Friday, January 3, 2014

Statement Analysis: Hailey Dunn

The following is a statement sent to me for analysis regarding the murder of Hailey Dunn, 3 years ago.

Hailey Dunn's mother, Billie Jean Dunn, and her former boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, were both named "Persons of Interest" by police, but no arrests have been affected to date.  Both mother and boyfriend failed polygraphs, were involved in drugs, pornography (including child pornography and bestiality) and violence.

Dunn, in her many appearances on national television, has been indicated for deception and showed that she knew what happened to Hailey, that Hailey was deceased, and that when remains were located, knew they were Hailey's.

"3 years ago today someone took my baby, whatever happened there's been no remorse,because to this day nobody has stepped forward to try to make this right for her. You not only ended Hailey's life, you ruined many others. Many people love her. I won't sit by & let her case go unsolved. All of our Hope for Hailey family will keep Hailey's name alive, Law enforcement will not stop until every piece fits & you are punished. Hailey, my world stopped, for a while I didn't know up from down,didn't know what to do,where to turn. So I let myself drown in sorrow. I opened my eyes, I saw your brother's face & I'm here to fight for you & him. I'm here to be your voice. I realized, I don't have to let you go, you will always be my daughter, you will always be with me. You come from me, you are part of me. I love you from the deepest depths of my soul, the aching that my heart feels will stop when I hold you again. Until then I will stay here & fight for you & watch after your brother."

Here is the same statement with emphasis added, with Statement Analysis in bold type.

"3 years ago today someone took my baby

The statement begins with the time frame, as this was the 3 year anniversary, not of her death, but of the police report.
Please note that with regard to being taken, Hailey is "my baby."
Note that"someone" is singular.

whatever happened there's been no remorse,

There has been no "remorse", in that, no expression of regret or being remorseful. It is interesting to wonder how the subject knows that there has been on remorse:

because to 
this day nobody has stepped forward to try to make this right for her. 

Now note that there is no remorse because no one has "stepped forward"; indicating that without a "stepping forward" nobody feels negative emotions. No one has been caught.
Notice that the subject uses the phrase "stepped forward" rather than "confession."
Stepping forward is a much weaker phrase than "confession" or "admission."

One might wonder why such a soft phrase is used. Mothers (close family members) of murder victims are angry and demand justice. "Step forward" is not to "confess" nor be tried for the murder.

It is also interesting to note that the subject does not seek a confession for herself, the mother of the victim, but for the victim herself, who cannot be impacted by justice.

It is expected that the parent of a murdered child would want justice for herself, since she would be the one sentenced to a lifetime of pain.

Objection: The subject may believe that the victim cannot find rest or peace until a conviction.

Answer: We will seek to learn if the subject, within the statement, portrays the victim in a state of unrest, needing someone to "step forward".

You not only ended Hailey's life, you ruined many others. 

Please notice that the context of softness continues. The "someone" (not the killer, nor the murderer, but only the "someone") only "ended" Hailey's life. She does not use harsher language, including "stolen" or "murdered" but only "ended."

And while the "someone" (soft) only "ended" (soft) Hailey's life, the someone only "ruined" (not destroyed, or other harsh language) "my life", no, she uses "many" others.

This is a far step from personalization that we would expect from a mother. A mother's life is destroyed by the loss of a daughter's life, and the anger of not having the murder brought to justice would only heighten this anger.

The soft, passive sounding language is not the expected from an innocent mother. For those readers who are familiar with this case, you know that it is actually consistent with the mother's statements over the years, consistently attempting to protect herself and put her self first.

Many people love her. 

Not to say "I love her!" but only"many people" love her. This is also most unexpected from the mother of a murdered child.

Statement Analysis deals with the unexpected.

I won't sit by & let her case go unsolved. 

Here is a point of tension. She uses a phrase that employs body posture, often indicative of strain. It is interesting to note that when Hailey was first reported "missing", the mother refused to turn off her favorite television show and join the father in searching. The father also reported that her brother sat and played video games instead of joining the search, or getting involved in searching. When the mother was challenged about not searching she said she would not "search ugly fields"; incidentally, where Hailey was found. Billie Jean Dunn was most roundly criticized, even by her initial supporters, for her inactivity, as well as her lying and hiding of her boyfriend, Shawn Adkins. She "sat by" and did nothing. It is interesting that she would use the same phrase here, three years later.

Note that "let her case go unsolved" is also passive language. She reports this in the negative, and with passive language. Passivity in language is often used to conceal responsibility.

Note that the soft language continues with "go unsolved." This is not to say "I will find justice for Hailey's killer!" or the death penalty, or life in prison, or anything expected from an angry, innocent mother. Instead, she only says, in the negative, that she won't sit by and let the case go "unsolved."

The case, in the eyes of the public, is not "unsolved." It is unadjudicated, but not unsolved. The killers, in the eyes of the public, are known, and the body recovered. The only thing that is not complete is justice.

