Monday, September 16, 2013

Erica Lynn Parsons

Authorities suspect foul play in disappearance of 15-year-old North Carolina teen Erica Lynn Parsons who was last seen in 2011

Erica Lynn Parsons, a resident of Salisbury, N.C., had been missing a year and a half before her brother reported her disappearance in July. Now, authorities suspect foul play in the now 15-year-old's vanishing.



Erica Lynn Parsons, pictured at left in an undated photograph and an age progression artist rendering at right on how she might look like today. Parsons was last seen in late 2011, when family members say she moved to Ashville, N.C. to live with a woman her adoptive parents believed was her biological grandmother.

SALISBURY, N.C.  -- For weeks, Erica Lynn Parsons' brown eyes and smiling face have gazed out upon residents of this central North Carolina community from posters, leaflets and billboards.
In one photo, she appears as a young elementary school-aged child and in another, thanks to age-progressing computer technology, as a 15-year-old.
No one is sure exactly how long Erica has been missing. When her 20-year-old brother reported her disappearance on July 30, he said she actually had gone missing a year and a half before that.
Concerned residents have held candlelight vigils during which they have begged anyone with information about her whereabouts to come forward.
"We're hoping for the best," said Alan Carpenter, a Salisbury resident who lives near Erica's family and attended a recent vigil at the Rowan County Courthouse. "But we just don't know. There are just too many unanswered questions."
For their part, law enforcement authorities are starting to think Erica won't be found - at least not alive.
Investigators with the Rowan County Sheriff's Office say Erica's adoptive parents have been uncooperative and that they have uncovered disturbing signs of foul play. No charges have been filed, however.
Erica was adopted in 2000, when she was just 2 years old, by her uncle and aunt, Sandy and Casey Parsons. The Parsonses say they haven't seen Erica since late 2011, when they say she moved to Asheville, N.C., to live with a woman they believed was her biological grandmother.
But police say they've been unable to locate the grandmother. Casey and Sandy Parsons "were unable to provide any known locations" or contact information, officers wrote in one of two affidavits seeking warrants to search the Parsonses' house and a shed on property owned by Sandy Parsons' father.
Law enforcement officials have declined to discuss details of the investigation. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is assisting the sheriff's office.
The Parsonses recently moved from their Salisbury home about 40 miles north of Charlotte to the Fayetteville area to escape news media attention. Their attorney, Carlyle Sherrill, told The Associated Press his clients had nothing to do with Erica's disappearance.
Erica Lynn Parsons was last seen in November 2011 and was reported missing July 30, 2013 by her older adoptive brother.


Erica Lynn Parsons was last seen in November 2011 and was reported missing July 30, 2013 by her older adoptive brother.

"They want her back home," he said.
The search warrant affidavits filed by police paint a picture of a young girl isolated from the outside world who may have been mentally and physically abused by her parents.
"Family members stated that Erica always seemed to be `grounded' and never allowed to interact with the family," once being beaten so hard with a toy gun that it broke into pieces, a sheriff's office investigator wrote.
Witnesses told police that Casey Parsons, 38, and Sandy Parsons, 39, physically abused Erica, who "consistently had bruises and bumps on her arms and legs," the investigator wrote.
Sherrill, the family's attorney, said social workers investigated reports of child abuse in the Parsonses' home on four different occasions in recent years.
"But none of them were substantiated as far as beating the kids or abuse," he said.
From the beginning, Erica - whom witnesses and Sherrill described as a shy, quiet girl - was surrounded by people who didn't seem to want her.
Just two weeks after she was born on Feb. 24, 1998, her biological mother, Carolyn Parsons, who was married to Sandy Parsons' brother, told her in-laws she couldn't take care of her baby.
The Parsonses, who had three children of their own, agreed to take Erica, and later adopted her.
But when Erica was 6, they sent her to live with another family member, an investigator said in the affidavit for the search warrant. That family member, who was not identified, said Casey told her she beat the girl because she "couldn't stand to look at Erica."
Casey and Sandy Parsons claim their daughter is alive and well and has been living with Irene “Nan” Goodman, a woman who they believe is Erica’s biological grandmother.


Casey and Sandy Parsons claim their daughter is alive and well and has been living with Irene “Nan” Goodman, a woman who they believe is Erica’s biological grandmother.

Eight months later, Sandy and Casey Parsons took Erica back because they were afraid they'd lose the state money they were receiving to help with the child's learning disability and hearing problems, the investigator wrote.
Witnesses not related to the family said it was dysfunctional, mainly due to problems the parents were having with James, the same son who later reported Erica's disappearance.
According to Sherrill, Casey Parsons battled gastrointestinal issues for years after botched gastric-bypass surgery. By 2011, she was very sick, and James "took out his aggression on his mother," the attorney said.
James was charged with assaulting his mother and a sibling, and animal cruelty, Sherrill said. It was during this period that Casey Parsons began to wonder what would happen to her children if she died, he said.
In July 2011, the Parsonses re-introduced Erica to her biological mother, but Erica told them she did not want to live with her, Sherrill said.
A few months later, according to the lawyer, Casey and Sandy Parsons said they were contacted by a woman on Facebook who claimed she was Carolyn's mother and Erica's grandmother. She said her name was Irene or "Nan" Goodman, Sherrill said.
"Nan knew all about their family, all about the names of the children," Sherrill said. "Nan tells them that she learned that through Carolyn."
The Parsonses said they arranged a meeting with "Nan" at a fast-food restaurant in September 2011. They let Erica spend a weekend with the supposed grandmother in her Asheville home, and later allowed her to go on a three-week trip with Nan in December 2011, Sherrill said. It was during that trip that Erica called to say she was happy and wanted to live there, he said.
Sherrill said the family agreed because Casey Parsons was still sick and James Parsons was continuing to misbehave.
The Parsons family then lost touch with Erica, but assumed she was safe, Sherrill said. "The phone number they had for Nan didn't work anymore," he said.
Carolyn Parsons is the biological mother of  Erica Parsons


Carolyn Parsons is the biological mother of Erica Parsons

In June, Casey and Sandy Parsons kicked James out of the house after he assaulted Casey, Sherrill said.
A month later, James Parsons walked into the sheriff's office to report that his sister had been missing for nearly a year and a half and that his parents had been abusing her for years.
The next day, the Parsonses' two youngest children were removed from the home by the Rowan County Department of Social Services pending an investigation.
The couple told police that Erica was with Nan. They repeated the same story to the local news media and later on a nationally syndicated TV talk show.
But during police questioning, Casey Parsons often referred to Erica in the past tense, an investigator wrote in one of the search warrant affidavits.
"I found these statements to be inconsistent," since the family claims to have left Erica "alive, well, and happy with her biological grandmother," the investigator wrote.
Meanwhile, police pressed ahead with the investigation, but could find no evidence that Irene "Nan" Goodman ever existed.
On Aug. 14, investigators removed more than a dozen items from the family's house, including pieces of wall stained with what appeared to be blood and two knives encased in shrink wrap, according to one of the affidavits.
They also found books and magazine articles about JonBenet Ramsey, a child beauty queen found slain in her Colorado home in 1996; and Susan Smith, a South Carolina woman who killed her two children in 1994. Seized financial records showed that the Parsonses continued collecting money from the state even after Erica disappeared, according to the affidavit.
While the investigation continues, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children has erected more than a dozen billboards featuring Erica's picture around the Charlotte area.
"They are all reminders that something bad happened," Carpenter said. "Everyone wants this to end well. All we can do is pray."


  1. So shes been missing 15 months and the police"suspect"foul play??? Wow are they the police from"police academy"??? Dopey idiots!

  2. I blame the brother.

  3. Social services are to blâme.these
    Parasites get vast pay chèques and
    Neglect their patients,Just like school teachers,these rats are lazy.

  4. Blame the brother? Could you explain why? Social services need a major change, there are too many stories like this which could have been prevented. She was homeschooled so that she could be tortured by these two, there needs to be more laws on who can homeschool their kids. If she was going to public school they might have recognized the signs of abuse and would have known she was missing sooner than this!

  5. Yeah right.... public school or home school, she never stood a chance.

  6. I agree that the school of choice didn't make this girl disappear.

    Public schools now have a gruesome history of "firing squads" roaming the campus killing people.

    Domestic violence is the most visible danger in homes for children, even foster children are at risk.

    I would bet that "domestic violence" is the biggest factor in the disappearance of this girl.

  7. "Nan" Goodman and Zanny the "Nan"ny seem to be similar in name and circumstances since they are connected to girls who ha type caretakers who couldn't be located.

    I hope that this girls body/remains isn't found within a mile of the Parson's home wrapped in a blanket.

