Thursday, August 28, 2014

Mother Makes Plea for Child

I am unable to ascertain if she referenced the child in the past tense, as the audio is inconclusive. 

See the video above.

Note the absence of the child's name:  

Please, just please bring my baby back. He’s just one month old. I love my child. I just gave birth to him, he is my one and only son, my first born,” Perkins said. “I just want to know why. Why would you take my baby? Why can’t you just drop them off somewhere safe so I can see him healthy again?

His name is avoided, which indicates distance. 
a.  my baby
b.  my child
c.  my son
d. my first born
e.  my baby

These have the possessive pronoun, "my" attached.  

Please note that she wants to know "why" rather than where her child is.  
Does she know more, or does she suspect the father?
Note that the word, "child" is often associated with abuse/neglect.  

She does not talk about where he might be, if he is being well cared for, and so on.  

"healthy again"   Does she know he was not healthy?  Was he a neglected child?
While missing for 24 hours, she said she had not seen him in "two days."

“I don’t wish this on other parents. I’m too young to be going through this. I just got my job two days ago. I was going to provide for my baby,” she continued. “He means the world to me and his dad. We are good parents. We work hard. We work really hard to provide for a child. And for you to take him away is just tearing a hole in my family and in my heart he doesn’t deserve this. Please, please let my son go.

Note the emphasis of impact is upon her, being young, going through this.  What is her son now going through?  Is he being cared for?
Note that there is emphasis and sensitivity about work.
Note that the child's name is not used. 
Note that no concern is expressed for the child, other than he does not deserve this. 
note that we work hard to provide for "a" child and not her son. 
Note "in my family" comes before the mother's own heart.  
The boy’s father, Willie Wilson, told police he was walking in the alley of the 1400 block of Henry St. around noon when two people approached him, pistol-whipped him and then took the boy.
Police were looking for an unknown white male, 25-30 years old, 5’6”-5’9”, tall/medium build, short brown hair, wearing a black do-rag, red t-shirt, blue jean shorts and red, black and blue tennis shoes. He was accompanied by a Hispanic female, 25-30 years old, thin build with long brown hair, wearing a green shirt and matching green hoop earrings. They were last seen driving a older model blue 2000-2003 four-door Ford Taurus.
Willie Wilson MUG
Willie Wilson
Wilson was arrested Wednesday night on a possession of marijuana charge, police said, although the arrest has no bearing on the Amber Alert case.
Anyone with information should call 911 or contact IMPD at 317-327-6540.


  1. "Why can’t you just drop them off somewhere safe so I can see him healthy again"
    "THEM off"

  2. If I may.... and I don't purport to be any kind of expert at this, other than an expert at listening to what my gut tells me.

    As I read the article that accompanied the video, I immediately noticed a lot of "I's" in there. It put me on edge straight away.

    Next I watched the video. At once I noticed how not a tear seems to be shed. Oh, she's going through the motions of crying, but I'm not seeing a single tear.

    Here's one thing I should mention. While the lack of tears is usually pretty damning in and of itself, I will say that after one of my children was born, the PPD and PTSD from the birth was so bad, I was physically unable to cry. I'm not sure anything at all could have made me cry and believe me, I wanted to. I didn't even know such a thing was possible. Just throwing that out there because I know nothing of her situation and do feel compelled to mention it, just in case I'm wrong about this situation.

    It's also apparent that she focuses almost completely on herself. Could be simply her youth, could be a tell. I also noticed how when she says "I'm too young" she pauses before adding "to be going through this". Which almost makes me wonder what else she thinks she's too young for.

    I also noticed that the transcript is wrong. No mention of how much she loves her baby, instead how much her *family* loves him. Although, if she's experiencing PPD or some such, she may not have been at a point where she does. When you have PPD/PTSD, it is frequently very hard to bond with and love your baby. Again, I can't say without knowing her, but it does leave room for doubt.

    "...So I can see him healthy again...." What an odd thing to say. Wasn't he healthy before he was abducted? What an odd thing to say.

    I noticed the whole "they made me do it" thing and found it odd, but decided it could go either way. It could be that she didn't want to because she knows where he is, or it could be that she's got a lot of anxiety and doesn't want her face plastered all over the news. I would think/hope that if your child is missing you'd abandon all your camera issues and do anything and everything.

    The first time I viewed the video, I was looking solely at mom. The next time I looked solely at the woman next to her. I'm not sure. She keeps almost smiling, as though she's trying to stop herself from doing so. She could have knowledge that this is all a waste of time... or, maybe I'm not the only freak that sometimes smiles or laughs when the situation DOES NOT call for it. I think it's a nervous thing with me... I do know it's gotten me in trouble before because people think I'm not being genuine.

    I would not be overly surprised if he died for whatever reason and this was an elaborate plan to keep people from finding out.

    Also, I made notice of her eyes. They're all over the place which could show untrustworthiness, but could also show high anxiety with the situation. Which, could or could not signal a lack of honesty.

    I tell you, though, in my gut, I think she knows more than she's letting on.

    1. My first thought was, oh no, not again. My second thought was, she reminds me of Susan Smith.

      I agree, she knows more than she's saying.

      To me, the I want him back healthy again, could mean she suspects he's been harmed or she's imagining all the horrible things that could be happening to him.

      Why would someone ask for your wallet, then take the baby and leave the wallet? I can't wrap my mind around that. Why take the baby? If the intention was kidnappings, why ask for the wallet and then leave it?

  3. We are good parents

    A need to portray, most parents do not have the need to self praise. This is in an open statement and raises red flags. Have they been accused of neglect of some sort in the past?.

  4. At the begging of this vt. She starts of by saying "im sorry".

    She then says "his daddy is hard worker he loved his son" She quickly changes it to "we love our baby".

    The vt is eight mins long, it only plays for me, for about two mins then crashes. There may well be a lot more of her statement to analyze.

