Friday, September 14, 2012

Baby Kate: Letter from Father Confesses to Crime

Michigan 22-year-old Sean Phillips is serving 10-15 years for abducting his daughter Kate, who has been missing for more than a year, and is the lead suspect in her presumed death.
But a five-page handwritten letter, written two months ago and published for the first time today, blows the mysterious case open as Phillips admits to killing his baby and reveals what he did with her body, though claims it was all a terrible accident.

This is the entire text of the letter and is useful for analysis principles, even as it is reported to be a confession of murder.   Take note of when his pronouns appear and when they do not as distancing language.  The first thing an analyst does before reading a statement is to circle the pronouns, and making circles where pronouns are missing. 
This is what you want, ok. I always felt that I needed to do this in person. That you deserved that, and that we would both need each other for that.

Also didn't feel safe writing these things anyways. Still dont, but this can't wait any longer.

I think I could even make it though talking about that day here now.

I cry trying to talk about much less. I just wanted to leave that day Ariel. I was surprised when you opened my door and that you could have even made it down there fast enough to catch me. That and almost everything I don't think I need to say or do you actually believe the shit you told them?
When I brought you back I didn't park, so that you would just get out and not pull any more shit to try to keep me there longer. Even when you sat there with the door open and foot out and I had to interrupt you three times with "I don't care" before you got out. You said something like "whatever fuck you" and "I'm gonna ruin your life" then walked around and spent a minute getting Kate out.
I was pretending to be busy why my phone or something so you would hopefully just leave me alone. Heard the door shut, saw you walk off. Your hands in front of you not on your sides. Like you were holding Kate. I drove away. A blonde lady by the office and I looked at each other as I passed.
There was some stuff I wanted to get done in town but I was tired and hung over and trying to decide whether to put it off till another time. Stopped at Wendy's to get something to eat and for time to make up my mind, but mostly to piss.

The phone kept ringing there. I went back to the car and ate. The whole time that fucking phone wouldn't stop ringing. I could feel through my shorts to hit the volume button to silence a call, but the seat was too far up for me to get it out of my pocket to make it stop ringing because the car seat was in the way. It was driving me crazy and I was so mad at you. For that day for everything lately, for everything ever maybe ever.
When I tried to move the seat back to get the phone it was blocked by that car seat and I was pissed that you left it in there just to try to make me bring it back later. So pissed that I got out and was going to just throw it out into that area between Burger King.

I pulled but it was jammed between the seats. That just made it worse. I grabbed it at the top and ripped it out as hard as I could. She was thrown from it. I didn't know. I'm so sorry.
Held her for a long time. Seemed like forever. Maybe an hour, maybe a minute. Might not have been long. I can't explain a lot. Some things can only be lived. In a way I couldn't understand it. It didn't seem real. I didn't want it to be. It felt like falling, and like my head would explode. Couldn't think. Couldn't do anything. It eventually sunk in or something. I started crying. Couldn't stop. I've never cried that hard, seemed like my throat was closing. Mind was racing, yet I couldn't think. I guess I was in shock. I never even tried to help her. Never even thought to. Just sat there, holding her. I don't think anything could have been done.
Still I used to hate myself for not trying. Think I was there an hour and that after like a half hour and that it wasn't till right before I left that I realized calling 911. It was to late. I wouldn't be able to talk. I wouldn't know what to say anyways. I couldn't bring myself to pick up that phone. Scared of it and of the world. In a way I felt like it had killed her. You and it. I needed to believe I didn't hurt her that it was all your fault.

That sounds wrong, but I can't explain it right. A part of me knew I was losing Haley too. When I realized how long I must have been there seemed like even less of an option. I never decided to leave or anything. There was this urge or something I can't explain. Needed to get away from there or just do something, anything.
I drove, not to anywhere or for any reason. Just drove. A few things I suddenly realized I was driving, but couldn't remember how I came to be or where I was. Almost crashed twice. The second time I stopped and pulled off the road. I needed out of that car, and I just walked off. After a while I stopped.

For the first time I could think some. Thought about Kate. Her smile, the way she looks around. Everything, what should have been. Id held her all this time, couldn't bring myself to really look at her though I did now. I wanted to kill you. I cried. I cried until I somehow couldn't anymore.  I was walking and lost.  Couldn't hardly breathe.

Thought about sitting down and waiting to die of dehydration. Felt close. Then I was driving and for the first time I realized I had left her. I wanted to die. Couldn't bring myself to crash but didn't try not to . No seatbelt, paying no attention. Almost did once, instinct or whatever made me save it. Another time I almost hit another car. After that I drove normal, couldn't bear the thought of hurting anyone else while trying to hurt myself. 

Then I was close to home and drying of thirst. Tried to detach myself. Already was in some way.

Went home to be alone and to get a drink. Stood in the middle of my room. Was still there for a while thought about taking my gun and leaving. Me, not you anymore. Wanted to go to you but I wasn't ready for that.
My mom bothered me about the phone again and I knew I had to return the call. I just needed to be alone. I wasn't ready to talk to anyone. Just said you should have her. Its true. Only wanted them to go away, when that didn't happen I thought I had just committed to that story. That to change it would throw away any chance I had. That they would never believe me because of it being that day. And never believe how she came to be left there. Also figured it a reasonable story.
I didn't think they could keep me for more than a couple days at the most. That didn't happen. When I met Annette I begged to talk to you alone. They said no. Paul made it clear he doesn't give a shit about me or Kate or you. They weren't willing to let me talk to them not that I would. I needed you. Not Tom Posma in a cold room on video. They even tried everything to keep me from talking to you about that day. I didn't accept that I wasn't getting out and getting to talk to you till about 2 weeks + in.
After the first couple days it had seemed harder to do the right thing. I expected to be let out after the prelim. It crushed me. Like you just implied that you really don't give a fuck about Kate, only who does and does not get in trouble. And right before that I got Kenny, April dads interviews. They all said you don't act like your child is missing or anything.
Then you were always trying to get recordings for court and saying stupid shit on phones. At that point I wanted you to go to prison.
Before then, I'm sorry I lied about Kate being ok. I wanted to tell you the truth so bad, to hold you, to be held. I said that because I thought you would do something then. Couldn't believe you wouldn't just get me the fuck out or make them allow us to talk.
For a long time blocked that day and Kate from my mind. Almost refused to acknowledge it to myself. Eventually I thought I would just never tell you what happened. It had already been so long w/o me being able to. That changed. The day I was found innocent I was going to go to you.
It was a long time before I started thinking about her and that day. The nightmares, panic attacks, nothing would get better. Think about it all was horrible, but it has helped. I use to hear my heart racing and almost collapse just from seeing a picture of her. I can smile now. I can remember her the way you do, and not another way as well.
I don't' think you could ever understand. Some things I don't completely. I never decided to pick her up. Never decided to call or not call 911, or to leave, or to set her down. It was like I was watching these things, not doing them, not sure what I'm seeing.
The only time I thought and anything was ? was when I was standing outside and then from when I almost hit that car. I wasn't dumping a body, wasn't like that at all. I want her buried too. I don't know where she was left. Some idea. Feel like I could get there. No, its not some fucking swamp or lake. I know if they had left me alone I would have came to you that day.
I was thrown into the worst possible thing at the worst possible time. Everything just happened, and I never had the chance to do the right thing.
There's been other letters to you. Ones that never were sent. Oddly this one has done the worst of all in telling you, yet its the one Im making myself send. If I don't again then when? There will never be one I feel right with. These things mostly need to be talked about in person. Annette has the original, tear soaked one. Addressed to you, only it includes that lie about me thinking you could have possibly killed her.
Theres still a lot things I don't understand. 90% of the things you told them were lies. Some things I don't know if it was me or them you lied to them some other things. At the time it was something how you used her and acted a lot of the time like you could give a fuck less about her.
How you kept dragging out the adoption, which would just make it harder on her. Couldn't believe you wanted to do that test before finishing the adoption that day, just to make me pay. I never once thought you had any intention whatsoever of keeping her.
Still don't know why

so many of the things you did said or whatever. Blamed for so long. Theres so many stupid little things that could have made such a difference. things as small as a phone call or using the bathroom.

Both of us fucked up some. Id give anything to go back. To that day, January, the summer I went to Georgia.
I want my parents to know. Things spouses tell each other is confidence cant be made to testify. But we aren't married yet in the eyes of the government. Then hearsay cant be used, so if you told then it would be hearsay as it didnt come from me. But Grand Jury can sometimes allow hearsay. Could you ask your attorney about that stuff? If you want to ask me things try to do it all at once. So we arent hearing incriminating stuff more than we need to.
Out of time for mail. Destroy theses. We'll talk.


  1. Sounds like a young, pressured, antagonized father who was boxed in. Instead of turning the phone off, getting out of the car and walking it off, he threw out the baby.

    Their squabbles were more important is what I gathered.

    Isn't that so much like people you read online? Hoping to find a quarrel or start one so something like this will happen.

    1. The squabbles were the most important element of his story, very true...
      And, this is, in fact, a "story about" rather than an "account of" what took place.

      In no way is this story a confession. He takes absolutely no responsibility for his actions before, during, OR after Kate's death.
      He colors every detail of what happened as conspiring to cause the end result, portraying himself as the hapless guy this all "happened to".
      It makes me sick.
      All this did NOT "happen to HIM" "happened" to the BABY.
      The baby whom his STORY is supposed to be ABOUT!!!

    2. You are right, and summed it up so well.

  2. My guess at Dropped Pronouns.

    Also didn't feel safe writing these things anyways. Still dont, but this can't wait any longer.

    Still dont, but this can't wait any longer.

    Heard the door shut, saw you walk off.

    Stopped at Wendy's to get something to eat .Held her for a long time.

    Couldn't think. Couldn't do anything.

