Monday, March 23, 2015

Wesley Hadsell Statement

Wesley Hadsell 's daughter AJ is missing.  At Go Fund Me, this statement was posted.  

Please note the underlining and italics are added.  

"Hey guys, I'm the father. Understand that my daughter is missing and this isn't like her. While I remain positive in support of all her hard work and accomplishments it has never entered my mind that this is her playing a "joke" or a "game" or anything other than what she deserves. My daughter helped people and gave 100 percent in everything life offered. Athlete, scholar , friend, daughter, girlfriend. So why give money to my cause and my families? Well if you want to I thank you. Your money will be used to help feed supporters, searchers, gas for cars to move around and look, pass out flyers. Also I plan to use the donations to assist in any way to help find our kid. You have any issue with that please donate somewhere else. I want to find my daughter and so does anyone that helps. Anyone that knows our family knows all that we do within our community and life. Please respect us and leave negatives on face book or social media."


  1. "...anything other than what she deserves?"

    What is that supposed to mean? It sounds threatening and reminds me of "she deserves it."

    Very disturbing.

    1. Yes I agree strange statement from her father. Why would they have a go fund me account? Is this to help in the search?

  2. off topic

    Supporters of Amanda Knox are convinced that her guilty verdict for murder will be upheld by the Italian Supreme Court when they make their decision later this week.

    American Amanda Knox and Italian Raffaele Sollecito both stand accused of killing British student Meredith Kercher and have been tried three times for the crime.

    The last hearing, in January last year, again found them guilty.

    Knox's legal team has been warned that this decision is likely to be rubber-stamped when it goes before the Supreme Court on Wednesday.

    People close to the case do not believe Ms Knox stands a chance in the hugely-divisive case.

    One supporter said they were prepared for what would be the 'greatest miscarriage of justice' that has ever happened to a US citizen.

    Dr Mark Waterbury, who helped set up a team of friends and experts when Ms Knox originally faced the charges eight years ago, says that the family has been warned that evidence used to convict loner Rudy Guede - the only one so far to be imprisoned for Kercher's death - will be used by the Supreme Court to help them come to a decision.

    The court will examine the verdict that found so-called 'Foxy Knoxy' and her then-boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito guilty of killing Meredith Kercher in the university city of Perugia in 2007, and will either uphold it or send the case back to the appeals court.

    Kercher was found in a pool of blood in a student house that she shared with Knox in November 2007.

    She had been stabbed 47 times and her throat had been slashed. After the first trial Knox was sentenced to 26 years in prison and Sollecito to 25 but they were acquitted in 2011, having spent four years in prison awaiting trial then serving their sentence.

    Knox then returned to the United States but in January last year a higher court overturned the acquittal and upheld the guilty verdicts, supporting the prosecution claim that the murder was the result of a sex game gone wrong.

    Knox was then sentenced in absentia to 28 years in prison and Sollecito to 25, but as the case was immediately referred to the Supreme Court he was not jailed and no warrant was issued for Knox's extradition.

    This week's hearing can uphold the conviction, overturn it or order a fresh appeal court case. If upheld Sollecito will go straight to prison, while Knox will face being extradited.

    Dr Waterbury, who lives close to the family in Seattle, says: 'The people I communicate with, who are close to the case, are very concerned about the result.

    'It's my understanding that people who are working with the family believe that the ruling will come from facts based on the 'judicial truth' from Rudy's trial where they said there must have been multiple attackers. This fact can't be contested.

    'This is like someone down your street being tried for a crime, but they decide to convict you afterwards because that person claimed you were involved and you can't even defend yourself.

    'It makes no sense and just wouldn't happen in the UK or US. It is truly astounding. One more round to go in this crazy justice system. I don't have a good feeling about this.

    'There have been bizarre facts, research that makes no sense, and witnesses that have been dug up from the gutter.

    'I know the prosecutors are doing everything to wreck her life, they have done everything to destroy her, constantly leaking one wild theory after another. If you don't convict her, try and try again.'

    Dr Waterbury says that he told the family he predicted a guilty verdict and said they were accepting of that decision, but confident that she wouldn't be extradited.

