is to figure out these "dialects," whether it is regional, religious, or some other subculture (maybe gamers, for example) and to not get too carried away into flagging them. I have a hard time with giving an interpretation or coming to a personal conclusion in SA for this reason. I am cautious. I'd like to go further in study, but not while I still have a toddler at home with me all day.

mom2many said...

Amber - 1/31/2016
We will remind him that every time he wonders why he starts to get sleepy at the exact same time every day, that his mom instilled that into his sleep cycle (on purpose)😁.

Davey - 5/9/2016
You may wonder why every night around 8pm you get really sleepy, why every morning you wake up at 8am on the dot, ready to take on the world, why every afternoon at 1pm you’re asking to go “night-night.”

I wonder if we went through the hair-dresser post, the 1/31 post and Davey's "Weston, I Want to Tell You about Your Mommy" post, how many of Amanda's character traits he borrowed? I don't think they are a lie. I think Davey needed source material to put together that long a list of characteristics. Remember the early interviews where he couldn't talk about who Amanda was at all? She loved Jesus, people, that was it.

Bingo said...

I agree Mom2Many, Davey seems to borrow from Amber. He isn't grieving, therefore he needs to borrow words of grief. He doesn't seem to have any regard for the "living" Amanda, so he need s to borrow some of Amber's words. He never talks about moments together with Amanda and sticks to the story that her death was the avenue to his better life. The "passed" Amanda is just like a prop used for his purposes. Amber actually shares about the living Amanda. Her latest post is more proof of a grieving sister IMO. You can read it on her FB page. I think this part is a little interesting.

"One night as we prayed together, Audrey grabbed my hand and said - "Dear Jesus. Could you please let Aunt Amanda and Evie come back just for a day? That would make my mom so happy. And don't forget - when you drop them off, make SURE you drop them off at Uncle Davey's NEW house so that Uncle Davey and Weston will get to see them too."

Nope, you won't find the former unimportant Davey with a fizzling church in that tiny house on Sunnyfield. He never returned to that life. The dog was given away, the house sold and Davey moved on up with a skip in his step and a smile on his face. He is now a self-titled motivational speaker with skin tight clothes, a permanent tan, moussed up hair and a Cross-Fit body living in a 5,500 SF house. He is now able to travel the world, swim in his pool, buy he and Weston expensive matching outfits and do whatever he wants to do!! He will even tell you that her death brought his greatest destiny. AND people pay him money to talk crazy to them! That needs to be the story Amber tells her daughter about good ole Uncle Davey.

Hey Jude said...

Davey and Co:


I think they all know Weston didn't sleep till eight that morning - then wake and lay cooing happily in his crib (upstairs) till the police found him. Did Amber write that to convince herself, or Davey, that she and the family believe Weston didn't leave footprints on the stairs, and Davey didn't find his worst nightmare sitting on the living room floor - because Weston would have slept through, just like he always did.

Davey said in his Easter sermon that Weston is a great sleeper - he said he sleeps for twelve hours every night, plus three hours during the day - he's still finding it necessary to stress what a great and heavy sleeper Weston is. I thought Davey's Easter sermon was quite an improvement on some others - he even said 'resurrection' - I wasn't sure if that was in his vocabulary. Normally he says, 'he raised from the dead', which is putting four not so good words where one better word exists - interesting that.

Anonymous said...

I think Amber does grieve Amanda. She also puts words in Amanda's mouth, and words in Audrey's mouth, and gives TONS of unnecessary detail (see Casey Anthony).

What does she know?
When did she know it?
What does she suspect?
How did she help?
When did she help?
Was she under duress?
Is it so ingrained in her (like Amanda) to never speak up that she would allow a murderer to remain free among the population to damage others, just to protect the perfect image?

"She doesn't EVER go with the flow. In fact, she makes it her goal to go against the grain just to be different. She stands out. She can't help it. People are drawn to her stand - not only for Jesus - but WHATEVER she chooses to stand for. She stands unapologetically and with confidence. She does NOT care what people think when it comes to - well, anything. She never lets what others think of her influence her decision-making. She does the right thing. Always. She hungers and thirsts for righteousness. She's a trend-setter. She doesn't want to be like anyone else - except Jesus. She's authentic. She draws people in by her sincerity. She's real - never fake. What you see is what you get. She's not a people-pleaser. She speaks truth - sometimes hard truth - but always in love. She loves everyone. No matter who you are."

^^^ The hairstyle story was posted 12/3/2015. Shortly after Davey returned to Indy from Newspring. Why was Amber thinking about hairstyles? What prompted THIS post, at THIS time?

I know this is out there, but someone else brought it up first and I am running possibilities...

Is it POSSIBLE that (under the direction of Davey & Co.) Amber had her hair styled like Amanda's and posed as Amanda in the Trader's Point park video? Is it POSSIBLE that the date on the video is altered? Is it POSSIBLE that Amber is part of a murder coverup?

It IS possible. So far, her language fits.

"No matter how intelligent, we're all prone to illogical thinking, especially when faced with a worse reality than we're ready to confront. "Too good to be true" is often accurate; "too awful to be true" is delusionally wishful thinking."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I wonder if "hungers and thirsts" are leakage, if Amanda languished for a long time and autopsy showed little food in her system. Amber also mentioned in one of her posts how Amanda was eating "small" meals. Could this be an attempt to explain why there wasn't food in her system?

It's possible.

Hey Jude said...

