Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Mac Sanford, Private Investigator, on Crime Wire

Mac Sanford, Private Investigator 

Tonight on Crime Wire, we will cover the case of missing 13 year old Hailey Dunn and have a special guest appearance by someone who may possess a good deal of knowledge about the case.

Mac Sanford, Private Investigator, will be taking your questions.

What connection is there between Mac Sanford, Billie Jean Dunn, and Casey Anthony?

Billie Dunn, Hailey's mother, and Shawn Adkins, Billie's boyfriend, are the only two Persons of Interest named in the case.  Both failed polygraphs.

search efforts continue....

Crime Wire will broadcast live at 7PM on Blog Talk Radio, and be available for download shortly after.


  1. OT

    Autopsy Today: Jacob Samusenko — Another Smiley Face Serial Killing?
    March 19, 2013 12:00 PM EDT

    On the evening of January 29, 2013, Jacob Samusenko stepped outside his parent's home in Erie, Pennsylvania to quickly take out the trash...and the athletic 17-year-old honor student's not been seen or heard from since.

    That is, not until authorities discovered what they believe to be his badly decomposing body floating in the nearby bay yesterday afternoon.

    An autopsy will be performed this morning on the corpse of "a young white male" who was spotted floating in the Presque Isle Bay by a passerby.

    The victim was said to be wearing the same clothing that Samusenko was last seen in before he left his house only a short distance from where the body was found.

    A spokesperson for the Samusenko family confirms they have already been notified by police that the deceased is likely their long lost loved one.

    A classic Smiley Face Killer scenario

    This winter, last winter, the winter before…over the past 16 consecutive years young men like Samusenko have been mysteriously vanishing off the face of the earth. Only to be found days, weeks or months later in nearby bodies of frigid water.

    Drunk or sober, their deaths are always ruled as "accidental" and their missing person files slammed shut without further inquiry or debate.

    Sometimes in fact, like Nick Wilcox, 24, who disappeared in the middle of New Year's celebrations from downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin this year, the youths are never found again.

    Only a sinister smiley face will mark the spot where they were last observed to be in. Or so the Smiley Face Killer legend has it.

    The case of the drowning men

    A few years ago the FBI was made aware of a fairly recent and very troubling phenomena whereby males between the ages of 17 and 30 had begun drowning by the numbers.

    At that point in time there were 40+ cases that matched the Samusenko disappearance, all of which the Bureau ultimately decided were simply due to an uncanny "coincidence."

    The young men had been drunk, investigators determined. Or suicidal, or clumsy…or whatever.

    But by now there have been hundreds of them dying in this unprecedented manner, so once again the federal authorities are looking into the case of the drowning men, because, at last, it strikes them as somewhat suspicious.

    In the meantime, Jacob Samusenko continues to be listed among the missing, and $10,000 reward posters are still posted throughout his neighborhood, all over the internet, and even on crime show host Nancy Grace's Facebook page and Twitter feed.

    Erie County's coroner says he will know for certain if the cadaver just retrieved is indeed that of the missing teen by around noontime today.

    Positive identification in progress, as yet another family awaits word that their young man has died in yet another accidental drowning.http://news.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474981861109

  2. Body in Bay ID'd as Missing Teen

    Posted: Mar 19, 2013 5:36 PM GST
    Updated: Mar 19, 2013 6:57 PM GST
    By Scott Bremner - email

    Erie County Cornoner Lyell Cook says that dental records have confirmed that a body found in Presque Isle Bay is that of missing Erie teen Jacob Samusenko.

    Cook says that at this time there has been no determination as to the cause of death for the 17-year old but that foul play is not suspected at this time.

    On Saint Patrick's Day family members and friends held a vigil for Jacob, who has been missing since the end of January.http://www.erietvnews.com/story/21715041/body-in-bay-idd-as-missing-teen

  3. Excellent choice of guest ! I am looking forward to the program.

  4. 'search efforts continue'...
    I hope this photo comes in at trial, and gives John Stacy kittens.

  5. http://www.ydr.com/state/ci_22824035/body-found-lake-erie-basin-that-missing-teen

    Another article to go with John's on Jacob Samusenko. I also commented on the post before.

