Sunday, November 16, 2014

Prosecution of Hailey Dunn's Killers

I have been asked about my recent statement showing optimism in the call for justice for murdered teenager, Hailey Dunn.  I believe that both Shawn Adkins and Billie Dunn are going to be charged with not only her death, but a host of other attendant crimes associated with her death and subsequent disposal of her remains. 

I understand some of the complexities of the prosecutorial case and remain optimistic in spite of what the professionals face.  

Yet it is that officials have not released Hailey's remains to the unnamed suspect (Billie Dunn) is, itself,  a strong statement telling Dunn and Shawn Adkins as well as the public, in no uncertain sound:

                       We are not done with you yet. 

Both Shawn Adkins and Billie Dunn live their lives wondering if, at each morning's wake up, if this is the day they have been waiting for, in spite of the passage of time.  It is an ongoing anxiety that takes its toll upon the human body, no matter how hard the brain works in denial over the passage of time. It is with them all the time, and likely is going to impact their immune system and overall health and longevity in life.  It is a constant stress and anxiety that can lead to even more substance abuse and other forms of attempting to alleviate the pressure.  Yet we ask: 

Who killed Hailey Dunn?

Like others,  I hold them both responsible, ultimately.  Statement Analysis of this case has been extensive.  Dunn's appearances on The Nancy Grace Show are used in seminars, around the country and in Canada, as they are useful for not only discerning deception, but also for behavioral analysis. 

Analysis has given us an insight into the details and I believe we even have a description of Hailey's life that was not intended to be disclosed.  We saw the telegraphing of where her remains would be found.  We heard the language so commonly associated with sexual assault.  We saw the coming together of violence, sexual perversion and drug abuse, so very lethal in life, particularly to children.  

In failed polygraphs, there is a high percentage of confessions.  This leads to two questions:

1.  Why would the guilty party take a polygraph in the first place?
2.  Why is the percentage of confessions so high immediately after the failed polygraph?

Who killed her?

I think they had different elements of responsibility in her death (see above comment), and like others, I am not  certain who inflicted the final blow.

Dr. Lillian Glass aptly applied envy, a deadly sin, to the case, viewing the case as "the aging stripper versus the youthful rival" scenario, of which the language and behavior agree.  

Prosecution must have precision.  

It is the same with the child pornography:  several people had access to the various computers/memory sticks.  

That Dunn was deceptive about child pornography and bestiality is an important point:  She had the need to be deceptive, and was aware of its existence.  Who actually downloaded and from which computer and in which county?

It is complicated. 

Would you show up like this after your daughter was murdered by a mask-wearing 'monster'?  Do you find this comical?  Or, do you find it provocative?

That they have not released the remains sends a strong signal to the perpetrators that they are not done with this case, as there is no white flag raised by Texas officials. Remember, those responsible for justice for Hailey feel the same way that you and I feel about the boldness of the lies, the injustice of it all, and the lost life of opportunity that was Hailey's. 

In other words, that these two are free to walk the streets bothers them, just as Billie Dunn has worked hard at insulting law enforcement, showing both open contempt as well as flaunting their failure to prosecute in their faces. 

I've always wondered about those who tweak the nose of their enemy.  It makes little sense outside of psychology.  It certainly doesn't hold practical sense, as they fill their enemy with resolve.  Dunn did this repeatedly and angered many along the way, including those responsible for justice.  Not smart.  Yet, we can return to why the guilty often take, and fail, polygraphs.  

There is a rule in Statement Analysis that continues to amaze me, even as the years pass.  It is the "no man can lie twice" rule.

Deeply embedded within the liar is a desire not to be seen as a liar.  When properly understood by law enforcement, this is a powerful, razor sharp tool to use against the deceptive perpetrator. 

It was successfully used against Dunn, as they backed her into a corner about taking a polygraph. 

She thought she could outsmart them by showing up under the influence, as if using a sedative would work.  Yet is was the need to use artificial means, itself, that said:

"You're a liar!"

This she could not abide. 

She then was "forced", by her own ego (and her power of persuasion over her boyfriend, Adkins) to show up stone-cold sober and answer the simple questions of:

Did you kill Hailey?

Do you know where Hailey is?

Do you know what happened to Hailey?

She failed.  Adkins failed.  (Later, when pleading with his family that he was innocent, he took a private polygraph and failed that, as well). 

She then did what Lance Armstrong and so many others did:  she attacked. 

She attacked everyone and anyone, both ridiculing and threatening suit.  Her language, plain to the untrained eye, showed more concern about her reputation than at any point of finding Hailey.  She lost more 'fans' with this, as she did each time she spoke out.  She eventually posted a rhetorical question about bestiality on Facebook that lost her even more supporters:  "Who hasn't received some bestiality pictures?" as if it is a common experience to all.  