I doubt Amber's daughter would wish for Amanda to come back and visit 'for just a day' - that's not a child's logic - she just would wish for her to come back without any time limit. The 'just for a day' is spoken more from an adult's logic - adults know the wish for a loved one to come back can't be fulfilled in any way - if they could have just a day, it would give opportunity to affirm their love and to say goodbye. I think her daughter repeated what she had heard Amber say previously - a child just wants the dead person back, while the 'just for a day' is something heard said by an adult who didn't get to say goodbye properly,

Amber says so often to Amanda how much she loves her - does she think Amanda doubted her love for her, or that her readers might? Why does Amber keep publicly announcing how much she loved Amanda - obviously she does, and she misses her - but as that is something normally taken as read, why does she keep writing it? It is not my intention to be critical, I am wondering why she keeps saying it publicly - Why the need?

Is it because she did not get to say goodbye properly - she didn't hug Amanda when she was leaving Mawmaw's, as Amanda was carrying Weston, and the last time Amber saw her, Amanda was unconscious, so there was no proper goodbye - (though there was cheering at each breath of the ventilator - I think that's quite a good example of the illogical type of thing said by the newly bereaved).

Could the ongoing professions of love be due to guilt - does she feel she did not respond adequately to Amanda when she confided in her? I think Amanda confided in her, or tried, during those last days - possibly weeks, during the daily afternoon phone calls made when their children were napping.

Was Amber concerned the neighbours heard something when she was on the phone to Amanda? - I think she said something about what her neighbours heard while she was on the phone in the garden - laughter, maybe.


Interesting, Bobcat - I'm very resistant to the idea Amber could have helped, or been involved.
I'm just as doubtful she might be influenced to the draw of what might be termed filthy lucre, though it must be a temptation in those circles to write books and join the speaking circuits, especially when there is a tragic story to tell - though I suppose it's only really filthy lucre if it's a story dishonestly told. You'd have to work harder to convince me Amber is more than a victim with a guilt complex- I only see a grieving sister suffering with guilt on account of not having taken Amanda's concerns seriously enough. I also acknowledge that could be because I am blinkered and filtering out whatever it is that you believe you can see.


Re small meals and 'hunger and thirst' comment. Well, she might think small meals, if maybe the police found there was little or no food in the house, or only baby food for Weston - though Amber does write that the pantry was filled with everyone else's favourite snacks - and there were two pieces of candy corn in the candy dish - leftovers, look. I'll resist going down the road of Davey starving Amanda, and a pantry full of Meg and Davey's candy bars. Amanda ate dinner at Mawmaw's the previous evening, anyway, so she must have had something in her stomach. Maybe not by then, may have been all digested already - I don't remember how long that takes, a few hours at least. Isn't that just what it is, a reference to scripture?

mom2many said...

Isn't interesting that we seemed to have lost our anon who loves to "poke holes" while we've been discussing Amber rather than Davey. Odd.

Hey Jude said...

Yes, someone who is concerned to defend Davey, but not Amber. The anon also kicked off when Meg was discussed, as I recall.


Did you get anywhere on the quest to discover if Davey has an estranged sister, Bobcat?

I has to put the video back to listen again in the Easter service because I thought Davey said, 'my sister, Meg' - he said, 'my assistant, Meg' - I was wondering if you might have had a similar mishearing in an earlier video, or otherwise what has led you to wonder if there was a sister.

Anonymous said...


Re an estranged/hidden sister. Nothing DB has SAID led me to consider the possibility. Just a few unrelated tidbits made me wonder. Either way, it wouldn't help unravel Amanda's murder, but it may reveal some of Davey's past issues, or not.

Anon hasn't been around since the 17th.

I understand your hesitance regarding Amber, but the red flags in her statements are there.

I have found 'hina clause' sentences in two of her statements, both regarding going to the play park.

Davey also stated (in the Red Cedar sermon) how a "misstep OUT in the PARK" could change your life.

I'm busy for the time being, and don't want to rush my analysis exercise on Amber's challenging statements, so it may be a few more days before I get through the next one that addresses Nov. 8 and 9th.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous mom2many said...
Isn't interesting that we seemed to have lost our anon who loves to "poke holes" while we've been discussing Amber rather than Davey. Odd.

April 22, 2017 at 11:15 PM

awwww. Sweet on many levels. You have missed me so much, and of course, the reason for that is I'm "yours."
So touching.

Bobcat said...

Anon hasn't been around since the 17th.

And bobcat. You're keeping track of my "comings" and "goings." Of course, that can only be here, which is all that matters in your little mind, because this is your world.

It's not mine! I'm back from a cruise. I had a wonderful time. I am tan, rested, and ready to come back to your world, bob, and join the three other basement dwellers. I know you're very excited about this, because suddenly, it will be much more entertaining with my presence here. You've confirmed that with your obvious missing of me.

Apologies if it takes me a while to catch up. I haven't been interested for several days in your fiction writing (unlike your longing for my presence, you did not cross my mind), but never fear, I will be commenting and making you look like fools soon enough.


Your Davey

Hey Jude said...

I had to search for a reminder of what the Hina clause is - the need to explain why.

Also, leading on from the first article, I am going to search for 'Double Left' in case that might apply - there is a lot of leaving in Amber's accounts.

I will see if I can find what you have found, Bobcat, but I won't post if I do, will wait for your next analysis. I see so far I have only considered Amber from the not involved viewpoint, and not given serious consideration that she might or could be - bias that. If it is the case, and she is not involved, then that should only be confirmed by exploring the alternatives, so what's my problem? If it turned out I could no longer believe she writes from a guilty conscience only due to not having spoken up whilst knowing Amanda was in crisis due to Davey, then that would be what it would be - unless I made mistakes, which I would. I am wondering if all Amber's writing on Amanda amounts to one big Hina clause - would that be a mistake? Also thinking there can be myriad reasons why people feel the need to explain why, without criminal motive. Acknowledged I go more on considering why a person might have said or done something than my own use of SA - I notice a fair bit, but I don't know enough to be confident that I am using it correctly. I am going to make time to go back through the older articles, where Peter teaches about the 'clusters of blues', and suchlike - I find it difficult to retain the information, like the Hina clause, which I read about so many times, yet still need to search to remind myself what it is. :-/

Hey Jude said...

