Thursday, October 4, 2012

An Account of Ayla Reynolds for Analysis

The following account was publicly posted on the Internet regarding the disappearance of Maine toddler, Ayla Reynolds, from someone who described herself as a friend of Ayla's father, Justin DiPietro about 2 months after the police report made in December of 2011. 

What do you make of the account?   Please carefully post your analysis in the comments section.

Is it a truthful account? 

Are there specific indicators of deception?
From the statement itself, who is the source of information? 
What evidence can you present as "story telling"?
Is the author different from the source of information?
What is the main thrust of the account?
What is the priority of the account?
What is the purpose of the statement?

Ayla Reynolds was reported missing by her father, Justin DiPietro last December.  Since that report, the public has learned:

1.  Justin DiPietro, single father and unemployed,  purchased a life insurance policy against Ayla's life approximately 6 weeks before reporting her missing.

2.  Ayla's blood was found in the basement of the home of Justin DiPietro.

3.  Justin DiPietro, his sister Elisha, and his girlfriend Courtney Roberts, have all withheld information about what happened to Ayla, from the police. 

4.  Justin DiPietro and Elisha DiPietro reportedly failed polygraphs, though he said he "smoked" his, and she said she "did fine" on hers. 

5.  Ayla had a broken arm which went untreated for 24 hours prior to her disappearance.  Ayla's mother reported a series of unexplained or ill explained injuries to Ayla, including a black eye which her father reportedly stated that it happened because "Ayla got into a fight."

6.  Justin DiPietro issued a public challenge to Nancy Grace to come to Maine.  When producers attempted to do so, he refused to meet with them and is not cooperating with investigators.

To date, no one has been arrested.  

Here is the account given by a friend of Ayla's father.  Analysis to follow:  

"Ayla Bell Reynolds, 20 months old, disappeared about one week before Christmas 2011. 

Ayla had been living with her Daddy, Grandmother, and Aunt and cousin in Waterville, Maine  for just about 8 weeks before she disappeared in the middle of the night. 

Those two months had been the  happiest of her Dad's life.  Justin still can't comprehend how his life went from being full of optimism and promise, to dark and hopeless literally overnight. 

Justin had found out that he was a father when Ayla was 7 months old.  He never even knew Ayla was on the way, so he didn't get to meet her when she was born.  When he found out that he had a child, he was happy to be a Dad and  he tried to learn things quickly.  There didn't seem to be room for him in this little baby's life with the family she already knew, but he was determined.  Even though there had never been a committed relationship between he and the mother, he was very willing to learn to co-parent.  There were, however, some dynamics there that made it difficult.  This isn't the appropriate place to discuss it, but it is important to note that Ayla has two parents that love her, who don't happen to have a relationship with each other beyond co-parenting.  It matters because sometimes it sets the stage for people to understand the dynamics better and helps people not to create "if-then" scenarios that don't apply in this particular case.  
Justin does have a long time girlfriend who also has a young child. Things had been going well for them and they truly were very happy.  Justin's girlfriend from Portland, and her son were up for a visit which was normal on the weekends.  They'd met during his 5 years in Portland where he lived with other single friends in an apartment. He'd recently had to leave Portland to have a better home environment  for Ayla since he had just gotten custody of her and was working towards getting on his feet in Waterville- and out of the temporary room he had in the basement of his mom's house.  His girlfriend's family and support network is in Portland where she also has a day job and continues her college education at night.  She is currently working towards her masters degree there but spends as much time as can be spared with her baby boy as well as Justin and Ayla. Justin often feels like she doesn't give herself enough of a break, but also respects her drive.  Things were going well in the big picture and the future was looking brighter. 

The night of Friday, December 16th, 2011 was no different than most any other night for the two months he'd been back.   Everyone went to bed, Ayla was checked on at 10 pm, and sometime after 8 am on that Saturday morning, people in the house started waking up and realizing that their entire world had just turned into a nightmare. 

It was at about 8:30 that Justins sister, whose room is closest to the baby room, awoke and started moving about the house in her Saturday morning routine.  That particular night only Ayla was in her room as her younger cousin had slept in her mom's room.  That wasn't at all unusual for the 18 month old and her mom.  Moments later the aunt walked into the babies shared room only to find Ayla not there. After a rushed trip down the stairs and the discovery that Justin did not have Ayla either, there was instant panic.  He bolted up the stairs, knocking over the gate that was placed there every morning for the two little girls, and into her room.  Nothing.  She wasn't there.  She wasn't anywhere inside.  Outside- nothing.  