  8. Has the Casey Anthony case enabled other people to commit "copy cat" crimes?

  9. Hi Peter...(I'm excited to see you tackling this case, there are a wealth of statements available, and a sea of red flags)

    These two appeared on Dr Phil and their language indicates that Erica is dead, (at least in my opinion). The mother Casey disqualified herself from taking the polygraph claiming her 'pain level' was nearly the worse pain imaginable...a 9 on a scale of 1-10. She was offered to take her meds and rest for the night before the test...she still refused. The father Sandy failed miserably (the polygrapher actually gave the numbered results...a -9 (to fail he needed a -4 or above) and said that he scored 'overwhelmingly deceptive'. Sandy and Casey also refused to appear either in studio or remote broadcast for the reading of the results, their attorney appeared instead. After the results were read, the attorney bumbled around and finally stated "WE, WE know there are problems in what Sandy and Casey have been far as...logically, um...I don't know if he misread..uh misinterpreted the questions..".
    The attorney also stated he knows there is a "divergence between the facts, and what his clients have said took place".

    If anyone has the transcripts of the show please post them. Thanks in advance!

  10. Btw-Sandy & Casey Parsons continued to recieve Erica Parson's benefits (apparently for a hearing and learning disability) during the time she was not in their care. This makes them at the very least guilty of fraud. Arrest them both and pit them against each other.

    They have been accused of child abuse multiple times, and now of murder, by their OWN FAMILY (different family members including sister, parents, son). Their excuse for why their family would say these things...'they just don't like us, they never have'. (Maybe because they are monsters, targeting a disabled child and abusing her relentlessly)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.


  13. I think very early on we all got on to the subject of the alleged "Nan",and the sensitivity surrounding it.

    This is taken from, i think,one of the first times they spoke out.

    She was teenager. She was with her GRANDMOTHER – completely safe, having fun, and just loving her life," Casey Parsons said. "She loves NAN. I met NAN. I talked to NAN. NAN is a very good lady."

    Note the past tense usage"Was",then switches to present tense "She loves"Given that LE havnt informed them that Erica is dead,why would they use past tense,unless they know more than what they our saying..

    She starts of calling her "Grandmother" then switches to "Nan".There is no change in reality for her to switch from "Grandmother to "Nan" this is not coming from experential memory, deception indicated.

    Also look at the sensitivity surrounding the word "Nan".Out of sixteen words she uses "Nan" four times,that's an average of one every four words.

    I cant understand why LE havnt arrested them..

    Full article.

  14. wow. I'd say we can assume she is dead. First guess is the brother killed her and the parents willfully covered it up to keep collecting $ and avoid legal entanglement.

    Second guess is one or both of the parents killed her -- or all three killed her.

    freaking awful.

  15. @ Anonymous -- September 16, 2013 at 2:32 PM

    Or they could have sold her to someone. They had a prior history of having sent her to live elsewhere with a family relative when she was 6 but then taking her back when they thought they would lose the extra money they were getting from the government to pay for her learning disability and hearing disability. A reasonable inference is that the family relative put in a request to have the funds transferred for her care -- which is what the funds are supposed to be used for, after all.

    These people seem very money motivated, as evidenced by their second prolonged welfare fraud up until Erica was reported missing by her adoptive brother. I'm betting that when she hit puberty, they sold her to a "Good Man" who would make her disappear so 1) she couldn't tell anyone what had been done to her by her adopted father or adopted brother, and 2) they could continue collecting her government benefits without having to spend that money on her support. I think this fits their prior weekend visit story i.e. that would be when the Good Man came to see Erica and check her temperament, maybe began grooming her by taking her out for a meal and/or giving her a gift, prior to giving the Parsons money for her. I think law enforcement should have a forensic accountant analyze their bank accounts to see whether they got a significant amount of money at during the relevant time period from an unknown source.

    I think that if the brother James had killed her, he would not have gone to the police to report her missing. I think that his report was to get revenge on his parents for kicking him out. If he knew that his parents had killed her, I think he would have told the police that, rather than merely report her as missing.

    Does anybody have a link to James' actual report, verbal or written? That would be a gold mine of information to analyze.

  16. Parson transcript


  17. It's on the border of lunacy to speculate all these imaginary possible scenarios that "could" have happened, or that the brother "might" have been involved in the childs' abuse or in her killing; when he already went to the police and TOLD them that the parents had killed her more than a year and a half ago. Why the he!! would he (or anyone else) do this unless he knew what he was talking about? So let the boy talk!

    Facts is all you need, and a thorough LE investigation; plus a full on investigation of these deadbeat parents and why the CPS never took action against them for their many prior abuses and fraudulent claims. We're talking child abuse/killer trash here, folks. All uv 'em. You already have enough right there to go on.

  18. Sandy and Casey also refused to appear either in studio or remote broadcast for the reading of the results, their attorney appeared instead.

    Why did they go on the Dr. Phil Show????

  19. Several transcripts available via:


  20. Interesting that among the items confiscated from the Parsons' home was a JonBenet book with notes inside regarding home remodel. pam...

  21. In July 2011, the Parsonses re-introduced Erica to her biological mother, but Erica told them she did not want to live with her, Sherrill said.

    A few months later, according to the lawyer, Casey and Sandy Parsons said they were contacted by a woman on Facebook who claimed she was Carolyn’s mother and Erica’s grandmother. She said her name was Irene or "Nan" Goodman, Sherrill said.

    they were contacted by a woman on Facebook

    Did LE check this out?


  23. To those who are saying the brother probably killed her, I doubt it.
    It sounds to me like these 2 evil parents caused their son to become psycho and also caused the disappearance of the adopted girl.
    It is amazing how similar "Zanny the Nanny" and "Nan" are.
    It just sounds like 2 purely evil parents that raised a disturbed son and also probably killed the girl.
    I doubt there was a "Nan". I don't think they were copying the Anthony's in the choice of that name--it is just that when people are lying they are going to reach for something that sounds believable--in other words "Nan Goodman" sounds like a cookie baking grandmother. Has anyone looked at the last name "Goodman"? If this is a fabricated name, which it clearly is, "Good Man"--who fabricated it? The Parsons or someone on facebook pretending to be a grandmother? That is probably the key to solving the case. Who fabricated the name "Good Man"?

  24. Now that I am thinking about it, I believe that the name "Nan Goodman" was most likely fabricated by an educated person, someone familiar with literature and how character names in literature are often created particularly in early American literature. If the accused parents do not have education beyond high school, I doubt they created this name, which, if you look at it, is a bit more sophisticated than "Zanny the Nanny".

    1. Goodman is Erica's biological fathers last name.

  25. There is an Irene Goodman not far from the Parsons home in Salisbury. She is in her 80s. IMO they know her, or of her..and pulled out her name thinking no one would check. There is/was not another Irene Goodman in Asheville, though there is one in Charlotte. I think its the one nearby they took the name from.

    I hope one turns on the other..but as in so many other may never happen. Sadly.

  26. It is important to note that LE has stated in no uncwrtain terms that Nan Goodman does not exist and also stated the the Parson's story is a complete fabrication.

    The Parsons came up with 'Nan' of the statements they repeated several times on the Dr Phil show was 'I met/talked to/know Nan...she was a good person/lady' (and several variations of that same statement). Sandy Parsons stated...'I never met Nan, but my wife said she was a good lady...I trust my wife if she says someone is a good person'...etc.

    The Parson's whole story is laughable. They claim to have been originally contacted by this woman by online record exists. They claim to have talked to Nan by phone multiple times, yet no record exists despite the calls being long distance. They claim to have never seen Nan's house, but they at one time had pictures...which surprise they cannot produce. They cannot provide an address, town or even general location where this woman supposedly lives and claim to have met her each time they dropped Erica off at a McDonalds. (where Erica got into the car with Nan...a girl named STRAWBERRY (seriously?), and another girl and her 'pretty little bald headed baby with pierced ears'.)

    They are dopes, and their story mirrors one of the oldest in the book...the 'dog went to live on a farm' tale. Erica isn't dead or missing...she went to live with Nan, who bought her a whole new wardrobe, wisked her away to live on a farm with horses, and lavishes her with all of the money and attention they couldn't give her because of all their other kids and issues. Kinda like when Fido get old and dies, and you tell the kids he went to a farm, where he has plenty of room to run and play, and other animals to keep him company.

  27. Oh and another thing...there were fabricated text messages to Erica's bio-mother during the time she was 'missing'. Erica's cell phone was used to send messages pretending to be Erica, and tell the bio-mon she wanted no contact with her to buy time and keep the fact that Erica was gone drom being discovered. A link including some of the fabricated texts was posted as an OT comment a while back if anyone is interested in checking them out. All in all it paints a very damning picture of the Parsons actions and intentions.

  28. Jen..wasn't there speculation re where CA came up with the nanny's name? I recall a house on the corner, and maybe another next door..near where she dumped her daughter's little body. Gonzales in one..and a Zenaida in the other?? Anyway..

    People rarely invent new facts, they repurpose, and morph them to sound more credible. The fabrications are often so blatant, they sound silly.

    When they said Irene 'Nan' lives in Ashville, it was like saying she lives in 'LA'. It could mean anywhere in the mountains..or nowhere.

