Saturday, February 15, 2014

What Happened To Heather Elvis?

Beautiful young Heather Elvis

Heather Elvis has not been seen nor heard from since December 17th, 2013, and there has been no credible sightings of her to date.

What is found within this possible scenario?  Consider:

In March of 2013, or near by, she met an older man, Sidney Moorer, who was married.  Heather, just 20, became involved with a middle aged man who, at this state in the young girl's life, would have a disparate level of sophistication between them.  Just starting out in life, Heather would not know with certainty what she wanted in life, and this uncertainty could cause anxiety.  She was living with a roommate and just learning how to survive in this tough life.  Moorer, on the other hand, could be, to Heather, a strong, stable and guiding presence for her, charming her into the relationship.

After Heather went missing, Tammy Moorer, Sidney's wife, posted a nasty statement and claimed that Heather was fantasizing about her husband.

                                                   Here is a picture of Sidney Moorer:

                                                       Here is a picture of Heather:

Just as there would be a disparity of sophistication between a middle aged man and a girl months out of her teens, there is a disparity in natural appearance.

Heather Elvis was not likely fantasizing about Sidney Moorer's looks.

It would not likely be something that a young girl sees and thinks, "Hollywood good looks!" over.

From March (if Tammy Moorer's post is to be believed) when this relationship started we might find the beginning of this story.  In order for someone like Moorer to keep a beautiful young woman like Heather "on the hook", Moorer would have to do more than smile.  He would have to use his sophistication, and even financial stability, to promote an ongoing relationship with the younger, and far more attractive Heather Elvis.  He would have to promise her to "do things right", and appeal to the moral upbringing that Heather had, and so many young people temporarily depart from for a season.

Sidney Moorer did not capture Heather's hearts with his looks.

It is what it is.

He would have had to capture her heart with things that appealed to her.  Given her family background, the notion of "family", itself, would be very appealing to Heather.

Whatever Moorer had Heather coming back for, it would have been something that appealed to Heather, the feeling of family, a direction in life, and success, business connections, finance, etc.  I do not buy into Tammy Moorer's self serving flattery.  In her post, she was deceived by her husband and minimized the relationship, and resorted to juvenile name calling that may come back to haunt the family in a possible court case.

Given that Moorer is a middle aged cheat, and Heather a young beautiful girl with her whole life ahead of her, this is my guess;

Sidney Moorer was in this way deeper than Tammy ever knew, in spite of her attempt to minimize the relationship.

Sidney Moorer may have had a strong control over Heather, yet, Heather's patience may have grown thin.

Somewhere along the line, the relationship broke off.

 The young woman may have come to her senses, perhaps even confiding in family who helped her find the strength to break off with the married man, of whom she had been attached to.

On the 16th of December, Heather went out on a date with a young man.

This would be a fresh break from the imprisonment of being with a married man.  It would be a new start and a more natural beginning for a young woman.  It is good for the young to struggle together, for being cemented in the hard times, they may enjoy the blessings of the good times, later together, as they look back and learned much in life.

This may have been all too much for Sidney Moorer to bear.

Was it that this was the loss of power and control on the part of Sidney Moorer?

Was it just too much for Sidney Moorer to bear, that Heather went out on a date?
Was it just too much for Sidney Moorer to bear, that Heather went out on a date with a young man?

If Moorer was suffering from a middle-age syndrome, fancying himself as younger and in fear of getting older, it could have triggered a panic in him, and a demand to meet him.

If Moorer was given to violence, it is the loss of control that can trigger the most violence to the victim.

Was Heather's date, after warning Sidney Moorer, over and over, the final proof that she was not simply making false threats to Moorer to break off, but proof?

He may have demanded that Heather talk to him, which she may have.  He may have then demanded to see her, face to face.

If this demand to meet him was rejected, was it that he then promised to leave his wife for Heather, vowing to give her a ready-made family, and a ready made home life?

