Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Being "Kronked" in Missing Persons Cases

As one who strongly believes in personal responsibility, liberty and restricted government in our lives, it is rare that you will ever hear me calling for yet another law being enacted.

This is that rare occasion:

We need a Roy Kronk law.

Once upon a time, a defense attorney was a noble profession in which the falsely accused could have a strong defense, and while the guilty could be protected from malicious prosecution.

This underwent a change, which gained traction during the government's "nanny state" prohibition against all alcohol.  The bootleggers, circumventing US laws, were frequently caught defending their profit margin at the end of a gun, which, in turn, led to many attorneys becoming wealthy and influential.  It does not take long to gain a reputation for getting a famous mobster off the scales of justice and back on to the street.

Win at all costs instead of protecting a U.S. citizen against malicious prosecution.

A defense attorney has little to fear when he utters slanderous statements, especially in a passive or vague manner.  To suggest a rape victim "may" have had "up to five partners" is true, if the victim had "one" partner, as "one" is indeed, up to "five."  The word "five" is left in the hearing of those of a lazy or limited intellect, planted like a seed, which grows noxiously.

When Caylee Anthony's remains were found by a man named Roy Kronk, in short order, his ex wife was found spilling out details of him brutalizing her, kidnapping, and so on.  He could do little to defend himself as the insinuation was clear:  perhaps he kidnapped and killed Caylee.

From the beginning, Jose Baez knew this was not true, but truth had nothing to do with the case; it was all about muddying the truth, changing intent of words, and confusing a lazy minded, limited, and quite willful jury.

It succeeded.

Yet, it not only gave a black eye to justice, but it left a cold fear running down the spine of professional search organizations, like Texas Equasearch, who rely not only upon volunteer dollars to keep operations working (imaging the cost of moving a helicopter and horses from Texas to Florida), but rely on volunteer searchers.

These volunteer searchers must now be aware that they may just find themselves in a position to having prove that they did not kill the victim being searched for.

This is now called being "kronked" by a malicious attorney.  There seemed to be no bottom to the sleazy manner in which this case was handled by defense.

What now awaits the Hailey Dunn case?

Do we have any indication that the attorneys here will behave in a professional, dignified and honorable manner?

What can be done to restrict the 'dropping' of falsehood in an attempt to poison the mind of those who listen?

What can be done to remove the "up to five partners" thought from the minds of the public, of whom the jury will be chosen?

Do we have anything that assures us that this case won't denigrate into the same defense mess as the Casey Anthony case?

If there is no legislation that can be carefully enacted without restricting truth in any way (freedom of speech is more of a memory today, than a reality.  If you don't think so, I will give you a list of words and phrases that should you utter, you may find yourself out of a job, or facing other consequences). 

Perhaps rather than legislation a stronger hammer from the Bar Association, with its public rebuke of such antics would be a start, yet it is difficult to see an industry prospering from the perversion of justice being open to restoring dignity when it is this dignity, itself, could cost their members money. 

I don't have an answer for this problem, so it is, perhaps, that stronger minds will put forth potential solutions to be debated over.  Although one never in favor of piling on law after law in society, this is one that I am open to hearing more about.  

The deliberate, willful slander or libel can be answered in court, but even that may not be enough to remove the lie from the minds of the jury pool.

Perhaps if an attorney knows that he or she will be quickly removed from the infamous case where salivation over the potential windfall of fame and fortune dries up, perhaps there would be a restriction on deliberately and unjustly attacking the innocent.  


  1. I think i know were your going with this Peter,CL?

    I hope not, it will be an injustice..

  2. I think Clint better get ready for some blame-game... she supposedly said she was going to his house..then the earring she was wearing, mysteriously shows up at his home?? ..ohh the lay the blame on anyone else than the killers game.

  3. I also think I know where this is headed. I hope not. As much as we all wanted to know, CL should have stayed as anonymous as possible until called to testify.
    The news media saw what finding Caylee cost Mr Kronk. I'm expecting the defense attorney to question CL's character and past, twisting whatever is found in a bad light. Hopefully CL will be able to come out of this unscathed. I am thankful Hailey was found and Justice for Hailey can begin.

  4. Anon 935am
    Clint passed the lie detector test however Billie and Shawn did not. That is a big difference.

  5. I've thought about.this a lot.after the Anthony case. it is downright despicable that Baez was able to throw out lie after lie to a jury without being held accountable for it!. perhaps they should be sworn under oath and forced to provide evidence or sworn testimony by their clients for the "ideas" they spew out?