    This whole thing makes me ill. Abuse and neglect allowed to go on, and they were paid to do it. I really don't get the payments for fostering, or for adopting. It was offered to us, but sounded like a bribe to take kids off the hands of DSS. In the end, offering money for what should be given out of love attracts many of the wrong sorts of people (not all, don't get me wrong..there are loving families out there!). I remember in SoCal the rates in the early 90s were around $500/mo, double if the child was over 5, siblings, or disabled. Some families we met had a number of kids with disabilities living without, while natural kids had everything. Heartbreaking..

  29. Jen said...
    yet no record exists ..
    Really? They must have phone records..surely the Parsons had a phone?

    1. The answer the Parsons gave on Dr Phil for why they couldn't produce phone records was convoluted..something about it was a cell phone, unregistered, and they don't have the phone/don't remember the number...and of course, dont have a working number for Nan, nor remember the number she was calling from. Dr Phil pointed out that the calls would be long distance and therefore SOME record should exist, and they agreed...but produced nothing. Same with the pics of 'Nans' house and the horses..they were on a lost phone or they 'lost' them.

      As far as the cell phone used to fabricate the text messages, the article said the phone was supposed to be Erica's (in her possession), yet the Parsons were in possession of it, and using it to fabricate text messages to the bio-mom Carolyn during the time after Erica was 'missing' or supposed to be with Nan. The texts apparently relayed info about the 'fun' Erica was having on her visits, and then told the bio-mom she wanted nothing more to do with her to end the charade. I'll try to find the article to post tomorrow.

      I keep thinking of other bizarre things they that Erica packed a suitcase, but then left it in the car when she arrived at the dropoff to find that Nan and Strawberry had bought her a whole new wardrobe. I need to rewatch that part of Dr P, because I believe Casey brought up the fact that Nan bought her a new cell phone as part of her 'nanny warbucks' story too. This was before the article about the fabricated texts even broke.(seems like she was trying to pre-explain how she ended up with Erica's phone)

      Also on the Dr Phil show the Parsons claim Irene Goodman was supposed to be the PATERNAL bio-grandmother..not the mother of the girls bio-mom. I'm not sure if this is a discrepancy in this article, or if they have actually changed their story (nothing would surprise me). But on the show they clearly state that Erica was the daughter of the Parsons sister-in-law (Sandy's brothers wife) and a man she had an affair with. Nan was supposed to be the mother of the man the bio-mom had an affair with.

      LE says that the paternal bio-GM's name is not Nan/I.Goodman, and that the real paternal bio-GM is actually dead.

    2. The answer the Parsons gave on Dr Phil for why they couldn't produce phone records was convoluted..something about it was a cell phone, unregistered, and they don't have the phone/don't remember the number...and of course, dont have a working number for Nan, nor remember the number she was calling from. Dr Phil pointed out that the calls would be long distance and therefore SOME record should exist, and they agreed...but produced nothing. Same with the pics of 'Nans' house and the horses..they were on a lost phone or they 'lost' them.

      As far as the cell phone used to fabricate the text messages, the article said the phone was supposed to be Erica's (in her possession), yet the Parsons were in possession of it, and using it to fabricate text messages to the bio-mom Carolyn during the time after Erica was 'missing' or supposed to be with Nan. The texts apparently relayed info about the 'fun' Erica was having on her visits, and then told the bio-mom she wanted nothing more to do with her to end the charade. I'll try to find the article to post tomorrow.

      I keep thinking of other bizarre things they that Erica packed a suitcase, but then left it in the car when she arrived at the dropoff to find that Nan and Strawberry had bought her a whole new wardrobe. I need to rewatch that part of Dr P, because I believe Casey brought up the fact that Nan bought her a new cell phone as part of her 'nanny warbucks' story too. This was before the article about the fabricated texts even broke.(seems like she was trying to pre-explain how she ended up with Erica's phone)

      Also on the Dr Phil show the Parsons claim Irene Goodman was supposed to be the PATERNAL bio-grandmother..not the mother of the girls bio-mom. I'm not sure if this is a discrepancy in this article, or if they have actually changed their story (nothing would surprise me). But on the show they clearly state that Erica was the daughter of the Parsons sister-in-law (Sandy's brothers wife) and a man she had an affair with. Nan was supposed to be the mother of the man the bio-mom had an affair with.

      LE says that the paternal bio-GM's name is not Nan/I.Goodman, and that the real paternal bio-GM is actually dead.

  30. Jen said...
    Oh and another thing...there were fabricated text messages to Erica's bio-mother during the time she was 'missing'.
    Anonymous said...
    So shes been missing 15 months...Who is paying the phone bill?

  31. There may have been a Goodman living near them, but I am sure there were lots of other old ladies around in the area too. I agree they sound like horrendous parents, the story sounds super shady. But as far as them picking a name--THINK: They could have "stolen" any last name. The person who fabricated the last name did so to create a sense of "this is a good, trustworthy person", a "Good Man". Did the Parsons do this--were they concerned w creating a name that would impress with it's "goodness" or did someone else create the name to create a false sense of trust? Which is more likely?

  32. Erica's bio father's last name is Goodman. In interviews, Casey claimed that "Nan" was Erica's bio paternal grandmother. That's the origin of the "Goodman" name.

  33. Hi Jen,i think this is what your talking about.Re: Msgs..

    Online messages show contradictions in story of missing teen.


    1. Thanks John for posting those, that looks more like the original one that I read. This one that I just posted was so long I had to clip it down to fit..I tried to include just the texts

    2. Thanks John for posting those, that looks more like the original one that I read. This one that I just posted was so long I had to clip it down to fit..I tried to include just the texts

  34. Clipped article below:

    The conversations started in May 2010."I thank God everyday you gave us Erica," Casey Parsons told Carolyn. She also asks Carolyn not to tell "big Sandy" that she's giving her updates about Erica.  "It's just that big Sandy goes along with his daddy and you know how Steve feels," Casey Parsons wrote. "I thank you so much Carolyn for giving me Erica!! We love her so much. In a set messages reportedly written on Casey's account, but signed by Erica in February 2011, the teenager told Carolyn that, "These are my mom and dad and I don't think as you being my mom. "Please stop writing my mom because I don't like her talking to you a lot. I don't mean to be mean because I am not a mean person I just want my mom and me to be close and we can't with you around."  She went on to say that she loved Casey and thanked Carolyn for giving birth to her. Several days later, in reference to Casey being sick, Erica reportedly told Carolyn if Casey didn't get better, she'd say with Sandy, her adoptive father.  "I also stay with my Maw Maw when Mom is feeling bad," Erica wrote. "My Mom said she would help me find my birth father. I don't want but one mom and Casey is my Mom and the only one I want. I love her very much."  Carolyn told Erica that she never wanted her to think of her as "mom" and just wanted to get a chance to know her. "U [sic] also have other brothers and sister to [sic]," Carolyn responded. "Is that [sic] any way u can give me chance and get to know me."  The Parsons told investigators and WBTV that Erica went to live with her biological grandmother in November 2011 and the last conversation they had with her was a phone call on February 2012.  During that time there was numerous messages sent from Carolyn to Casey. The messages were unreturned. Nearly a year later, Casey finally responded to a message. "Carolyn, Erica is doing perfect. Don't know why all these rumors are floating around about where she is. Sandy and I still have custody of Erica and she is our daughter," Casey wrote on February 2013, a year after she told investigators she last spoke to Erica. "We are, as parents, can allow our children to spend the night or even week with anyone who we see fit. Erica is still OUR daughter."  Casey told Carolyn that she hasn't sent her any new pictures or updates because Erica asked her not to. "I'm not going to be mean. I have never hated you and I never will," Casey Parsons wrote."You have been through a lot in you life.  I talk with Erica and try to explain this so she will start to accept you. Just today I said something to her. It takes time. Please don't worry about her". There are several similar conversations over the next few months, including one in which Casey tells Carolyn that they recently had a family portrait made at "Young's Studio" in Locust. She says when the pictures were ready, she would send a copy to Carolyn.  In their final conversation in March 2013, Casey told Carolyn that it might be a while before she writes again because she's rarely on the computer.  She says Brook, another daughter of the Parsons, and Erica were going to Asheville for the weekend. She told Carolyn that Erica was getting tutoring in math from a family friend.  She talked about Erica getting her driver's permit and mentioned that they would have to get special pedal extensions for her, because of her height, before she could drive.  Casey told Carolyn that someone had hacked her Facebook account and had been sending out weird messages.

  35. The fact the parents think Erica is ok, happy and doing well despite nobody cannot locate her, this fact alone proves their story is not true, and they should be treated as suspects. This was an interesting interview, dr Phil spoke about the couple after his show.

  36. The parents told Nan's phone number got disconnected. Dr Phil offered them his people can investigate that number and find who it was assigned to before. Her answer was, she does not remember the number.
    This is a case again, where the parents should be arrested and held for neglect until they find the child. Even if their strange story would be true, they still commited a crime, basically according to them they gave their child away to someone, they didn't check on her for over a year, and kept on taking the money after her. Is that not punishable by law?