This might have appealed to a family orientated Heather.  A kind of 'let's make this right" mentality, as guilt, lies, and sneaking around had all taken its toll against Heather's upbringing, wearing her down, and bringing her to her senses.  He may have even pleaded with her how much the kids need her, and likely disparaged Tammy as a mother.  (Tammy's own posting goes a long way in revealing her character).

At the time of this possible confrontation, she was just 20 years old.  Small, tiny and vulnerable, she would look towards him for guidance, while struggling to not seek guidance from her own father, who would not have approved of the middle aged man.  Also, at 20, Heather might have been anxious to "prove" she could "make it" on her own, as growing children all must do.  This is a time period noted for poor choices. Most of us looking back at ourselves at that age, recognize all that we had done wrong in life and wish we had done differently. It is part of growing up.  It was for me.

Did she meet his children or see pictures of them, which could have provoked maternal instincts within Heather?  Did he tell her how much better the kids would be with her in the role of mother?  Did he portray Tammy to Heather in a way to arouse a form of 'righteous anger', with tales of mistreatment of the children?

Did he thus manipulate her by appealing to her highest interests and morals, even while promising to end the illicit nature of the relationship and "make it right" knowing her desire to live properly?

If he did promise to leave Tammy for Heather, it may have been enough to get her to leave the safety of her apartment, so very late, to meet him.

We do not know.

We do not know what happened to Heather after the phone conversation, but we know that she has been missing for an extended period of time, and that things do not look good.

Sidney won't cooperate with police.  He won't do, as others do willingly, in taking a polygraph to clear himself.

It appears that Sidney, Tammy, and even Tammy's family has "circled the wagons" rather than coming out and plainly declaring that Sidney was not involved.

Hence, the face off between desperate father Terry Elvis, and the Moorer clan.

If the answer to Heather's plight lies within Sidney Moorer, he needs to give this information and he needs to give it now.

If he was involved, public sentiment will only grow darker should he be caught, having delayed justice and allowed the pain and agony of the unknown to remain in the Elvis family.

This same public could be the jury of his peers.

If something unintended happened in those early morning hours, Sidney Moorer should come forward now and explain what happened.

Tell the truth.

Heather remains missing and answers are needed now.


  1. OT.

    Has anyone been following this case?

    Jury deliberations resume in Michael Dunn murder trial in Florida.

    Dunn, 47, who is white, is accused of firing 10 shots and killing Jordan Davis, 17, who was black, during an expletive-laden confrontation over the volume of rap music coming from an SUV on Nov. 23, 2012, at a Jacksonville convenience store and gas station. Three of Davis' friends were also in the vehicle and were uninjured.
    Dunn has argued that he shot in self-defense because he felt his life was in danger and that he saw what he thought was a shotgun barrel.
    No weapon was found.
    Dunn faces five charges including first-degree murder, three counts of attempted murder and one count of firing into a vehicle. If convicted of the top count, Dunn could spend the rest of his life in prison. The other charges also carry penalties of 15 years or more in prison.
    The jury can also consider lesser charges.,0,1523783.story#ixzz2tPdH78Yo

    1. Whoops, sorry John. I didn't see you had posted this and posted on Michael Dunn below.

  2. My thoughts, exactly. You just have to see their FB pages to know they are good at putting up a facade. They obviously have no conscience. Their lack of morality is very troubling. Makes sense they would love Disney, the land of make believe. How ironic his name is a word jumble for Disney.

  3. Heather reminds me of myself at 20. A free spirit on the outside and worried about her future on the inside. How easy to slip into a position once occupied by a delusional woman who left her husband at one point for a rock star (cough,cough) only to decide to come back and carry on as though nothing had happened. Check out her FB page, open for the world to see. She'll go down in infamy. TM shouldn't be raising children. IMO I'm sure Sidney would have loved to swap out Tammy Fay for Heather. Who wouldn't? He got in over his head. Caught between a rock and a hard place. If he couldn't have Heather, no one could. Age old story. Not complicated at all.