I don't think any of us that are parents have to think too hard to remember a time when we thought- for a handful of seconds or minutes- that one of our little ones had toddled off alone.  While on one hand you are panicking at what "could be" on the other hand you are keeping yourself in check because your logical mind keeps reassuring you that if you breathe, stay calm, and will find that little munchkin- probably in the tupperware cabinet again.  

Only, in Justin's case, he's had to wake up to the same nightmare day after day without end.  In those frantic, surreal moments the possibility that she could be in that house SOMEWHERE kept competing with the thought that someone had taken her.  As the morning unfolded into what felt like an eternity...he just kept thinking that by the days end they would have found Ayla.  The police would have put every officer within a hundred mile radius on the case and they would figure out who could have taken her.  But night arrived, and Ayla did not. 

I have to stop here because I simply can't find any more words that will fit on this page.  My understanding of what happened from that day on, through many conversations, have forever changed me.  The things that have taken place since then defy reason, to be honest.  I can't believe that we still haven't found this precious little girl.  It is more apparent than ever that if we don't round up the help of everyone we know and all of their friends too, Ayla could be waiting to see her Daddy for a very, very long time.  He wakes up to this again and again, in the face of a foaming at the mouth public that is hell bent on making him the villian in a tabloid event.  I pray for him daily, as I pray for his daughter's safety, well-being, and quick return."


  1. Yech, the wanna be girlfriend.
    My words will fit on this page: Courtney, you were there, so where is Ayla?

  2. Most of it is storytelling-part truth, part deception. It sounds as if an old friend is sticking up for her buddy in the face of Nancy Graceisms, which is storytelling, part truth, part deception...mostly deceptions.

    Sounds like they have enough evidence to charge him. Since they haven't, I'd assume they've made alot up.

  3. The search is not for Ayla. :(

    1. Please post your confirmation of LE/News source of search

  4. I can see how you would analyze it as to truth of her report based on what she was told but the bottom line is she was not present Dec. 16-17 at 29 Violette so she has no ability to tell us from personal experience what happened there. Seems to me, statement analysis is worthless when applied to her statements to get at that ultimate truth. I assume she doesn't know the truth or knows only a partial truth at best.

    1. Where did she say she really doesn't know the truth? She published that "story" as fact. Facts that she got from the people in the home that night. She also publicly stated, to a news reporter that she spoke with Justin daily, after December 17th.

      Besides, out of her whole story, this is all she provides, for important information:

      *The night of Friday, December 16th, 2011 was no different than most any other night for the two months he'd been back. Everyone went to bed, Ayla was checked on at 10 pm, and sometime after 8 am on that Saturday morning, people in the house started waking up and realizing that their entire world had just turned into a nightmare.

      It was at about 8:30 that Justins sister, whose room is closest to the baby room, awoke and started moving about the house in her Saturday morning routine. That particular night only Ayla was in her room as her younger cousin had slept in her mom's room. That wasn't at all unusual for the 18 month old and her mom. Moments later the aunt walked into the babies shared room only to find Ayla not there. After a rushed trip down the stairs and the discovery that Justin did not have Ayla either, there was instant panic. He bolted up the stairs, knocking over the gate that was placed there every morning for the two little girls, and into her room. Nothing. She wasn't there. She wasn't anywhere inside. Outside-nothing.*

      All the rest of her "story" is a bunch of nonsense, that has nothing at all to do with AYLA. Ayla, who her "story" should have been about. Not poor Courtney, not anyone else.

      Also, this is the original, non-revised version. It was later (ONLY) revised to say that Courtney came up stairs to find Ayla missing, not Elisha.

    2. Who are you referring to? Who is she?

    3. I'm referring to the person who posted the "story" on her website, and later told a reporter that she spoke with Justin on a daily basis, after December 17th.

      Aunt Selena, on a different website, mentioned something about, why *Elisha* probably mentioned the baby gate.

      From the story above:

      "My understanding of what happened from that day on, through many conversations..."

      She doesn't say who her conversations are with, just many.

      I'm led to believe she spoke with others, besides Justin. Probably all in the house that night, plus Phoebe, and most likely Heidi also.

