Thursday, May 28, 2015

Long Island Racist Letter

Thank you to the commentator who pointed this out. 

The town of Lindenhurst is being portrayed as a racist zone, throughout the United States, as the news story went public.

A family received the following anonymous letter in the mail.  It was in all caps and centered.

Statement Analysis seeks to answer two questions:

1.  Is the threat real?
2.  Who is the author?

The analysis that follows seeks to answer both questions.








We note that it is all in caps, giving us a reference point of all capitalization, reducing elements of emphasis where only certain words are capitalized.  The writer does, however, use some emphasis which allows for analysis.

First Please note some general themes.  These themes follow our

I.  "Expected Versus Unexpected" scenario.  Literally, you should write out what you think a racist letter like this would say.  This is the "expected" list of words.  For me:

"N" word, insult, taunt, demands" are expected.
Politeness, and concern for the family's well being are unexpected.

Statement Analysis sets up an expected and then is 'confronted' by the unexpected.

*There is no linguistic threat made to the intended recipient   (family)
*The language of racism is notably absent.
*The burden of moving is reduced as convenience for the family is noted.
*There is an absence of foul language, insult, or taunts.
*There is a polite theme with "please" and "sorry" used.

.  Here is the statement, section by section, with analysis.  


Computers will spell check and even correct our grammar.  It is easier to identify the writer of an anonymous note when it is hand written, as capitalization, for example, takes more effort and grammar can reveal education level.

1.  ATTN:

a.  Note that "ATTN:" is the proper abbreviation for "Attention"
b.  Note that the colon used is the proper mark to follow the proper abbreviation

The writer appears to be familiar with writing for the public, or for a business.  This suggests at least 2 years of college and/or business school.  It is done appropriately, and 'raises' the age of the author beyond teenaged years.  It does not speak to gender, as yet.


a. "African-American" is considered something more likely to be used by white people in an attempt to sound politically correct, as if "black" is offense.

Question:    Would a racist care to be politically correct, since racism, itself, is so 'not' politically correct?

                                         What does this suggest?

It suggests that the writer is either a white person, who does not wish to offend the recipient, even while writing a racist letter, or the writer is someone who would like to be seen as white, increasing the statistical likelihood that the writer is black. (This is "attempt to persuade")

 It is noted that it is not likely a term that a white racist would use.  Therefore, this increases the theme that the writer is black, or a non-black friend of blacks.  The writer does not want to insult the "African American family" that receives the letter.  This is not expected from a racist who wants a family to get out of their neighborhood.

b.  Note next the hyphen between "African" and "American" affirms the opinion that the writer has at least a two year degree or business school training.  It is the proper use of the hyphen.

The profile of a racist often fits the caricature of ignorance.  This does not fit.

c.  "FAMILY" is to address the recipients as a whole, and in a polite term.  This term addresses all of them, and is a polite term.  This increases the connection between the author and the "family", suggesting that once the identity of the writer is known, the family is very much likely to recognize him or her.   The author is close enough to the inhabitants of the house to use the word "family."

It is here that we would expect vulgarity or racially charged language.

It is not expected that the word respectful "family" would be used.

Since "family" has come into the author's language:

This word leads to the question, "Did a member of the family write this note?" or

"Does the family know the author?" or
"Does the writer of the note have a bond with the inhabitants of the house?"

We now consider that the author of the note is someone close to the family and when revealed, will be someone the family recognizes. 

Where one begins a statement is always important.  After the greeting, the subject chose to begin his or her letter here:


The location is very important to the author.  The author does not claim to be the writer, nor does the author indicate who "wrote" this, instead, uses passivity, or "passive voice" in the statement.

Statement Analysis Principle:  Passivity in language seeks to conceal identity and/or responsibility.

a.  "THIS" is the word of closeness, versus "that" which is distancing language.  This is to indicate that the author is tying himself or herself closely to the note.

b.  "is coming" is not "is from" which suggests on-going activity.  The writer may have an expectation of 'involvement' in 'this' case that goes beyond writing the note.  Remember, in Statement Analysis, direct lies are very rare.  The author did not say "I am writing for the Lindenhurst Community" with the strong use of the pronoun, "I."  We follow, very carefully, pronouns in language, especially in anonymous letters.

