Saturday, February 2, 2013

Mother of the Year in Atlanta

Our words reveal us.  The words we choose allow others to know us, and know what is in our hearts.  Even after saying, "that's not what I meant" we know the brain chose the words the tongue spoke in less than a microsecond.  

From this abundance, that is, the thoughts accumulated over a lifetime, along with the emotions accompany them, the brain signals to the tongue which words to form.  This is accompanied by a surge of hormones during a crisis.  

Note the words from the two women, and then the words from the children.  After the incident, note the male's words as well.



  1. Video shows how people act. A lot of people would call someone relating this incident 'racist'. People of all stripes act this way, and it is disgusting and sad. Someone taught the young adults to behave this way, and now they are teaching their own kids.

    Young parents should watch this, and see what effect they have on their kids. We can all learn something here.


  2. Wow. I feel so badly for those beautiful children. Out of the mouths of babys...

  3. sorry Child Advocate, was meant for the post above.

    those kids will be something in a few years unless someone intervenes, and I doubt they will dare..

  4. Should we feel bad for the woman tasered in front of her kids? I don't. She could have walked away with her kids. She pushed, and pushed. She deserved it, and I am a woman.

  5. What trash. Those poor kids were terrified when the violence began. I'm sure they will be taught that mom was a victim. Sad.

  6. sheesh, my home town. I remember it well.

  7. Who can understand a word anyone says?

    Don't any of them speak English?

    1. It was English....with a southern accent.
      Maybe you need to watch cable tv instead of just local free tv.

  8. Evil monsters!!! God help the rest of us!


  9. Would someone please post a link to this video?

  10. OK I watched the video. What was the initial cause of the argument? Is it just me or is it not clear? The video starts with the mother very angry at the security guard. Since I can not tell why she is angry, I can't really judge if her anger is out of line. Could the security guard not have locked the doors? It shows two glass doors that looks like they could have been shut and I am assuming locked. Tasering someone is not a safe thing to do. I can't judge this mother if I don't know why she was angry to begin with. The security should not have tasered her. She could have hit her head when she fell.

    1. The kids were screaming and hollering at the door, and he asked them to stop the noise and move it along. The fat mother got mad and told her kids to keep screaming. The skinny mom jumped in and was getting in the man's face. All thewomen had to do was keep it moving with those loud bad assed kids. They were trying to intimidate the guard. Skinny onecame back into mall got in his face, pushed him then fought him. Then got tased.
      She got what he was really trying to avoid by telling her to "back it up".
      Bet she wont do that shit no damn more. Also...not Ebonics ( does anyone even use that term anymore???). It the "dirty South" accent. Maybe you guys on this post need to travel a little more or susbcribe to cable TV. You would know that.

  11. OK I rewatched it--it seems like she was mad that the security guard was yelling at her kids, yet the video starts past the point where you would be able to tell what he said to the kids.
    Well, whatever it was it made her mad. But then the "mall cop" tasers her. I'd say there's room for improvement all around.

  12. Are you kidding me? Hard to believe people really act like that...and do it in front of their kids. Between the southern accents and Ebonics I couldn't understand a word any of that trash spewed so I couldn't even figure out what the whole incident was about. I'm highly disappointed the taser didn't do more damage to that POS, she's an animal and her kids will 1 day also be animals if someone doesn't get them away from her...I felt sorry the kids had to see any of that but seriously...what was it about and what were they saying???

  13. What violence! Whatever the reason she was put outside it seemed like the two women got off on the anger...and were even pleased to see the little boys join in. Very sad...
    The Taser charge was not very strong given that she was able to get back up so quickly. What was the security man supposed to do? His stress levels at the end of that day must have been sky high. I liked the way he just kept repeating his terms, but conclude from my armchair, that perhaps he could have handled it better...

  14. Regardless of what started it there is no justification for acting like that in front of children...yours or anyone else's. That woman hit the guard several times not to mention spit in his face. After that I would've supported anything he did to her. And yes, I am a woman

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. A woman and her friend ran into Sam's wheelchair in a crosswalk. She had been stopped talking to her friend who put the baby in the front seat. My husband and son kept him from falling over, and slammed on her hood to get her to stop rolling.

    They had a little boy with them about 3, and both proceeded to do what the women in the video did. Screaming, spitting, chest bumping (it's funny now) and calling him an "old white man" (also funny now).

    They were not sorry, only angry he touched their unregistered, uninsured, hulk of a Honda. Scary, and I had never seen such behavior before. Sam was ok, though scared and bruised, his chair was broken.

