Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Heather Elvis Case On Nancy Grace

I often take the transcripts from the program and analyze for truth and deception.  In this case, the withheld information is deliberate by law enforcement, who have boldly charged the Moorers with Heather's murder.  

When this story broke, I analyzed the statements of Heather's father, and indicated truthfulness.  

I have not had statements from Sidney Moorer, as he let Tammy do the speaking for him, and when Tammy did speak, the blogger did not quote her, only writing that she "denied" involvement, which, for regular readers, means something very different than most.  

Statement Analysis is in bold type.   Priority is seen within the short statement. 

GRACE: Live, Myrtle Beach. As we go to air tonight, two in custody in connection with the disappearance of a young 20-year-old girl Heather Elvis. We learned cops believe Elvis, a victim of a couple, a married couple`s quote, open marriage. But even though these two are behind bars at this hour, we still don`t know, where is Heather Elvis? 


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have not located Heather. 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sidney Moorer and Tammy Moorer were taken into custody. 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Charged with murder.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Cadaver dogs searching both their cars and their house. 

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The evidence that we located there led to the charge of murder. 


GRACE: Out to Michael Smith, editor of Carolina Forest Chronicle. Michael, thank you for being with us. I don`t understand how these two are implicated in the disappearance of 20-year-old Heather Elvis. She goes out that night on a date, nice guy, totally cooperating with police, (inaudible), and then suddenly she`s just gone? How does a couple with a, quote, open marriage, what did they have to do with Heather Elvis and why is there a murder charge? 

MICHAEL SMITH, CAROLINA FOREST CHRONICLE: Right. Thanks for having me, Nancy.

 Well, in the police records, Sidney Moorer, he`s the husband, acknowledged to having a relationship history with Heather Elvis, and he says in the report he tried to break it off, but police noted that there were some discrepancies in the story, including the roommate who had told police that Sidney wanted to leave his wife to be with Heather. And that, of course, goes against what was on their Facebook pages, which were taken down just today. 

It is expected that Sidney Moorer would attempt to deceive police about the relationship.  

GRACE: Joining me right now, I`m hearing in my ear, in addition to Lieutenant Kegler from the police department, Terry and Debbie Elvis are with us, Heather`s mother and father. Mr. and Mrs. Elvis, thank you for being with us. 

You know, when I`m hearing this, the whole thing just makes me sick. To think of these two in a so-called open marriage? 

TERRY ELVIS, FATHER: Thank you, Nancy, for taking the time to visit with us again and help us 

keep a spotlight on finding our daughter. At this time, we`re still looking for Heather. It really hasn`t 

changed our focuses as a community, and they do have people in custody that have been charged, but 

we`re still trying to find our daughter, and we`re still seeking as much assistance as possible to locate


Where someone begins a statement is always important and can sometimes be the reason for the statement.  Here the subject makes his goal clear:

"help us keep a spotlight on finding our daughter"

Please note that "our" is used, as Terry Elvis and Debbie Elvis are appearing together.  This is the expected.  

Note the repetition.  In spite of the murder charges, the repetition shows the importance:  Heather is not found.  

This is the goal. 

GRACE: Everyone, we are talking about a missing 20-year-old girl, Heather Elvis. Tonight, two people are behind bars in connection with her disappearance, and I am not accepting, Debbie Elvis, that she`s dead. I am not accepting it. They have not found a body. And these two, now these two are somehow implicated. I was just showing you the picture of Sidney and Tammy Moorer, ages 38 and 41, who claim they have an open marriage. Not for one minute do I believe, Debbie Elvis, this guy was trying to break something off with Heather Elvis. I don`t believe that for a minute. 

I agree with Nancy Grace, as per the roommate.  Heather going out on a date with a young man may have been a real trigger for Sidney. 

DEBBIE ELVIS, MOTHER: I don`t -- since we haven`t been told all the evidence that they have, we really are at a loss to form opinions. We`re just -- we`re still searching for answers ourselves until the police are able to tell us more information. 

The two have been charged with murder, but police have not shared "all the evidence" with the family, who then struggle to make sense of the senselessness.  They know some, but not enough for a conclusion.

A conclusion is a big step towards closure. 

Nancy Grace recognizes this and directly asks, "Why were they charged with murder?"

GRACE: With me are Terry and Debbie Elvis on the disappearance of their girl, Heather. To Lieutenant Robert Kegler with the Horry County Police Department, Officer Tegler, thank you for being with us. Why are they charged with murder? Why are police convinced, sheriffs convinced that this is a murder case? 

KEGLER: Well, we have been investigating the disappearance of Heather for two months, and it`s been day and night that we have been working on her case. And during the course of our investigation, our task force has been able to obtain enough evidence to show that murder has taken place, and as a result of that, we have charged both Sidney and Tammy Moorer with the charge of murder. 

Skillfully avoids giving out information. 

GRACE: Listen, I know you can`t comment on the evidence specifically, but I know you have searched the home and found disturbing evidence. Is that the evidence that makes you believe a murder has occurred? 

Nancy Grace ran the red light and asked again, "is that the evidence...?"referring to the evidence in the home rather than the surveillance tape.  

KEGLER: Yes. Like we said, we did a search warrant on Friday, the 21st. And there was multiple pieces of evidence that were taken from the home of the property of the Moorers. And that evidence has been gone through, is still being gone through. As a result of that search warrant, we were able to get enough probable cause to secure murder one`s for both the Moorers. 

1.   The answer is "yes" to the question about evidence found in the home.  
2.  The pronoun "we" immediately is produced in the self reference.  Please note that "we" did not say before, this should have been "Like I said, we did a search..." 

What does the change in pronoun likely suggest?

The subject is nervous about not wanting to give out information.  

The subject confirms, however, that there were "multiple pieces of evidence"

This investigation may likely become studied by other law enforcement departments for its successful processing of information that led them, without a body, to "murder one" charges.

                                                      It is impressive.  

The surveillance tape likely yielded information, but it was within the home that we will eventually learn, that police analyzed and made their bold conclusion.  

GRACE: And this hour, our prayers continuing for Heather Elvis. Her parents with us, Terry and Debbie. The tip line, 843-915-tips. There is a $30,000 reward to help bring home Heather Elvis. At this hour, a married couple with a so-called open marriage behind bars in connection with her disappearance, but still, where is Heather


  1. Solicitor General for the Prosecution:
    “This is not a case where we were looking for a smoking gun. Um. It was just a combination of evidence that was already there and then the new evidence just added to that. So, um, we don’t have a video of them killing her or anything along those lines.”

  2. HCPD: Doin' it right.

  3. As far as the whole 'open marriage' I've got some thoughts. My bf is from Florida (I'm from Missouri) and he was part of the swingers lifestyle when he was younger. He said most of the people he met in open marriages were 1) trying to save the marriage 2) it nearly always starts out as a compromise 3) one partner is usually the reticent one and jealousy and ill will follows because that person either is not really on board (just going along to get along) 4) in such a relationship its 'against the rules' to date another person or take just a single lover for an extended period of time unless the open relationship included the sharing of the extra lover/s.
    It will be interesting to see what type of pornography (I'm sure there was) the moorers enjoyed.

    1. Interesting information on open marriages, elf.

      I can't imagine anyone agreeing to share their husband or wife, unless their feelings for them were not 100%. Like you said, it would seem one party would have to be interested in persuing others, while the other party would just be deffering to them in an attempt to keep the relationship.

      In the case if the Moorers, I don't believe an open marriage ever existed. I believe TM stated that their marriage was open/non-traditional, in an attempt to downplay their motive for killing Heather, and also possibly as an attempt to rewrite history, reducing her own public humiliation, and betrayal.

