Thursday, February 13, 2014

Leanne Bearden's Body Found Less Than One Mile from Home

Police have recovered the body of Leanne Bearden, less than one mine from the home she left in January.  Early report is of suicide. 

The body was found at a home in the 21000 block of Fairview Circle, a few blocks from where Bearden was last seen walking on Jan. 17, police said at a press conference.

A man spotted the body in a wooden area behind the house, officials said.
A call to Bearden's father-in-law went unanswered and the police and private investigator refused comment.


  1. local anaon in the Hailey Dunn caseFebruary 13, 2014 at 5:35 PM

    Live report. Very sad

  2. whats odd to me is that she was in fact found with a backpack and her body does not appear to have been burried or hidden. i don't see things that point to guilt yet, except that she's dead and close to home.


  3. Heer is the address the body is found for those that may want to look at google maps. There are a lot of trees around and behind the home.

    21643 Fair View Circle, garden ridge, texas

  4. Lets not say, who where and why at the moment. Lets us just be in prayer for Leanne that she is safe arms.

  5. Moved from last thread.

    I guess now things get interesting. I was hoping for her to be alive but figured it was a long shot after the amount of time that had passed.

    Judging by the news footage and stated location (near block)(21600 Fairview Circle, Garden Ridge) you can google it and see the house with the pool appears to be the same location. It has a large amount of wooded area considering the neighborhood, but not that large IMO. Surprised she was not found sooner.

    Also, there doesn't seem to be any reason that she would have been in that area on her own. It does not seem an area someone would likely explore, nor does it seem like there was a reason someone would cut through that particular yard since there were other road routs she could have taken to to the east or west. And even if she did cut through for some reason and had gotten hurt, it was close enough to houses she could have crawled for help if she had really needed it.

    So in my mind that means she was dead when she found her way to that spot, which only leaves foul play (or a covered-up accident). If it was a dump site for her body it seems in odd one IMO. Why not go further out and leave the body where it is less likely, if ever, to be found? Maybe because you want the body TO BE FOUND? Possibly you care about the family having closure? Or maybe because the person who harmed her really was a stranger and thinks there is no possibility of connecting him/her to the crime. Just my thoughts for now. RIP Leanne.

  6. Local anon in the Hialey Dunn caseFebruary 13, 2014 at 5:46 PM

    I agree with John. Coukd we please try not speculate at this point? We should be thinking of Leanne and her family and friends.

  7. It will be interesting to listen to the next statement by Josh Bearden.
    Will it be a prepared statement?
    Will it be a "no comment"?
    Will it be a request for privacy?
    Will he continue to post on social media?

  8. Just checked for any updates on facebook and was reminded they have already been planning to hold a vigil on Saturday. It seems coincidental (and probably is) that they waited a month to hold a vigil and she is found deceased 2 days prior to the vigil date.
    I hope all her friends and family can come together to celebrate her life on Saturday and keep her in their hearts from here on out. Rest in Peace, Leanne.

  9. from the news and google maps, it looks like she cut up a drainage ditch. she must have slipped.

  10. "If you live in the northern area and have a big plot of land go check it out." Josh Bearden

    I am so sad to hear this, I was really hoping the hinkyness was due to a hoax. Rest in peace Leanne, you are in my prayer along with your parents and siblings.

    1. I apologise, I commented before reading the other posts. You are right John, we can do analysis at a more appropriate time.

  11. All i want is the drama if joshs arrest

  12. @ JenOw or orthers

    regarding the statement by JB, "If you live in the northern area and have a big plot of land go check it out." Josh Bearden

    Is the location where they found her actually considered in ' the northern area' ? It would certainly prove very revealing if in fact it was.

    I'm curious if anyone knows the answer about that.

  13. If i was murdered i would want people to catch my killer pronto. i dont think its disrespectful. nor is it wrong to take pause. therez really no right way to act. Esp as strangers to her. imo.

  14. For all following this, I know we are all interested in Leanne in terms of analysis, but we can afford to shift our focus temporarily to show respect to her and her family. If not here, then possibly on the facebook page. Here is my comment that I have shared there.

    Leanne's spirit has touched so many strangers. I'm sorry we could not have all personally known her. She had a room-brightening smile and appears to be an amazing daughter, sister, and friend. She left everyone with so many great memories and pictures. She was a gift to this world and I wish we could have had her longer. She lived a fuller life then most of us and got to accomplish her dream of travelling, which I find some peace in. Wishing her family and friends strength during this difficult time.

    In truth, I am a bit jealous of her. Not of her death, but of her fearlessness and dedication in fulfilling her dreams of travel, friendships, and other areas of life others of us also never take the time to. I hope that she rests in peace but am happy to know she lived life to the fullest before it was cut short.

  15. For all following this, I know we are all interested in Leanne in terms of analysis, but we can afford to shift our focus temporarily to show respect to her and her family. If not here, then possibly on the facebook page. Here is my comment that I have shared there.

    Leanne's spirit has touched so many strangers. I'm sorry we could not have all personally known her. She had a room-brightening smile and appears to be an amazing daughter, sister, and friend. She left everyone with so many great memories and pictures. She was a gift to this world and I wish we could have had her longer. She lived a fuller life then most of us and got to accomplish her dream of travelling, which I find some peace in. Wishing her family and friends strength during this difficult time.

    In truth, I am a bit jealous of her. Not of her death, but of her fearlessness and dedication in fulfilling her dreams of travel, friendships, and other areas of life others of us also never take the time to. I hope that she rests in peace but am happy to know she lived life to the fullest before it was cut short.

  16. posted to FOLHB Facebook page: (02/19/2014)

    Paul N Kristeigh Billeaud: Why did the family tell the search parties that this area had already been searched? The news reports that the area she was found was not part of the 23 mile area that was searched because the search team was informed by family that the area she was found was already searched by the bearden family.
    7 minutes ago

  17. Wow. theres never a good reason not to get fresh eyes on an area. to say its already been searched

  18. I'm certain it's ok to do statement analysis on the words presented by Josh, even if Leanne has been found. It is a statement analysis blog, not a personal blog for Leanne's family or memory.

    R.I.P. Leanne.

  19. Anon 6:29, i agree. But there is a time and a place, and right now, its not the time or the place.

  20. Does anyone have a link to back this up? Would be very interested in seeing it.

    "The news reports that the area she was found was not part of the 23 mile area that was searched because the search team was informed by family that the area she was found was already searched by the bearden family."

  21. @John 6:32pm

    I don't agree with you.

  22. @ anom 6:32PM

    It was posted by a person by the name of Paul N Kristeigh Billeaud on the 'Our Friend Leanne Hecht Bearden Facebook page ( apox 21 mins ago to the most recent article on the page. If you scroll through the comments, you might be able to contact him via Facebook and get that media resource.

  23. John, what may be descriptive of you is not necessarily prescriptive for others.

  24. Gosh, I am so disappointed. It feels weird to hope it was suicide, yet all the other possibilities seem much worse.

  25. Lemon, maybe not. Or maybe i'm a lot more sensitive than others, and have a little more respect than to start analyzing this that and the other when a dead body has just been found.

    1. John, "dead body"--you're referring to a person you want to respect and honor while saying how sensitive you are. She's not a 'dead body.' She has never been anonymous. You seem sanctimonious and self aggrandizing all of a sudden...dishwater deep. Let's not be fake, people. This page is for SA. If you don't want to participate in SA today, skip those posts while reading, move to a different page or come up with a memorial in your own way. This is all so silly and very little sincerity just came through re: our "dead body."

  26. Hi Anon 6:17

    I'm not sure how locals refer to the areas of Garden Ridge, but when you type the address where she was found into google and click the map, the address is marked north of the Garden Ridge neighborhood.

  27. i wanna see Josh's face right now

  28. Search for missing woman turns up no new evidence:
    By Vianna Davila : January 25, 2014 : Updated: January 26, 2014 8:43am

    "Search teams deployed on foot, on horseback and on ATVs, Pyles said. A DPS helicopter scoured the area by air, zooming over the command center and the surrounding neighborhoods.

    Twelve K-9 teams also joined the search, including human cadaver dogs and dogs that can pick up live scents, Pyle said.

    At the epicenter of the search zone was the home on Sumac Lane where Bearden, 33, was living with her husband at her in-laws' and where she was last seen leaving to go for a walk."

  29. If the family knew all along it might be suicide, that would explain a lot of the vagueness. They were just hoping.

  30. If you feel that way John, why are you here on a statement analysis blog?

  31. Anon6:40

    I am aware of the facebook comment. I was asking whether anyone new the source of the "news" that said the family had advised the area had already been searched. If anyone has that link, please share.

  32. Maybe ot is my mobile but i can no longer see or read posts people wrote to the page, i can see comments on the pages posts but not posts to the page from others?

    1. I'm having the same issue.

    2. Seems they disabled comments knowing the suspicion this would raise even more on Josh.

    3. I'm thinking the same thing. Of course it could be that whoever manages the page is devastated and doesn't want to deal with outside commenters at this time (which is totally understandable). Who knows?

