Friday, March 1, 2013

Lena Lunsford Update

Lena Lunsford has been released from jail.

 The mother of missing 3-year-old Aliayah Lunsford, will not be back with her children as the State Supreme Court unanimously decided to back a Lewis County judge who decided not to allow Lunsford to regain her parental rights of her other six children.

She has filed for divorce from her husband, Ralph.  Her mother died while she was incarcerated.  
Her daughter Aliayah was reported missing in September of 2011. Lunsford was serving an eight month sentence for welfare fraud.


  1. She really has nothing now and that's what she deserves. Poor aliayah.

  2. OT.

    Stuart Hall In Court Over Sex Charges
    The former It's A Knockout star, who has called the claims against him "cruel and spurious", appears at Preston Crown Court.12:54pm UK, Friday 01 March 2013

    Veteran BBC broadcaster Stuart Hall has made his first Crown Court appearance accused of a string of historic sex offences.

    Unsteady on his feet and wearing a dark blue suit, he entered the dock at Preston Crown Court and spoke only to confirm his name in an eight-minute preliminary hearing.

    The case was adjourned by the Recorder of Preston, Judge Anthony Russell QC, until April 16 when the defendant is expected to enter formal pleas to the charges.

    A provisional trial date of October 2 was set, estimated to last up to four weeks.

    Hall, 83, is charged with one count of rape and 14 offences of indecent assault.

    He is alleged to have raped a 22-year-old woman in 1976 and the 14 other alleged sexual assaults relate to 10 girls aged between nine and 16, between 1967 and 1986.

    In addition, Hall had earlier been charged with three separate indecent assaults of young girls - aged nine, 13 and 16 - dating between 1974 and 1984, which he also denies.

    Last month, the former It's A Knockout presenter said after leaving an earlier hearing at Preston Magistrates' Court that he might have considered suicide had it not been for his family.

    He described the accusations as "pernicious, callous, cruel and, above all, spurious" and vowed to clear his name and restore his reputation.


    Hall, of Wilmslow, Cheshire, has been a familiar face and voice in British broadcasting for half a century and was last year awarded an OBE in the New Year Honours.

    His eccentric and erudite football match summaries made him a cult figure on BBC Radio 5 Live.

  3. OT.

    Ex-Dictator 'Baby Doc': I Have Positive Record
    In court, Jean-Claude Duvalier mumbles answers to a clerk sat at his side, who writes them down and reads the responses aloud.10:49am UK, Friday 01 March 2013
    Jean-Claude Duvalier wipes away sweat during his court appearance

    Former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier has angrily defended his time as president of the Caribbean country as he appeared in court for the first time after shunning three previous summonses.

    At the hearing in the capital Port-au-Prince, he answered questions over whether he should be charged with human rights abuses during his brutal regime between 1971 and 1986.

    Former opposition figures have accused Duvalier, 61, of deploying the feared Tonton Macoute militia and of complicity in murder, torture and kidnapping.

    Duvalier, who came to power aged 19, ruled with an iron fist until being ousted in a popular revolt. He then fled into exile in France, returning just two years ago, when he tried to turn the tables on today's Haitian leaders.

    The issue at stake at the hearing was whether the statue of limitations on the alleged human rights abuses has expired.

    Instead of speaking to the court, the gaunt-looking Duvalier mumbled his responses to a clerk who sat at his side and recorded them in a ledger book. Then the clerk read the answers aloud in French to three judges.

    Supporters of Duvalier pictured outside court
    "I have a positive record and this is in all areas," said Duvalier, who succeeded his late autocratic father Francois "Papa Doc".

    He said that when he was president, Haitians were indeed impoverished but things more or less limped along "and Haitians sent their children to school".

    "I cannot say life was great but people lived decently," he added.

    Duvalier, who had been told he would be jailed if he shunned a fourth summons, said he had done his best to give the people of the western hemisphere's poorest country a decent life.

    "Upon my return I found a country in ruins and engulfed by corruption," he said. "It is my turn to ask, 'what have you done with my country?'"

    Judge Jean-Joseph Lebrun told Duvalier he was accused of ordering illegal arrests, torture and political killings. "How do you answer?" he asked.

