Sunday, April 2, 2017

Teaching Statement Analysis

I do not know if there has been a greater instructive element in the analysis of a statement than actually teaching Statement Analysis.  It is with this in mind, that we have an announcement for analysts and analysts in training. 

I have taught, in one way or another, my entire adult life; from substitute teaching to kids' guitar, chess, coaching sports and plenty in-between, but there is something distinctly different in Statement Analysis live instruction.  

I'd like to share some insight into this magical world of analysis that is marvelously exciting.  Recently, we have tackled the challenges of deception detection, content analysis (details on what happened), anonymous author identification and Employment Analysis.  The latter are based upon allowing the identity and personality of the author (and applicant) to emerge naturally through the language.  

When the Dept. of Justice reported that 40% of thieves of companies actually planned theft during the  hiring process, this startling finding did not include the popular and successful theft via legal exploitation:  fraudulent claims of injury, discrimination, sexual harassment, hostile work environment, and so on.  We show business that in the application process, those who intend on cashing in against the company often indicate before they are hired. 

Consider the steps of teaching analysis.  

Begin with the simplest:  gathering a class to teach analysis through a statement in which the instructor knows the outcome. 

To be successful, the instructor must cite principle, its application, and show the students how the statement, itself, is the actual teacher.  

Consider next those in attendance.  

Some are brand new to the world of analysis while others come with decades of successful experience in both using and in teaching analysis.  The former benefit from the latter. 

Now consider the IQ of those in attendance.  Routinely, analysis teams consist of members with stronger intellects than my own, just as many have experiences where I lack.  

See the emerging challenge?

The instructor must be "on his toes" quite a bit here. 


In the world of analysis, repetition is gold.  

I had a statement that is marvelous for teaching that I presented in Seattle, WA, some time ago.  Even after using it over and over, for years, one attendee, who has reached the level of professional expertise but was new then, found a single point no one else had, myself included, in all the years of analyzing it.  

This is the expected. 

Those who must transcribe their interviews (or videos) find this work terribly tedious and time consuming but only learn later that, like the process of osmosis, learning patterns and choice of language, has become a deep part of one self.  The hours that felt vain end up with an instruction that the analyst may even wonder, "how did I know that?" without realizing why a particular pattern was recognized.  It is invaluable.  

Truth is Boring

The first complaint is, "hey, can we please analyze a truthful statement now?" is followed by a second complaint:  "These are boring, can we go back to deception now?" Although comical, it does reveal something to the untrained:  this element is why lying feels awkward.  I do teach truthful statements, eventually, to students, but this is more of a test to make sure they are not "seeing deception" where no deception exists.  

Even while teaching a statement the instructor knows well (what happened, when, why, how, etc) and the outcome (confession) learning continues.  The greater the audience' talent and intellect, the greater the capacity for learning. 

Cold Calling Time

Continue upward with pressure:

Now take a statement submitted by law enforcement and begin to teach it "cold", that is, without prior analysis nor information from the detective.  

More pressure?

Make sure the detective who knows the case file is present and will refuse to divulge information.  

More pressure?

Invite not only experienced investigator/analysts, but instructors.  

This is a recipe for dramatic increases in learning!

The Linguistic Detective 

One final layer of pressure to add in:

Take a team of 12 experienced, intellectual analysts and instructors, include local, federal and state investigators, add in business experience, psychology experts, legal experts, medical, security, etc and present:

A statement mailed to a business that threatens the business with harm (including terrorist threats) and tell the class of experts:

We will successfully assess the level of threat and

we will reveal the identity of the author, himself.  This role of "Linguistic Detective" is both thrilling and fulfilling, with the "thrill" element so strong that it takes time to just process it.  To take an anonymous letter and identify the author is the ultimate expression of our work.  It takes tremendous self discipline and commitment to following principles, which have to be both memorized and with the experience of long term application.  Linguistic pattern recognition can only take place through extensive time.  

What makes the professionals on our teams so special is not their IQs, intellects, areas of expertise and their record of success.  These are all traits they possess in abundance. 

What makes them special; what makes them elite is singular:

It is their humility.  

Humility is a powerful element.  

When you see a man or woman at the top of his or her game, acting like a kid at Christmas, over learning something new, eager to learn and eager to encourage learning in others, you are seeing some of our nation's best and brightest at work. 

