Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Statement Analysis 911 Call of Jerrod Metsker

Statement Analysis of any 911 call, for any matter, is the same principle in play:  the expected versus the unexpected, and the same principles of analysis are employed.  There is no "special" analysis for 911 calls.

Jerrod Metsker made this 911 call regarding missing 9 year old, Reann Murphy.  He was later arrested for her murder.

 Simply put, you set up what you expect the caller to say, being innocent, and then are 'confronted' with the 'unexpected' in the call.

In a call for a missing child, we expect the caller to work with the 911 operator for the flow of information.

We expect the caller to ask for help for the victim, not for himself.

We flag any deceptive language, or sensitivity indicators.

We do not expect to hear an innocent caller apologizing for anything.


  1. knox wrote a 5 page email to the court -- posted on her website and other places

  2. the "ok thank you" at the end -- you can practically hear the relief in the guys voice -- he doesn't want to plead for help he wants to have made the call and that's it. sad.

  3. annon 8:32, you do realize the guy who hung up was a second guy, not the guy who made the call? i think he assumed that because the operator did not ask for more info, that the first guy must have covered it all.

    how unlucky was it for the first caller to be the only person in the park that had a phone and he was asked to make the call? i recall peter has said before, the person who committed the crime does not want to make the call. you can tell he doesnt want to give out any information by his wording.

  4. No urgency in either voice to get help for Reann.

  5. Why didn't Reann's parents call? odd.

    OT: Anthony Bennett pled guilty to 2nd degree murder of Carnel Chamberlain. He'll get 35-40 years the article I read said.

    What about Carnel's mom? Still nothing. ugh.

  6. This guy tries to avoid the direct questions and is reluctant to give out information about Reann except when questioned about her clothing. He repeats the questions to another person.

    Does not introduce Reann by name to 911 operator.

    "We have a missing person." Distancing and spreading the blame.

    Alibi building

  7. oh -- maybe I"m confused -- is it first or second guy on phone who got changed with murder?

  8. "I had a knock on my door" : alibi building.

  9. Reann's mother was either at work or away from home helping another daughter. That's what the newspaper says- two different versions. Her live in boyfriend was at home. Her dad lives a few miles away in Creston, Ohio. I also read where the murderer told one of the searchers to look in the dumpster- she did but did not see Reann because she had garbage on top of her. My question, why was this precious child not supervised outside in the dark for 3 hours? I don't care that she was out in HER yard- no one kept an eye on her. The couple of kids that were building a snowman with her and the murderer went home after awhile because they were cold. The kids did return and brought Reann a cookie, she asked if they would stay and play but the kids said no, they had to get home. There she is left with him. I don't know why she did not go home herself-. Also, what makes me angry is the murderer had built like forts with blankets on the side of his house - why wouldn't parents question a 24 yr old building this blanket fort- - the paper mentioned it was a hang out for the kids and him. Strange and sick. The murderer also went to a neighbors I take it after he murdered Reann and asked for a tool and said my mom is not home, that's trouble for me. People have a right to be angry about this murder. Reann was left alone outside for 3 hours. No one checked on her. Prayers for justice and prayers for those that knew her and love her. I live 20-25 minutes from where Reann lived- it's a small community and people not only in Smithville but all over are hanging green lights and lighting them in her memory.

  10. Reann's mother was either at work or away from home helping another daughter. That's what the newspaper says- two different versions. Her live in boyfriend was at home. Her dad lives a few miles away in Creston, Ohio. I also read where the murderer told one of the searchers to look in the dumpster- she did but did not see Reann because she had garbage on top of her. My question, why was this precious child not supervised outside in the dark for 3 hours? I don't care that she was out in HER yard- no one kept an eye on her. The couple of kids that were building a snowman with her and the murderer went home after awhile because they were cold. The kids did return and brought Reann a cookie, she asked if they would stay and play but the kids said no, they had to get home. There she is left with him. I don't know why she did not go home herself-. Also, what makes me angry is the murderer had built like forts with blankets on the side of his house - why wouldn't parents question a 24 yr old building this blanket fort- - the paper mentioned it was a hang out for the kids and him. Strange and sick. The murderer also went to a neighbors I take it after he murdered Reann and asked for a tool and said my mom is not home, that's trouble for me. People have a right to be angry about this murder. Reann was left alone outside for 3 hours. No one checked on her. Prayers for justice and prayers for those that knew her and love her. I live 20-25 minutes from where Reann lived- it's a small community and people not only in Smithville but all over are hanging green lights and lighting them in her memory.