  5. Dear God. The 911 call is ridiculous.

  6. Crews continue to look for baby boy at center of Amber Alert case

    INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (August 28, 2014)– Freshly released from a night in custody, Willie Wilson made an emotional appeal for information on the whereabouts of his missing child.

    “All I want is my son. I am begging, please search. I love my son.”

    The mother of six week old Delano Anthony Wilson Taniasha Perkins made her own emotional statement in the 500 block of Chase Street earlier in the day.

    “He means the world to me and his dad and as his parents we work really hard for our child and for you to take him away is tearing a hole in my family and in my heart,” she said.

    Wilson told police that he was accosted by a white male and hispanic woman in an alley less than a block from his home Wednesday at noon.

    Wilson said the pair intended to rob him of his cell phones and his wallet but took his baby instead.

    “He said ‘I don’t care.’ That’s when he hit me knocked me down. I got the baby in my arms. That’s when I knew they were gonna do more because she didn’t do nothing because the man is constantly yelling at me telling me to empty my pockets, grabbing at my pants. All I could do is give him what I had. I didn’t wanna harm the baby.”

    Wilson said the couple took off in a blue Ford Taurus but left his other valuables behind.

    A neighbor told FOX59 News she saw such a car drive away slowly from the alley.

    “Well we seen the blue Taurus come out of the alley and I seen the guy at first we thought was the suspect but it end up being the actual father of the child come stumbling out of the alley and then he collapsed.

    “I couldn’t tell what was going on and they wasn’t speeding away. That’s why I wasn’t paying much attention and like I said we seen the dad come out of the alley and then he collapsed and sat up and within five minutes the officers began showing up.”

    Neighbors are comparing their own firsthand accounts of the immediate aftermath of Wilson’s claims with what they’ve noticed or been told by other eyewitnesses.

    “There’s just been five or six different stories that’s been told so nothing’s making sense,” said another neighbor Jackie Huffman. “Something’s fishy.”

    Bloodhounds searched the immediate area near the child’s home and the banks of the White River for evidence as search crews have launched boats into the water.

  7. Healthy again. Why was he not healthy when she saw him?

  8. I thought it sounded weird that the mother says "we work really hard to provide for a child" while she mentions that she "just got my job two days ago." Did her new job interfere with taking care of the baby? Does she resent the baby for that?

    I could just be reading into this when it's nothing but I just got a weird feeling about that. JMO

  9. How can he empty his pockets if he's already holding the baby in his arms?

  10. order is important he dirst tells us he needs help, then he was robbed and secondly his daughter(son) was abducted,
    In the 011 call he says he was pistol wwhipped, hit on his face and knocked unconscious,
    Ok where are the injurioes since i saw no cuts or bruising on his face which i would expect from such a blow, he then tells the operator in which direction the abdcutors took off.


    How does he know which way they went if he was unconscious>

    There is a lot of distancing from the mom, it is all about her and how she feels, she doesn't even mention the baby by name which is a red flag.

    I did an analysis but on here i can't show the colors or the underlings> I did send it to Peter though for his opinion.

    As it stands, mom and dad are lying, they have guilt or guilty knowledeg as to what happened to their son>
    it is interesting the mom introduced healthy and breathing leading me to wonder if he was a sickly baby due to substance abuse or if he was smothered by accident or deliberatly.

    I also wondered if she had other children, girls since she refers to him as her one and only son.

  11. "why can't you just drop him off somewhere safe"

    this assumes somebody CAN'T. instead she should say == please just drop him off somewhere safe.

    in reading the text of her plea I assumed she was innocent, but in watching the viedo -- she looks like she's pushing the drama instead of fighting toget her truth out, I also get the impression the woman standing to right of screen watching her sees hints this woman she lkely knows well is lying and wonders if other's a buying it. to me it's all in her delivery that you can see she's lying.

  12. Two Videos / top is informative with the Father interviewed, bottom is the complete 911 Audio, (LuLu) posted the link.

    @ 2:40 of the top video, the Reporter adds, of what he learned

    transcript: Willie Wilson, father admitted to others,

    He was questioned in an investigation of a child who died in custody of the parents, in Toledo Ohio, Wilson's girlfriend ended up going to prison, in that case.

    Metro Police are aware of that case as they continue to look into this Amber Alert investigation.

    The reporter to share this, I typed it out as he said it. The baby bio to Wilson or not?

    He Wilson, 911 call, he says, Daughter, then he auto corrects to say Son, where would daughter come from? does he have a daughter with Delano's mother? or another woman? he on the audio sounds as he is either acting or high, or both. There is a long pause mid way in the audio, the OP tells him to stay on the line.

    He is faintly moaning, then hacks up a lung, was he smokin' while the police were about to arrive? He thinking he had nothing to lose? he was arrested for possession (Weds)

    The missing baby is not comical, it's hard to take the father serious *911 audio. He making sounds, as he does, he is almost comical, the Good Burger skits, Welcome to Good burger, may I take your order, Kel, no offense to Kenan nor Kel. They were comedian's paid to be funny.

    The neighbors as quoted, the have heard six seven versions of what happened, the story to change, by the dad, and mom. They are not buying what the parents are saying, the mixed stories being changed.

    Some to know, some not to know, until they get caught in a lie/s, you can't argue the truth. The pressure will get to the parents upon their changing stories. The baby, where is the baby?

  13. they sound like they are making it up. but lately I'm learning people can sound like that and yet there's still more truth than not in what they are saying. I'm reminded of that woman who said her baby was shot by two boys while she was pushng a stroller. and then she collected insurance. everything she said sounded like a lie. and then two boys went to jail. I still don't know that she wasn't lying.

    but --- I just think people can sound like they are lying but that does not mean the opposite of what they are saying is the truth.