    4. I thought that too but it seems that they would want to give people an outlet for condolences and friends of the family to give them support but to shut that down completely just seems like a preemptive move knowing the speculation to come.

  33. Anon 7:02,

    That's irrelevant. My personal point of view was, that this is not the right time to start pointing fingers. And yes, lemon is right, others have different views also. That doesn't mean that i don't have a right to be here, as you so politely put it.

    1. If you feel people should stop talking about the case and that it is an inappropriate time to blog about the case since the body is found maybe you should take a break and come back when you feel ready instead of shaming others for wanting to continue the discussion. I just don't understand how it is okay to speculate for weeks that she was murdered and he may have something to do with it but when her body is found we must keep our mouth closed.

      I think it is you sir that should step back and take a break.

  34. What is odd is that on our local news yesterday they announced that the reward had been upped to 20,000, and then she is found today. I am not sure if Garden Ridge locals refer to north or south Garden Ridge....but we do have a lot of low growing scrub trees, mountain laurel, this area so a person could be missed easily if hidden.

  35. To add to my comment....

    In the radio announcement they stated that Leanne was considered to be gone of her own volition and that her family just wanted to contact her. I was surprised at that.

  36. John, to cease analyzing based on
    "feelings" is illogical to the principles of Statement Analysis. The subject is dead, the statement is alive.

  37. @anom 7:04PM

    It's interesting because from this particular news source( they claim:

    “We have exhausted the area surrounding our city and we will continue to follow all leads and watch for anything that might lead us to a positive result in finding Mrs. Bearden,” said Garden Ridge Police Chief Donna O'Conner. “The investigation leads us to believe, at this point, we have cleared any leads that might lead us to believe it is a crime committed in the immediate area when she walked off.”

    and this:
    " More than 100 volunteers from Texas Search and Rescue and the Texas State Guard Maritime Regiment joined the massive search, as did roughly four dozen law enforcement officials from Comal County, the Department of Public Safety, the Texas Rangers and the FBI, among other agencies.

    They scoured a 23-square-mile area — far larger than tiny, 6-square-mile Garden Ridge."

    coupled with this:

    "Search teams deployed on foot, on horseback and on ATVs, Pyles said. A DPS helicopter scoured the area by air, zooming over the command center and the surrounding neighborhoods.

    Twelve K-9 teams also joined the search, including human cadaver dogs and dogs that can pick up live scents, Pyle said.

    At the epicenter of the search zone was the home on Sumac Lane where Bearden, 33, was living with her husband at her in-laws' and where she was last seen leaving to go for a walk."

    One would think they would have found her 3 blocks from the house. The posters comment is interesting in light of the comprehensive efforts that were employed in her search. It would seem that the area she was discovered would have been in prime focus of their efforts unless of course someone (JB)advised them that the area had already been searched.

    Regardless, it's interesting that a person would make such a bold and specific statement as that.

    The very fact that she wasn't found with that much manpower leads one to believe that there may be some creditability to his claim.

  38. i am offended that anybody would want to shame people commenting here as they always do - that somehow doing statement analysis at the time the body is discovered is disrespectful. there's no reason to judge like that, doing statement alalysis is not preventative of respect. respect and statement analysis can coexist. do not go shaming people on a statememt analysis for doing statemet analysis.

  39. I agree with lemon, so it is OK for weeks for people to speculate that she is dead and that he may have involvement but when it is confirmed We must stay silent?

    Was anyone else livingg at the house during the days she went missing? I don't see anyone Putting her there during the day it would just be to open and risky, Do we know who saw her last besides Josh? This just seems like something that would have happened that night before as opposed to during the day. For those who are offended by my remarks, maybe you should take a break and stay off of the block for a few days if you feel it is necessary But not impose those rules on everyone else.

  40. "A source in Comal County confirmed to KSAT's Steve Spriester late Thursday afternoon that her death was an apparent suicide."

  41. Lemon, i agree..So what else is there to analyze right now that we havnt already looked into?..At the moment people are going on xyz. Not Josh's words or anyone else's for that matter. We havnt had statements from anyone yet. And as you say"The subject is dead, the statement is alive." Just one flaw in that at the moment, we have had no statements.

  42. What if she was moved to that location after the searchers were there? Her condition when found should give them an idea of how long she was in that location.

  43. The fb page has removed the ability to post to the page. One can only post comments at this time. That's interesting.

    Just read an article stating "apparent suicide."

    Might look that way now, but I'm hoping someone looks closer... And as a spouse, I'm PISSED OFF that for the past 4 weeks, unless there has been a camera on him, Josh has been content to sit on the sofa saying mean things on the internet. I would have walked my damn legs OFF by now looking for my husband. I would've looked over and over and over and over every day if that's what it took.

  44. Comments here are interesting:

  45. My apologies, Anon 7:21. I didn't realize you'd already posted about the fb page.

  46. And then THIS happened:

    Leo Wright This facebook is not for Leanne, it never was for her, I am writing what so many wish they could or would, I will be a voice of many, this FB was created with intent. For bolstering. Josh own words 1/21 from jump is now today the news, of where Leanne was discovered. Josh's own words, his body language smug, as if she was who again? oh his once object of affection, Her, She, Nnn she didn't run off, she's she's OUT HERE somewhere, not out there, she's she's out here,.. his said his affirmation, he being the last to see her, it's possessive as in here, practically his parents property. He said it, I didn't. - my presumed this isn't a fb of both families conjoined, it's of one family representing,. I have read upon this fB, this FB to be of sway, misleading, no facts volunteered,, The comments of people who CARE, the most sensitive Josh to respond to, if they were to ask real questions, He to tidy up with his answers of, nothing but quips of we will some day thanks - Team Bearden created this facebook, The Mod nor Josh Bearden to provide voluntarily info that would be expected, The least of, that one would think would be provided, has never been. The good people here to REQUEST info. Response to be of negative and or excuses. Or it was dragged out of Josh, Mod.they to create a reply, and or photo that isn't factual, too small to view and or a smeared guess. This FB was created for a purpose, fishing the public, to sway the public, as the Mod Josh wrote/responded. This FB Not for Leanne to be found. Was for garner, funds and appeasement - This FB is for Josh by Josh, his parents supporting HIM? Leanne is the ONLY victim. Leanne isn't any longer his punching bag, his tit for tat, his to verbally beat down, for her achievements, for who she was, her vanishing, she in her imperfect perfection was innocent and now is free, she is found. God Bless Leanne, her family. America has been watching, and reading here why? you led us here, and captured our attn with your obscure obtuse written entries of sugar coat. Team USA, Leanne is our daughter, our sister, our granddaughter, our neighbor- she is equal not less. In life she mattered, in death, is for her to have Justice. Delete me, I do not like this facebook. I will not write here again.
    42 minutes ago · Like · 3


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Wow! Glad someone said it!

    3. I wish there was a like button on here! Thanks for posting this Rachel, and thanks for writing it Leo!

  47. Rest in peace, Leanne. I hope you get the justice you deserve. I'm so sorry this happened to you.

  48. Question:

    When an article refers to "her family" (issued a statement, offered a reward, told people the area had already been searched, etc), does that include Josh and his family? Or are they referring to her family of birth?

  49. I live in Roswell, GA. Grew up in Alpharetta - went to Milton High School. Have friends and family that knew Leanne. Everyone is shocked and horrified.
    May justice come swiftly to whoever did this. RIP Leanne.

  50. That post that Rachel copy/pasted from FB is OBVIOUSLY from one of the regular posters here. There is a poster that speaks/writes just like that, especially with the "he to/they to," and "tit for tat" was used a lot in one of their posts here recently.

    Not that I disagree with anything he/she said on FB! I'm glad it was said.

    1. Oh my- I made a rude comment about the language in the post. My apologies. I didn't realize it was somebody here. I've deleted my rude remark.

  51. And the blood lust continues....put your pitchforks down. Someones needs to pull those pitchforks out of Johns back.

  52. Anonymous said...
    That facebook post remindes me of Vita, remember Vita?

    I believe Vita posts as "OS" now, and posted that FB post. Same distinct language pattern. :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. OS is the screen name of the commenter of similar posts. Thank you for giving Leanne a voice. Her name and her legacy has been trampled. I hope that as JB's supporters read the post it dawns on them that he has indeed told the story from day one, giving daily hints, and changing details to suit the developments.

  53. Thursday evening, Bearden's family issued the following statement:

    “Our family is understandably devastated by the news of the recovery of the remains of our beloved Leanne. We wish to thank the myriad of people who helped us search for Leanne, and who helped support us throughout this entire nightmare. We also wish to thank the members of the media who helped us tell our story. We thank the Garden Ridge Police Department and other agencies who provided such caring service to us. We especially thank the Heidi Search Center for their wonderful help and support. Although this is not the outcome we had hoped for, we draw comfort and strength from the outpouring of prayers, actions and good wishes from all -- including over 20,000 Facebook friends. We ask for your continued prayers and good wishes for our family. Leanne was a lovely and remarkable young woman and we will all miss her greatly.”

