Thursday, January 29, 2015

Test: Deception or Error By Eye Witnesses?

Statement Analysis follows principles to determine who is telling the truth.

Statement Analysis will not pick up sensitivity if someone is wrong, but only if the subject is deceptive deliberately (this is part of our definition of deception:  intent).

Here are two sides to an account.  Listen carefully to the language of witnesses.

1.  Is it simply two sides were honest, with one being incorrect?

2.  Or, is there deception within the language.

Listen to pronouns, verb tenses, change of language, jumps in time, etc.  Post your findings.  


  1. First witness.

    In the process of him getting up, he jumps up and knock's a woman to the side, and when he knocks a woman to the side instead of telling the woman excuse me he gettin into a pushin and a shovin with the lady. Disrupts our meeting. So everything jumps into chaos at this point.

    Present tense language. Change in language from "woman to Lady". "our" meeting

    Second witness.

    That's when the melee happened and folks started grabbing me and police started grabbing and i don't know, everything started happening.

    Past tense language

    Jeff Roorda

    “As I tried to exit the aisle I was in, the woman was standing in the way. She began elbowing me and pushing, trying to keep me from getting out. As I tried to exit, she continued to do that. Two or three other anti-police radicals rushed over and things de-escala, escalated from there.”

    "the woman" not "a woman"

    Q. You didn't push a woman though.

    A. No No

  2. The male witness remains in present tense. I would want to know if he was a witness to what he shares or if he is garnering details thst others told him. I believe he is persuasive, not just reporting, but obviously something happened so he's not pulling details out of thin air.

    The woman, from John's quote, is reporting facts, though they are vague.

    The union leader is not only reporting but also explaining why in several cases- he says the woman was "trying to keep me from getting out" which is different from "was standing in the way." (Not "my" way.) He repeats that he "tried to exit" and she "continued to do that". By saying two or three other anti-police radicals, he is denegrating her and others by calling them subjective names, thus continuing to persuade rather than report.

    From the statement he made prior to trying to exit the aisle, he comes across as angry. I find it easy to believe he tried to push past her as he moved through the crowded room. He never tells us he asked her to move so I can't say it for him.

  3. I find the first man incorrect, simply telling what he thinks to be true based upon his perceptions of police. He stays in present tense, telling me he may be making it up.

    The woman is deceptive. She doesn't give details. Her account is out of order. According to her, everything "started", but nothing is finished.

    The head of the police union does not give a reliable denial about shoving the woman out of the way. He repeats "tried to exit" twice. "Tried" means he couldn't and we know that's because a woman was in his way. How did he try? When asked if he shoved a woman, he repeated, "No, no." Repeating "no" makes it sensitive.

  4. also lots of head shaking as he speaks

  5. I'm wondering if they have the same definition of "push." If his body bumped against hers does she consider she was pushed while he considers pushing someone as using hands?