    Jacob and his family are from Belarus, a country known for its lack of rights to its people and the disappearing of its people.

    I can't even imagine the nightmare this has been for Jacob's mother. I admire her courage in speaking out and participating in search groups. It shows how badly she wanted her son back.

  6. Tonight on Crime Wire, we will cover the case of missing 13 year old Hailey Dunn and have a special guest appearance by someone who may possess a good deal of knowledge about the case.

    Do you doubt his knowledge?

  7. Why do people post off topic on these threads. Are they just so jacked up to talk about something other than where the topic is going that they have to just change the damn subject. Why don't they start their own blog & leave the comments to what the topic being discussed is about !

    1. Yep! I'm so "jacked up" about Jacob being found dead I can hardly stand it.

      Sometimes it annoys me, also, but I notice that's how we do it on here so I did.

      We had posts in the past on Jacob, and I followed his being missing closely. I guess you might call it empathy for the family...I thought others might also have some. Obviously I'm mistaken.

      And I rather dislike myself right now for saying all that, and acting as rude as others on this blog do. But I'm pushing "publish" rather than delete it.

  8. Hi Peter ~ I will be tuning in tonight - I am looking forward to it!

    Most Sincerely,

  9. Fed Up of Anonymous Posts!March 19, 2013 at 4:09 PM

    Not as annoying as people posting as Anonymous. Makes it very difficult to keep track of who is saying what.

  10. Don't worry about it Sus-

    Clearly they don't see the irony of posting an off- topic comment, to bitch about the off topic comments, lol! Also, it's common practice and the ONLY way to update on previous topics or posts.

    Most of us are here to read and learn so the updates and topics of discussion are appreciated.

  11. Anon @ 4 p.m. - Because most people have already read the older articles and when they return here they only read the most recent topics on the blog. If the update had been posted under the previous article about Jacob no one would have seen it.

    RIP Jacob Samusenko.

  12. People will be able to listen with discernment to the private investigator, for themselves and decide if he is truthful or not.

    For me, it is impossible to listen without Statement Analysis in play.

    Please list some questions you'd like to ask him here in the comments.

  13. Does Mr. Sanford still believe the following:

    Hailey is alive.
    Hailey was seen alive many times after Dec 27th, 2010.
    Hailey was probably taken to Odessa.
    Hailey was later moved out of west Texas.
    Hailey was taken to fulfill a drug debt.
    Hailey was kidnapped for other reasons also.
    Hailey was likely drugged up, imprisoned and trafficked.
    Neither Billie Jean Dunn nor Shawn Adkins are meth addicts.
    Neither BJD or SA had anything to do with Hailey's disappearance.
    The Callahan letter saying Hailey died of a drug overdose and is buried in Monahans - "is the rambling of a meth’d-out lunatic"

    Is Mr. Sanford still investigating Hailey's disappearance?

    Was he ever paid, or subsidized by anyone for his investigations?

    Did BJD actually "hire" him as she claimed in October 2012, or did he offer his services pro bono to BJD?

    Why did BJD "cut ties" with Sanford after his efforts in late 2012?

    Why did he refer reporters to BJD for answers as to why he resigned from the investigation in Nov, 2012?

    Is there anything we can learn from his resignation? Did he change his views (listed above from October, 2012) and thereby alienate himself from the woman who once said "I’ve got a lot of faith in Mac and I’m dependent on him to find her and get her home.” ?

  14. keeps shutting down. silence on blogtalk

  15. That picture of her with that skanky dude is disgusting


  16. I missed it i thought it was the usual time,which is midnight here.

  17. My connection was cutting in and out so I may have missed something.

    But at the point where Peter asks the PI if he had "relations" with BJD...it seemed to me the PI did not give a reliable denial.

    Did anyone else catch that or was it just me?

  18. Regarding Mac Sanford---

    He spent most of his airtime fumbling for words, stammering and evading simple, direct, questions posed by Peter.

    He knows very little of value regarding Hailey's murder, but is exploiting his brief, personal contact with BJD, to make it appear he was "inside" the investigation.