  11. I agree about the blanket forts, Patrice, this little girl was not properly watched over.

    The live-in bf may not have done it, but he and her mom failed her too.

    rip Reann

  12. the first guy on the phone was the one charged

  13. if you look at the place on google maps, you can see that the way the trailer park is laid out, the road loops around and there is a large grassy area in the middle. that is where he said she was playing. which looks like the photo peter posted with this story of the basketball hoop, is the place where the children were playing.

    i would ask that all the children in the park be asked if they were ever molested by that jerrod guy due to the blanket hideout.

  14. The only place I allow my child to play without being right there is in my backyard. My backyard is fenched and the gate is locked so the onky way in would be if someome jumped the 6 ft high fence. Being that I also have a big dog, they would have to also get past him.

    this place does not have a yard or any boundries. Same as an apartment. And when we did live in an apartment, if my son played outside, I sat right outside by him at all times.

    Parents who do anything less are putting their kids at risk.

    Especially at these younger ages.

    Kids should be safe and its awful that they cant just gonplay.....but we live in a world where there are predators everywhere.

  15. I just listened to the call. The first guy sounds pretty guilty.
    The second guy does not sound even slightly concerned though, which is odd. There is one thing I noticed that the 2nd guy said when asked "what was she wearing?"

    He replies (paraphrased) "she was wearing a Carhart thing with an Ohio State sweatshirt underneath. It SAID Ohio State on it."

    Why would he say this in past tense? Why would he say "It SAID Ohio State on it." If your kid was missing, wouldn't you be emphatically describing what your kid's clothes look like in the present tense?!?
    For example "It SAYS Ohio state on it."

    Also, when they ask 2nd guy (paraphrased) "so noone's seen her, no relatives or friends have seen her" he replies in the affirmative (paraphrased) "YES, we're all out looking." If it was your kid, wouldn't you say "No, noone's seen her!!! Please come help!"

    Why would he say "Yes" in response to the "question" "so noone's seen her?"

  16. If the second caller was the live in boyfriend- he wouldn't care. He never checked up on her- why didn't she go home when the other kids went home?

  17. Another odd thing about 2nd guy's (stepfather's) responses, he, in places, avoids giving any tense (past of present):

    The 911 caller asks him "How old is she?"

    2nd guy replies "Ah, 9."

    The 911 caller asks him "How tall is she?"

    2nd guy replies "Uh, 4, 5."

    He does not use tense here, although you would think he would say "She's 9 year old." and "She's 4 foot 5." (using present tense)

    The way he answers he avoids using present or past tense.
    Does this mean anything?

  18. Originally, the cops suspected the bio Dad of having taken Reann as to why Reann was missing, because the bio Dad was supposed to have picked Reann up to spend time with him that evening.
    When the cops interviewed the bio Dad and determined he did not have her, they then arrested Metsker (the next day I think?).
    There is a video interview with the bio Dad, and there are some places in it where I thought some of his responses were quite odd.

  19. A little girl was missing: description of what she was wearing? Jacket and........"sweatshirt underneath"? How would they find her by what she was wearing under her jacket? Wouldn't you describe jacket, hat, pants (light or dark), boots even if only light or dark? WHO would know that she is "missing"? If mom's boyfriend, why he didn't made a phone call (from neighbour's telephone)?

  20. Jay, I noticed that too. That he did not offer the color of the jacket but rather specified details about the sweatshirt underneath.
    It is also surprising that he did not offer info about her hair or eye color.

  21. One notable thing:

    Caller #1 refers to Reann in present tense.