  6. Anonymous I also have pertinent questions or observations deleted at times. Or questions to the host are ignored. I asked a question on here as well as facebook with no reply. Which is an intersting topic in statement analysis. i know we are analyzing statements but wouldn't avoidance of a question indicate sensitivitiy? Some comments might highlight sensitive information in regards to this case or the answer to the question at hand might reflect in a negative manner.. Kind of like prejudicial evidence. Sometimes I’m offended by this blog but then I just remind myself “you can’t let others make you feel inferior without your consent”

  7. Anon 9:35 and Anon 10:04...There's no grand conspiracy here. Your posts are still showing and not deleted. If you post as an anon your posts have a greater chance of going into the spam folder. If no one is available to approve them, they don't show up.
    Peter qualified the post you are referring to as "unconfirmed". He was quite clear with that. Maybe the report was wrong. Maybe the negotiation continues and there is nothing to report yet. We'll just have to wait and see how it plays out. Does anyone know where Shawn is? Have there been any sightings of him out and about? Any new postings on facebook? His total complete silence is the opposite extreme of Billies blabbermouth.

  8. It's comical to watch bullies squirm when they are trying to bully someone who won't buy into the game.

    Keep doing what you do Peter!

    Keep the faith Pointhunter!


  9. I guess I was never alive when being a defense attorney was a noble profession. Who was ever a decent one?

  10. Does anyone else here think it's extremely wrong for BJD to be posing for this picture AFTER Hailey's disappearance? I just noticed the Hailey tattoo on her arm, which she got AFTER Hailey was missing! What a strange photo for the mother of a missing child to take.

  11. I too hope that is not where you're going with this post. Is that why pointhunter hasn't been posting since the announcement? Ray Kronk's life was torn apart by a vengeful ex and JB. It's sad seeing people torn down for doing the right thing, not to get at the truth, but to score points for the defense.
    Why can't attorney's, being officers of the court, be held to some kind of judicial standard with sanctions and penalties for willful misconduct? Maybe their peers shouldn't be reviewing their bad acts, they can bring their own past behavior in thinking "I have done that too". Maybe it should be an independent review board made up of professionals but not attorneys or judges.

  12. My comment had nothing to do with posts being deleted.

  13. Yes Suzanne. That photo of BJD is very telling isn't it?

  14. I'm rooting for you, Pointhunter. You are going to do great. Soon all of these charades will come to an end.

  15. This worried me from the beginning. It is the exact tactic defense attorneys are using now...that witnesses are part of the crime. Or to be more can't prove they were not.

    It turns the justice system around. The defense team becomes the prosecutor, and says "prove it is not so." It mocks the "burdon of proof." It becomes an impossible hurdle for the prosecution.

    The judge is also in an unenviable position. He /she has to let the theory be presented so as not to have grounds to be overthrown later. Though I do think the judge should not let anything be presented without evidence.

    Sorry to say it, but the solution seems to be for witnesses to only give their account to media at the most. They should not discuss and give the defence ammo.

  16. Anon 12:38:

    You sound like a student who is unhappy about his report card. You are applying the "teacher's pet" alibi to justify your bad grades.

  17. Trigger said...
    Anon 12:38:

    You sound like a student who is unhappy about his report card. You are applying the "teacher's pet" alibi to justify your bad grades.
    May 1, 2013 at 12:51 PM

    I wish I'd said that.... :)

  18. I was here the day pointhunter first showed up. i asked him the majority of the questions including the ones deemed "disrespectful".(i was trying to ask analytical questions but practically everyone turned into more than that due to getting "anxious")

    peter was not asking questions of pointhunter. i don't think he invited him here either. of course the possibility is there but is the probability? this site comes up first thing on many search sites.

  19. If Pointhunter is still reading this blog, I would like to thank him for his part in finding Miss Hailey. I believe God led this good man to be in the right place. I pray he leads the prosecution of this case as well.

  20. I remember the first comment Pointhunter made on this site. Another commenter had to actually point out that the man who found the remains was here! Because there was a snarky battle going on and no one noticed him! I'm not sure who it was, I think it may have been Sus.

  21. It wasn't me ABC. Once someone pointed out he was here, I was shocked.

    I was so shocked that I figured it was an LE ploy to get SA to talk. That they were purposely having pointhunter talk where they knew SA read.

    I kept posting for SA to RUN to LE and talk first.

  22. i was on my lunch.. i'm aka Ladyluck WI

  23. Anon @ 1:14, then you are saying that Pointhunter, Mr. Curtis Lloyd, needs you to run his life.

    Think you can do it better, huh? You've got all the answers he needs, right? Then why don't you try telling that to HIM and his wife? Maybe you could do a better job in his place as a corrections officer too, not that you have any training for his frightening and difficult position. While you're at it, try hiding and protecting yourself and your family from those who seek to kill you for finding sweet Hailey.