      I think Sidney flat out cheated on her with younger, more beautiful Heather, leaving Tammy humiliated, hurt, and vengeful. I don't believe Tammy really 'had a boyfriend of her own for the past few years', but she lied and said she did, trying to save face, and alibi build. (No boyfriend has come foward to confirm her claims either.)

    2. I think your right, Sid flat out cheated. They did not have an open relationship at all. I think all of us, Peter included, was distracted by Tammy's hate for Heather in the Facebook rant and missed her alibi building attempt. Sad for Tammy that screen shots are everywhere of her words (not) because FROM THE ABUNDANCE OF THE HEART THE MOUTH SPEAKS. Tammy's heart is full of hate and rage for Heather even now.
      I tell ya what I'm not a trial watcher but I'd sure tune in sometimes if they televise this trial lol

  4. Murder charges filed, but where is Heather Elvis?

    Volunteer groups continue to search for missing 20-year-old Heather Elvis in the wake of murder charges filed against a married couple alleged to be responsible for her death.

    Elvis vanished after returning home from a first date on the night of December 17.

    Neither Heather nor her body have been found.

    “This whole thing right now is turned into legal posturing,” Heather’s father Terry Elvis said.

    “The one thing I keep seeing day in, day out is that people are forgetting what this is about – what it’s about is that this is still not done. I haven’t found my daughter.”

    Lt. Robert Kegler from the Horry County Police Department said while authorities are not actively searching areas connected to Heather’s case, investigators are working on getting information in order to continue the search.

    Sidney Moorer, 38--whose name was listed in Horry County’s original police report on Heather’s disappearance--and Tammy Moorer, his wife, are charged with kidnapping and murder. Both defendants were also charged with obstruction of justice and indecent exposure.

    Arrest warrants for Sidney and Tammy Moorer state that law enforcement had probable cause to believe that the couple killed Heather Elvis at the Peachtree Boat Landing, where her car was found abandoned on December 19.

    Police declined to comment on the nature of the evidence forming the basis for the murder charges, except to say that multiple pieces of evidence were found during a search of the Myrtle Beach couple’s house and property. Another home on the property, occupied by Tammy Moorer’s parents, was also searched.

    According to, Heather Elvis’ phone call history shows calls between Elvis and Sidney Moorer in the early morning hours of December 18.

    Police have declined to comment on the nature of Heather’s relationship with Moorer.

    Terry Elvis said he had never heard of Sidney or Tammy Moorer until he began searching through Heather’s phone call records and Googled the number.

    In an e-mail response to a request for comment, Sidney Moorer’s attorney Kirk Truslow wrote, “Sidney has no connection to, nor knowledge of, any facts surrounding the disappearance of Heather Elvis.”

    “Moorer is currently incarcerated awaiting a bond hearing which unfortunately will not occur until the week of March 17,” he wrote.

    A call to Tammy Moorer’s attorney was returned; however, no statement was provided before publication of this article.

    “They can focus on the case until hell freezes over, but it’s not going to fix anything,” Heather’s father said.

    “It’s not going to bring resolution, unless somebody can tell me where she’s at. It’s not going to bring happiness if someone is found guilty. Not joy. Not elation. This is a lose-lose situation.”

    The Horry County Police department asks that anyone with information concerning Heather Elvis call the Tipline at (843) 915-TIPS or send an email to

    Despite his frustration, Terry Elvis said he is extremely proud of law enforcement doing everything in its power to bring justice in the case.

    “There have been times when I’m so angry that I can’t see straight,” he said, “but that’s the reflection of the blind rage of a father...totally consumed with finding my daughter.”

  5. The thing is, I agree with Debbie Elvis in that LE is not supplying info including very basic info like which cameras caught the indecent exposures, so how can one form a solid opinion? However, the Elvis's had formed the opinion the Moorer's were responsible (understandably) as emphatically expressed on the findheatherelvis page. Now that the Moorer's have been charged, I notice a softening in their conviction of the Moorer's guilt including from Terry who referred to Sidney as a "gentleman" when he was interviewed after the 2 had been charged with kidnapping.
    I am confused. It seems to be awfully coincidental that Angela Pipkin disappeared 2 miles from where Heather disappeared a month after Heather disappeared. Who is to say that whoever harmed Heather did not also harm Angela (for all we know maybe the Moorers were responsible for both). For these reasons, I hope LE has gotten the right people in custody.

  6. John--Thanks for posting the interview.
    It is odd in my opinion that Terry seems upset that LE is focusing on the case even calling what they are doing "legal posturing". He had called for them to be held accountable by the law in passionate statements on the findheather FB page.

  7. Maggie,
    Terry Elvis did not call what LE is doing legal posturing.

    He said, "This WHOLE THING right now has turned into legal posturing"

    That includes LE, the investigation, the Moorers arrest, lawyers statements, LE saying they can't release evidence yet.

    He wants his daughter back.

  8. Maggie 12:11
    nice first paragraph.

  9. There's a lot that's unsaid here by police. And I can't help remembering the advice of this blog -- if they don't say it we can't say it for them.

    We want to fill in the blanks and assume oh -- there was blood or bloody clothes or something dramatic averywhere in that house and in that yard/ but this is not what is being said. We don't know what they are not saying.

    We want to believe if we knew what it was we it would be conclusive proof, but what we want to believe is not the same as the information before us. we can choose to have faith in the police, but faith is different that knowledge.

  10. Maggie,

    I've noticed you questioning Terry Elvis using soft language such as "gentleman" while referring to Sidney Moorer in several posts. My take is that he's appealing to his humanity hoping to get him give up the info of where Heather's remains are, as he seems to be more likely to turn over info than his wife. The Moorers still hold leverage with that. Only they know this information that the Elvis family desperately want and need, so they're playing nice for now. You seem to have suspicions about Terry Elvis. What is the implication that you're not directly stating?

  11. This is a sad case. Why would they kill her? I don't understand.

    TM- because she's jealous and envious? Surely, a 40 year old woman understands that feelings change with the passage of time. Why would she ruin so many lives, including her own?

    SM- because he was jealous that HE had moved on or to appease his sick wife? Again, this is a middle-aged man. He's been around the block long enough to know "this too shall pass".

    Or was this a sexual homicide? Did they victimized other young girls in the past like Canadian couple Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka?

  12. Maggie,
    TE was solid in his conviction...up until the murder charge came through. A softening of conviction would be expected afterwards, to hold firm would mean that he accepts his baby is dead. No parent ever wants to have to do that, not when there is a shred of a chance otherwise.

  13. Maggie,
    Could you give the link where Terry Elvis uses "gentleman" so I can see it in context? TIA.

  14. Think about it Maggie. The moorers have been charged with murdering Heather, Terry's oldest daughter, daddy's first princess. Murder means there's never gonna be another chance for anything ever again...and without Heather being physically found the charges are just a continuation of the nightmare the Elvis family has been living in. Its one thing to speculate and call for justice, its another to be slapped in the face with the reality of it all. Terry Elvis reminds me of john Walsh.