  37. yet the Parsons were in possession of it, and using it to fabricate text messages to the bio-mom Carolyn during the time after Erica was 'missing' or supposed to be with Nan. The texts apparently relayed info about the 'fun' Erica was having on her visits,

    They should be in jail!!!

  38. OT..

    No charges have been filed in the death of baby Elaina, but her mother, Angela Steinfurth, and her mother's ex-boyfriend, Steven King, are both facing charges on obstruction of justice.

    So what happened to little Elaina?


    Another you child murdered.

    Who done it?

  39. OT: Pat Brown has posted on her website a photo of a dead cockroach lying on its' back and referring to it as the killer in the DC shooting rampage yesterday. How stupid, that she does not know that the cockroach is the term and symbol used for filthy, lying, conniving lawyers.

  40. Starting now on Dr. Phil: Kyron

  41. Oh my! So, Erica has been missing for 15 months, the adoptive parents send text messages from her phone pretending to be her then admit this phone was left at their house for the 15 months she has been missing, make up a name of a person whom she is supposed to be living with - which has been proven a lie......
    So when will they be arrested and charged? Surely this case will not become another Isabella/ Ayla/ baby Lisa case?!

  42. I would not believe anything this family says, including about the brother.
    The brother is obviously being scapegoated. The family is dysfunctional because of him, they say. Well, it sounds like if he went to the police to report the girl missing, he has a good heart, and probably does not kill animals.
    What is the straight answer about the name "Goodman"? Is this her paternal grandmother's name or not? Some are saying it is, some are saying it isn't.
    Since these "parents" are so money motivated, how are people so sure they did not sell her to someone?

  43. I always find it interesting how often CPS thinks things are fine only to later find the children dead.

    I think there needs to be better training and Statement Analysis would be key to that training.

    Clearly these people are not able to
    make good decisions.

    And if they were getting money from the state, dont they have to have keep in close contact with the family? Maybe I am wrong? Any one know?

    this poor child. She had no one. No one to love her, hug her and make her feel secure. NO child deserves to live like this.

    There is more control over pet ownership. That is just sad.

    And the social services folks should be fired. I do not belive for one second there were "no signs".

  44. And blaming the brother I think is a cop out.

    He was also a product of this home. I dont belive that they only abused their adopted daughter. I am sure he was also abused.

    But I also hope he gets help or chooses not to have kids. That cycle seems to always continue.

  45. Jen said...
    Btw-Sandy & Casey Parsons continued to recieve Erica Parson's benefits (apparently for a hearing and learning disability) during the time she was not in their care. This makes them at the very least guilty of fraud. Arrest them both and pit them against each other.

    So true! That is illegal! I would rather they be in jail than out and have any chance to possibly cover evidence or move it.

  46. Katprint said...
    Or they could have sold her to someone.

    While that is a possibility, I think that that would have far less charges than facing possible murder charges and that they would speak up. Could be wrong, I can not fathom ever harming a child in any way, so I cant say. But logically it would sure be easier than murder charges.

    And the past tense reference is really strong.

    I think like the rest, they know she is deseased.

  47. And if they were getting money from the state, dont they have to have keep in close contact with...Erica Lynn Parsons? Did the state also pay Erica's medical bills?

  48. Erica Parson's benefits (apparently for a hearing and learning disability) during the time she was not in their care...

    Benefits are paid to a doctor/tutor...the benefits must have required proof that Erica received care for her disabilities?

    1. They were receiving SS (disability) benefits, as in more than $600 per month from the state for Erica's care and upkeep. (I believe the exact figure was $634 per month). Plus I assume with all the talk about their strained finances they also received food stamps for Erica, and I know for a fact they had a Medicaid card for Erica because it was listed on the search warrant as seized.

  49. I've tried several times to download the pdf of the search warrant affidavit with no luck. This article outlines some of the disturbing evidence that was found.

  50. The Parson's managed to outwit the Children's Services and Aid for Special Needs Dependents, so they believe that they can outwit LE.

  51. The info about the items seized in the search of the home is very disturbing.

    Multiple pieces of floor, wall and baseboards removed with 'red staining', most of them from the CLOSET, an envelope marked 'Erica's teeth', cellophane wrapped knives, and documents showing that a WELL was constructed on the property after Erica's disappearance. The affidavit states that there was no sign of Erica in the home and that no 'room or personal living space' designated for Erica remained in the home, which shows they KNEW Erica was not coming back. This is contrary to their claims to Dr Phil whom they told that they believed Erica would come home when she was ready, got mad at 'Nan' or 'needed something'.

    LE notes on the affidavit that the Parsons consistently speak of Erica in the past tense despite claiming they believe she is alive and well, contrasted with her bio-mom who has no relationship with Erica...but still spoke of her in present tense language. The affidavit lists one of the possible issues as 'identity theft', so I'm wondering what else the Parsons used Erica's SS # to obtain, other than benefits? Also the affidavit identifies TWO of Erica's brothers as having initially reported her missing...James AND Scott, yet the parents only want to acknowledge their troubled son as the source in an effort to discredit the info.

    I'm so sad for this poor little girl...abused and abandoned by all the people in her life who should have loved and cared for her...and now most likely murdered.

  52. In that search, the investigators seized a number of items including red-stained flooring and drywall, two large knives in shrink wrap..

    Could LE be waiting on DNA results from the blood taken from the floor,and drywall.Also they maybe looking for trace evidence on the knives they took to see if there is any latent blood left on them..Either way they are dragging their feet,and need a bloody good shake up.

    What is it with LE lately,its seems to me they are terrified to arrest anyone these days without the obligatory smoking gun!!

  53. Foster payments require dss to be involved (obvious). Once adoption takes place, the adoption assistance happens until the child turns 18. Because they are no longer wards of the state, dss is not involved. The payments continue wherever they live, paid by the original state.

    These are not 'benefits', they are an assistance to families adopting special needs children. Older kids, sibling groups, and children with disabilities all qualify the adopting parents for assistance. It is designed to provide these kids a home, and help the family take on expenses. Kids who have continuing needs medically or psychologically are provided Medicaid to cover these expenses through the age of 21.

    No oversight other than the child must live in the adoptive home (not sure about temp. institutionalization).

    Jen, I think if you search the blog you will find lots of info discussed a ways back. There are the search warrants, and 2 listings of confiscated items from the house and shed.

    Having worked with DSS or CPS in multiple states, NC has been a huge disappointment for 20 years. They have actually told nurses here, mandated reporters, to stop reporting on an adoptive family, as they did not intend to take action, and the adoption would take place in any case. Sickening.

    1. Hi Dadgum,

      Thanks for clarifying the issue of the benefits. I thought they were refering to disability based benefits, due to Erica's hearing and learning disability (and due to the fact that this was a family adoption, and not a ward of the state situation).

      The transcript of the JVM show posted upthread says the amount was $600+ per month. Does that sound right for an adoption/foster assistance amount? or disability? If you know...thanks!

    2. We adopted two special needs children, and the monthly adoption support for each of them is $650.

  54. OT..

    Mom Says Son Couldn't Have Shot Girls Because 'He's Gay'.

  55. OT

    AUSTIN -- Assistant Travis County District Attorney Gary Cobb told KVUE Friday evening that he believes George Delacruz could still be convicted of murder even though the body of his estranged wife has yet to be found.
    “They're difficult cases but they can be proven and we've done in Travis County before, we've done it in the state of Texas before, and we've done it all over the United States before. It's difficult, but sometimes justice requires it,” said Cobb. 

    Snipped from:

    Someone needs to tell the powers that be re: Hailey Dunn.

  56. Either..or both. Those amounts are in the ballpark. Families can get adoption assistance too. And because the disability is for the child, the assistance for the parents, I am pretty sure both can be paid.

    There have been many instances of people adopting older kids, then having them diagnosed with a dis fraudulently..same happens with natural kids when money is tight. The income from just one child can be more than a single income.

    There is no accounting for the money in adoption assistance or foster care. A payee for disability (guardian) has a quarterly form..but I have never known one to be verified.

  57. When Casey and Sandy Parsons were on Dr.Phil, within a day, the whole show was on youtube.

    Does anyone know where to watch the show today. I can't find the entire show on Dr.PHil's website or youtube.

  58. Just finished watching the Dr Phil show featuring Kyron Horman's disappearance. My first thoughts are for poor Desiree...she is broken and full of torment. My next thoughts are about what a D-bag Kaine is...he sat there shaking his head emphatically and declaring every bit of info gleaned from Terri's emails untrue (at least the stuff that makes him look bad).

