Sunday, April 19, 2015

Lance Armstrong: Liars "Stop At Nothing"

Recently,  I wrote an article about Hilary Clinton as a "habitual" or "pathological" liar and allowed readers to not simply see that she was and is deceptive, but predictably so:

She will lie even when she has little or no cause to do so.

Liars are not like you and me.  That Hilary (and here, Lance) will lie even when there is no strong reason to do so, has struck a nerve with readers and have written about someone in their own lives (at work, or personally) of whom they found the same:  the person will tell a lie even when there appears no reason to do so.  It is scary.  These liars are not like you and me.  They are different.

You and I lie, feel shame or remorse, and seek to rectify what we have done.  We tell "panic" lies, that is, quick, short lies about being late for work, or going 10 mph over the speed limit.

This is not what a habitual liar does.

Unfortunately for some readers, the lessons of Hilary Clinton are lost because of political loyalties, or partisan politics.

I can, however, present a more 'neutral' character to be examined.

I assert what studies have long shown:

Liars cause damage.

The damage is measurable, or tangible, but it is also unpredictable in scope, which is sometimes seen as "immeasurable" due to the unknown factor.

Liars never cease to surprise me, and never cease in teaching me something new in analysis.

Marry and liar and you will suffer more than you know.

Hire a liar and help increase the business of Hyatt Analysis.

Here is why:

Liars cost companies in dollars and cents, as well as morale and destroyed reputations.

Liars are those who put their own selves above the needs of others.  They can, when pushed, become ruthless and savage, attacking those who question their accounts, and will not be restrained by the moral compass found within you or me.

They are different.

They will steal from you. They will 'carry your name' falsely; that is, they will destroy your company's reputation and 'steal' from you the very thing used to promote your business.

They will "fall" on the job.

They will be "harassed' on the job and will need money to feel better.

They will, if caught abusing substances, cost you rehab, which can be (at least locally) around $15,000 per.  Ouch.

They will, in short, put their own selves above you, your business, and your employees, and should you dare challenge them, you will be up against a wild animal wounded and about to attack.

Since Hilary is political, how about another example that is publicly known, who also is known on a first name basis?


Lance Armstrong is a pathological liar; that is, one who lies even when he has no need to, and who will, and has, destroy anyone who dares call him on his lies.

The basis for this is the ego.

I often write about "The Liar's Contempt."

This is where the liar learns, from childhood, to hold the rest of the world in contempt.  They have an expectation of being believed, which presupposes that they believe themselves more clever, or superior than anyone else, particularly, the audience or target of their lies.

Now, picture this in childhood.

The child has, by age 7, a well-set cemented view of authority.

The child either respects authority, as seen in the child's words towards parents, teachers, coaches, police, and so on, or the child is unafraid to tell a lie to the face of an adult.

This is where the arrogance and contempt come together, are fueled, and refined for future trouble.

The little liar learns either to not care for others, or...

the little liar's upbringing, where consequences were only things to be avoided, becomes evident.

The liar was not taught empathy for others, but care and concern only for self.

When a first grader shocks a school teacher with a "bold faced lie", that is, one in which shocks the teacher, as the child fabricates reality and implicates another child.  The shocked teacher, upon reposing herself, reminds the child of the potential consequence to the accused student, and marvels when the face expression remains unchanged.

Looking into the face of a habitual or pathological liar when the lie is going to have tremendous consequence upon the falsely accused, and seeing no change, is something to behold, now that the 7 year old is 25, and is giving a deceptive account of "rape", knowing the young man could go to prison, all because she feels slighted or used by him.

It is something else, indeed.

It is also something difficult for honest people to believe.  This is a good projection and I wouldn't change it for the world.  These are those who think everyone is truthful because they, themselves, are truthful.  When trained, these make the best lie detectors because their realm of "expected" is accurate and they are thus "confronted" by the "unexpected."

A liar will not suffer sleeplessness over an innocent man in prison.  In fact, some are so depraved that they will lose sleep unless they have gotten their "revenge" for some perceived slight in life.  This is difficult to accept, but it is truth.

Lance Armstrong is a sociopathic liar, utterly lacking in human empathy, no different than the ruthless ambition of Hilary Clinton, and he has a track record to prove it.

The flow of information on Lance Armstrong's crimes continues.

We now learn, perhaps, a bit of insight into how it was that the Federal investigation went away, before his lying mea culpa, with his meetings with Bill Clinton, George H. Bush, and Barak Obama come to light. Money, influence and the potential for money, tying up businesses with campaign contributions, influence, and more money conspired together to keep an indictment from embracing Armstrong.