This led me to poll readers, friends and family. 

No one had been sent bestiality pictures.  There is nothing common, ordinary, nor even comical about the sexual abuse and torture of animals, for the sexual gratification of the viewer.  Most wrote to me asking what it is that must happen to a human to lead them to sexual arousal over the abuse of an animal.  

I had no scientific responses for them.  Her supporters became even less in number, and more rabid in their defense of the indefensible.  

That "no man can lie twice" is often used, in a sharp angle, by asking "Why should we believe you?" knowing that the liar, for whatever reason, will not look upon his or her own lie and say it is the truth. 

It isn't done. 

The ego seems to press upon the language avoiding lying about a lie.  

We are fearfully and wonderfully made, and this complexity is fascinating to study.  

That deception was needed on the part of both Dunn and Adkins, and that both failed their polygraphs let investigators to the right people. 

They are going to, one day, prove their case.  They have not surrendered and have held on to those remains for a long time.  They want a successful prosecution.  

They also know that suspects' stress levels decline with time, and, in creation, we communicate. The more these two communicate over time, the more likely it is that a missing piece of information will slip from one (or both) of their lips, and will be the trigger that sets in motion that dreaded day, with a knock upon the door, and handcuffs awaiting the guilty. 

Yes, I believe prosecution is coming, and those responsible for successful prosecution want it just as much as Hailey's father, or a nation who embraced this murdered teen as their own. 

Justice will come.  


  1. Thank you Peter for sharing what you know about SA and about this case. Hailey Dunn should have been taken seriously concerning her fears about Shawn (her mother should have also caused fear for many reasons, but she was the only mother she had).

    I have felt haunted by this case, and upset that Shawn and Billie were not being pursued by LE sufficiently, thinking perhaps the investigation had come to an end. Reading your article brings a sense of trust again that justice for Hailey is being sought, that the twisted two who did this will be brought to justice. I have never seen any pictures of beastiality, you can add me to the list. When I look at Hailey's photograph in her eyes I see hope, light, beauty and a lively spirit. R.I.P. dear Hailey


  2. Peter, there are two ways to look at this. There is your way and there is the reverse way; the exact opposite. If you take everything you speculate to be true and flip it, it's not difficult to see the other side.

    I'm not saying your way is wrong, I'm saying that just the exact opposite could reveal way more than you might imagine. First, there has to be a reason Billie & Shawn have been so blatant in getting away with all the deviate crimes they have committed, including murdering and disposing of Hailey. It's possible they have flaunted their guilt and gotten away with it because they knew they could.

    Consider the guys in blue and their LE higher ups; did it ever occur to you that the child porn ring that Billie & Shawn were associated with and its' many violent crimes against children, goes far higher up than just Billie & Shawn?

    There is a big reason underlying why no charges or prosecution of Billie & Shawn lies dormant that resulted in Hailey's murder and the many other crimes committed by Billie & Shawn and why LE continues to let them slide. Is it possible that releasing Haileys' remains is the least of their concerns but that in doing so might also incriminate themselves in a child porn distribution ring of mass proportions? Something to think about.

  3. If an arrest is made we will see all the counts against them, which murder or accessory to murder and child porn will probably be on there.

    I'm still not sure what happened that Sunday/Early Monday, but I am pretty sure Billie and Shawn know, even if neither of them actually killed her.

    Billie thinks if the remains are released then she wins and case closed. I say keep them until it is resolved and her murderer is held accountable. Hailey is in heaven, not in the evidence room.

  4. Do you think there will be an arrest in the Ayla Reynolds case?

  5. Cyndi (Neves) WagnerNovember 16, 2014 at 9:25 PM

    I went to school with Billie. She was not good at lying then anymore than she is now. I hope and pray that she and her boyfriend are prosecuted and receive the sentences they both deserve.

  6. Wow. This case discussion is still a magnet for illogical and delusional commentators.

    An LE condoned and/or facilitated child porn ring.

    Occum's Razor:
    It's not a product made by Gillette.

  7. Droll Skeptic said...
    Wow. This case discussion is still a magnet for illogical and delusional commentators.

    An LE condoned and/or facilitated child porn ring.

    Occum's Razor:
    It's not a product made by Gillette.

    November 16, 2014 at 10:53 PM

    WHY Do you ssy this post Is deluded.
    OVER HERE in the UK
    WE LEARN THAT MEMBERS OF The establishment were involved IN child abuse everyday.
    THE LATEST NAMED As the former head of MI6 .
    Along with several as yet unnamed Mebers of parliament..
    PEOPLE WHOM Abuse children are a wide spectrum of society.