    Although he fully agrees that Terri IS responsible, he did NOTHING wrong. Nope, not Kaine..he missed no signs or behavior indicating that Terri hated Kyron, despite the fact that Kyron started bed wetting, hyperventilating and having tantrums begging Desiree to stay/live with her.That was no big deal, and Kaine even throws in Desiree's face that Kyron cried 'many times' because he didn't want to go visit HER. I guess Kaine thinks saying that erases the fact that when Kaine was out of town Terri would call Desiree to drive 4hrs to pickup Kyron to come stay with her because Kyron was hysterical on the other end of the phone. Kaine missed nothing, even though he had found his toddler daughter wandering alone in their house with Terri passed out on the couch. He didn't think anything was wrong because Terri always had a valid reason for being tired, or on meds.

    Kaine takes no responsibility for being the other parent in the household, yet not noticing Terri's downward spiral...he said he was too preoccupied with the declining economy and work to 'investigate his spouse', and he makes a flipant comment (toward Desiree's accusations) about how nobody he's ever met told him it was normal to investigate his wife. But he does acknowledge that he felt they were headed for divorce and that Desiree had tried to discuss issues she was worried about with him in the year prior to Kyron's disappearance. Desiree says that Terri even asked her to take Kyron, but Kaine would not allow it..Kaine did not deny this, and it was brought up 2-3 different times.

    According to Kaine the morning Kyron went missing was 'a NORMAL morning for him, NORMAL routine..normal gym, ALL normal. Terri's email contradicts this, she writes that she and Kaine were up until after 3am the night before having a vicious argument, and deciding their marriage was over...a few hours later Kyron was gone. Pretty convenient for Terri, all of that divorce talk fell to the side after Kyron turned up missing. Of course it only lasted until all of her dirty dealings were exposed, but I'm sure she never thought it would go that far. She planned on LE taking the 'mystery man' bait and not digging into her murder-for-hire, and her self documented hatred for Kyron. I have always believed that Terri was guilty and I still do...but after watching this I am wondering what Kaine is hiding. Why would he deny that they argued the night before? That detail makes so much fall into place, it provides a motive, and gives Terri the need to make something happen THAT DAY. Of course to believe that is to believe Terri maybe its BS.

  59. Hi Jen, do you have a link for that.


    1. I watched it on my DVR, but I'll look for it

    2. Ben i replied AND said"respectfully"to you yet when Proven wrong u ignore??? Fuck you

    3. ^^^^^^^^
      I guess you got expelled from school already! What a pity, it was so nice & quiet for a few days!

  60. for links, try a candy rose..she eventually finds just about everything!

    scroll down for that Dr Phil..
    Kyron's will be there as well eventually.

  61. Hi John,
    I gave a link earlier but I didn't explain. Apologies...
    Here is a synopsis of the show.

  62. shmi, here's the link to the first part of the Dr Phil show.
    The rest are called Part1 video 2, 3 etc. and Part 2 video 1, etc.

  63. Thanks for the links to The Dr Phil show! I have been trying to find them all day. Hoping some of you can analyse what Kaine has to say.

  64. I hope that helps you John,....pam

    1. Pam,,dont expect à"reply"from evil,unpolite,nasty "John".

  65. I watched the Dr. Phil program about Kyron Horman's disappearance.

    Kaine Horman was dishonest and down right deceitful.
    He came off as a non-involved sperm donor while Desiree was desperate to find Kyron.

    Kaine Horman did nothing to protect his son from the danger that he moved into his home named Terry.

    Kaine Horman is a self-absorbed jerk who wants to forget about Kyron and move on.

  66. Jen, respectfully, IMO Kaine WAS involved in Kyrons' disappearance. There would be no other reason for him to be so cold, ruthless and deceitful. Consider if you will, how horribly he let his child suffer in his own home when he could have easily handed him over to the mother Kaine was being so cruel too; and how little to none that he actually cared about Kyrons' welfare.

    So what makes you think he would care about anyone ELSES welfare other than his own when he didn't care about the welfare of his two innocent children, particularly emotionally tormented Kyron?

    This child lived a tormenting life under Kaine's roof, and I don't doubt that Terri and the toddler did also; just as Desiree had done previously and subsequently. Just look how evil Kaine tries to rob Desiree of her love for her son.

    I don't know entirely about Terris' involvement; I just know that things are not always as they appear to be and that Kaine would have every reason to malign, lie about and point the finger at Terri due to his OWN involvement in Kyrons' disappearance.

    1. I was being sarcastic when I said Kaine did nothing wrong...before today the only statements I had ever heard from Kaine were prepared press conference type things, with very little details. This was the first time I have ever heard him describe 'that normal morning' or tell anything in his own words.

      I agree he is hiding SOMETHING, but what I don't know. He and Desiree both passed LE polygraphs, while Terri did not. But his withholding of info and obvious deceptions about what was going on in the house (plus his lack of action or involvement with the continued search) lead me to believe he knows more about Kyron's fate than he is letting on. Maybe he can't face his own culpability for failing Kyron in every way 'because he was focused on the economy', (that blew my mind).

      But he didn't seem forthcoming about ANYTHING, and he was evasive about his knowledge of Terri's substance abuse...telling Dr Phil he 'never saw' any excessive drinking, then later admitting that he had several timea found their toddler unattended while Terri was passed out. Dr Phil called him out on the fact he had just denied knowing Terri was drinking. At which point we learned the most important thing to know about Kaine because he revealed his method of lying...saying 'No, I said I never SAW her drinking to excess'..and goes onto say he 'saw signs that something wasn't right, but always excused it because Terri had been up late, or was on meds for surgery.

      Kaine knew the truth and he knew what the question about Terri's drinking meant. He chose to lie by keying in on a certain word, (saw) so that he could conceal the truth AND later maintain he was truthful. Now I'm going to go back through the interveiw with this in mind and look for other times that he does this (adding a single word to change the meaning of his answer).

  67. Ok, so they received ssi for the kid. They would have been required to give an interview, by law, to ssi once per year- under penalty of law if they lied. Every so often, they need proof of the child's disability in the form of an eval or a doctor's note.

    At LEAST jail them for not coming up with this.

  68. Ok so kaine is obviously a serial cheater, if I remember correctly, he didn't deny Desiree's accusation that prior to kyrons disappearance kaine was having an affair. I wonder if the 'other woman' has been investigated? I also wonder if maybe terris good friend deedee could have been that other woman... I mean, Terri WAS dessiree's friend when kaine started his romance with her. I wonder what kaines relationship status is now? I also found it odd that at the end of the Dr Phil show that kaine stated that he's 'been completely honest since the beginning of this process' yes he used the word process to describe his sons missing person case. That struck me as odd...

  69. 9:38
    Depends on where you are. I am in NC, and have received SSI for a dependent. In over 7 years the only thing we have had to fill out is paperwork on where we say we spent the money. Maybe three times a year.

    People seeking diagnosis for children is a problem. Remember this case? Both parents on disability, and working the system every way they could. Two kids diagnosed and medicated. Then the 4 year old was taken in for a supposed disability and parents given drugs for her. They overdosed, and killed her with meds. Another case of DSS dailures, as was Calista Springer who burned while chained to her bed because of "behavior issues".

  70. OT: I have a question for Peter, and anyone who may know, or have an opinion...

    In looking at the Ayla Reynolds case; would LE (be able to) share evidence with a DHHS worker investigating child abuse and neglect? I suspect DHHS has an open case on Gabby yet they have not confirmed the evidence(?). I guess I wonder: how, when and why is information share between the agencies when cases opened. Thanks!

    I just wonder why CPS in Maine has not taken Gabby (Elisha's daughter) out of that home. Have they not verified Ayla's blood splatter evidence because LE can't show them?

    I'm missing something here. There is STILL a BABY at RISK- in that house, with those people!!! WHY?

    Thanks for all input - I just can't reconcile it. Recently, in the paper, DHHS was all over some young mother who feeds her baby organic goats milk, but a child remains at 29 Violence Ave.

    I feel bad for Gabby's case manager-and all of them, in their mostly thankless pursuit. He or she must have a real hard time knowing that baby (and others)could be tomorrows headlines, and they are sometimes powerless to stop it.

  71. "That detail makes so much fall into place, it provides a motive, and gives Terri the need to make something happen THAT DAY."

    Jen - Terri must have planned Kyron´s disappearance for that day before, since she told his teacher that he had a doctor´s appointment which to this day has not been confirmed (i.e. was fabricated so nobody would miss him). Imo she consciously chose the day of the science fair because in the bustle chances were good that nobody would notice who Kyron left with. Quarrels with Kaine may well be the motive behind what she did, but I think it would have happened whether there was a quarrel the night before or not. Because it looks like it was planned to happen that day well beforehand.

    1. Shut up your being RACIST.

    2. Hi Yukari-

      Do you know what day Terri actually told the teacher about the Dr appt? (I was under the impression it was THAT day, before Terri left the school). I'm going to watch the episode again today (when I have a min) and I would like to have the correct timeline in mind.

      Desiree said that when she called Terri after being notified Kyron was missing, she recieved a very 'scripted' sounding account of what took place, almost like Terri was reading it from a piece of paper, so you may be right. I just find it strange that Kaine would lie about them arguing the night before his disappearance, (so badly that they decided to divorce). What does Kaine gain by denying that?