  14. BTW for those wondering or not as the case may be, I have changed my google thingy from hobnob and my hobnob av to tania cadogan my personal Google+ profile.
    I was tinkering with my blog settings, not realising it would affect my posts on here.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I did a bit more tinkering and now i have my normal avatar and my new name.
    I don't think the world is ready to see the real me on here as yet, well at least until you have your monitors reinforced and have good insurance for all electricals and your eyesight.

    What passes for normal service will return shortly

    have a nice day

  17. Blogger tania cadogan said...

    BTW for those wondering or not as the case may be, I have changed my google thingy from hobnob and my hobnob av to tania cadogan my personal Google+ profile.
    I was tinkering with my blog settings, not realising it would affect my posts on here.

    August 28, 2014 at 8:33 PM

    AWE You're cute! :}


    do you guys all know about this law? For over a year now it has been legal for us gov to plant and push false stories in US Media, meant to manipulate public emotion and perception. It's called domestic propaganda. It was illegal - but that law was repealed last year in July. Makes me wonder ---- which news stories over past year were enabled by this new law?? some of them had to be, which ones??

  19. Oh, I can't imagine the police are looking very far. Willie gave a very detailed description of people who don't exist. Mom know a LOT more than she is telling. "Let my baby go" Where's the baby gonna go?


  20. Off Topic: What does it mean when someone who is very attentive to punctuation (always puts periods at the ends of sentences in all texts) sends a series of texts over the course of a few days where the last sentence of each text has no period at the end of it?
    I believe this person is fabricating a story that they were "sharing" in these texts the past few days. I am convinced they are lying but wondered what does it mean that the last sentence of each text (each last sentence of each text is a melodramatic sentence and part of the fabrication) has no period at the end of it? Every other sentence in every other text has a period at the end of it. Anyone have any thoughts?


    It was interesting the cop laughed when he was asked if he believed the alleged abduction story

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I noticed the THEM, in drop THEM off. That seemed very odd.

  24. Any SA on this:

    I just don't see how there could be no trace of her whereabouts at all!

  25. Ok, I watched the video. Nothing was caught on the cameras that were in the alley AND he had been questioned before in a child that died in his custody.

    Is it possible for a 6 week old baby to be only 16" long and 12 pounds?

  26. It is highly unexpected for a mother to want to know 'why' instead of 'where'. Is it because she knows the answer to 'where'?

  27. The story seems so far fetched, a white man and Hispanic women kidnap a black newborn? Sounds way un realistic.

  28. How can we be sure you're the real Hobs?
    (studies notebook and taps pen)

    Do you like donuts?
    Have you ever been sent to the naughty corner in chat?
    Are you familiar with the names Kate and Gerry McCann?
    Do you have hedgehogs in your garden?
    What is your relationship with your wheelie bin?

  29. Lemon said...

    How can we be sure you're the real Hobs?
    (studies notebook and taps pen)

    Do you like donuts?
    Have you ever been sent to the naughty corner in chat?
    Are you familiar with the names Kate and Gerry McCann?
    Do you have hedgehogs in your garden?
    What is your relationship with your wheelie bin?.

    Do you like donuts?

    Yes. jelly, frosting and sprinkles are the 3 main foosd groups.

    Have you ever been sent to the naughty corner in chat?
    Yes, frequently.
    I have my own chair with comfy cushio and a nice view out the window.

    Are you familiar with the names Kate and Gerry McCann?
    Yes check out my posys here and my blog.

    Do you have hedgehogs in your garden?
    yes. Currently i have 4 that visit.
    Junior the older male. tiggy the little girl and pinky and perky the twins who can't drive.
    See my facebook or video of tiggy

    What is your relationship with your wheelie bin?
    Wary, i approach it with caution, a rope and a crash helmet.
    So far it has run over me a couple of times, i have managed though to avoid it's hungry maw.( though now it will lieky gobble me up fluffy teddy slippers and all)

    1. Lemon and Hobs/Tania...This is priceless! Thanks for the laugh this morning.

  30. Not one single tear.

  31. Will the media jump on the racists angle?

  32. Oh no, it's okay for a black person to falsely accuse other races.

  33. I am going to blame Obama for the huge racial divide in our country. It is huge, and it is different than racism has been before.
    Take everything from the working middle class and give it to the poor, nonworking (mostly black). Resentment is bound to happen once you've sent the middle class to the poor house.

  34. just watched the video without sound, not one tear did I see.
    not much faith in her statement being truthful.

  35. Well, if anything stands out more to me regarding culpability, its the order of the distress in the 9ll call...."ive been robbed" firstly, and secondly "my son has been kidnapped". If that was my son who was taken, id be screaming from the rooftops about that, and totally ignoring the theft. what a joke they both appear to be on camera. That poor little baby.....

  36. The most damning thing is that she is not worried about what is happening to her baby, how he is being treated, etc. I have to say that I don't think her failure to use his name is very significant. Sometimes it takes awhile for a name to attach to a child. I referred to my daughter as "baby" for at least ten months. I had to remind myself to use her name.

  37. This mother's language and physical demeanor has deception all over it.

  38. “He said ‘I don’t care.’ That’s when he hit me knocked me down. I got the baby in my arms. That’s when I knew they were gonna do more because she didn’t do nothing because the man is constantly yelling at me telling me to empty my pockets, grabbing at my pants. All I could do is give him what I had. I didn’t wanna harm the baby.”

  39. I too noticed the lack of a single tear despite the apparent crying mom was pushing.

    Also like Jen noticed what was almost smiles from the woman on the right.

    A neighbor had her child missing for a couple hours last year. I don't know her but like many in the neighborhood was helping walk around and look. She was found but there was nothing funny. I was actually scared and crying and this childish a total stranger.

    So I just don't get how that happens. So to me, she too knows this is all a farce.

    I think it's time to bring in dogs.