Principle:  Pronouns, themselves,  sometimes reveal the identity of the author. 

c.  "Lindenhurst Community" has no article.  This is an important point of distance.

That "community" is plural in its scope, and that "Lindenhurst" has not article:

The letter is not from a plurality of authors and 

the writer does not assimilate herself or himself with the town or community of Lindenhurst.

This indicates that the writer is one person, or one person will assistance,  and does not consider him or herself to be comfortable or at home with the community of Lindenhurst.  The missing article, "the" suggests distancing language from Lindenhurst.

The writer lives, currently (at the time of the letter), in Lindenhurst.  The writer ties herself to the letter, with "This", but distances herself or himself from Lindenhurst psychologically rather than geographically. 


Here we have the first change in typing, which includes two forms:

a.  Underlining
b.  Exclamation marks

This is something that will 'give away' the author as investigators see other email or electronic notices that includes three exclamation marks.

It shows emphasis and is indicative of the inclusion of emotion for the author.

We next look to see what emotion caused the author to write:

"YOU" may be singular or plural.  It is not "YOU ALL", but is singular, technically, but it comes after "FAMILY" as the recipients.

With the possibility of singular, there may be one person in the household who has strong emotions about where she or he lives.

The emotion, elevated, is about "belonging."

"Belonging" is a distinctive emotional feeling of a sense of unity and of identification.  The writer lives in Lindenhurst but does not feel a sense of 'belonging' in Lindenhurst.  The author has likely not had good contacts in the town and is elevated emotionally about this sense of belonging.

This is not a racist letter, but a "fake hate", that is, "fake racism" as it is the strongest language found in the letter (emotion) and it is about the feeling of being 'known', 'recognized' in the sense of being a member.

Think:  "community" and "belonging";  the writer is not attacking the family's race, but revealing his or her own feeling of not 'belonging.'  It is a soft, sad emotion and not the rage that we find in racism.

This is not a racial letter of hatred.  The author does not have emotions of racial hatred towards the family.  

This increases the odds that the author is known by the family and does not have negative feelings towards the family, instead indicates empathy for them.

"HERE" indicates that the author wrote this while in Lindenhurst.

The author has other emails indicating emotion and investigators will likely find "!!!" in his or her writings.


1.  "PLEASE"

The word "PLEASE" is a polite term.  It is not the language of hatred, nor of racism.  The politeness affirms that this is not a teenager, and has now increased the odds that the author is female.

This is an indication of gender.

We have thus seen that the author:

*Lives in Lindenhurst but is-
*Not happy about living in Lindenhurst
*Does not feel that she belongs in Lindenhurst as a community
*Does not have racial hatred
*Does not have hatred towards the family
*is female
*is not a racist
*is either black or friendly with blacks.

What we do with this is continue our analysis and see if the language supports or negates the suggested findings to this point. 

The analyst must be willing to change his mind at any time.  

This is how anonymous letter analysis works.  It is a constant changing of the mind, following the language, which can often appear confusing.

This particular note is not as challenging as others, as there have not been many "twists and turns" but is useful for instruction. Had it included racially charged language, it would have been more complicated.

There are often indicators that are conflicting in anonymous letters.  This one lacks the conflicting indicators or elements commonly found.

2.  "Lindenhurst":  The author does not write, "Leave here!" or "GET OUT!"  but has changed the language from not belonging "HERE" to "LINDENHURST"

A change of language should represent a change of reality.

The author lives in Lindenhurst but does not like living in Lindenhurst.  The author, herself or himself, wants to leave Lindenhurst.  This is distancing language from Lindenhurst as the author does not wish to live there.  We have "HERE" representing geographical connection, and "LINDENHURST" AS psychological distancing from the geographical location (Lindenhurst).