    Bad role models come in all shapes, sexes, and colors. The union riots are an example.

    1. Did you ask for registration and insurance papers? How do you know??

  17. Oh please--the kids will get over seeing their mother yell at a security guard. Having their mother tasered was probably very disturbing and confusing for them. Not to mention it could have severely injured her or possibly even killed her. Has anyone here heard of "head injuries"? They occur when someone falls for whatever reason and hits their head causing severe injury. This guy seems like a total idiot. I am glad this "mall cop" is not a real cop.

    1. A real cop would have beat her then shot her.

  18. Mimi--You would have supported "anything he did to her?" With all due respect, that's kind of crazy. She yelled. That really does not justify the person then being able to do anything he wants to her. I am a woman too.
    All I know is if I were a man, have some pride, you're stronger and bigger than her, she's yelling at you, did he feel overpowered by her, tasered her in "self-defense" because he thought she was going to overpower him? Sad. Not really something to brag about. I don't respect men who hit or taser women. That's quite pathetic and shows he has no pride in being a man if he tasers someone smaller and weaker than him for giving him "backtalk". He should act like a man. Maybe he should call up his mother and cry if it traumatized him that much. All I know is if when my son grows up he ever called me up and said, Mom a woman was yelling at me in front of her kids so I tasered her on concrete, I would hang up the phone on him. He would never act that way though, because I have been bringing him up to be a decent person.

    1. You may need to view the video again...he got in his face, chest pushed him, then fought him. He didnt tase her because he had nothing better to do.

  19. The mother being tazed in front of the children:

    It is likely that this was not the first time these children witnessed violence involving their mother.

    Sadly, based upon just a short video of her behavior and words, violence is a norm.


  20. This is physical violence directed at the mother.

  21. there was a case where a young woman running from an officer was tased. She hit her head on a curb, and later died, as I recall..

  22. Anon 6:24 and 6:45
    You missed the point of the post. She wasn't "just yelling" in response to this security guard. She was speaking out of the years of her life she had processed and stored up in her heart.This is who this woman is. She didn't suddenly become a different woman because this man angered her. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. That was the point of the post.She has no self control or desire to set a better example for her children. She is setting her children up to be tazed one day if they follow her example.

  23. Dadgum--I remember reading about that. It's really very dangerous when someone hits their head--as you could see when she got tazed--she was not able to break her fall.

    The odd thing about this video is that it appears to have been filmed out of a necklace the guard is wearing or something! Regardless you can see he is a big man, big arms, etc. He should have just shut the doors! I mean--I am no Einstein--but it seems to be the intelligent solution if he felt the mother was that much of a threat or was not abandoning the property.
    I just checked this out on youtube and I am very saddened by the racism and misogyny being interjected into this situation on youtube.

  24. Anon 7:39--

    I am not saying I feel her choice of actions was "wise": as for what I can see she has stored up in her heart--my impression and I am no psychic but she has probably been an abuse victim, domestic violence, etc.
    Also, I am sure that she receives degrading treatment in day to day life by society due to her color, poverty, etc. I don't perceive her as an "aggressor" within society--she is certainly in no position of power. Do I feel she should have just walked away from the situation? Absolutely. I am a white woman, but I'll tell you I just looked over at youtube at this story and I see just disgusting vitriol talking about her like she is less than human by virtue of her being female, black, poor.
    I don't perceive this poor, black, probably domestically abused woman as one of the greater villains or aggressors within society. Were her actions wise? Absolutely not.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. She deserved it. People like that think they can do whatever they want. And the poor kids... When the little ones joined in, I couldn't believe how they looked/sounded. It's very sad. But the woman he tasered, she deserved it.

  27. Sadly, she's probably proud of being the star of this viral video...checking how many views it has and tweeting about it on her free cell phone...what trash!

  28. Wow. You can watch the full 4+ minute video by typing in "Atlanta woman tazered security" on youtube. Disgusting behavior, modeled in front of children who obviously absorbed it like little sponges. So sad. This must be normal behavior in their world.
    I think calling Atlanta police would have been smarter, but I don't think security was out of line. She chest bumped him and swung hard at him a good 4 times before he tasered her.

  29. He asked her to leave. He told her not to come in. What more do you want? She forced herself on him just like a man forces himself on a woman in rape or an abusive mother forces a child by viloence. He was doing his job! He was defending the property and then himself! I feel sorry for him, and I think he showed forbearance! To force yourself on people is a serious crime, both legally and spiritually. To be so liberal in your viewpoint that you deny the violation that force is is OTT. Just because people have not learned to respect the boundaries of others doesn't mean they are not going to suffer the consequences of it. Ignorance is a sin anyone will suffer for. That is why it is discouraged! If she doesn't wise up her life is going to be a living hell. It is in her best interest and her children's not to trespass!

