Thursday, April 4, 2013

Missing: 3 Teens From Texas


  1. Sounds like what happens here in Mexico daily: kidnapping and extortion by cartels and cartel wannabees. Still the US maintains there is no spillover violence.

  2. Let's just set all this aside for a second and give Peter a slap across the face. 35 is not middle aged. Thank you.

  3. Anon @ 11:31, YOU ARE WRONG. 35 years old IS middle aged. You deceive yourself. Simple addition. Take 35 and double it, that equals 70, and that puts 35 smack dab in the middle; hence, middle aged. Get it?

    Just how long do you think you are going to live? I guess if you lived to be 90 you could look back and claim 45 as your middle age, right?

    But don't count on it. ARP puts 55in the senior citizen category and eligible for senior discounts, SS says 65 is elderly and eligible for retirement, and from there on you are in the twilight years. See?

    Peter was dead on right. 35 years old (possibly even younger) is middle aged.

  4. I had not heard of this case. Does anyone know, has any progress been made in finding them?

  5. I googled all three names, is there no media on this? I could find nothing except a facebook post and the missing poster.

  6. Apparently they ran away from a rehab center. Jessica is back home.

  7. Hailey and Jessica were found. Tiffany is still missing according to CFSI this date.

  8. Tiffany has also been reported as found.