  40. The words are concerning. Also concerning is the father reporting he was pistol whipped and momentarily blacked out, came to and saw the couple taking the baby and getting into a car... If this was a planned abduction, they wouldn't be just "taking" the baby by the time he came to in all likelihood.

  41. The dad was once questioned in connection with a baby who died in custody case in which his then girlfriend went to prison.

    The security cameras in the alley didn't pick up anything.

    Ugh. Worse prospects as more details come out.

  42. Press 8/28 the media reporting on the background of Willie Wilson. The bio mother of his daughter who is serving prison time, for the horrific abuse Logan Wilson sustained. This appears to be sensational media. Video

    There are very few news articles in 2012 posted of the mother, Daphne Waters, she in prison.

    This article Nov 2012, how the investigation of Logan Wilson's abuse was derailed. Sandusky Ohio, police initially were first responders, investigating Waters and Wilson. A triple homicide, Sandusky, to become first priority, her case was turned over to the county of Erie.

    From there she was flown by medical helicopter to a Toledo hospital, where staff immediately suspected her injuries stemmed from child abuse.

    She suffered two distinct brain hemorrhages, a broken rib, a broken femur and a detached retina, according to Erie County deputies.

    Hospital workers called social workers, who then contacted Sandusky police.

    Police, in turn, issued a two-sentence police report that same day.

    “I was contacted by the on-call children’s services worker of a possible child abuse incident in our city,” a Sandusky police report said. “This incident will be investigated.”

    Three weeks later, Sandusky police, waist-deep in a triple homicide investigation, handed off the case to Erie County deputies.

    They immediately went to work, interviewing Waters, as well as Logan's father and a neighbor who sometimes babysat for the couple.

    All three of them had access to Logan.

    Under questioning, all three told deputies they had no idea what happened to Logan. After repeated interviews, deputies couldn’t get anyone to budge.

    But doctors made it clear, someone had severely beaten Logan.

    Deputies eventually whittled down the list of suspects to two: the mother and the father.

    In the end, deputies conferred with Erie County prosecutor's office, and decided to present the case to a grand jury.

    The father and Waters both testified before the grand jury, but only Waters was indicted.

    “The mother was the primary caregiver,” Oliver said. “The father was always working. In her testimony, she said the father was never with the infant alone.”

    Deputies never figured out exactly when the abuse happened.

    Doctors said the injuries were in various stages of healing, which means the abuse had been ongoing and repeated.

    That is why Waters was indicted on two counts of each charge.

    How did he skate? he lived with Waters. He did not report the ongoing horrific abuse. The investigation to change hands. The above written of No one would budge of the investigated persons, therefore they what? let the father walk? Who's on first?

  43. in johns video (1st one) she tells us she hasn't seen him in two (2) days.

    This was 24 hours after he was allegedly abucted, two(2)days is forty eight(48)hours.
    Is this a slip in regard to when he disappeared( was killed)?

    the brains knows the truth, lying is stressful. the brain does not like being stressed and seeks to tell the truth?

    in the 2nd one ( you click the images below the viedo to move along the various videos.
    You can see her trying to turn on the tears for the camera and looking like she has bad indegestion.
    her first words are I'M SORRY
    This is always a red flag and should be noted.
    id she is innocent why the need to apologise?
    She did squeese out an actual tear though.

    He LOVED his son??
    Ooops, does he not love him any more?

    Lots of referring back to things she said at another time like i said

    Birthmarks on his eyes??

    Notice how she turns the distress on and off>
    When asked to describe what he was wearing she changes to talk normally (echos of kritis abrahams who murdered her daughter in Australia)

    She sounds detached, she sounds like the concerned neighbor rather than the mom.

  44. the lady in the grey t shirt is her oldest cousin

  45. The "healthy" remark is telling. It makes me believe they neglected this baby's health to the point he died and they're trying to cover it up. The father probably ditched the boy's body somewhere the day before.

  46. 1. Pathetic acting from Mommy!

    -That was painful to watch, and not because of her 'impassioned plea'. The woman beside her has the same look on her face that I did while watching... it's the 'I'm embarrassed for you right now' face. The woman (cousin?) even rolls her eyes a few times, as she wails and ratchets up the drama.

    2. Ridiculous story from Daddy!

    -Why would he be walking through an ally carrying JUST his one month old baby in his arms?

    -No carrier? No stroller? No diapers? No bottles? No spit up towels? No items that parents carry at All times when leaving the house with a newborn?

    -Why would a white man and Hispanic woman intent on robbing someone "out of the blue", as Wilson states, leave behind the two cells phones, the wallet, and the weed... to take the baby?? It's not like they could pass him off as their own, and I'm baffled as to why the items of value would be left behind. Why not take both baby, and valuables?

    3. A one month old baby that's only 16 inches long?!?

    - Is this the reason for her 'healthy again' reference?

    **small size/low birth weight can be due to growth restriction caused by drug abuse while pregnant.

    4. Dad has been involved in a prior case of infant death/injury in his care.

    5. Order of 911 call. He reports that he has been pistol whipped and robbed, before he reports his baby has supposedly been taken.

    6. No evidence of being pistol whipped, knocked out, or injured in any way.

    7. Neighbors/independent witnesses accounts do not match up with dad's account. Neighbors also claim his story changed 6-7 times.

    8. Surveillance cameras in alley did not capture what dad describes.

    9. Past tense references by Mom. His dad 'loved him', and they 'was going to raise him'.

    It doesn't look good for baby Delano. I can't understand why people do these things. Just like the disgusting woman in Utah who dumped her newborn in her neighbors trashcan, where garbage was piled on top of her little body. Then when the baby was saved, and she was caught, she told officers she had hoped the baby would die, because that would solve all her problems. If these parents didn't want their babies, then why didn't they take advantage of the safe haven laws, and drop them off somewhere safe! No questions asked, no ridiculous kidnapping story, no murder charges... just drop the baby off to be loved and cared for by someone decent!