    Mac didn't really have anything to say. This interview was a shameless attempt at self-promotion of his PI business, on the back of a dead 13 year old.
    Just my opinion.

  19. We are sure to hear from Peter over absolute shocker that comes out at 1:13 of the show!

  20. Light The Way said...
    Regarding Mac Sanford---

    He spent most of his airtime fumbling for words, stammering and evading simple, direct, questions posed by Peter.

    He knows very little of value regarding Hailey's murder, but is exploiting his brief, personal contact with BJD, to make it appear he was "inside" the investigation.

    Mac didn't really have anything to say. This interview was a shameless attempt at self-promotion of his PI business, on the back of a dead 13 year old.
    Just my opinion.

    I couldn't agree more. Stutter, stammer, didn't make much sense, I think Mac is getting his opinion from Peter's posts.

  21. what was at 1:13 of the show?? one minute and 13 seconds?? now I have to listen??

    I heard a lot of it but the private investigator sounded like he had no training and he did not deny sleeping with Billie Dunn. He said she uses her looks. She has "looks"???

    Equinox, what was said?

  22. One hour 13 minutes.. Almost the only fact we had never heard before coming from Mac:

    The porn starring Billie Jean Dunn, Shawn Adkins and another girl - was recorded on the XBOX for any man, woman or child in her house to see.

  23. Equinox,

    Yes, that surprised me. I didn't think she would be that stupid.

    I assume that they were slowly exposing Hailey to their deviant lifestyle, over time, but were at least smart enough to put it in the dresser.

    Also, I am finding that listeners used their skill in listening, which is always important. Equinox, I will share your analysis of me: it was dead on.

    Contact me, okay? When I tell you the story behind the post, you'll be stunned at how accurate your analysis was.


  24. Mac answered my questions above, indirectly, by telling us what he now believes to be true. His current thinking jives so perfectly with what your analysis has disclosed over the years that it makes it very hard to believe he came up with his current stance on his own. Particularly given the completely off-base starting point he took on this case. The only thing he seemed to have right at first was that the Callahan letter was attention-seeking rubbish from a meth-head.

    His radio appearance tonight focused a great deal on defending himself and his poor choices, and I think perhaps he is lucky this did not tarnish his career. I credit him now for making some bold statements tonight in the search for justice for Hailey Dunn.

  25. I did learn that BJD asked him to investigate me.

    Can you imagine a mother of a missing child handing a list of suspects? I can.

    Can you imagine the same mother handing someone who is supposed to find her daughter, a list of people that upset her??

    I can't.

    Let's hope Billie Dunn's lies are coming to an end. Is she now claiming that Hailey never went to the dentist?

    Especially if only one tooth has been recovered?


  26. She's a WONDERFUL mother. Remember? I'm sure Hailey's teeth gleemed with the wholesomeness of her home life and she never, ever, ever needed a dentist.

    One tooth? Good lord where are the rest? Do deer get their teeth knocked out when they are gutted?

  27. I may be wrong but I think there have been some pics shown on Nancy Grace or one of those shows where Hailey had braces (she looked a bit younger). I think it's the one of a younger Hailey on the couch with BJD in the middle with Shawn's arm around her waist? If so she will have extensive dental xrays and records.

  28. I have never seen a photo of Hailey with braces. I find it hard to believe Hailey never went to a dentist.

  29. I missed something. Was there only one tooth found? Or are you only guessing this?

    I wondered if teeth would be missing when BJD said they would identify her by dental records.

  30. I may be wrong, I'm trying to remember back years ago, but I just looked online for the pic I was thinking of and didn't find it or any w/ braces. However her teeth look to be straight, white and well cared for...so I can't imagine they would look that way if she had NEVER been to a dentist?

    We shall see...if not, then we will have to wait longer for DNA confirmation. I believe this is Hailey, based on Billie's quote about how the FBI is only sharing info with her and LE. She is lying, (as they aren't telling her anything/there's nothing to tell yet) but she still reveals that she see herself as attached to this body & investigation, despite the fact that it has not been identified.