    'The prosecutors are absolutely desperate that Amanda is made guilty, independent of facts. Amanda was in wrong place at the wrong time, she had no involvement in the thing, they happened to find the body, happened to be the roommate of someone murdered.

  3. 'But I predicted this, and told a couple of Amanda's family members that I expected this to happen. The US-Italy have had bad blood for years, history of legal battles.

    'They [the family] didn't react too bad to it, but never thought it would last all this time. It's been an ordeal for them. Amanda is never, ever going to be extradited and they are absolutely certain about that. But it's different for Raffaele and I know they care deeply for his wellbeing.

    'This would be tremendously difficult for a fully grown person, but she was a kid. To go through this - four years in a prison for a crime you didn't commit. They have taken these people and sacrificed them. It's a brute exercise of power.'

    But Dr Waterbury did say that the family, independent of the result, had the full support of the community in Seattle where he's a teacher at the local college.

    'She's very much a normal young person. I've met Amanda, her family, friends, former boyfriend, and all in very challenging circumstances. When you meet people in such circumstances, you learn a lot more about their characters. Those are very good people, people who have strong values, loving, salt of the earth, ordinary people,' he said.

    'In this area, she especially has very broad support, support of friends and family. If she did not have their support, she'd be in a very, very dark place. She has a deep well of supporters. Most of Seattle is strongly behind her.'

    This view is backed up former New York prosecutor and FBI agent Jim Clemente, who says he will be part of a team who will provide assistance to the family if what he describes as the 'farce' gets any worse.

    Clemente said: 'I'm afraid because of a "legal fiction" they're going to continue with this result. It's "legal fiction" because they have been working on the evidence that Amanda and Raffaele worked with Guede to kill Meredith Kercher and they've never been allowed to defend themselves against it.

    'They have had the judgement certified and it can never be undone. The court is going to continue this farce and find them guilty again, short of some kind of miracle.

    'There is no evidence to link them to the crime yet they keep re-convicting them of this certified decision in the Guede trial, and that's what is keeping this farce perpetuating.

    'If they find her guilty, it's an uphill battle to fight extradition, but I know many, many people who are fighting on her behalf. We're talking lawyers, law enforcement agents and grassroots volunteers who all want to make sure she doesn't have to go back and get unlawfully imprisoned.

    'They [the family] are grateful for the work people are doing on their behalf, just simple things like public relations work, showing that it's absurd to believe that she had anything to do with the crime

    'All I can say is that the family are extremely concerned and hopeful that the Italian judicial system comes to its collective senses, but I don't believe it's going to. I, and a number of my colleagues, will do everything we can to help her and convince the Secretary of State to block extradition on human rights grounds.

    'In all my experience, this would rank as the greatest travesty of justice you'll ever see.'

    Knox's innocence or guilt is hugely divisive of public opinion both in the UK, where Kercher was from, and in Italy - although in the United States, Knox has received significant support.

    Italian writer Frank Sfarzo, who has been covering the case and is close to Sollecito and his team said he believed there was an '80 per cent' chance of both of them having their conviction overturned.

  4. Sfarzo said there had been a successful PR campaign by Sollecito's legal team. Earlier this month, his defense gave the courts a 300-page dossier, which was backed by eminent scientists who said that the pair couldn't possibly have committed the crime.

    British DNA expert Professor Peter Gill went on Italian TV earlier this month to back their bid to have the conviction overturned because of contaminated forensic evidence.

    Sfarzo believes Knox and her supporters in Seattle should look at how opinions have changed in Italy in recent months on the case.

    He says: 'I'm in Italy, they're in Seattle, I'm more hopeful. Things have changed recently, the scientific community has made it clear that there is no proof against them, they've spoken for the first time.

    'I've seen opinions in Italy changed, they think it's absurd. Even the most conservative people who spoke against them, all of a sudden, they've changed, they've heard what the scientists have to say.

    'Raffaele's solicitor filed a 300-page appeal. In it, they [the scientists] finally explained the position of the community. Everybody in Italy has changed their mind. We've had a good PR campaign, Peter Gill is on Italian TV explaining it, and it's helped change their mind.'

    Sollecito has enjoyed improved public opinion since he started distancing himself from Ms Knox. According to Sfarzo, who has spoken to Sollecito and his team, they are 'very nervous', but confident of a good result in court.