  15. in defense of Maggie -- why does she need to state her implication -- statement alalysis is all about noting odd language while realizing it takes a great deal more information to draw conclusions.

    and it absolutely something to notice that he now uses soft language,

    whatever the implications or lack thereof

  16. Hurting for Heather,

    Despite her age, Tammy Moorer has the emotional maturity of a teenage girl. A 42 yr old woman with a bizarre Disney fixation, a woman who would privately taunt her "rival" for her husband's affection by sending graphic photos of sexual acts to show her "ownership", who would publicly taunt her with ridiculously over the top declarations of love from her husband that she actually wrote herself posing as him, a woman at 42 that still doesn't grasp that normal people do not post all the details and photos of her family, home and even pets with no regard for safety or privacy, a woman who maliciously taunted the family of the girl she murdered with nasty Facebook posts, and give interviews with crime bloggers while under suspicion from the police. This is not your average 42 yr old woman, with common sense from life experience or maturity. To her, Heather deserved to be murdered for the threat she posed to the magical dream life she created in her mind and her family deserved to be harassed and taunted for having their suspicions that she was involved. She's a sick, twisted woman that lived in a bubble of her own making. She wouldn't know better.

  17. I think we are looking at some unexpected statements:

    a) evidence is, to my knowledge, not generally something police keep secret. when police find blood or DNA or a cell phone, etc -- that information is usually published readily. esp once they have their "man". ( I welcome examples where this is not the case - where they say we have evidence but we can't say what it is - but I can't think of any)

    b) Terry IS using soft language now that this couple is locked up. This is a fact and this is unexpected. Now -- it may simple be because he's in denial or he's in the "negotiating" phase of grief - or anything like that. But it is still reasonable to say it is unexpected especially given his previous stance.

    c) We still DO NOT know what happened to Heather. And though the police say this couple murdered her they oddly do not speak the words "we believe Heather is dead". To me this too is unexpected.

    d) Though we can think of motive -- many are still struggling to really pin down clear motive and opportunity for this couple murdering Heather. This is my weakest of points - they had enough motive and enough opportunity. But these elements are still vague and fluid, given our perception all the same. Usually these things come into focus more clearly. At least in terms of the lies surrounding the crime. We don't really see lies here, aside from the hiding/minimizing of an affair -- we see gross, strongly distateful behavior, but as far as I can tell no outright lies. At least not in the evidence we are privy to.

    …. I look at Tammy's courtroom pic & I think I don't need any other info, .that mean whithering lady did it. Out of need for power and keeping he man, -- And maybe thts exactly the truth.

    BUT I think it's very worth stating -- there's still a lot that is unclear here.

  18. Anonymous said...
    "in defense of Maggie -- why does she need to state her implication"

    My post wasn't an attack, so I don't see why Maggie needs to be defended. I'm asking because I'm curious what her suspicions are and what they're based on. I'm curious because she has posted the same observation in several posts about the case but never elaborates or clarifies why. I'm curious to hear her point of view, that's why I read the comments on this blog. She's free to choose to share that or not.

  19. Sus--Here is the link where Terry refers to SM as a "gentleman". I believe you need to watch the short video at the top to hear him say this. I will write more when I get a chance.

  20. @elf, there are no set parameters for what an open marriage involves. It's up to each couple. The things you list may apply to one couple, but may not apply to another.

    That said, I don't believe there was an open marriage based on Tammy's Facebook post (or private message whichever it was) that has been shared.

    I have doubts about the truthfulness of her claim to have had her own boyfriend. It reads to me as just an attempt to convince people she had no reason to be jealous therefore no motive. I agree it seems likely that Sidney Moorer just flat out cheated.

    1. There are lots of ways a relationship like that goes, your right. The main word is open. I don't think the moorers had an open relationship was my point. All the points I made centered around the issue of trust.


    “To the best of my knowledge, Tammy does not know Heather Elvis at all,” said defense attorney Greg McCollum, who’s representing Tammy Moorer. “I don’t think they’ve ever met.”

    That is such a weakly worded, half hearted defense, I wonder why her defense attorney even bothered giving a statement at all!

  22. CarlaP said...
    Anonymous said...
    "in defense of Maggie -- why does she need to state her implication"

    My post wasn't an attack, so I don't see why Maggie needs to be defended. I'm asking because I'm curious what her suspicions are and what they're based on. I'm curious because she has posted the same observation in several posts about the case but never elaborates or clarifies why. I'm curious to hear her point of view, that's why I read the comments on this blog. She's free to choose to share that or not.

    - my misentrepretation. thanks for clarifying.

  23. guess I said "in defense" because I still hold out a sliver of suspicion of Terry. and when I post anything about it I feel I'm seen as doing something sacreligious. I can handle it -- I just feel a bit defensive on topic too. I want to say ITS ok to look at Terry with a warry eye, doesn't mean I don't respect the tragedy.

  24. Carla--I'm not offended! I want to respond a little more in depth, but I don't have much time right now.
    My feelings are this case MAY be more complicated than it appears in terms of the other young woman who went missing 1month after Heather--is there a connection?
    But as far as Terry goes, I am trying to stay within statement analysis, and I believe I am when I say some of his language is unexpected. I feel something is "off" about him. Peter had pointed out to me that Terry is a poetic type of person and this explains some of his writings, and I agree, and this has helped me to understand his writings better.
    Where I am at when looking at the case is thst there are some subtle attitudes that he expresses that I do not totally understand.
    Sticking with this thread, I think that it is very understandable Terry would not feel 'OK, LE has Sidney and Tammy--everything's great now'. No, he still does not have Heather back, so the frustration is understandable. However, what I dont understand is that he had been demanding from the depths of his spirit that these 2 be held accountable by the law on findheatherelvis. As soon as these 2 are locked up and charged fully with the crime, Terry becomes much less passionate about them being held accountable. On the video attached to the link I posted, he makes a comment (going on memory here) to the effect of if Heather is unharmed, they can let SM and TM loose for all he cares. I don't get that! If a person has burning and seething hatred for someone (and if I were him I would feel that way towards SM and TM) how do you just suddenly not feel it anymore?? He wanted hellfire to rain down on them (understandably!) but now he does not? I don't get it.

    1. I can see your POV, and only want to offer an alternative you may not have considered. (From personal exp) heart holds hope even when your head has given up. His calling of gentleman seemed more to me of his head giving up all hope as he struggles with his heart to keep hope alive. In desperation he hopes being nice can change what his head is saying true... if he calls him a gentleman, maybe, just maybe his baby will come home.... desperation.

  25. specifically I think -- Terry's soft language COULD mean he doesn't actually believe this couple is guilty. That he has knowledge that proves otherwise. and therefore he has info relavant to whatever did happen - that he is hiding.

    Is that what it means?? Very likely it's not, given the wealth of other information pointing to - otherwise. but that is what soft language is often an indication of.

  26. Maggie,
    Thanks for the link.

    I do not hear "soft" language from Terry Elvis.

    I hear the same thing he's been saying since Heather went missing, "Someone tell me where my daughter is!"

  27. CarlaP, this was an interesting article you posted a link to; it's the most statements from the Moorer's lawyers I have read yet.

    Snipped from the article:
    Sidney Moorer’s attorney T. Kirk Truslow is calling the case a rush to judgment.
    “Sidney has no connection to, nor knowledge of, any facts surrounding the disappearance of Heather Elvis,” Truslow said in a statement. “I firmly believe Sidney will be completely exonerated.”
    Tammy Moorer is hoping to clear her name as well.
    “To the best of my knowledge, Tammy does not know Heather Elvis at all,” said defense attorney Greg McCollum, who’s representing Tammy Moorer. “I don’t think they’ve ever met.”
    The Moorers’ three children are now living with relatives.
    For Terry Elvis, the new charges are a small victory. But he remains focused on his daughter’s safety.
    “If Heather is safe and unharmed, I don’t care what they do to them,” he said. “They can turn [the Moorers] loose. I really don’t care.”