  31. They have finished the search and still no identity of the remains. This is an aerial view of where the body was found. It is desolate and not well traveled, as one would expect disposing of a body. One thing to note is that Colorado City was out there searching. This is very different from last year when the body was found at the airport They must have some vested interest ??

    Human remains search ends, still no ID on body

    While flying over the area, our news team observed FBI agents, Texas Rangers, and Colorado City police combing the area. More than a dozen vehicles can be seen driving through dirt roads.


  32. Great show tonite Peter. Mac was a good guest. The X box statement knocked me over. And yet, it shouldn't because we learned that the X box was sensitive based on how many times it was brought up during an interview.

    I am not surprised that Billie asked (manipulated) Mac to investigate you. You saw thru her lies and she hated that and blamed you. The horrible names she called you here and on Facebook, were as you stated she uses, violent and sexual. I wonder who else was on her "list".

    I'm praying for Hailey. I hope there is closure and justice is served, if this is her. When I saw the desolate area the remains were found, it made me feel so sad. If Hailey, she had so much to offer as her young life was just starting into her teen years. Hailey deserved so much more.

  33. I had a feeling the boy had slipped into the water and drowned but it's very sad news to hear, regardless.

    Icy water is treacherous.

    There is a good examination of the smiley face killer theory on this page- http://goo.gl/LnfTv

  34. I think it's odd that he didn't record his initial conversation with BJD. I mean does a PI have to have permission to record? It seems he would have recorded it without her knowledge for his own reference.

  35. Thanks for a very informative show tonight.

  36. How do we know only one tooth was recovered? Was this reported by authorities? Sorry, I wasn't able to listen to the show.

  37. I think it's more than a little odd ABC, that this PI didn't record his initial conversation with Billie, also that he did not deny that he had sex with her; yet he had all those iron-clad reasons he jumped out in front defending her innocence, which led to a LOT of people jumping on his/her "miss pitiful innocent" bandwagon. Obviously he had no training OR experience in how to decipher truth from lies. Does he now? I wonder.

    Ditto for Marc Klaas. No credibility other than that bestowed on him by Nancy disGrace. Totally lacking in knowlege of a liar when he comes face to face with one, not even the ability to distinguish eye contact of a decietful liar, even allowing himself to be conned out of money by her that belonged to others who paid in to his non-profit. Does he NOW know the difference?

    Midnight Lurker

  38. Lis, ref Jacob's accidential drowning; now that I have seen a photo of the path around the canal/lake, what I saw is a very clear and wide path around that lake. From what I viewed, no reason for anyone to be jogging that close to the lake.

    This leaves little reason that Jacob would have accidentally skidded into the lake unless he skidded on an ice slick, but the ice had not formed at the time he took out the trash and had not even started to form until well into the next day and night. The temperature had started to drop but the ice did not form until the next night.

    I'm leaning towards thinking this was no accident, but do not consider his mother a suspect in his death as some here seem to do. What I see in her is a good, caring, faithful and humble christian woman and mother, not a hypocrite. Course, I've been known to be wrong once or twice.

    Midnight Lurker

  39. BostonLady, you are so right. Hailey had so much to offer and would have excelled in whatever career path she chose to pursue had she been given the opportunity.

    She was a real treasure, bright, beautiful, and oh so smart. She had a lot of class and poise for her tender age, even humble in her humiliation at having to beg for lunch money; a truly rare gem in a jungle of dope and debachery all around her.

    All provided by her no-good sex-crazed POS dirty doped up mother and her doped up live in violent man-child b/f; AND a non-caring dopehead father who ignored her deadly fears in his dope stupor, allowed her to go hungry and ignored providing even a bed for her to sleep on.

    I would have dearly loved to have precious Hailey for my own daughter. I'd have loved her so, and been so proud of her.

    Some demand us anons to give ourselves a name? I am: The Midnight Lurker (and a fan of Peter and SA).

  40. I am electronically challenged. Could someone explain the significance of the porn being recorded on the X-box?
    Would David have access to seeing his mother in a porn video? Also what did Peter pick up on that led him to ask Mac Sanford if he had relations with BJD?