  47. 3rd Video to the right / mother speaks, she and her cousin interviewed by reporter

  48. Jen Ow: 5. Order of 911 call. He reports that he has been pistol whipped and robbed, before he reports his baby has supposedly been taken.

    The father says " Daughter" then corrects himself, " Son"

    Daughter? who? his bio six month old daughter, Nov 2012, Logan Wilson who was an abused baby since her birth? she the press stated is now brain damaged beyond repair, who is paralyzed and blind. She in the custody of her grandmother, her name not stated, this 11/2012.

    Was he thinking of her when he placed the 911 call to authorities as he was laying on the ground, he woke up. He robbed, and oh yea the couple of great detailed description stole his baby.

    Does he see her? or provide for her? or he has no rights to her?
    Delano's mother to know of his past? or he conveniently did not disclose this horrific ongoing abuse within the household he once lived with Daphne Waters. They the parents of baby Logan.

    He not indicted, doesn't mean he didn't participate. He not named as a concerned parent. He failed to report. He to use the house as his in and out, he though at times Babysat his daughter. When do fathers babysit their own children?

    He was a suspect, the mother, along with two others. That he and the two didn't put up they shut up. Therefore the silent grand jury could not come up with a conclusion of he had reasonable guilt, to be indicted. Isn't baby Logan's sustained injuries of months, and her life as a vegetable enough evidence? I guess not.

    2014, Delano Wilson, he to be last with, by his own admittance, his father.

  49. Who is the young woman on the right with the "smirk" during the interview?
    One thing I find interesting is that if this woman is truly "embarrassed" of the mother's display, why does she keep her eyes on her the whole time as well as the smirk on her face?
    If she truly was "embarrassed" of or for her I would think she would look away from the mother since she has a visible smirk and actually looking at the mother would make her smirk more.
    Also, the smirking woman attempts to control the length (and perhaps in a limited way the content of the mother's speech) of the mother's plea. She can be seen saying to someone "Ok, OK" like it's time to stop the mother's speech now.
    The mother appears to me to know her baby has not truly been "kidnapped"...the bit about we work hard, etc just seems she is trying to think of things to say to fill up time.
    My feeling from this is that it is a hoax. I also feel the woman on the right is acting suspiciously and may know something.

  50. "Give me your wallet and cell phone!" "Ooh wait, give me your baby instead!"

    Yeah right

  51. You know, I have heard white/hispanic people people are always looking for a black baby to kidnap... they'll blend so well nobody will notice. (big eye roll here)

  52. Totally off topic but am I the only one that was disturbed by Beyonces lil performance that her baby had a front row seat for. It was like what you would see at a Burlesque show. She was be ding over grabbing her ass saying "let me sit this ass on you", talking about grinding and lost track of how many times she said bitch. Complained on Facebook and most my friends said I was being a hater and she just wanted her daughter there for an important event. But there were other songs she could have used.

    Just was shocked that my friends felt I so off base.

  53. Look at the eyes of the woman on the right as she looks at the mother. Something wrong with the look in her eye, something evil about it if you ask me.
    The mother herself does seem to be putting on somewhat of an act--could be she knows what happened to her baby or it could be she is just acting theatrical and is not really that upset about her missing baby (could she be a drug addict and not really care about anything but drugs?) The woman on the right has an evil look in her eye. If she really thinks the mother is faking, etc. why would she not distance herself from the situation? Why would she stand there as her "support" person? Something is off with the woman on the right. I get the feeling she very much looks down on the mother and hates the mother even before the baby incident, so it makes me wonder what her knowledge or possible involvement with the situation might be.

  54. The 911 call is simply awful. No urgency, no plea for help for the baby, priorities all wrong. He even said "my daughter" and corrected himself. Guilty as hell.

  55. lgjproduct said...
    The 911 call is simply awful. No urgency, no plea for help for the baby, priorities all wrong. He even said "my daughter" and corrected himself. Guilty as hell.
    August 29, 2014 at 6:12 PM

    well said.

  56. The 911 call is simply awful. No urgency, no plea for help for the baby, priorities all wrong. He even said "my daughter" and corrected himself. Guilty as hell.

  57. This mother doesn't call out her baby's name or call out for him.

    She doesn't ask the "abductors" to take care of his basic needs.

    He needs his pinkie, his bottle, clothes, diapers…etc.

    She needs for the audience to know that she is "providing" for her son by working a job.

    Doesn't Willie work?


  58. Peter,
    Is there any significance to the mother referring to him as her "first born" if he's her only child? I've only heard that term used if there is more than one child. I don't know why that stuck out to me. Maybe because it implies that she's already contemplating another child because she knows this one's not coming back?
    Also, why does she say she "didn't want to do this," I assume referring to the press conference? Wouldn't a mother want to do anything/everything to bring attention to her kidnapped (unnamed) son? Where are the composite sketches from a seemingly psychic father? With a memory like his and his supernatural powers of observation, the drawings should look like a photograph... 12 megapixel at least.

    1. Oh CB, that first born comment seems strange to me , also. After thinking about it, all I can come up with is that the father has a harem and other children. This is her first for him. ???

  59. Why does the mother talk about working and providing for her son? There is something strange about saying "I just got MY JOB two days ago." It's as if she's defending her job in a way.

    I'm wondering if the mother was working and the baby was in the sole care of his father when he was "abducted." Furthmore, that she knows the baby shouldn't have been in his care.

  60. All I know is from my personal experience. My 3 children & a visiting child had all gone outside to play & as they frequently did, went into the woods & down to a little creek. They were not far from the house but it was very densely wooded. Everyone returned home except for my 5 yr old daughter ( the brothers are older). We will call her "Baby". As soon as the boys all showed up & no sister & after many questions of them I completely panicked. I called my husband at his office & this is how I reported the event to him:
    "Baby" "woods" "lost" Between unbearable sobs. He worked 10 minutes away. By the time he got home she was home too.