    Couldn't stop.

    Mind was racing.

    Never even thought to. Just sat there.
    Scared of it and of the world.
    Needed to get away from there or just do something, anything.

    Just drove.

    Almost crashed twice.

    Thought about Kate.

    Couldn't hardly breathe.

    Thought about sitting down and waiting to die of dehydration. Felt close.

    Couldn't bring myself to crash but didn't try not to .

    Almost did once,

    couldn't bear the thought of hurting anyone else while trying to hurt myself.

    Tried to detach myself. Already was in some way.

    Went home to be alone and to get a drink. Stood in the middle of my room. Was still there for a while thought about taking my gun and leaving. Me, not you anymore. Wanted to go to you but I wasn't ready for that.

    Just said you should have her.

    Only wanted them to go away.

    Couldn't believe you wouldn't just get me the fuck out or make them allow us to talk.

    For a long time blocked that day and Kate from my mind. Almost refused to acknowledge it to myself

    Still don't know why.

    1. If you put "I" in front of most of the statements above and in the middle of some sentences we find he is taking possession of his words,not taking possession shows distance and or possible deception..

  3. "When I tried to move the seat back to get the phone it was blocked by that car seat and I was pissed that you left it in there just to try to make me bring it back later. So pissed that I got out and was going to just throw it out into that area between Burger King.

    I pulled but it was jammed between the seats. That just made it worse. I grabbed it at the top and ripped it out as hard as I could. She was thrown from it. I didn't know. I'm so sorry."


    I don't understand what he is proclaiming happened? He didn't see the baby in the car seat? When he pulled the car seat out, the baby was thrown from the seat? She died from that?

    None of that makes any sense. I can't figure out how he pulled the car seat out, by hand, if it was buckled in properly. I can't figure out how the baby was thrown from the seat, if she was buckled in properly.

    I sadly think the grabbing and ripping and throwing of "it" --- "it" was not the car seat...

    1. I think that's why he added towards the beginning how the gf fooled around in the back before she walked away. He was preparing you for an excuse that at that time the gf actually unbuckled the baby, but then walked away. Blaming the girlfriend for his ultimate actions.

    2. You said something like "whatever f*** you" and "I'm gonna ruin your life" then walked around and spent a minute getting Kate out.

      Ironic also that he includes how the Mother also threatened to ruin his life, then spent a minute to get Kate out. He is attempting to be the victim at the hands of the Mother of his child who pushed him to have an "accident" ... he's explaining why it's really her fault, not his.

      What a pig.

  4. Not my analysis of the letter, but some added info, that may shed light on his letter.
    This is so tragically sad. Two young people not equipped to be parents. On Mlive there is the entire case, in articles.

    Today mother is in the news, 20 yrs old, she is going to marry Phillips. She believes marrying him, her then allowed to see him behind bars, will lead her to answers. I watched the YT of the initial 911 call, you can watch/listen to it here:

    Reading Phillips letter, and re-listening to the 911 call, this became a perfect storm.
    The mother is as guilty in my mind. The wavering of playing the adoption game, no your going to take the DNA test, she going back and forth, where she was in control, of the papers. She had already signed her daughter off for adoption. Holding on to the papers why? to wait for the DNA results? She then saying, opposite, I am keeping Kate, going to make your life hell. At 20 yrs old, or 21, isn't his life already hell? her's too? Both too young to be parents. This is the mental state of a 20 yr old, using a baby as leverage. They in the news already have a 4 yr old daughter, they share custody of. Phillips states he was hung over, the day he had Baby Kate in his car. Was he? hung over or was he still intoxicated, adding to the madness. He drinking himself into a stupor the night before, the DNA test to be that day. Or was it because she/mother was riding him like the dog she thinks he is on the cell phone, the day prior. The 911 call, I listened to it again, does she sound " focused" on Baby Kate? her daughters welfare? No, she is offering information to the Operator pinning Phillips to the wall, he self made wall, regarding the events that were to take place. That didn't. She say's he already took the test, that she and the baby were to go for their appt, to take the test, he to drive them. She claims, she forgot something, went away from the car, he drove off with Baby. * there is missing information here, from mother, which I think that there is truth in Phillips letter above. In the 911 call there is no sense of urgency for Baby Kate, only for her to telegraph her side of what truly is the determination of custody, not DNA. She to know? 100 percent, he was the father, yet she played him leading up to the event of the tests. (I am keeping Kate, no I am not, I am giving her up, no I am not, love Her Sean, fall in love with her, NO, I am giving her up, ) Flipping him sideways, everything that led up to the day of the tests, add alcohol and her constant phone calls, txts. He snapped. He writes his anger towards the mother, he wanted to kill her, not the baby.

    She was taunting him, with a piece of paper. She signed off HER daughter for adoption, and yet remained on him taking the DNA tests, she is quoted saying the reason for the DNA tests, were to continue the baby's medicaid insurance. Never heard of this in my life, your baby cannot be insured unless you have DNA tests. This is a he said, she said, case. The Baby became the Pawn.
    Ms. Courtland is on the stand on YT's and her testimonies are under scrutiny, as much as Phillips are. She is to marry him, pressers say she is not allowed to see him/speak with him, unless she is immediate family. She is the mother of his 4 yr old, isn't this considered immediate family? This poor little baby was brought into this world, by two young people, that were barely raised themselves. The mother to play God, as she was, for 4 months, telling Phillips, I will allow you to see her, as I will what(?) remove her too, sending her away with Social Services, not your decision to make.

  5. Thanks Vita! I don't know too much about this case, besides the letter above. I'll have to do some research.

  6. Both of beautiful baby Kate's parents are pieces of garbage.
    They both had a hand in neglecting and abusing her, in order to carry on their twisted and dysfunctional relationship "game"... I wish they could BOTH be held accountable for her murder!

  7. When I tried to move the seat back to get the phone it was blocked by that car seat and I was pissed that you left it in there just to try to make me bring it back later. So pissed that I got out and was going to just throw it out into that area between Burger King.

    I pulled but it was jammed between the seats. That just made it worse. I grabbed it at the top and ripped it out as hard as I could. She was thrown from it. I didn't know. I'm so sorry.
    He in the driver seat, pushes his seat back, to grab the phone, his driver seat hit's the Car Seat, the Car seat preventing him from moving his seat further back. His next said, I was pissed at you for leaving it in the car, so Mother was in the car? prior to he driving off?

    His said, I was pissed that you left it in there just to try to make me bring it back later. This eludes that baby was NOT in the car seat or in the car. His written, I was pissed THAT you left it in there, just to try to make me bring it back later. Was then the mother that placed baby in the car, her car seat, not Sean's, it needed to be returned.

    His written, He got out, he then got out of his car, he no longer in his driver seat, OR he got of out, drove out, of the Wendy's parking lot? and his thoughts were to Just throw it out into that area between the Burger King. He then was driving, fast food row, He did reach to do it, but the car seat was stuck, between the seats, meaning his driver seat and the back seat.

    He wrote, I grabbed it at the top and ripped it out as hard as I could. She was thrown from it.
    He grabbed either the casing or the liner of the car seat, Ripped it out as hard as he could. No room for Baby to go, driver seat the barricade, no space in between. She was thrown from it, how could she be thrown, if she was strapped in? I don't believe Baby Kate was in the car, at this time. His next written is his delusion, Held her for a long time. Seemed like forever. Maybe an hour, maybe a minute. Might not have been long. Some things can only be lived. In a way I couldn't understand it.

    His account I believe is scrambled, he was enraged that the CAR seat was left, not the baby, she is not said to be in the seat. He says SHE after the thought of throwing it out, which I believe he meant road side, the seat to remind Him of his did, what he did to Kate, prior to going to Wendy's. He did whatever he did, with Kate, prior to his said, he " stopped" in town. " I went back to the car and ate" he walked into the Wendy's, he didn't go through the drive through, why? because of cameras?

    The phone kept ringing there. I went back to the car and ate. The whole time that fucking phone wouldn't stop ringing. This to intensify his rage, because he had already rid the baby, moo. "I was so mad at you. For that day for everything lately, for everything ever maybe ever". Whatever transpired in the days leading up to, created him into a ticking bomb, that he was triggered by? words said by mother the day of the DNA test. He did what with baby? he held her, he cannot say for how long, how tight? I think Baby was smothered, and he freaked and he took her and left her in a place, that only he knows. The If I cannot have you, she cannot either, comes into place here. Not that his fear or anxiety was that she be with her mother, or if he was the bio father, but the hanging over his head, she mother would hand Kate over for adoption. She bantering this back and forth with him, she rolling the dice for her advantages, her said threats to him, I am going to make your life hell. What bigger hell would be, to know for 9 mos, you are having a baby, you have a baby for 4 months, fall in love with, and have the Bio Mom threatening every other time you turn, I am not keeping her. One day, she isn't going to be here. So he sped up the process, he made the choice for her. No one to have the baby.

  8. Either I am getting older and my reading comprehension is dwindling or people just can't communicate. I found Sean Phillips letter and some of the post comments nearly impossible to read, let alone understand.

    1. Thank you , especially vita's she has no idea how to comprehend what she read, not to mention her grammer.

  9. - Vita, he's saying that he (supposedly) thought the mother took the baby out of her car seat, and left/walked away with the baby:

    "I was pretending to be busy why my phone or something so you would hopefully just leave me alone. *Heard the door shut, saw you walk off. Your hands in front of you not on your sides. Like you were holding Kate.* I drove away."

    - Then he goes on about the phone ringing, the car seat in his way. He (supposedly) thought she left the car seat on purpose, just so he'd have to bring it back to her. He didn't know the baby was in the car seat.