  8. IT therefore would not surprise me in the least if there were several officials involved in a child porn ring.
    OR using ocrams razor would you simply state that both billie an sean uuseing there vast intelects have out foxed authourotes an that's the reason they have so far escaped justice?

  9. IT therefore would not surprise me in the least if there were several officials involved in a child porn ring.
    OR using ocrams razor would you simply state that both billie an sean uuseing there vast intelects have out foxed authourotes an that's the reason they have so far escaped justice?

  10. Scenario A:

    Two child neglecting, substance abusing, perverts manage to kill a child in their "care" by abusing her to death in some fashion.
    Then they try to cover it up.

    Scenario B:

    Two child neglecting, substance abusing, perverts are but pawns--or even innocent scapegoats!--in a vast, multi-agency conspiracy to cover up "what really happened".

    It's not that I don't think child predators exist in every segment of society. It's the sheer number of people, across several independent agencies, that would need to be complicit in covering up this child's death that makes the scenario ridiculous.

    And that's not even taking into account the actions, demeanor and recorded words of Billie Jean Dunn that incriminate herself and Shawn Adkins.

  11. And:

    No, I'm certainly NOT of the belief that either of these cretins have out-smarted LE.

    They were helped enormously by the sheer vastness of the TX landscape that prevented searchers from locating Hailey's shallow grave in a timely fashion. With the passage of time, and exposure of her remains to the elements, much forensic evidence was probably lost.

    I don't kow how the judicial system works in the UK, but, in the US prosecutors get just one shot to secure a conviction.

  12. Prosecute Shawn on the child porn first. It is easier to do. No one is going to believe that his grandmother down-loaded that type of thing. As with OJ- Any murderer locked up is not out committing more murders.

  13. That those in authority may be involved in child pornography sharing (ring) is not something I can dismiss out of hand.

  14. Have you been following the Cassie Compton story out of Oklahoma? Mom has history of child abuse charges (though long ago), has young man living in home & has told multiple versions (though generally similar) on the last time she saw her young teen daughter. Resources feel limited & because Cassie was "homeschooled" it seems she doesn't have many friends or people who can offer insight or support. Would love for you to check out a few videos of mom speaking to give us a direction to head in.

  15. Why would Cassie Compton be afraid to come home?

  16. The 3rd photo take of Billie and Shawn while “searching” was one that really stood out to me.
    They look more like “yeah, were going on a walk for Cancer” with their smiles.

    A child was “missing” and you could stop and smile for the camera. There is NOTHING TO SMILE ABOUT in a case like this.

    No different than Gerry and Kate with gleaming smiles a few days after Madeliene went missing at her “would be birthday” event. Yes, they have said it was totally acceptable as balloons blew in their face. But I am sorry, if my child was kidnapped, NOTHING IS FUNNY. I am living in horror every minute and celebrating her bday with out her would bring nothing but tears.

    I hope you are right Peter.

    This is one of those cases that I think is more obvious.

    The simple fact that Shawn and Billie both lied about where Shawn was that day of all days to me screams guilt along with all the SA of course.

    But since most the world doesn’t accept or even know about SA, I had to mention the thing that makes them appear guilty in an obvious way.

    And to the one that finds is so hard to believe LE could be involved in the same “activities” , ask yourself why.

    If priest can molest children and others cover it up, why would LE be any different.

    We do not life in a world where those in uniform are always good. Cops are even murderers and rapists.

    It however does not need to be that large. It could be just a couple of people that Billie/Shawn KNOW about that could help cover up or hinder charges.

    And let’s look again at the McCanns and the political support they got. WHY?

    There is so much behind the scenes evil that goes on and continues to go on that most of us would be horrified if we really know the reality.

  17. still no confession after failing polyNovember 20, 2014 at 9:16 PM

    It is an ongoing anxiety that takes its toll upon the human body, no matter how hard the brain works in denial over the passage of time. It is with them all the time, and likely is going to impact their immune system and overall health and longevity in life. It is a constant stress and anxiety that can lead to even more substance abuse and other forms of attempting to alleviate the pressure.

    Billie seems to be doing ok.
    Anyone seen Clint lately?

  18. @still no confession after failing poly said...

    If Pillie Jean was "doing ok" she would not be demanding law enforcement to give her Hailey's remains, she would not be spending her days and nights on facebook attacking investigators and attacking all the people demanding prosecution of Hailey's murderers, she would be demanding Shawn Adkins to turn himself in for murdering Hailey and demanding prosecutors file charges against Shawn Adkins

    Clint is doing fine: he's not the one having epic facebook meltdowns and releasing idiotic attacks against the very people investigating his daughter's murder

  19. I've come to believe someone within law enforcement is protecting Shawn Adkins. After child porn was discovered on his phone, his story about quitting his job, all the inconsistencies..what else could it be. It's an outrage he hasn't been arrested.
