Saturday, October 11, 2014

Announcement: Statement Analysis Services Full Time Offerings

We are pleased to announce that we are taking the plunge to full time Statement Analysis Services!

1.  Statement Analysis Training:  Law Enforcement and Civil Business  (2 to 4 day training, including investigations, human resources, legal disputes, etc)

2.  Analysis of individual letters, emails, statements including anonymous letters/threats

3.  Instruction in Interviewing, including Pre Employment Screening

4.  Representation in Department of Labor Unemployment Hearings

5.  Human Rights Commission Participation and Representation

6.  Dispute Settlement, including Landlord/tenant

7.  Sales force training:  Using the write words to close the deal.

8.  Avoid being scammed or lied to, as noting hurts more than what deception can do to you.

Getting to the truth, no matter the situation, is always beneficial.

Letters of Reference from Law Enforcement and American corporations supplied upon request.

NOTE:  Statement Analysis Services has not lost a single Unemployment Hearing. 

How much does your company lose in unemployment from those who left fraudulently, only to be awarded unemployment unjustly?

Unemployment exists for a reason and for those it helps, as designed, should be protected, but those who "game the system" can be identified and defeated in our training.  

If you are able to assist us launch our full time business, we are grateful. Launching a new business in a climate like ours can be frightening.  Heather and I are thankful for the kind comments and support of readership, so any investment into this business is not only appreciated, but it is an investment into the truth.

We hope to offer our e-book, "Wise As Serpents...." shortly.   Look for the announcement.

 Thank you to those who have assisted thus far and to those who now grasp the gravity of such an event as this:

Please donate:  


For a consultation, write to Peter Hyatt at

Peter Hyatt will be speaking in October at:

Foxcroft Academy
Penobscot Christian School

More dates to follow.


  1. OT

    What Former CIA Head Leon Panetta Says Now About Torture

  2. Best wishes and great luck!

  3. Sometimes the truth hurts, and rather than accept the help offered, they lash out and blame everyone else for a situation of their own making.

    They wanted the place cleaned up except for themselves.

    Perhaps this was for the better since she would have fought you the whole way, making for a messy case, and, with everything on the line for her, she really had nothing to lose.

    As it stands her issues will now become common workplace knowledge, her family will talk to tother family, to their friends and even work collegues.

    All she has done is delay the inevitable.

    There will come a time where she cannot fudge or deny,a postive result will reveal the truth and,it will be game over.
    The question is if she goes alone or takes the company with her.

    Your reputation will not and should not be harmed by this.

    People will ask why you were terminated (especially given your good reputation) Word will get round.
    You will respect their privacy since to not do so will give the impression of bad blood, petty revenge, sour grapes or a host of negativity, none of which you need.

    You will get such cases, it is all part of the job, especially when the person who hired you is also the one with the problem.
    You can question everyone but me, i don't have a problem, the usual excuses.

    Keep up the good work Peter, i know you have taught me a heck of a lot, some of it even sticks :)

  4. How terrible things turned out like that. Only thing that you might do differently in future is don't ask the drug abuser for permission to have their family do an intervention. I'm not sure if things have changed in procedure for interventions but I think the best idea is to not ask the drug abuser if it is OK to do an intervention because they do not normally submit readily to interventions.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Very sorry about the situation , peter. You have my prayers and support, for I use your lessons and have benefitted greatly from them.

    Reading the new post about denial and substance abuse, I tried out some statement analysis and am going to say she was abusing pills and missing appointment, gave orders that she then forgot and her mood changed throughout the work day?
    Yes I'm still a rookie.
    You were put in a rough situation it seems and did your job. Even going as far to try and bring her family into the issue of her addiction..which you didn't have to do. But like most people who have hearts you cared enough to try and get her help with her family's support. I would have done the same.
    With any hope she will hit rockbottom and get the help she needs, and apologize for the way she treated you and see the effort you put into the job you were given, as well as the help you offered.
    One thing I do know is that not all drug users/addicts are bad people, and I know many addicts in recovery who have done very bad things when using, but do get help, and go on to fix what they broke, and be productive, trustworthy members of society. I pray she makes it thru to the other side. Very sad life to live.

    I just started a new job myself but will donate what I can this week and will keep the hyatts in my prayers.

  7. Best wishes Peter, i hope things work for You's.

  8. You have both skill and ambition; I'm sure things will work out.