Ah, Anon, shalll we only be made to look like fools rather than actually being such? :). You said it, lol.

Hey Jude said...

Also, yes , I think it was Mom2Many who mentioned it - Amber did put her writing out there and make the posts public, so it is reasonable to look at them more closely in view of her willingness to share, I have wondered if she is putting hints or clues in there of things which she might want others to pick up. Like the Christmas tree, is she, in the second account, possibly trying to convey something like - look she did not tell me about any gigantic Christmas tree - where the heck did that tree come from? Maybe it was Davey who told/suggested to her to write about the conversation she'd supposedly had with Amanda about a gigantic tree, in the hospital? You might just be open to that suggestion, seeing as how Amanda ended up face down in a pool of blood, with three bullet wounds, one to the head.

Though that would not make any sense, because why would putting up a Christmas tree after Amanda was shot and before first responders arrived be something Davey would find necessary to do? Yet there is no Christmas tree in any of his accounts, and I am sure he would play on it, if really, it had been there. I think that is because he did not find Amanda lying near or under the Christmas tree, because it was not there when she died. The only reason I can think that would be is if Amanda had only said she was going to decorate her tree that evening (Amber said it was already up), so the family would expect her to have done that if she had been alive and able to do it. If the tree wasn't up when Amanda had been found they would think

(If they knew Amanda had already put it up), there was some row in which the Christmas tree got taken down
Or if she had really only said she intended to put it up, rather than that she had, something had happened the previous evening to prevent her being able to put up the tree

I am thinking the tree had to be up when first responders came, to fit an existing narrative. If she really had told them, or just Amber, she was going to put up a gigantic tree, why would Amber have been anticipating a tiny Charlie Brown tree? Was that her way of saying, there was no gigantic Christmas tree, Amanda never said that - she usually only had a small tree? In which case, where did the gigantic tree come from? This Christmas tree is doing my head in.

Hey Jude said...

If Davey didn't mention the tree, because it was a bad memory, and he was blocking it (as earlier suggested, I think by Bobcat) - well, why would he put up the very same tree in his new house the following year, and have a tree decorating party? Wouldn't he keep seeing Amanda face down in a pool of blood, with three gunshot wounds to the head, whenever he looked at the tree? If the tree was new to them, bought in a garage sale for $15, it was of no sentimental value to them - if it was up when Amanda was attacked, it would be forever associated with discovering her body. I don't believe that tree has a strong association with Amanda - if it did, they probably would not want to keep it because it was part of that horrific crime scene. Davey knows what he likes and wants in his house - why would he want a garage sale artificial tree which was part of a murder scene decorating his new house? There's no accounting for taste, no - (remember wrong colour parasol garden furniture sale FB post by Ashley?).

I wonder if Amanda decorating so early for Christmas was a bone of contention, or something they teased her about - it is very early - I know they are not close followers of the church Year and seasons, but that is even pre-Advent, and Amanda was aware of the seasons, as she once gave Davey up for Lent.

I found the police news conference eventually, though I don't know if it was the entirety, as a reporter cut in at one point before it continued, which I don't think was part of the original video - they did not mention a Christmas tree, only Mel the dog shut in a bedroom. It also sounded as if they did believe the crime was committed by gang members - however, they said there was a lot of information and details they were not releasing.

So, maybe there was no Christmas tree up at the time, and friends and family went in and put it up, anticipating Davey would go back and spend Christmas there, and they all would look after him and Weston, to try to make things better - it was six weeks away - in which case, wrong call. His father said to a reporter he was glad Davey hadn't gone back into the house, (I think) because of the Christmas tree and decorations - I can't find that news item now, but I read it recently, and wondered if there was a reason why he said that. It was like saying Davey had not been back in the house - not sure anyone suggested he had. I would think he would be most glad he had not gone back to the house because it was the scene of his wife's murder - he maybe just wanted to avoid thinking about, or saying that. IDK, except it might be helpful if Davey were to talk about the Christmas tree, and why Elkhart church announcements and prayer requests for Amanda did not include that she was pregnant. It had been announced to family and friends, said all the news reports - where and when, outside of 'Worship as a Weapon' service, two days before Amanda's murder, and in which Amanda was not even mentioned by name? That was not an announcement, it was more an unfortunate slip, IMO. There is no other announcement referred to anywhere by anyone, and it was not on their social media, which would be a likely place for an announcement to be, after family knew.

Hey Jude said...

The Christmas tree could have been an impromptu, 'What would Amanda do?' type moment by overwrought neighbours, friends or family, once the house was released for cleaning - who thought to put up the tree for Amanda, as a type of tribute, then got embarrassed at how inappropriate that might be or seem to others, even if it had felt right to them at the time, sort of thing. And Amber, in her first account, could maybe have been trying to explain that away by saying Amanda put up the tree, but did not take into account that Davey did not say there was a Christmas tree, nor first responders, at least as far as anyone here can know. That seems unlikely; Amber would know the crime scene investigators would know if a tree was up or not, so it would be a bit dim to say Amanda put up a tree, if she knew she had not and it had only been put up later. Though she didn't say Amanda had put up a tree, only that Amanda told her about the tree she had decorated, so IDK. Excuse the ramble - I know I am all over the place with this or that possibility, but there do seem several - and all may be wrong, and the tree might have been there, decorated by Amanda all along, Davey did not mention it for whatever reason, and Amber forgot about it in the interval between her posts...seems unlikely. Anon, before you start, this is not SA, I am wondering, based on what Amber said, and what Davey did not say, about the gigantic $15 Christmas tree Amanda bought in a garage sale which, between posts, Amber somehow expected to have been a teeny tiny Charlie Brown tree. You have to concur, that is interesting.

