Friday, March 8, 2013

Slowing Down in Analysis by Kaaryn Gough

by Kaaryn Gough

(The following is a response from Analyst Kaaryn Gough to a question posed about missing words in analysis.  Kaaryn's reply is below.)

SCAN teaches us to analyze a statement starting with the first words in the first sentence and moving through the statement word by word, sentence by sentence. This is very important in the analysis process. Several things happen: 

1) it forces us to slow down and consider each and every word. This is hard to do! We are trained to "skim" and see words as collective phrases when we read. 

2) it allows us to analyze the statement similar to how the subject experienced writing it. When the subject begins writing sentence #1, he/she does not know what sentence #2, #3 etc will be. The first sentence must be complete before the next one can begin. In some ways, it's like following bread crumbs. You don't know where it's going to lead. Your only hope is to simply 'follow the trail' that is before you.

In SCAN, we extract every bit of analysis we can from one sentence before we move on to the next one. However, we know that there is likely more information inside the statement and we do not come to a conclusion with just one pass. We must do several passes before we can write our conclusions.

In this case, I did not have transcripts to read. I had only the YouTube videos. Therefore, I had to create the transcripts. There is a benefit to this.

By doing my own transcripts it forces me to slow down and consider each and every word. It also ensures that the transcripts are accurate. I am always wary of someone else's transcripts for even the slightest mistake or omission/inclusion of a word can alter the analysis.

I highly recommend comparing a transcript given to you to its source. Make sure the words are exactly as spoken. 

As I write transcripts, I become very familiar with the language. I don't analyze as I transcribe for this would bog down the process of recording the words in a document. But I do take mental notes.

When I'm done with the transcript, I then begin at the beginning and read it. As I move through the statement, I highlight/bold/underline places that jump out at me. The big stuff like pronouns, tenses, personal dictionary. After doing this, I then begin focusing on the areas I have highlighted/bolded/underlined and analyze them further.

I'm careful at getting too focused on one area. When I am tired, I step back and take a break. I go back and re-read the interview as a whole to refresh my brain.

In this case, "rumors" caught my attention early on, but there was so much else to look at. I revisited it a couple of other times but only because it was part of the section I was analyzing. 

The word had been "simmering" in the back of my mind all along but it wasn't until I heard it being used in a television show that I fully understood its implications. That's when I had the "a-ha!" moment. Suddenly, the pot was boiling over.

Your analogy, Peter, of an illicit stop or what is also called a "rolling stop", is perfect. Yeah, I saw the sign and slowed down, but I didn't come to a full and complete stop. This is a perfect example of why it's better to have many brains working together on a statement in order to extract as much information as possible.

I would also like to note that in our "microwave" age speed is the kingpin of our lives. Our goal is to do everything faster--cook a dinner in 5 minutes rather than 5 hours, download a movie in 10 seconds rather than 60, communicate on the run via texting shorthand--we live our lives in fast-forward mode and our need/desire to take in information, understand it and work with it is also done at high speed.

Statement Analysis can only be properly done when we set aside our "need for speed" and quiet our inner tyrants that insist we drive 200 mph and ignore the sights in our attempt to keep up with our fast-paced world.

I do my best analysis very early in the morning before the day's events invade and shift me into high gear. I prefer a darkened room for there's always something in the bright light of day that will distract my attention and lessen my focus. (i.e.--the dust shows up on surfaces). My computer screen is my visual beacon and everything else fades into the shadows. I enjoy the luxury of being able to work slowly.

Now, before anyone goes analyzing my use of "light" in this post, please recognize that light has a legitimate purpose in my statement.

I once had someone say I had been a victim of sexual abuse as a child because I used the phrase, "a light bulb went off in my head."-- a phrase that is used by many both verbally and in images to describe sudden understanding or a brilliant idea. ("brilliant" being the key word). I cautioned him to carefully consider my reference to "light" before jumping to a conclusion. Sometimes a lightbulb is just a lightbulb. :-)


  1. I wonder if will eventualy come to LE having to cover every pychic tip lest defense attorneys accuse them in court of "tunnel vision" in not following every paychic's info..

  2. @ Kaaryn
    Sometimes a lightbulb is just a lightbulb. :-)

    Ah but what type of lightbulb? Are you talking about the old style or the new style environmentally friendly low wattage, flourescent or pearl bulb? fridge or spotlight bulb? white or tinted?

    ~heads off to naughty corner for being immature and pedantic~ hehe

  3. Kaaryn, this is really helpful.
    Slowing down and not skimming through quickly is my biggest challenge. When I skim through, certain things will pop out at me, but when I slow down and take my time reading each word, that is when I start to really see a picture emerging.

    I transcribed a few things lately and it forced me to pay attention to every word, as well as revealing when the subject starts to say one word and quickly switches to another, or chokes, coughs, mumbles, or pauses unduly long at a certain word or phrase, and I found that helpful as well.

    Do you have a software you use for transcribing?