    Caller #2 refers to Reann in past tense "she WAS wearing.
    It SAID Ohio State on it"
    although he is reflecting back the past tense language of the 911 caller asking "What WAS she wearing?" when he responds "She WAS wearing a Carhart jacket,etc." (although I think that naturally he should have switched into the present tense when answering these questions.)
    Responding to other questions, he neglects to use any tense
    "How old is she?"
    "Ah, 9 years old."

    Bio Dad in his interview (after Reann has been found deceased) continues referring to her at points in present tense.

  22. "We have a missing person" By using "we" he seems to be spreading the blame.

    Ignoring the question of the 911 operator he says:
    "Everybody is out searching for her and can't find her"
    Again spreading the blame; trying to get the focus of himself.


  23. Very interesting article. Study of brain scans in murderers vs non murderers.

    What was interesting to me is that “the murderers' brains showed what appeared to be a significant reduction in the development of the prefrontal cortex, "the executive function" of the brain”

    Read the full article here along with a photo. Sure makes you wonder. AND, if this is true and there is some actual brain scan that can detect this, can something be done to change this at some point.... He does talk about social influences... But since changing the millions of kids being raised in abuse and poverty... A lot of the damage is done. So my thoughts are more to some scientific "cure" at some point.


  24. Why does the stepdad sound so unconcerned though?
    He sounds like someone has disturbed him from a nap to ask about something insignificant.
    I am having trouble understanding that.
    The stepdad actually sounds like the most intelligent of the 3.
    Yet, he gives minimal information, there is no urgency to help find her or find her. He avoids using tense (past or present) in several spots.
    He reflects back the past tense of the 911 operator who asks "What WAS she wearing?"

    The bio Dad's interview is very odd also.

    There is a mug shot of Jerrod Metsker online, and it looks like he is wearing lipstick that has been freshly applied. I find this to be extremely strange.

    People are saying Jerrod Metsker created an alibi by saying "there was a knock on his door",
    however, check out the bio father's interview--he says something quite similar.
    There is also an area of sensitivity in the bio Dad's interview when he is explaining why he did not come pick up his daughter that evening for the visit they were supposed to have. He says
    "I tried to get ahold of her mother on Friday. I tried to get ahold of her on Saturday."
    (He repeats the information about trying to get ahold of the mother.) The indicates sensitivity, and also, possible anger about not being able to get ahold of the mother.
    Anyway, just some thoughts.
    Ultimately, he avoids answering the question.

  25. Isn't there something about mentioning doors in free editing process being indicative of sexual abuse? Or did I make that up? "There was a knock..."

    I hate that his horrifying face is the last one she saw. He looks like a scary clown.

  26. Patrice, article, Mother interviewed. Not Reann's mom, the neighbor mom, her son who was playing outside with Reann, before she poofed.

    Snipped: Sheri Rose explained people searched the Dumpster first, but did not locate her. She said they thought maybe she was playing and fell inside. No one thought to look deep inside the Dumpster.

    Hunter said Reann was found "concealed" inside the Dumpster right when authorities were ready to call off the search for the night. He did not elaborate further on how she was found.

    "I'm almost sick because I allowed (Rocky) to play with Jerrod before," Sheri Rose said. "It could've easily been Rocky."

    She was also sick because her son was outside playing Saturday, too, before he came inside to warm up.

    Sheri Rose said Reann knocked on the door and asked if Rocky could come back outside to play. Usually, she said she would ask Reann to come inside her home to warm up. But for some reason she did not on Saturday, and she now regrets it.

    "I hope (Metsker) doesn't get off easy," said Brody Johnston. His twin, Cody, added he hopes Metsker gets the "maximum penalty."

    Link: http://www.the-daily-record.com/local%20news/2013/12/20/smithville-neighbors-struggling-with-life-after-girl-s-death

  27. A press conference held by Ohio LE, it is stated by the officer video. LE rec'd the 911 call and responded at 8:28pm. Reann reportedly had not been seen by who since 5:30pm.