    And don't forget, park you rear end down in Colorado City at his sisters' church and listen to her preach for a while. You might gain something worthwhile, like understanding and forgiveness.

    I admire Mr. Lloyd very much and discern a good spirit from this humble and forthright man. I learned something valuable from him. He taught me not to be so hard on Clint Dunn and I never will again. The facts speak for themselves in Clints' failures in not supporting Hailey and it is not my place to judge him. I believe Mr. Lloyds' sincerety in going to bat for Clint, and speaking of his repentance, which is all that matters in Clint's life anyway now.

    Good day Mr. Lloyd, and God bless you. Anon 1

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. If you knew anything about the process, you would know why he left the site.

    He is a witness, and has probably being asked to testify before the Grand Jury.

    Once he is served the Subpoena, he is bound to silence usually for 60 or 90 days.

    I had it happen to me in 2006.

    1. Thank you! I hope you are right!

  26. The anon post made at 2:10 was made by me, Anon 1

  27. Excruciating Headache said...Oh, and there are sanctions for attorneys who willfully and maliciously engage in misconduct. Check out the American Bar Association's website.
    EH - That's part of the problem, lawyers policing other lawyers. Same with the AMA, doctor's policing doctors. They can't be objective. If they start to crack down on their unethical practices they're taking $$$ away from them but they're also taking $$$ out of their own pockets because they follow the same unethical practices.

  28. I have been concerned for pointhunter since he showed up here. I guess regardless of whether he had spoken publicly, though, he would be facing this. It is disgraceful and I would support legislation as you described, Peter. The whole game of defense is to find any likely patsy to confuse the jury. Lloyd is going to find his life sifted through with a fine tooth comb now. I hope he doesn't have anyone in his past with an axe to grind, like Roy Kronk did with his ex-wife.

  29. Dee, remember when you believed everything Billie told you? Might want to ponder that

    1. At least Dee wasnt defending her just to defend her.... once more information became available, she was able to adjust. Others will go down to the very end defending her... not just because they believe she is innocent, but for a variety of reasons. Casey Anthony is a perfect example....

  30. "That doesn't alter the fact that we have a nut case here that is putting the Kronk on Pointhunter.

    Anon 1"

    Right on, Anon 1, it has begun and I think we are going to be seeing a lot of this garbage here as the case heats up. I hope Peter deletes all of these posts.

    Peter, keep in mind what happened to Marmalade Dave and his blog, with the casey anthony case, and watch your back.

  31. I kind of have a question, if Pointhunter was working as a corrections officer and found the body on his own personal time, and was working as an officer/detective/investigator on the case, why are people saying he did something wrong.
    Also in such a small area I doubt very much that there wasn't a lot of talk/gossip in town.
    I get so frustrated with people trying to divert attention just to get the focus off them. I like some of the comments regarding lawyers having to have a higer accountability.
    I hope that Mr.Lloyd is just being quiet because he has been asked as a witness and not because he is in trouble.
    Also just can't help saying this:
    it is time for an arrest

  32. I meant to say WASN'T working as an officer/detective/investigator

  33. Peter does not work with LE.

  34. Volumes is a great nick for you Volumes. Your repeated F-bombs speaks, well, VOLUMES! Especially since the point of your post is to attempt to point out how, um , what was it now, how "filthy your imaginations are and how hateful you can be when questioned."


  35. *****************************

    There is a post on the Hailey Dunn FB discussion group asking why FBI and Texas Rangers are in Colorado City. It was posted in the last hour.


  36. Excruciating Headache @ 149. Thank you. Good post.

  37. Volumes, it is human nature to speculate. What is disrespectful about that? Hailey is dead.
    She can't be hurt anymore.

    If the fact that there were some deviant sex practices going on in her home offends you, then don't read about the case. Put two and two together: A home where adults enjoyed child porn and animal abuse, used drugs and dressed up as serial killers also happens to be the home from which a teenage girl disappeared and was later found murdered.

    It doesn't take a genius.

  38. ***************************

    Have any of the Billie fan club ever asked her why she and Shawn had 109,000 deviant images in their possession or if she is worried that now Hailey has been found - she and him may get prosecuted for said deviant images?


  39. Suzanne: you are so right!

    I had to go back and take a second look at the photo. I hadn't noticed the tattoo of Hailey until you mentioned it - good catch. Though it's somewhat covered, we can still see the outline of what we know to be a memorial tattoo of Hailey.

    This is a disgraceful picture to take while you're daughter is missing.

    This is NOT a mother in mourning but a mother rejoicing that her "problem" is gone forever.