  4. Peter, please consider the case of missing Charli Joann Scott. She is a pregnant 27 year old. See below the link of interview transcript. In applying statement analysis principles, the ex-boyfriend's statement indicates deception.


  5. @Sarah,

    Thanks for the reading recommendation. I just went over and checked out TM's Facebook. "Doth protest too much" is all that comes to mind, as is the disparity between what she says and what she does. She just recently opened her FB page to the public, then posts things taunting the "stalkers" that are looking at her page. Nothing like saying no but meaning yes, huh?

    Also, an interesting post, I thought, professing her undying devotion for her prince-of-a-husband. She said he is a phenomenal husband because he always puts her and their kids first. Really?? When did he put her first? How recently? Not when he was "banging some ho" back in March, which she just found out about in October/November. I'm thinking she didn't think he was a phenomenal husband in November when he told her, so what has he done recently that she is so over-the-top in love again and sure that she's his one and only?

  6. Hi ima.grandma ,

    Very interesting indeed..

  7. Why would a "nice" girl carry on with a married man? I mean, that's not nice behavior. So how do we know the victim was a "nice" girl? Bad choices often lead to bad outcomes. Its sad. Undeserved YES. But had she not carried on with another woman's husband she would prob be alive today. I'd be looking at the wife as a suspect.

  8. Good afternoon John, how are you?
    The ex-boyfriend's statements automatically tell us he knows she is dead. There is another missing mother (Mo Monsalve) from Maui with an ex-boyfriend that fled to California after he met with the police but not before he filled up the Mauinow facebook page. There appears to be several missing women in the last year or so from the same island. pam

  9. Hi ima.grandma.

    Im very well thank you. I hope your keeping well too. :-)

    I'm going to have to read up on this case, i havnt followed it, although, i did see that someone the other day(it may have been yourself?)posted about it.

    Intrigued to say the least.

  10. Scenario sounds right Peter! I would include that the wife encouraged, ie blackmailed him into this setup meeting and went with him to "meet" Heather.


  11. Tammy Caison Moorer

    21 hours ago

    For my husband Sidney...

    7 Reasons Why I Love You More Than Ever

    1. You are a phenomenal husband.

    2. You always put me and the babies are an amazing father.

    3. You are an awesome chef.

    4. You have never lost your temper, hit me, or hurt me in any way.

    5. You work hard and pay the bills on time, no matter what we have to live without.

    6. You are the most gracious, kindhearted, compassionate man I have ever known.

    7. You are Sidney!

    Before I met you most of my boyfriends were rockstars. In '97 I was burnt out on that lifestyle and ready for a change. I tried so hard to forget about that life and concentrate on our marriage, and was successful for many years. In 2009 I reconnected with my past and that changed us. I begged you to leave and you stayed anyway. Here and now I want to apologize for running out on us. I wish I had never hurt you, and I want to thank you for always being there. You are my BEST FRIEND. You have and always will be the only rockstar I need. I love you baby!

    Happy Valentines Day — with Sidney Moorer.

    Sidney Moorer

    18 hours ago

    Well here are 8 of the reasons I love you. Sorry I had to one up you...haha

    1. You are an amazingly strong woman

    2. You have stood by me through so much, when other people back away you walk right into it with me

    3. You have always given it your all even when it gets tough.

    4. You put up with my many flaws and still love me.

    5. Duh, you're the most beautiful, sexy woman I have ever met and the way you love me makes me feel so good. That's why I can't exist without you. You make me whole.

    6. You are the best mother and wife anyone could ever ask for and I am lucky to have someone so awesome to help raise our kids.

    7. I'm not a rock star but you have always treated me like I was and no one ever has done that for me.

    8. You are my best friend and I could never thank you enough for being an amazing one.

    Happy Valentines Day
    I Love You

  12. TM needs to do a little better job of disguising her style of writing. It's obvious she wrote both posts.

    I hope they enjoyed the Goldschlager and whip.