All of our Hope for Hailey family will keep Hailey's name alive, 

She does not say "I will keep Hailey's name alive" nor does she even say that the organization "Hope for Hailey" will, but instead uses the emphasis "all of our Hope for Hailey", which is, perhaps, indicative of some dissension within the organization.

Many people initially supported the mother, including Marc Klass, TV personality, until the mother was caught in a myriad of lies, and did not cooperate with police. A small remnant of women continue to support her cause, but her need to emphasize that "all" of them indicates strain.

Law enforcement will not stop until every piece fits & you are punished. 

"Law enforcement" and not specific "police" "will not stop"; please note that law enforcement was a particular point of sensitivity for Dunn as they refused to speak to her and she continually was deceptive in her appearances in which she attempted to portray herself as cooperative and "in the loop" of knowledge. They did not reveal information to her as frequently claimed, as she has been a suspect in the murder.

Note: "you are punished" is used here.

Hailey, my world stopped, for a while I didn't know up from down, didn't know what to do,where to turn. 

Here the subject turns her attention directly to the murder victim. We seek to learn the status of Hailey, in the subject's mind.

Note that her "world stopped"

It should be noted that several days after the murder, Billie Jean Dunn hosted a New Year's Eve party in her home, replete with alcohol, rather than be searching for Hailey. (Note that Hailey was reported "missing" from a copied story of another child who had been kidnapped while going to a sleep over. Dunn found this case online and used it as her own story line to cover the murder).

Note that she reports in the negative not knowing "up from down", nor "what to do", nor "where to turn."

The father attempted to get her to help him retrace Hailey's steps because he had believed her cover story. She refused, as she was watching her favorite soap opera on TV. She did not "turn" in the direction in which she claimed Hailey walked. She did not join searchers.

So I let myself drown in sorrow. 

Many pictures have emerged of her partying and celebrating. This began on December 31, when she hosted her party, and continued throughout. Even showing up at events, she had to be coaxed into appearing appropriately like an upset mother. Instead she bickered over expensive cars and sought donations and fame.

I opened my eyes, I saw your brother's face & I'm here to fight for you & him. 

It is interesting to note that she "opened" her eyes, and upon doing so, she saw her son's face, whom she lists as Hailey's brother. Now she is "here" to "fight" for Hailey and for David.

The opening of eyes is an interesting expression. In order to open her eyes, please note the following: 

She had her eyes closed previously.

What caused her to close her eyes to Hailey's plight?

This leaves us open to many questions:

Why, when opening her eyes, did she not see Hailey's face?

Why did she see David's face, instead?

Why does David need fighting?

I'm here to be your voice. 

Note present tense language. Three years ago, she was criticized for not being Hailey's voice when she instead chose to protect and lie for her boyfriend, instead.

I realized, I don't have to let you go, you will always be my daughter, you will always be with me. 

We have learned that Hailey needs to be fought for, and now she affirms that she will "always be my daughter" indicating that there was a time when the subject did not consider Hailey to be her daughter. This is something that came via realization. What events have caused her to come to this realization?

You come from me, you are part of me.

Note the present tense. She spoke of Hailey in the past tense while Hailey was missing, but now dead, speaks in the present tense, 3 years after her death.

Note that in previous analysis, narcissism was noted in many of her phrases, with the focus and attention firmly upon her. Here, she repeats what she has said before, about Hailey being special because she "came from me" and she is a "part of me", being Billie Dunn, herself. This is consistent with prior statements.

I love you from the deepest depths of my soul, the aching that my heart feels will stop when I hold you again. 

Note the love from the "deepest depths" but the aching from the "heart."

Until then I will stay here & fight for you & watch after your brother."

The brother no longer needs fighting, but only being "watched after" which is distancing language.

This is not a statement from an innocent mother of a murder victim, but is consistent with the previous analysis done here.


  1. I felt a flash of alarm when reading the part about seeing "David's face." Very interesting that she introduces him at that particular point in her reverie. Now, more than before, I wonder: how much does he know?

  2. Good work Peter,I was unaware she failed a polygraph?surely a fail merrits a "charge"? Are the police so stupid?

    1. I believe polygraph results are not admissible in Texas.

  3. January 19, 2011
    BD seems relieved that there was no evidence. Especially in the dirt.

    "As far as I'm aware there's still no evidence of foul play and they're still looking for a living, breathing Hailey" said Billie.

    But a few people are wondering why Billie Dunn isn't out in the search fields.

    "I'm glad they're looking but of course each day I hope they don't find anything out there in the dirt" said Billie.

  4. ^


    Billie says that hope is something she will hold on to until the very end.

    "It's really hard, but I know I have to do it" said Billie.

  5. Hope for Hailey facebook Page
    Here's to a blessed 2014, hope for Hailey!

    ^^^What hope is there? The beautiful child is deceased.