    Victims of Duvalier's regime pictured in court in February
    Duvalier said: "Each time cases were reported, I intervened so that justice was rendered."

    Robert Duval, a former football star who spent 17 months locked up in Fort Dimanche, a notorious prison, is among the plaintiffs. During the proceedings, he sat at the edge of his seat and chewed on his nails.

    Mr Duval said it was a small triumph that Duvalier was forced to speak before him and others who say they suffered during the dictatorship.

    "The whole process has started," Mr Duval said. "We're starting to see his true character."

    The court is scheduled to listen to the plaintiffs next Thursday. Duvalier has not been ordered to attend.

  4. She had nothing before.

  5. She has hit rock bottom. Maybe now that she has lost everything she will want to clear her conscience and say what happend to Aliayah.

  6. Does anyone know who has custody of the other children? If they can gain confidence and courage the longer they are away from her influence maybe one of them will tell what they know, if anything.

  7. It seems a little too late but at least it is something having the children removed from her. However, I fear she will go out and have more. The picture of her looks like she's aged while in jail. And, she has faced enormous loss losing her mother and then all of her children. She looks empty, no soul.

    I wonder if there is a chance that as the other children grow up, they might remember what happened to Alliyah that morning. I doubt they know where she is but they may have input as to what happened. I hope she can be found and given a proper burial.

    It is so sad to know this whole family is destroyed due to drug abuse. Such a waste.

  8. Does this mean she can no longer use her children as her "cash cow"? Do the child payments stop now that the children are no longer in her custody?

  9. I can only try to imagine how awful it must feel to be released from prison into such a lonely world: no mom, no kids, no mo' welfare for her. Does she have anywhere to go? Does she have any job skills? She sure isn't going to be hittin' the streets to make any money lookin' like that? IF she really was a drug user before, then her drug of choice could be her only friend now. If there are no programs and she has no friends or relatives in a position to be able to help her, then it might be her only choice to try and get pregnant in order to survive. What kind of world do we live in? I feel so bad for her kids and hope they can all stay in touch if not stay together (unrealistic I know). Someone please slap me, she looks so dejected I almost feel sorry for her, too.

  10. For the love of fish sticks, will someone PLEASE convince Lena Lunsford to use birth control?

    1. "for the love of fish sticks"is forever in my mind lol.OT "Stuart hall"Has NEVER denied any "act".he's a typical cunning abuser in my opinion.

  11. lol Lemon..I have used that sticks, not birth control..

    Lunsford ought to have the implants, to be sure she has no kids, without sterilization which would be in courts forever..

  12. Fish sticks = Friday lent ! Ahhh childhood memories. Thanks Lemon !

  13. The picture of this poor little abused girl Alliyah's face, deeply bruised and without any twinkle of a smile will always be burned in my mind. She went 'missing' and her waste of space 'parents' could only provide about 3 current pictures and in each if them she was bruised and sullen.

    She deserved so much better, just like Caylee, Kyron, Isabel and Hailey. But now she will feel no more pain, no more hunger, no more abuse and indifference to her plight by all who could have made a difference. She will no longer be used as a means to an stamps and government assistance her only value to those meant to cherish her. After all the pain and suffering she felt in her short life, she was tossed away like her life had no meaning...and pitifully she will only have strangers to seek justice for her (if anyone at all).

  14. Don't worry, within a year she'll have another one.

  15. Do we know if this is a current picture of her, after her release from jail,or was this taken when the reporter was following her down the street on her way to court?

  16. I am grateful to hear that she is not getting her children back.

    She will be back with her husband or pregnant, I predict.

    All she knows is county welfare, substance abuse, and misery.

    Here's hoping that jail time has given her a new perspective on her distorted values.

  17. I agree, Lemon. Lena Lunsford is a prime candidate for birth control.

  18. Sweet should save your empathy for those that didn't put themselves exactly where they ended up. She chose this ending, her decisions landed her here. Don't feel sorry for her....the kids deserve your empathy, but not Lena.

  19. Where is ALiayah?!?! You nasty piece of trash! I hope this is just the beginning of what is coming to you...

  20. She is pregnant pregnant in the hlf way house

  21. Living in whg wv...working at a pizza shop!!!