  28. Why is "where is Heather" last line by Grace, underlined? I am missing something? TIA

  29. Maggie,

    I'm glad you elaborated, I've had similar thoughts. Yesterday you made a point that made me look at the other missing woman in a different light, despite the close timing/location, I had not considered the connection.

  30. Anon@2:50--Well said. There could be a lot of things going on in this case's undercurrents that we don't know yet, and may never know.

  31. CarlaP--No problem. Part of my confusion is summed up well by the anonymous poster who is asking why LE is not disclosing any info about their evidence. I too am wondering if there are other cases where LE has done this. Usually they do not have a problem stating what they have found.
    Sus--Thank you, that was a helpful point you made that legal posturing involves the whole thing--I especially can appreciate Terry being angered by the Moorer's lawyers' statements.

  32. @Maggie- When he says "gentleman"...perhaps it is because before he calls him a gentleman, he says Heather had had a "relationship" with this gentleman..... I wonder if he called him a gentleman, based on the fact that his daughter had a "relationship" with him. Most fathers would like to think their daughters would only date gentlemen?? Just a thought, I had.

  33. Anonymous Amaleen6 said...
    Anon@2:50--Well said. There could be a lot of things going on in this case's undercurrents that we don't know yet, and may never know.

    February 26, 2014 at 3:57 PM

    thanks - agreed. Am i ever curious to know them tho!! :)

  34. Sella,

    I underlined it as it is the theme.

    The police attempted to avoid answering a question, but in a sense, did, and that "Where is Heather" remains the dominant (sensitive) theme.

    You didn't miss anything.


  35. Sella35-- that's an interesting point about "gentleman"

    what I got most hung up on was that his ~first thing to say was -- if heather is found - you can let them go I don't care.

    it's hard for me to understand this. I would think he'd say --- tell me where heather is. full stop. why would he take it upon himself to offer this couples release? just when so much on his part as well as police went into arresting them, it's so weird to me.

  36. @Peter, thanks for the reply, that is why I thought you underlined it, but I wanted to make sure.

  37. @anon 4:26pm, I don't think he said if Heather is found,you can let them go, I do not care.

    I took it as he said, "IF Heather is safe, unharmed..then he does not care about justice on the kidnapping charge."

    I think any parent would feel the same, if your child is missing and someone was charged with kidnapping, you would just want the safe return of a live,unharmed child.

    It does not seem to me that there is anything malicious or deceptive about a parent wanting their child returned safe and unharmed, and not caring about future consequences of the offending people.

  38. I looked at the videoo. I do think as Sella35 says, that Terry references Sidney as a gentleman in direct reference to a relationship with his daughter.

    Terry said he did not know. What is the discrepancy?

  39. Anon 4:26p was the fathers remark taped before the ADDED murder charge? I think I remember see the video utube of this before the murder charge. I do advise everyone to watch it.. Tammy's lawyer looks like he is really forcing himself to say Tammy's statement. He goes body language crazy!!

    1. Yes Jersey Jane,

      Terry Elvis made that statement after the kidnapping charges, and before the murder charges.

  40. I'll search where I've seen it, but I'm certain I read Heather was officially reported missing the night of the 19th after she didn't show up to work.

    It then made sense to me that Terry would speak to her co-workers.

    As for Terry going through Heather's phone "records"...he has to mean her bill and before she was reported missing. He wouldn't have access to any other and LE would have gone through and would have seen that after the report...just two plus two.

    Again, I'll check for the date.

  41. the giving of names (sidney included) to police by Terry occured on the 17th according to the police report, the report was filed on the 19th but the events described are noted as happening on the 17th. if it was a later date that Terry gave the names -- it would have been noted as such. Police records are diligent about stating the date that information is aquired,

  42. They found the car 1-2 days after she had been taken. Even if her father gave the police the name of Sidney Moorer at the time the car was found, he had plenty of time to have been checking Heather's phone records and asking her friends where she was, who she might have been with, and who the number belonged to. There is no reason to believe Terry Ellis is not being truthful in saying that he did not know of the relationship. The video is clearly cut right in the middle of his statement that he didn't know. I believe he was saying that he didn't know of the relationship prior to Heather's disappearance. He found out about it by talking to her friends and coworkers after she disappeared.

  43. Tammy's rant on Facebook is so very important..
    I think the 3 times(sex with Heather) was Sidney's lie..

    Now, get this thought... Did Tammy make Sidney make love to her at those 2 locations that they got charged for indecent exposure(whatever charge was called)??

    Then the third place was the boat ramp area.. I don't believe tapes are at boat ramp area. I believe the direct evidence there is something else.
    In an ABC interview( one of first national interview) Heather's pop said the boat ramp was a special place to go to and think there... So I would probably believe it became special to Heather and Sidney.

    I don't see what I type so Elf, Jen Ow, Maggie, Rob,u guys seem to figure me out and bring what I'm thinking to life, so go for it, if u see a possibility..
    The rant holds many secrets to the truth..sounds like some possibilties of planning Heathers death. I can believe this Tammy would try to cancel out her husband's betrayal this way.. The rant shows Tammy stalked heather be watching her Twitter, etc so I believe tammy did a tracking to eliminate Heather and to cancel out in her sick head the real affair like it never happened... And poof they are all good at Valentines and funny Tammy is suddenly asking for Sidney to erase her slip back into her Rockstar lifestyle..... I hope my fellow SA posters here can figure out my writings here. Thanks.

  44. it does have 19th written on the report -- but only as date filed, the 17th is written as date events in the report occured.

  45. Is there any uncut video somewhere? I only see a link to this one

  46. Regarding the date the names being given as the 17th. How could that be possible? She didn't go missing until the early am on the 18th.

  47. 'Terry said the day and a half leading up to Heather's car being found were "normal" and he had no idea what was about to "hit him"'

    Do you have anything to back that claim up? I've not seen that.

  48. @elf and Anon @ 3:15,

    Re open marriage

    I admit I haven't read every post about the Moorers/Heather Elvis, but I do remember in the beginning there being reference to Tammy's "groupie" lifestyle before she settled down with a younger Sidney.

    My impression is that there was an "open marriage" (quotes making the reference questionable) in that Tammy appeared more worldly and experience and he being a "young pup" and her insecurity was masked as "open marriage". I'm thinking Tammy "allowing" Sidney a dally here 'n there, made her feel in control so that if he did stray, it was a one-time thing but she still got to keep him. All she probably ever did was flirt, herself, and most likely in front of him, so it appeared they were "open" (and that she always went back to him... so an act.) I say that because the early pics showed her with her arm possessively crooked around his neck like a football. (arm tightly around his neck PULLING him to her cheek and it looks like she's making him kiss her cheek even if he is smiling). Like it was her idea, not something spontaneous that happened of his own accord.

    My impression is that her "worldly behaviour"/bravado was a mask for her insecurity.


    1. Or maybe the relationship became open when she got caught cheating (the incident Tammy mentioned in her Valentine's day post).

  49. @JerseyJane. The rant on Facebook doesn't prove Tammy Moorer was stalking Heather prior to her disappearance. It proves TM at one point read the contents of Heather's social media. (And seems to have been heavily invested in it.) But there's no way to know definitively if that was before or after Heather's disappearance.

  50. ... and that her generosity (him) came back and bit her in the behind.

  51. "As for Terry going through Heather's phone "records"...he has to mean her bill and before she was reported missing. He wouldn't have access to any other and LE would have gone through"

    Most cell phone companies have a it online where you can check your call records and calls show up almost immediately or within a few hours after the call. If she had one of those carriers and her father could log into the account, he could have easily looked at her call records.