    Frankie Fore Hope for Hailey is a great group who has done great and wonderful things for so many others. I hope as individuals and collectively that 2014 is a wonderful year. God Bless.
    January 1 at 10:24am · Like · 1

    Hope for Hailey I hope so, this is our girl's legacy right here & we've got some big news coming up! I can't wait to be able to tell people, so many more will know Haileys face & name in 2015. In the mean time, I will be able to let the cat out of the bag early this year!
    January 1 at 11:08am · Like · 2

    Frankie Fore You know I can't wait to hear good news my friend!!!
    January 1 at 8:35pm · Like · 1

    ^ What good news is there two years away? The beautiful child is dead and justice has not been served yet in the present.

  6. Local anon in the Hailey Dunn caseJanuary 3, 2014 at 9:25 AM

    LE and the DA are cowards, simple as that. They found Hailey's remains, they have very strong circumstantial evidence against Shawn (cell phone pings, showing up for work and quitting his job the day she was reported missing, missing coveralls, David coming home and finding Shawn with a"deer in the headlights" look.) And Billie referring to Hailey in the past tense right from the start. And the murder and true crime literature that Billie and Shawn had. The list goes on. Unfortunately, LE treated this case as a runaway in the beginning so no doubt missed crucial evidence. I still find it hard to believe that with the FBI and Texas Rangers involved there has not been an arrest. Not to mention the reported child porn on all of Shawn's electronic devices. There is not a word about Hailey's case anymore here locally. I hope they haven't suspended their efforts.

  7. Hope for Hailey I hope so, this is our girl's legacy right here & we've got some big news coming up!

    Definition of Legacy

    1leg·a·cy noun \ˈle-gə-sē\
    : something (such as property or money) that is received from someone who has died

    : something that happened in the past or that comes from someone in the past

    Billie considers a facebook page as Haileys legacy?

  8. Local anon in the Hailey Dunn caseJanuary 3, 2014 at 9:28 AM

    Yeah and the big news will likely be some self serving memorial to Hailey. Billie is all about Billie.

  9. Peter said:

    Now note that there is no remorse because no one has "stepped forward"; indicating that without a "stepping forward" nobody feels negative emotions. No one has been caught.
    Notice that the subject uses the phrase "stepped forward" rather than "confession."
    Stepping forward is a much weaker phrase than "confession" or "admission."


    She knows who. Everyone knows who. IMO, if she identifies/confesses, then she is as culpable as he is. After all she (and whomever else) has done to keep the both of them out of jail, she can't identify him/confess, so she is waiting for him to be a big man and "step forward" and take the rap. jmo

    Why, when opening her eyes, did she not see Hailey's face?

    Why did she see David's face, instead?

    Why does David need fighting?


    No one ever said boo about David but we acknowledged that he never looked for his sister. I always thought it peculiar that he headed out so late to sleep at his friend's. If my 15 year-old came to me at 9:30 to ask to sleep over at his friend's I would nix that idea and suggest another night. (Too late.) But this is about BJD's parenting skills, or from what I've seen and read, lack thereof. jmo

    she affirms that she will "always be my daughter" indicating that there was a time when the subject did not consider Hailey to be her daughter. This is something that came via realization. What events have caused her to come to this realization?

    I'll say it. Because she's "over" SA and no longer views Hailey as competition.


  10. Jeff said with regards to David "I wonder: how much does he know?"
    I really believe he knows something happened to her. Even if they told him it was an accident. The fact that as her big brother he just sat there playing video games says so much.
    I also remember the Isabel Celis case. While I think mom and dad were involved, I don't in that case think the other kids were. And her one brother was going up and down the streets looking for her and even called 911 himself (Sergio called too, but to me that was Alibi building).
    This kid was freaking out from all accounts. To me that is normal. Then I also think she slept in their room for a reason and I think part of it was them protecting her from dad or both mom and dad. But that's just my opinion.. I think this is another case like with the Ramsey's where mom and dad are sickos and killed their child in the act of something else.

    But back to Billie and this statement.....
    I feel like she is stressed out over the lack of updates. She has not been cleared so despite the length of time, the fact that there is no statutate of limitations on murder means that she can still be brought to justice anytime.
    Her posts to me are just more attempts to portray herself as the loving vengeful mother. And to be honest, for some it has worked.
    But the real loving vengeful mother is not sitting on facebook making the occasional post. They are out there doing anything they can to get things resolved.
    Natalie Holloways parents even went to Aruba and dug in landfills and broke into crack houses looking for anything.
    Billie does the safe thing. She knows she is lying so she sits in the safety of her home and posts a bunch of BS on the internet once in a while.
    She does not search, does not fight, does not put herself out there.
    It's a risk so she instead sits in her little safe cocoon and posts on facebook.
    Sorry, but a few posts now and then on facebook will not bring justice.
    If she really wanted it, she would be out there front and center.

