Sunday, June 22, 2014

Statement Analysis: IRS Commissioner's Reply

 Would anyone kindly transcribe the IRS Commissioner's reply to the charge of lying? I will provide in-depth analysis of his words....

Every American should fear the lies from this administration and this powerful organization that did the bidding.  Freedoms rapidly eroding, borders overrun, and a "pick and choose" attitude towards law.

We once treasured Freedom of Speech, no matter how much we disagreed.

Those who do not learn from history will inherit the heartache of past failures.  Socialism has never worked, no matter what name or label it has been given, nor how popular it has been in media.

Freedom means responsibility.

Government is an opinion with a gun.  This means that if government has an opinion about you, your children, your food, your life, it has the ability to enforce that opinion, even if it means imprisonment for you.

We've lost so many freedoms and have given over to government everything from our social life to our food and government is not suited for such things.

Those who currently rejoice because their beliefs are "in" should know that historically, pendulums swing both ways.  You'll rue the day you cheered as those you once disagreed with had their freedoms taken from them.

It is the lesson of history.

Lies do more damage than most people, myself included, really understand.

Just when I think I've grasped the danger of a liar, something new happens and the liar does more damage, or different damage, than anticipated.

Learn to despise lies, within us first, and then in others.

Integrity and personal responsibility once was treasured in our country.  It is now laughed at by the cynical "means are justified by the ends" philosophy, like Hillary Clinton pummeling a rape victim, in order to gain personal traction for her career, later claiming to be "for women" politically.  We'll take a look at the statement of the rape victim who watched Hillary ruthlessly shred her.

The IRS may now target some Americans, and when the pendulum swings, and it changes course, will you be next targeted?

Liars learn their craft early in life.


  1. I put ellipses where they speak over one another.....

    Rep. Brady-...Not provided us any information...

    IRS-... well...

    Rep Brady- "In fact, we didn't learn 'til last week, and then this week that you had supposedly lost the emails, not just from Ms. Lerner but other persons of interest in (?IRA)...

    IRS- There is no evidence that any of those emails have been lost either, and in fact, as I said earlier, my process has been to make sure that we had all of the facts....

    IRS- ....When we provided them to you so that in fact...

    Rep. Brady- ....Mr. Commissioner...(shaking his head no)...Why, at this point,

    Rep. Brady....Why should anyone believe you? The IRS denied for two years targeting of Americans based on their political beliefs, that wasn't the truth. They said it was a few rogue agents in Cincinnati, that wasn't the truth. You said you were targeting liberal organizations, that wasn't the truth. Then you assured us you would provide us all the emails in May and that wasn't the truth. (then or and) today you're telling us out of thousands of IRS umm,umm, computers the one that lost the emails was the person of interest in an on going congressional investigation (something said in background, off microphone) and that isn't the truth either. This is the most corrupt and deceitful IRS in the history.

    IRS- Umm

    (Off microphone, time has expired)

  2. This administration is shameful, lawless and corrupt..from top to bottom.

    I read an article last night that a friend forwarded to me that claims the IRS contracted for email archiving service through an outside company called Sonasoft, since 2005:

  3. @JenOw- Right! Here is a twitter feed from Sonasoft-
    " @Sonasoft
    If the IRS uses Sonasoft products to backup their servers why wouldn't you choose them to protect your severs?
    11:40 AM - 9 Oct 2009"

    Sonasoft’s motto is “email archiving done right.”

    They have those emails, that the commissioner said "There is no evidence that any of those emails have been lost either.."

    Anytime someone uses "evidence" I think guilty and/or deceptive. Why does anyone need to use evidence in a statement. They use it when they think they can't get caught. They have done something, but it will not be proven, hence no evidence.

  4. I agree Sella35-

    It's infuriating, and insulting to be lied to repeatedly. They have the emails, and their attempts to hide them confirms that the content is damming. Those who are dishonest, have a reason to be. ;-)

    I don't believe for a second that the emails of multiple parties, who just HAPPEN to be under investigation were 'lost', or deleted....but even if they actually were, they can be recovered.