Anonymous said...

HJ, please post what you find. My analysis reads like a scribbled-up notepad compared to your writing.

mom2many said...

This news report dated Nov 24 mentions the tree about 30 secs in. It's odd how the reporter phrases it that Amanda put it up. Too many words.
"....Amanda, the woman,who spent time decorating a Christmas tree that stood behind those doors just two weeks ago."

Anonymous said...

Did anybody notice all the people with their hands over their mouths listening to Davey at Clemson FCA, a few days ago?

Anonymous said...


Hey Jude said...

Mom2many - well, does that mean it was not there on Nov 24th - but it was there two weeks ago? I agree too many words - also wonder if sometimes the reporters know stuff and hint at it, bit can't say because it is hearsay from neighbours, etc.


I haven't found anything yet, Bobcat, still getting round to searching and reading up on 'Double Left'. Your writing is very clear and more concise than mine. :)

Anonymous said...

Jumping ahead to speculate about of the Christmas tree...

First the tree was up.
Then, Amanda "packed away" treasures.
Then, it was up again when Davey's dad came to the house.
Davey has not mentioned the tree.
Amber mentioned the tree once, then again at length (it 'glowed' even though it was home alone three days after Amanda's death), and then mentions treasures Amanda 'packed away'...

Amber is definitely storytelling.

What if:
Amanda had put up the tree.
Amanda started packing away the tree to "leave her family" (Amber's quote!).
Amanda was surrendered.
Davey/Amber redecorated the tree to make it look as if Amanda was NOT intending to leave?

It fits the language.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Anon, shalll we only be made to look like fools rather than actually being such? :). You said it, lol.

April 23, 2017 at 2:26 PM

What others see....what they reality, so if I make you look like fools, to the onlooker, it's the same as your being fools. Readers here know nothing more about you than the impression you leave, and it, indeed, can "look" like a foolish one, especially if that impression is adeptly encouraged by a commenter of superior intellect (that would be me -- Your Davey, not bob).

You asked the question. :)

Anonymous said...

Blogger Bobcat said...
^^ baahaha, I dropped my pronoun before
"So glad you're back"

April 23, 2017 at 10:44 PM
Yes, bob, you deliberately dropped "your" pronoun. It was a calculated move designed to make me think you're being disingenuous, but, in this case, your actions belie the truth. The adage, "actions speak louder than words" is true here. You and others noticed I wasn't around and cared enough to post comments in my absence.

Intentionally dropping "your" pronouns is not convincing.

Anonymous said...

Amber needs to be questioned about:
Her conversations with Amanda beginning at 1:30 on Sunday, November 8.
What she did, hour by hour, all day long on November 9.

Amber's statements indicate that Amanda did NOT want to go home to Davey on Sunday night and told Amber so.

Regarding the "laughing" that both Davey and Amber reference... Under some circumstances, weeping can sound like laughter and fear can look like joy.

Anonymous said...

Only a fool would say that perception is reality. Did you get that. From Dr. Phil? Is a mirage real? Are magic tricks real? Perception is not reality.

April 24, 2017 at 3:28 AM

You "analysts" routinely practice the concept that perception is reality. This entire discussion from its inception has been conducted from your perception of a guilt that is not reality.

The reality is that the murderers have been arrested, and they have never said, nor have they implied they were paid to do the murder. Defense attorneys have no doubt worked that angle. After all, if you fraudulent sleuths can imagine a paid hit, defense attorneys can, as well.

Your perception is your reality, but facts say otherwise. Reality says otherwise.

The Davey SA fiction is not reality. It is your perception of reality, as is your stretching and maneuvering events to add Amber to your perception. It is not reality.

This is your alternate universe where you operate under the premise that perception is your reality.

Statement Analysis Blog said...

Anonymous wrote:

You "analysts" routinely practice the concept that perception is reality. This entire discussion from its inception has been conducted from your perception of a guilt that is not reality.

The reality is that the murderers have been arrested, and they have never said, nor have they implied they were paid to do the murder. Defense attorneys have no doubt worked that angle. After all, if you fraudulent sleuths can imagine a paid hit, defense attorneys can, as well.

Your perception is your reality, but facts say otherwise. Reality says otherwise.

The Davey SA fiction is not reality. It is your perception of reality, as is your stretching and maneuvering events to add Amber to your perception. It is not reality.

This is your alternate universe where you operate under the premise that perception is your reality.

end of post.

Analysis of Blackburn' words show guilt, but precisely where is not definitive.

Originally, I postulated that it was from SSA.

I was opposed by some of the best criminal analysts in the country saying that they believe he was aware of the gang hit.

The low level gang members would not be paid for such, nor would they even have knowledge of such. If given green light to hit this house, they would not reveal it; they could not survive in prison. These are hardened gang members at the bottom of the ladder.

Having said this, Behavioral Analysis suggests Blackburn knew the time frame to stay out of his house. To this, SA does not refute. It is worth examining his pre and post crime behavior.

To date, there is no evidence linking him to the crime and it may not happen, or, it may. I think the latter due to human nature. I think all agree that DB is a habitual, if not pathological liar, who likely is NPD and very troubled. He spent considerable energy telling his youthful audience that he is heterosexual and has an out of control drive. He also disparaged the victim before the crime and capitalized upon the victim post crime. He did not even contain his glee over the commercial appeal of her death.

Analysis done by the untrained is not analysis. It is speculative and I can only encourage training. It is discouraging to read some of the bizarre twisting of words that is said to be "analysis." It is not.