    The fact that shes not proves she does not really want justice

  11. Local anon in the Hailey Dunn caseJanuary 3, 2014 at 10:29 AM

    I think David knows something too. He did not search, he did not round up his schoolmates to see if they knew anything about her running away. It is odd he left the house at 9:30 but maybe not odd for that family.
    I would love to hear a statement from David. His comments have not been captured in the media or in the affidavits, only what Billie says he said. I don't follow Facebook so I don't know what he has said on Facebook. Could LE really not have interviewed him? Of course he was a minor at the time.

  12. Anyone with knowledge of what happened to Hailey is just as guilty as the one/ones that took Hailey's life. If someone has knowledge of what happened and does not come forward, they are allowing that person/persons to get away with murder!

  13. Ray Guidice said that had locals handed the child porn over to the feds, there would have been successful prosecution.

    this is not a complex case and I am unable to come up with reasons why Dunn and Adkins were not arrested, even if on lesser charges.

    Failed polygraphs told police all they needed to know. Drugs, pornography and violence all conspired to a sexual homicide in which this mother was a participant.

    I cannot defend the lack of prosecution. I have yet to read a plausible reason.

    If someone has one, I will gladly post it.

  14. anybody have the full lengthy screen shots of comments that billie made in the search &destroy group??? or a copy &paste of it??? show us a copy otherwise i have to conclude it didnt happen . what kind of group is search &destroy????

  15. Which county has the prosecution responsibility?

  16. The following comments are from Billie Dunn. These comments followed the post that has been analyzed.

    “I don’t get it. God hasn’t been able to make me understand yet. I know she’s in a better place, I do, but what about us? We hurt so bad. None of us deserve to know this pain. I try to remember she is happy eternally happy, but I still hurt, not only for myself, but for my son. I’m his mom & I can’t stop his pain. I know it helped us all to start to heal when she was found, so I think we will feel better when there is an arrest. How someone murders a baby & leaves us in limbo with no apologies, no answers is beyond me. Inhuman. Evil.”

    “If I could change one thing from that day, I would’ve woke her up to go to work with me.”

    “It couldn’t have been an accident or there would be remorse & even if there was some panic, there would’ve been remorse & a confession a long, long time ago. If we have the right suspect, how do you sit in Hailey’s house & watch me cry for her every day, knowing where she was, knowing I had no chance of holding her again? Knowing she was in a field! Lying, telling me I would get her back!”

    “I do think there will be some comfort & peace after a conviction. With all the work & time law enforcement is putting in, I think it’s because they will be 100% they have the right person pegged & they will get a conviction, I have to be positive the right person is punished.”

  17. Peter Hyatt said...

    Ray Guidice said that had locals handed the child porn over to the feds, there would have been successful prosecution.

    This trial lawyer knows this as fact?

    It seems Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst believes Texas can do the job the federal government refuses to do.

  18. Folks, I don't think Billie Dunn wrote the comments as posted above. Her lying co-horts often post for her on facebook as if they were her, to make Billie Dunn look good. Shaking my damn head!!! The train is comming! Choo Choo!

  19. Bring it/CFC, what does Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst and the damn border article have to do with Haileys criminal murder case? Or porn case? smh

  20. Local anon in the Hailey Dunn caseJanuary 3, 2014 at 2:38 PM

    Thanks for the comment on the child porn Peter. I read in the local news and heard on local TV many times that the porn investigation was handed over to the FBI in Dallas. Of course we all know how often the media reports things that are not fact. It was reported that the porn investigation was turned over to the FBI for the lead and being aided by a computer "expert" in Snyder. ( A computer "expert" on Snyder is laughable). My FBI contact is over seas now so I have lost contact and can't confirm the FBI's involvement. I guess it is time for me, and my fellow Texans to get heard in the state and get some interest in this case.

  21. Talk the talk ... Walk the walkJanuary 3, 2014 at 3:46 PM

    Billie Dunn claims "3 years ago today someone took my baby". The date she makes this claim is December 27, 2013. Billie Dunn filed the missing person report on December 28, 2010.

    How is it she knows now what she didn't know then?

    How is it she knows there's been no remorse?

    How can she say her world stopped, that she didn't know up from down or where to turn?

    From the beginning Billie Dunn knew enough to protect herself, her son and Shawn Adkins. Hailey's maternal family have never been her voice (including, her brother and Shawn Adkins. Her paternal family's efforts, in this sense, was short lived.

    The latest from the Scurry County Sheriff and reported by the Snyder Daily News is nothing in the case has changed. Shawn Adkins is the only 'named' suspect. The case is at a standstill. Investigators are still waiting on lab results.

  22. acceptance, empathy plea to an accidental death and threat to a murderer.

    nobody has stepped forward to try to make this right for her.

    stepped forward is in reference to a person who may have accidentally killed Hailey and there would be some degree of empathy. because no one has stepped forward, she is left to believe Hailey was killed purposefully.
    (see Billie's further comments below for explanation)

    although many have said things to the effect of coming forward, confessing, to make things right with the mother and family, Billie note that things haven't been made right with Hailey. Hailey was the victim, Hailey was the one wronged, not Billie or the family or the community.