  52. Cindy, I'm also of the opinion that TM stalked Heather. Big time. Not only does she refer to times of happenings (lied about them), she made references to the number of times SM "banged" Heather - and where - in a disparaging manner. Why would she even reference that kind of information/how would she know unless she was following/spying on them. If she wasn't stalking it wouldn't be top of mind.

    I used to work with a girl who stalked her ex. She delegated most of her work to me (I reported to her) and spent the better part of the day gossiping to her girlfriends about what she witnessed him doing the night before.. who he was with, where they went, etc., how much gas she burned following him and his friends (and girlfriend).

    Women don't recant number of hook-ups and where unless they *know* what they're are talking about... and in TM's case, feel a need to minimize what was between her husband and another (much younger and prettier) woman because she saw for herself how smitten her husband was.


  53. my feeling is if Terry really didn't know about affair until after knowing she was missing -- it would have been a discovery that would have shocked him and he would have expressed it,. and he would not have named this other ex at the same time -- his mind would have been consumed with this new discovery.

    also -- he wouldn't have waited to mention the other ex.

    he told the police about both men when they discovered the car. -- later he found the phone records and then also told police about ohone records -- . but giving the name and telling about the phone records happened separately.

    I don't see how his saying he didn't know about the affair, could be truthful.

  54. Nic, You could be right that TM stalked Heather. I'm not arguing for or or against that. Just pointing out that knowledge of what's in Heather's twitter and tumblr in the Facebook post does not itself show that she was stalking Heather since she could have obtained the knowledge of the contents of Heather's social media after Heather went missing.

    imo, it does show she has a lot of anger toward Heather. She claims her anger is due to her being harassed and the safety of her children. Despite the fact that the missing girl had no direct part of that, the majority of her anger is directed toward Heather rather than the people directly responsible for what she claims to be angry about.

  55. I can see you found the report. It is dated the 19th. This is when Heather was reported missing. It is a narrative of events from the 18th and 19th with no times being given when entities were named. The only thing I take from this is the time the officer got the report on the car.

  56. Cindy ---

    this is where is sais everything was normal and he didn't know what was about to hit him and he didn't have the slightest clue anything was wrong.

    so from his own statenent we can assume he did no sleuthing that would lead to discovering about affair in this time

  57. From the Find Heather Elvis Facebook page--a poem from her dad:

    Terry Elvis

    You can throw your rocks and hide your hand
    You can work in the darkness against your fellow man
    We all know God made both black and white He promises us
    "What's done in the dark will be brought into the light"
    Men do evil from the beginning of time
    Life is cruel even when we put it to rhyme
    Smiles are faked by those who deceive us day by day
    God allows them to have their way
    The price of sin has long been told
    Cast your rocks as the price unfolds
    Seek His face to escape His wrath
    For to walk with God you must walk His path.
    I have seen the darkness as it drew me near
    I have danced with evil as it stoked my fear
    The road to redemption is clearly seen
    Check your hands and heart, make sure they are clean
    God accepts us for who we are
    He knows the mark we all miss by so far
    There is room for all in the Kingdom He built
    Confess your sins and shed your guilt
    Time is fleeting, it screams by without a care
    Cling to grace and his mercy, it is always there
    Lord protect and comfort us as these days progress
    Shine your guiding light that we might not digress
    Let multitudes of angel wings comfort our child
    Hear our wishes and prayers and words spoken mild
    Lord bring Heather home I beg once more
    Grant us the peace we all cry for.

  58. Anon - Thanks for the link.

    I think you might either be remembering the content of the police report wrong or looking at a different one than I just found or one without the stuff blacked out.

    It says 17th was the date that Terry Elvis last heard from his daughter. On the date entered (19th), the officer called TE to let him know of the car. TE talked to the guy HE had a date with. And the officer escorted TE to the car. There is no mention of TE telling the officer about Sidney Moorer.

    If TE did tell the officer about Moorer, he could have found out about that between when the officer called and arriving at the landing. The police report states that TE talked to the guy Heather had a date with. It's in the realm of possibility that he spoke to other friends and coworkers of hers as well in that time and at that point found out about Moorer.

  59. Tammy Moorer's FB post was more than anger, more than a rant. With that post she displayed the RAGE she is capable of.

    What does a narcissist rage about? LOSS OF CONTROL. Tammy Moorer could not get Heather Elvis, and possibly her husband under her control.

    There is no doubt in my mind that Tammy has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. She lives in a fantasy world of her making...where she is queen and rules with an iron fist. She isolated her husband from his family. I understand he no longer sees them. They live on her father's compound. Sidney "owns his own company" and their children are home-schooled. All the better so they answer to no one but Tammy. They can all go to Disney land 40 days out of the year.

    My question is what brought it to a head the morning of December 18th? If Sidney was back in Tammy's control and if Heather had moved on, Tammy's rage should have subsided. Unless it was exactly like the roommate said...Sidney wanted to leave Tammy for Heather.

    That would definitely make her feel out of control and go from the "getting him back with sex" to RAGE.

  60. Quick corrections after rereading the report. The officer went to TE's address. I said he called him before.

    At some point prior to the report being written, TE (entity 1 on the report) spoke to the the date (entity 2). It's not clear whether that was before arriving at the boat landing or after. But presumably it was sometime on the 19th when the report was written, since TE would have no reason to talk to the date prior to finding out Heather was missing. During the same time period he spoke to the date he may have spoken to Heather's other friends and coworkers.

  61. Cindy said...
    Anon - Thanks for the link.

    I think you might either be remembering the content of the police report wrong or looking at a different one than I just found or one without the stuff blacked out.

    It says 17th was the date that Terry Elvis last heard from his daughter. On the date entered (19th), the officer called TE to let him know of the car. TE talked to the guy HE had a date with. And the officer escorted TE to the car. There is no mention of TE telling the officer about Sidney Moorer.

    If TE did tell the officer about Moorer, he could have found out about that between when the officer called and arriving at the landing. The police report states that TE talked to the guy Heather had a date with. It's in the realm of possibility that he spoke to other friends and coworkers of hers as well in that time and at that point found out about Moorer.


    I believe it is in the blackened part, ugh -- I know it's hard to find,

    but yes -- you may be right about the way they wrote the dates and I may have misread them,

    but it was for sure early on with the car that he said the two names -- written under the back out, -- there are copies out there,.

    I find it highly unlikeky that he discovered about the affair in that moment and never mentioned the drama of that discovery. I'd be temped to say it's not possible given his personality. if he had discovered it rightthen and there -- would he not have driven to the moorers house as his next course of action? he did no such thing he in fact didn't even drive to heathers apartment.

  62. Cindy I disagree, tammy explicitly states that she monitored heathers social media accounts. She says over the past few weeks 4 months went missing from her twitter account. She would not know this had she not monitored her account over "the past few weeks"

  63. Anyone know the date of the FB rant?

  64. Iva - You don't have to view social media accounts in real time to know what has been posted on them in the past. She claims that 4 months of posts has gone missing. That means at the time she posted the comment to Facebook, she was familiar with the contents of Heather's twitter. Unless she made that post on Facebook the day of Heather's disappearance, she could have looked at Heather's posts at any time between the disappearance and posting the Facebook message. She did not necessarily view the twitter posts before Heather's disappearance.

    I'm not saying that TM didn't monitor HE's accounts prior to her disappearance. Just that what she said is not evidence that she did.