    BUT, how could he have not seen the baby when he got out? Got out to rip the car seat out. How did he physically rip the car seat out if it was buckled and latched in properly? How was the baby thrown from the seat, if she was buckled into the seat properly? The car seat it buckled to the car by the car seat belt, the baby is buckled into the cat seat, with the car-seat belt - two seperate buckles.

    Maybe he really didn't know AT FIRST the baby was in there, but I think she was, and he had to have seen her, before "ripping" the seat out (which doesn't even make sense).

    His story is confusing. I think there is some truth to it, and some lies. He's looking for a way to say that he did kill the baby, but trying to make the act itself look like an accident.

    I understand all the stress she seems to have been putting on him, but like I said, I need to do more research.

    1. MisUnderstood

      I don't believe for a second that he didn't know that baby Kate was in that car seat. I think this was a clear case of rage between the "so called" parents. He lost it and killed the baby. Now he's trying to distance himself from it to assuage his guilt. The number of dropped pronouns in his statements clearly show that. He physically harmed that baby, and at one point he blames that, his actions, on the mother. Neither one of them were ready to have a child IMO. Now she's marrying him? Kind of reminds me of Ronald Cummings - keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Yeah right.

  10. It is confusing, the letter. Why? because he is writing as if he is talking out loud, to himself. His out loud talking is mixed, this written to the receiver of the letter " Mother Ariel". Us reading it, this letter not meant for others, is his transmission to Her, his way.

    He writes within, a testimony, his own, of the events, his recall. It's alike a diary mixed with a testimony, confession. Confusing for us yes, how confusing though for Ariel?

    1. Made sense for the rest of us!!!!!

  11. It's hard for me to believe that killing the baby was an accident, but he had the presence of mind to remove the babies clothing before dumping the body, and place them in his pocket. If you had 'totally lost it', I think you would have just dumped the body and moved on. He also seems to be in agreement with marrying the mother, and telling her everything, because he thinks then she can't/won't testify against him.

  12. Assuming the seat is buckled in properly and in the back seat, most seats being forward facing there is no way in heck he could not see her.

    The truth is there to see if you know where to look.

    She was thrown
    This Is strong.
    SHE not KATE, indicates distancing.
    He doesn't tell us she was thrown from the chair so we can't assume.
    He tells us SHE WAS THROWN

    There is no mention of accidentally from the chair, no mention of accident, Plain and simply he tells us what happened.

    Childen are not thrown accidentally from car seats if buckled in properly.
    Car seats are designed explicitly to prevent this happening in a crash.

    When you read the letter most of the dropped pronouns are around the time she was killed, he doesn't take ownership of what he says so we can't either.
    Notice also after he says i walked singular yet he then says he was carrying her.Again distancing from Kate his victim.

    She was set in a peaceful place.
    She was set sounds like he had done a ceremoney and was gently placed.
    Peaceful place meaning unlikely to be found easily?
    What is his definition of peaceful place?

    I wasn't dumping a body, wasn't like that at all.
    A body not her body?
    What was it like then?

    Throughout his letter there is the blaming of the mom, the phone , everyone else for what happened.
    if they had left him alone it would never have happened. therefore it's your fault Kate is dead.

    I still think he has a good idea where he left her.
    He is using the location to keep control to have power over the mom.
    it is his only weapon, he has the knowledge and if she wants her daughter's remains back sh will do what he demands.

    I understand they are married, she perhaps to get access to him and maybe knowledge.
    It won't work.
    As long as he keeps the remains hidden he is in control.
    the moment he talks it is all over, he will face another trial and will never get out.
    Should he be released and they are still togeather there will be another perfect storm.
    She riding him to get the body back, him attacking her for nagging, it will end in tears and probably death.

    Peter has my anaysis, maybe he wll put it up so you can read and see if you agree or not of he thinks it is worthy of reading.
    Peter can put it up in one lump rather than my 3 or more mini lumps


      Egg donor had given her story. She was in the back seat for a few minutes unbuckling baby Kate, then decided to get out to get the stroller. Sean said in the letter that she walked away with her arms in front of her like she was hold Kate. She left Kate in the car, unbuckled, with a man in a rage! He pulled away with Kate in the car.

      I have a few problems. How did he not hear baby Kate make some sounds while he was driving? I believe they are both lying and another innocent baby is an angel much too soon. It is only my faith that she is forever protected and loved in the arms of God that helps me not breakdown. This is heart breaking.


      Hopefully a better link.

      Sperm donor needs to tell what he did with baby Kate. She deserves to be laid to rest with dignity and respect.

      What will become of their other child. I pray that child is safe from Ariel. She is an unstable narcissist who loves the attention. That poor baby is in danger with her or having visitation with her.

    3. Hobnob, you're always so insightful. I enjoy your reading your comments. I hope someday to be able to do a statement analysis as well as you do.

      There is another link (I'm afraid to post lol) to an article with Ariel saying she decided to not marry Sean.

      The same article quotes the warden as saying he wouldn't allow visitation even if they were married. He stated that allowing the mother of the victim to visit the prisioner would not help in his rehabilation. Ariel said the warden didn't allow it because SHE was the victim.

      Another one of the Casey Anthony me, me, me, me, me.

    4. They aren't married yet, but it is public record that she recently applied for a marriage certificate in Michigan bearing her name and that of Sean Phillips.

    5. Not bad, except I think she had something to do with it and he is trying to get her back by not ratting her out. He obviously is infatuated with her. The other thing is even forward facing car seats have to be turned around based on childs age height weight etc.

    6. But what if the mother had unbuckled kate & the car seat & turned it to remove it but acted like she did so she could report him for child abduction to set him up...I know ppl can act crazy when they use a child as a revenge tool...theres so many theories without a body to do an autopsy on...the whole situation is sad & to me it sounds like he was only trying to relay this info to Baby Kates mom because he felt he needed to get it off his chest...but he asked her to destroy why lie in it but ask her to destroy it so it stays between them

    7. They also have fancy car seat covers to fully cover young babies so he might havd not seen her if he was in a rage & she had a zip cover on I said there are so many scenerios sadly

  13. Hobnob, I hope to read your analysis, as well as Peters. I agree with most of your comment; I always enjoy your comments. The only thing is, how old was Kate? She probably WAS in a rear facing seat. That is the only reason why I can say, he MIGHT not have known she was still in it, at first. Once he got out, to "rip" the car seat out, I can't see any way that he didn't see her in the seat.

  14. There are so many dropped pronouns in this statement. Is this just his normal style of writing/speaking? Is he distancing himself because of the guilt? It appears to me he is not committing to most of what is contained here.

    He says "I can't explain a lot." Why not?

    He does not clearly say he killed her or that he killed her by accident, but that seems to be the point he is trying to present.

    If he is saying that he ripped the carseat out (why would a carseat with a baby in it be "jammed between the seats"?) and the baby flew out -aside from the obvious, how could you not see that the baby was in the seat?- it seems unlikely that that would kill a baby. It's possible but it seems unlikely. Babies are delicate but they do fall in accidents and survive every day.

    Was the baby not buckled in?

    What if the event happened as he described, but unknown to him the baby was already injured, dying at the time, because of something the mother did as she was pretending to get her out of her carseat, as she was saying "I'm gonna ruin your life"?


    He says he did not think of calling 911 until it was too late. How could this not have occurred to him?

    He says he never even tried to help her, never even thought to. How could he not have even thought to help the baby?

    He says he didn't think she would have made it anyway. How would he know this? How could he even guess at it?

    He is saying that he can't remember many parts of what he did that day. Was he too stoned to be aware of what he was doing? Or is he hiding information?

    Finally, seems like the theme of dehydration/thirst is repeated:
    "I stopped and pulled off the road. I needed out of that car, and I just walked off"
    "Thought about sitting down and waiting to die of dehydration."
    "Then I was close to home and drying of thirst."
    "Went home to be alone and to get a drink."

    Peter, I hope you will post a detailed analysis of this statement. It's very confusing and complicated.

    1. Your confused about someone being thirsty? Umm ok, that is probably the one normal thing he wrote, and this is a letter he sent to someone not something he posted online

    2. A person with a hangover is always this is not a strange occurence...he stated he was hungover

  15. MissUnderstoodSeptember 14, 2012 12:24 PM
    Hobnob, I hope to read your analysis, as well as Peters. I agree with most of your comment; I always enjoy your comments. The only thing is, how old was Kate? She probably WAS in a rear facing seat. That is the only reason why I can say, he MIGHT not have known she was still in it, at first. Once he got out, to "rip" the car seat out, I can't see any way that he didn't see her in the seat.

    Hi Missunderstood.
    We cannot assume anything, we can only read what is written.
    It is possible it was a rear facing seat,however most car seats are the traditional forward facing.
    whichever way the seat was facing he would have known she was there. his reckless driving would have upset her, moving the seat would have revealed her weight and if he was pulling at it it again would have casued her to react.

    he doesn't take ownership of events around the time so neityher can we. he doesn't take ownership beuase of guilty knowledge or fear of consequences.
    All through his letter he doesn't accept any blame for what happened, it was Ariels, the phone, everything that he blames rather than where the blame for her death really lies, which is himself.
    he tells us what happened he tells us why.
    he tells us what he wants to do and why he wants to do it.
    Not marry for love but because spouses can't be forced to testify against each other.

    Where is the concern for the victim in all this, it is a power struggle between mom and dad, it always was, is now and always will be. She is gone, forget about her, i want to own you, control you, have you in my power.

    1. If you look at coverage of the trial, where the car seat was given as evidence, it WAS a rear facing car seat.

  16. I find his mention of "dying of thirst", "dying of dehydration" and "getting a drink" to be "unexpected" when someone is describing leaving their dead baby in the woods somewhere. Could he have possibly left Kate alone in the car, and she died of heat stroke? Especially if his capacity was diminished in some way from still being drunk, hungover, rageful towards the mother etc. He did say he went into the Wendy's without knowing she was in the car. He also drops pronouns from several phrases like "couldn't hardly breath".