    Article print written: Sheriff Travis Hutchinson said Murphy was reported missing at 8:30 p.m. Saturday after she was last seen at the playground in the trailer park where she lived at 5912 Akron Road. http://www.the-daily-record.com/local%20news/2013/12/16/smithville-man-arrested-suspected-of-killing-9-year-old-girl

    * Which is it? she was last seen in her yard? or last seen at the community park playground?

    Something is hokey, press, compared to the neighbor woman, compared with the 911 call. I live in Metro Detroit, which is same " weather/time" as would be neighboring Ohio. Now winter, the weather, time zone change, at 3, 4pm it can view outside dark. I went to the website Wunderground, put in Reann's area. It is documented on Sat Dec 14th, the sun set at 4:57pm. It was ave 35 degrees with a light rain throughout the day, overcast. This doesn't add, it was dark out prior to her last seen, at 5:30pm. It is either she was Put outside and witnessed last at 5:30pm, or simply put, no one (BF nor Mom) was monitoring Reann at all that day. The 5:30 last seen was said for good measure via the Boyfriend? He to say it that had he not, he would have been charged with neglect? his priority himself over Reann. Or he himself isn't telling the truth, Reann's afternoon not said. He does not offer he was her caretaker, he calls her, " Step Kid". Why "step kid"? why not my girlfriends and or fiancee's daughter? Someone here wrote he sounded bothered as his nap was interrupted, I agree.

    From press (Hunter LE): Hunter said so far in the investigation Reann's mother, Kelly Jones, left for work between 3:30 and 4 p.m. and left the girl in the care of her fiancee, Nicholas Lupole, who was the other person who spoke with dispatchers during the 9-1-1 call when Metsker called to report her missing.

    Lupole told investigators he saw Reann playing outside with Metsker at 5:30 p.m. and then noticed she was not outside by 7:30 p.m., setting off the search for her whereabouts.

    How convenient? the boyfriend names Metzker, the 911 call is placed by Metsker at 8:2?pm.

    The boyfriend, quoted, he last saw Reann playing with the 24 yr old, Metzker, at 5:30pm. She to vanish NOT in moments yet 2 hours later. The call not placed by boyfriend, it placed 3 hours later. His reported last sight of her. For how long was REANN outside prior to 5:30? It at 5:30pm it would be pitch dark out. Why wouldn't the boyfriend call Reann in?

    Why would not Metzker say I was playing with her. As they report him to mentally 7 yrs old. His call placed, he had no recall of her. He to have the wherewithal to not disclose his memory of her earlier? he speaking with law enforcement. He doesn't sound scared, I better tell the truth. He sounds confused.

    Metzker to call 911 on his own? as he calls and has nothing to offer the operator. If you listen in the moments before the connection, you can hear Metzker, he breathing into the phone. He sounds like a little kid, excited, I am going to call the police, to help who?

    Was it he was riled up by the searching, and he thought I can be a hero, I will call the police! Boyfriend caught off guard? BF once he entered Metzker's mothers house? he not understanding Metzkers pleas for information, shout outs. This an unexpected by BF, he Metzker to be on the phone with police. Something stinks.

  28. The 911 call, 30 seconds -
    Jarrod: The person, she lives above the uh trailer, above the uh garage thing,...

    Where and what would this be? she to live, Above the trailer, Above the garage? a crawl space? was Reann abused by her keepers in the past? that Jarrod was the only one aware? Zahra Baker, who was hidden, abused. She not to be witnessed by neighbors, she tortured by her monsters. The other is, why is Reann said age 9, she to be in the 2nd grade. She was held back? or she wasn't enrolled?

    Jarrod: 1:55, knock at the door, basically, he to cut off, his trail of thought, as the boyfriend came in,

    Jarrod: 2:06, Here, The police are on the phone

    2:07 Boyfriend: Uh, hello, yes uh, my step kid was out playing, out in the center of the snow,,

    Why no urgency, none, NOT my name is Nicholas L, I can't find my fiancee's daughter! His response begins with what time frame? 3, 4, hours ago my step kid was out playing, out in the center of the snow. Center of snow is not a definitive place. He was not watching her, did he toss her out? Reann to know the consequences? She outside knowing she should not attempt to go back to her own home.