    What she said does make me believe she's guilty, and in full context, it gives me the feeling that she probably was stalking Heather's social media before her disappearance. But's it's not proof of that. Something that makes you have a feeling or gut instinct of a certain thing is not the same as something showing/proving that thing.

  65. Anon - Hm. Yeah the only copies I found had the same stuff blacked out.

    Can't speak to how Terry Elvis would or wouldn't have reacted at finding out his daughter had been involved with a married man. I don't know him personally. In my opinion, an average person would have passed that information on to the police at that point. Just the info that your daughter might be having a relationship with a married man alone doesn't seem to me like something that would make the average person go vigilante. But it depends on the person.

  66. oh in John's post at the top -- the Nancy grace article -- it says Terry say he had never heard of Sidney Moorer until searching phone records and googling the number. So Terry himself -- states by inferrence that he did not know about Moorer at the landing.

    This just doesn't gel,

    esp as in the video he says he learned of affair thtough friends and co-workers.

    none of that makes sense -- he gave the name at the same time as he gave the former ex's name -- that story came out before the phone records story.

  67. Anonymous Cindy said...
    Anon - Hm. Yeah the only copies I found had the same stuff blacked out.

    Can't speak to how Terry Elvis would or wouldn't have reacted at finding out his daughter had been involved with a married man. I don't know him personally. In my opinion, an average person would have passed that information on to the police at that point. Just the info that your daughter might be having a relationship with a married man alone doesn't seem to me like something that would make the average person go vigilante. But it depends on the person.

    February 26, 2014 at 7:49 PM


    maybe we can try process of elimination. I am not perfect and my memory can surely be flawed, but I'm sssoooo sure that that is the information under that black marker,. and is exactly why it is blacked out -- because it contained the personal info of the two men .

    but--- to prove or disprove it another way -- how else did this info about the two men get passed tyo police -- is there ANY account of it happening at a later time or some other way…?

  68. Without the full context of what's blacked out though, even if SM is mentioned in the report, there's no way to know when his name was given. (Even with the full context it might not specifically mention when the name was given. As it doesn't mention when TE spoke to the date.) It's possible that after being notified of the found car, TE logged into the phone's online account to get phone records and talked to her friends and coworkers. He could have done this prior to going to the landing.

    I don't see a motive for TE to lie about whether or not he knew of the relationship before Heather's disappearance. So without seeing anything in the report that contradicts the claim, I can't find him to be lying.

  69. Cindy-
    The Internet brings a whole new definition to the word,'stalking'.
    Tammy was able to acquire close to a year's worth of info on Heather and only be on the computer once, if she chose. Naturally, it's possible.
    I see Tammy being on the computer more than once. She says over the past few weeks 4 months went missing from her twitter account. She would not know this had she not monitored her account over "the past few weeks".< with this statement Tammy would have to be on it at the very least a second time( a few weeks after the first time to see the 4 months missing).
    If she isn't 'stalking' (cuz the word is outdated), Tammy is sure as hell, is analysizing Heather's business and making it hers. It's the "MAKING IT HERS" that is the new age stalking. Today u can be where others are without even leaving ur own house. Some in today's society give you a minute by minute with video, pics, and locate to boot..
    You so right, Iva, Sus....

  70. I do understand that there is a possibility he used the word "gentleman" out of respect for his daughter having had a relationship with him, however, he has every reason to hate this man, has professed to so much as hating him, calling for justice against the Moorers, so it stretches expectations of what I would expect him to say.
    In reference to the poem Amaleen posted, I am just going to come out and say it, I don't get it. I don't understand the constant religious references and imagery, good wrestling evil, within this particular poem it seems he is talking to someone else wrestling evil, man in general wrestling, he himself wrestling evil and then somehow concludes the poem with comforting imagery. As someone who was raised completely immersed in the Catholic church, I really believe these types of religious images have a place in writing, when used a little more sparingly...hate me if you will but this full immersion in religious imagery, particularly since it does not make a lot of sense, just does not seem sincere.

  71. elf said...
    Or maybe the relationship became open when she got caught cheating (the incident Tammy mentioned in her Valentine's day post).

    February 26, 2014 at 8:56 PM

    It's a theory but I don't think TM's cheating (in 2009) ever happened. It was such a weird time to mention it, especially publicly. I think the Valentine's Day posts were ALL written about TM and the info about hr cheating in 2009 was a way to save face and to try to portray SM as a dedicated family man who would never leave his "hot blonde wife" no matter what. I believe that the social media posts going back to as late as October were all orchestrated by TM. Not saying that she was planning to kill Heather as far back as that, but those loving messages were directed at Heather -- TM knew she would see them.

  72. I want to clarify what I said about the poem: why does he keep focusing on the redemption of the evil-doers soul? I don't get how this should be a priority for him. His daughter is missing and I just dont see why he is focused on the evil person's relationship with God, whether the evil-doer can see "God's face", etc. I just don't get it!

  73. I believe that Elf. After Tammy came back from her falling back into her "Rockstar LifeStyle"..< damn that's funny!!! It may have became the open marriage.

    Only problem, I think Tammy forgot to tell Sidney he wasn't "allowed" to play "open marriage". <funny but not

    I say "allowed" cuz Tammy repeatedly said in her last post she "allowed" the LE to search her home, her Dad's home, her Disney trailer, etc etc..... Remember the queen has spoken.. I would be very surprised if Sidney was the main force behind Heather's missing/murder.

  74. Oh wow. On the state vs Sidney and tammy moorer FB page there is a lady talking about the detectives called her to tell her about tammy sexting her teenage son. It is under the screen shot post about Tammy's aunt I think!

  75. I want to apologize for what I wrote about the poem. I think my feelings about the poem are based on my feelings that a poem like that is not going to touch an evil person's heart, and I don't see how anyone who is being faced with evil could think it would. The poem may be sincere, but I guess it is just frustrating to read it knowing that an evil person would not care at all about the content of the poem or be moved in any way to do the right thing by reading the poem.

  76. Here is the link to ‎The State of South Carolina vs Sidney and Tammy Moorer:

    Also, here is an interesting link to an article about the Moorers:

  77. I should have written, Here is the link to ‎The State of South Carolina vs Sidney and Tammy Moorer screen shot of the post anon at 9:44pm is referring to :)

    1. Thank you for posting the link, I couldn't figure out how..

  78. Nancy Grace ran the red light and asked again, "is that the evidence...?"referring to the evidence in the home rather than the surveillance tape.

    Just an observation, whenever I read NG transcripts I'm amazed at how little is actually said, it sounds like rehash of the same few bits. Her questions are often confusing,sometimes compound, and rarely does the person get a chance to fully answer without being interrupted. She used to be an attorney? I would find it hard to watch.
    However, she did get the LT to give up the info on the evidence from the house and the murder ones. That was pretty slick!
    I wonder what the multiple pieces of evidence are?
    I was reading TM's Disboard trip report where she spoke of her history and posted some pics. Some from when she was much younger, she was quite beautiful with high cheekbones and lovely skin. I think something happened that she aged so badly . She is only 41 or 42, yet looks...I don't know, hard. Maybe it is that the eyes are the windows of the soul and what shines out affects all of her?

    Where is Heather?

  79. Hi Maggie-

    I have a thought about the term gentleman being used by Terry Elvis about SM. I see it as a 'more flies with honey' issue. Even if he doesn't expect his language to impress SM, he needs the continued support of the community, and media to find Heather.

    Terry Elvis is making a public statement, so his language MUST be softened and censored, otherwise he will appear less credible, and his comments will be unable to be aired/published. The media will not continue to cover the case if they cannot obtain usable interviews/footage.