    I would think if he truly believed being thrown from a carseat is what killed her, there would be a more descriptive experiential memory, considering the force and violence that would have taken. Instead a very small part of the account is given to "she was thrown from it. i didn't know. i'm so sorry." with the rest of his statement just being a rambling accounting of what he claims to have experienced post mortem and who is to blame.

    1. Regarding the thirst/drinking imagery,
      I would agree with this line of reasoning EXCEPT:

      Why on earth would he make up this improbable story of "accidentally" throwing Kate to her death... when he could just as easily have GONE WITH the "accidentally" left Kate in the car, not knowing she was there, excuse for her death??
      This would be more likely to be viewed as "accidental" AND would be just as easy to blame on the mother "not telling him" that Kate was being left with him, etc...

      Maybe the thirst/drinking imagery in his liar's tale, is more representative of his guilty knowledge that his DRINKING [alcohol] is at the center of what lead to Kate's death at his hands?
      It surely means *something* to him, since he found it important enough to mention THREE TIMES about HIS "thirst" and/or "need to drink", in a story that is supposedly about "what happened to KATE"!

    2. I don't believe her death was as accidental as that, but his words lead me to believe neglect of some sort, maybe not just leaving her accidentally in a hot car. I agree with you that he probably would have very eagerly gone along with an 'accidental' hot car story considering the amount of blame he places on the mother, the phone driving him crazy, etc. for his rage towards his daughter.

      The other thing that stuck with me also was at the end he mentioned 'stupid things that could have made such a difference' and defines things as a phone call and a trip to bathroom. This seems sensitive to him, as he reported constant phone ringing, and using the bathroom at Wendy's right before whatever happened to his daughter.

      The start of his account regarding the argument seems much less fragmented than the latter part. As soon as he begins describing events after the mother left the car, he begins dropping pronouns, and writing in sentences fragments. Its almost like that is a 'stream of conciousness' type of confession than one from actual memory.

  17. About the carseat comment from HobNob. Being that the carseat was in the way of how his seat was sitting although I realize it has not been directly said, the carseat rear facing would interfere with his seat. If it was forward facing it would not have changed how his seat rode. Also state laws say rear facing to 1 year and 20lbs. Being that she was so young I think it's well beyond reasonable to say that she was in fact rear facing. Personally, I think it's all hogwash. I think he was mad at threw her out. The feeling of the letter is just all off. Makes my hinky meter go through the roof.

  18. All car seats are supposed to be rear facing until the infant is approx one year of age(depending on the state), at which point the seat can be turned forward.

  19. The car seat is a moot point because if it was in fact in the back seat, regardless of which direction it was facing, it would not have impeded the front seat from sliding back. If for some reason it was in the front between the passenger and driver-which it shouldn't have been-there may be some validity to his story.

    He pleads for her affection, blames her, can't beleive she caught him doing something devious (which is where the real problem lies), admits he had a hangover (Possibly a reoccurring dilema for him), and did nothing after tossing her from the car seat other than hold her.

    He can't beleive he did that, so he looks for someone else that could have possibly done it.

    Why the phone. Why the phone. Why the phone????

    The phone kept ringing, and ringing, and ringing. He had a hangover...ringing, ringing, ringing..

    He's suicidal, then homicidal.

    Mom calls again.

  20. Thanks Child Advocate for finding that the mother had unbuckled the car seat. That might explain the non stop calling/phone ringing from mother to father.

    Hobnob, thanks for the reply. I also noticed all the blame being placed elsewhere.

    Regarding the "dying of thirst", didn't he just go into Wendy's to urinate, and get something to eat. He didn't get a drink? Meal deal?

    Anonymous 4:38, yes I wonder what he meant by:

    "I was surprised when you opened my door and that you could have even made it down there fast enough to catch me."

    What did she catch him doing and when?

    One thing though, a rear facing car seat can interfere with the space/room from it, to the seat in front of it. Especially depending on the height/size of the person in the front seat. To me, that part of the story is probably true.

  21. Sorry, I think my time is different. I guess that was to Anon at 7:38 (it shows the time as 4:38 to me).

  22. MissUnderstood,

    Did he go into to wendys?

    These are his words.

    " Stopped at Wendy's to get something to eat and for time to make up my mind, but mostly to piss."

    He drops the pronoun "I" which shows lack of conviction and possession of his words distancing himself from it.

    Why would he distance himself?

    So i wonder did he go there?

    1. Yes he stopped at Wendy's to eat. He had a reciept time stamped for 1:17. LE found it in his car.

  23. Just a thought...a rear-facing car seat will affect how the front seat sits if the car is small enough. We used to have a Plymouth Horizon and if the baby seat was behind a front seat where someone was sitting, that person always had to slide their seat forward and not lean it back at all.

    Also, I read somewhere that a paragraph or group of sentences written in short, staccato style, often with dropped pronouns or with fragmented sentences, will often be used to show a subject who has problems with (among other things) racing thoughts or stress. I don't know much about this case, but it does seem that he is under considerable stress. I am not experienced enough in Statement Analysis to tell if it is stress related to the accidental death and cover-up, or if it is stress from murder and its subsequent cover-up.

    1. brosnanfan - The position of the car seat has less meaning for me than how he could not see the child was still IN the car seat. That, to me, can't be explained away. Rear face, front face, it doesn't matter. Nobody could rip a car seat out of a car without realizing a child is sitting in it. I don't believe this was an accident. It was a crime of rage against a child. A child that was only 8 months old.

      I hope he sits where he is for a LONG time.

    2. I don't believe it was an accident and I hope I didn't give that impression. I was just pointing out that in a small car, it IS possible for the people in the front seat to be made uncomfortable by a rear-facing baby seat in the back seat.

      I think he is guilty of murdering the baby. I was just clarifying what it feels like for people who might not have had the experience of baby seats and small cars. There's no way, in a small car, that you can't know a baby seat is in the back and, likewise, when there is or is not a baby in it. Once a baby is a certain height and they push against the back seat with their feet, the rear-facing baby seat will then push against the front seat. You'll know it. I don't believe he didn't know the baby was in the car, it just doesn't make sense. Just clarifying.

    3. After rereading the letter, I think he murdered the baby and then came up with this implausible story to color his actions as an "accident". Accidents CAN happen, but after taking another look I don't think that is so in this case.

  24. John,

    I see what you're saying. He does not take possession of going into Wendys. He does then go on though, to say:

    "The phone kept ringing there. I went back to the car and ate."

    He seems to take possession of going back to the car and eating.

    That's why this letter is so confusing! I can't wait to see the analysis. Maybe it has something to do with what brosnanfan mentioned. Plus besides the form being confusing, there are general things that don't make sense (that Vita pointed out, probably DO make sense to Ariel though)...

  25. @MissUnderstood
    Perhaps he wasn't doing anything. Upon re-reading, it is possible they lived within a couple of miles of each other. It sounded like adoption papers needed to be signed and he was avoiding the issue. They had baby together, no marriage, no relationship.

    "Catch me" is something I first thought sinister as he is still lying and blaming and reeling her in to bury the baby. He still only accepts half the blame and wishes to place blame on her as well.

    Apparently, they have never located the body. If she remains a combative companion, then he may reveal the location.(driving me crazy and I was so mad at you. For that day for everything lately, for everything ever maybe ever.
    ) Obviously, the baby isn't between Burger King and .......Surely they've looked there.
    Which direction he drove after that is unknown, but I'd guess he made a left hand turn somewhere or ran two stop signs. Walked some distance, enough for a hangover and cottonmouth, but perhaps not that far off the highway. (Perhaps checking calls on drunken drivers that day may reveal a possible location if he almost hit someone). He knows where she is, that much I am certain. If he is a habitual drinker or drub abuser, his memory may not be that great. What he explains when her death occurs does sound like shock. It also sounds like denial. If he is shocked by seeing a dead baby, then it would seem as if he were never there. He loses time he says. Doesn't know how long he held her.

    Still, I can't see ripping the car seat out and tossing her. I can see leaving it on the roof and driving off or something. How could he have ripped it up and out and her not fall into the car? Did he give it a fling not reconizing the additional weight? Isn't there a buckle prior to the car buckle? The seat would have needed to have been forward if it had any height at all to clear the headrest and roof of the car.

    Granted, the baby may have been killed in a fit of rage not aimed at the child. But, he appears to have tried something else instead of acknowledging what had occurred, even if it were a bad mistake. He has to keep his "story" straight. Makes me curious. Has he been in trouble before? If so, and this was a rage induced accident, I could see his denying it.Then again, that could be his standard operating procedure.

    Really, I am clueless! Lol!

  26. I know Hobnob has done a comprehensive analysis of this and E mailed it to Peter,i hope he posts it because im new to SA and this Letter seems all over the place,i may be able to pick out 1or2 hotspots but no were near enough to conclude categorically what occured..

  27. Anonymous@10:26 - He likely knows exactly where the body is..he's just not telling. That whole 5 page letter was not a cleansing of his soul, it was an effort to make himself look like a victim. He's trying to lessen his responsibility, and put the blame on others. He did this terrible thing to an 8 month old child because he is immature and self centered. He had a damn hangover and he didn't need the mother's crap on that particular day. I believe he knew the baby was still in the car when he drove away, and I think he just couldn't take the crying anymore, or something else set him off, and he flew into a rage. He spoke some truth in his statement when he said he "threw" her. But he knew what he was doing...even if he CLAIMS he was sorry afterwards. Once things go that far you either fess up or cover up. He chose the latter IMO. Kate is another innocent child who became entangled in the middle of a violent and volatile relationship. He has more information than he's telling...I'd bet my life on it.