    I won't sit by & let her case go unsolved.
    is won't in the negative? so if we remove it from the sentence??????
    I sit by & let her case go unsolved.
    Note that "let her case go unsolved" is also passive language. She reports this in the negative, and with passive language. Passivity in language is often used to conceal responsibility.
    it is not her responsibility nor is it possible for her to solve, she can only sit and wait for LE to do it or for someone to come forward.

    Billie's follow up statements may provide some clue to the definition Billie has for the words she used in the first post that you analyzed.

    Bring It: said...
    The following comments are from Billie Dunn. These comments followed the post that has been analyzed.

    “I don’t get it. God hasn’t been able to make me understand yet. I know she’s in a better place, I do, but what about us? We hurt so bad. None of us deserve to know this pain. I try to remember she is happy eternally happy, but I still hurt, not only for myself, but for my son. I’m his mom & I can’t stop his pain. I know it helped us all to start to heal when she was found, so I think we will feel better when there is an arrest. How someone murders a baby & leaves us in limbo with no apologies, no answers is beyond me. Inhuman. Evil.”

    “If I could change one thing from that day, I would’ve woke her up to go to work with me.”

    “It couldn’t have been an accident or there would be remorse & even if there was some panic, there would’ve been remorse & a confession a long, long time ago. If we have the right suspect, how do you sit in Hailey’s house & watch me cry for her every day, knowing where she was, knowing I had no chance of holding her again? Knowing she was in a field! Lying, telling me I would get her back!”

    “I do think there will be some comfort & peace after a conviction. With all the work & time law enforcement is putting in, I think it’s because they will be 100% they have the right person pegged & they will get a conviction, I have to be positive the right person is punished.”
    January 3, 2014 at 1:46 PM

  23. Anon @ 12:44 PM
    show us a copy otherwise i have to conclude it didnt happen .


    i have SS, C&P, and active copy of thread in email.
    it did happen. they were all posted on facebook pages back when it happened.

  24. Facebook postings ----
    Billie Dunn
    "Shawn lied about everything, he did not turn his coveralls in, they have NEVER been found, yet Shawn says they were. Monday morning Shawn dropped me off at work wearing a t-shirt and jeans, David said when he got home Monday, Shawn was wearing coveralls. Shawn lied and said he was at his Mom's all day Tuesday, he never even went to Big Springs Tuesday, he was riding around in Dunn all day. Why?

    Shawn's uncle came all the way from Houston and back the same day on Tuesday, why? Why didn't Shawn make an appearance at his Gma's on Tuesday, since he was in Dunn all day"?

    Shawn Casey Adkins
    Her co-worker Tana dropped her off at work on Tuesday. I dropped her off on Monday. That's all documented.

  25. David is a liar. Did David have the coveralls on and try to shift the blame onto SA ? Billie herself said that SA wore jeans and a tshirt that day. The law needs to interview liar David.

  26. David didn't like Hailey spending the night at MB's because her boyfriend was always there.
    MB's mother states that Hailey had never ever spent the night there.

  27. DD is a liar. DD knows what happened.

  28. Talk the talk ... Walk the walkJanuary 3, 2014 at 7:04 PM

    Anonymous at 6:32 PM said “Billie was on meds for bi-polar illness.”

    Are you serious? This is news to me, Billie Dunn being bi-polar. Billie Dunn claimed Shawn Adkins was MH/MR. If I am not mistaken, Shawn Adkins admitted to have been prescribed medications for a mental health related issue.

  29. keep in mind the new years party was during the time that it was still the belief that Hailey ran away. it wasn't until jan 3rd that LE fubarred the case and made the claim that shawn killed Hailey.

  30. I am bipolar and have anxiety disorder.4 years ago, when my youngest was in Kindergarten, there was a bus mishap and she was missing. I called the school when she didn't get off her bus, they contacted the bus barn, and after I made arrangements for my oldest to wait there in case she came home, I went looking for her. I was frantic. I went over in my mind what she wore to school that day so I could tell the police, etc... Thankfully she had just fallen asleep on the bus and the driver didn't see her. It seemed to be forever, but likely was less than 15 minutes. No, being bipolar isn't an excuse for sitting down and besides, it sure as hell didn't keep her from partying! There is no excuse for her behavior except she didn't care because she knew Hailey was dead.

  31. 15 minutes and successfully located is different than 4 hours and child still missing. what would you have done if your child hadnt been found in 15 minutes?

  32. I would have been calling everyone I knew and canvassing streets. I would have called the media and given them up to date photos. I would have talked to the police and would have had my older kids calling all if their friends to look. I had a list in my mind of what to do next already. It shocked how fast my mind spun in those moments. It also shocked me how I was able to think about the what next in spite of the fear.Don't you think it would be incredibly strange to not look at all?