    Hmmm, what is that leaning on the bottle?

    16 hours ago

    Tammy Caison Moorer A whip.

    15 hours ago

  13. to say you know what attrated heather and what didn't about sidney --- eh, it doesn't ring super insightful. sorry -- I know you mean well but I don't get the impression she thought like that, I think a lot of it was physical for her. which was also tied to deep emotions. and there was the problem because he likely treated it like it was only physical. though surely he felt emotions too he was trying not to feel. but if you look at her twitter and instragram -- she literally posts info about sexual fantasies about sidney. and tons of stuff about sex. very little about settling down if anything. ---- it doesn't mean what she posted was a full expression of what she felt. not does the fact that tammy was accurate in saying heather was fantasaizing about her husband mean the moorers aren't some how responsible. but heather did have an extremely sexual side, as most girls do. it's just human nature. i don't think we have to white wash that in oder to consider than she may have been a victim of a horrible crime. even if she was fantasizing about moored. and even if she was attracted to him for her own reasons we can't appreciate.

  14. This couple obviously have a very stable, loving and trusting relationship. Their valentines memoirs to each other are wow, original and seem genuine!!! Ha

  15. She calls her kids "babies" aren't they like teenagers?

  16. I had a relationship with an older married man for a couple of years when I was a teen-aged made me feel special Johnny wanted me more than he wanted his wife. It made it important to me to be special and do special things for him, I was so danged special...I was easy to use because of my insecurities.

    I have changed a lot through the years, and become aware due to the common tangible and intangible lessons learned through my life. I often question now how I could have been so insecure and dumb as a young teenager, but there is a lot of pressure on girls to be desired and I must have been vulnerable and naive, as I believe Heather, and many other young women, may be.

    It gives creeps like Johnny or Sidney the power to make young insecure woman feel adult and desirable till she grows up and see these men for the users and energy sappers they truly are.

    I feel for Heather and for her family, and I hope Heather is found, safe and well xo

  17. They are stuck with each other. Everyone else has "backed away" from him, and she doesn't want to admit that--since he "pays the bill on time"--she may have made a mistake in coming back to him. Now that Heather is out of the picture, well, gee, that just makes their love stronger. Puh-lease.

  18. Did Sydney and his wife really post that BS? what a joke!

    sorry but a man (and we know she too had an affair) does not cheat if he feels that way about a woman.

    its almost like hes trying to make it look like hhe didnt care about heather. lies! I think he did or at least felt like she was his and the date with another man set him off.

  19. Yep, those are her posts. Both of them. Sidney probably doesn't even know he has a FB page. She did make a comment that she keeps a choker chain on him. For all we know, he's locked up in the basement. She let him loose long enough to make a sorry excuse of a statement to a reporter, while she hid behind the door.

    She's at it again. I just looked at "Sidney's" page. She loves to taunt.

  20. keep up the pressure, Peter! great job.

  21. For some reason, and maybe Peter can explain this, Tammy Moorer seems to want to stay connected to this case. Her FB friends told her to make her pages private and even explained how to do it but she said she doesn't have time. I am sure you all know how easy it is to change your privacy settings. She is enjoying this attention very much as if to say, "See, he chose me!" There is great insecurity here because she was rejected by her husband and the public knows it. Now she needs an audience to show she "won" in the end. It is a very sad situation.

  22. I don't necessarily agree with Peter about the attraction Heather had to SM, although everything else seems to ring a little true. Heather was promiscuous, so much so that I suspect she may have been sexually abused. She was attracted to older men (perhaps she was abused by an older man). Maybe TE knew about it/found out about it hence his seeming over protection of her. To me it seems as though her sexual conquests were like another notch in her bad girl belt. It's something she did well. A married older man was like bonus points and the attention from him would give her a sense of self worth and importance.
    The Facebook posts are over the top, even people who truely feel that way would resort to posting it on Facebook. Tammy is involved in the cover up. They're both in it together. The offing of Heather brought them "closer" together. Very similar to the hailey Dunn case when the two guilty parties seemed to commit themselves to each other after her death, only to later split and cast blame. Keep your friends close and your accomplices closer. Yes, if he couldn't have her, no one could and Tammy hates her too, why not claim he's doing it for TM, 2 birds with one stone

  23. And Tammy, if you're reading this:
    Hi, you're disgusting

  24. Peter,
    Would you be interested in analyzing Michael Dunn's testimony? The judge just declared a mistrial.

    Here is some of it....he uses present tense as he gives his account.