    Imagine what TE, would call SM if he didn't censor himself. Likely, most of the words would be vulgar, and therefore a turn off to his supporters. While he is saying, 'relationship with this gentleman'..he is likely thinking, 'relationship with that f-ing womanizing POS bxstard". However, if he said that, his entire message would be lost due to the poor delivery.

    Just a possibility to consider!

  80. Maggie I believe we will see a LARGE can of worms opened in terms of the Moorer's involvement in far more sinister situations than one might want to imagine.

    Rumors are floating that a woman is claiming TM sent nude photos to her underaged son using SM's phone on or close to the day Heather disappeared. When I saw the first rant TM made about Heather and then their over the top Disney "obsession" it REALLY made me go UH OH!!!!

    As for TE's softened language, I think maybe he was holding out hope that his pressurized comments would make SM give up the info on where his daughter is. Now they are in custody and still aren't telling anything. :(

  81. JerseyJane - how does TM saying she's viewed HE's twitter account over a few weeks prove that those few weeks were prior to HE's disappearance? If it had been posted within a few weeks of Heather's disappearance, then yes that would be proof she viewed Heather's social media before her disappearance. But I have not seen a date on it. Without a date, it doesn't prove anything.

    I do think the anger directed at Heather in that post (rather than the people who she alleged were harassing her) suggests (though doesn't prove) that, contrary to her claims, TM knew Heather and knew of the affair before Heather's disappearance. If a woman you didn't know were missing and you found out your husband had been sleeping with the missing woman, I don't think a normal person would have so much anger or so many insults directed at the missing woman.

  82. PS
    Today I am proud to be a South Carolinian! Some of the things LE are doing differently in terms of not releasing info just may be the VERY thing that brings success in this prosecution. I applaud them for being brave enough to try! I hope someone can reach the Moorer's SOON and tell us where Heather is!

  83. Maggie, i love you. good work.

  84. Cindy-
    the answer to ur first paragraph- In the rant Tammy said and " she has since gone missing". The word 'since' and of course, Tammy saying she is missing in the rant.

    your second paragraph- I agree, you are so right, no normal person would publicly display such disgusting word usage about a missing person that they claim they never knew about.

  85. I hear ya Maggie.
    I heard Mr Elvis describe his daughter, Heather as artistic in an interview. Right away, it gave me some peace to think that this was a trait they both shared. It opened my eyes to the comfort he must get trying to communicate with his daughter on their shared artistic level. It is his personal parental call to his lost child.

    I hope this helps, Maggie, for I found myself confused with some of Mr. Elvis myself. I ache for him, I was just confused til he mentioned her artistic abilities at the top of the list to describe Heather.

    ^^^^By JerseyJane

  86. @maggie

    I can see your POV, and only want to offer an alternative you may not have considered. (From personal exp) heart holds hope even when your head has given up. His calling of gentleman seemed more to me of his head giving up all hope as he struggles with his heart to keep hope alive. In desperation he hopes being nice can change what his head is saying true... if he calls him a gentleman, maybe, just maybe his baby will come home.... desperation.

  87. The earliest reference to this FB rant I could find was January 17th. One month after she went missing... So yes it is possible she didn't snoop/sleuth heathers social media until after she went missing... Directly after she went missing. Is she insinuating another person deleted 4 months of twitter posts? Can anyone confirm this? To me this seems pertinent, what was deleted by whom and for what purpose? If no one besides Heather edited her posts than this means Heather did and her sleuthing occurred before Heather went missing. Again I believe this rant was orchestrated to make her appear not guilty. For someone that is guilty and frequently posts on social media I'm sure she thought "if I didn't do it what would I say?" Well I'd let everyone know I was pissed about the affair, tell everyone she's crazy--check out her twitter, she's nuts, and there was more crazy stuff on there but it's gone--and because "I didn't do anything" I'm free to be pissed off

  88. Anonymous Cindy said...
    Without the full context of what's blacked out though, even if SM is mentioned in the report, there's no way to know when his name was given. (Even with the full context it might not specifically mention when the name was given. As it doesn't mention when TE spoke to the date.) It's possible that after being notified of the found car, TE logged into the phone's online account to get phone records and talked to her friends and coworkers. He could have done this prior to going to the landing.

    I don't see a motive for TE to lie about whether or not he knew of the relationship before Heather's disappearance. So without seeing anything in the report that contradicts the claim, I can't find him to be lying.


    As Terry tells it in his personal account -- same article I posted above where he says his day was normal -- he went directly to the boat landing with the cops - stopping only to "grab the extra keys". Theres is no room in his story for this discovery of the affair before he got to the car.

    the report states that he gave the policer two names -- the old boyfriend and Sidney. at the very latest he gave these names on (or before) the 19th - when the report was filed.

    but he does not discuss going through phone records in that report. some time later - perhaps days or a week or so he relayed the discovery of the late night texts. but the sharing of the two names happened before the information about the texts going on all night. However in the interview JOhn posted up above Terry states he did not know of Sidney until googling his number by looking at the phone records.

    You can say he has no motive to lie and so therefore he's not lying. but I disagree with that logic. I think there is clearly a discrepency in his statements and I want to know the reason for this discrepency.

  89. Kristie Hurley said
    I can see your POV, and only want to offer an alternative you may not have considered. (From personal exp) heart holds hope even when your head has given up. His calling of gentleman seemed more to me of his head giving up all hope as he struggles with his heart to keep hope alive. In desperation he hopes being nice can change what his head is saying true... if he calls him a gentleman, maybe, just maybe his baby will come home.... desperation.

    I tend to agree but fear his hope will dissapate soon. I hope he surrounds himself with people who truly care about him for they can give him the strength to accept his tragic situation. I feel he is a time bomb ticking away and when the explosion occurs, he is going to need prayer and guidance.

    The old adage holds true today. "Beware the fury of a patient man"

  90. Horry County Police say that Sidney Moorer, age 38, had a relationship with Heather Elvis and was listed on the original police report when the young woman went missing. It's not clear if the relationship was over before Elvis vanished on Dec. 18., the night that police say the couple killed her.

    This is from the article referenced earlier. I didn't know the police revealed when they suspect Heather was killed.

    1. thank you for among other things verifying that original police report included sidneys name.

  91. Kellie Sue,
    Finally a reason to be proud to be from SC! In so many ways, we are so backward, but I do love SC!

    Two things keep bugging me about this:
    1. In the lowcountry, gators are in every body of water. I think this boatramp is probably brackish water If you don't assume so, then you could be in big trouble. Why hasn't anyone mentioned that the Moorers could have killed Heather right there at the boatramp and put her body in the water? I know they searched there with dogs, but so many variables are in play as to whether the dogs will be successful or not.

    2. Cameras on every inch of the Moorers property. Why? What was going on in or around their house where they needed that much security? I would love the answer to that one.

    I hope they find Heather, so the Elvis family can get some peace. The gator comment on my part isn't meant to be heartless. It just seems like an obvious choice to me, since they were at the boatlanding.

  92. kristi hurley said...
    I can see your POV, and only want to offer an alternative you may not have considered. (From personal exp) heart holds hope even when your head has given up. His calling of gentleman seemed more to me of his head giving up all hope as he struggles with his heart to keep hope alive. In desperation he hopes being nice can change what his head is saying true... if he calls him a gentleman, maybe, just maybe his baby will come home.... desperation.

    February 26, 2014 at 6:57 PM

    Beautifully written, Kristi. You were able to put feelings into words that I never could. From my own personal experience, I understood them completely.