      My observation/opinion is, during ALL those conversations, I can see who and what was important to discuss. Not Ayla, the baby girl who was "kidnapped", but others were more important to discuss. Others feelings. Others jobs and schooling and relationships.

      What about Ayla?

      Where is her discription? Physical and personality.

      How do they (who wrote and contributed to the story) think Ayla feels? Do they care? Are they worried about her? At least the author claims to pray for "his daughter's safety, well-being, and quick return." That's more than was claimed by/for the others (Justin, Courtney, Phoebe, Elisha, Heidi).

  5. ANON @ 5:03
    Please post news/LE source of search.

  6. The things that stand out to me are the order of importance and space given to how Ayla's disappearance has affected those involved. We're told how Justin feels about everything. We're told what a marvel his girlfriend is. We're told about the happy relationship they have. Ayla is mentioned more as the catalyst that caused Justin and his girlfriend to lose their "bright future". We learn what a nightmare this is, not for Ayla but for Justin. Ayla is mentioned with a bit of humor thrown in, as the munchkin who cold be hiding in the Tupperware cabinet. With all the back patting, bemoaning of the dashed hopes for this lovely young couple and the alibi building, I guess there just wasn't enough room to speak to what this has meant for Ayla.

  7. What was the purpose of this letter? The author told us what matters.

    "It matters because sometimes it sets the stage for people to understand the dynamics better and helps people not to create "if-then" scenarios that don't apply in this particular case."

    The author's purpose was to stop people from speculating about what happened.

    1. I guess it didn't work...

  8. I just worked for over an hour really looking this over. I was almost done and cyberspace ate it!

    Darn it! My first statement seriously analyzed. (Although I've seen the statement before.)

    Let's just say my thought is that the missing child's father's girlfriend is the author.

    She has issues that lead her to paint herself as wonder woman, paint her relationship with Justin as the Brady Bunch, and very craftily casts suspicion (for whatever reason) on her boyfriend's sister.

    1. I hate when that happens. I haven't been able to identify the poof-all-gone key yet either. :(

    2. I also felt that way, but because I thought it seemed like there was some hostility tword Ayla's mom, the author kept saying things about how "poor Justin didn't know he was the father, didn't get to see her when she was born." All these things that have nothing to do with the disappearance at all though. Those things are said to make people question the mom's credibility and character.

    3. i would suggest doing what i do which is write it in noepad and save as after each new addition of analysis, then you can post it using the tags < b> and ( no spaces) to show the sentence being analysed and then my analysis in normal. This way should cyberspace eat it i still have a copy.

      The other way if your text is below the 4100 odd characters is copy it before clicking publish, this means again yould it not post for whatever reason you only have to paste it back in the message box rather than type it out again.

      If it is a long post as my analysis usually are then do it in notepad and save often so you don't lose anything or just the last addition, for short posts right click/select all and copy before clicking publish.

      I hope this helps

      happy friday hugs all round

  9. Statement: "Ayla Bell Reynolds, 20 months old, disappeared about one week before Christmas 2011"

    Christmas is Dec. 25. One week before Dec. 25 is... Ayla was officially reported to be missing on Dec. 17, 2011...

    "Ayla Reynolds, 20 months old, was wearing a soft cast from a broken arm and last seen sleeping in her bed at about 10 p.m. Friday. Her father reported her missing Saturday at 8:51 a.m. when he found an empty bed."

    Derek (Justin's brother?) confirmed he saw Ayla.
    5/16/12 11:49 PM
    "Actually "eve"... If mom reallly said afternoon she was mistaken. Consider it CONFIRMED I saw Atla that Friday morning."

    Statement: "The night of Friday, December 16th, 2011 was no different than most any other night for the two months he'd been back. Everyone went to bed, Ayla was checked on at 10 pm, and sometime after 8 am on that Saturday morning, people in the house started waking up and realizing that their entire world had just turned into a nightmare."

    "An exhaustive search of the neighborhood surrounding the house has been conducted by members of the Waterville Police Department, Waterville Fire Department and Maine State Warden Service, to include a flyover (with a) Warden Service’s plane,” Massey said. “A detailed search of the residence for forensic evidence is being conducted by members of the Waterville Police Department’s Detective Division and the Maine State Police’s Evidence Recovery Team. Ayla’s family members are cooperating fully with police.”

    Statement: "The night of Friday, December 16th, 2011 was no different than most any other night for the two months he'd been back."