    I don't believe the mother is what she claims to be either. She came across as detached right from the beginning. I don't think that baby had a chance no matter how this played out....but that's JMHO.

  28. This statement baffles me. What did he mean by this "I was surprised when you opened my door and that you could have even made it down there fast enough to catch me. That and almost everything I don't think I need to say or do you actually believe the shit you told them?". Whatever he means by that, he uses first person singular - no dropped pronouns. I think he's referring to what happened before he murdered baby Kate. I think there was a great fight, and this is where things began to go wrong.

  29. "THAT" is in the distance,as in that over there..This is close as in This here.

    I think there is missing information he is distancing himself from something by using the word THAT..

  30. *MissUnderstood, I noticed that you made a comment about the time display being different for you. I've experienced this too. There is a 3 hour difference in the way times are posted when I access the blog on my smartphone vs my laptop. It must have something to do with the mobile version of blogspot vs the full site. At any rate, the minutes after the hour are always a match.

    Regarding the statement: thank you to everyone who has posted your analysis of this letter; I for one am learning so much by reading your comments.
    *John, you were so thorough in catching a list of the dropped pronouns. There were so many that it was daunting and I was almost ready to give up before I got started!
    *Vita and *Child Advocate, you brought in additional information about the case that was helpful.
    *Hobknob, SHE WAS THROWN is just chilling to read in black and white, unburied from all of the other words.
    *Cdonm, very perceptive on the thirst/drinking theme.
    *MissUnderstood, you picked up on 'what did she catch him doing and when,' great eye.

  31. This is what you want, OK. I always felt that I needed to do this in person.
    That you deserved that, and that we would both need each other for that.

    This is close, that is distancing, He is saying she wants to know which is why he indicates closeness to the letter.
    This crops up twice, that appears 4 times
    What is the THAT she deserves? the truth? he however distances himself from the truth.
    Why do WE need each other for that?
    Was is the that they need each other for,the truth or something else?

    Also didn't feel safe writing these things anyways.
    Still dont, but this can't wait any longer.

    Dropped pronouns, he doesn't take ownership of feeling safe.
    Since he is in jail he knows all mail is read,
    These is close those is, distancing.
    He is close to what he writes.
    Why can't it wait?
    What is happening that forces him to write this letter?

    I think I could even make it though talking about that day here now.
    This is close, that is distancing, he is distancing himself from what happened.
    I think leads to others may think differently.
    Talking about that day not writing about that day, is there a difference?
    What impediment is there to him not making it through talking about that day

    I cry trying to talk about much less.
    Now we see him trying to lay the blame on who he is writing to.
    Is what happened all her fault?
    It would explain the distancing use of 'THAT'
    Trying doesn't mean succeeding.
    What makes him cry that is much less than the death of his child?
    Is he not crying now about the death of Kate

    I just wanted to leave that day Ariel.
    Just is used to minimise something.
    He minimises wanting to leave

    I was surprised when you opened my door and that you could have even made it down there fast enough to catch me.
    What was he doing that made her run down fast enough to catch him?
    Why was he surprised when she opened the door after she made it down there.
    Had he done something to hinder her progress?
    If he wanted to leave why would she move fast enough to get to his car?
    Did he have something of hers that would cause her to move fast enough to catch him by surprise?

    That and almost everything I don't think I need to say or do you actually believe the shit you told them?
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    What doesn't he think he needs to say?
    Actually is used to compare two or more things.
    This sounds like there was a fight and something happened that caused her to run down the stairs to catch him.
    Did he take the baby from her and she ran to catch him?
    What is the everything he doesn't think he needs to say?
    Told is stronger than said.
    What did she tell them ?

    When I brought you back I didn't park, so that you would just get out and not pull any more shit to try to keep me there longer.
    Missing time.
    What happened between her opening the door and him bringing her back?
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    He tells us why he didn't park, he doesn't tell us why he did park.

    Even when you sat there with the door open and foot out and I had to interrupt you three times with "I don't care" before you got out.
    Three is the liar's number, he had to interrupt her three times with "I don't care".
    He hasn't told us what they were arguing about.
    He remembers what he said but not what she said?
    No mention is made at this time of Kate being in the car.

    You said something like "whatever fuck you" and "I'm gonna ruin your life" then walked around and spent a minute getting Kate out.
    When was she placed in the car?
    Was him putting her in the car the reason she made it down fast enough to catch him?
    Dropped pronoun in regard to walked round and got kate out.

  32. I was pretending to be busy why my phone or something so you would hopefully just leave me alone.
    He was pretending to be busy with his phone or something, what was he really doing?
    Hopefully leave him alone not leave him alone, the qualifier weakens the statement

    Heard the door shut, saw you walk off.
    Dropped pronouns in regard to hearing the door shutting and seeing her walk off.
    If he can't take ownership neither can we.

    Your hands in front of you not on your sides.
    Like you were holding Kate.

    What was Kate doing during this fight? children get distressed when they hear parents fighting.
    No mention is made of what she was doing.
    Like is not the same as doing.

    I drove away.
    I drove away is a strong statement, i would bet it was at speed.

    A blonde lady by the office and I looked at each other as I passed.
    He introduces an extraneous detail, the blonde lady.
    What would cause her to look as he passed?
    Had she witnessed the scene or was his driving such that she looked at him?

    There was some stuff I wanted to get done in town but I was tired and hung over and trying to decide whether to put it off till another time.
    But is used to negate the previous sentence, in this case some stuff he wanted to do in town.
    Order is important he was tired then hungover.

    Stopped at Wendy's to get something to eat and for time to make up my mind, but mostly to piss.
    Dropped pronoun when he says he stopped at wendy's , if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    Order is important he says to eat, make up his mind but mostly to piss.
    But negates the previous which is eat and make up his mond.
    He doesn't tell us what he has to make up his mind about so we can't assume.

    The phone kept ringing there.
    The phone, not my phone.
    If the phone kept ringing and it was in his pocket why the need to add the word there?
    Additonal words (qualifiers) weaken the statement, it works just as well as the phone kept ringing.

    I went back to the car and ate.
    THE car not My car.
    He doesn't take ownership of the car, if he can't then we can't either.
    It is sensitive to him

    The whole time that fucking phone wouldn't stop ringing.
    This is close, that is distancing, it is THAT fucking phone.
    If it kept ringing why not turn it off whilst he was standing up?
    The whole time what?
    What was he doing the whole time?

    I could feel through my shorts to hit the volume button to silence a call, but the seat was too far up for me to get it out of my pocket to make it stop ringing because the car seat was in the way.
    A call not THE call?
    Which seat was too far up?
    The seat is sensitive
    THE seat not MY seat?
    He tells us the seat was too far up and the car seat was in the way.But negates the previous words in this case to hit the silent button.
    Because tells us why something happened.

    It was driving me crazy and I was so mad at you.
    What is the IT that was driving him crazy?
    he doesn't tell us so we can't assume.

  33. For that day for everything lately, for everything ever maybe ever.
    He now blames her for whatever happened next because he was mad at her, for that day, for everything ever, maybe ever.
    What happened is her fault, she drove him to it.

    When I tried to move the seat back to get the phone it was blocked by that car seat and I was pissed that you left it in there just to try to make me bring it back later.
    This is close that is distancing.He distances himself from THAT car seat.
    It is her fault the car seat was in the vehicle not his.
    He tells us why she did something.
    It was to make him try and bring it back.
    Try doesn't mean succeed.

    So pissed that I got out and was going to just throw it out into that area between Burger King.
    So is used to convince and convey
    Dropped pronoun in relation to being pissed.If he can't take ownership of being pissed neither can we.
    He wasn't angry he was anything but.
    Here he changes from Wendy's to that area between Burger King.
    Where was Burger King in relation to Wendy's?
    Between Burger King and what? he doesn't tell us so we can't assume.
    Just is used to minimise.
    This is close that is distancing.
    Which way was the car seat facing?
    Given what had happened the child would have been distressed, you cannot miss a crying child in a car.

    I pulled but it was jammed between the seats.
    What did he pull, he doesn't tell us so we can't assume.
    But negates the previous, in this case the act of pulling.

    That just made it worse.
    That is distancing, this is close.
    He distances himself from making it worse.

    I grabbed it at the top and ripped it out as hard as I could.
    What is the it, that he grabbed?
    She was thrown.
    This Is strong.
    SHE not KATE, indicates distancing.
    He doesn't tell us she was thrown from the chair so we can't assume.
    Thrown not fell.
    Thrown is a positve action, fell is passive

    I didn't know.
    He doesn't tell us what he didn't know so we can't assume either.

    I'm so sorry.
    When sorry or any apology shows up in a statement it is a red flag.
    He doesn't tell us what he is sorry for so we can't assume.

    Held her for a long time.
    Wow so many dropped pronouns, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    No pronouns in relation to holding her so it is likely he didn't

    Seemed like forever.
    No pronouns.
    What did?

    Maybe an hour, maybe a minute.
    No pronouns

    Might not have been long.
    No pronouns

    I can't explain a lot.
    Strong statement although he weakens it with a lot, so what little can he explain?
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.

    Some things can only be lived.
    What are the things that can only be lived?
    Are there some thing that can be lived as well as something else?

    In a way I couldn't understand it.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    In a way he couldn't understand it so what way could he understand it?

    It didn't seem real. I didn't want it to be.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive strong statements with no qualifiers.

    It felt like falling, and like my head would explode.
    What felt like falling?
    It is interesting he introduces falling when his child has been thrown from her seat.
    Strong description with no qualifiers regarding his head exploding, i would say he was describing out and out rage.
    Uncontrolled anger.

    Couldn't think.
    Dropped pronouns in regard to couldn't think, if he can't take ownership neither can we.