  54. Vita is too compassionate and intelligent to ignorantly attack a grieving family/friends facebook in that manner.

  55. John, in all fairness you must see that your comment about you being more respectful, which you made early on in the comments, allows others to logically infer that you were "politely" saying that those who did not share your opinion were disrespectful. You could have stated your opinion in a way that did not imply others were disrespectful.

  56. Whoever posted that isn't attacking the fb page or the grieving family/friends. That person is just stating the obvious about Josh, and that Leanne is the victim, that it doesn't appear that HER family is behind the FB page.

    If Vita isn't OS, I believe OS may have wrote that post. Maybe it's a coincidence that "tit for tat" was so overly used in one thread, and that two people use that phrase and write in that manner. But stranger things have happened I suppose :)

  57. That is correct Theresa, thank you for saying it. No one is saying that Vita/OS was attacking that family, as anyone can see.

    Gary, are you next on the sanctimony train? Choo choo, don't bother stopping at my station.

  58. It was more than just 'respect' it was the holier than thou sanctimony of the 'more sensitive than others'. He's of a higher level consciousness, but has never minded before when we've dug right in the other cases.

    John said...
    Lemon, maybe not. Or maybe i'm a lot more sensitive than others, and have a little more respect than to start analyzing this that and the other when a dead body has just been found.

  59. Joshs statement sounds so considerate. too considerate. too considered. Not the words that follow a shock.

  60. What does that mean, Peter? Did you mean to include a link?

  61. Wait...isnt john josh bearden himself. hes fing with us. thats all. heya killer.

  62. "A source in Comal County confirmed to KSAT's Steve Spriester late Thursday afternoon that her death was an apparent suicide."

  63. How common is it for somebody to commit suicide without leaving a note?

  64. I'm not even entirely sure it is VIta/OS (if they are the same poster; who knows! There could be three who use that unique writing style). Either way, I'm glad whoever it is said what they did, because its true.

    This article mentioned suicide:

    I'm not sure I believe it. How would she have done it? Was a gun or any type of weapon missing from the home and found with her? Medication OD?

    She seemed happy and looking forward to the future with potential job prospects.

    I want to know if she was found in a drainage ditch type of area on this property.

  65. Peter if this was suicide, what does SA/ do we then make of all the guilt and weirdness coming off of Josh, his direction for people to check their back yards and that BIZARRE reward?

  66. If bearden is innocent im back to thinking terry elvis id guilty and tusting my first instinct on all of these. wow talk about topsy turvy.

  67. I assumed it was OS as well.

  68. Who is the source in comal county? Are they referring to an employee of comal county?

  69. I just don't understand why JB was trying so hard to peddle the story that Leanne left intentionally and wanted to stay gone. Even if she hated him and wished HIM out of her life, she still had a family that loves her. Why would she cut them out too?

    I also can't imagine her having so much trouble adjusting to normal life after a 2-year vacation that she would kill herself. The only reason I could think of for that is if they went into serious debt for the trip and then the travel blog career didn't pan out and she felt closed in by the debt.

    I wonder what was in the backpack besides her ID, if it was in her backpack. And why was the backpack being part of her last outfit such an afterthought.

    SO many questions. her poor parents. :(

  70. If she committed suicide why do it just before she had a job interview?

    Who claimed the site had already been searched and who did they tell?

    Who searched the area she was found in?

    If it was her husband i woould haul his ass in for a poly PDQ since if it was searched as claimed, how come she wasn't found, especially if it was suicide.

    The best way to conceal a corpse is to hide it, let LE search and then move the body to a site that has already been searched since it is unlikely they will revisit unless the smell becomes obvious or someone or their dog notices something.

    How she died could be telling, i would assume hanging rather than gunshot although cutting may be an alternitive (which might fit in with josh's comment about being cut up)

    I would hope they do a thorough autopsy checking for drugs or for anything that could indicate previous injury.

    I say this since the behavior of her husband is unexpected.

    Faking a suicide after a murder does happen.
    The angle of a bullet wound could show it was from a distance or from a position they could not have done themselves (left handed shooting through the right temple or vice versa) strangulation masked by hanging, evidence of sedation etc.

    I await with interest statement from the husband and family.

    something is off here.

  71. An interesting comment from an apparent FOL -

    Tarrah Speer Lee
    Prayers go out to Leanne's husband Josh and their families. I had the amazing pleasure of having Leanne in my life for many years. She helped me get through so many tough times and always was a light in the dark. She was always positive and always had a song for me to listen to when I was down or hurting. I was lucky to be part of her beautiful wedding to Josh and will never forget that day - she was radiant and joyful and gorgeous. I was so excited for her to come home to Denver as we were making plans to spend time together. She will always be a part of each and every persons lives she touched - now and forever.

    "…as we were making plans to spend time together."


    The police chief says they will not release info till an autopsy is complete.

    Who is the source for apparent suicide? Since that news station has always been a mouthpiece for the family, the family is my guess as the source.

    I'll wait for police confirmation. I feel the family has tried to lead us down the wrong path before.

  73. Didn't Mr. Bearden make some form of a statement in the last 24 hours something to the effect of : "we need to find her soon" or " we need to search for her now and we must find her very soon or in the next day or so "

    I remember someone on this blog pointing out a comment of urgency pertaining to the preceding 24 hours very recently.

    Ironic only because she was found in that perceived urgent timeframe.

    If anyone here remembers anything about that, please refresh my accounting.


  74. None are more unjust in their judgments of others than those who have a high opinion of themselves.
    Charles Spurgeon

    If the shoe fits...

    Rest in peace Leanne

  75. This case is very sad.

    When I first read the blog, I would jump to conclusions about people suspected of being involved in disappearances/murders.

    After reading more and more of Peter's 101s, I have learned to keep my mind open as I analyze statements and stick to the facts.

    Maybe this case serves as an example of where someone can be withholding information (such as a fight that causes the other person to storm out of the house) without being guilty of a crime or having guilty knowledge.

  76. No way do I believe this is a suicide! I hope that a full investigation is being conducted. Now because the media report that Leanne is an "apparent suicide", so many believe this already, though there's been NO Official Statement telling us so. There's nothing "apparent" about this being a suicide that has been reported. How did Josh Bearden know that Leanne would be found North within Ten Miles of where his parents live on someone's property? Why has JB been on the internet day and night attempting to "guide" public opinion? I think Josh killed Leanne. I don't put much faith in GR police, as they have made the mistake of writing Leanne off as just a voluntarily missing person from the get go.


  77. After hearing an online rumor that she hung herself, I was reminded of this comment. It is very weird in hindsight:

    Speaking to his wife in the hopes that she’s somewhere in the range of his voice, Bearden said, “If somebody has you just hang in there. We’re going to keep looking for you. We’re never ever going to stop looking for you.”

  78. WORD!

    Garden Ridge Police Chief Donna O’Conner
    “Our thoughts are with the Bearden and Hecht families and ask that you respect them in their time of grief.”

  79. Just going on gut instinct and what I've seen of Josh's statements, I'm not convinced he killed Leanne.
    It sounds like she might have been attacked while walking. Or possibly a medical issue or was she injured maybe in fall?.
    Are they not able to tell at all what may have happened now that they have found her? What caused her death?

  80. Maggie you are one ofthe only people i see on here who calls out terry elvis on stuff and suspects josh is innocent. i have similar thoughts. just wanted to say hey! GLad you are posting.

  81. Anon 9:36, it was me who posted that about Josh. Within the past few days, he made two statements about finding an answer TOMORROW. Sudden urgency. Let me see if I can find his statements...

  82. Two days ago the family offered a $20,000 reward. Is it not suspicious that the homeowner finds her now? DNA may prove who the killer is. Praying for answers.

    Thoughts and prayers to the FAMILY and FRIENDS of Leanne Bearden.

  83. Rachel that surewould spark my interest!

  84. Maggie, some news station is reporting it was a suicide, but the police aren't saying that. They won't say until the autopsy is completed. I'm giving it the side eye.

    What is really bothering me about this case is that Josh told everyone she very likely left intentionally. What makes him think she would have done that, but her own family say the complete opposite? That she would never do anything like that. If anyone I knew was missing, I would *NEVER* say anything to imply that they left of their own free will, that they want to be missing, etc. because that decreases the urgency the public feels in looking for them. Even if it was a secret thought of mine, I'd never say it publicly because I would want everyone in the world looking for them.

    Why would he say things that could make people stop looking for her?

  85. Anon 9:36, I cannot find it at this time. From the fb page, I can no longer access the posts made by other people to the page, and both comments were in those posts.

  86. Rachel 10:05PM


  87. Both comments were made overnight between Feb. 10 and Feb. 11.

  88. Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster. Something about this case was particularly compelling to me, so I have been reading all of your posts and comments. I just feel sick about today's news. I didn't know Leanne, but like all of us, I was really hoping for the long-shot outcome that she'd just run off.

    I wonder if she realized while traveling with Josh that she didn't really love him, but at least they were on this adventure together so that added a tolerable aspect to their relationship. Now that she is back, she couldn't cope with knowing now it's just her and him, without the adventure. I feel bad speculating at this time, but it may explain Josh's strange behavior. Maybe she told him she didn't want to be with him any longer and took off. And then he couldn't let go of the resentment he felt from being rejected even while she was missing.