    'Now no one says Raffaele's guilty in Italy. They've had a media campaign trying to hint that Amanda was involved to convince people he wasn't involved.

    'Raffaele was hanging Amanda out to dry to save his own skin. There could be a real prospect that she gets found guilty and he gets off. It's not good, but he's very, very nervous, poor guy. He's the one going to prison, she's not,' said Sfarzo.

    'How would you feel, you could go to jail for the rest of your life in two days time? He's very stressed and very concerned, he's living the drama, but his lawyer's are very confident of a positive result.

    'The Supreme Court is there to fix the mistakes of other courts, Everything is wrong in that last ruling, unbelievable mistakes. They are confident the Supreme Court would understand.

    'I would make it more probable that he gets acquitted than she does. What I can tell you from here is that the view is very different. We strongly believe that this miscarriage of justice can be fixed.

    'For me it's the most natural and most probable that both are acquitted. I'd say about 80 per cent they get acquitted.'

    Public opinion in the US has long felt the case against Knox was flawed and that Italian detectives made mistakes -- such as using dirty gloves to collect evidence -- which mean the case should have been thrown out years ago.

    The appeals court found the pair guilty based on DNA proof that three people were at the murder scene: Knox, Sollecito and a third person, Ivory Coast-born drifter Rudy Guede, who is the only person still in prison for the crime.

    Read more:

  5. "Understand that my daughter is missing and this isn't like her."

    I find this odd on many levels.. this is his step-daughter???

    Also, he should say "Understand this...versus THAT",...

  6. @Peter you could make a new post with what he says and doesn't say. Scary for the baby girl....very scary.

  7. Many things jump out, but less obvious to me was he is more concerned about taking care of the needs of the people helping search (food and gas, etc.) then any concern for his own "kid." Not daughter.

    Didn't you mention once that parents using the word "kid" can sometimes mean sexual abuse? Flag that too.

  8. @GetThem: The term that is flagged as "possible child sexual abuse" is the use of child and/or children - the formal terms, not the informal "kid" unless the rules have been changed. Again.

    The only thing that stands out to me is: "So why give money to my cause and my families?" It leads me to ask the man who wrote it: “Why call it your cause first? Why isn't it “HER” cause? Especially when taken in consideration that the donated money is supposedly going to support search efforts to find HER and this cause virtually wouldn't exist if SHE wasn’t missing.

  9. This statement is weird on so many levels.

    That third sentence makes no sense, I don't know what point he is trying to make.

    The past tense is concerning.

    It is such a defensive statement.

    Of course, when someone asks people to leave off the negatives, they are inviting negatives- you know they are anticipating negatives, and if they are anticipating negatives, you have to wonder why?

  10. OT
    Zimmerman blames Obama

  11. Wesley Hadsell Arrested In Break-In

    "I want my daughter home," Hadsell told WAVY. "That's what I want, and that's all I want. Anybody who wants to say something about that or get in the way of that, then I'm sorry. So what, some ways are unorthodox. I didn't have anything to do with her disappearance. I don't know where she's at."

  12. "... so does anyone that helps"

    Is this a leaking marble? Did he have help from someone in AJ's disappearance?

    And yes, I just used her name. Something I've never heard him do, ever. Just "my daughter" or "our kid".

  13. "Hey guys, I'm the father."

    Not "I am AJ's father" or "AJ is my daughter"

    And really?

    "it has never entered my mind that this is her playing a "joke" or a "game" or anything other than what she deserves."

    Take out the references to jokes and games (which nobody really thought was the case) and you are left with "it has never entered my mind that this is anything other than what she deserves".

    Leak much?

  14. Hi GetThem

    Re "Child"

    The word "child" and not "baby, son, kid, etc" (including name or nickname of toddler) is associated with risk. Child abuse, child molester, child pornography, child protective services, and so on, are words that are associated with children at risk. This can enter the language when someone perceives risk, or when someone is considering child abuse.

    It may be that the child was abused.
    It may be that the subject was abused in childhood. When a subject refers to himself as "child" in recollection, it is a strong signal of abuse, which, if so, is 80% likely linked to childhood sexual abuse.