    Couldn't do anything.
    Dropped pronouns in regard to couldn't do anything, if he can't take ownership neither can we.

    It eventually sunk in or something.
    He knew what he had done and was now trying to think of an excuse.
    What is theIT that eventually sunk in?
    What is the difference between sinking in and something?
    What is the something?

  34. I started crying.
    He doesn't tell us he cried only that he started crying.
    It often happens when someone calms down after a rage and realisation dawns.
    Dropped pronoun in regard to couldn't stop, if he can't take ownership , neither can we.

    I've never cried that hard, seemed like my throat was closing.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive,.
    dropped pronoun in regard to seeming his throat was closing.

    Mind was racing, yet I couldn't think.
    Dropped pronoun in regard to his mind was racing.
    He was probably in a panic.

    I guess I was in shock.
    He wasn't in shock he guesses he was in shock, the shock weakened by the qualifiers "i guess."

    I never even tried to help her.
    I wonder if here he realised what had happened.
    Anything in the negative is senstive, not only did he never try to help her he never even tried.

    Never even thought to. Just sat there, holding her.
    Dropped pronouns in regard to thinking about helping her and sitting holding her.
    Sat indicates tension
    Just minimises the action of sitting there, holding her.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    He doesn't think leaving it open to others to think otherwise.

    I don't think anything could have been done.
    Innocent parents would call 911 regardless of the injuries to their child, even if the child is in full rigor, they refuse to accept the child's death.
    What made him not think anything could have been done given his claim she accidentally was thrown form her seat?
    He doesn't think leaving it open to others to think otherwise.

    Still I used to hate myself for not trying.
    Does he not hate himself anymore for not trying?
    He doesn't tell us what he was not trying so we can't assume.

    Think I was there an hour and that after like a half hour and that it wasn't till right before I left that I realized calling 911.
    Dropped pronoun in regard to timeframe.
    If he can't take ownership neither can we.
    What was he doing during that time in particular during the first half hour?
    What would stop him calling 911 immediately it happened regardless?
    What like after half an hour?
    Was he cleaning up the scene, thinking of excuses?
    He doesn't tell us what he realised calling 911?

    It was to late.
    What was too late? he doesn't tell us so we can't assume.

    I wouldn't be able to talk.
    Strong statement. he doesn't tell us why he wouldn't be able to talk.
    Guilty knowledge or fear of consequences.

    I wouldn't know what to say anyways.
    Why not the truth if it was an accident, accidents happen.
    He wouldn't know what to say without incriminating himself..
    Weere the injuries such that it could never be passed off as an accident

    I couldn't bring myself to pick up that phone.
    This is close, that is distancing.
    It is that phone, does he blame the phone in part for what happened?
    If it hadn't kept ringing i wouldn't have got so pissed.

    Scared of it and of the world.
    Dropped pronouns, if he can't take ownership neither can we.

    In a way I felt like it had killed her.
    He gives the phone an action, it killed her, not him.
    The phone killed her and so by default the mother killed her.
    He blames others for his own actions
    In a way means other ways are also an option,.
    In what way did he feel the phone killed her?
    What are the other ways she was killed
    To kill something is a action agressive not passive.
    She died. She was killed.
    One is passive one is active

    You and it.
    here we see him blaming the mother and the phone.
    It was all her fault, he wasn't responsible for his action.
    We see this with the dropped pronouns.
    He wont accept the responsibilty.

  35. I needed to believe I didn't hurt her that it was all your fault.
    Here he minimises killed to hurt.
    Why did he need to belive he didn't hurt her?
    Did he hope she felt no pain in order to salve his conscience?
    This is close that is distancing, he distances it being her fault.
    That sounds wrong, but I can't explain it right.
    This is close that is distancing.
    He distances himself from the previous.
    He tells us he was in shock and didn't know what he was doing which is why he didn't call 911, he admits it doesn't sound right ie plausible.

    A part of me knew I was losing Haley too.
    Who is Haley?

    When I realized how long I must have been there seemed like even less of an option.
    What seemed less of an option, he doesn't tell us so we can't assume.

    I never decided to leave or anything.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    If he didn't decide to leave what is the or anything he refers to?
    If it wasn't a decision what was it?

    There was this urge or something I can't explain.
    This is close, that is distant, he is close to the urge.
    What was the something if it wasn't an urge?

    Needed to get away from there or just do something, anything.
    Dropped pronoun, he doesn't take ownership neither can we.
    What could he have done?
    He could have called 911 yet he didn't so what else could he do?
    What is the difference between something and anything?

    I can't explain.
    A strong statement no qualifiers.
    Can he not explain because of guilty knowledge or fear of consequences?

    I drove, not to anywhere or for any reason.
    You don't drive for no reason nor to nowhere.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    he now has a dead child on his hands, he hasn't called 911 he has a reason to drive somewhere.

    Just drove.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we
    He says drove twice indicating sensitivity.
    Was he looking for a place to dump her body?

    A few things I suddenly realized I was driving, but couldn't remember how I came to be or where I was.
    What are the few things he suddenly realized?
    He realized he was driving but mentions no other things.
    But negates the previous , the sudden realisation he was driving.
    Anything in the negative is sentive.
    He tells us he couldn't remember rather than what he could indicating sensitivity.

    Almost crashed twice.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    What caused him to almost crash twice?
    He doesn't tell us so we can't assume.
    If it was bad driving he may well have been reported.
    Was he speeding.

  36. The second time I stopped and pulled off the road.
    Strong statement with no qualifiers.

    I needed out of that car, and I just walked off.
    Why did he need out of that car?
    This is close that is distancing, he is distancing himself from the car.
    Just is used to minimise.

    After a while I stopped.
    Temporal Lacuna.
    What happened whilst he was walking, what was he doing?

    For the first time I could think some.
    For the first time since when?
    He doesn't tell us so we can't assume

    Thought about Kate.
    Dropped pronoun.
    He doesn't take ownership of thinking about Kate so neither can we

    Her smile, the way she looks around.
    Notice here he uses present tense even though she will never look around again.
    This is to be expected in parents of missing or dead children, the refusal to accept the finality of death, often for many years after the death.

    Everything, what should have been.
    Is he now feeling guilt since he reverts to past tense should have not will be.

    Id held her all this time, couldn't bring myself to really look at her though I did now.
    He tells us earler i walked singular, now he tells us he was carrying her.
    was he looking for somewhere to dump her?
    Dropped pronoun in relation to bringing himself to look at her.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive
    Not only does he look at her, he qualifies it with really look at her.

    I wanted to kill you.
    Strong statement.
    However if as he said earlier he didn't think anything could be done is she still alive ie breathing which would match the wanted to kill you
    You cannot kill which is already dead.
    Who did he want to kill? Ariel?
    Was this want to kill before or after Kate died?
    Was kate the easy replacement for Ariel?
    Who then does he want to kill?
    He doesn't tell us so we can't assume.

    I cried.
    Strong no qualifiers.

    I cried until I somehow I couldn't anymore.
    He repeats cried making it sensitive.
    Is he crying for Kate or for himself?

    She was set in a peaceful place.
    She was set sounds like he had done a ceremony and was gently placed.
    Peaceful place meaning unlikely to be found easily?
    What is his definition of peaceful place?

    I was walking and lost.
    Why was he walking and qualified by lost
    Was he trying to distance himself from the dump site by coming out away from where he went in?

    Couldn't breath hardly.
    Dropped pronoun.
    Couldn't breathe is weakened by the qualifier hardly.
    he can't take ownership of not breathing so neither can we
    Was he scared of being seen?

    Thought about sitting down and waiting to die of dehydration.
    Dropped pronoun in regard to sitting down and dying of dehydration.
    Body position indicates tension.
    He introduces dehydration so it is likely he was thirst after his exhertions.

    Felt close.
    Dropped pronoun.
    What or who felt close?
    He doesn't tell us so we can't assume

    Then I was driving and for the first time I realized I had left her.
    Temporal lacuna.
    What happened between him sitting down and driving?
    He doesn't say where he sat down so we can't assume it was a seat, his car, a bit of grass.
    What caused him to realise he had left her?

    I wanted to die.
    Strong no qualifiers.
    He doesn't tell us why he wanted to die though, guilt or anger to deprive the mom of finding where she was dumped.
    To make the mom feel guilty over their deaths

    Couldn't bring myself to crash but didn't try not to.
    Dropped pronoun, he doesn't take ownership of wanting to crash so we can't either.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    Note, he didn't say he tried not to or didn't try to, rather he didn't try not to.
    Was his driving bad because he was in a panic?

  37. No seatbelt, paying no attention.
    Dropped pronouns
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    I would say he was paying close attention since he had just killed and dumped a child and the mom knew he had taken her, he would be aware and looking for LE

    Almost did once, instinct or whatever made me save it.
    Dropped pronoun, he can't take ownership so neither can we.
    What is the whatever if not instinct?
    Did he try and then chickened out?
    What is the it he saved?

    Another time I almost hit another car.
    Given his driving i would wonder if calls were being made about an idiot in a car.
    I would assume also he was driving at speed.

    After that I drove normal, couldn't bear the thought of hurting anyone else while trying to hurt myself.
    Notice he uses hurt rather than kill which would be likely in a car crash at speed.
    He minimises kill to hurt
    He doesn't want to kill himself rather he wants to hurt himself.
    Was this a part of a possible defence?
    I was not in my right mind when i killed Kate, insanity, diminished responsibilty as a defence.

    Then I was close to home and drying of thirst.
    Temporal lacuna how long was he driving for?
    How close is close to home?
    The adrenaline rush would have caused dry mouth.
    Drying not dying of thirst as most would say?

    Tried to detach myself.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    Detach himself from what?
    The killing, the guilt? the anger? he doesn't tell us so we can't assume

    Already was in some way.
    Again dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    In what way was he already detached?