    No matter what happened, this is just such a horribly sad story and I feel awful for her poor family. Rest in peace, Leanne.

  89. I do not believe that Leanne committed suicide. I watched her videos on her blog, and she was not a pessimist. (JB is) She had a possible new job on the horizon, and she just spent 22mos living out her dream of seeing the world, and making memories that last a lifetime.

    There are so many language and behavior red flags from JB, and now they are confirmed.

    I'm waiting for official word after the autopsy. Unless she left a SUICIDE note (meaning a note saying that she is killing herself, and not some vague journal entry about having trouble adjusting) and it's written in her own handwriting, (not typed up by ??)...I'm not buying it.

    Not when JB has gone so out of his way to set the scene.

  90. Thank You, Peter for this update !

    From what little I have read so far -- been watching the Winter Olympics --

    I do NOT believe Leanne committed "suicide."

    JMO ...

  91. Lemon said...

    It will be interesting to listen to the next statement by Josh Bearden.
    Will it be a prepared statement?
    Will it be a "no comment"?
    Will it be a request for privacy?
    Will he continue to post on social media?


    Yes, Josh's next statement will be "interesting" -- and -- predicting it will be prepared for
    by his "father."

    But first he will want his "privacy" -- but not for long -- he luvs "social media."

    You are "spot on," Lemon !

    JMO ...

  92. Gypsy Vanner (my favorite kind of horse!) -

    I had the same thought as you at first... but they had no children, and I don't think they owned a home together. They were at his parent's home. Why not just leave him with his mama, file for divorce and start fresh without him?

    I think that was what she intended on doing... leaving him, and that is why he killed her.

  93. Theresa said...


    When an article refers to "her family" (issued a statement, offered a reward, told people the area had already been searched, etc), does that include Josh and his family? Or are they referring to her family of birth?


    Josh and HIS family have been "running the show" from Josh's parents' home in Texas.

    There have been only a few statements from Leanne's family, who live in Georgia.

    When Leanne and Josh came back to the US from their 22 month travels around the world, they stopped in Georgia to visit Leanne's family, then went onto to Texas to visit Josh's family.

  94. Theresa said...
    Gypsy Vanner (my favorite kind of horse!) -

    I had the same thought as you at first... but they had no children, and I don't think they owned a home together. They were at his parent's home. Why not just leave him with his mama, file for divorce and start fresh without him?

    I think that was what she intended on doing... leaving him, and that is why he killed her.

    The home Leanne and Josh owned was in Colorado, which they rented out while they were traveling.

    And I totally agree : there was 'trouble in paradise' and she wanted out, and Josh killed her !

    His actions -- or lack of actions -- speak as loud as his deceptive statements !

  95. "Jay Hamm, 77, who lives across the street from where the body was found, said Bearden's family came searching in the area the day after she went missing. He said he wasn't sure if other searches covered the area."


    If organized searches came through, I'd imagine it would be pretty obvious/clear to the neighbors. If JB searched with his family, he could have easily steered them away from the area that her body was found, or "searched it" himself.

  96. I was unable to find any reliable information that this was a suicide. I saw it in comments on CNN, but not in any news item. It seems unlikely that a corpse would remain undetected so close to houses for such a long time. Anyone ever smell one?

    Josh never really asked for help finding his wife. He made statements to the media, but no real requests for help.

    What does a request for "privacy" mean, in terms of statement analysis, in a case like this?

  97. F said...

    How common is it for somebody to commit suicide without leaving a note?


    Good question ! And to commit suicide in the woods ? Nope !

    Just My Opinion but I do NOT believe Leanne committed suicide.

  98. A San Antonio news source is reporting Leanne was found hanging in a tree. Again, this is the news source that has been the mouthpiece of the family so I'm guessing that "fact" came from family.

    What troubles me is that means there was rope in the backpack. And there very likely was because they climbed at Enchanted Rock the week before and took that backpack. Josh Bearden made a point of telling what was in the bag. Why didn't he mention rope?

    I wondered at the time about a statement he made...(paraphrasing) 'the pack had power bars and a few other items. Otherwise it was empty' yes Josh, we can figure out it was otherwise empty...unless it wasn't.

    Knowing there was rope and Leanne's supposed frame of mind would have helped searchers concentrate on wooded areas.

    Which brings me to another troubling area. Homeowners of that area say the family searched it. Just the family. How could they miss her?

    Police said they were told by family that they searched that area several times so police did not.

  99. did anyone here call your suspicions in to LE so they could check it out?

  100. Was reading over at WS -- and it is being reported that Leanne was found "hanging from a tree."

    No way would she have gone out for a walk -- with a backpack, her wallet, $ and credit cards, to hang herself.

    This story has HINK written all over it !

    JMO ...


  101. Unless there's a note, how can this anonymous "source" even speculate that it was a suicide? I have a feeling this is the same "source" that kept floating to the media all of these "confirmed sightings" of Leanne. Wasn't she shopping in Mexico last week with an old woman, even though her passport was in Texas?

  102. He is changing profile and background photos on FB now. Interesting.


    Homeowners in the area were asked by reverse 911 to search their properties shortly after Bearden disappeared, according to Greg Pyles with Texas Search and Rescue. Homeowners were also told that the are was searched several times by the family and that's why is wasn't included in the search eight days after her disapearance.
    "When you do come in eight days after an occurance, you have to take that and weight how best to deploy your resources," Pyles said. "You only have one day and you have to make sure you are using the best science and mathematical chances of finding that person."
    Pyles also said resources came from all over the state, from Dallas to Galveston.
    "It was a huge effort and it takes a while to organize it all," Pyle said.

    Statement analysis is dead. The facts sre alive.

  104. From accounts on social media regading Leanne, she was concerned for others, close to family, and was not the type to have purposely worried her family over her whereabouts. Why would she go one mile from her in-laws home to someone's property, and kill herself, in a place where she might not been found right away? She also had an optimistic outlook on life, and suicide does not make sense for her.

  105. Sources tell Eyewitness News that Bearden was found hanging in a tree.


  106. I wonder if the "family" are the "sources" for this? It's extremely irresponsible and a disservice to Leanne for this media outlet to report this! There has been NO Official Statement as to COD! I do not believe Leanne killed herself. I do believe Josh Bearden killed Leanne. Was this premeditated? Did Leanne have life insurance policy? A will? Is Leanne's case going to be investigated thoroughly?


    This is where the "hanging from a tree" came from:


    "SAN ANTONIO -- Garden Ridge police confirmed at 3:45 p.m. Thursday that a body found in Garden Ridge earlier in the afternoon was that of Leanne Bearden, the woman who had been missing for more than three weeks.

    Investigators said a man discovered the body at 12:18 p.m. in a wooded area behind his home. Sources tell Eyewitness News that Bearden was found hanging in a tree. Her body is currently in the possession of Central Texas Autopsy in Lockhart, Texas.

    An autopsy is scheduled for Friday, sources say.Police were able to confirm it was Bearden by her backpack and ID. Investigators would not say whether they were looking for a suspect in Bearden's death.

    The body was found in the 21600 block of Fairview Circle, just a few blocks from Bearden's in-laws' home, where she was last seen before going for a run, family members said.

    Homeowners in the area were asked by reverse 911 to search their properties shortly after Bearden disappeared, according to Greg Pyles with Texas Search and Rescue. Homeowners were also told that the are was searched several times by the family and that's why is wasn't included in the search eight days after her disapearance."

    More at link.

  107. Someone changed her FB profile to a Dr. Seuss saying 6 minutes ago. I'll guess it's Josh and he just couldn't keep himself off FB less than 10 hours after his wife's body was discover 0.3 miles from where he's reclining on the couch. Lord have mercy!

    Today you are you
    That is truer than true
    there is no one alive
    Who is youer than you

    Wth does this have to do with your wife's death? Can HE not think of anything more appropriate to post on her FB page?

    1. "Today you are you 
      That is truer than true 
      There is no one alive 
      Who is youer than you"

      What. The. Hell? This is hardly a quote I would expect to be posted hours after Leanne's body was 'found'. It's taunting....there is no one ALIVE, who is youer than you! Unreal!

  108. "If somebody has you, then just….HANG IN THERE. We'll find you. WE have a lot of people looking for you. We're never ever going to stop looking for you. EVER EVER." ~ Josh

  109. For a man whose missing wife was found dead less than 10 hours ago, Josh is undertaking some unusual activity. He's changing their youtube videos to private and once again, on Facebook.

  110. by leaked marbles, josh told us EXACTLY where she was.

  111. Bet the Dr Seuss quote is a sentimental quote between Josh and Leannne . Same with the hand heart shape. Big deal,

  112. Jen Ow said...

    "Today you are you
    That is truer than true
    There is no one alive
    Who is youer than you"

    What. The. Hell? This is hardly a quote I would expect to be posted hours after Leanne's body was 'found'. It's taunting....there is no one ALIVE, who is youer than you! Unreal!