  33. Anonymous said...

    David didn't like Hailey spending the night at MB's because her boyfriend was always there.
    MB's mother states that Hailey had never ever spent the night there.

    January 3, 2014 at 5:33 PM


    Since David has never spoken or posted about Hailey, who stated that David said this? Billie? That's my guess and I wouldn't believe a word coming out of Billie's mouth. Please remember she is a convicted liar. She was convicted in court of lying to LE. What did she lie about??? Shawn being in her house. WHY would Billie lie FOR Shawn if she knows that Shawn killed her daughter??

    I think the answer is obvious.

  34. One other thing, the posts that Billie makes on Hope For Hailey do not reflect Billie's vocabulary when she speaks. Billie doesn't use terms "depth of my soul" C'mon. Billie is trying to convince her Hope For Hailey members that she is a loving mother who has been wronged. She is the victim, not Hailey. But, it's not working.

    Hailey IS the victim. Hailey suffered, not Billie. For Billie to say she is suffering here , while Hailey is enjoying herself in heaven is another push from Billie to make it look like she is the suffering victim mother.

    Look at her statements for the past 3 years. This is the woman who said "I can't help who I love" when interviewed about Shawn. ANd she also snarkily reported that "Shawn was the man in my bed". Were the pictures of her partying and drinking just recently, the picture of a grieving mother ? How about the picture of Billie at the concert with the evil looking freak picture of the band member? Is this a sad, bi polar , overwhelmed mother unable to get off the couch?


  35. Strange, indeed, Anon @ 8:06PM For you and any one of us. Not for BJD. She has always known. She won't fake it. Incredulous that local LE et al (in law enforcement at all levels) act inert about the whole thing and then some.


  36. Hope for Hailey shared Elizabeth Ennen Family Support Page's status.

    The loss of a child is more than anyone should live through. We are a club of mom's you never want to have to join. Please share some precious love to Virginia Ennen, momma of her Precious Angel Elizabeth♥
    Thank you Hope for Hailey family

    Did Mrs Stacy Cambell suffer the loss of one of her children? This is not Billies grammar.

  37. Anonymous said...
    Folks, I don't think Billie Dunn wrote the comments as posted above. Her lying co-horts often post for her on facebook as if they were her, to make Billie Dunn look good. Shaking my damn head!!! The train is comming! Choo Choo!

    January 3, 2014 at 2:22 PM

    Gooch, still smooching on Bea Wacker's cooch?

    For the 100th time -- the word is spelled "coming" -- not "coming."

    Peter, please provide a link that verifies that Billie Dunn was involved in child pornography? I've asked before and you've consistently failed to do so... yet you manage to find the time to delete my requests. You and I know that it's because you can't provide the request information. THERE WAS NO CHILD PORNGRAPHY, no matter how much you like to fantasize about it.

  38. smh said...
    Hope for Hailey shared Elizabeth Ennen Family Support Page's status.

    The loss of a child is more than anyone should live through. We are a club of mom's you never want to have to join. Please share some precious love to Virginia Ennen, momma of her Precious Angel Elizabeth♥
    Thank you Hope for Hailey family

    Did Mrs Stacy Cambell suffer the loss of one of her children? This is not Billies grammar.

    January 4, 2014 at 11:06 AM

    Wait......WHAT??? hope for Hailey is a CLUB for mothers of deceased kids?

    Hope for Hailey family??? <<<<<,,,,.,,or it a CULT?

    1. Lmao SCC just can't back away from the computer. She has to still coddle Billie. Wonder when her husband is going to get fed up with her shit

  39. i say dd was in and out of the house on monday the 27th. it was xmas break. come on!

    when is the last time that dd saw hd? since bd said hd was seen several times monday by others??

  40. Why does SCC have to coddle Billie Dunn?

  41. Hope for Hailey
    It couldn't have been an accident or there would be remorse & even if there was some panic, there would've been remorse & a confession a long,long time ago. If we have the right suspect, how do you sit in Hailey's house & watch me cry for her every day, knowing where she was, knowing I had no chance of holding her again?! Knowing she was in a field! Lying, telling me I would get her back!!
    Like · 4 · Dec 27, 2013

    Who was lying telling her she would get Hailey back? Was she kidnapped to pay off a debt of Billies? WHO LIED TO YOU BILLIE!!!! Help find justice for your daughter and tell the truth for once in your life.

    1. how do you sit in Hailey's house

      Odd that she wouldn't say my house

  42. Anonymous LMAO said...
    Why does SCC have to coddle Billie Dunn?

    January 4, 2014 at 3:20 PM

    Apparently she doesn't.... according to Gooch, SCC calls her personally and tells her all of BD's secrets

  43. and it is in present tense (wink wink)

  44. how do you sit in Hailey's house & watch me cry for her every day

    ^^^^^^Seriously guys, get a grip! BD is talking about Connie O's house. She considers it Haileys house too! BD sat and cried for days at her moms house

  45. how do you sit in Hailey's house & watch me cry for her every day, knowing where she was, knowing I had no chance of holding her again?! Knowing she was in a field! Lying, telling me I would get her back!!