    The 911 op asks for a phone number in case of disconnection.

    2:30 Boyfriend: Uh, I don't have a phone myself, can I give them this number to call back in case they get disconnected?

    2:50: in the backdrop you can hear Jarrod, affirming, I had to go back to my house and call the police

    Bf openly admits he has no phone. Had Jarrod not placed the call, he BF had no intent to locate a phone? to report to anyone? that Reann was missing. This then her Mother was not, by 8:30pm, not informed by BF, Reann had not been seen, was missing. He not to communicate to Mom, she at work? Common sense if there was no foul play, no guilt by association, would be him to CALL MOM. Hell or high water, even if she was safe, yet not found. He to find a person with a phone. He to have her come home. The seriousness to be communicated to who is Reann's most important person, her MOM.

    Reann is missing via the statements of the boyfriend, for 2 hours, prior to the call placed at 8:28pm. Then came later she was last seen at 5:30pm. There is an hour missing. His 5:30 is fabricated?

    The arrest, how Jarrod was deemed perp, I have not read fully. I am reading online, many versions of this story. Reann's mothers whereabouts, to be mixed. She was not home, she away for over a day. Then is, she was at work.

    The ultimate question, Who was responsible for Reann's Welfare? Peter has said how many times on his blog, that many parentified children have no fear of strangers. They find themselves of no age, they are not to be protected, they are the caretaker. As they become numb to all what is innocence within a healthy environment of childhood. They view everyone as an equal.

    This how Reann saw Jarrod? she needed to take care of him? tell him what to do, how to do it ?
    This to be yet again another case of, that a little girl is killed by a young male neighbor (if he indeed did kill her) Or was he coerced to confess? he a participant in some way? this to be his fear? The trial, if there is one, to provide more information.

    Aurora Co, Jessica Ridgeway. Alanna Gallagher not to be forgotten, Saginaw TX. Both who were parentified to the 9th degree. Both lives taken by the pos who lived near within walking distance.

  29. What I find troubling about many of the people who are commenting here and in other places is that they are assuming the man who was arrested is a murderer. Last I checked this is still America and suspects are innocent until proven guilty. We have a Constitution that protects people like the suspect from being lynched by vigilantes like those who have commented here and other places. It is quite a tragedy that this young innocent girl was murdered. It would be even more tragic if this mentally impaired young man was scapegoated for her murder when someone else may have done it. What if the boyfriend killed her? Or the Father? Just because this guy is mentally impaired and plays with kids doesn't mean he is a killer.

  30. What I find troubling about many of the people who are commenting here and in other places is that they are assuming the man who was arrested is a murderer. Last I checked this is still America and suspects are innocent until proven guilty. We have a Constitution that protects people like the suspect from being lynched by vigilantes like those who have commented here and other places. It is quite a tragedy that this young innocent girl was murdered. It would be even more tragic if this mentally impaired young man was scapegoated for her murder when someone else may have done it. What if the boyfriend killed her? Or the Father? Just because this guy is mentally impaired and plays with kids doesn't mean he is a killer.

  31. Vita,

    I agree the Mom's boyfriend's behavior is suspicious.
    It is possible he could have scapegoated Jarrod.

  32. http://waynecountysheriff.blogspot.com/2013/12/prosecutor-to-seek-death-penalty-for.html

    Horrible horrible horrible-
    I am sad and angry.

  33. i used to live in wooster about four to five miles away. the restaurant the barn is near there and the chicken place where people go on sunday after dinner. this is a nice small (mayberry) town. but if it can happen there it can happen anywhere. my god, it gets dark around 4:30 where are the parents??? i am not saying there at fault??? but four hours after it is dark??? she is not there??? really???? and playing with an adult is okay???? the 911 dispatcher sound so unemotional?? good lord, like a movie??? all this sound totally horrible... people must keep an eye on their kids regardless where they live, their age, etc.. such a disaster... my heart goes out to family, so so sorry. but all this ads up... so many red flags... it wasnt that long ago maybe 8 to ten years a girl was abducted at the fair in wooster by a predator. people need to wake up and watch ur children.... and especially who watches them...