    Yes, I thought the same thing when I checked out his facebook page to see if he was posting.

    Unbelievable !

    Makes NO sense, IMO, to be posting on facebook hours after your spouse's body has been found.

    1. Amen MizzMarple!

      How many bizarre things are the Josh supporters going to dismiss, or attempt to explain away? His behavior is NOT the expected, on any front!

  113. I wonder IF they found her rings and watch ?

    IF the rings and watch are found on her body, IMO, this was NOT a "stranger" -- a stranger would have taken the rings, watch, credit cards, money.

  114. How terrible for Leanne.

    I really wish the Kens5 source who said she hung herself had kept that one quiet for awhile. It just adds to the sadness. I can understand an O.D. -- but hanging yourself in the woods? Sigh. I don't even understand how a 100 lb woman does that.

    RIP. I am so happy that we have her blog, which hopefully can inspire others to live their dreams, travel, be a rockstar -- whatever.

  115. I knew all along she was gone, but it doesn't make it any easier that it's now confirmed. I will never forget watching the bumper car video and the uneasy feeling that rushed over me. The anger that Josh had for anyone that feared he had a hand, so now we know. To the family, my sincerest condolences. I feel like I lost a friend, she touched so many lives, and should be here with us all. So tragic.

  116. Today you are you
    That is truer than true
    there is no one alive
    Who is youer than you

    You are you, nobody else is you, certainly not anyone who is alive. You are the only you, and now you are dead. This is not a good quote to use now... So weird.

    I was searching for news about Leanne's case and I find it odd that this morning a thread for Leanne was started on mydeathspace, before she was found. Likely just a very odd coincidence but it made the hairs in my arm stand up!

  117. In response to this:

    Seriously. Back off. I think most people here admired Leanne courage. Her blog was interesting. What a loss.

    And FTR -- Josh Bearden, regardless of his role or lack thereof in his wife's death -- has behaved irrationally since Jan 17. The statement analysis was spot-on -- Mr. Bearden clearly left out key information and thus, wasn't being truthful. Why? Who knows. But assuming his reasons have nothing to do with guilt/innocence -- he has none the less drawn suspicion. There would have been an easy way to avoid all this drama -- shut up, stop saying crazy things, stop posting bizarre poems on FB, stop implying you are angry with a missing woman.

    I wish Mr. Bearden well. He has a tough road ahead. Such a huge loss.
    Anonymous tv32aop said...
    no statement analysis here anymore, just bitchin ranting gossipy whining losers ha. yu guys are obsessed with josh bearden


  118. Yesterday, after hearing his statement that there were a lot of 200+ acre properties near where he lived and hearing him ask property owners to "do me a favor will you and check your property," I had a sinking feeling she would be found on such a property soon.

    The tone of this "do me a favor" reminds me of "take your time babe" and the comment to the commenter who was asking questions "if you're so concerned, why don't you put up flyers" (!) or something along those lines. This (commanding?)tone combined with the social media focus -- We need to keep the story out -- like the story -- I changed this account to public -- thank you to the media after she is found -- feels really off. It makes me think of something Zadie Smith wrote about the dissonance/triteness of facebook posts after someone died, except this goes beyond what she was describing. I am trying hard (to look past my dislike of facebook) to see how this "social media marketing" could be normal behavior in this circumstance for someone in the media field, but still having difficulty ("don't let Leanne disappear twice" -- really struggling with that one). I worry about the balloon boy taken to the extreme.

    But a lot of people who are media savvy/entrenched don't even see or feel that dissonance anymore and I am open to that possibility.

  119. I love you John. Do not place a limit on when people can discuss..anytime someone is found dead, those of us reading...most likely bow our heads and pray...even if it is a moment of silence.

    I will give the dead their respect, then I will talk about the SA involved. If that bothers anyone than I am sorry.

    I love you, I find you amazing and love your SA and other analysis. Now, do not limit anyone on what they think or feel even moments after we discover something so tragic. Maybe I read this wrong I told you I had too much to drink tonight..but I do not think I did..I think the majority of us give peace and prayers and thoughts for families of the deceased.

  120. Yes, people behave differently. And sure, some people behave irrationally when under extreme stress.

    But there is irrational behavior, and then there is completely inappropriate statements, disparaging comments regarding the victim, and downright bizarre internet activity.

    Best wishes! And FTR -- the irony -- you keep coming back here, and yet you say we are obsessed. lol

  121. For those of you accusing JB, will you please wear a sign so I can avoid you in real life. Your speculation, hurtful accusations, and general view of the human race are depressing. No one should be subjected to your negativity.
    Josh is not responsible for Leanne's death. Her untimely death is tragic and her family, which includes Josh, deserves empathy and respect.

    1. Is this not 'real life'?

      Leannes disappearance has been repeatedly referred to as 'a story'.

  122. FAH:

    But we ARE wearing a sign. It is at the top of this page and it reads, "Statement Analysis". Feel free to start avoiding us immediately. Now, in fact.

  123. "no one is perfect and everyone behaves differently"

    -Says every guilt person who can't convince others that their behavior is normal.

    It sounds alot like, 'there's no handbook on how to behave when your wife 'disappears'. Gee, where have I heard that little pearl before? From every guilty spouse or parent of a missing family member, who can't even fake basic human emotions, and gets mad when the public won't buy into their story, and dismiss their strange or guilty looking behavior!

    Cindy Anthony, Drew Peterson, Scott Peterson, Billie Dunn, Jodi Arias, etc, etc. Every one of them professed a variation of this type of statement. Welcome to the club!

  124. I believe the suicide story.


  125. Click on second link, change Top Comments to Recent Activity.



    Gail Saenz- KSAT 12 NEWS how can you say it is an apparent suicide if they haven't completed autopsy reports?? Ya'll always do that!! ;( Either ya'll get the story wrong or come to your own conclusions. Really?! Smh
    Like · Reply · 11 · 6 hours ago


    Jenn Ferguson- It was a source that told them not the news team saying it was a suicide.
    Like · 2 · 6 hours ago


    KSAT 12 & Gail Saenz Yes, that's what our source is telling us. Keep in mind, we occasionally cover stories about a death where it becomes apparent that suicide is the likely cause of death *before* an autopsy is completed. That's often based on what is found at the scene in the form of evidence.
    Like · 4 · 5 hours ago


    Donna Williams- You posted earlier that your source was a statement released by the family that mentioned suicide as cause of death, but you have not posted that statement.


  126. Click on second link, change Top Comments to Recent Activity.



    Gail Saenz- KSAT 12 NEWS how can you say it is an apparent suicide if they haven't completed autopsy reports?? Ya'll always do that!! ;( Either ya'll get the story wrong or come to your own conclusions. Really?! Smh
    Like · Reply · 11 · 6 hours ago


    Jenn Ferguson- It was a source that told them not the news team saying it was a suicide.
    Like · 2 · 6 hours ago


    KSAT 12 & Gail Saenz Yes, that's what our source is telling us. Keep in mind, we occasionally cover stories about a death where it becomes apparent that suicide is the likely cause of death *before* an autopsy is completed. That's often based on what is found at the scene in the form of evidence.
    Like · 4 · 5 hours ago


    Donna Williams- You posted earlier that your source was a statement released by the family that mentioned suicide as cause of death, but you have not posted that statement.
    Like · 1 · about an hour ago


  127. Read the three comments I posted above. Here's the link:

    Most people are not buying the "apparent suicide" STORY.

  128. Did they find a suicide letter in the backpack?

  129. If this tragedy does end up being a legitimate suicide, I would think the weirdness coming off the husband would be due to (as Peter stated) a fight they may have had before she left. Perhaps she mentioned she was unhappy and husband said if you're so unhappy why don't you kill yourself. If something similar to this did occur, I can see the husband feeling a lot of guilt/responsibility for what happened to her. Just my two cents.

  130. Interview with police chief

  131. To those who believe, no proof is necessary.
    To those who doubt, no proof is ever enough.

  132. OT

    Snipped from:

    Steven: "They said, they told me that her parents had filed a missing person's report and gave them my name and they came to my address just to follow the lead."

    Mileka: "Have they officially questioned you? Sometimes they make people take a lie detector test."

    Steven: "I volunteered for all of that. I went down there as soon as I could. I let them interrogate me. I let them polygraph me. I did everything."

    Mileka: "How'd the polygraph go?"

    Steven: "To the best of my knowledge, it went ok."

    Mileka: "Did you pass, fail?"

    Steven: "The Police told me I failed."

    Steven: "They didn't make me take it again. I'm honestly not convinced I failed, I think they might have just said that as a tactic, but I really don't know I'm walking around right now without handcuffs on."

    Mileka: "So what do police tell you?"

    Steven: "They've just been questioning me. They haven't really told me anything." "I mean, it's undeniable that I'm probably the prime suspect, so they're not going to tell me any details."

    Mileka: "What do you think might have happened to Charli? Do you think there's a chance she just got tired of life on Maui and left?"

    Steven: "I don't think so, not under these circumstances. She was a very caring person and she loved her dogs. and to have one of her dogs show up in Nahiku and one of her dogs had been locked in her house for a whole day -- she wouldn't do that Above all else, she would not leave her dogs unattended."

