Thursday, June 13, 2013

Levon Wameling: Father Waits Two Weeks To Report Missing Son

Here we go again...

drugs, alcohol, partying...

Levon Wameling, 9 months, was reported "missing" two weeks after his father said he went missing.  When a child goes missing, if the parent does not cry out for the child immediately, the parent is signaling that he may not want the child found.

His father, Jevon Wameling said that he locked himself out of the house, and left Levon alone on the porch while he went around to the back of the house to crawl into the window. When he came back out to the front of the house to get Levon, he had disappeared. 

Family members asked about the baby's whereabouts, forcing Wameling to report him missing. The baby's mother was reportedly in drug rehab, leaving the baby with him. The reluctance speaks volumes.  

We are looking for the father's statement, but thus far, have none. 

Police say the father, Jevon Wameling, 27, was confronted by the child's grandmother regarding the baby's disappearance and the grandparents then went directly to the Oneida County District Attorney's Office. Wameling is not currently being charged, but police say he is being questioned.
Police say the Levon's mother checked into rehab for drug use around the time of the disappearance.
Utica Police along with New York State Police canine units have been searching the area around the 748 Jay Street apartment where the Wameling family lived, even using posters in hopes of finding baby Levon.
"Right now our goal is to find the kid," said Utica Police Chief Mark Williams.
Note "the kid" is often a phrase used when someone may believe the "child" is alive.  Is this a drug deal gone wrong?  Retribution?  Sold for drug money?
Jevon Wameling tells police that he isn't sure what happened to his child.
"He had a difficult time getting into his residence," said Sgt. Steve Hauck of what Jevon told police. "He left the child on the front steps and went around to the back of the house and when he went to get the child the child was gone."
note the use of the word "child" is often associated with risk, danger, abuse, neglect, etc.  Does this subject believe the child is dead, or in danger?
Police are not currently treating Jevon as a suspect, but they do admit his story doesn't add up.
"I can't say exactly what went on during the interview, but suffice it to say that there is essentially no explanation for why you wouldn't report a child missing after two weeks," Sgt. Hauck said.
There is an explanation; only Sgt. Hauck may not have gotten it. 
Many outside services have been called to aid in the investigation such as Child Protective Services and the National Center for Missing Children.
Police say they will continue searching day and night until baby Levon is found.
Neighbors on Jay Street in Utica recall loud nights full of music and drinking that often ended with the cops being called. 

The man who lives in the apartment below Jevon Wameling's on Jay Street says he distinctly remembers hearing 9-month-old Levon crying back on either May 28th or May 29th. 
Neighbors say Jevon lives a typical night life, coming home at 2 or 3 in the morning, often under the influence of alcohol. The neighbor, who did not give his name,
 says there were often complaints about the loud music coming from his apartment. He says that behavior all suddenly stopped two weeks ago, which he found odd. 

Neighbors says the cops were called to Jevon's apartment once a week because of screaming fights inside the apartment. 
The neighbor says those fights ended back on April 10th when his girlfriend moved out. 
One neighbor is very concerned about the welfare of Levon and says he can't think of a good reason to wait so long to report the child missing. 


  1. Such a sweet sweet baby, looks so sad, and battered. What a low-down dirty dog of a daddy. The M#X$^%) F&^%$$ rotten @**&%^ of a b'tch. Mama too. Observer.

  2. Drugs and neglect make babies go missing.

    Levon Wameling is missing and his dad is unconcerned for two weeks.

    What a guy.

  3. Not again... This case has Ayla Reynolds written all over... Such a sweet baby.

  4. How on earth is failure to report a missing child not a crime in itself.

    To me, it should be.

    Child endangerment.
    Now I am not sure if the child can walk, if he was "supposedly” in a car seat or not. But if he was not and can walk/crawl… He could have gotten away (not that I think this happened). He could get into the street, an animal can get him, hes an easy target for kidnapping.

    So, because of the fact that once your child is not in your care and you do not know where they are, then your duty is to report it immediately.

    Any delay outside searching a yard, school etc should be immediate charges .

    And are LE really that stupid? It seems like they are all buying most of these stories or at the least, let it all slide.

    I think most of us have had that experience where the child ducks behind a clothes rack to hide while at the store. I had it happen for the first time about a year ago. And those 4 seconds were horrifying. I was already in a panic and yelling for him.

    So anytime they dont panic and do everything to find the child, I am convinced they are responsible.

    Makes me angry for these poor kids.

    If you dont want kids, there are ways to prevent it. And those that claim its to expensive.... BS. A child is more expensive. Diapers alone would cost more than birth control.

    Its time for these parents to pay.

    There needs to be a law to protect these kids.

    Wont solve everything, but its one more way to get these monsters in jail.

  5. This is a repeat of Ayla all over again -

    Missing 9 month old Levon Wameling

    Mother " Amy Warney" speaks to reporters, first and only interview so far. The interview was just uploaded.

    A News Press Conference is to begin at any moment, Law Enforcement to update the public on the case, of Missing Levon. The time must be off, it has not been televised yet. Was to begin at 5:30pm, has not shown yet.

    Mother interview:
    Home page of the News site

    Posted 4:30pm - NY
    PR on another local site, LE press conference:

    UTICA —
    Utica police are hosting a press conference at 5:30 p.m. today regarding 9-month-old Levon Wameling, who has been missing since May 29. Earlier, K-9 units were brought on the scene, starting at the 748 Jay St. address, to assist in finding the baby. The infant's father Jevon Wameling, 27, did not report Levon missing until Tuesday. Police consider him a "person of interest" in the case.