It was the lone courage of individuals, instead, that brought down Armstrong, yet, he remains free, while others who have done far less, including cyclists in France, did jail time.

What did he do to climb to the top?

Then, once there, what did he do to stay there?

The accounts are blood chilling examples of a total lack of empathy for his fellow human being.

In a recent documentary, some of this contempt has been highlighted but it is my belief that it is
"not even the half" of what he has done in destroying lives.  What his ex's might tell us would be something out of a horror movie, yet it is likely that they are under legal and/or financial restraint.

In the documentary, Armstrong is quoted as saying what damage will be done to "millions" of cancer patients if he is drugging.

In his deposition, his arrogance is something he seems to struggle to control, until the contempt reaches his tongue and he lets loose.

His vows of destruction were sacred, and they were kept, as liars do not like to lie to themselves.

The documentary begins, but only touches upon, how his performance enhancing drug use began early in his career and his love of money, something they also touch upon, shows how in the "Million Dollar Race", he bribed another rider ($100,000) into concession.  They do not cover that in subsequent races, including the Tour De France races, riders testified about being bribed, coerced and threatened into submission, including riders from opposing teams.

The documentary shows how he even destroyed those who were "so beneath him" because they "got caught" and were "weak" in opposing investigation.

Lance Armstrong literally stood up against the world, and when accused, attacked and mocked.  He did not hide behind attorneys, even though they did his bidding and his biting, and were also ruthless, without morals, in their own attacking.

He met with 3 US presidents that we know of, and didn't flinch under pressure, even with other riders ending up in European prisons.

As Statement Analysis showed, his "confession" to Oprah was also attended with deceptive responses, and he choked when it came to apologizing to his former teammate's wife, who he smeared for years.

He put his signature on receipts, of checks with 7 digits, knowing that he could be put in jail for accepting payment illegally, even publicly and/or under oath to God, showing his awareness of such, and lied.

He outlasted many, simply by wasting lawyer fees, and pressured companies to turn left, or turn right, at his bidding.

Even today, he has not paid back the millions he illicitly obtained, and has not spent a day in prison, though he was the head of a million dollar scam drug syndicate, crossing national and international borders.

He is a shining example of what a liar is, and what a liar can do when challenged.  He helps define what it means to be "ruthless" and what it means for a liar to "hold the world in contempt."

He brought tears, heartache, depression and ruin to lives.  This is what the liar does.

This is what we need protection from.

The documentary is called "Stop At Nothing" and although it leaves out so many of his crimes and lies, it is well done and worth viewing, and especially interesting to listen to not only Lance's language, but those who 'felt' he was lying, including a brave but much maligned journalist who takes a shot at Statement Analysis.

In my own "Lance" journey, I loved his book, and watched the Tours with my sons, but in the 2nd tour, when the allegations began, I first noted that he avoided issuing a "Reliable Denial" in Statement Analysis.

As each year passed, and I saw more press conferences, I noted how he continued to avoid issuing the denial, but increased his attack on his accusers.  At that time, I considered that "they were all doing it" and there was "no other way to compete."

What I did not realize was just how good at doping he was, until years later, as he grew in wealth and the criminal conspiracies grew in sophistication.  Even his best friends and team mates, like Frankie Andreau, could be thrown under the bus so readily when crossing the liar.

That he was contemptuous towards the French, in the beginning, was something that cyclist fans were already accustomed to long before Armstrong, and dismissed their findings as typical bitterness towards American cyclists.

What this sociopath was doing was building an empire so powerful that he felt untouchable, which combined with his narcissistic disdain of everyone not in awe of him, to cause the pride to meet up with the inevitable fall so often seen in history.

It was inevitable.

Today, Armstrong is useful in teaching Statement Analysis, even in hindsight, because principle remains the same, yet he also stands as a good reminder of just how ruthless and unsympathetic a liar is.

"Stop At Nothing."

See what he did to Betsy Adreau, Greg LeMonde, and the cancer patients of whom he so often referenced in context to using performance enhancing drugs.


  1. off topic ( and scarily worrying)

    Their grandmother is appalled that social workers allowed him to move in - with one ‘safety’ factor being he would have to climb over the mum to get to them

    Two young sisters are being locked inside an alarmed bedroom at night to protect them from their mother’s paedophile husband – and social workers say it’s fine.

    The authorities have astonishingly given the go-ahead to the monstrous plan the mum dreamed up so she can sleep with their vile stepfather.

    The convicted abuser, once jailed for attacking a girl under 13, has now been allowed to move in with her and the ­children – also both under 13.