    Mileka: "Do you think Charli may have had any enemies?"

    Steven: "That's hard for me to say. I didn't hang out with her very often. But, I mean, she had kind of a mouth on her -- I could see her pissing somebody off. But again, I don't want to speculate -- I don't know for certain."

  133. There are currently two Maui women missing with questionable ex-boyfriends. I started reading of these women's plight a week or so ago. It is confusing to say the least so I thought my post needed some clarification. Statement analysis' principles definitely come into play with both cases.

    I do apologize to readers for an off topic comment on Leanne's post. Unfortunately there is not another venue available.

  134. "Our family is understandably devastated by the news of the recovery of the remains of our beloved Leanne"

    Such a STRANGE sentence! This is the first sentence of a statement issued by the "family" less than 4 hours after the discovery was PHONED in.

    Are you devastated by the recovery of the remains or devastated to learn she's dead?! They're devastated that her remains we're recovered...

    And really what the hell is JB doing on social media right after his wife's remains were recovered?! I mean--there were even individuals on THIS site that felt we ought to hold off on discussions because it's just too soon. Not too soon for JB!

    Ok so in the news article stating that it was an "apparent" suicide it states the source said her body was found hanging IN a tree. I'm wondering how high up she was IN the tree. Dead bodies stink, especially after 3 weeks, not sure if her being higher up in the tree would make it more difficult to smell or see... I'm probably reading too much into that...

    I'm not sure if I believe Josh killed her. He was definitely withholding info, at least from the public. Perhaps he told police and the PI that they had a fight/argument. That's not necessary info for the police to release but it would make them more apt to believe she left him. I do however believe Josh is and has been acting very strange and NARCISSISTIC. This attitude and his lack of urgency have brought suspicion on himself. It will be interesting to see if he continues to insert himself in the spotlight...

  135. Local anon in the Hailey Dunn caseFebruary 14, 2014 at 9:42 AM

    Just fot the record, I haven't figured out why so many of you believe that Josh killed Leanne. His statements and actions have not lead me to believe that. It is so clear in other cases, but not this one. After two weeks of not finding her and no activity on her credit cards I wondered if she committed suicide. In the woods does not seem a stretch to me because she loved the outdoors. I am no Nancy Drew and only a beginner at SA but I did not conclude that Josh killed her. We'll see following the autopsy and investigation I suppose.

  136. Suicide:

    This may be why he always used "we" repeatedly. The guilt of a spouse who commits suicide is intense and the plural pronoun usage was pronounced.

    That the family had an idea this might have been the case is likely when we look at the strange reward offered.

    I still think "her own free will" was cop-speak that Josh was quoting.

    This was a strange case. I saw on one crime blog someone claiming to be close to the family was infuriated over suggestion that sex offenders be questioned.

    Josh' own posting about "hatefulness" was also unusual.

    When someone goes missing, publicity is critical. In this case, the 'missing' information may have been just how bad it was before Leanne left the home. She may have been unwilling or seemingly unable to give up that 'road' lifestyle that she had.

    Going back over the case, I do not think it would have been seen as suspicious had the husband said, "My wife is despondent" ---many people suffer from depression and suicide attempts happen.

    Had the public been told this, I think the area close to the house would have been searched far more diligently.

    The strange wording and the unusual reward and the Facebook postings led the public into speculating "who done it" and "what happened" more than anything else.

    It is a sad story.

    Josh Bearden was not indicated for deception. His distancing language was abundant.


  137. i'm not buying suicide,
    "If you live in the northern area and have a big plot of land go check it out." Josh Bearden, she didn't run off, she LEFT of her own free will, she's she's OUT HERE somewhere, cut up a pretty drainage ditch, she slipped off a large rock, If somebody has you just HANG in there, .... ok josh, someone took your advice and found out EXACTLY where she was.

    leaked marbles of knowledge he had.

  138. Perhaps he told her he wanted a divorce and she was devastated.

  139. Local anon in the Hailey Dunn caseFebruary 14, 2014 at 10:48 AM

    I agree with Peter's most recent post regarding suicide and Josh's language. My neighbors' daughter committed suicide and they frequently use the term "we" when to me "I" is more appropriate. They feel tremendous guilt in her suicide.


  140. I am very curious about the initial views that it may be suicide.

    But… what I actually am thinking is was it made to look like suicide.

    Just seems odd she would go for a walk and then take her life in some strangers backyard.

    That screams more of a quick toss of the body when there is limited time.

    I guess we have to wait not for more results, but my initial thought is that maybe this was staged to appear like suicide.

    I have a couple friends that had someone close commit suicide and my grandfather did as well. 4 of the cases were done in the persons own home. 2 others were done in a private location away from everything. The 2 that did it at a private location.. one left a note the other called 911 first as he wanted them to have time to get to his body to use his organs to help someone else.

    So my point, this looks more staged to be suicide. For her to be someplace hidden on her own seems selfish to her family. I mean, if the home owner was not outside, she could have been undetected for sometime.

    Just my thoughts. I could be wrong.

    Just doesn’t fit.

  141. My sister committed suicide, ironically, when she was 33. From going through that horrible ordeal, I learned that when someone takes their own life, they are really angry at someone else and don't have it in them to murder. So to hurt the person they are angry with, they commit suicide. My sister's husband had just divorced her and she was mad at him. I also learned that people who commit suicide want to be identified. My sister jumped from the roof of a tall building in London, clutching her purse tightly, with her id inside.

    It is clear to all of us that Leanne Bearden was a very special person, who was loved by so many. She had a good heart and I am so very sorry to see it end this way. The guilt placed on her survivors will be life-changing.

  142. i agree 10:50
    josh knew too much about EXACTly what happened.
    are you sure peter? imo he used "we" because it was a "we" that got her there. and "we" was sharing the blame.
    he might as well have said,

    I took her in a northern area on a big plot of land, i know she didn't run off, she LEFT of "her own free will"(suicide), she's OUT HERE somewhere, i cut cut up a pretty drainage ditch, made it look like she slipped off a large rock, you just HANG in there leanne.
    "we" will find you, even though "we" searched that area and i made sure no one found you then, because i didn't want to be the one who "found" you.

  143. Iva, I agree with you that the first line of the family's statement is strange. In fact, it occurred to me that so many of the family and friend statements about Leanne throughout this ordeal seem very...I don't know...generic? Like, here is a woman who is clearly interesting, brave and lively, but the comments I've seen about her seem to be almost strained. Am I reading too far into this?

    Compare it to, say, Laci Peterson's family. They had all kinds of specific things to share about her personality and stories about her that illustrated her kindness. I haven't really seen that here. Plus, Josh's strange "digs" at Leanne have made me feel very uncomfortable. "I've been wrong--just ask Leanne!" for example. Or talking about her being distracted by something like a drainage ditch like she's flighty.

    Does that make sense?


  144. Peter said Josh Bearden was not indicated for deception.
    And yes, but he has not been asked hard questions. He was not asked questions as if he was suspected. At least that I have seen. “Do you know where Leanne is”… “Were you responsible for Leannes disappearance”

    And I still think that my prior post about suicide does not mesh with where she was found.

    From my experience, suicide victims just cannot cope with life but they don’t want to leave their family hanging.

    Those that did it either did it in the home or they made sure the family knew… the note or the 911 call.

    Also, one of the suicides in the home was my friends boyfriend. He left a note as well. He wanted to make sure everyone knew it was not their fault. He felt clear guilt and apologized.

    Maybe if she left a note or there was something about that spot… that could explain.

    Otherwise, it seems like an odd place to just go walk into someone’s yard and off yourself.

  145. The family knew she was suicidal. Josh knew early on that she probably killed herself. He didn't know where, of course, and he hoped it wasn't true... but he suspected in. He knew what was int he backpack.

  146. Some random thoughts...

    Their schedule while traveling around the world was grueling, often going without sleep or just a few hours of sleep.

    The blog referenced "Leanne's ADD kicked in" numerous times...manic episode?

    A blog only gives us the "up" times, a picture only the smiles.

    My experience has taught me that a person who commits suicide quickly and in anger stays right where they're at and punishes the person they're angry with.

    A person who leaves the area, waits awhile, has planned their suicide. It's not in anger, it's from depression or deep, deep pain.

    I have lived my entire life with those left behind from a suicide. My grandfather hung himself in our barn when my dad was a little boy. My grandmother lived her entire life with guilt..that she hadn't taken him to a doctor, that she wasn't enough, on and on. It took me years to realize my grandmother never allowed herself to really live again. The guilt is overwhelming. Mix in the natural feelings of anger that someone chose to leave you like this.

    I must have seen the same deeply buried feelings in my husband. His mother shot herself when he was young. He and his family are wracked with guilt and anger even decades later.

    Well, my point is I can now see how Josh Bearden uses "we" and why he comes off looking guilty and defensive...that's exactly how he feels.

    I can understand disparaging remarks toward his wife. He is angry that she left him in this manner. It's a natural grief process.