    Check later for the full story. Read more:

    I do not see the Press Conf on yet, nor is there press that it has taken place, possibly it's delayed. Photo of Levon with his father Jevon.

  6. Here is the Press Conference -

  7. 1-800-The-Lost


    Utica Police requesting anyone that has a tip or any information to please call: Missing and Exploited tip line vs calling the Utica Police Dept.

    They working on the case, they do not have the man power to take calls tips from public, 24/7.
    Remember this case to them is less than 24 hours old.

    Levon's Missing poster issued by Missing and Exploited

    I have seen his missing information online. There seems to be some confusion on his stats. He is said to have Black Hair, Brown eyes on the Missing and Exploited poster. That Levon is a bi-racial child, he is black and white.

    I found issued by the State of NY Missing Child Alert, that Levon is a white baby, blonde hair and light brown eyes.

    Levon's pictures online is him and he is a light skinned bi-racial baby. He has light hair and appears to have Hazel brown eyes.

    A online blogger has posted "3" photos of Levon, taken of recent, and one of him as an infant.

    You can see he can appear to be either, a bi-racial baby and or a white baby. I hate the term white, how else to say it? when you view the photos it will make sense.

    The officer again used the term Kid when speaking of Levon. Maybe his dad did do stupid and hand him off to someone? rather it be this his stupid, than what could possibly be the alternative.

    The father was confronted by his parents, where is Levon?
    He told them his story. They his parents hired an attorney and the Attorney contacted Law Enforcement. This not good, speaks for itself. How could grandparents do this instead of being on the side of their innocent powerless 9 month old grandson? SMH.

    Father is not speaking, as he has been advised not to, he is protected. Levon who?

    The Mother, Amy, spoke to the bio father on the phone yesterday she said in her interview:

    "Talked to him last night and he told me that he was scared to tell the police. That he didn't want people to think that he did something to him. But why would you wait two weeks so people think, you know, it just, it doesn't make sense," says Warney.

    She on video:

  8. What is missing in the picture of Levon? Food on his tray!

    1. I think he's in a walker, not a high chair. Still, that poor baby looks malnourished, dirty, and has a heartbreaking, pained expression on his face. One look and you can tell he wasn't properly cared for.

  9. He looks like he's starving!

  10. Baxtie said...
    Mark Redwine gave another interview this week.
    June 13, 2013 at 4:32 PM

    Thanks for the link Baxtie. Mark Redwine says a whole lot of nothing with a whole lot of words. He killed Dylan.

  11. If the guy was that complacent, and if he really did lock himself out and found the child gone...the "kid" didn't matter much to him.

    Perhaps he didn't want him and let someone have him.

    However, he is suspect...very suspect!

  12. Any parent who does not report a missing baby right away, should be sitting in jail.
    Any parent who gives explanations as to why he did not report a baby missing for two weeks, should be treated as the primarly suspect!

  13. I just took a look at this link Vita provided. According to the blogger Levon's father is the son of a police officer. I hope the police officer grandfathers main concern is Levon and not protecting his son. I hope the investigation is not influenced or corrupted by that association.

  14. Shelley and Ney, amen! If the baby/child goes missing on your watch, and you do nothing, you are accountable. In SC, we had a 23 yr old, Zinah Jennings, lose her 18 mth old, and until her mother found her with no baby and no explanation, no one knew. Grandmother called LE. After the mother was arrested, grandmother changed her tune, my daughter would never hurt the baby. The mother was charged with 'unlawful conduct towards a child', found guilty, and give 10 yrs in prison. This is a start. If body or more evidence is found, charge her with murder. All of these parents should go straight to jail, and get charged! Time for some new laws. It doesn't make sense how often this is happening.

  15. Anyone see pics of the home on the mother's FB? FILTHY! :-(

  16. the baby's face in the photo says it all...

  17. Good morning...I am the writer of Justice Denied and appreciate your recognizing my blog regarding the missing child of Levon Wameling.

    As someone who has, for the past 6 years, followed corruption in my community, this case is also one whose outcome may is of concern knowing the other cases where politics got in the way of justice being served.

    I ask that you follow the case through the blog for I am in touch with those who are familiar with both the mother and the father, the political ties that may have a profound effect on its conclusion which is great concern for this community.

    I spoke to the mother yesterday whose baby died some 7 years ago when she was dating Levon's father. Very troubling behavioral issues but the local police department will not acknowledge her many phone calls to them as she requests to have her case re-opened. She is someone that they truly need to speak with.

    While the Utica Police Department professes that their search is ongoing 24/7 the absence of police on foot is troubling. It is of my opinion that while they may be employing technological resources on a 24 hour basis, they have fallen short of what is expected in the area of foot searches and interviews with the public.

    I will be covering the story aggressively, divulging inside information that our local media will not address.

    I thank Vita too for giving much time to this investigation through her research, she has been very instrumental.

    Thank you.
    Sue Arcuri

  18. Sue,

    thank you for posting.

    If you'd like, I can highlight your blog and work here.

    Peter Hyatt

  19. Oh, that picture. Poor Levon :( Are there no happy pictures of baby Levon?

  20. Peter...thank you so much..I would appreciate if you would post my blog on this site.

    Sorry, I didn't see your post until now...

    God Bless....

    Sue Arcuri