    She is a sick demented perverted piece of trash that deserves the death penalty for what she has done/allowed to be done to that sweet little girl.

    I follow a lot of missing child cases but this one just won't leave my heart, ever.

    The beautiful face Hailey has left an impression upon me that I will never forget. She could light up a sky with that smile.

    Hailey is looking down on us from heaven as we all strive for justice on her behalf.

    You will never be forgotten sweet Hailey.


  40. ________________________

    Grand Jury Hearing, Arrest Warrants

    The legal case moves forward

    ARREST Shawn Adkins and Billie Jean Dunn

    SUPPORT Clint Dunn

  41. Anonymous said...
    Dee, remember when you believed everything Billie told you? Might want to ponder that
    I think you have the wrong Dee. Maybe there's a local named Dee you're confusing me with? I've never spoken to Billie, either personally or online. I am not local and live far away from Texas. I haven't believed Billie since I first saw her on Nancy Grace.

  42. There is a post on the Hailey Dunn FB discussion group asking why FBI and Texas Rangers are in Colorado City. It was posted in the last hour.

    Grand Jury Hearing, Arrest Warrants

    The legal case moves forward

    ARREST Shawn Adkins and Billie Jean Dunn

    SUPPORT Clint Dunn

  43. what Excruciating Headache in his/her last post is spot on.

  44. Trolls are running rampant. It's not worth the effort to discuss with a brick wall. The trolls are trying to disrupt the adult discussions. Ignore them and they will eventually go away.

    This is Peter Hyatt's blog. If he chooses to delete posts, it's his right. Just as it is the right of anyone, who does not like/agree with the way things are done here to moooove along. No one forces anyone to come here to read or comment.

    Peter has stated in the past that there is an auto spam feature and many of the anonymous posts end up there. So if you are being deleted, try to give yourself a name to see if it stops.

    As to Curtis, he told us how he got to this blog. He was very unassuming in his posts. He did not reveal anything that he was not allowed to reveal. Curtis was upfront about his limits. It is a huge injustice of anyone to be attacking him for finding Hailey Dunn's remains. Wasn't that what all of the Hope for Hailey stuff was about? Now that she has been found, they are attacking the person who found her? Who had nothing to do with her life, ever? Why are they not going after the mother who never looked for Hailey? Why are they not going after the mother's boyfriend who is a suspect? No the trolls are attacking an innocent man who by a miracle found Hailey's remains.

    Curtis does not owe anyone on this blog any explanation. Peter does not owe anyone an explanation.

    If you don't like what you see, don't look at it. Mooooove along.

    Justice for Hailey !!

  45. OT I'd like to relate a funny story (or maybe not funny) Peter in which SA helped me recently.

    My son came home from school with 3 'reminders' on Friday. A 'reminder' is not a good thing, it's like a demerit or a strike. When you get three, you have to write your parents a letter as to why. So in reading the letter I knew about the first two reminders, things that had happened earlier in the week, but the third reminder was for 'being disrespectful' however his statement did not elaborate.

    I said, 'What is this reminder about being disrespectful?' I got answer from him something like 'The teacher is just mean. She said I back talked her when I didn't. All I did was tell her that my notebook was on her desk and she got mad.' Um-hmm. So I said, 'That doesn't sound like the whole story. Tell me exactly what happened.'

    This is a direct quote:

    "Mrs. ____ told us to bring our notebooks to her to be signed. I told her my notebook was sitting on her desk. Then she said that was back talk and gave me a reminder."

    She *told* him and then he *told* her indicates that there was already tension between them. The note book was 'sitting' on the desk, more tension and led me to think that maybe she herself was not at the desk. I asked if she was at her desk? No, she wasn't she was *sitting* at the table in the back of the room. Ah-ha! 'Then' she said that was back talk 'and' gave me a reminder. I asked, between the time that Mrs. ___ asked you for the notebook and the time she gave the reminder what happened? In the time skipped over during the 'then' she had asked him a second time to bring it to her and a second time he *told* her it was on the desk (which tells me that the tone used was a go-get-it-yourself sort of tone)which earned him that reminder. The funny part was that when he gave me his first statement, I could see in my head the words in italics and the pronouns underlined. Statement Analysis worked for me! ;)

    Anon J

  46. Peter, again, I would like to thank you for your hard work and dedication to the victims of the cases you analyze and for taking the time to teach us along the way. Last night, when I listened to you on crime wire, I could hear in your voice that Haleigh Dunn is also in your heart. Many in LE and in the public have remained steadfast in looking for her, finding her and seeing to it that justice is served.... I thank you for being amongst those heroes.