    3. Hi Yukari-

      Do you know what day Terri actually told the teacher about the Dr appt? (I was under the impression it was THAT day, before Terri left the school). I'm going to watch the episode again today (when I have a min) and I would like to have the correct timeline in mind.

      Desiree said that when she called Terri after being notified Kyron was missing, she recieved a very 'scripted' sounding account of what took place, almost like Terri was reading it from a piece of paper, so you may be right. I just find it strange that Kaine would lie about them arguing the night before his disappearance, (so badly that they decided to divorce). What does Kaine gain by denying that?

  72. Kaine and Terri have s joint obsession with their looks and their self absorbtion made Kyron a target for abuse. If he couldn't see well, and was a studious kid, he was likely a disappointment and frustration to them both.


  73. You make an excellent point, Anon @ 11:16. They would have both despised Kyron for his looks and would have made his life a living hell just for that alone.

    God only, knows what else they tormented this boy over. Kaine too, not just Terri. Poor debased Kyron. Tormented, persecuted and doomed the whole time up to his death.

  74. Kaine's opening statement on the Dr Phil show, he speaks very quickly and from watching the clips they don't appear to be spliced:

    "It was a NORMAL morning, nothing seemed out of place...we got ready together, AND I went to work, AND I saw him walking out to the car before I LEFT, AND gave him a hug, told him I loved him...NORMAL interaction".

    "In the afternoon we went down to the bus stop to pick him up, AND Terri was there, AND my daughter was there, AND we all walked down together to the bus stop, AND the bus driver opened the door, AND we asked her you know, well is Kyron on the bus, AND she said 'No', AND we were a LITTLE shocked, and then I grabbed my daughter to get in the car to go up to school. They said that he was marked as absent and that he hadn't been at the school the whole day, nobody had seen him."

    1. "It was a NORMAL morning, nothing seemed out of place...

      -the morning before Kyrons's disappearance is a sensitive topic for Kaine. He calls it a normal morning, with over emphasis on their NORMAL interactions. The need to state this in itself is notable.

      "we got ready together, AND I went to work, AND I saw him walking out to the car before I LEFT, AND gave him a hug, told him I loved him...NORMAL interaction".

      -A lot of missing information in this statement. Kaine states 'WE got ready TOGETHER, this is redundant and I question the likelyhood that they got ready TOGETHER for several reasons, including the fact that Kaine later states that he went to the gym that morning.

      -next he jumps ahead to, 'AND I went to work'. This glosses over alot of details about the morning, plus Kaine repeatedly uses AND to begin his sentences indicating missing information.

      -After already stating that he went to work, Kaine backtracks and details watching Kyron walking to the car. Then he again states 'I LEFT', indicating the topic of leaving that morning is sensitive. (The word LEFT used to describe departure is assigned the highest sensitivity in SA).

      -Next Kaine goes out of order AGAIN, and backtracks to detail hugging Kyron and telling him he loved him. He closes by repeating that their interactions that morning were normal,indicating sensitivity and that the morning was likely anything but 'normal'.

    2. "It was a NORMAL morning, nothing seemed out of place...

      -the morning before Kyrons's disappearance is a sensitive topic for Kaine. He calls it a normal morning, with over emphasis on their NORMAL interactions. The need to state this in itself is notable.

      "we got ready together, AND I went to work, AND I saw him walking out to the car before I LEFT, AND gave him a hug, told him I loved him...NORMAL interaction".

      -A lot of missing information in this statement. Kaine states 'WE got ready TOGETHER, this is redundant and I question the likelyhood that they got ready TOGETHER for several reasons, including the fact that Kaine later states that he went to the gym that morning.

      -next he jumps ahead to, 'AND I went to work'. This glosses over alot of details about the morning, plus Kaine repeatedly uses AND to begin his sentences indicating missing information.

      -After already stating that he went to work, Kaine backtracks and details watching Kyron walking to the car. Then he again states 'I LEFT', indicating the topic of leaving that morning is sensitive. (The word LEFT used to describe departure is assigned the highest sensitivity in SA).

      -Next Kaine goes out of order AGAIN, and backtracks to detail hugging Kyron and telling him he loved him. He closes by repeating that their interactions that morning were normal,indicating sensitivity and that the morning was likely anything but 'normal'.

  75. Sharing:

    I heard it on the news when it first happened. I remember when the three kids went missing. Finally, their family can now have this. Knowing is vital to achieving peace.

  76. DeDe recently said she hadn't spoken to Terri in three (3) years. I would be curious as to how often she spoke to her before Kyron disappeared. Any records on cell phone activity before and after?

  77. Liar. If Terri and Kaine were up arguing until the wee morning hours the night before, there was nothing normal about that morning.

    The atmosphere and hostility between Kaine & Terri in that house on that early school morning would have been more like opening up the gates to hell for Kyron while he was being dragged into their rage, bickering and cursing, and it would have been ALL Kyrons' fault.

  78. From Salisbury Post today's date

    A for sale sign has been placed outside the Miller Chapel Road house where Sandy and Casey Parsons have lived since 2011. William Parsons, Sandy's father, said the house is not up for sale and he has not given permission for its sale. Shavonne Potts/Salisbury Post
    A “for sale” sign has gone up in the front yard of the Miller Chapel Road home where a teen who’s been missing for nearly two years lived with her adoptive family.
    But the person who owns the home says it isn’t for sale.

    Extra Photos

    A for sale sign has been placed outside the Miller Chapel Road where Sandy and Casey Parsons have lived since 2011. William Parsons, Sandy's father, said the house is not up for sale and he has not given permission for its sale. Shavonne Potts/Salisbury Post

    Sandy and Casey Parsons have been in the public spotlight since Erica Lynn Parsons, 15, was reported missing July 30 by her adoptive brother, James Parsons. Erica was last seen in Rowan County in November 2011.
    The Parsonses say Erica went to live with a woman they knew as her biological grandmother, Irene “Nan” Goodman. Investigators say Goodman doesn’t exist and that the Parsonses haven’t provided truthful information.
    Local, state and federal authorities have been looking into Erica’s disappearance for nearly two months. They searched the Miller Chapel Road property as well as a storage building owned by the Parsonses.
    The sign lists the three-bedroom, two-bath house with an $80,000 asking price.
    According to the Rowan County Register of Deeds, Sandy’s father, William Steven Parsons, of China Grove, owns the property at 218 Miller Chapel Road. William Parsons told a Post reporter he did not give his son and daughter-in-law permission to put the house up for sale.
    William Parsons bought the home in April 2011. The home had gone into foreclosure in October 2010.
    He said he doesn’t know why his son and daughter-in-law would put a for sale sign on the front lawn of the property, but was aware of it.
    “They can’t sell the house,” he said.
    Parsons said he has no immediate plans to sell the house, but he may rent it.
    Sandy and Casey have reportedly moved to Fayetteville. Sandy Parsons was seen Monday with a family member moving yard pavers.
    As of Wednesday morning the home appeared empty with the exception of a few yard items including a shovel that was propped against the front of the home.
    Notice about comments:

  79. I bet when Terri gained weight after being weightlifting queen, it was Kyron's fault. The fact he had low vision was his fault. And if the bus arrived late it was also his fault. Anything that irritated Terri was his fault. Even his sister's earache.

    There are some strange adults.

    Was DeeDee a weightlifting buddy, or was she newer to Terri's workout routines?

    A source close to the situation says there will be a "legal quagmire" if Sandy and Casey Parsons try to sell their home on Miller Chapel Road in Salisbury.

    It's the last place missing teen Erica Parsons would have lived prior to her disappearance in November of 2011.  Erica's adoptive grandfather, William Parsons, bought the 1336 square foot house in April 2011 after it had been seized in a foreclosure.

    On Tuesday afternoon, neighbors told WBTV that Casey Parsons, Erica's adoptive mother, placed a "for Sale By Owner" sign in the front yard.  A WBTV reporter spotted the sign a short time later, and it was still in place on Wednesday morning.
    The sign lists a price of $80,000, nearly $30,000 less than the 2012 tax value of $108,000.

    At issue is whether or not Sandy and Casey Parsons have the right to sell the house.  The only name on court records is that of William Parsons, and he told the Salisbury Post that he is not selling the house and did not give permission for Sandy and Casey Parsons to sell the house.

    But Casey Parsons that they do have the right to sell the house.  In a phone conversation with WBTV's David Whisenant, Parsons said that the parents of her husband, Sandy Parsons, are forcing them out of the house.

    "They're trying to be so mean," Parsons said.  "We have the paper.  We're the ones that did the work, put the well down, put the air conditioning unit in, we have thousands in that house."

    Casey Parsons says she has a contract proving that she and her husband had been in an agreement to purchase the house from William Parsons, but that in August their checks were refused.

    "I'm so tired of all these people accusing us of lies," Parsons told WBTV.  "I want to be able to prove one time and we do have the right to sell this house."