With Behavioral Analysis, I cannot find a single explanation to clear Blackburn. He is a very troubled young man, howbeit gifted, and his perversion of historic Christianity notwithstanding, will likely crash and burn as did his mentor, yet even there, his mentor is not done yet.

When someone as troubled as Perry Noble says something is wrong with Blackburn, take note.

As to the "analysis" here, it does not advertise our science well. I sometimes consider that those obsessed with this case do not want training lest it derail narrative.

I recognize that this case holds interest especially as provocative videos, statements and even behavior continue, but the discussion often lacks sobriety.


Trudy said...

Hi Peter and everyone, I agree that the gang members would not snitch (presuming they knew enough to do so) if they want to stay healthy. In addition, no defense attorney is going to suggest to his/her client that a premeditated murder for hire is a better bet than an unintended death during the commission of a felony. (Or a straight up Not guilty -SODDI - defense)

Davey Blackburn's pre and post crime behaviour is troubling, given the nature of his occupation, his dangerous ideology and exposure to young people. Some of his statements are jaw dropping. Eg. There couldn't have been a better time in Weston's life for an event like thiis to happen; Sure Amanda was killed but; the best is yet to come etc etc. and IMO that is the reason people (like me) are obsessed with this case. It's unbelievable. It's shocking. And it keeps happening. The sheer volume of material provided by Davey is immense and almost ncessitates "obsession" if one is to keep up.

Nobody here is trying to "advertise" the science of SA and I'm surprised that you, or anyone, would think that the people who choose to post on the blackburn threads are more interested in maintaining their own narrative than the truth. Whatever that may be.

PS I posted above as Shultz.

Trudy said...

Anon @3:53 I read your comment a couple of times and it doesn't make sense to me. I maintain that perception is not reality.

You said:
What others see....what they reality.

I disagree.

mom2many said...

The reporter doesn't say the tree is no longer up. I guess she was trying to add poignancy to the account, but it just came off awkward. It is an independent verification the tree was up. There might be other reports from those early days that attest to it.

Reporters don't often speak out of the free-editing process. They are reading prepared statements that have been edited, usually with an intention to manipulate an emotional response from viewers.

mom2many said...


Thank you for the gentle corrections. I agree sobriety is often lacking. I try to keep in mind my lack of training and find support for most of what I comment in your previous work. I do feel like I am guessing. I don't feel anything remotely like confidence in trying to reach a conclusion. Other avenues (sites) for discussion on this case put DB off limits, and I appreciate your patient tolerance of allowing discussion to proceed here, even when it reflects badly on SA. I keep waiting for the trials to see what evidence comes out, and it keeps getting pushed back. I like to help keep these threads alive so I will be able to discuss whatever emerges with others who are interested.

I am hopeful to follow through on training. When I feel overwhelmed with your longer blog posts' and frustrated at the number of interruptions from my toddler, I think that now is not the time to pursue the hard work of proper study. I was talking to my husband about planning to in the next two years.

My daughter is starting school in the fall to be a paralegal (a 2 year program). I want to encourage her to study statement analysis to elevate her potential and the pursuit of criminal law that she is interested in. At what point do you think it would fit best? This summer before she starts? Some time during the course of her studies? After she has her degree? I can see pros and cons to any of these choices. She excels at Language Arts and takes multiple English classes since her junior year, and I think she will take to SA quite naturally.

Anonymous said...

"The Davey SA fiction is not reality. It is your perception of reality, as is your stretching and maneuvering events to add Amber to your perception. It is not reality.


end of post.

Analysis of Blackburn' words show guilt, but precisely where is not definitive."

I have placed described events into a timeline, but the exact itinerary is undetermined other than that certain activities took place on November 9, 2015 - as described by Amber's and Davey's public statements.

If there are discrepancies, it's because one (or both) of them is/are being deceptive.

The reality is buried in there somewhere.

Amy Smith said...

Davey's new blog post:

Anyway, back to this couple. She was what I call an “attacker” when she fought.

Anonymous said...

I don't see how Amanda's brutal murder is a masterpiece of quiltmaking.

If I undo the finishing stitches, flip it inside out and reveal the back of the topside, I will see how all the pieces were stitched together. The seams are not all lined up, nor were they locked or backstitched. The seam allowances of the squares or triangles or whatever shapes "god" chose were not pinked to prevent unraveling or pressed to lay flat.

The quilt is lumpy and the seams will unravel.

Hey Jude said...

Peter - thanks for your interjection.

I do make sure to acknowledge at intervals that I don't have SA training, or the knowledge or skills to match my enthusiasm. I don't present my thoughts as exercises in SA analysis because that might create the impression it is SA proper, which it is not, and which claim I do not make.

The only advertisement I make is to your articles and analyses to critics of the conversation here.

All that said, 'Mea culpa', too, in some respects, and I should write less and learn how to do SA properly.

I think I am not obsessed - that only due to other commitments, and I do want training. I hope and expect to be able to enrol this autumn - well, if you will have me as a student in view of how annoying I probably am as a comment maker - I can be quiet, and learn and apply myself.

Anonymous said...

you may have found your girl
It is a day I will always remember
and one I will always remember

Thank you too Peter for your comments. I am certainly receptive to training. However, at this time, my schedule isn't. Life.

What would YOU make of Amber's facebook post of 1/5/2016?
It features:
Skipping over time
Concealing information
TWO Hina Clauses regarding going to the Park
TWO references to Amanda "leaving"
Major NTP (Repetition x6) that it is a day she will always remember...
Distancing and avoidance of Amanda's name.
Extreme Assumption

And regretting being unable to hug Amanda "goodbye" at the end of the same day Davey "kissed her goodbye" ... the same morning he stalked her around the house and she was kneeling and bowing in surrender.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, Amber also includes an abundance of detail.