    My 2 cents and sorry abt my life story. It enables me to see where Josh Bearden is coming from. God bless Leanne Bearden and her family. They will need it.

  147. Only the family has said she committed suicide, the police are waiting until the autopsy is complete before commenting (I read it on fox news).
    Don't most people who commit suicide do it in a place where they will be found?

  148. OT To the poster that posted about the Hawaii missing person: His statement was full of past tense :(

  149. An autopsy is scheduled for Friday, sources say.

    Police were able to confirm it was Bearden by her backpack and ID. Investigators would not say whether they were looking for a suspect in Bearden's death.

    From KVUE:

    The Cause of Death and Manner of Death have not been confirmed officially by LE or the Medical Examiner.

    I think it is "premature" to say that Leanne committed "suicide."

  150. Shelley said...

    I am very curious about the initial views that it may be suicide.

    But… what I actually am thinking is was it made to look like suicide.

    Just seems odd she would go for a walk and then take her life in some strangers backyard.


    I agree -- it was made to LOOK like it was suicide -- but it was murder, IMO.

    Also, it was reported that Leanne was waiting for a telephone call about a possible job the day she last seen, which is another "detail" that does not add up !

    Leanne's friends and HER family know her best, and I would like to hear what they have to say. And I would bet that all of them would say that Leanne would NEVER commit suicide.

  151. Shelley,

    not indicating him for deception is not to clear him. We had small sample, and as pointed out correctly, he wasn't asked direct questions.

    This case has, for some reason, brought out some acute emotional responses from commentators.

    The family of a missing person is usually enveloped in compassion and understanding. Perhaps social media is changing things, especially due to the guilty...the Scott Peterson Effect, perhaps.


    1. I agree Peter.

      This case has pulled me in more emotionally, and I think that it's due to the fact that the victim had a blog with videos to watch of her personality, and experiences.

      I can understand plural language due to the guilt of possible suicide, but I still can't reconcile that with JB's behavior. If he knew all along that this was likely, then why didn't he say..'Leanne may be suicidal, she has a rope with her in the backpack and may have done harm to herself, please look everywhere'.

      Instead he concentrated on convincing people she was 'missing', and keeping people looking for an alive Leanne, walking around somewhere. Having hope is one thing, but misdirecting the search efforts is crazy. As I said about the reward...didn't he want her found, as quickly as possible, whatever the outcome?

      JB demanded everyone pass out flyers, and donate money, he made trips to San Antonio, and argued online. Why did they need to have all of these fundraisers if they knew all along this was the likely outcome? It still doesn't add up for me.

  152. Mystery Cupid said...
    Why did the author of this blog and the commenters here criticize Josh Bearden for his replies to you asking for help? (Additional PI help, ect)

    A cry for help should never be ignored or matter the emotion in which it was asked for. MOO.

    “Be kind, for everyone you meet may be fighting a harder battle.” ― Plato

    Happy Valentines Day to you and yours......

    February 14, 2014 at 11:56 AM

    Isn't it sad? Peter was on the verge of having his readers condemn Josh to hell. He loves to proclaim people guilty without knowledge of the facts. Usually when I don't have the facts, I like to incorporate aliens into the story, but that's just me. Peter seems to like to add pedophiles. To each his own, I guess.

    Josh and Leanne's family, suspecting the worst, clung to the story that she just walked away (well, that was actually true now, wasn't it?) because they were afraid people would stop looking. May they began the healing process soon. My heart hurts for them and I can only hope Josh never stumbled across Peter's worthless ramblings.

  153. ------------------------

    I agree -- it was made to LOOK like it was suicide -- but it was murder, IMO.

    Also, it was reported that Leanne was waiting for a telephone call about a possible job the day she last seen, which is another "detail" that does not add up !

    Leanne's friends and HER family know her best, and I would like to hear what they have to say. And I would bet that all of them would say that Leanne would NEVER commit suicide.

    I'll take that bet. How much?

  154. No one *wants* anyone to have killed anyone just because it was suspected by Peter, or anyone else. Most of this blog's followers just want to get to the truth.

    John: seriously, a dead body has just been found. That is exactly the time to begin analysis! Every type of analysis! If one seeks out a blog on statement analysis one can expect to see such a thing, complaining about the time frame seems odd and borderline trollish. People interested in statement analysis are obviously going to want to get their analysis "in" before any eventual confessions, or forensic evidence, otherwise why bother?

    I do have a question though,......
    If someone knows their loved one has mental illness/depression/suicidal tendencies (or even later, in light of circumstance, starts to believe they missed the signs) could they feel so guilty, so responsible, so awful about 'not saving' their loved one that they take on responsibility for the death even though they didn't kill the person?

    Was it the husband himself that said he searched that parcel of land, or another relative? How much snow was about (could the body have been hidden the first time) and were they searching like professionals do it or just looking about?

  155. "Peter was on the verge of having his readers condemn Josh to hell. He loves to proclaim people guilty without knowledge of the facts."

    You know what is interesting about your comment? Is that you have not stuck to the facts.

    Peter didn't condemn Josh. He didn't proclaim Josh guilty. Go back and read all the posts about this case. Take your own medicine and stick to the facts.

  156. Id like more examples of when statement analysis ledto suspucion of innocent parties. its an interesting phenemon to say least. and a lesson on what it rakes to make statement analysis conckusive.

  157. We could have a discussion about the common things you would see when a woman commits suicide. What is expected and what is unexpected?

    Is wearing wedding rings expected?
    Is leaving a note expected?

  158. Anonymous said...
    "Peter was on the verge of having his readers condemn Josh to hell. He loves to proclaim people guilty without knowledge of the facts."

    You know what is interesting about your comment? Is that you have not stuck to the facts.

    Peter didn't condemn Josh. He didn't proclaim Josh guilty. Go back and read all the posts about this case. Take your own medicine and stick to the facts.

    February 14, 2014 at 12:06 PM

    Here's hoping you're never on the receiving end of any of Peter's "facts". Because his innuendoes, "analyses" and outright lies have sure been hurtful to some innocent people.

  159. I too am waiting for the official COD and posted such last night.

    I am also exploring other reasons for Josh Bearden's language. Knowledge of a possible suicide would explain it.

    The use of "we" and avoidance of "I" is a red flag in SA. It shows wanting to share the guilt. As Peter said, and as I know from personal experience, those left from suicide feel guilt. As Josh Bearden may have suspected suicide, he felt guilt and was displaying it to us.

    Last, those who drop in on this blog once in awhile for specified cases seem to mistake the purpose of the blog. Heck, even we regulars do. This is not a crime-solving or even a sleuthing blog like websleuths. It is for statement analysis.

  160. Last week, I pointed out that the author of the Bearden "About Us" descriptions on the Explore blog was most likely Leanne. Readers here jumped to conclusions stating it was Josh, insulting Leanne.

    I pointed out that it could be Leanne poking fun at her own traits and a sense of humbleness -- avoiding complimenting herself. I still believe this.

    Prayers to the grieving Hecht and Bearden families.

  161. I believe suicide. and i was WRONG to be so sure josh was guilty. im humbled.

  162. Anon at 12:06...Peter has cleaned up his blog articles, changing a few of his statements and deleted some. Je is protecting himself and his ridiculous Stmnt Analys hobby. Open your eyes.

  163. Anonymous said...
    i agree 10:50
    josh knew too much about EXACTly what happened.
    are you sure peter? imo he used "we" because it was a "we" that got her there. and "we" was sharing the blame.
    he might as well have said,

    I took her in a northern area on a big plot of land, i know she didn't run off, she LEFT of "her own free will"(suicide), she's OUT HERE somewhere, i cut cut up a pretty drainage ditch, made it look like she slipped off a large rock, you just HANG in there leanne.
    "we" will find you, even though "we" searched that area and i made sure no one found you then, because i didn't want to be the one who "found" you.

    Remember, I only analyzed what he said, and did not interview, nor have transcripts to an interview.

    Statement Analysis will not conclude "deception" unless it is broad.

    He used distancing language which often times indicates guilt. But what guilt? It may be guilt from having argued with her before she went missing.

    The principles remain the same. I did not indicate him for deception, nor did I "hint" it or insinuate it.

    His statements bothered me for good reason. If my wife went missing, I would say "I want her back. I am worried. I love her..." and not say "we", unless I was interviewed with my children with me. Then, I would speak for all of us.

    If this proves to be suicide, the surviving spouse's guilt is expected. This is in all suicides and the survivor will feel guilt even if he is the best husband in the world...same as a parent over a suicidal child.

    This is a terribly sad case.

    I continue to have nasty anonymous comments deleted, so please do not respond to the taunts. There are several people who share this responsibility for me and are diligent about it.

  164. Anonymous said...
    After hearing an online rumor that she hung herself, I was reminded of this comment. It is very weird in hindsight:

    Speaking to his wife in the hopes that she’s somewhere in the range of his voice, Bearden said, “If somebody has you just hang in there. We’re going to keep looking for you. We’re never ever going to stop looking for you.”
    February 13, 2014 at 9:50 PM

    When someone says "we will never ever stop looking for you" the person is expressing no hope of success.