    An attorney not involved with the case told WBTV that it is possible that Sandy and Casey Parsons were paying rent to William Parsons and perhaps believed that they were renting to own the property.  Even so, the attorney said, they cannot legally sell the property.

    Sandy and Casey Parsons spent the last two weeks moving their personal belonging from the house.  Their attorney said that they were moving to the Fayetteville area to escape media attention, but they have been seen frequently in Salisbury recently.

    Investigators believe foul play is involved in Erica's disappearance, and they say the Parsons have not been truthful in the answers they have given in interviews.  No one has been charged in the case and there is a combined reward of $15,000 for information about Erica's disappearance.

    Copyright 2013 WBTV. All rights reserved.


  81. -A lot of missing information in this statement.

    Kaine passed a polygraph


  82. "It was a normal morning, nothing seemed out of place...etc."

    What is "normal" for Kaine and Terry? Fighting at night then acting indifferent to the nightly fighting the next morning or ignoring the heated exchanges until the next fight?

    "Nothing seemed out of place..."
    If Terry and Kaine Horman acted cold and indifferent to each other after the night fights the next morning, then it would be typical behavior for them, so nothing would be "out of place" in Kaine's mind. It would be "normal."

    Why would hugging Kyron and telling him he loved him be important to Kaine that last morning that he saw Kyron?

    Did Kaine hug Terry and tell her that he loved her that morning also? Or was he cold to her?

    Was Kaine "driving home a point" to hurt Terry's ego by withholding affection towards her while acting loving towards Kyron because he knew that Terry resented Kyron?

    Or was this specific display of affection for Kyron something that Kaine did to state non-verablly to Terry that morning, "Eat your heart out because I don't want you anymore?"

    Did Terry get the message that Kyron was staying on with Kaine while Terry was being scorned? So Terry devised her own dramatic ending to this fairy tale gone bad?

    Desiree implied that she believed that Terry wanted to get the last hurrah in her failed marriage to Kaine by taking Kyron away from Kaine. Was making Kyron disappear the ultimate "punishment" for all the hurt and disappointment that Kaine had caused Terry?

  83. It does not matter one iota if Kaine passed a poly. Criminals and guilty persons pass them every day, while innocent people frequently fail them. They are not reliable. This is why they are not used in court matters.

    I can't imagine why this blog site makes so much whoop-t-do over a person failing or refusing to take a poly test.

    1. Hi Anon-

      I believe polygraphs can be effective at determining deception, but not because I think they are some magic machine (or ritual, lol ^^^^) that can tell whether a person is lying.

      The way polygraphs have been explained to me (by a knowledgable source, an attorney and former colleague of my mom, who is now a member of the FBI) is that they are an 'advanced interrogation technique'. In other words, the most important information from a polygraph isn't just from the readings obtained (although they do show physical stress/reaction to certain topics). It comes from the pre-test and post-test interviews.

      Basically the polygraph gives the interviewer a chance to get (and keep) the subject talking directly about the sensitive topic, and as we know the more a subject talks, the more likely they are to give away the truth, (even if they keep bold-faced lying til their last breath). The polygrapher capitalizes on the subjects 'strong reactions' to press them for more details, or an explanation for their elevated readings...keeping them talking to the skilled interrogator as long as possible. If the subject is being truthful, they will remain consistant, (although possibly elevated on their readings).

      This made sense to me, perhaps because of my interest in SA.

  84. Bisha'a
    The basic ritual consists of the accused being asked to lick a hot metal object (spoon, ladle, rod, etc.) thrice. He is provided with water for rinsing after the ceremony. He is then inspected by the official who presides over the ceremony - the Mubesha (or Mubasha) and by the designated witnesses of the ritual. If the person undergoing the ritual is found to have a scarred or burnt tongue, it is concluded that he was lying. The Howeitat Bedouin call this ritual "the true light of God".
    The Bisha'a is usually performed only to resolve the gravest of civil or criminal offences, and is a voluntary ritual in the sense that consent on the part of the ritual undergoer is required. Typically, Bisha'a is only performed for those cases where there are no witnesses regarding the disputed issue. Societal peer and hierarchy pressures may, however, force consent. In the case of the defendant agreeing to a Bisha'a ceremony, and subsequently declining to perform the ritual or running away, the defendant is considered guilty

  85. This 'ritual' sounds like the dunking of a witch to see if she is guilty or innocent. The innocent drowns.

    The liar's tongue burns? Now that's scientific! Yet another example of backward muslim thought.

  86. Yarrr!!!
    Talk like a pirate day is here!!

  87. "It was a NORMAL morning, nothing seemed out of place...we got ready together.

    (Said Goldilocks a she walked through the woods)

    This statement has all the hall marks of a story.

    "we got ready together, and I went to work"

    "We got ready"

    Ready to do what?.We assume he mean they got dressed,however they don't say that so we cant say it for them.

    "And i went to work"

    When a sentence begins with the word "And",there is a jump in time,missing information.What happened between the time from when they "Got Ready"to the time he went to work?

    "I SAW HIM WALKING out to the car"
    before I LEFT.


    When body posture enters a statement(standing,walking sitting etc),there is a increase in tension.

    "before I LEFT"

    "left" Someone 'leaving' or 'departing' from a place is given the highest level of sensitivity in analysis (along with the reason 'why' someone did something) and is indicative of missing information which is 70% likely time related (rushing, traffic, wanting to get home, etc) but 30% likely sensitive and critical missing information. Something happened when leaving that do not want us to know about, yet,ther mind is at the point of departure.

    gave him a hug, told him I loved him...NORMAL interaction".

    "gave him a hug"
    Dropped pronoun.Not committed to his words.

    Not we hugged?

    "TOLD him I loved him."

    Dropped pronoun.Not committed to his words.

    "TOLD him I loved him."

    "Told" is authoritative and firm, while "said" is gentler. "My boss told me to be at work on time" is firmer than "My boss said to be at work on time".

    "told him I LOVED HIM...NORMAL interaction".

    Most people say I love you" to there partners,children etc. It is the need to have to say this, publicly, or in a police statement, that stands out as a need. Few feel the need to say it because it is so common. When it shows up, it must be noted.

    "NORMAL interaction".

    Here we have "NORMAL cropping up again,making it sensitive.

    All This "Interaction" seems to be a one way street.

    Imo,a lot more went on than meets the eye.

  88. Applause! Excellent analysis John, @ 8:10 a.m. Excellent.

  89. Peter either must be sleeping on the job or losing interest. If he wasn't, he'd get on here and delete those nasty posts just above; also would offer some insight of his own and would post a new article which he hasn't done since Monday. Wake up Peter! You're slipping.

    1. Plus,we all know its"Observer"back to her old tricks.Come on Peter!

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. OT

  92. Who ever is named john you had better explain why u put someones email adress as a link and then take it down when the person noticed ur in uk and i will phone the police my brother in law is a police man by the way And hey how do i get intouch with peter

  93. I can and will give my brother the computer and the tec officer will find out who has done this you may be innocent john i except that trolls have been on here of late i dont even post here i only come on to read every n and then

  94. I advise anyone here to never click on the blue links the trolls are putting up here they are a big risk

  95. someone must know how to contact the site owner need a email

  96. Peter may be busy with other things. Those other things may be very important. He has proven himself to be a man of good character and he owes us nothing. We have the benefit reading his posts, learning from him and sharing with each other through his blog ...

    I miss his posts and wonder where he is also. I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he would attend to this blog if he could take the time to do so.

    Let's wish him well and welcome him back when the time is right. In the meantime we can interact with each other and learn from each other. I am thankful for the posts written by those who are learning Statement Analysis well and the insight they have into the articles that Peter has provided for us to look at and consider.

  97. his site is being attacked and dangerous links are being posted which even if you dint post here but read and you click on a blue link thinking your getting to a artical about what the main post topic that peter has post up himself no less you get hacked I am sure he can find time to investigate

  98. I am still here, i've been busy with the libel trial in Portugal, mccanns versus Goncalo Amaral.

    So far their witnesses have been pointless and have promoted his book ( it's easy to read and understand) they speak mainly about the mccanns before Amaral's book was written for a start and have even admitted that as time passes the public lose interest.

    Only kate is there so far and it seems neither mccann will testify meaning their claim of libel and it hindering the search and damaging the family is coming from a 3rd party and is thus hearsay ( why no gerry, their parents, the tapas 7?)
    one would think they couldn't wait to get on the stand and testify to their anguish, they won't because it opens them to cross examination under oath ( plus a good time to ask those 48 questions hehe )

    they tried to bribe Goncalo to drop it, he refused, the case was suspended abruptly on tues whereupon the mccanns lawyer offered to have witness statements written down and handed in to save costs. it will be refused since you can't cross examine a bit of paper. They really are desperate to get this finished with.
    Goncalo is playing a smart game, he wanted it done behind closed doors to protect maddie, they demanded open court ( which i think he wanted since it is all out in the open) There may be info released now the mccanns don't want made public ( he was the lead detective he saw all the files, the mccanns saw only a tiny percentage and most of it was their own stuff) They can't claim unfairness or bias since it is public, they can't spin it nor muzzle the media :)

  99. From my post on the complete mystery of Madeleine McCann

    sar wrote: Interesting conclusion to the telegraph article. Wonder what the linguists make of this?