    Went home to be alone and to get a drink.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.

    Stood in the middle of my room.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    My room indicates ownership.
    Does he live in a one roomed place or does the room singualr mean something to him that it is his room.

    Was still there for a while thought about taking my gun and leaving.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    He takes ownership of the gun.
    He tells us leaving but doesn't tell us what he was going to do with the gun.

    Me, not you anymore.
    What about me?
    What was not about you anymore?
    he doesn't tell us so we can't assume.

    Wanted to go to you but I wasn't ready for that.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    This is close that is distancing.
    Why did he want to go to her?
    Would it have been with gun in hand?

    My mom bothered me about the phone again and I knew I had to return the call.
    Why did his mom bother him about the phone again?
    The call singular not calls given it had been ringing constantly according to his earlier statement.
    What had his mom been told in regard to the phone and the call and from whom?

    I just needed to be alone.
    Just is used to minimise.
    If he was left alone he would be safe, he would have time to think of a stroy, an alibi.
    Not being alone meant stress and reality.
    If he is left alone everything will be alright

    I wasn't ready to talk to anyone.
    Talking meant awkward questions.
    If he doesn't talk he can't be questioned.
    When would he have been ready to talk.
    Who is the anyone?

    Just said you should have her.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    When did he tell her she should have her?
    Should not could?
    What did he really say?

    Its true.
    What is true?

  38. Only wanted them to go away, when that didn't happen I thought I had just committed to that story.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    Who is the them he wanted to go away?
    Is he referring to LE after all they would have a lot of questions to ask him.
    This is close that is distancing.
    He committed to THAT Story.
    Committed meaning he couldn't change it later
    Story not the facts, not what really happened.
    People who tell a story rather than the truth have a reason to be deceptive (casey anthony, charlie rogers)

    That to change it would throw away any chance I had.
    Changing it would reveal inconsitensies.
    This is close that is distancing
    It is hard to remember what lies you told to whom if you keep changing your story.
    What chances did he have by sticking with the story he committed to?

    That they would never believe me because of it being that day.
    This is close that is distancing.
    He uses that twice both in reference to the day and him being believed.
    If he was innocent then there is no story, accidents happen.
    What happened on that day could not be passed off as an accident if he tried to change his story.

    And never believe how she came to be left there.
    And indicates missing information.
    Why would they not believe how she came to be left there if he changed his story?

    Also figured it a reasonable story.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    It is likely he tried various versions and he went with the most plausible.
    Reasonable story equals reasonable doubt perhaps.

    I didn't think they could keep me for more than a couple days at the most.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.

    That didn't happen.
    This is close that is distancing
    Anything in the negative is senitive.

    When I met Annette I begged to talk to you alone.
    Why the need to talk to her alone after he met Annette?

    They said no.
    Strong no qualifiers.
    Who is They

    Paul made it clear he doesn't give a shit about me or Kate or you.
    Order is important, Me then Kate then You
    Is Paul connected to the mom?

    They weren't willing to let me talk to them not that I would.
    Who is the they who weren't willing to be talked to?
    He doesn't tell us so we can't assume.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    They wouldn't let him not talk to them sounds like a standoff, a battle of wills.
    If he were innocent then surely it would be in his interest to talk to them to tell them the truth.

    I needed you.
    Strong no qualifiers
    Does he not need her now?

    Not Tom Posma in a cold room on video.
    Note this time we get the full name not just forename.
    Is he something in authority as opposed to family or friends?
    He describes the room as cold, his room or Tom's.
    Who is on video

    They even tried everything to keep me from talking to you about that day.
    Who is they? he doesn't tell us so we can't assume.
    Note not only they tried, the even tried indicating it was perhaps not successful
    This is close , that is distancing.
    It is that day distancing

    I didn't accept that I wasn't getting out and getting to talk to you till about 2 weeks + in.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    What happened 2 weeks in that caused him to realise he wasn't getting out.

    After the first couple days it had seemed harder to do the right thing.
    It wasn't harder it only SEEMED harder to do the right thing.
    The right thing by whom?
    Kate, himself or Ariel

    I expected to be let out after the prelim.
    What caused him to expect to be let out?
    His lawyer, himself and his story?

    It crushed me.
    Strong no qualifiers

  39. Like you just implied that you really don't give a fuck about Kate, only who does and does not get in trouble.
    Just is used to minimise.
    He weakens the "don't give a fuck" with the addition of really.
    Notice he uses present tense don't rather than past tense didn't.
    He says implied meaning others may understand differently
    Why would she imply she is concerened about who gets in trouble and who doesn't rather than finding Kate?

    And right before that I got Kenny, April dads interviews.
    And indicates missing info.
    Here we have a proper introduction, Kenny, the dad of April.

    They all said you don't act like your child is missing or anything.
    Who is they?
    He says he got the interviews of kenny (singular) yet uses the plural they rather than singular him.
    What is the anything if not missing?

    Then you were always trying to get recordings for court and saying stupid shit on phones.
    If he were innocent then surely recordings would show his guilt.
    If he is in jail all calls are recorded.
    he doesn't give examples of what was said on phones

    At that point I wanted you to go to prison.
    Go to prison for what?
    Why that point and not any other time?

    Before then, I'm sorry I lied about Kate being ok.
    When sorry is introduced in a statement is is sensitive and a red flag.
    Why did he lie about her being ok when it's clear she wasn't?
    Was he giving her false hope?
    Was this all about power and control?

    I wanted to tell you the truth so bad, to hold you, to be held.
    What is the truth if he hadn't already told it?
    What stopped him telling her the truth? guilty knowledge or consequences?

    I said that because I thought you would do something then.
    This is close that is distancing
    He distances from telling the truth.
    If he told her the truth what did he think she would do?

    Couldn't believe you wouldn't just get me the fuck out or make them allow us to talk.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    What was stopping them from talking in prison?
    Wouldn't not couldn't.
    What was stopping her getting him out?

    For a long time blocked that day and Kate from my mind.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.

    Almost refused to acknowledge it to myself.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    almost refused is not the same as refused.
    He acknowledged it to himself but not others.
    Why not acknowledge it to others if it was the truth. guilty knowledge or consequences.

    Eventually I thought I would just never tell you what happened. It had already been so long w/o me being able to.
    This smacks of control. He has knowledge and is refusing to share it.
    Just minimises the not telling.
    What has stopped him being able to for so long, guilty knowledge or consequences.

    That changed.
    What changed?
    This is close that is distancing.

    The day I was found innocent I was going to go to you.
    And do what?
    Innocent of what?

    It was a long time before I started thinking about her and that day.
    Did he not think about her during the trial.
    He started thinking doesn't meant he thought about her and that day.
    Her and not kate indicates distance.
    This is close that is distancing.

    The nightmares, panic attacks, nothing would get better.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    Whose nightmares and panic attacks.
    what is the nothing that would get better?

    Think about it all was horrible, but it has helped.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    Think not thinking?
    Does he not think about it any more?
    What has helped?
    Not thinking about it or thinking about it.
    Was not is? is it not horrible any more?

    I use to hear my heart racing and almost collapse just from seeing a picture of her.
    Does he not any more?
    just is used to minimise, He almost collapses not actually collapses.
    What is an almost collapse?

  40. I can smile now.
    Why couldn't he smile before?
    What has changed that he can now smile?
    Being found innocent?
    The fact Kate is dead and beyond Ariel's reach?

    I can remember her the way you do, and not another way as well.
    Present tense i can remember.
    What other way is there to remember her if not the same as she does.
    Another not the other, alive, dead, what other way is there?

    I don't' think you could ever understand.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive
    Understand is qualified with ever weakening it.
    If she knows him then she could understand at least some of the why.
    Understand what?
    What is there to understand.

    Some things I don't completely.
    What are the some things?
    He doesn't tell us what he doesn't completely

    I never decided to pick her up.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    Pick her up from where?
    He doesn't tell us so we can't assume.
    Is he blaming something else for making him pick her up?
    Anger perhaps?
    Picked up prior to being thrown perhaps?
    To pick her up precludes it then being an accident.
    He picks her up not the seat.

    Never decided to call or not call 911, or to leave, or to set her down.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    If it wasn't a decision what was it?
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    Is this him blaming his actions on anger rather than a rational decision.

    It was like I was watching these things, not doing them, not sure what I'm seeing.
    It was like is not the same as actually being.
    It was like he was watching not that he was watching.
    Th3se is close those is distancing.
    He is close to these things plural.
    Dropped pronouns in regard to doing them and being not sure though he takes ownership of seeing.

    The only time I thought and anything was ? was when I was standing outside and then from when I almost hit that car.
    Standing outside where?
    Thought what?

    I wasn't dumping a body, wasn't like that at all.
    A body not her body?
    What was it like then?

    I want her buried too.
    Does this mean she wasn't covered (buried) rather out in the open somewhere.
    This shows awareness of the mother's wishes.

    I don't know where she was left.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    She was left not i left her?
    Distancing from the leaving of her.
    She was set in a peaceful place now becomes left.

    Some idea.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    Some idea not no idea, he probably has a darn good idea where she is and is witholding the info.

    Feel like I could get there.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    He knows where she is, embedded is i could get there.

    No, its not some fucking swamp or lake.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    Here we see more flashes of anger.
    Tells us what it isn't rather than what it is.

    I know if they had left me alone I would have came to you that day.
    Who is the they he wanted to leave him alone?
    What would he have done if they had left him alone?
    He mentioned gun earlier, was he still so angry he would have attackeed, possibly killed her?
    This is close that is distancing.