    How do you sit in Hailey's house & watch me cry for her everyday<<< that is present tense

    So whoever killed Hailey is currently Billie, the " in Hailey's house" part throws me off though because no one lives there anymore. Marbles rolling.

  46. Anon said
    How do you sit in Hailey's house & watch me cry for her everyday<<< that is present tense

    So whoever killed Hailey is currently Billie, the " in Hailey's house" part throws me off though because no one lives there anymore. Marbles rolling.

    Anon, BD isnt "vocally talking" on facebook.... its a draft that she wrote and can change to conceal information that BD wants to conceal as she is typing.

    Is it possible that BD's mother had a hand in all of this? Is it possible that BD is addressing her own mother in the statement? Think about it. Read the post by BD again::

    >>>>>how do you sit in Hailey's house & watch me cry for her every day, knowing where she was, knowing I had no chance of holding her again?! Knowing she was in a field! Lying, telling me I would get her back!!<<<<

  47. Who sat with BD the most?
    Answer:: Her own mother

    Remember, SA went back to stay with family....and they advised him not to speak to BD. BD told Nancy Grace she and SA didn't talk. BD told Grace SA didn't have a phone. But they "texted" sometimes. (Liar, liar!)

  48. So maybe Connie O. Knows more than what people think??

  49. Connie O??? Interesting.

    On Nancy Grace show, where did Billie say Hailey would usually go during the day while Billie was at work?

    Hope for Hailey
    If I could change one thing from that day, I would've woke her up to go to work with me.
    December 27, 2013

    What did Del say?
    "When I seen her on Christmas, she asked me to come spend the night with her," he explained. "I should've spent the night there because she went missing, I think, that next day."

    And where did he see Hailey when she asked him that? At his mother's house? On Sunday?

    Odessa American - Odessa, TX 1/5/2014

    "No arrests three years after Hailey Dunn murder"


    A few days after the service, Billie Dunn vowed to seek justice in the death of her daughter.

    She said her focus now is also to let her family heal.

    Moving forward, she wants to promote the Hailey Dunn Scholarship and advocate for families of missing children by forming Team Hailey.

    “I want to take other mothers under my wing and get their child’s face out in the media,” Dunn. “I want to make sure Hailey has a legacy and I will start doing some advocating.”

    ~~~~~ End of Snip ~~~~~

    Is Billie Jean Dunn serious?!?

    She is not qualified to take other families of missing or murdered children "under her wing."

    Lies, drugs, jail, failing a poly, etc. does not qualify Billie Jean Dunn to get involved with the families of missing and/or murdered children.

    Just my opinion!


  51. I get very frustrated reading about "this person". In Australia she would be in jail by now. Also Dylan Redwine's Dad. You see all these crime documentaries from America and how could they are in solving crime, then they have cases like this, Dylan, Kelsie etc etc. So clear, good evidence but no arrests. I no longer read about "This person". She is a nobody and doesn't deserve any publicity.


    As noted in the newspaper link:
    A few days after the service, Billie Dunn vowed to seek justice in the death of her daughter.

    Moving forward, she wants to promote the Hailey Dunn Scholarship and advocate for families of missing children by forming Team Hailey.

    “I want to take other mothers under my wing and get their child’s face out in the media,” Dunn. “I want to make sure Hailey has a legacy and I will start doing some advocating.”

    So did she do these tasks?

  53. Billie herself could make things right for Hailey. She could identify the person we all know who killed her daughter, instead of dancing around it! Instead she's waiting for him to show remorse?

    She's just protecting her own butt. This letter is a joke on everyone. I don't understand how she gets away with it.

  54. Peter, I also would like to hear a plausible reason that no arrests have been made as of yet. It’s been about 10 months since the remains were identified. Law enforcement are very tight lipped about the case, only saying that it is still active.

    I guess as long as they do not classify it as a cold case there is still hope.

  55. I cannot guess what the reason the state lawyers have for not prosecuting this case.

    I have tried, but I can't make anything sound even remotely logical.


  56. billie is so evil a true passivist shawn was like if you love me you'll do what ever I say. I will shawn.If you love me you'll allow me to rape your daughter. ok. if you love me you'll allow me to kill your daughter. ok. just don't leave me. without you I have nothing. i'm nothing with out a man. I know this mother I had a mother like this! the love of the man cloudes every rational thought and feeling. until the ultimate happens and its hidden in their sick game of lies and sexual devience. sad but true it happens all the time. decent people are left to wonder how on earth could something like this happen. but they don't live in a depraved world of sudo sexual games and murder fantasys like the type shawn and billie played and wrote about.