    We note the word "child" in all statements to explore for child abuse

  15. Has the mother spoken out at all for her daughter? If not, then we may need to be concerned with both mom and step dad.

  16. Also concerned about the fact that the mom married a man with his history.

    I would never date a man that had anything violent in his past much less move him into my home with my son. Never


  17. The other statement step dad made was:

    WH: We kind of just hung out and stared at each other, you know

    This really really REALLY bothers me…

    Who says that? I can sit in a room with my son and not be speaking. But I would say we sat quietly. Not that we “stared at each other”. That is just really weird.
    That statement concerns me. It may have meaning that we don’t understand yet. Like maybe he killed her accidently and then sat and stared at her. Or he was seeing her in a romantic way….

    Not sure. Just flagged in my mind.

    The only time I can think of where I said “we just stared at each other” was when I first was dating my husband. We were falling in love so staring at each other
    was romantic.

    I would never say that about my child.

  18. trustmeigetit said...

    Has the mother spoken out at all for her daughter? If not, then we may need to be concerned with both mom and step dad.

    Hi, as far as i'm aware, this is the only statement made by her Mother ?

    Posted: March 10, 2015

    Anjelica Hadsell Update: Text Messages Questioned By Missing Coed’s Mom

    1. Here is a video and article from after Wesley's arrest:

  19. I wouldn't have known the daughter's name if it hadn't been included in the article, I don't see it in the statement.

    He references the daughter in the past tense.

    I remember learning that order is important, and "daughter" is fourth on the list. "look" and "flyers" are also after feeding helpers.

    "my" cause?

    I have a lot to learn and could be mistaken but these are a few of the things that seem odd to me.



    so awful - text between a woman and man about abusing young girls. in light of knox case -- some unimaginable things go on between adult lovers - and women are sometimes so different than they appear.

    1. Hi somanyways,

      The first time I have turned on NG in months, and this is what I saw! Horrifying. I felt physically sick reading the content of the messages. She did this to an 11 month old girl!

      Apparently Dack babysat so that she could take pictures of herself molesting the baby for Schuneman. She sought out and befriended women with small babies so that she could gain access to them, and molest them. She is highly educated, masters degree, good job, etc...definitely not what a parent would consider a risky choice of babysitter.

      According to the NG pundit, she actually told ANOTHER boyfriend about what she had been doing! Then when he had a chance to access her phone, he took the opportunity to backup her phone's memory onto a drive, and then turned it over to L.E.

      What evil lives inside this woman?! What did she expect her side piece guy to say about her sick revelation? This story has erased any trace of guilt, or embarrassment, I have ever felt for refusing to leave my son with a babysitter. You can't trust anybody with your kids. Mind blown!

    2. OT:

      The story of the missing boy from my area was featured on NG tonight.

      Noah Thomas, 5 years old, 60lb, red hair. He has been missing for over 48 hrs now. His mother claims that she turned on his cartoons in the living room for him at 9:30am, and then she went back to bed. (Don't even get me started.)

      When she came back out of her bedroom around 10:30 am, she claims the little boy was gone, and the inside door was open, with the storm door closed. Dad was at work.

      In the past 2 days, hundreds have turned out to search, and extensive air searches have continued, while a nearby pond was also searched by divers.

      L.E. has stated that "no suspicious circumstances exist", in that no strange vehicles were seen, or reported in the area during the time he went missing. The local media twisted that into, "Police say little boy left on foot."

      They have not issued an Amber Alert, and despite the media's badly interpreted theory, tracking dogs lost the boys scent in the yard of his home. They did not track him into the nearby fields where the extended family has suggested via FB that he is probably "hiding". It's not looking good.

      L.E. states that the parents are 'fully cooperating', and "very, very cooperative", yet confirm that they have not made themselves available for polygraphs, and announced that they do not wish to speak to the media.

  21. The full jailhouse interview with Wesley Hadsell:

    You definitely want to watch this.

  22. The writer of the statement seems intoxicated. Emotional detachment from his child "the father". Possible psychopathy?

  23. L.E. states that the parents are 'fully cooperating', and "very, very cooperative", yet confirm that they have not made themselves available for polygraphs, and announced that they do not wish to speak to the media.

    3 qualifiers "Fully, very, very". Why the need to persuade ? We wold expect them to be nothing but cooperative.