    I was thrown into the worst possible thing at the worst possible time.
    Interesting he introduces thrown.
    Worst possible thing not event or crime
    What does he mean by worst possible time?
    Was there a worst possible thing at the best possible time, a best possible thing at the worst possible time or a best possible thing at the best possible time?
    Worst possible thing for whom? he doesn't tell us so we can't assume.
    I was thrown indicates he was a victim of someone else's actions, he had no choice in the matter.
    Blaming the victim perhaps.

  41. Everything just happened, and I never had the chance to do the right thing.
    What is the everything that just happened.
    Things don't just happen there is a cause and an effect.
    Just minimises what happened.
    What is the right thing he never had a chance at.
    Do the right thing by whom? himself, Kate, the mom?
    It's not my fault, you didn't give me a chance.

    There's been other letters to you.
    Strong no qualifiers.

    Ones that never were sent.
    Strong no qualifiers.
    Why weren't they sent?

    Oddly this one has done the worst of all in telling you, yet its the one Im making myself send.
    Telling her what?
    Worst of all in telling what?
    The truth?
    His excuses?
    His anger?
    Were there letters that did better in telling her?
    Why this letter if it is the worse?

    If I don't again then when?
    Don't what?
    Send the letter?
    If he doesn't it would join the rest he didn't send and he will simply write more.

    There will never be one I feel right with.
    Right with what? it's contents?
    Why send this one if it doesn't feel right.

    These things mostly need to be talked about in person.
    These is close those is distancing. he is close to the things.
    Mostly means some things need not be talked about in person.
    What are the things he is referring to, the crime, his time in jail, his anger? he doesn't tell us so we can't assume.

    Annette has the original, tear soaked one.
    If there is an original is there a copy?
    Is this a copy of the original?
    Why is it tear soaked?
    Guilt, remorse, anger?

    Addressed to you, only it includes that lie about me thinking you could have possibly killed her.
    He admits he lied in regard to thinking she could have possibly killed her.
    Did he claim she had in his defence?
    He is blaming her for what happened, he still doesn't accept responsibilty, he did it because of her therefore it's her fault, she is guilty.

    Theres still a lot things I don't understand.
    What are a lot of things he doesn't understand.
    A lot isn't all so there are things he does understand.
    Will he understand more at another time?

    90% of the things you told them were lies.
    10% then must be the truth.
    Were lies not lies.
    Are they not lies any more?

    Some things I don't know if it was me or them you lied to them some other things.
    He doesn't tell us what things so we can't assume.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    He tells us what he doesn't know not what he does know
    There are some things and some other things, what is the difference?

    At the time it was something how you used her and acted a lot of the time like you could give a fuck less about her.
    Acted a lot of the time is not the same as all the time.
    How did she use her?
    At the time, does she act differently now?

    How you kept dragging out the adoption, which would just make it harder on her.
    What adoption?
    Who was she adopting her from?
    Was this a custody battle gone bad? if i can't have her no one can.

    Couldn't believe you wanted to do that test before finishing the adoption that day, just to make me pay.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    This is close that is distancing.
    That test before finishing the adoption that day.
    What test?
    Was the result of the test to make him pay?
    Pay financially or another way?

    I never once thought you had any intention whatsoever of keeping her.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    Did he think if she was adopted he would then not be liable for anything?
    What led him to believe she had no intention of keeping her.
    I killed her because i didn't think you wanted to keep her anyway?

  42. Still don't know why so many of the things you did said or whatever.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    Don't know why what things she said, said or whatever,
    If you do things and says things what else is there.
    So many of the things not all the things.

    Blamed for so long.
    Dropped pronoun, if he can't take ownership neither can we.
    Who is being blamed?
    He doesn't tell us so we can't assume.

    Theres so many stupid little things that could have made such a difference. Things as small as a phone call or using the bathroom.
    How would these have made a difference?
    Difference to whom?
    If she had done this and not that we wouldn't be in this situation now.
    Subtle blaming again.

    Both of us fucked up some.
    Shared guilt.
    Fucked up is weaked by the qualifier some.
    he minimises the fuck up.

    Id give anything to go back.
    Go back where?
    If he would give anything why not give up the truth?

    To that day, January, the summer I went to Georgia.
    This is close that is distancing.
    What happened on the other times he wants to go back to, January, the summer he went to Georgia.
    Are they linked in some way.
    The day he killed Kate, January, summer in Georgia. are in his mind connected.

    I want my parents to know.
    HIs parents to know what?

    Things spouses tell each other is confidence cant be made to testify.
    Is he saying he has told a parent something and if they tell their spouse they can't be made to testify.
    Is he saying once i marry i can confess the truth and my wife can't be made to testify.
    If he marries and confesses what is to stop his wife volunteering to testify?
    Does he think once married he can control her?
    She won't talk because she is my wife and i own her

    But we aren't married yet in the eyes of the government.
    Does he consider himself married in the eyes of someone other than the government.
    But negates the previous which is spouses testifying.
    What things would be told in confidence would mean the spouse can't be made to testify.
    Told is stronger than said.

    Then hearsay cant be used, so if you told then it would be hearsay as it didnt come from me.
    He introduces hearsay.
    Anything in the negative is sensitive.
    He could tell a friend to ease his conscience and should the friend talk he can deny he ever said it and it can't be introduced.

    But Grand Jury can sometimes allow hearsay.
    But negates the previous so he is aware of hearsay and it is causing him concern.

    Could you ask your attorney about that stuff?
    This is close that is distancing.
    That stuff.
    Hearsay is clearly something that's concerning him so who has he spoken to and who did they in turn speak to.?

    If you want to ask me things try to do it all at once.
    Things not questions?

    So we arent hearing incriminating stuff more than we need to.
    He admits there is incriminating stuff. he has to talk incrimination, he doesn't want to since mail is read ( did he know or forget?)
    Why is there a need to talk about incriminating stuff?
    Incriminating for whom?

    Out of time for mail. Destroy theses. We'll talk.
    He clearly knows this letter is incriminating hence his order to destroy these.
    Does he think talking will make any difference?
    All calls are monitored as we saw woth casey anthony.
    Does he perhaps plan to talk to his lawyer which isn't monitored and try and get messages to her that way?

    He told us he killed her, he dumped the body and knows pretty much where.
    this was all about power and control. he has anger issues and i can see still a risk.
    He doesn't say he accidentally threw her, only that she was thrown.
    I would look for first person singualr past tense event specific, I did not kill Kate.
    If it was an accident he would say she was accidentally thrown. he doesn't because he can't.
    if it was an accident then instinct would be to call 911.
    He doesn't call 911 because it was no accident and he knew they would see it was murder.

  43. Blimey Hobs,That was awesome Great work again...

  44. "I got out and was going to just throw it out into that area between Burger King." He said he was going to just throw it out but does not say that he actually did throw it. He only says he ripped it out (because it was lodged against the front seat, stuck).

    "I pulled but it was jammed between the seats. That just made it worse. I grabbed it at the top and ripped it out as hard as I could. She was thrown from it."
    So he grabbed it & ripped it out, then next she was thrown from it? But he never says he actually threw the car seat.

    And another thing, what's the purpose of telling that he made eye contact with the blonde in the beginning of this story? There was no doubt he left, and when, why add the extra person?

    The news said they found the clothing in his pocket when they picked him up. But the clothing had no trace of blood on it. I would assume it was a massive head injury if she was thrown that hard to the ground. He does not mention blood either.

    The last article I read quotes the girlfriend admitting she has had this letter for a couple of months, and that she didn't know anyone else had gotten ahold of it. Why would you hold it in secret? Something is seriously wrong with her too.

  45. Hobs, that was great work. I find his writing to be so difficult to follow.

  46. Bonnie the girlfriend has done nothing to look for Kate the entire time she has been missing parties and wants to marry Sean. She is a mess. She continually lies... lied during 911 call and throughout investigation. She has done nothing to assist people who try to help her. And in court proceedings we learned she wished Kate was dead, she played an adoption game with boyfriend, and after told her boss she just wanted to get on with her life. Two days after Kate went missing she was talking about burying Kate. She also goes on fb pages crying that people think she is guilty. Her cover page says Keep talking about me your making me famous and no picture of her beautiful baby. She hardly talks about Kate at all. Would love to see a statement analysis on the crap that comes out of her mouth. This story is heartbreaking. Ariel also has an older daughter Hayley who is four years old and was extremely attached to Kate and is living with momster. So sad

    1. wow. It would be interesting to see her statements. I feel like this letter was a set up to confuse the masses. idk. I just can't think crazy enough to imagine what these people are up to. I just wish all of these people would stop getting away with it!

  47. If you want to learn more about this story Where is Baby Kate on facebook has excellent information.

  48. Wendys and Burger King are next to one another with about 10-20 feet of grass between the two

  49. Peter, I have a few questions; Have there been people who have said "I did it" in one way or another ("I can't believe they think I did it" etc) in their statements, but really ended up not being involved at all? There may not be those type of statistics available, so maybe I am just asking in your experience have you seen it or how likely you feel it is?

    PS Before I spend the time typing out the transcripts, I wanted to see if you would be interested in posting a "confession" from a person who is considered to be intellectually challenged (does statement analysis still work for them?) and another interview done by Police with a person who has the worst english possible ??? let me know & I can email or post it for you to consider.

  50. Bonnie Blue, when someone says "they say I did it", the person is entering into the language of another, and not forming their own words. It is not an embedded confession.

    Yes, a false confession would be interesting. thanks, Peter

  51. How can anyone not question the mother...Seriously. He says he was pretending to be busy with his phone..she was in the back unbuckling kate. How do you know she didnt kill kate? To smother a baby wouldnt take much and looking at the mother, she is a big girl...she would have some strength behind her... This would be why he didnt hear her..if she was already gone. She did say she would make his life hell, and what better way to do it, than set him up and make him believe he did this to his daughter. I am not defending either of them, dont get me wrong, but there is ALWAYS two sides to every story.