  4. Sherlock and social introduction in S/A.

    OT:Iv'e just watched an episode of Elementary and sherlock as just used S/A.

    Sherlock and Watson are walking through a hospital and they bump into an ex colleague of Watson's.

    Watson's ex colleague say's.


    Watson say's.

    "kerry i din't know you were working here"

    kerry say's.

    "its been like a year and a half"

    Sherlock buts in and say's.

    "Isnt this a small world"

    Watson says.

    "kerry this is my (friend) Sherlock Holme's.Sherlock Dr Kerry Dwyar we used to work together"

    Sherlock look's at Watson reffering to how she introduced them and Say's

    "Interesting she doesn't refer to you as her friend,probably because of your falling out"

    He looks at kerry and say's.

    "You call her by a familiar nick name yet you havnt spoke for a year and a half"

    And then reel's of a loud of possible problem's.

    Aahh S/A..

  5. Thanks for this Kaaryn- And yes, we all need to slow it down a few notches , but this is the day of instant gratification- - -instant and immediate results. Such is life today! Life and words are sweeter when savored and stewed over.
    Most Sincerely,

  6. Lolololol I appreciate "a lightbulb is just a lightbulb" because when I first stumbled onto this blog over a year ago and got hooked I thought every person that made a reference to water was molested. I went around silently thinking "dang, whatever happened musta been awful" because water was mentioned twice in a conversation. It was really dumb. Now, I try not to make any conclusion withoutover going over it multiple times and considering the rules and lessons of SA. When Peter poses a question I dont read the answer comments because I am unable to come to my own conclusion without other answers having influence. I also dont post a comment because sometimes I have COMPLETELY missed the mark.


  7. Off topic: I don't know how to cut and paste but there are really weird texts from Mark Redwine to I think Elaine that have been posted on the CALLING MARK REDWINE facebook page. Don't know if someone wants to look at them,

  8. Hi John

    You posted a bullet point list of the basics you've picked up about SA. I have searched for hours trying to find that. I wonder if you would post it again? It was a great summary and I would love to have it.


  9. Hi ABC,

    This is the check list i start of with.

    Examine All Pronoun's.
    Check For Dropped Pronoun's.
    Check For The Over Use Of Pronoun's "I" WE"
    Check Verb Tense's.
    Check Article's "A" "The".
    Check For Qualifier's And Unnecessary Word's.
    Look For Minimising Language.
    Look For Passive Language.
    Order Is important,Look At Were People Start Their Statement And The Order They List Thing's.
    Check time References.
    Did The subject Answer the Question.
    Did The Subject Answer The Question with A question.
    Look For The Liar's Number "3"(McClish).
    Look For A Reliable Denial.
    Look For Reflective Language.
    look For the Word's."because,So,Therefore Etc.
    Look for Phrase's Like."I Swear To God,On My Mum's Grave,Etc.
    Look For Text Bridging.
    Look For Anything In The Negative.
    Look For A Change In Language,Or Word's.
    Check For Word's that Are Repeated And Show SenSitivity.
    Look For Alibi Building.
    Look For Distancing Language.
    Look For The Word's,"Sitting,Standing Walking Etc.
    Statement Breakdown.
    Truthful Approx:25% Before,50% During,25%After.
    How Would We Respond.???

    This Is Only A Starting Guide.

  10. I Must Stress these are Only Indicator's of possible Deception..

  11. Awesome list, John!

  12. Thank you so much John! This is a brilliant list. :)

  13. This blogs (as well as Peters own) credibility depends on a posters grammar?

    I don't think anyone's credibility depends on apostrophe placement. That's laughable.

  14. P.S Great grammar lesson though! :-)

  15. Thanks, Kaaryn. I liken skimming when reading to pseudo listening. Reading every word is as "exhausting" as listening with both ears. That doesn't take into consideration the necessary training, talent and experience shared and taught here every day.

    Thanks again, for your insightful contribution.

  16. Anon @ 10:11. I'm curious as to why you felt the need to criticize John's punctuation. How did it contribute to Statement Analysis?

    I wouldn't care if it were written in heiroglyphics with a crayon on a paper bag! It's a wonderful guideline for someone learning the basics of Statement Analysis and it was brilliant of him to compile this information in a checklist format.

    So once again John, thank you VERY much!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Anon 10:11

    Thank you for the lesson.

    I have come here to learn S/A not to be patronized by you or anybody else.All my life i have struggled with my spelling Etc, i had a bad enough time at school with people of your ilk.Members here are kind and considerate and do not feel the need to belittle other people to make themselves feel important.I know i make mistakes and probably will do for the rest of my life.Your tone, and the language you use speaks volumes.Just remember this is an S/A blog.

    Thank you


  19. Thank you, Kaaryn. Your tips are so helpful!

  20. So that's where my bag of crayons went :)

  21. Correct punctuation and spelling equals attention to detail (in my book), which has a lot to do with SA. I didn't insult anyone, I simply posted a one-sentence comment (and I did choose a name) which was deleted. Chill out. PS, plurals don't need apostrophes.