    1. I have no idea about the Xbox.
      As far as the "relations" with the P.I. & BJD- I think Peter said that the P.I. wanted to address the rumors of him sleeping with BJD. Peter asked him (the P.I.) and the P.I. did not give a reliable denial as far as sleeping with BJD.

  41. Please can someone tell me where the report of finding only one tooth came from?


  42. Skeptical, I'm not sure about techie stuff either, XBox must have a video camera, recorder and storage(?). That would mean, yes, anyone who had the gaming device could have seen (gross!) BJ's sexscapades (ewe!).

  43. There are photos of BJD with her kids/family where she did look wholesome at one point, her kids looked well cared for and from what people have said about her, she was a good mom. She actually looked very pretty at that time. What happened to her to make her change so drastically? What part of her life did she despise so much to want to use drugs and become a loser? Can this happen to anyone?

  44. Only 1 tooth : xtsb.com

  45. http://bigcountryhomepage.mobi/wap/news/text.jsp?sid=187&nid=3259758832&cid=11392&scid=-1&title=News&ith=8

  46. media reported finding a femur, skull and a tooth. However, this may be misleading. Perhaps 1 tooth was found separately and others are attached to skull

  47. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2iag375&s=6

    Add to the photo album view of Casey

  48. I need to listen to the show again.

    he was all over the place with sensitivity indicators, unreliable denials and what not.

    It gave me an insight though into billie's thinking and mind set.
    She played him and i think she still is.
    She wants to know what you know Peter, she knows what happens when she talks to you, she knows her lies are revealed so instead she gets her patsy to come on perhaps in the hope you will leak info letting her know how the investigation is going ( she knows LE will talk to you and you them, something LE aren't doing for her)

    it is also interesting to see that whenever the Hailey Dunn case is covered, shawn shows up incognito and attempts to defend shawn(himself) mislead and porn scorn on the the chatroom and the subject matter.

    They cannot help themselves, like all killers, they search the internet and the press to see if they are in the news, if anything new has been uncovered so they can preempt, mislead, misdirect and think up an excuse/alibi/reason why.

    it is oh so predictable ( the same as casey trawled through the media for news about herself even to asking if there were choppers, and the gruesome twosome hiring lawyers to monitor blogs and forums for anything that could be taken as negative to them)

  49. Thank you for the tooth references!

  50. Bill Clinton or Mac Sanford..which said "I didn't have relations with this woman"

  51. Notice how Peter had to continue to repeat "let's stay focused here or let me keep you on track" cause the doctor keeps him hyped up on Ritilian..Peter you fell for Mac "Hook, link and sinker"

  52. For the life of me, I just don't understand why people put so much faith in Mac. It's nothing personal against him, he may be the greatest guy in the world. But he seems fairly immature and way out of his league when it comes to serious investigations. By his own admission, he handles mostly cheating spouses cases. He went dancing with a "client"? He can't reliably deny sleeping with her? He seems to know very little. IMO, he "joined" this case just for kicks. Not a very credible source, Peter. You can do better.

  53. I was rather shocked that this PI seemed to be making it up as he went along. It was clear to me that he did not know very much about the case at all. He actually confirmed Shawn's report that he did in fact turn in his overalls at work that morning. He even claims that he found documentation to support this by an expert witness? Are we sure that he is not working for Shawn Adkins defense attorney. Peter, as usual, you were professional and above reproach!

  54. I am not Shawn.

  55. imo, Mac didnt confirm a damn thing, everything he talked about , as far as Hailey case, has been posted on facebook, it seemed to me facebook was his source for all his info, and he didnt repeat it accurately. and him lying about the big question, i wouldnt believe anything he said. this was no help to the case.