    What is "no different" mean in the context of this statement?

    Statement: "...the discovery that Justin did not have Ayla either, there was instant panic. He bolted up the stairs, knocking over the gate that was placed there every morning for the two little girls, and into her room. Nothing. She wasn't there. She wasn't anywhere inside. Outside- nothing."
    Whenever I read the word: "Nothing" (especially if said twice) in the context of a missing person(child) case (similar to the word "grave" concern/doubts from investigators), I immediately get a despairing feeling in my gut.

    Statement: "In those frantic, surreal moments the possibility that she could be in that house SOMEWHERE kept competing with the thought that someone had taken her."

    Competition between Ayla being "SOMEWHERE" "in that house" with the "thought that someone taken her".

    Justin DiPietro: "My daughter did not come to her demise down in my house. Nothing bad ever happened to my daughter in my house. She never got anything but love from the people in this house," he said.

    There's that troublesome word again... "Nothing"

    Statement: "My understanding of what happened from that day on, through many conversations, have forever changed me."

    Me too.

    1. Justin DiPietro: "My daughter did not come to her demise down in my house

      Ok justin, so where did she come to her demise as you have just told us she is dead?

    2. Hi Jazzie, just so you know, Derek isn't Justin's brother (unless there are many more secrets to this case that have not been made public). :)

      Derek is Justin's BFF. Heidi is Derek's mother, who Justin, Courtney (and her son), Phoebe, and Elisha (and her daughter), ALL went to stay with while LE had custody of 29 Violette Ave., because they ALL had no where else to go, besides Justin's friends mothers house.

      Derek claims he had a playdate with his son and Justin and Ayla on the morning of December 16th, even though Justin didn't bother to bring Ayla to her scheduled appointment for her arm that day.

      Heidi claims she saw 3-4 tiny pen tip sized spots of blood circled in the DiPietro basement, when she went to help them clean, after LE made such a mess of their precious home.

  10. Ayla has been kidnapped and the worst thing that could happen to her is that she "could be waiting to see her Daddy for a very, very long time".

    "He wakes up to this again and again, in the face of a foaming at the mouth public that is hell bent on making him the villain in a tabloid event. I pray for him daily, as I pray for his daughter's safety, well-being, and quick return." The author prays for Justin and, oh yeah, by the way, Ayla too God.

    1. "It is more apparent than ever that if we don't round up the help of everyone we know and all of their friends too, Ayla could be waiting to see her Daddy for a very, very long time. He wakes up to this again and again"

      Totally freaky statement.
      What does the author of this statement know?

    2. No kidding, I totally thought that was a bizarre statement too.

    3. This statement reminds me a bit of the 911 call principle about asking for help but not for the victim. Here she makes this odd statement about rounding up people to "help" but doesn't say to help find Ayla. This won't see her dad for a "very very" long time I take as a possible reference to Ayla dying. But it's phrased in this ambiguous dramatic language that is all over this statement. Other examples are all the references to things being or people living a nightmare -- cliched, trite -- what had to be a horrific experience is watered down through this dramatic language. Others -- the happiest days of his life, outside nothing, for the 18 month old and her mom, the shared room, in a panic rushed up the stairs. That's from the actual what happened account. Not even going into the drama filled Justin learned he was a father.... And he admires her drive -- the whole thing is written like a dark and stormy night. All this passive language used perhaps to conceal but I think also in an attempt to be dramatic/poetic. This is someone who wants someone to read this and think "what an artful way to describe this tragedy" who doesn't realize how silly it sounds to recount real events this way.

    4. More along those lines "night arrived but Ayla did not" and "just can't find any more words to fit on this page" I mean it almost reads like satire of someone trying to artfully describe that night like a mystery novel. The only comparison that is comIng to mind is poor but, there is this Woody Allen movie where these kind of ordinary people suddenly come into a lot of money running a cookie business and when they invite people into their over the top mansion they keep repeating "welcome to our humble abode" over and over again. This account was written with great care by someone with misconceptions about why people would read an account of what happened that night -- for information, not a Lifetime movie entertainment. And as Peter and others here have pointed out the carefully crafted message is poor Justin, what a great girlfriend he has, compared to Ayla's mother who is not his girlfriend, nope not his girlfriend at all and this nightmare sure began on an ordinary night, just like any other, nothing not ordinary here.