    My priority was all about getting woodsman hubby home to find lost daughter. She was my first word to him.

    A loving parent thinks of the child first and how to get help for the child first.

    This incident happened over 25 years ago & I still remember every detail like it was yesterday.

    These parents of "abducted" baby boy are lying.

  61. They called off the amber alert for him!!! :/

  62. Note how father references Oliver Street three or four times on 911 call yet he is "robbed" on Henry and lives on Chase. Witness sees mother pacing near Oliver and Chase before 1:00. Call to 911 came in around 12:00. Police have called off search unless a significant lead comes in. My hope is that they will at least check landfill where trash from Oliver street is dumped. Prayers up for the beautiful, precious Delano Wilson.

  63. I just got my job two days ago. I was going to provide for my baby,

    change in normal routine
    WAS going to???? but not now, huh.

  64. Ok I'm black and I think the racial marks on some of you anonymous people blaming Obama is wrong. We are all one when we die we all change to the same color and have the same blood. Who are you to judge you might as well be punished yourself, my concern is for the child and Pray for his safe being and I also pray for the ones who don't know better and for their ignorance.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. I<WAS gonna provide for my baby,

    Is she not going to provide for him any more?

    Why does she never use his name or nickname?

    Why does she want to know why and not who or where?

    Why is it all about her and not her baby?

  67. The dad's 911 call concerns me more than the mom's presser. There is zero urgency in the father's voice. He wants the 911 operator to know that he was knocked out for five minutes. (That reminds me of Casey Anthony wanting her boyfriend to know that the police put handcuffs on her, not that Kaylee had been missing 30 days) Why was the dad walking down an alley holding a baby? There's usually a stroller, or at a minimum, a snuggly. If, in fact, dad is knocked unconscious, how did the 'kidnappers' grab the baby from his arms? Wouldn't he have dropped the baby? People can’t hang on to anything if they are knocked out. His description of the kidnappers bothers me. Hasn't Peter told us many times that when people say much more than necessary it's a tell? In this case it's "a white male was a man and the other was a lady and she was Hispanic.” And then dad describes the clothes they were wearing in more detail than most people could describe what someone they knew were wearing. "He had a red shirt, blue shorts, and some Jordans that were red, black and blue." (That reminds me of Jodi Arias’ description of the ‘ninjas’ who broke in and murdered Travis.) That's an awful lot of information for someone who's been knocked out for "5 minutes." And how does he know he was out that long? What about the baby? What was the baby wearing? I've got nothing but what my gut is telling me, but I'd be willing to bet that the dad owed money for drugs and this was a setup. He prearranged to give the baby to the 'kidnappers' in some kind of exchange. I just don't believe that a white man and Hispanic woman just happened to be driving down an alley in a blue Taurus' at the same time a dad was walking down the same alley with an infant and made some spontaneous kidnapping plan.

  68. I think the dad accidentally said "daughter", she was on his mind because he'd previously got away with seriously abusing his other baby. Now he's hoping to get away with it again. Hence the Freudian slip of mentioning his paralysed, brain damaged abused daughter.

    I think the mum irrelevantly mentioned "I just got my job two days ago" because the major life change meant that she was unwilling to take care of her baby *and* work. This may have been the trigger for making her baby disappear. When she said "I'm too young for this" she could have been subconsciously thinking that she's too young to risk spending the rest of her life in jail, and/or that she's too young to be lumbered with a baby.

  69. I think the dad accidentally said "daughter", she was on his mind because he'd previously got away with seriously abusing his other baby. Now he's hoping to get away with it again. Hence the Freudian slip of mentioning his paralysed, brain damaged abused daughter.

    I think the mum irrelevantly mentioned "I just got my job two days ago" because the major life change meant that she was unwilling to take care of her baby *and* work. This may have been the trigger for making her baby disappear. When she said "I'm too young for this" she could have been subconsciously thinking that she's too young to risk spending the rest of her life in jail, and/or that she's too young to be lumbered with a baby.

  70. ! How Dr.Kpelede Restore My Broken Marriage And Bring Back My Lover !!!

    My name is Murphy. I am from Spain i am here to spread the entire work of a real spell caster called Dr. Kpelede who just helped me to retrieve back my union with my husband and make our relationship very stronger and brought joy and happiness into our marriage. I have been scammed by a lot of fake spell casters but i was later introduced to Dr. Kpelede by a friend named tucker stacey to this great man who help her to restore her relationship back with his husband.He also help me and wipe away my tears. So viewers of this wonderful testimony who wants to contact him












    So brothers and sisters i have tested this man DR.Kpelede and i have found that he is real and genuine. i am now the happiest woman on earth today, Contact his via email id and be joyful in your life. also contact him on +2347038111854 More gratitude and thanks to you again the great DOCTOR Kpelede.


  71. My name is MARY from USA .I am here to give a testimony on how I got my ex
    boyfriend back. My ex left me for no reason 3 years ago. He moved in with
    another woman, I felt like killing myself, my life became very bitter and
    sorrowful. Then 1 day, a friend of mine told me about a great spell caster
    that is very good to help my problem and, my friend also said that the
    spell caster gave him some lucky numbers that he played in a lottery and
    he won. I didn't believe it because I've worked with so many of them and it
    didn't work. He begged me further so I decided to try this great spell
    caster called DR SALOBA. I still didn't believe. but I used the spell he
    gave me and the next day I received a call from my darling boyfriend Thomas
    last week. He apologized and came back to me. He even gave me 10,000USD as
    a means of compensating me. I'm very happy now. Thank you DR SALOBA, You
    can reach DR SALOBA ON via email: OR you
    can call my DR SALOBA on +2349036493771. He can solve any problem like,
    (1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) you need a divorce in your relationship.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women & men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (6) You want to be rich.
    (7) You want to tie your husband & wife to be yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial stance.
    (9) He can make you pregnancy.
    (10) He can cure you from any diseases.
    (11) HIV CURE.
    (12) Do you have a low sperm count?