  30. My biggest grip that adds to this is how I see a mother or a father let their kids walk behind them. I see this on over 40 miles an hour roadways(or roads not made for walking) in stores, at amusement parks, everywhere! I always look to see if the parent looks back at least, and the answer is no, I'm so shocked everytime.. The children are as young as 2 or 3yo....
    Is this the new parenting rage? I'm in a predominate black community,that's where I first started to observe this unbelieveable concept. But yes, as I took note, I have seen the white, Spanish/ Puerto Rican, and Chinese young generation of babymakers do this behavior... Even in a couple/partner/lover situation....observe in your area, it's alarming in mine...

    1. I dont know why these young parents do that. They dont want to hold kids by the hand or have kids hold hands, smdh

  31. Arm chair quarterbacking makes it seem concern is that there were times when then security could have walked away, especially outside,and it would might have ended there. But he continued a bit of a pissIng match and kept it going. Also, when the woman came into the dOorway to retrieve her child as instructed, he advanced on her and began yelling at her. ? Guaranteed to inflame. Bad situation.
    Yes, those little ones have probably seen this type of behavior before-they knew the drill:(

  32. JerseyJane
    I see it too..I am often looking for the parent of a lone 2-4yr old in stores and sometimes parking lots. What happened to holding hands? Remember locking your little finger around a tiny wrist when near any danger? It's rural here, but danger is danger.

    Mom is often reading box labels for carb content, or talking on her phone for some reason, while toddler wanders several aisles away. Healthy eating is new to folks here, and takes a lot of thought and effort. And opinions from friends. lol

    The children are being ignored in many instances.

  33. Listen Anonymous 6:45 because it seems you need a dose of reality. That man was doing his job which is to make sure the stores and shoppers are secure...hence the title SECURITY GUARD. Had he closed the door and walked away he would not have been doing the job he was paid to do. Once someone puts their on another person....or spits in their face anything that comes their way is justified and should be expected. I don't know where you come from but you obviously don't have much life experience in dealing w sub-human violent people and probably think you can reason w naive you're ridiculous

  34. The mothers were violent; those kids witnessed it.

    The security guard reacted with violence; those kids witnessed it.

    I wish the security guard had taken his opportunity to show restraint and even kindness, but holding firm on not letting them in. They were just saving what?

    Those kids could have seen a good role model...if only.

  35. Mimi--Thanks for giving me a dose of reality. No, I'm not naive. For you to say "anything" that comes her way is justified shows that you yourself obviously advocate violence in situations that are ridiculous. He is a guard right? He can shut the door! That could certainly be a way to handle the situation. Do you honestly think the guard felt physically threatened by her? If he did, why does his necklace camera show him calmy sipping a Pepsi and even screwing the lid of the Pepsi shortly before he Tasers her? That woman probably weighed 100 lbs less than him. Say about me what you will--I am raising a son--if he ever called me up as a grown man and said "Mom I'm a mall cop. This 120 lb lady was giving me backtalk so after I took a sip of my Pepsi I tasered her on concrete in front of her small kids". I would hang up on him. Period. If you don't like that--too bad! What should I say to him "Oh you poor thing--you must have felt so scared of her! Next time time call Mommy I'll come protect you even though you're 6 foot 3 and weigh 230 lbs. I'll make sure no woman ever yells at you at your mall cop job again.". No. He will be a man, and he will not taser unarmed much smaller women in front of their children. If that's naive of me too bad! I've got my opinion of right and wrong and you have yours!

  36. And, if you watch the video, it does not appear that other shoppers appeared to feel "insecure" because of tge yelling woman. The man who is standing closest to tge shouting at one point starts chuckling like he finds it humorous. The only time anyone looks alarmed is when the woman gets tasered and she falls over. The kids begin screaming in fear and a crowd quickly gathers and you can see many alarmed expressions on quite a few faces. He hardly handled the situation in a way that created a heightened sense of security among those in proximity to the situation.

  37. Hate begets hate; violence begets violence; toughness begets a greater toughness....

  38. Tazed Mother was charged

  39. According to written reports the woman had been asked to leave the mall owing to disorderly conduct and was shown the taser from the outset of the defiance. She also is said to have been charged with criminal trespass, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, and simple battery.