  56. You did a great job Peter.I'm sure you were annoyed as all of us that you had to keep putting this Mac character in his place to keep him from going on about himself.I don't believe anything he said and Im not a Billie fan.Get real,he went to the club as a body guard?What a freaking joke.Did y'all catch where he started saying he thinks with his di*k but changed it to heart.Id like to see you analyze his words

  57. http://bigcountryhomepage.mobi/wap/news/text.jsp?sid=187&nid=1758694020&cid=11392&scid=-1&ith=0&title=News&headtitle=News

    The remains -- which have not been identified by gender or age because of the state of decomposition -- were scattered about the area by wildlife. The area where the body was discovered is overgrown with mesquite and cacti. Despite a report listing specific bones that were found at the scene, Department of Public Safety Information Officer Sparky Dean said he could not confirm those reports and said they did not come from investigators.

  58. Everytime someone inserts themself in a missing persons case especially a missing child and then comes onto the radio show we learn something new.

    he was all over the place, he however was leaking like a sieve and there were nuggests of info he let slip that we didn't know about or needed confirming.

    information goes 2 ways.

  59. I think Mac gave the answer to whether he was "involved" with BJD or not at the very end of the interview when Peter asked him if he thought there was an involvement between BJD and her attorney and Mac said, "There has to be a reason why someone would take on a case pro bono" and then he laughed.

    Isn't that telling in light of the fact that Mac took her case on probono too..... And the fact that he dropped the case because BJD didn't "keep the deal" tells me his concern wasn't in finding Hailey.

  60. Anon @ 12:10 PM said, "Peter you fell for Mac "Hook, link and sinker"

    LOL. Peter knew exactly what he was doing Anon. :)

  61. "There has to be a reason why someone would take on a case pro bono"
    nah, i think he just has a bad sense of humor.
    and Hobnob, i dont think he was leaking any real or accurate info, he was just repeating stuff he found on the internet, imo.

  62. I like how he made it sound BJD was constantly trailed by media and he basically went to a club with her to protect her from the papparazzi. Yeah, he went partying with her...at least.

  63. By the view of this SMH KWIM..I was fooled KWIM http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2iag375&s=6

  64. The PI sorta looks likes BJD. Maybe why he was draw to service her? LoL That's probably why he said she uses her looks to get over on people.. LoL

    But it is part of her finding it hard to see a beautiful daughter developing within her house, so yes, looks are always on her mind...

  65. Anonymous said...
    By the view of this SMH KWIM..I was fooled KWIM http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2iag375&s=6

    March 20, 2013 at 3:56 PM

    Looks like a good time was had by all!

  66. Anon @ 2:43 said, " i think he just has a bad sense of humor."

    That too! lol, but in saying "There has to be a reason why someone would take on a case pro bono" he revealed the way he thinks.

  67. Mac took the case pro bono as he does for all missing children whose families request his services. He is currently working on the Alexandra Lowitzer case.. also pro bono and no drama.

    Mac appears to be a nice guy who got caught up in more than he thought. Billie Jean has fooled many people. Look at how many supported her right at the beginning, when Hailey first went missing and then slowly by slow, those supporters backed away. They saw the lies. Mac did not join the case until October and he was out by December. He learned quickly. But think about all that went on in this case over the past two years. Those of us who have followed it from day 1 are aware. Mac had to catch up on all of that.

    Who suffered in this? Hailey. But Billie didn't really want Mac to find Hailey. She wanted Mac to investigate the people online who dared to call her on her lies, i.e. Peter.

  68. Peter, after seeing the harassment from the Dips targeting you, and now finding out that Billie wanted you investigated, I wonder if this is common for you to endure?

    I tried to post this earlier today and it wouldn't go through, but it keeps making me think. If I had a missing child,after phoning law enforcement and their friends, I would demand a polygraph right away so detectives wouldn't waste precious time focusing on me. I would have friends, family, etc... posting flyers, contacting every major news outlet, whatever I could do to get their photos in front of as many people as possible. I don't see how they would have the time or inclination to worry about you, if they were innocent.

  69. God Bless the PI..:-) u made it out alive!!

    You probably developed some very useful skills after being around that crackerjack!! My goodness, how did u survive that charm? Bahahahaha!!

    May u continue to help families in need with an open heart. Much success for helping the children!!! :-)

    1. Except Mac Sanford told me himself he DID sleep with Billie, all these years later. Don't kid yourself about what a "great guy" he is - he is an arrogant ASSHOLE who is only concerned with himself.