  72. Hi everyone my Name is (miss tena) i live in USA am here to shear my testimony of the good thing that Dr laladudu has done for me,i was looking for my life partner for over 4years but i could not be able to find anyone and i have contacted so many spell caster but them all eat my money so one day i came across this great spell caster called Dr
    laladudu on website i never wanted to contact him because i thought is still one of those fake spell caster that eat money and run away buy i decided to give him a try i
    contacted him i told him like i normally tell hers befor and he told me that he will make me get my soulmate within 72hours i was thinking is a joke but today am happy with my husband and with just got married last year. if you need a real spell caster to bring back your ex lover or your are be looking for life soulmate contact Dr zoka his email address is


  73. I read some testimonies about a love spell caster by Dr. KOKO on how he has helped lots of people in bringing back their ex lovers within 48hours, Sincerely I was just thinking if that was real and if this man could really help bring back my lover whom I love so much. I decided to contact him because I love my Girlfriend very much and we have been apart for a couple of months I really missed her so much, I have tried all other means to get her back but couldn’t.I contacted Dr.KOKO and he told me that my ex will come back to me in the next 48 hours,Dr. KOKO released her up to know how much i loved and wanted her. And opened her eyes to picture how much we have share together. My ex is now back to me again.As I`m writing this testimony right now I`m the most happiest Man on earth and me and my Girlfriend is living a happy life and our love is now stronger than how it were even before our break up.All thanks goes to Dr.KOKO for the excessive work that he has done for me by helping me to get back with my ex Girlfriend. I would like to drop Dr.KOKO mail address and hope you see this testimony and contact him if you have a lover that you really want back so badly, His mail: all call him +2347059008414



  74. I read some testimonies about a love spell caster by Dr. KOKO on how he has helped lots of people in bringing back their ex lovers within 48hours, Sincerely I was just thinking if that was real and if this man could really help bring back my lover whom I love so much. I decided to contact him because I love my Girlfriend very much and we have been apart for a couple of months I really missed her so much, I have tried all other means to get her back but couldn’t.I contacted Dr.KOKO and he told me that my ex will come back to me in the next 48 hours,Dr. KOKO released her up to know how much i loved and wanted her. And opened her eyes to picture how much we have share together. My ex is now back to me again.As I`m writing this testimony right now I`m the most happiest Man on earth and me and my Girlfriend is living a happy life and our love is now stronger than how it were even before our break up.All thanks goes to Dr.KOKO for the excessive work that he has done for me by helping me to get back with my ex Girlfriend. I would like to drop Dr.KOKO mail address and hope you see this testimony and contact him if you have a lover that you really want back so badly, His mail: all call him +2347059008414




  76. Am maria hasbarger i obtained a LOVE SPELL at ( ) on 20th october 2015 so i heard people talking about the DR KOKO that they are scams from Nigeria but you must understand that is not all Nigerians are bad there are some good once out there expectially using of magical power to saves life never to break down agreements so stop talking about them or trying to damage there images please they are real and legit....


    maria hasbarger


  77. I search so many SPELL CASTER ON WHERE were to obtain a GOOD spell caster to consolidate and re_unit me and my ex back again but i was scam so many time by difference people claiming they are for real at the end they scam the little money i have one day, i saw another advert on a love spell blogs were i found DR KOKO love spell TEMPLE i was also thinking they are the same then i give a last chance to them after all the process and the fees, the next 3 days i i got and alert from my EX LOVER THAT HE WAS SORRY FOR ALL THE DRAMA HE PUT ME THROUGH... and all i no is, DR KOKO IS for real and legit spell caster

    Walter McNamee


  78. Maria what kind of fee's were you charged? the reson I ask is because I applied to DR KOKO LOVE SPELL TEMPLE and got a Email to send him money to prepare some rituals and I did but then I got a Email to send more money for the transfer of passel to me here to make use of it I got mad and told him off and now I am getting ready to file chapter 7 and go broke is he realy not a scam?

    Shaquata Romeus


  79. Walter McNamee

    I got this email yes DR KOKO love spell is real not a scam they stand
    by there words never to rip people off that was what i think at the
    first time when i was asked to pay for Items to cast the spell of $400 i was
    thinking they will take my money and run away after that they ask
    another fee again then i email him to get me back my money he make me
    understand the reason why i was ask to pay money again then i try and
    send the $950 because i was looking for MONEY SPELL WORTH $100,000 dollars
    so i did it within 24 hours, as he have said to me, i got a message from my credit
    union regarding the funds that have be transferred into my account so
    those are the only things they need from people they are for real and

  80. DR LOVE Help Me Win Back My Husband

    I came across to an article with a testimony that Dr Love were able to help a wife bring back her husband between 48 hours then i contact Dr Love, tel:2348038096203.because i need his help badly to help me win back my hudsband make him love me again and our children to change his mind and heart,Make him realize that its us he needs to prioritize and love unconditionally.

    its been 6months already and its been very difficult for us children to be away from him and that he doesnt even bother to see us at all and give us financial i told Dr love to Please bring back my husband back to me so that we can become a complete family. My children badly needs to have a complete family they are hurting as much as I'm hurting too. I am trying my best to hold on to my sanity. I've already begged him to take us back but he rejects us when i told Dr love about us he require my information then promise me to bring him back home within two days. if Dr Love can fulfilled his promise to bring back my run away husband i think he can help you out too so please contact Dr Love to make you complete family as he make me and my childrens happy now

    Thank you Dr Love.