Anonymous said...

^^and minimizing the loss as "everything that happened"

There is SO much in her statements!

I hope she will be questioned.
I hope Trader's Point will be questioned.

Anonymous said...

Here they are, side by side:

The one time Davey shuts himself ... up when talking about his activities on 11/9/2015:

Amber talks about 11/9/2015:

Trudy said...

"The last year of marriage with her was one of the most glorious years of my life." DB blog.

Who else used the word 'glorious' to describe their marriage? Scott Peterson, wasn't it?

It's interesting that it was only the last year that was one of the most glorious for crazy Davey.

Bingo said...

Davey's Most recent Blog:

"When some small irritation pops up in your relationship over and over, recognize the real enemy is silence, bitterness and unforgiveness.

This coming from the guy who didn't talk to Amanda for a few days because she dent his grill.

flightfulbird said...

Although this is a statement analysis board, sometimes those of us who post here are not trying to analyze as much as to express "this statement bugs me" - that something doesn't ring true about it - under the circumstances - and/or compared to other things they have said or written.

Example - Amber's definite need to persuade that she would ALWAYS remember November 9th. Her saying that there were HUNDREDS of people gathered around Amanda's bed laughing and weeping and singing and praising and remembering (along with at least one of them plotting and scheming and arranging to have the house professionally cleaned)- but I digress.

A commenter on Bobcat's blog said that there is no way that hundreds of people were gathered around Amanda's bed in the ICU while she was on life support, cheering each breath of the ventilator - after a sudden shocking unexpected home invasion. Visitors are limited and even if Amanda wasn't going to make it and the staff allowed the rules to be bent as a courtesy, there would be other patients on the floor and I do not believe the hospital would allow such a circus-type of atmosphere to be happening in Amanda's room.

It's storytelling. And minimizing. In Amber's neat clean perfect little world, Amanda "being found unconscious" sugarcoats what really happened that morning - to the extent that it really does sound like she fell off of the decorative ladder while trying to dust the top of the flat screen TV on the wall.

I don't like the way she kept saying "Davey and I", "Davey and I", "Davey and I" throughout that Facebook post. Gavin is as invisible as Amanda was - it's almost like Amber and Davey were the couple - it was weird.

I liked it even less when she imagined and then wrote about Amanda wailing (not exact words) Aaaaaammmmbeeeerrrrrr, my sweet sister, don't grieve for me, I'm where I've been wanting to be for ages and ages - I couldn't wait to get here and now I'M HERE ! - this is THE BEST day of my whole entire life ! ! ! ! (from heaven).

Here is the exact quote - so over the top -such a need to persuade that Amanda is better off. I know you're sad - BUT. . .
Sort of like sure Amanda was killed - BUT . . .

"Aaaaaaamber! My sister! Please don't cry. It's going to be ok. I know you're sad, but I'm in the presence of my Savior. The one place in this entire world I feel most safe. Most loved. Most fulfilled. Most perfected. My Jesus is here with me and Evie. He's squeezing our hands. He loves me Amber more than anyone else on the earth combined. I know it's hard, but I'm in the very place I've always desired to be. I'm home. My true home."

Well isn't that nice and neatly tied up with a bow. Jesus loves me, I'm home, don't grieve for me - sort of like excusing Davey for not acting like he was sad in the least. I'm in heaven, I'm all good here. amber wants to convince us. Davey also spent an inordinate amount of time persuading that this was the best time this could've happened, pointing out all the good that has come of it, that Amanda would be ok with it.

I too think it's interesting that the teeth and claws of protection and defense come out when Davey and Meg are mentioned as maybe being connected to Amanda's murder and when the discussion focuses on them - but the protective instinct does not come out when Amber is mentioned.

flightfulbird said...

Amber and Davey (sitting in a tree) - no seriously - "Davey and I" seem to share the same peace that passes all understanding, with respect to their sister and wife being found in the condition she was in. Just like Ashley and Derek talking about Amanda in past tense while she was still being maintained on a ventilator.

Even if Amanda's situation looked irrecoverable and hopeless with no brain activity - - for anyone to activate the mentality to speak of her in past tense so soon after it happened (with her still on a vent) indicates at least the possibility of foreknowledge - "being prepared for a season of pain", much?

I love this quote from anonymous at 1:27pm -

I don't see how Amanda's brutal murder is a masterpiece of quiltmaking.

If I undo the finishing stitches, flip it inside out and reveal the back of the topside, I will see how all the pieces were stitched together. The seams are not all lined up, nor were they locked or backstitched. The seam allowances of the squares or triangles or whatever shapes "god" chose were not pinked to prevent unraveling or pressed to lay flat.

The quilt is lumpy and the seams will unravel.

I am eagerly anticipating watching this happen. The tangled web of the creation of "Amanda's story" and Davey's slingshot to fame WILL unravel at some point.

mom2many said...

From Jono's blog linked above...

"The top of Amanda’s head was completely wrapped in bandages, her face and neck were badly bruised and swollen, other scrapes and abrasions could be seen on her face neck and arms, one eyelid was bright purple, at least 3 or 4 top front teeth were missing, and her left arm was swollen and lacerated from near her elbow where the other bullet had entered to her shoulder where it was lodged."

There is no way Davey could innocently assume any of that was the product of a miscarriage.

Anonymous said...

Where is that quote m2m?

flightfulbird said...

mom2many, this confirms that Davey's own brother does not believe what Davey has repeatedly said about his first honest thought being that Amanda had a miscarriage, that we just lost the baby right here, but um. . . .

This blog post absolutely makes it clear that there's no way Davey would be able to think this was only a miscarriage - it almost seems that Jono is trying to get the truth to come out.