  57. Lol Peter... I know this is old but you're really reaching here...

    "She uses a phrase that employs body posture, often indicative of strain. It is interesting to note that when Hailey was first reported "missing", the mother refused to turn off her favorite television show and join the father in searching. The father also reported that her brother sat and played video games instead of joining the search, or getting involved in searching. When the mother was challenged about not searching she said she would not "search ugly fields"; incidentally, where Hailey was found. "

    I would hardly call this analysis objectIve. ..

    I know you will throw the whole "up to 40% more information can be deduced when coming back to a statement, with the conclusion of past statements considered" and all that but...

    Billie Jean Dunn was most roundly criticized, even by her initial supporters, for her inactivity, as well as her lying and hiding of her boyfriend, Shawn Adkins. She "sat by" and did nothing. It is interesting that she would use the same phrase here, three years later.

    What statement did ya glean that little nugget from? :-)

    Lol... The statement is alive, the subject is dead indeed...

    don't get me wrong, i love what you do, but man you enjoy confrontation. I know all the billie posts are just to try to lure that murdering pig of a mother back here to threaten you again.. Awesome

  58. Unknown

    I'm glad the analysis was able to make you laugh out loud.

    You are wrong in your assertions.


  59. this is a conspiracy...when 2 or more plot scheme and cover up...the chosen words, when analyzed by the best, say it all...there may be up to seven people that know the truth.
    4 people may have been present when the actual death, occurred.

  60. This case is so frustrating! Hailey’s remains have been returned to her mother so she could be laid to rest in a private funeral for family .This is 2017, six years later, WHERE IS THE JUSTICE! Will there ever be any justice? I am losing hope there will be. Too many stories changed, too many lies, and seems like so few clues.
    I keep going back over this case in trying to make sense of it, and I keep coming back to the same spot. There is one area I cannot get passed, and I am getting a little validation from some of your posters in this thread. I see some have the same doubt or concerns that I do.

    Hailey’s brother is going to go spend the night with a friend. Billie gave a couple of different times he left. She says 8 or 9 according to her raw news conference (, it is at the 3:42 mark}.
    From the affidavit:
    "Hailey Dunn's 16 year old brother, Delbert David Dunn, indicated when he left the house at approximately 9:00pm on Sunday night, 12-26-2010, Hailey was playing one of his video games in the living room of the residence. Based on the progress on the game and Hailey's skill level with the game, David Dunn believed Hailey played the game until approximately 12:00 midnight."

    David returns home:
    Billie says he and a friend got there between 4 and 5, and doors were locked. David had to go through broken window according to her raw news conference (, it is at the 9:00 mark}.
    “SA Daniel. A COTTNER and SA Janet THOMAS interviewed Clint Dunn, 1-5-2011, and he stated David DUNN had told him he returned home at approximately 4:00pm on Monday afternoon, 12-27-2010, and pounded on the door for about 5 minutes and nobody would let him in. David Dunn made entry through a window and got into the residence. SA Janet THOMAS later interviewed Billie DUNN who would confirmed that David had indeed pounded on the door and nobody would let him in and he then made entry into the residence and observed Shawn ADKINS standing in the hallway with a deer in the headlights look."

    Billie calls David at lunch to have him text the friend to tell Hailey to come home if she is there. According to her raw news conference (, it is at the 6:25 mark}.

    All of this is what Billie says; we have never heard any proof that David spent the night with a friend as being a true fact. Who was the friend or friends he spent the night with? Did it really happen? Hailey’s sleepover at her friends was not true either. Was either sleepover supposed to happen? Were they just excuses?
    Kids like to talk; they are all about being there for their friends. They are all about being in everybody’s business and being vocal. Case and point, have you ever heard one word from David or his friend, and not to mention, no name for the friend either (STRANGE because we have the names of all the others associated with this case). Also, is this the friend who helped him crawl through the window?
    We know who the friend is for Hailey, which was Mary Beth, and she has spoken out about that time. She never talked to Hailey and there was NO sleepover planned. I know Hailey’s friends have and are speaking out. Did LE talk to David and friend, to validate the sleepover for him, or did they just take Billies word that it happened. I think he was there at the house and never left. I think he is the one that sent the text message to MB (WRUD), and that it is my own opinion.


  61. Another place that bothers me in the news conference video is at the 3:56 mark, Billie has just said David left at 9, and she goes on to say Hailey is playing the XBOX in DAVIDs room. In the affidavit, David says Hailey was playing the Xbox in the LIVINGROOM when he left at 9. Hmm, how can you be in 2 separate rooms playing an Xbox? Then she checks on Hailey at 10, she was in her room watching her TV.. Remember she was supposed to have played the Xbox till midnight.
    One last comment is why would Billie call her sister-in-law to give her a ride to Colorado City to find Hailey? She did not know that Shawn had quit his job, so he would have been in Snyder with HER car. Shawn or his work is the first place she should have called to get him to come pick her up to carry her home. Why didn’t she call Shawn to confirm that it was Mary Beth’s house that Hailey went to?
