Saturday, October 12, 2013

Statement Analysis of Two Vets

Sadly, I find that in the world of pets, the use of Statement Analysis is often necessary when bring your animal to the vet's office, as there is a great deal of pressure often placed upon the person to "do everything" for your pet, which may not always be in your pet's best interest.

Aside from the underwriting from major pet food manufacturers, as well as "vaccinosis" debates, and government control, here is a video from the early 90's.

One vet is a proponent of all natural eating, while the other represents a major dog food company.

Are you able to discern between the two vets, while ignoring the arguments, using only Statement Analysis?

If so, do you find one vet to be in need of more qualifiers than the other?

What do you conclude from the use of the qualifiers?

hint: try to ignore the money trail!


  1. I have been studying, and reading patient statements. This one..well.. "We went fishing last weekend and my husband was eaten up by the sand flies. He scratched at the bites and was bleeding. On Sunday afternoon, his legs and feet started to swell. By Monday – after drinking beer all day – he sat and cried because his legs and feet hurt so badly that he could not walk. I called the doctor, thinking it was fluid built up because he missed taking his pill for two days. The doctor says he didn't think it was fluid, and that it was probably from the bites. I brought my husband to the doctor on Tuesday and he was diagnosed with cellulitis. He got a shot and prescriptions for antibiotics. This is the third day, and my husband is still red and swollen. If he's not better by tomorrow, the doctor will hear from me again! My husband was raised on the water and has been bitten before, but this is something new to us. "

  2. I can't view it from my phone. Darn it!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It appears as though the first vet simply states the facts, answers the questions directly, and also shows the viewer some examples of periodontal disease.

    The second vet starts off by using "I'm concerned, I think", etc and then switches to "us" and then "if we put our recommendations on our can". Clearly she uses more qualifiers in attempt to persuade the viewer.

    It's a pretty interesting concept. If we as humans ate far less processed food, the thought is we would also enjoy better health and less obesity. It's interesting the same is true for our pets.

  5. I watched the video, I thought the "raw meaty bones" vet was direct and honest, the 2nd vet blustered about for an answer and said a lot of words without saying anything at all.

  6. I think there is far more deception, for profit, in the dog food-vet connection than we realize.

    Lonsdale has taken a lot of heat in the last decade plus but many believe that the dogs are healthier, and live longer, with less vet care, when they are fed raw meaty bones and table scraps than dog food.

    I just don't understand the notion of feeding a dog so much corn.

  7. I haven't had time to watch, Peter, but your "corn" statement tugged at me.

    Corn is used to feed/fatten livestock. It's also used as a filler.

    Everything in moderation, no matter your DNA. Human, dog, cat, cow, pig, etc. Unless you're low on the evolution chain and you're being fattened up for market :0)

  8. Corn is cheap because of government subsidies and agricultural overproduction. Therefore, it ends up in everything, including low-quality animal foods.

  9. I think there is far more deception, for profit, in more things than we realize. :)

  10. I am so glad that you have posted an example about this issue.

    I adopted a dog 3 months ago and I have been reading up on what to feed him to make sure he is healthy and comfortable. Statement analysis (adapted to my own language in limited terms) helped me see that the heavily suggested processed food was not good at all. The same goes for a lot of vets just like the one in video. I had trouble finding a vet I can trust. SA is very helpful (also Peter's posts about finding a puppy, how they should be, etc)

    Pet food industry is a much less regulated one than human food. A lot of people who do care about their pets dont even realize what awful and useless things are in the food and it is ok by law.