    And among other ‘safety’ factors believed to have been taken into account in a shocking official report was that the ­paedophile would have to climb over the mum from his side of the bed to get to the girls – and would therefore wake her up.

    County council officials who rubber-stamped the decision were also happy that the imprisoned children could use a baby monitor to call for their mother if they needed to be let out to go to the toilet.

    They allowed the child abuser to move in only a few months after describing him as a “continuing risk” to the girls.

    Details of the decision emerged after the children’s worried grandmother contacted the Sunday Mirror over her fears for their safety. She said: “The alarm and the other so-called precautions to stop my granddaughters being abused are a load of rubbish.

    “Since learning my daughter’s new husband was a paedophile I’ve tried to express my concerns to social ­services.

    “I’m appalled this man was allowed to move into the family home with my granddaughters. Other family members also feel their concerns are being ignored.

    “It feels like my granddaughters are isolated and at risk. Social services don’t seem to want to listen to me.

    “It’s heartbreaking, but I have to keep fighting this for the sake of the girls.”

    A source close to the ­troubling case said: “We can’t believe that this mother has been so stupid as to take up with this man.

    “And how on earth is an alarm going to stop him if he decides he wants to abuse those children? Everyone involved in this atrocious situation should hang their heads in shame.”

    The identity of the paedophile, his wife and the children, who live in Devon, are all known to the Sunday Mirror but cannot be revealed for legal reasons.

    The children’s mother got together with the child abuser, a man in his 40s, less than five years ago.

    She had split from the girls’ father who moved out and at first saw his children at weekends. But he then relocated with a new partner and does not now have regular access.

    The mother told social workers she was fully aware of the paedophile’s past and that he had been a previous boyfriend in the Eighties. As a convicted child abuser he is subject to a Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO) which bans him from having unsupervised contact with under-16s. He also has to sign the Sex Offenders Register.

    But a year after they began dating, the mother applied to be an ‘approved person’ to provide supervision of contact between the paedophile and her children, a ­requirement of his SOPO.

    That move was rubber-stamped by a body called the Devon Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub. It is made up of police, probation officers, social workers and other agencies.

    The couple married the following year – with the mother sharing details of her and the paedophile’s growing relationship on her Facebook page. It tells how the couple enjoyed spending time with the girls, jaunts to the seaside and pub meals.

    After their wedding the mum wrote online that they “had a fantastic day with the family”.

    But later she had to call police to her home after a neighbour loudly called her partner “an animal”.

    By the end of that year, a Devon County Council council children’s services review of the case found there remained a “continuing risk” that the paedophile would sexually abuse the vulnerable girls.

  2. A few months later the council recommended the children should be placed with other relatives or put in care if the mother wanted her relationship to carry on .

    Its report noted she had “instigated the relationship” with the paedophile. Yet still the children stayed with their mother.

    Then last year she made a further request for her husband – understood to have been spending an increasing amount of time with the daughters – to “stay overnight occasionally” at her home.

    Her request was turned down by the council as her new partner was still deemed a risk. But within months came the astonishing U-turn.

    It is understood the mother bought and installed the lock and alarm in her two-bedroom home after seeking advice from a charity that helps people affected by underage sexual abuse – including the paedophiles themselves.

    A team including a social worker and solicitors visited her property last autumn and were satisfied with the measures she had taken. Her solicitor and a lawyer for the girls’ father were also present.

    A family source told us: “It was decided that because there was a baby monitor in their bedroom the children could wake their mother up who could open the door for them. And they thought the alarm on the door was adequate because it couldn’t be shut off after it had been set off.”

    The source also claimed the mother told the social worker the paedophile could sleep on a side of the bed which meant he would wake his partner if he got up in the night because he would have to climb over her.

    Late last year, the man was given the right to stay overnight at the family’s house following a lengthy appeal to the council.

    Yesterday the Council confirmed a “professionals meeting” had taken place last autumn “to discuss any areas the local authority may have missed that would help to determine (the paedophile’s) return to the family home. The professionals were of the view there are enough protective factors in place for
    the children.”

    A spokesman later added: “Numerous reviews by a variety of agencies have concluded that his partner, who wants him to be able to stay overnight, can adequately supervise him.

    “A safety plan has to be in place and his partner has to supervise contact at all times. The police have been informed and the local authority is monitoring the situation very closely with regular visits to the family home.”

    The mum and the paedophile have since been living together, according to sources. When approached by the Sunday Mirror yesterday, the paedophile denied he was a sex offender, adding: “What business have you got even if I was a paedophile?”