    I am disgusted by the dishonesty of this administration.

    1. Oh Jen, I agree, except for one thing, I don't think they have to emails (readily available at least). I think they were destroyed as much as possible (they're saying her hard drive was recycled or something?). Yes, the emails are somewhere, and I'm sure they can be recovered. Will they be though?

    2. I'm sure they are doing their best to keep them from being recovered, but nothing you delete from a hard drive is ever really deleted.

      Also, the NSA has confirmed their collection of metadata, so the email content could also be recover by mining that data if needed. I read somewhere that Rep. Steve Stockman (TX) has already filed a request for the metadata to be turned over to investigators.

      I hope this is the final straw scandal, that will FINALLY result in impeachment of Obama, and put this country back on track. (Of course, I have hoped this more times than I can count, yet every week a new, more disturbing scandal is exposed.)

  5. I agree with all you guys. Yes Jen, this administration is corrupt, from top to bottom. The lies and deception towards the American people, seems to be never ending. The sad thing is, many Americans have no idea what is going on. Many have no idea what's going on with the border (as well as the plane fulls being shipped across the US to other states), IRS, Iraq, Bergdahl, Gitmo, etc. One woman, who was waiting in line for Hillary's book/book signing(?), was asked if she knew what Bwnghazi was and what happened. Her response was (paraphrasing) "um, I don't know, I think so, kinda, but I'm not sure.". Some people have no idea what is going on, and they're going to go vote for who? Someone that they "like", because they're a female, because they like ONE aspect of their campaign, because they think someone is handsome, or "trendy", etc.? I'm really getting scared. People need to pay attention, research, educate themselves. If you then still like a certain candidate, then more power to you, but please, get informed!

    1. It is scary. Laws are being broken daily by Obama, who behaves more like a dictator, than the POTUS.

    2. I also agree about uninformed voters. Even worse are those who blindly support him, and dismiss his every wrongdoing with claims that he, 'has to break the law to get things done'.

      No. He swore an oath, and it's his job to work WITH congress...not bypass them.

      It is his responsibility to abide by, and uphold the Constitution...not bypass it.

      He is a miserable failure.

  6. This has a transcript, idk if it's complete, or if it's the correct one. (He definitely has an issue with using the pronoun "I".).

    Now that I see the link here ↓ I see that it says it's from March.

  7. How is this administration any more deceptive than every other administration that has governed us? How is it even humanly possible to wade through all of their lies, half-truths and spin, whether they be Republican or Democrat? Old news....

    1. I have no doubt other administrations have been dishonest, but does that somehow cancel out the lies of the current administration?

      The past can't be changed, but we must demand honesty from the current leadership, and his promised, "most transparent administration ever".

      Being complacent, and accepting the idea that the government lies to us citizens, only guarantees that the dishonesty will continue.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Here's a transcript I'd love to see analyzed. It's the interview with Obama where he claims "not even mass corruption, not even a smidgen of corruption...", regarding the IRS. There's also other topics discussed, including the "affordable" healthcare act, and website issues. I find that one very ironic, because back then, he claimed the website(s) was fixed, and so many millions "signed up", and being only a month or so behind, when the websites, NOW to this day, are still not working, maybe people are "signed up" whatever that means but people's applications still have not been processed thar were submitted before the deadline. In MA, the cancelled plans that people were paying for (cancelled because they were not going to be providing such plans, because people would be able to get exact plans from the new "affordable" care act), have been extended repeatedly, now extended through December 31, 2014, which is OVER a year from the sign up deadline. A month behind? Now up to over a year behind! Some peoples plans were just cancelled, being left with nothing, some are paying outrageous prices that they can't afford, people lost doctors, missed appointments, can't get/afford medications, etc. I guess apparently (from reading comments on a local/state affordable care act page) few people somehow got some kind of temp free coverage, which will be extended through December 31. The whole healthcare act is a disastrous nightmare, imo!

    1. Oops, I forgot to put the link lol.