Back to the 911 call yet again - these injuries, this beatdown of Amanda, would have been obvious to Davey when he called.

I wonder if he described these injuries to the 911 dispatcher, who would then know that there had been a beating and assault - that this type of scenario wouldn't happen from a fall or a miscarriage. It does not appear that he described the scene as he saw it - otherwise IMPD would've arrived that morning without IFD Engine 12 having to summon them.

Which leads back to the question yet again (asked multiple times and STILL unanswered) - if this was unexpected event, why not tell everything you saw that morning when you walked in and let 911 dispatcher sort it out? The dispatcher rolled the equipment he/she thought was necessary based on the information given by the husband during the call.

It's no wonder the 911 call is being withheld as evidence in an active investigation.

flightfulbird said...

And Jono's blog post totally refutes this from Amber -

We walked into her room. She looked so beautiful lying there. She had tubes everywhere and a bandage around her head, and yet that sweet face was the only thing we could see.

as opposed to writing anything like "we could tell she had been through a rough time" or " it's hard to imagine the anger someone could feel toward a person that would make them inflict this much pain to them".

A random burglar who was surprised by the homeowner would most likely cut and run. I don't believe Amanda would've tried to defend her property and "charge" at Taylor (if he was ever there) - her concern would be for Weston - please take what you want and leave my child.

And even if the individual shot to kill Amanda to make sure they couldn't be identified - why the shot to the back of the head - and especailly why the BEATING ! That would take time, first of all - and is so much more personal and up close - to someone they did not know and who they encountered "randomly".

mom2many said...

Jono's blog here.

There are only 3 posts on it - a book review from his wife, a political thing, and this. I suspect everything that has happened in the past year has weighed on him.

I thought it was linked here. It might be over on your blog. I read everything in RSS and don't always notice where I'm reading from. I'd be credit to whomever found it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Thanks! I've got it and have copied the text.

Thanks for filling in some details JP.

I'll fit his comments into the timeline.

Amber is seriously minimizing.

mom2many said...

"“Please pray right now – Amanda has collapsed and is unconscious on the floor but breathing,” read the text from my mom."

This is what Davey reported to his family. It is consistent with the APC that Davey reported to 911 that Amanda was injured and unconcious.

Anonymous said...

OT - All in the family?

Jono's statement:

Shower - 3 times
Door/doors - 4 times
Being underwater and needing to resurface for air - Once

flightfulbird said...

You see (hahaha), it is true that Amanda was "injured and unconscious".

But this is a falsehood - It's a lie of omission. Not giving all of the facts. Obscuring information, hiding the truth. Why?

Injured - check
Unconcious - check

Both true.

What if when he called 911, Davey had given a description of Amanda's appearance that was even remotely similar to what Jono wrote (and we don't know that he didn't . . . but I would bet heavily that he didn't) ?

Collapsed - seriously?

I'll say it again - Davey if you're reading here - you totally dropped the ball when you didn't tell everything you saw. THAT would've held up. The home invasion, Amanda got beaten and then shot because she surprised a burglar - you came in from the gym and found her. IMPD comes and investigates a crime scene. The grieving husband is brave but angry at who did this. There is no good side to having your home invaded and your wife beaten and shot - no "best is yet to come" and "all things work together for good" - I don't care how much faith you have.

Jesus wept for Lazarus more than you've wept for Amanda - and Lazarus was "sick", he died of natural causes - not in such a brutal fashion as Amanda.

Telling Perry Noble and your dad to pray for Amanda, giving them the impression she had fallen and hit her head - bad move.

Hey Jude said...

M2Many - thank you for sharing that. It is shocking, upsetting to read - though we knew that was more how it had really to have been. Poor Amanda.

I noticed passivity - 'There were bullets' in Brenda's text. Davey has since used the same phrase.

Davey said, 'She took a beating.' Passive. Nobody beat her? He does not say 'they' or anyone beat her.

Jono and his wife did not know Amanda was pregnant - I am pleased to have that confirmed.
I think it likely the rest of the family did not know either, and that Brenda learned it from Davey that morning.

Amber's 'the only thing we could see was her sweet face' was not the only thing they could see, they saw Amanda's sweet face beaten and disfigured - it's understandable if Amber doesn't want to think about, write or remember that - it's too awful.

What Jono thought when he saw and hugged Davey:
'A memory from over 7 years before came bursting to the surface of my consciousness of embracing my brother at his wedding, when he had pledged to love, honor and cherish Amanda Grace Byars until death do them part.'

A memory which came bursting to the surface with anger, one might conject, at the suspicion that Davey had not loved, honoured and cherished Amanda.

flightfulbird said...

Jono knows.

Anonymous said...

Jono's implication that he didn't know Amanda was pregnant is not credible. Maybe he didn't know, but he uses 26 words to lead up to saying "We had no idea". @@

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hey Jude said...

It is interesting Jono decided he wanted to write that a whole year after Amanda's murder - round about the same time Davey was recording his album, in the hope of making money. Goodness knows what he might have written if he had not left it so long - even so, it still packs a punch in a way that Davey's recollections do not. He obviously cared deeply for Amanda, and wanted to tell it how it was for her, which if it seems like betrayal to Davey is actually a refusal to be drawn into Davey's story, an act of self-integrity, and of loyalty to Amanda - I find that admirable. I think a year, because for a year he has not heard it told anything like it was (obviously not a miscarriage) - it probably pained him to have to write it - he is a good brother-in-law to Amanda.

Anonymous said...

If anyone has ideas about what Davey is capable of, it would be the Blackburns.

Hey Jude said...

Well, if they had an idea Amanda might be pregnant, they had not been told - there had been no announcement.