    The word "fully" tells us that there is, in their mind, levels of cooperation which makes it sensitive.

    they have not made themselves available for polygraphs, and announced that they do not wish to speak to the media.

    This speaks for it's self.

  24. Update on Jens OT

    UPDATE: Investigators 'optimistic' they will find Noah Thomas alive
    Noah Thomas of Pulaski County has not been seen since Sunday morning

  25. Hi John,

    As the article you posted states, social media is ablaze with theories and false information...most of which is coming from the parents' extended family.

    They are confrontational when anyone questions the idea that he walked away despite the fact that dogs lost his scent at the driveway/yard. (Which LE stated was "never typical".)

    The basics from L.E.:

    -Nobody other than the parents have seen Noah. They haven't been able to come up with an independent witness to say he was last seen on this day, and where...other than the parents.

    - While L.E. continues to call them "extremely cooperative", "fully", and "very, very cooperative", they also repeat in every update that they "have not made themselves available for polygraphs". They use the same verbage each time, leading me to believe the parents have SAID they will polygraph, but then failed to do so.

    - They are "monitoring" the parents, who are secluded in their home. (Read: NOT searching)

    - LE relays in each press conference that the parents do not wish to speak to the media. Parents have made no public plea for help.

    (Searchers have turned out in droves and are now being turned away, or asked to wait in a staging area for hours and then sent home...suggesting that the investigation is moving in a different direction than him just "walking off".)

    1. There are several different pages on FB for Noah. The page which claims to be associated with the family (aunts/cousins/etc) seems to be shifting toward abduction theory:

      "Help Find Missing Noah Thomas".

      There was an unsubstantiated tip that there was an abduction attempt years ago along the highway is this area. The family has jumped on it, despite L.E. stating that there is no proof it ever even happened.

      I can understand wanting to grasp on to any lead, but at this point it feels like they are pushing ANY theory other than the most obvious based on the known information.

      I'm disgusted with the whole thing at this point...the pathetic local media reporting, the FB nonsense...the whole mess.

      I worried myself sick about this little boy the first night. I checked the temperature every hour, and prayed that he was safe. He is about the same age as my son, and I worked myself into an emotional mess thinking about how scared he must be, how cold, how hungry, etc.

      As the days roll on, it seems more likely that he was never 'lost', and something more is going on here. Reading through the FB pages, I noticed the family answers all critical posts with defensive rants about, "all you perfect parents out there who want to judge this mother", etc. It's like they can't even bring themselves to defend her actions, or to declare her innocent of wrongdoing, so they try to divert the conversation to the mistakes of other parents, as if that has any bearing on Noah's situation.

  26. 5yro Missing Noah Thomas
    The timeline to change

    It was initially reported that Noah was last seen between 9 and 9:30 a.m. Sunday. However, at a news conference on Wednesday, Assistant Pulaski County Administrator Anthony Akers clarified that Noah was actually last seen by his mother at 7 a.m. watching cartoons. His mother then went and took a nap, and woke up around 10:35 a.m. and noticed Noah was missing.

    According to Akers, the parents, Paul Raymond Thomas, 32, and Ashley Jennifer White, 31, have been “extremely cooperative and very distraught” and are not ready to speak with the media yet.

    While the parent’s movements are not being restricted, they are being monitored, Akers said. It is unclear at this time whether the family has hired a lawyer, but Akers speculated that they had been read their Miranda rights as part of the questioning process.

    Live press conference held 2pm 3/25/2015 replay here

    1. Hi Anon-

      I'm struggling to stay objective in this case. As suspicious as I am, I want to be wrong, and I want Noah to be found alive.

      The actions of LE, don't seem to line up with the position they are relaying to the media. They are searching the landfill today.


      "When asked on Tuesday whether search warrants had been filed, an assistant clerk in the Pulaski County Circuit Court said “everything in that case is sealed.”

      And, more revealing:

      "The FBI – specifically the violent crimes against children unit – has been on scene since Sunday, as well as the Virginia State Police, Department of Emergency Management and several other local and state agencies."

  27. Authorities scale back search for Noah Thomas; begin methodical approach.

  28. "I'm the father."

    Not "I'm AJ's dad."