    "As far as Kate and I are concerned there is no evidence to suggest that Madeleine is dead. We are 100 per cent together on this, not one grain of suspicion about each other."

    I agree, the sentence make strange bedmates.

    "As far as Kate and I are concerned there is no evidence to suggest that Madeleine is dead.

    He leaves it open for others including the tapas 7 to be concerned there is evidence to suggest Madeleine is dead.
    Is there perhaps evidence which points to another member of the group which them points to payne and oldfield both of whom have admitted visiting apartment 5a

    He uses the word suggest rather than prove, show or indicate.

    It tells us there is evidence which would suggest something else if not dead.
    What evidence is there to suggest something else when he has repeatedly claimed their is no evidence of serious harm.
    Following this line to it's logical conclusion, if there is no evidence to suggest death, no evidence to suggest serious harm and no evidence of an abduction what does the evidence suggest?

    Madeleine is dead is a passive statement which is unexpected.

    Given she has been allegedly abducted by a paedophile, i would expect to see active words such as killed or murdered, meaning death was done to her rather than her passively dying.

    It is well known that paedophile abductors can and do kill their victims either deliberately to conceal the crime or accidentally during the crime.

    Statistics alone show that when a child goes missing and it is non custodial then the likelihood of the child being found alive diminishes after a few hours to pretty much nonexistent after 48.

    There are exceptions as we have seen in the news, in these cases none of the victims have been toddlers, all have been pubescent, prepubescent or older teens.
    In each case the victim has been kept hidden and repeatedly raped and abused even to being forced to bear their rapists child(ren)

    A 3 yr does not fit the pattern

    Why then does gerry use a passive statement to describe something rather than active statement?
    Is he minimising what happened, she died it's not our fault...
    Is he leaking marbles and telling us she is dead but not by deliberate act as in premeditated homicide?

    This allows for perhaps death by sedation, sedation and a fall, being pushed resulting in a fatal injury in a spur of the moment event such as a flash of temper?

    It still doesn't explain why they did not call 911 and attempt rescusitation especially given the number of doctors in the group, after all accidents happen.

    This leads to wondering if they didn't act because there was evidence that would need explaining, evidence perhaps that could not be passed off as accidental.

    Madeleine is dead is an embedded statement, it is also the end of the sentence distancing the dead Madeleine from kate and gerry and also the word evidence.

    We are 100 per cent together on this, not one grain of suspicion about each other."

    This sentence intrigues me, the reason being it's proximity to the phrase Madeleine is dead.
    Here he is telling us the truth and also linking himself and kate to the phrase.
    Look where he pauses.

  100. Madeleine is dead, we are 100% togeather on this.
    Note the pronoun WE which is used to signify unity and co-operation.
    Note the proximity of the phrase Madeleine is dead to We are 100 per cent together on this.
    They are adjacent yet she is distanced from kate and gerry by evidence.

    This is close that is distancing
    They are close to Madeleine being dead, which given their claims over the years that she is still alive, is unexpected.

    This then leads to questions about the fund and their demands for donations if they know she is dead.

    Why is he admitting unity and co-operation on the the phrase Madeleine is dead?
    This is strange given their repeated claims of no evidence she has come to serious harm despite being allegedly abducted by a paedophile.

    There must then be evidence she has come to harm if not serious harm.

    I would also ask what kate and gerry define as serious harm.
    Does the unity mean they are involved in some way or that they have guilty knowledge and thus the fund which they claim is for searching for a live Madeleine is a fraud (since they know she is dead)

    "Not one grain of suspicion about each other."
    Notice no pronoun in this phrase, he doesn't say I, she or even the expected WE.
    If he can't take ownership of the statement we can't do it for him.
    If he can't say he has no grain of suspicion about kate and vice versa then who is suspicious of whom and why?
    He also makes no mention of a grain of suspicion about anyone else which is strange given the number of people who were checking on the children especially oldfield.

    Why does evidence change to suspicion?
    A change in language is a change in reality, what brings about the change?

    Evidence relates to Madeleine being dead.
    Suspicion relates to each other.
    There is no mention in regard to suspicion of what?

    Since there are no pronouns , we don't even know who the suspicion is from, he doesn't tell us it is each other or the expected we.
    What then is being concealed?
    Is this perhaps a veiled threat that if something happens suspicion will be made and directed.
    As these are gerry's words is he making sure loose cannon kate toes the line?

  101. could message Peter on his Facebook page. Look it up. You don't need an account or a link to get there.

    Glad to see you Hobs, been reading up on the McCanns..

  102. It still doesn't explain why they did not call 911 and attempt rescusitation especially given the number of doctors in the group, after all accidents happen

    They were drunk

  103. Anonymous 6:29 PM said

    in response to: It still doesn't explain why they did not call 911 and attempt rescusitation especially given the number of doctors in the group, after all accidents happen

    "They were drunk"

    It has to be more than being drunk. Being drunk is not a crime.

    But I think like Hobnob said "sedation" was a factor.
    That would make it impossible to call 911. An autopsy would be done and that would immediately implicate them. Espeically Kate.

    And the money for searching for Madeliene by 2 people who have NEVER searched. That in itself should make people question their motives. But then most people hear what they want to hear.

    Madeliene is not alive.

    Also, Hobs, I think the reason they are so comfortable with "no evidence" is that they were able to dispose of the body well enough that it would never be found.

    And the no suspicion means they they did not harm the child per say. If in their mind she died due to sedation, it was an accident and they can not blame each other for that.

    It was just unfortunate and they then had no choice but to dispose of the body or face charges, possible imprisonment, and loss of custody of the other 2 children.

    I have no doubt they were responsible but that it was an "accident" in the sense they did not mean for her to die.

  104. I just had another thought. She was supposedly home schooled.

    So I just look up the requirement.

    Those requirements for the state of NC below.

    ***I would like to know if LE (I am going to email them just in case) asked for records. Immunization, attendance, and her annual standard achievement tests. And if they were done, when were the last ones done. Somehow I bet these records do not exhist.

    AND, did the horrible human beings notify DNPE that they were no longer home schooling their child.

    I would also think that I would ask them “did grandma plan to home school” and if they said no (which would be expected as that is VERY rare) I would ask what they did to ensure a smooth transition to public school and would then ask them about the records that were provided to grandma in order for her to continue her education.

    I feel sometimes like LE does as the right questions.

    Parents/guardians residing in North Carolina and desiring, in lieu of conventional school attendance, to home school their children who are at least age 7 but not yet age 16 must:
    • Hold at least a high school diploma or its equivalent;
    • Send to DNPE a Notice of Intent to Operate a Home School. The notice must include the name and address of the school along with the name of the school's owner and chief administrator;
    • Elect to operate under either Part 1 or Part 2 of Article 39 of the North Carolina General Statutes as a religious or as a non-religious school;
    • Operate the school "on a regular schedule, excluding reasonable holidays and vacations, during at least nine calendar months of the year";
    • Maintain at the school disease immunization and annual attendance records for each student;
    • Have a nationally standardized achievement test administered annually to each student. The test must involve the subject areas of English grammar, reading, spelling, and mathematics. Records of the test results must be retained at the home school for at least one year and made available to DNPE when requested. Also, see testing FAQS;
    • Notify DNPE when the school is no longer in operation.

  105. As I googled more details, it appears they did look into the home school sitution.

    But that they were not able to get anything from the state. That they said those records are "not public"

    Really? NOT PUBLIC? This is a missing child.

  106. Frequently children like Erica are not born slow learners or with learning disabilities. From early childhood, they have been so battered, cursed, slapped around and slammed against walls that they become silent, afraid to speak, and regress.

    They weep silently in hunger, wet the bed, mumble, stutter and keep silent, knowing there will be another beating and hair pulling if they try to respond or defend themselves. They react as if they are stupid when they are not, just scared out of their mind. They start to believe they are what they are accused of being and become what they are told they are.

    It takes years to bring them out of their mental coma so that they are not afraid to learn and can proudly speak up. This was very likely the case with little Erica. Someone could have worked wonders with her if they'd ever had the opportunity but no one ever came to her rescue. Poor child, she never had a chance.

  107. john please can you respond as soon as have tried to message u but your account wont let me thanks

  108. RE: Kaine Horman's interview on Dr Phil

    Why is Kaine talking about Kyron going to the car when Terri and Kaine both switched cars for the day and Terri took the truck? Wouldn't Kyron be going to the truck?

  109. Erica looks like Sandy. same cheekbones etc. were dna test done on "bio dad" Goodman before he was "out of the picture"?

  110. was there an actual analysis done by Peter on Erica Parsons? Please post the link to it because I cannot find it.

  111. Unfortunately, poor Erica's remains were found. The adoptive POS she had as a father, lead police to her remains.