    1. I am horrified I spelled Hailey's name wrong in the above post... sorry. :(

  47. What i want is the truth. even if it's ugly. the truth is the only way to push the boundaries of finding justice and a better tomorrow

  48. Peter...

    Very anxious for your analysis on Amanda Knox. I found the interview disturbing but also felt like she's been practicing. Like just saying only "no" when asked of she murdered Meredith. Yet the 2nd question she said no yet there was clearly a nod "yes".

    I also read the "eyes for lies" blog and she was disturbed as well.

    I just find it interesting how well Amanda has ben able to speak in the past even going to extremes on speaking about how she does not speak well. But can not seem to clearly state her innocence.

  49. Bostonlady at 3:32 pm

    I so agree with your post. I come here to read and learn and I enjoy reading the regulars postings.

  50. Anon J at 3 33.... LOL! Awesome!

    I recently 'had' to tell some lies in order to pull off a 70th surprise birthday party. As soon as the words would come out of my mouth, I was able to recognize so many of the principals Peter has taught us. And truthfully, I was so bad at the lying, it amazed me he couldn't see right through it... even without training!

  51. Lori said...
    I kind of have a question, if Pointhunter was working as a corrections officer and found the body on his own personal time, and was working as an officer/detective/investigator on the case, why are people saying he did something wrong.
    Also in such a small area I doubt very much that there wasn't a lot of talk/gossip in town.
    I get so frustrated with people trying to divert attention just to get the focus off them. I like some of the comments regarding lawyers having to have a higer accountability.
    I hope that Mr.Lloyd is just being quiet because he has been asked as a witness and not because he is in trouble.
    Also just can't help saying this:
    it is time for an arrest

    May 1, 2013 at 2:44 PM

    Lori said...
    I meant to say WASN'T working as an officer/detective/
    I guess what I meant was if he wasn't working on the case, and he was obviously careful of what he said trying to support LE, why are people saying he did something wrong.

  52. You know..I can hardly wait for September 19.

    Yarr..provost ere been busy tossin' bilge rats n' picaroons overboard I see..

  53. Anon said....

    There is a post on the Hailey Dunn FB discussion group asking why FBI and Texas Rangers are in Colorado City. It was posted in the last hour.

    Let’s not get too excited, they are probably following up on some leads.

    I do not know for sure, but wouldn’t the Grand Jury hear all the evidence before they would make any arrests?

    """"Unless SA did spill his guts!""""

  54. Anonymous:

    Even IF SA spilled his guts, the Grand Jury still has to meet for the purpose of reaching an indictment.

    Texas Anon

  55. Anonymous said...

    Even IF SA spilled his guts, the Grand Jury still has to meet for the purpose of reaching an indictment.

    Texas Anon
    May 1, 2013 at 4:08 PM


    It often begins with an attorney approaching prosecution with what his client plans on saying. The details are those which must appear truthful for it to go forward.


  56. The primary function of the modern grand jury is to review the evidence presented by the prosecutor and determine whether there is probable cause to return an indictment.
    Since the role of the grand jury is only to determine probable cause, there is no need for the jury to hear all the evidence, or even conflicting evidence. It is left to the good faith of the prosecutor to present conflicting evidence.

  57. It SOUNDS as if the FBI, TX Rangers are there to testify before the GJ?

    Lets' hope so.

    Texas Anon

  58. How often does the grand Jury meet there? Soon, I hope?

  59. I hope that if the defense does try to "Kronk" Curis Lloyd that it backfires on them. They might have a really hard time finding jury members that didn't follow Casey Anthony's case closely enough to to be aware of what Baez did and that aren't still POed at his attack on Roy Kronk. Are you listening Mr. Young?

  60. "There is a post on the Hailey Dunn FB discussion group asking why FBI and Texas Rangers are in Colorado City. It was posted in the last hour."

    "It SOUNDS as if the FBI, TX Rangers are there to testify before the GJ?"


    I don't know the area so any local anons please help. Where does the GJ meet for that area, what city? Is there a courthouse in CC? Is it criminal or civil court? Do prosecutors have offices in CC?

    If any legal proceedings would not be taking place in CC then FBI/TX Rangers might just be there to be meeting with local LE.

  61. What Boston said. Anyone whining and crying about being deleted needs to move along. Anyone whining and crying about teacher's pets need to start their own blog or get a puppy. Those attempting to school posters on the way more perfect have an agenda. No one is forcing you to be here. No one is forcing you to read here.

    You're here because you have a need to be here. This is a statement analysis blog. Your words reveal your need for attention and conflict.

    Please don't feed the troll swarms, and have a pleasant afternoon.