    Others says, "I will search until I find you"


  165. Someone had asked about her rings...and one of the article I found said that she did have her rings on.

  166. It seems odd that a person would go off and commit an act of suicide without some history of warning signs. Some recent comments about not doing so well or periods of panic, and/or anxiety driven behaviors.

    What sticks in my mind is the JB comment just before she apparently left, " take your time, Babe".

    If my wife was struggling with deep emotional pains, I would certainly know it and do everything in my power to see to it that she was well within my sights at all times.

    Hiding deep emotion pain is very difficult especially when one is apparently on the verge of ending their lives.

    Some things still don't add up in this case.

  167. I am looking forward to hopefully getting some answers or legitimate evidence from LE, the coroner, and/or her family in the days to come. While suicide was not something I considered as a possibility while following this case, it could be possible. For people who think she could have never done that considering her apparent love of life and constant smile, we don't really know her.

    Sometimes people who shine the brightest are the ones who feel the darkest on the inside. I know, because I have lived that way for 12 years. I have had suicidal thoughts multiple times in the past 10 years but if you ask any of my friends and most of my family they would tell you I am the funniest, happiest and friendliest person they know. In the past year or so I have gone on medication and joined therapy and support groups. When I have mentioned this to people who know me they think I am lying, so with Leanne, anything is possible.

    It is possible that she had planned this and then made efforts to appear normal. It is common for people who have decided to commit suicide to live their last days or weeks as though everything is going better, usually because they are at ease after making the decision and want to live their last days happy and with family or friends.

    Her going to a random neighbor's wooded backyard is odd though. As mentioned, most people (that have family and friends) commit suicide in a place that is comfortable (a home, car, etc) or that they will be found by friends or family. Of the multiple people I know who committed suicide and those who have tried or considered it (in my support group) there was only one person I remember wanting to do it in a place he might not be found. He had body issues and his reasoning was that he hated his body so much that he didn't want people to see it, even in death. So obviously that was a special circumstance.

    It might be possible that if she did kill herself, she did it else where and whoever found her panicked and did a body drop. Possibly staging it in a way that reflected her self-inflicted cause of death. All this is JMO from following the case and personal experience.

  168. Big Russian said...
    My sister committed suicide, ironically, when she was 33. From going through that horrible ordeal, I learned that when someone takes their own life, they are really angry at someone else and don't have it in them to murder. So to hurt the person they are angry with, they commit suicide. My sister's husband had just divorced her and she was mad at him. I also learned that people who commit suicide want to be identified. My sister jumped from the roof of a tall building in London, clutching her purse tightly, with her id inside.

    It is clear to all of us that Leanne Bearden was a very special person, who was loved by so many. She had a good heart and I am so very sorry to see it end this way. The guilt placed on her survivors will be life-changing.
    February 14, 2014 at 10:54 AM

    Big Russian,
    I am sorry to hear this. Your theory of being angry at another is certainly worth consideration.

    I have had some close to me attempt suicide. One was a close relative, but living far from me. I still felt guilt...lots of "what should I have done?" questioning of myself.

    Suicide punishes loved ones for a very long time.


  169. Anon at 1:28 said this:
    Her going to a random neighbor's wooded backyard is odd though. As mentioned, most people (that have family and friends) commit suicide in a place that is comfortable (a home, car, etc) or that they will be found by friends or family.

    First I want to thank you for your comment, it is intelligently written. I agree with all that you said. Per the comment I listed above my thoughts are:

    1.Leann was at her in-laws house, so its possible she didn't want to burden them with her results.

    2. I believe she was comfortable outdoors and simply looked for a nearby tree. Or maybe she walked in frustration until the location seemed "right."

    Prayers to you and your sharing of personal information. You are a blessing to the hopeless.

  170. Jen Ow said this:

    "JB demanded everyone pass out flyers, and donate money, he made trips to San Antonio, and argued online. Why did they need to have all of these fundraisers if they knew all along this was the likely outcome? It still doesn't add up for me."

    I haven't been able to read everything in the press about Josh and the family, I'm behind. But my guess is that their actions show they didn't lose HOPE that Leanne could be alive. Could Josh's demands be perseverance?

    Again, I need to get caught up on the news articles. Fundraisers supplement many aspects in a missing person case. (One example? The PI fee.)

    It's wise to fundraise early while the case is in the public eye because many caring individuals WANT to help. One never knows how long the case is going to stretch into the future and the funds would be easily available.

  171. Anon12:48 who said:
    1.Leann was at her in-laws house, so its possible she didn't want to burden them with her results.

    2. I believe she was comfortable outdoors and simply looked for a nearby tree. Or maybe she walked in frustration until the location seemed "right."

    Thank you for your response. I had not fully considered that the "home" in this case was not hers, that she may not have felt more comfortable there then outside or that she may not have wanted to leave the memory of her death in someone else's home. It is hard to determine where she felt most comfortable after so much time traveling, away from friends and family.

    Being outside might have felt more natural to her. The spot she was found seems like one she would have had enough time and privacy to kill herself, but also close enough to homes and people that she'd reasonably expect to be found. So maybe there is validity in that and it just took longer then expected to find her.

    I hope that LE and the autopsy reports are conclusive one way or the other. For family and friends to maybe have to live with both the guilt from possible suicide and the unknowing of whether there was truly foul play or not, seems unbearable and can rip both people and relationships apart. So for everyone who cares about her or who has followed her case, I hope the answers will give clarity.

  172. It has been stated many times on fb that Josh and Leanne were obsessed with the movie "Up." The picture of the balloons, which is now his facebook header, is from that movie. I have not seen the film, but I looked up a synopsis of it today. Here are some excerpts:

    "Carl goes inside to investigate and meets a young, outgoing tomboy who shares his passion for exploration and admiration of Charles Muntz. Startled by her loud, boyish demeanor at first, Carl loses his balloon in the rafters. The girl, Ellie (Elie Docter), helps him retrieve it, though Carl falls from a beam and breaks his arm. Ellie sneaks into his room that night and shows him her adventure book where she expresses a desire to one day move to the top of Paradise Falls in South America, showing him a picture that she 'ripped right out of a library book'. She makes him promise that they will go together someday before leaving. A musical montage shows Carl and Ellie eventually getting married and moving into the old house where they first met. Their marriage is blissful and they get jobs as a balloon salesman and zookeeper, respectively. When they discover that Ellie is unable to have children, they make a pact to save money to travel to Paradise Falls. However, as the years pass, they are forced to dig into their Falls fund for other obligations. One day, an elderly Carl realizes that, despite living happily together, they never fulfilled their old promise and decides to surprise Ellie on a picnic with tickets to South America. However, Ellie's declining health puts her in the hospital and she eventually passes away, leaving Carl alone."

    The female character in the film is the adventurer. She instills in the male character a desire to travel with her. She works as a zookeeper (Leanne and Josh married at a zoo).

    "Carl goes inside the house and sits down to look at Ellie's adventure book. Saddened that she never got to see the Falls, he is about to close it when he discovers added pictures near the end, documenting their life together. On the last page is a note written by Ellie that says thanks for the adventure, now go have a new one!"

    Source: IMBD

  173. I am mistaken. The balloons in his and Leanne's (now they match, I've noticed) fb headers are NOT from the film, but similar.

  174. Anonymous said...
    The family knew she was suicidal. Josh knew early on that she probably killed herself. He didn't know where, of course, and he hoped it wasn't true... but he suspected in. He knew what was int he backpack.

    February 14, 2014 at 11:28 AM


    I disagree. If the family - HER family - knew she was suicidal, they would have been saying she is at risk because she is suffering from mental illness, has been despondent, depressed, etc. If her husband thought she was suicidal, he would have been saying that!

    He knew what was in the backpack. He knew the backpack was missing... but didn't mention it for awhile at first. If he thought she was suicidal and knew a backpack with rope was missing, why wouldn't he be saying that?!? Instead, it was that she was having issues adjusting to normal life, she had friends go through similar things, etc.

    IMO, saying she had issues adjusting to normal life after a 22 month vacation makes her sound spoiled and not wanting to work, not suicidal.

  175. Also from fb, THIS PERSON created the picture (sun inside the heart) and tribute of Leanne about 4 hours before it appeared on Josh's page. He tagged both Josh and Leanne in the photo on his own page.

  176. SUS said:

    "The blog referenced "Leanne's ADD kicked in" numerous times...manic episode?"


    I don't think that means she had manic episodes or ADD. I have friends who will say their "ADD is acting up," or similar offhanded comments when they are just having trouble staying focused on a task (primarily when tired/overwhelmed). In similar ways friends/family will say their "OCD is going crazy," when something is driving them crazy. There is no diagnosis of OCD or ADD... I think a lot of people think it is fine to use these terms so loosely.

    Example: I have a friend who hangs her framed photos on the upper 1/3 of her walls, dang near touching the ceiling. It looks very weird! But it drives another friend of ours nuts because it is just so off centered, so she jokes that "Candice's walls make her OCD kick into high gear." She has no OCD, she just doesn't like the way our friend hangs her photos (which... ugh!!).