  25. Okay this is really gross but on his FB On December 15th talks about having sex in the mall bathroom And the changing from the store hot topic.... i wpuld Copy and paste but I am on my cell phone

  26. Changing room* its public for all the see, that just screams to me that he really likes sex in public places considering his wife talked about him having sex with Heather in the backseat of the car.

  27. This is my impression of the relationship between Sidney Moorer and Heather Elvis going on what I've read including Heather's twitter posts:

    I think Heather did find him to be very physically attractive (why I do not know especially when I feel a sensation of nauseau when looking at his picture). She clearly found him to be sexy though judging from her twitter posts. I feel he probably "jumped at the chance" to sleep with her and probably slept with her more than 3 times but less than 10. (If you read Heather's twitter it just does not seem like they had regular contact with each other. Her posts also seem to come from a depressed, confused individual who is not in a regular, secure (whether sexual or whatnot) with a man (married or not). My feeling is that Peter is absolutely right about the "control" factor inherent in Sidney being much older than her. She was not the one "in control". My guess is that one way in which this control manifested was probably making her feel "unloved" (she does not seem to be someone who felt "loved" in her twitter posts) and my guess is that he probably did not make her feel like he loved her more than his wife. He probably tried to make her feel very insecure, so that she was not sure if he wanted her or not, was not sure when he would see her or not, etc etc. Most of her posts seem depressive--I do not get the feeling of someone who was involved in an exciting, regular affair. Rather Sidney was probably using her, making her feel used, and not giving her the security of seeing her regularly.
    (This would actually support the theory that he may have lured her to meet him at the dock. If he constantly had her feeling very insecure about when and if he would see her, than that would make her more likely to "jump when he said jump" and go see him.)
    I question whether Sidney had deep-rooted feelings for her. He may have, however, he may very well have been treating her very disrespectfully as just someone to use without much of any emotional investment.
    Would he have become overcome with jealousy about her going on one date? Maybe. But if you look at his relationship with his wife, he does not seem to be a man who explodes with homicidal rage when his "woman" cheats on him or wants to leave him. Otherwise, I do not understand why or how his wife would be publicly announcing on facebook that she was going to leave Sidney for a rock star, as well as announcing that she had a boyfriend herself for a couple of years while she was married to Sidney.
    This is not to say that he did not harm Heather, he may have. However, if he is someone who responds to perceived infidelity in a violent way, I don't understand why his wife brags about all her infidelities publicly??

  28. I don't think Sidney is posting any of the nonsense. The verbiage is identical on both pages and both include ellipsis. I think she has serious mental health issues. What kind of person leaves her family to chase "rock stars" on tour? Then when she couldn't land one she came running back with her tail between her legs. Rumor is she's a Wiccan. So I guess morality isn't a concern for her.

  29. I don't think most people who snap necessarily have a history of violence. Maybe being controlled for so long by TM finally got to him. All I know is when someone is the last to talk to a victim, lies to LE about it, won't take a lie detector test, or speak out publicly to shout his innocence, that sets of a lot of alarms in my mind.

  30. If the police can figure out who called Heather from the payphone, then they can figure out who disappeared her.

    If Sidney used the payphone, then his ass is toast.