“Whoa, what could’ve happened,” I wondered to myself. I was taken off guard to say the least. My brother, Davey, and his wife, Amanda, have been the pictures of physical health and fitness, so whatever happened, it’s so unusual that it must be serious. Did she hit her head? Severe blood sugar or blood pressure drop?

“Praying! Keep us updated!” was Tessa’s reply. Just then I realized I was letting my thoughts and speculation and growing anxiety sweep me away from the moment. As I was about to respond in agreement with Tessa, Mom sent another text: “She is pregnant – pray also for the baby.”

My heart dropped.

I didn’t know how long it was before I drew another breath, but when I finally did it was like I had been underwater and finally resurfaced for air. We had no idea. Davey and Amanda must have been waiting to tell us over Thanksgiving when we’d all be together.

Hey Jude said...

Quite, Anon, at 9.24. - especially a brother. A brother knows how good of a brother he has, or not.

Hey Jude said...

That struggling under water thing - it is shock. No-one is that surprised at a pregnancy - other thoughts related to the pregnancy caused that reaction.

mom2many said...

"That struggling under water thing - it is shock. No-one is that surprised at a pregnancy - other thoughts related to the pregnancy caused that reaction."

My thoughts, too. The full stop and paragraph break after "heart dropped." He's trying to say more than he feels at liberty to say. I mean, literally, read between the lines! Davey and Amanda being pregnant at that moment was a very bad thing.

At that point in the story, there is no mention of bleeding. The obvious thought would be dehydration reaction from being pregnant and throwing up. It should almost be a relief. There is a real possibility of a (relatively) benign reason for Amanda to be unconscious.

Trudy said...

At least three teeth knocked out? Could someone please provide link to autopsy report?

mom2many said...

The autopsy report has not been released to the public. All we have is the Affidavit for Probable Cause which includes some of the autopsy findings. You can access it at Check page 18 of 25 at that link for the autopsy info.

mom2many said...

Jono Blackburn cont.
The doctors needed Amanda’s vitals to stabilize before they could run the brain functioning tests to determine if she was brain dead. That could take a while. Some of us got food from the 1st floor cafeteria around 1 AM. Around 3:00 AM, Davey gave into the urges of others to try to get some sleep. The family waiting room was just outside the double doors that we had walked through earlier, connected to the lobby where we had first met up with Dad and Davey. He hit up a recliner and soon fell asleep, though I’m sure it was a fitful sleep.

Tessa and my parents and I joined him around 4 AM. Using my coat as a pillow, I settled into a loveseat with bare wooden arms and a wooden divider down the middle. About 2 hours later I arose for some hot breakfast down in the cafeteria.

The attending physician began the brain function tests shortly after 7 AM. The tests were supposed to take about an hour and a half, the longest hour and half of any of our lives. By this time, we were all prayed out. Not in the sense that we were giving up on prayer in any way, but rather there was literally nothing else we could pray for. It seemed we had already exhausted all possible pertinent requests three times over already. God had heard our cries. It was now time to simply trust Him in His sovereignty.

We all gathered just outside of Amanda’s hospital room while the doctor and nurses were finishing up the tests. Some family had come back after having left for homes or hotel rooms for a few hours sleep. We were all so tired, emotionally and spiritually drained.

Finally the doctor came out and conveyed the news everyone expected but had hoped and prayed against. Our Amanda Grace was gone. Her brain activity had probably quickly deteriorated throughout the night and early morning. We cried, we thanked the doctor and especially the nurses who had been so attentive to Amanda and warm to us all throughout the night.

We all gave Davey time alone with her to say one last goodbye. When he finished, all the family (both Byars and Blackburns) and a few friends gathered around Amanda’s bed and participated in the most heavenly, solemn chorus of musical worship to our Triune God for His faithfulness and mercy in His saving grace, His purpose in life, and the hope He provides in the life to come. It was a powerful moment standing around the deathbed of one so young, so loved, so cherished, and so faithful in life, worshiping the King of Glory with extended family with songs like “It Is Well With My Soul,” “Holy, Holy, Holy,” and “How Great is Our God.” And I like to believe that whole hospital unit knew that day where the hope and joy of this family was resting, and that the gospel met with the quickening activity of the Holy Spirit and brought spiritual resurrection to someone dead in their sins. That would have been a fitting way for a missionally-minded saint like Amanda to leave this world.

November 11, 2015, Amanda Grace Blackburn finally beheld with unveiled face the glorious face of the risen, victorious, and reigning Christ. And Evie Grace's first conscious experience was of that same beatific vision.

Soli Deo Gloria

mom2many said...

^^Sorry, got lost in too many tabs.

Bingo said...

Wow about Jono's blog post. That makes it all so much more real. He tells it like it is and how bad Amanda was beaten. I got a little sick to my stomach reading this. This is such a horrible, evil act and it really makes DB look even more like a big stinkin' liar. He told his family she collapsed?? 4 teeth were knocked out and she was beaten and bruised severely, swollen with a black eye? Scatches and lacerations all over. Bullet wounds obvious to Jono. Are you kidding me Indy PD? Bring him in a slap a lie detector on him NOW! Why didn't Davey just tell everyone what he really saw? Was it so the police couldn't get an actual view of the crime scene? Why? He makes himself look so much more guilty by the lying!

From JONO blog:
“He’s around here somewhere. He needed some fresh air after being in the room by Amanda’s side all day. Oh, here he comes.”

This must be where he slipped away to tweet Nothing is Wasted and start his Go Fund Me Page. Or maybe to call his cousin to make the funeral shirts? Or maybe to change up the Resonate statement to let everyone know he WAS at the gym. Megs left that part out the first time. Or maybe to start polish up his pre-written statement?

He is awful.

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