  81. An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my husband back to me. I am Jack owen Hale by name a US citizen, 39 years Old. I reside here in Silver Springs Florida. My residential address is as follows. 7008 E Hwy 326 Silver Springs Florida 34488, United States. I'm happily married to a lovely and caring husband ,with two kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my husband .so terrible that he took the case to court for a divorce.he said that he never wanted to stay with me again,and that he didn't love me anymore.So he packed out of the house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get him back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and he confirmed it that he has made his decision,and he never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my husband .So i explained every thing to him,so he told me that the only way i can get my husband back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for him too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow his advice. Then he gave me the email address of the spell caster whom he visited.{}. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address he gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my husband back the next day.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my husband who didn't call me for the past{7}months,gave me a call to inform me that he was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how he came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and he apologized for his mistake,and for the pain he caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster. So, i will advice you out there, if you have any problem contact Dr.Ehino, i give you 100% guarantee that he will help you!!. email him or call him on +2348036345198, thanks Dr.Ehino for bringing back my husband ,and brought great joy to my family once again.

  82. Hello to the people of this forum< Am chizzy from Texas and i can say that am the happiest person on earth since last week with what DR UKO has done for me , it all started last year October when my fiance left me in Texas and travel to see his parents in Ohio at first him was still calling me and show love even when him was away , but it gets to a point when he no longer gives a shit about me , and i noticed it so when i tried to confront him , he told me that he dose not love me again that he feel like being alone i was shocked and heartbroken when i tried talking he will hang the phone on me i was so heart broken and i was frustrated about this , but on a second thought i was not convince that he was on his right senses so i discuss this with my elder sister who lives in California and she directed me to DR UKO of saying that the man has helped her friend in such case before so i said to my self let me tried i contacted this man and explain everything to him and behold dr uko said to me what am to do and i did exactly what he and he said after three days my fiance will call me and once he calls me i should pick the calls and he gave some other instructions . so i said okay , but to my best surprise on the 7th of November my fiancee called me and started saying on the phone am sorry it was like a dream to me , with this i said i will tell the world of his dr UKO goodness in my life , so if any one is out there and needs help in his or her relationship can also contact him today via

    email or whatsapp him on +2347064650019

  83. 'After being in relationship with Wilson for seven years,he broke up with me, I did everything possible to bring him back but all was in vain, I wanted him back so much because of the love I have for him, I begged him with everything, I made promises but he refused. I explained my problem to someone online and she suggested that I should contact a spell caster that could help me cast a spell to bring him back but I am the type that don't believed in spell, I had no choice than to try it, I meant a spell caster called Dr Zuma zuk and I email him, and he told me there was no problem that everything will be okay before three days, that my ex will return to me before three days, he cast the spell and surprisingly in the second day, it was around 4pm. My ex called me, I was so surprised, I answered the call and all he said was that he was so sorry for everything that happened, that he wanted me to return to him, that he loves me so much. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. Since then, I have made promise that anybody I know that have a relationship problem, I would be of help to such person by referring him or her to the only real and powerful spell caster who helped me with my own problem and who is different from all the fake ones out there. Anybody could need the help of the spell caster, his email: or call him +2349055637784 you can email him if you need his assistance in your relationship or anything. CONTACT HIM NOW FOR SOLUTION TO ALL YOUR PROBLEMS'

  84. Hello every body out there am from USA i want to share a testimony with every one on how God used a man named Dr Azuka to help me in retrieving my love i was in love with a boy and both of use where living happily suddenly i did not know what happened my love started developing hatred towards me one day which was on Monday 6/10/2012 my love just came back from work and told me that first thing tomorrow morning am living his house i was so shocked and i was so surprised because i did not offend him in any way, i did not know what to do next i decided to plead with him but he insisted not to see me around him again, so the next morning he parked my things out and told me to go, i pleaded with him and ask him to forgive me if i have wrong him unknowingly but he never agreed with me so i decided to go to my sister's place and stay, i love this boy so much even when i was in my sister's house i was still call him and plead with him all the time he told me to live him alone he even changed his line just because of me. That was how we brooked up but i still love this guy so much i have been looking for solution on how to get him back for years, one day i was going through the internet when i saw how great Dr Azuka help a girl in getting back her love so i decided to contact him because i have been looking for help for years just to get him back when i contacted him i told him everything and he told me not to worry that my love will be back in just 2days i did not believe him at first because i said how could you just bring back somebody that has gone for 2years, he said that is very possible that he is the one that is going to do it that i should not worry that my love will be back in just 2days that he promise, so i said okay then he told me what to do and he casted the spell, in the next 2days after he has casted the spell which was on Sunday morning on the 10/2/2013 i heard a knock on my door i did not even think if he would be the one, that was how i opened the door and i saw him he went on his knees and started pleading begging me to forgive him i was shocked and was full of surprises and at the same time filled with happiness and i accepted him without wasting anytime because i love him so much, and we celebrated the valentine together and now we have gotten married and now we are living happily than ever after. Thanks be to you the great Dr Azuki for helping me. In case you want to thank him for me or you need his help you can contact him through his private mail: or What's App +2348132777335 Once again thank you sir.


    All Thanks To Dr. ben, I Have The Man I Love Back To Me. I’ll advice everyone reading this to contact him. He’s the best spellcaster you’ll come across this 2019. My name is rita , I’m 34years ,USA . My husband left our home one particular weekend and sent “A heartbreaking text” a few days later saying he’s not sure he could continue with the marriage and how he had found someone else. So I was checking up on something online and I saw a testimony of someone that had been helped by Dr. ben so I contacted him and after our discussion he promised me that he was going to get my husband to love me way more than I loved him. He said in 48 hours I’ll see the result of the spell. In less than 48 hours to my greatest surprise, i saw my husband at front door with flowers and in tears begging for my forgiveness and a chance to love me better. At this point I can’t thank the great African Dr. ben enough, He’s genuine, real and straight forward. His Email:
    WHATSAPP: +2348151642717.