  3. This situation is beyond belief given what we know about the propensity of the people who commit ­– and are convicted of these crimes – to re-offend.

    No parent and no authority should be allowed to take such a risk with these children’s safety by sanctioning this bizarre situation. This man should not be living in that house.

    All the alarms, bells and whistles in the world can’t stop abuse. Children are children, and they WILL need to get up in the night, they will need the attention of their mother, and if there is a man living under their roof with that history, that conviction, those children will be in danger.

    If they are abused, which seems quite possible, who will bear the responsibility for that in the future? Certainly the mother will, but so will Devon County Council for sanctioning such a risky scenario.

    The use of a bedroom door alarm is crazy.

    This man is a sex offender who is banned from having any unsupervised conduct with any child aged under 16.

    This is a clear example of a mother abdicating her responsibilty for her children and that’s when society – the state, the local authority – are supposed to step in.

    For them to risk the safety of these children doesn’t make any kind of child protection sense. Just a couple of days ago I was reading a heart-breaking letter from a woman who was abused in her home by her parents.

    Her local social services knew she was being abused and did nothing about it.

    An alarm on a child’s bedroom door to protect them from a paedophile living in their home sounds like the beginning of a satirical comedy sketch.

    But there is nothing funny about this situation.

    This man is clearly a risk. The only way to guarantee the children’s safety is to remove him from the house.

    1. Muslim pig rapist shiteApril 20, 2015 at 12:13 AM

      Is he a Pakistani?????

  4. You are SOOO right. Pathological liars stop at nothing. I honestly believe they would see you dead before they would admit too or apologize for their lies. They have no empathy or feelings of remorse for the consequences to those they hurt because of their lies, no matter to what extent they hurt them, or regardless as to who they destroy.

    I have personally seen this in action over a long period of time. It is a horrible thing to fall under the evil of a pathological liar. Yes, I do believe they would kill those they lie and connive against.

  5. OMG Hobnob. This is a horrible HORRIBLE situation. Pure evil in progress for these young girls. Whose to say the mother doesn't participate with her pedo hubby in the abuse of her children? The statistics are very high and getting higher for mothers who ALLOW and participate in the sexual abuse of their children! Do they ever admit to their crimes? Of course not; they are the best liars at setting up ways to keep the abuse of their children under wraps and continuing.

    Last but not least, suppose the house would catch on fire and it's 'every man for himself'? Just as they have no protection from moms guarded sexual abuse by or with her hubby, they have no way of escape from their locked on-fire prison cell!

  6. Hobs OT:

    It's disgusting that authorities would sanction the imprisonment of these girls within their own home, so that their mother can carry on her disgusting relationship with a pedophile! Why is their right to feel safe, and exist without restrictions in their own home being removed to accommodate their Mom's bizarre love life?

    Locking an 18yo girl up in a room every night would be false imprisonment, unlawful restraint, etc...but just because these girls are a few years younger they have no rights?

    As Anon also stated, what about the dangers? A fire? Carbon Monoxide? A sudden aliment leaving them in need of medical help? An intruder entering their room through a window? (*or the predator their mother allows into their home going through a window to gain access to them, for that matter!) They have no easily accessible escape!

    This so called 'mother' should have her parental rights terminated. She is sick, and apparently devoid of any common sense, or sense of duty to protect her kids.

  7. So when you talk about "outright liars" you mean sociopaths right? It seems that your description of "outright liars" matches the description of what a sociopath is. Unless you do mean something different then I'd love some clarification.


  8. This describes my mother to a T. She has lied my whole life and does not speak to anyone but me in our family. Because they have all called her out and she refused to speak to them again. The only reason we speak is that I am her only child who has her only grandchild.

    The best ever was the time she lied to me about her ex maxing out her credit cards. I knew she was lying so one night at her house I looked for her credit card statement. I was right. She has just a $200 balance with a limit of $15k.

    never told her how I knew the truth, just that I knew. Telling her your truth is like helping her lie.

    She has spent 2 years trying to validate that lie as the truth.

    Emailed me that she was “attaching proof” several times with no attachments. Sent a statement with the dates and balances blacked out, accused me of hacking into her credit report, and of course her go to response “how dare you call me a liar, I hate liars”. That one always gets me. She hates lairs. Yet lies to no end.

    She is the person that if you had her signature on a document, her response would be “it was forged”.

    That is how she is. She like Lance, holds others in contempt. If she lies and they call her on it, they are the problem. They are cut from her life. Never once in my 42 years of life has she owned a mistake or apologized. Everything…… every single thing is someone elses fault.


    I think that's why I love SA so much. It's therapy for me...
