Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Manti Te'o: 'Girlfriend' Was Male

To those of you who said that the mysterious "girlfriend" of Manti Te'o was a male, this article's for you!

Good catch!

Dr. Phil McGraw says Manti Te'o was not involved in setting up the dead girlfriend hoax that became a sensation when it was exposed this month, anthat the man who masterminded the scheme did so because he was "deeply, romantically" in love with the Notre Dame linebacker.
McGraw spoke on the "Today" show Wednesday, previewing an interview he did with Ronaiah Tuiasosopo, a California man who set up the fake identity of Lennay Kekua. Tuiasosopo's interview with McGraw will air in two parts on the "Dr. Phil Show" starting Thursday.
Te'o says he thought of Kekua as his girlfriend, though the two had only talked on the phone and exchanged electronic messages, and the story of how Te'o learned Kekua "died" on the same day in September as his grandmother because a major story during the football season.
McGraw says "absolutely, unequivocally" Te'o had no role in creating the hoax. McGraw also says that when he asked Tuiasosopo if he was gay, the 22-year-old initially said yes and then said "I am confused."
Te'o also was asked if he is gay, in an interview with Katie Couric that was broadcast last week. Te'o said "no."


  1. See Peter, we are paying attention and rememberering what we have been taught.

    WTG US

    ~gold stars all round~

  2. By Dan Loumena
    January 25, 2013, 7:30 a.m.

    Katie Couric went there. During her televised interview with Manti Te'o over the infamous girlfriend hoax, she asked whether the All-American linebacker from Notre Dame was gay.

    "Are you gay?” Couric asked during the interview that was televised Thursday on her nationally syndicated television show.

    ”No, far from it, far from it,” Te'o replied with an undertone of nervous laughter.
    Far from it, far from it, as in far from openly admitting it?

    Had he not began his response with the word NO, and shook his head No instead, to say "far from it, far from it," would he be more convincing or less? She asked him a direct question and his chosen is " distancing" far from it.
    Far from what? his known owned truth, that he is nervous of sharing?

    The question posed is of no mincing, his answer is ambiguous.
    Had he found her question relative with objectivity, he to be released of the rampant rumors and speculations, this would have been his moment.

    He could have, but He did not say,
    No, Katie I am not gay

  3. I think that manor is straight. The answer he gave is exactly the answer any male who was asked would give. The guy pretending to be a

  4. Well half the truth has come out. Should we take bets on when the rest leaks out?

  5. One more thing. I wanted to remark on the fact that Teo'd spoke on the phone for hours and hours with this male friend. There is no way he didn't know it was a male.

  6. Peter,

    Before this blog, I would have just said Teo's answer was one that any homophobic male I have ever met would give. However, these scenarios I have been in were not interviews with Katie Couric. Instead, it was in a room full of friends, with one guy teasing the other, stories flying back and forth about how 'not gay' they are...etc. His use of "far from it, far from it" reminds of guys boasting about their many encounters with women. Boasting to other guys that is, not Katie Couric.

    Just looking at the is not a reliable denial.
    Being thought of gay is a sensitive topic to him. The question to me now, is why is it so sensitive?

    Prior accusations? Tendencies exist?

    If he was in fact "far from it", wouldn't it speak for itself? There would be a bread crumb trail of ladies to speak up for him. They would love to speak up and get their 15 minutes of fame, just like Tiger's 'ladies'.

    He had a strictly online relationship, never meeting someone he called a girlfriend. That doesn't sound "Far from it" to me.

  7. Surely after all this came out, as it was suddently obvious that Manti's girlfriend was not who he thought it was, Manti and friends/family would have started turning their attention to think about who it COULD have been. If someone suggested that his girlfriend could possibly be male, that would be confusing. I mean regardless of your sexual orientation, the idea that you had essentially had a very deep emotional (love?) connection with someone you would never have thought you could be interested in on that must be so jarring. Or, even if Manti really is gay or bisexual, but hadn't acted on this before, this concept could now be jarring.

    No matter how you interpret this situation, if Manti truly didn't know who he was communicating with, he has to be going through a lot emotionally now.


  8. when did Tao last see Romaiah? How often did they see each other? I'm still thinking this was a gay love affair.
    The christian singer has sacraficed his career for his loves, because christian singers don't earn what pro football players do.

  9. anon 11:03- if Tao is emotionally low, he sure did alot of smiling on Katies show.


    Was Diane O'Meara really a victim in this?

    Listen to what she says around the 2:20 mark about Ronaiah asking for "more content, more photos, more videos" and wanting her to SAY "good luck on the seventh".

    She says she gave him the one picture with the December 21, 2012 date. He stole the rest. She can't give him MORE video if she didn't give him video to begin with. He wants her to SAY good luck on the seventh because her voice is that of Lennay, imo, NOT Ronaiah.

    What do you guys think?