  31. Ok. come on now. THis is usually interesting here but it was too melodramtic with the emphasis on their looks/whatnot. Heather Elvis is not a standard beauty, she is a young cute kid. But that was so over the top laying it on thick for the sake of dramatizing. She knowingly dated a married man at the adult age of 20. She is not some 'small helpless' as you put it child she is a grown woman who made a very bad choice (which likely ended up getting her harmed as it looks he is shady) IT is sad for her , we all make dumb decisions when we are younger. This guy looks like a flunky you'd see drinking at a bar during the day.

    1. I completely agree. I am: guessing I am not the only one, she knew what she was doing, does it mean that she should be put in harms way NO!!!!! The wife is trash blame the girl...hey lady your husband put his blank in her. He had the commitment, to love n obey not her

  32. Most people dont look their best in mug shots.

  33. when other people back away you walk right into it with me


    How do I love thee, let me count the ways.

    It sounds as though they love each other very, very, very much.

  34. Hey Tammy, if Sid cheats on you again will you then throw him under the bus? Just wait. I hope he does it soon, chances are he's going to be kissing your ass for a while though. He called to tell her he was leaving you for her ! He didn't want you, you're his second choice.

  35. Sometimes insulting someone and bruising their ego makes them TALK.

  36. maybe tammy is nuts --- thats super weird to post fake valentines to herself.,

    always thought -- if heather told her friend Sindey had called her saying he wanted to leave his wife but heather was crying -- that heather's instincts told her to know better than to believe it but she was still in love so was feeling torn. and thats why she was crying. it sounds like the work of a woman knowing how to hurt another woman -- dangerous liasions style,. it sounds like Tammy got Sidney to say that stuff to heather with the aim to then take it back and humiliate her, ----- I think heather could have commited suicide as a result of this torment . and tammy's guilt is making her nuts not. -- but gee I really dont know.

  37. I think Tammy had Sidney lure her to the location her car was left and they kidnapped her. I don't think she was hurt there. The sun was starting to come up so they took her somewhere else. Maybe Tammy's crazy dad and her sister are involved too or know information. Sid and Tammy's dad were arrested together for fighting with a neighbor, I think he would help them get rid of the evidence

  38. Anon at 7:44: I see no reasons why Wiccans can't be moral, but she certainly doesn't strike me as Glenda the Good Witch. Pure speculation, but I'd bet money she's Christian.

    The most bizarre thing to me about this couple is the utter lack of any statements that they're sorry the family is going through this. If they're not involved in Heather's disappearance, they're sure going out of their way to show how little they care about it. If they were just private people, I could buy that they're simply taking a lawyers advice to keep quiet. But making all this lovey-dovey, "look at us, we're the victims here" crap public on their FB pages is just...hinky.

  39. Lot's of young women go for the older 'bad boy' image. I believe she was infatuated with SM and because it wasn't really going anywhere, she decided to date others. But that only works if the object of the infatuation knows you are dating others. Big thing in this picture is, SM was married to a nut-job, who, even though she brags about having other men, she don't want SM to do the same.

    My money is on one or both are involved in the dissaperance, and now they are bonded in silence.

  40. Interesting post, Rob.

    My thoughts are that Sidney needs to polygraph, but won't, and that he has shared information with Tammy, and Tammy's family, but not the police.

    It is my guess.


  41. im looking for specific motivstion. and an explanation of pay phone call in scenerio.


  42. Heather's brother posted a few weeks ago on her FB Find Heather Elvis page that Sidney called from a payphone and told Heather to meet him at the gas station, then suddenly the post got deleted.

  43. Carnival---

    really??? do you think it was the brother texting ? or a fake?

    wonder if its true or not true -- or how he could know that…how anybody could know that.

    and if it's true why didn't it lead to arrest?


  44. wow.. does he know it for fact i wonder?

  45. Interesting, because it has initially been stated that Mr. Moorer called Heather Elvis to tell her to quit calling him. (This was after he lied about talking to her at all that evening/morning.) However, just today, Mrs. Moorer stated on her Facebook: "Tammy Caison Moorer Shanna, he answered call 2 out of 6 at 3:17. That was the last time he spoke with her. The other calls were not answered."