  11. I want to know how Elisha left the baby gate in place at the top of the stairs when she rushed down to find that Ayla wasnt with Justin...since he then rushed UP the stairs and knocked the gate over.
    That's been bugging me since the 1st time Peter posted her story.

    Her statement about how what was told to her forever changed her also sticks out. I am replying from my phone and haven't figured out cut and paste, so I wont quote it. It makes me think she sat down with Justin and he told her what happened. So yes, knowing he killed his daughter would forever change Courtney in a sense. You'd think it would've made her want to tell the truth to the police instead of trying to protect him, but birds of a feather....ugh.


  12. Ok this is the way it looks to me. What do you guys think?

    “Justin had found out that he was a father when Ayla was 7 months old” -

    why is this being brought up? It is out of place and doesn’t belong here. We aren‘t talking about the story of how Justin found out he was a father, we are talking about the disappearance of Ayla. The author sounds deceptive to me.

    “He never even knew Ayla was on the way, so he didn't get to meet her when she was born.”

    Again so what - This is not written to assist in finding Ayla, or clarify what happened that night. This statement is written to divert suspicion from the father and stir emotions of pity toward the victim’s father from the reader.

    “His girlfriend's family and support network is in Portland where she also has a day job and continues her college education at night. She is currently working towards her masters degree there but spends as much time as can be spared with her baby boy as well as Justin and Ayla. Justin often feels like she doesn't give herself enough of a break, but also respects her drive. Things were going well in the big picture and the future was looking brighter.”

    Again who cares? IMO this seems off topic. Another attempt to blow glitter up the behind of readers in an attempt to divert focus from the father and girlfriend. Why would this even be brought up? Can we read about how great his girl friend is some other time and get back to the point? Which should always be finding Ayla, or finding facts and the truth.

    "December 16th, 2011 was no different than most any other night"

    Uh yeah right no diferent….Except a child went missing. Why so vague all the sudden? Surely she must know some small detail about that night that would make his story add up, some facts to offer that could possibly help. If the author wanted to help vindicate Justin and find Ayla then she would share any details at all that might help aid in the recovery of Ayla. In stead though the author stays mum completely bypassing the topic and says something vague and lacking in details.

    He bolted up the stairs, knocking over the gate that was placed there every morning for the two little girls, and into her room”

    She sure is sharing details here though huh? Another attempt to make Justin look like a loving concerned father. The devil is in the details. Are we supposed to envision him as a hero who couldn’t have anything to do with this because he knocked the gate over? She isn’t buying my trust.

    What I wonder is if this lie may have some element of truth. He may have kicked the gate at some point and it may be relevant to the story some how. Abusive people frequently kick and hit objects, pets, and so forth, could there have been an accident here? Why bring that up any how?

    “I have to stop here because I simply can't find any more words that will fit on this page. My understanding of what happened from that day on, through many conversations, have forever changed me. The things that have taken place since then defy reason, to be honest"

    Really she is stopping here? Of all places to stop - here! ?!?! The most important part of the story, and she “simply can’t find any more words“ ? What conversations changed her life? What defied reason? She is leaving out the most important information and stating irrelevant info instead.

    1. "The police would have put every officer within a hundred mile radius on the case and they would figure out who could have taken her.
      But night arrived, and Ayla did not.

      I have to stop here because I simply can't find any more words that will fit on this page."

      I sometimes break down the sentence structure to see what is being spoken:

      But night arrived
      and Ayla
      did not.

      I have to stop
      I simply can't
      find any more
      that will fit

      on this page

    2. It does sound like there is a need to explain how the baby gate got knocked over, why he was not part of Ayla's life previously, and to introduce the Justin-Courtney relationship.

      I am still puzzled they thought it is a good idea to ask (or approve) a 3rd-4th person who was not even there, to write about the happenings that night.

  13. The date of the "disappearance" is not specified:
    "....disappeared ABOUT one week before Christmas"

    The language sounds like the story was told by a woman and written by another woman.

    "knocking over the gate" - it was kicked or knocked over at one point , the question is when?
    "tupperware cabinet" -part is story telling part

    1. Reading this gave me chills. About one week before Christmas. I didn't catch that before. So perhaps Ayla did "disappear" before the night of the 16th? Peter, do you think this is a leak? If I were writing the story, and it was true, I would just say "disappeared one week before Christmas." Anything else seems extraneous. Of course, you may have pointed this out to us before. This case is turning my brain into mush. Just as in the Hailey Dunn case, I've never seen so much circumstantial and physical evidence and no arrests. Just because there isn't a body, doesn't mean a crime didn't occur. These two didn't take off on their own, and the evidence is against their caretakers.