I once read that "smart people make others feel smart" and perhaps it is a bit of a stretch, but I get the point:  they do not have a need to use another to feel smart or secure in what they do.  Their comments towards others are always encouraging and even corrections are done with the meekness of one who is grateful for their own learning.  

I have had consistent feedback from new attendees who express both surprise and gratitude for the way they were encouraged in the live training.  

As an instructor, I routinely go into the training cold, and I seek talent and expertise and as I go, although attendees express thankfulness for the learning, I often thank them, wondering...

Do they know how much I have just learned from them?

The learning is not the volume that I received while spending lengthy hours transcribing audio. That learning was invaluable and it was significant.  It slowly seeped into me. 

This is learning that is eye opening, head scratching, "wow!" moments that have become regular, but never routine, nor lessened in exuberance. 

Religion and Politics 

In the years of instructing, plus the years of attending training sessions,  I have yet to see a political or religious dispute within a session. 

Why is this?

Those who enroll in training are a distinct type who come from all walks of life, but share a single driving element that seeks truth. 

I have yet to participate or witness a narrative driven analyst.  Among these professionals, I have never heard, "yes, I see the point but I...", with the injection of personal narrative overruling truth.  Among these, I know personally, are individuals with strong opinions in life, but in analysis, they submit to the statement to learn the truth.  Bias is owned and it is dissected so that its impact can be minimized and eradicated.  

We are beginning a new program where trained analysts will be offered the benefits of teaching in controlled, supportive settings.  

This means that those who have worked hard and have become successfully certified in "Statement Analyst I", will be offered short teaching slots within the live training, using statements that the new teacher knows well.  This will allow these professional men and women the opportunity to grow in ways that Statement Analysis instructors have; it is something unique and something powerful.  

Getting Started on the Road to 100% Accuracy 

Attending a seminar is to set in motion the beginning of a very exciting career move.  

When one is enrolled and under the support of Hyatt Analysis, success can begin on day one after the seminar.


The new analyst knows the basic chords of the guitar.  It is all he or she knows.  He is not ready for The Royal Albert Hall. 

He is, however, equipped with the support of generous professionals who will not only correct the work, but before a suspect is arrested, the new investigator (or human resources, or journalist, or...) is going to have the work proofed.  

In a criminal case, the analysis will not be submitted or used until a professional's eyes have reviewed it. 

This new analyst is going to begin his career batting average of 1.000 with his very first case. 

Hyatt Analysis Services offers:


Law Enforcement Seminars 
Private Business Seminars 
Training for social workers in child and elderly abuse investigations.  
Security and Vetting 

Training at home (approximately 6-12 months) 
Tuition payment plan for Law Enforcement only  

We offer subcontracting services for:

Employment Analysis to weed out the deceptive and those who intend to exploit. All the questions the government will not allow you to ask, we get answers to without asking.  Those who will abuse, rob or exploit your company, risking both money and reputation, we identify before you hire them. With others, we give you the specific questions to ask in order to hire the best and brightest. 

Those who apply for a job who intend to later file suit, or who have criminal history that you cannot spot, is revealed within their own language.  

Any company with turnover at the entry level is at the highest risk for legalized exploitation.  

For Law Enforcement:  we show how to discern those who will be excellent civil servants from those likely to bruise the reputation of the department by the use of unjust violence or other inappropriate behaviors.  They harm their community and bring disrepute to law enforcement everywhere.  

Anonymous Author Identification for businesses and individuals under threat.  This can save money, insurance, reputation and legal costs. 

Litigation Assistance 

We assist attorneys with far more information than a polygraph can reveal.  


Journalists are given full analysis and the exclusive use of the analysis.  

Investigative Television

News programs who wish the truth in specific cases where analysis can show truth from deception


  1. Peter, do you find yourself mentally doing statement analysis on everything people say to you, as well as on everything you say to other people, in routine social interactions?

    Do practitioners of SA make inside-jokes about it among themselves? For example, at a party, if you were to offer a student of yours another piece of cake, would the student jokingly say, "Would I like another piece of cake? I would never take a second helping!" Or if a student were to ask you where the bathroom is, would you say, "We don't believe you'll find it at the second door on the left or anything"?

  2. Peter,

    It's nice to come across a teacher who truly loves what they teach. Your enthusiasm is infectious. Your passion for justice is inspiring. Your excitement is motivating. Good teachers teach. Great teachers inspire.