  70. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    By the view of this SMH KWIM..I was fooled KWIM http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2iag375&s=6

    March 20, 2013 at 3:56 PM
    Dang, I can't access it. Is there another way?

  71. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2iag375&s=6

  72. After finally listening to the interview, the portion that bothers me the most is that Mac really reminded me a lot of Billie Dunn.

    Helpful tip: You both need cue cards!!!

    When Billie Dunn was asked long after Hailey went missing if she spoke to Shawn about the lies of quitting his job, or where he was, etc ... she replied that she hadn't gotten a chance to yet. A year passed & Billie was asked if MaryBeth revealed any clues. She hadn't a chance to speak with her either, yet.
    You mean to tell me Mac that Billie let you in, an investigator, and you didn't have a chance to speak with David or Shawn? Or how about Billie's brother, Del, who was thought to be living in Hailey's house at that time? Did you try to talk to him Mac? You didn't interview Naomi? MaryBeth?

    Mac expressed his disgust at wasting hundreds of hours (pro bono-of course) on useless leads. Well I am not an investigator but I think I would have started with the people inside the house, who Hailey spent her last moments with, and then worked my way outwards. Silly me.
    He seemed to have had access to witness statements. So he was fully aware of conflicting information and who the key players were?
    He didn't interview Shawn because Shawn didn't have a phone for him to call? He relayed messages to him. Really????

    He could have done a much better job at pretending to find him.

    He actually came in contact with David enough to see him come or go to work? But you didn't ASK him anything?

    When he explains away the "bodyguard" work - I'm curious. Did you stress this information because you were actually "paid" for that part?

  73. Hi Bonnie Blue

    You have nailed it shut on this one. Each time I heard him say a key player wasn't contacted I thought, whaaaaat??

  74. I wonder how Shawn feels about Billie Dunn hiring a pi and then sleeping with him. I would be aggrivated if I were Shawn-talk about a stab in the back-

  75. He looks like her, acts like her that is why I was being sarcastic! 'Flocks together'..... He got played and got his chain yanked by BJD( starting and doing what she said) instead of developing the base to his investigation..woof-woof!!

    He mentioned it was her looks that was her attraction. I imagine that he, as well, couldn't get passed them!! LoL

  76. I just now finished listening to the broadcast (2 days after its being aired),and logging in to the comments I was very glad to see I was in good company with my assessment of Mac's credibility/professionalism. Talk about "extra words", attempting to persuade, missing the focus, evading direct answers...Wow. It was a real "open mouth, insert foot" interview. His assertion that the porn was on the X-box and thus available for the kids to access was the only worthwhile thing to come out of this program, apart from the chance to test my own amateurish statement analysis skills.

  77. Darn, I need a clickable link. Copying and pasting won't bring it up for me.. The tinypic address of the picture is what I'm referring to. Thank you anyway for trying to help me.

  78. The pic is of Mac and Billie at the bar the night in question I assume.He is drinking and looks like hes enjoying himself quite a bit.Body guard my ass.

  79. Well. Since it is obvious that Billie Jean would s---w a snake if someone would hold it's head, then why would Mac or anyone else (man, woman, child or animal) be excluded?

    Aren't there approx 109,000 images of those very things? Wouldn't this about cover the speculation?

    Midnight Lurker

  80. See Midnight Lurker. I believe Mac heard the same rumors you did about Billie and thought he could "get some" Look how fast he fled when he realized he wasn't getting nothing sexual from her. He quickly moved on to Pming sexual things to a bunch of the ladies following this case and writing sexual innuendo on their facebook wall pictures. He finally got his hooks into one who fell for his crap. A Billie basher and then all of a sudden he believes she's guilty too. It didn't take him long to realize he couldn't get any from her either unless he shared her opinion.

    1. You hit the nail on the head, but I do believe he boinked Billie!

  81. here is the direct link to pull up the pic of Mac and Billie out at the club.

  82. Needed a bodyguard? Are you kidding me. The press in Austin doesn't even report on this case. Paparazzi? That's funny. Billie is not quite the celeb she thinks she is

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