Monday, October 29, 2012

Benghazi and Gen. Ham?

Deception present.  

When answers yield more questions than understanding, there is likely deception present. 

Who said, "Stand down"?  

Was it really said?  

Did officials see this in "real time" via the internet?  It is difficult to imagine anything less given our sophistication of intelligence and communication. 

Why did the Administration tell the public that this was just a protest over a movie that none of us heard  of?  

Did a general really get fired for trying to save American lives?   

Why has Panetta's version changed?

Here are some statements:


"(The) basic principle is that you don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on; without having some real-time information about what's taking place," Panetta told Pentagon reporters. "And as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, Gen. Ham, Gen. Dempsey and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation."

The information I heard today was that General Ham as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready. 

General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow. Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command. 


  1. Come on McCain, here's where you help your country big time. We are behind you and the senate committee investigating this Benghazi horror.

    As Romney says,

    "..and, guess what, mr. President, those other countries noticed..." ,

    I'm sure they have noticed this huge hole in our defenses. And I'm sure they have noticed that the re-election candidate is responsible..we are vulnerable with this present regime.

    I watched Schieffer interview rob emanuel about Benghazi on Sunday, good grief, like the regime needs to finds anyone they can to lie for them? Sad!

  2. Sad is right!
    So is disgusting.

  3. His way or the highway.

    We are seeing his master plan unfold real time.


  4. "And as a result of not having that kind of information, the commander who was on the ground in that area, Gen. Ham, Gen. Dempsey and I felt very strongly that we could not put forces at risk in that situation."


    "put forces at risk in that situation."

    To anyone remotely associated with the military, this statement is ludicrous. The very nature of our military DNA is risk. Risk is what they do.

    Please ponder a moment this situation and compare/contrast with the mission to kill OBL.

    I rest my case.

  5. None of my sons served either..and my husband wasn't called for service. Others in my family have. So what? It has nothing to do with anything, or if I have a right to care about others who are serving.

    Whoppee Goldberg (wonder what her real name is?) a comic, made a statement that Mormons do not serve in the military, which Mrs. Romney corrected. They are not Mennonite or Amish, plenty of them not only serve, but say the pledge of allegience, unlike our current president. Who also has never served, or worked in the private sector. The man has never had a job that was paid for by an individual! No wonder he cannot understand how the economy works.

    Do your research. A lot of people who were not in the military are disappointed, shocked, and saddened by this administration's actions (or inactions) to help those in Benghazi.

  6. Dad (WWII vet) thought that statement was way off. He said he spent years in peril..sent by the government to many places. He is a Marine.

    The administration was watching, they were listening, and they did not want Americans to know that the war on terror isn't going all that well. There is an election coming, after all. Sad. Criminal.

  7. Exactly dadgum. Please tell your father thank you for his service. Semper Fi.

    I believe Panetta is trying to firewall responsibility from Obama. Its not working.

  8. You had a post a few months ago in your old blog about whether Holder should resign. It's gone, but it had interesting information. Is there anyway it can be restored?

  9. It wasn't 'all over..'. Until it was blamed for the terrorist attack. It only had 6-700 views before then. THEN the other protests took place. Funny they were lobbing mortars at both the consulate and the safe house during a "protest".

    Not aiding these soldiers, and servants of our country is an outrage.

    If there was a credible threat, let them prosecute Ms. Rice, and her operatives. And why..oh why, promise the arrest of a man who simply made a movie? He did not incite a riot, nor did he bomb anyone. That statement alone should frighten everyone.

    Try criticizing the current president..see what happens.

    Watch the video when it is protest, only an attack, according to those who have seen it.

    Mr. Obama has now said he called it a terror attack from the get-go.

  10. Criticizing the sitting president for what exactly? No one is questioning free speech - but you still cant yell fire in a theatre so there are some limits to what you can say. It was legal for him to make the movie, but there are going to be consequences suffered by others in harms way when you do something to inflame the situation. There were Libyans out after the attack protecting and trying to stop more protests chanting FOR USA. Obama has handled this well - by not speaking to soon and endangereing more American lives - if it were McCain advising Romney we probably would have done something very foolish in retaliation. There is such a thing as classified material and we never know the whole story immediately. Go see Argo the movie to find out just how long we can keep intel classifid - for many years and for many reasons.

  11. Are you saying you base your opinions on Affleck's movies??? lol

    I go to movies to be entertained, not informed. What's next? Dream police? Going back in time to fix things? Can't wait.

  12. dadgum said...
    Are you saying you base your opinions on Affleck's movies??? lol

    I go to movies to be entertained, not informed. What's next? Dream police? Going back in time to fix things? Can't wait.

    That's on my to do list after i have rescued the iceberg that sank the Titanic and vaccuumed all the dust particles left by sundry comets, asteroids and general messiness left by the creation of the solar system.

  13. Everyone lift your feets up. I'm coming through with my Dyson on sooper suck and anything on the floor that isn't nailed down is gonna get a free ride in my cyclone powered sooper sucker.

    Beep beep zooooom

  14. This Libya scandal enrages me to no end. How anyone, anyone, could go ahead and vote for Barack Obama after this is just plain disgusting. Wake up, people!