  62. Anon J, thanks for sharing your practical, brilliant use of SA. You are the kind of juror we need. You made impartial inquires seeking the truth. I bet his teacher loved it and wished it would happen more often. Busted! LOL

    I hope to someday have it come so naturally to me.

  63. How often does the grand Jury meet there? Soon, I hope?


    Once a month, at or near the beginning of the month

    Which means if a Grand Jury is convening for this case it's convening now.....

  64. If the TX Rangers and FBI are in CC, you can bet it has something to do with the HD case.

    Perhaps they are meeting with local LE to go over the evidence that will be presented to GJ.

  65. If I recall correctly, I think the GJ meets at the beginning of the month, on a Thursday.

    Texas Anon

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. This kind of activity in CC might explain the troll bombardment.

  68. Hmmm...Pointhunter can't talk anymore and all his posts are down. FBI and TX Rangers reportedly in CC. Subpoena's have been served to appear before the GJ? Maybe tommorrow, the first Thursday of the month? It would explain the silence.

    I don't know but I hope so.

  69. Please help find Ayla

    I FEEL like I NEED TO GO OVER the day SURROUNDING HAILEY’s disappearance again for several reasons. Many people who are not close to the case seem to be confused because there were so many conflicting accounts of WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED.

    After watching many of the interviews I’M BEGINNING TO SEE WHY myself.

    Um…I HAVE yet TO SEE AN ENTIRE INTERVIEW AIRED OR PRINTED… they are cut or pasted…edited for time and space. AND OFTEN I’M not quoted in correct context. My words are sometimes picked apart and twisted around IN SUCH A WAY THAT I DON’T EVEN RECOGNIZE them.

    I’ve been flat out called a lair by some people, others speculate on my possible involvement in Hailey’s disappearance, or wonder if I’m covering up for somebody.

    Some people ACCUSE ME of withholding information and not cooperating with law enforcement. These things are not TRUE, THAT I NOW FEEL like I have to defend myself from ridiculous accusations, slander or defamation of character.

    THAT SAID I WANT TO START OUT by saying there was no blow-out ON CHRISTMAS, THERE WERE no ARGUMENTS, OR DISAGREEMENTS. Everyone was getting along FINE.


    On Sunday December 26, HAILEY RETURNED HOME around noon AFTER SPENDING THE NIGHT WITH Clint.

    I cooked a small Christmas for THE FOUR OF US, we ate AROUND TWO. AFTER dinner WE ALL JUST RELAXED AND HUNG OUT. It was just a nice… quiet ,enjoyable, lazy day.

    Um… Later IN THAT EVENING around 8 or 9 David left TO SPEND THE NIGHT WITH A FRIEND.

    THAT’S WHERE SOME OF THE inconsistancys with FAMILY COMES ALONG. David says he left at 9 0-clock at night I was sayin he left at 6 or 7. That’s the inconsistancies.

    UM… SHAWN AND I WERE , WATCHIN tv in our bedroom.


    Around 10 o-clock I SAW that Hailey WAS IN HER ROOM WATCHIN tv I TOLD HER “ good night” AND THEN I WENT TO bed.

    On Monday December 27th,

  70. As far as I can tell, they still meet on Thursdays.

    Texas Anon

  71. ? said...
    This kind of activity in CC might explain the troll bombardment.

    It sure was active for a while there.

  72. Please help find Ayla
    I FEEL like I NEED TO GO OVER the day surrounding HAILEY’S DISAPPEARANCE AGAIN for several reasons. Many people who are not close to the case seem to be confused because there were so many conflicting accounts of WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED.

    After watching many of the interviews I’M BEGINNING TO SEE why MYSELF.

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    Colorado City residents make plans to honor Hailey Dunn
    Posted: May 01, 2013 3:48 PM Updated: May 01, 2013 3:48 PM
    By KCBD Staff - email


    Plans for Hailey Dunn's memorial service are underway in Colorado City.

    The teen's body was discovered near Lake JB Thomas outside Snyder in mid-March and investigators confirmed her identity last Friday.

    While no date has been set, organizers of the Hope for Hailey Facebook page are inviting everyone to order flowers early for her memorial.

    You can order from Colorado Floral and Gifts at 341 East Third Street or from Stacie's Creations at 258 Walnut Street. Organizers say Hailey's favorite colors were purple, blue and orange and add that the colors represent the journey of searching and praying to bring Hailey home.

    Hailey's funeral will be a private family service. We will let you know once a date for her memorial service has been set.