  93. The prosecutor says it's not going to be a death penalty case. This is an indication that the evidence they have is not air-tight.

    This doesn't feel like an end to me. I don't feel that tied up with a bow - conclusion feeling.

    I feel like the moorers got arrested primarily because the community believed they were guilty and the police wanted to appease the community.

    There is a good chance they are guilty. but I think a chance still remains they are not guilty and there is still something else to discover.

  94. did they discover/go down to the car on pechtree landnig in the morning or at night??

    In Terry's personal account story he says it was dark out,

    but I thought it had been in the morning.

  95. Anonymous said...
    did they discover/go down to the car on pechtree landnig in the morning or at night??

    In Terry's personal account story he says it was dark out,

    but I thought it had been in the morning.
    February 27, 2014 at 12:02 PM

    Terry's "personal account story" ?

    Not, "Terry's account"?

    "personal" and "story" are added.

    A bit of self analysis:

    What does the addition of these two words indicate regarding your thinking?


  96. They indicate that I feel he is telling his personal account in story form.

    I could have written "his personal account story narrative version" …

    but I thought that might be overkill.

    do you find it not to be his personal account story? he includes all sorts of internal voice and objective emotional reflections -- his account is not just a clinical list of events -- it is personal, it is an account and it very much reads like a story.

    also I didn't want to go find the link to the story so I wanted to be specific in what I was refferencing.

    but you are right!! I do have feelings about Terry that are reflected in my language,


    what i called a personal account story

  98. Peter --- I know you feel strongly that Terry is deserving if great respect and sympathy. I feel more distance. He continues to speak words that make me do a double take. I realize this could be taken as offensive, I mean no offense. I do want to ask - and make posts about these thoughts though -- I'm so curious what others have to say about these specific things I notice.

    For example -- Terry recently said that he did not learn about Sidney until he looked up the phone records and saw all those late night calls and googled the number. But the initial police report contained both Sidney's info and the other former boyfriend info -- and these two names were said to be given to police by Terry at the landing at the discovery of the car.

    I don't understand how both things could be true.

    does it make sense to you?

  99. My feeling is if he was able to give poloce two names of men she was involved with who may be suspects -- he had to have know about the affair prior to going to the landing.

    but he did not do research on the phone data prior to going to the landing because he had no reason to suspect anything was wrong.

    On camera he says he didn't know about the affair. But he doesn't say at what point in time he is reffering to. And I wonder if the moment of discovery was prior to when he in describing.

  100. Anonymous February 27, 2014 at 12:01 PM said...

    The prosecutor says it's not going to be a death penalty case. This is an indication that the evidence they have is not air-tight.


    Or they could be avoiding one of the mistakes I believe was made in the Caylee Anthony tragedy. By not making over the top charges, (while they may have been true most people could not wrap their minds around that sort of cruelty by a mother) or going for the throat by pursuing the death penalty, they stand a much better chance of successfully prosecuting this case.

  101. The reason this issue sticks out to me -- when he learned about the affair -- is because I can'y imagine it not going a huge deal to a father, esp Terry, to discover his 20 yr old daughter is involved with a married man -- his own age! I feel this would be hugely distressing. And the possibility that comes to my mind is that the moorers were bullying Heather the night she dissapeared -- driving her to such a state of distress that calling her roommate was not enough and dhe went to her father for help. but in the process of telling her father what the crisis was -- she revealed how deep her feelings were, the nature of the physical relationship and how negatively entangled she was with this married 38 yr old man, and his wife. spurring whatever kind of harassment she was getting that night. My "thought" is that this information was too much for Terry to hear and he was overcome with blind rage towards Heather for her behavior. Ad so that when Terry says he believes Heather may have been betrayed by someboody she knew and trusted -- he means this very specifically. And the fact that he says -- I didn't know about the affair -- it's "true" because he didn't know until that night -- but it was Heather who told him and that's why he knew when he went to the landing.

    I hope this doesn't get immediately deleated, I absolutely admit it is complete conjecture and there is no proof of this whatsover. But I wonder about it all the same. I feel we should consider all possibilities and use logic and evidence to eliminate them. I wonder how we can be sure this is not what happened. I wonder what the evidence the police have -- -is it literally conclusive of murder? Or only conclusive of harassment and therefore they drew the conclusion of murder.

    I think it's very normal every time somebody goes missing and is presumed murdered to consider how everybody in their inner circle could be responsible. I don't think it's disrespectful. I think it's if anything respectful to be diligently inquisitive. --- and it's just a thought --- it's a personsal story version of my own -- that came to mind -- trying to make the discrepencies I see make sense.

  102. shmi said...

    2. Cameras on every inch of the Moorers property. Why? What was going on in or around their house where they needed that much security? I would love the answer to that one.

    I hope they find Heather, so the Elvis family can get some peace. The gator comment on my part isn't meant to be heartless. It just seems like an obvious choice to me, since they were at the boatlanding.

    February 27, 2014 at 10:18 AM


    Yes shmi, some of that "backwards" thinking may not be so backwards after all. :)

    As for the cameras on the Moorer's property I believe the Moorer's were into much more devilment than anyone can imagine. It would be interesting to know when the cameras were installed.

    And YES! The Elvis family needs relief. WHERE IS HEATHER??

  103. Kellie Sue said...
    Anonymous February 27, 2014 at 12:01 PM said...

    The prosecutor says it's not going to be a death penalty case. This is an indication that the evidence they have is not air-tight.


    Or they could be avoiding one of the mistakes I believe was made in the Caylee Anthony tragedy. By not making over the top charges, (while they may have been true most people could not wrap their minds around that sort of cruelty by a mother) or going for the throat by pursuing the death penalty, they stand a much better chance of successfully prosecuting this case.


    true. agreed. thats possible. but I think if that were their only hesitation I would expect they would at least still posture for a while . I'd expect that If the evidence were strong they would at least let the threat of death penalty loom as a possability before the defendents even pled to the charges -- keeping death penality as an option would help them in getting the other side to cop a deal before even going to trial. I believe that's basic legal/ negotiating strategy. you don't admit you're not coming full force before the other side has even placed their first bet. IMO/ I wouldn't think -- unless you really know you don't have the cards to play it,.

  104. Maybe the roommate told Terry before he spoke to the cops, told him who was involved in Heather's life...he could have looked into the bills and found more info after, but knew the name Moorer because of the roommate.

  105. I feel if the news about Sidney initially came from the roommate he would have said this specifically - it would have been an event of discovery that day.

    but he doesn't say this at all. what hesays is he had never heard Sidn'ys name until he googled the # off of researching the phone data on his laptop.

    this did not happen at the landing or before he went to se the car because he said he had no clue anything was wrog before then.

  106. Anon, I agree this discrepancy is worth questioning.
    I had not been aware of the particular details, but I did notice on the video interview attached to the yahoo link he said he did not know about it (the affair) AT ALL". The "AT ALL" is sensitive either bc he feels bad that he did not have the knowledge of the affair to help protect Heather from involvement with Sidney OR because he DID know about the affair.

  107. Sorry I have not had any time to respond because so many good points were made. I have to go to a meeting now, but will try to write more tonight. I really enjoy talking to you all--very intelligent people here.

  108. Maggie said...
    Anon, I agree this discrepancy is worth questioning.
    I had not been aware of the particular details, but I did notice on the video interview attached to the yahoo link he said he did not know about it (the affair) AT ALL". The "AT ALL" is sensitive either bc he feels bad that he did not have the knowledge of the affair to help protect Heather from involvement with Sidney OR because he DID know about the affair.

    February 27, 2014 at 5:21 PM