      And in Texas even! SMH

  14. "I have to stop here because I simply can't find any more words that will fit on this page."....

    I'm out of date on making/maintaining websites.

    So this is question kind of.

    If the person was putting this up on the website - why would it say:

    "I have to stop here because I simply can't find any more words that will fit on this page."

    Can't a website designer make a site to conform to however many words in a story???

    Why would she leave this part in???

    Sounds like a story was sent by the female author and the person assembling the web page put the story up, verbatim.

    It's a strange way to end this story, on a website.

    1. I agree. You can fit as much as you want onto a web page. It is such a bizarre thing to say, and an even stranger part to leave out. There is not one thing she says that is valid or meaningful to this case.

  15. This ums up alot after just 2 months of ayla being "missing" :

    Those two months had been the happiest of her Dad's life. Justin still can't comprehend how his life went from being full of optimism and promise, to dark and hopeless literally overnight.

    Really? Justin is hopeless after 2 months..or is it hopeless because Ayla will never be in this world again?

  16. Since Hailey Dunn was mentioned in this article, this won't be off topic. It seems Billie Jean Dunn is showing her true self on facebook. No longer is she playing the victim with a missing daughter. Billie was pointing fingers at LE for lying and twisting her words. She said the same of the media, the Nancy Grace program and Peter's blog. Poor poor Billie Jean so misunderstood. If anyone was watching her on facebook last night you would have seen her threatening people who she felt were not painting her in a good light. Billie threated to break the fingers of one person and then went on to say "snitches get stitches". Who says that? Or should I say, who would even know that statement? And she also threatened gang rape on another person. Gang rape? Pretty violent.

    Of course Billie is saying it's because she was baited. It's never Billie Jean's fault and she never takes responsibility. Let's hope LE was watching.

  17. In hindsight I think this story came directly from Heidi Tudela and Justin DiPietro. Angela Harry published it word for word, and upon orders changed it. Sheer damage control and an attempt to make the players seem upright and legit. Big fail. The truth came out anyway. Phoebe lied on national television, Justin failed his polygraph, the blood and the life insurance evidence was leaked. Courtney's sister caught a fed drug case. Upright and legit? Yeah, and I'm Barack Obama and I approve this message.

  18. Threatening to break fingers isn't too scary, nor is snitches get stitches. Sounds teeny bopper. Threatening gang rape...whoa!!!!!!!!

    If any commenters live in Texas, better check her associates and decided what to arm with.

    That may be a big clue as to where Hailey may be...what gangs are near and dear to her?

  19. elisha gets up, moments later goes into Aylas' room, then rushes down the stairs. justin bolts up the stairs breaking the gate that was put in place every morning. So in the , "moments" was when elisha placed the gate?
    So it was not the best type of gate, it's one that has to be placed rather than open or close type that bolts on to a door frame?
    Sounds like elisha is concerned since she rushed down the stairs right? So concerned that she leaves Gabby alone upstairs? Why not just call down the stairs to justin ? If she oftens takes Gabby into HER own room why would it not enter her mind that justin may have taken Ayla into his bed, but no, she rushes down the stairs. How did she know right away that something was wrong? What was her clue? Or is this all al lie? Was it courtney doing the rushing, hmm, she just came from the basement so she knew Ayla was not there??

    Can't fit any more words on this page? Morelike, "I am done praising justin and courtney, done covering all the bases I can think of, and I really don't have alot of empathy for Ayla."
    justin did not, "meet Ayla when she was born" Funny way of putting it, like meeting a stranger whereas saying, " see the birth of his daughter"

    "not different than any other night" Um, it was the last time you saw Ayla ?? or was it?

    A very vague account of that night because justin has not told the author anything about that night? Not telling everything he knows ?
    "Those two months were the happiest of her dads life" Hmm, so he was not happy since the day he found out he had a daughter? I wonder why he did not pay child support untill he was forced to? I wonder if he is happy that he has a son ?
    justin went from full optimism and promise to dark and hopeless literally overnight" I thought he had remained hopefull?

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