  74. To all here questioning Billie and her reaction to missing daughter. When we could not reach my Andrea, we knew who was responsible. Florida Police would not help us. She was a grown woman. I can tell you the response of a Mother knowing her child has been murdered and no one would help.
    When I got the call from the detective in Florida, he asked if I was sitting down. What he said felt like an elephant kicked me in the stomach. I was bent over in pain. Physical pain. I stopped eating, stopped showering, did not get out out my Robe. I stared at my kitchen wall for about two weeks because it was yellow and I had a blank spot to stare at. My husband would come home and find me in the same spot, guide me into the bathroom, force me to care for myself and cook food for me. Hair, makeup, party, Billie Dunn???? She hung herself from day one. She cannot even fake it. She could not fake tears for a dead kitten.

  75. PS, when your daughter is murdered, all joy leaves your life forever.

  76. Sus, I'm sorry you experience that pain. You expressed what we all know as mothers would be our reaction to the disappearance or death of one of our children. I know why BD can't understand why she is "attacked" here. What I can't understand is why her supporters, mothers themselves I assume, have to have someone draws them a picture of what a normal reaction looks like.

  77. I'm sorry. I meant to say Susan not sus

  78. Susan,

    So sorry to hear of your loss. I can only imagine the pain you feel.

    A colleague of mine lost his daughter, she was murdered by her husband, even after many years, you could see the pain etched on his face. He was a broken man.

  79. Susan said...
    "PS when your daughter is murdered, all joy leaves your life forever."

    I'm so sorry for your loss.

    I'm also sorry that BD is trying to pass herself off as a mother who has suffered the way that you have suffered.

    I makes me angry that she is using the examples of real mothers, like you, in an effort to convince others that her feelings and thoughts are sincere.

  80. Billie these are you words:

    I’ve been flat out called a lair by some people, others speculate on my possible involvement in Hailey’s disappearance, or wonder if I’m covering up for somebody.


    Thanks for finally telling the truth Billie. Now just come clean with LE please.

  81. Thank you for your comment, Susan. It put the case we are here to discuss in perspective for me. My heart hurts for you and I'm sorry for your loss.


  82. "I've been flat out called a liar..etc."

    BD forgot to mention that she is a convicted liar, or does that mean zip?

  83. Anon 1,

    I so appreciate your statement about taking it a little easier on Clint. You are a good person to listen to others' opinions, like Pointhunter's, and take them into consideration.

    I just wanted to say that. Clint needs our prayers.

  84. Lemon, I wanted to say the same thing, I couldn't find the words that you did. Thanks for saying it for me.

  85. Lemon, I wanted to say the same thing, I couldn't find the words that you did. Thanks for saying it for me.

  86. The thought of anyone trying to put the Kronk on Pointhunter infuriates me. Such a ploy indicates to me a defense attorney knows his client is guilty, among other things.

    Anon J, your story of using SA to figure out what really happened with your son at school is so cute and I am amazed you were able to apply it so well. It's interesting that even the words "told" and "sitting" are used by children and have the same meaning when using SA as with adults.


  87. It will be a good day if Hailey receives justice. The initial fear I had when Pointhunter/CL first started posting on SA was that I didn't want him to divulge anything that might compromise the murder investigation. I don't believe he has, however, I fear that defense attorneys may try to skewer his role 'a la Roy Kronk.
    At the end of the day with the Casey Anthony verdict, it didn't change the fact that a little girl was dead. No celebration there. BJD, same thing in my mind. At the end of the day, her daughter is gone forever. Both mothers have dead daughters under some very questionable circumstances brought about by their depraved lifestyles.
    Roy Kronk and Curtis Lloyd made their sad discoveries because they cared enough to use their brains. I predict Pointhunter will do fine on the witness stand, he seems like a smart guy that can take care of himself.

  88. Gob bless your heart Susan. I wish I could give you a huge hug!

  89. Darn. I forgot the rule about not quoting trolls. So I got deleted. lol
    Sorry guyzzzzz....

  90. Trixiebelle,

    I think he will do fine too and I think he will have many people standing behind him and willing to stand up for him. I think Peter made a good point about BD's attorney being able to rub elbows with well placed politicians. I think if he did use that strategy he will create many enemies when he could be forming alliances.

  91. How long does it take from the grand jury reviewing evidence to an indictment to an arrest?

  92. Susan,

    I am so sorry you lost your daughter and in the most horrific way. I hope you have found some sort of peace.

  93. DISBAR John "Trigger Drunk" Young

    ARREST Pille Jean NotDunnNothing

    ARREST Shawn "Killing A Little Girl Is Just Like Killing A Deer" Adkins

  94. Who said 'um pretty much everyone got exactly what they' (deserved or wanted?)...was it a troll or BJD? Because that is a very telling statement. As if Hailey was warned abd then BJD had to give her what she had coming, as she saw it.

    As I get older I think arguments for mandatory sterilization need to be back on the table.

  95. Please help find Ayla

    On Monday December 27th,

    SHAWN left the house at 5:30, my alarm WAS GOING OFF AROUND THE TIME HE WAS TELLING ME "bye".

    Um... I GOT UP AND got ready for work, I USUALLY LEAVE THE house by 6:20. When my ride didn't SHOW UP, I called HER TO SEE WHAT WAS KEEPING HER

    UM... I PEEKED IN at Hailey, because I'M USED TO SEEIN HER sleep ON THE COUCH. She wasn't THERE, I REMEMBERED Oh, yeah, she was in her room. I PEEKED IN AN IT WAS DARK, but her TV was on, AND IT DEFINITELY PACIFIED ME, I, I didn't TOUCH HER, but I seen MY DAUGHTER AN FELT GOOD. CAME IN THE LIVING ROOM to wait on my ride.

    Um... I left the house around 6:30 and got to work about 7.

  96. Susan,
    I am sorry you lost your daughter in such a horrific manner. Thank you for sharing and for being here caring about others.

  97. Peter, Perhaps the appropriate law to solve this issue would be to place a gag order on all attorney's until after the case has been decided upon. It's only the defense attorney's that flood the air-waves - not the prosecution.

  98. Defense attorneys sometimes fight for their clients' lives and you want to put a gag order on them?

    In my experience, attorneys have no problem turning on each other. They don't want that bad apple spoiling the bunch. It's not good for the profession.

    The problem as I see it is the jury. Jury members can be so painfully undereducated that it would make your head spin. After all, it isn't the person with a high IQ and a college degree who can't find a way to get out of jury duty.

    Then there's the CSI effect. We demand more conclusive evidence for convictions than simple gut feelings. Our justice system has established "beyond a reasonable doubt" as the standard for criminal convictions. We won't always get conclusive DNA evidence but some people have come to expect in in every circumstance.

    To further muddy the waters, people on death row have been exonerated after DNA evidence was examined. That's terrifying.

    For the record, I couldn't sleep last night so I had plenty of time to formulate my rant.

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  100. Excruciating Headache, I wanted to say that I love your posts! Sometimes you sound like you write like you speak, maybe with an accent? Where are you from, Headache? Just curious. I like the way you think.

    I did want to tell you that in all the many experiences I've had in legal matters, it is not the way you think it is with attys in this country. Unless it is an expert whiz-bang notorious atty from out of state representing a particular client, these attys are buddies who plot their cases over lunch, dinner and cocktails long before they ever face the courtroom and continuously confer with each other, planning their strategy all along the way.

    The expert from out of state, they despise and are jealous of, but still will hand over their power to him while they fume among themselves. Many won't even take a case where they will have to go up against the big out of state 'expert' lawyer because they know he will receive all the credit for the big win, when they might actually have done a better job than he did.

    The talking heads you see on tv swoon over the out of state expert, like he's some sort of god while the local attys keep their mouth shut other than to sing praises for the big-wig. If they say anything against him at all, it is with tongue in cheek and very carefully. All they want is him out of there, gone, and soon. But a woman like Anne Bremner, also well-known; they will conspire and work hard to defeat with every trick, lie, scheme and device in their arsenal. And do.

    It is not like you see on tv. They will blister each other in front a jury (the same jury they consorted with each other to hand-pick); and will make all kinds of threats to bring the opposing atty down before the judge (Ashton did this to Baez), with Perry playing the game right with Ashton. Did you see Perry file any of those charges before the Fl Bar Assn that he threatened to file against Baez? Of course not, it was never designed that way. You see the feuding amongst themselves, but they walk out of the courthouse talking and laughing together, and headed for their favorite watering hole.

    I've heard attys bickering in the courtroom while slinging insults at each other; yet couldn't wait to get to their office to talk and laugh about it over the phone, cutting the client to shreds. I've HEARD some of these conversations! I've also known of cases where an atty wouldn't take a particular case because he didn't want to be put in the position of losing friends in the court house; after all, they need these clerks to file their affidavits and other docs, set up their hearings before a 'certain' judge and so on, and will jockey for their favors.

    Very few know what goes on behind the walls of the judges chambers, and how these attys plott their course before the case even gets off the ground. For instance, I could have told you that Cheney, the old swaggering atty who worked with Baez; one way or another, by hook or crook, would win the case. He is an old horse of many colors who has played the game well. I would guarantee you that he was big buds with Jeff Ashton long before Casey's trial ever begun and still is, long after. I would also bet you that Perry owed Cheney a favor or two. Hate to burst your bubble, but there you have it.

    Anon 1