This is unexpected language.  It has no demand, no terrorizing, and shows no urgency.  There is no deadline and the issue of control is the most unexpected element of all.  

Terror controls.  Domestic Violence victims are controlled, not by violence, but by its threat.  This author is giving control over the "demand" to the family, as to not inconvenience them.  This author has empathy, specifically about moving, with the family.  The author, therefore, is likely one who has moved a great deal.  

If the author hated blacks the author would want them out now and the letter, itself, should presuppose a lack of care or concern for the family yet here, it shows a genuine concern for the family and it shows...something else.

Who might be one who would empathize with a family told to move?

Moving is not easy.  It takes time, planning, energy and it takes...


This may be more important that one might realize, initially, at least.

"When you can"

This is to affirm that the burden of moving falls upon the family, of which the author does not want to "impose" upon the family.  The author is telling us about herself here.

This affirms:

a.  politeness
b.  moving is not easy, but is exhausting and expensive.
c.  the author may have a history of moving and knows it is not that easy to do and actually feels sorry for the family having to move.  This is empathy for the family and the topic which produced the empathy is not race, but the act of moving, itself.

d.  does not want to inconvenience the family, reducing the odds of being a 'threat'

This author does not hate the family and makes no racial indications of such hatred.  In fact, this author does not hate black people.

If black, it rules out self-loathing as a possible motive.  This may further increase the sense of financial motive.

The author is known by the family, understands how troublesome moving can be, personally, and makes no demand that would be common in racially charged hate language.

The author has a history of moving and an empathy towards the family.

The soft tone further suggests female author.


Pronouns are the most important element in Statement Analysis.

Here we have:

1.  "will" is conditional.  This is to say that "if you move, it will be better" but presupposes that the move may not take place.

2. "it will be better"

 It does not say "You will be better off" but it will be better is passive.  The author knows or believes that the family may not move at the time of this writing.

Passivity seeks to conceal responsibility.  This indicates that the writer is not certain that the family will move.

THUS:  Interview each member of the family and seek to learn if any of them needed persuasion by a family member in the home, outside the home, or by a close friend, and move outside the circle from there (family members in the home, outside the home, close friends, acquaintances, co workers, etc)

"BETTER" is regarding quality of life (home life) and the author is concerned about the quality of home life for whom?

She does not make us wait long to find out:

3.  "Us" is the most important element here:

It links the writer of the note with the family.  It is similar to seeing the word "we" connecting a criminal with a victim:  it does not happen after the crime.

"Us" shows a direct link, or connection, unifying the author with the family.

This affirms that the author will be someone the family already knows.

"Us" shows concern of results for both the "Lindenhurst Community" and the "family" that received the letter.

Would a hateful racist care about how the family's wellbeing turns out?

This is not likely.

This is to affirm that this is not a racially charged hate letter.

This affirms "Fake Hate"; that is, the author is not a racist and does not hate the family.

The author has empathy for moving, does not want to inconvenience the family and is known to the family.

We continue to see if the words affirm these elements, or move us to a different opinion.


This is a critical mistake for the author.

This is to strongly suggest that the author has a particular town in mind:  "the" town and not "Find a town where..."

The writer has moved around enough to have empathy over moving, knowing it is not easy and cannot be done right away.
The writer cares for the welfare of the family.
The writer's own language suggests female with at least two (2) years of community college and/or business/training school.

This suggests that the writer has moved from a town where she was more comfortable.  The move history of the family should be examined, particularly in towns where the black population was higher OR that she lived near black people near by.


Here we have the politeness of someone who cares for the family and is concerned with being "rude", further suggesting that the author is female.

"SORRY" has no pronoun, making the pronoun "us" to be even more important.  The absence of a pronoun before "sorry" suggests reduced commitment.

In statemnet analysis, the dropped pronoun is said to reduce commitment, therefore, we ask, "To what commitment?"

In this context, the subject is reducing commitment to being "sorry" for "not belonging."

This may very well be true:  the subject feels sorrow for either:
a.  not having the feeling of belonging;
b.  that one or more of the family members does not feel content, or "belonging" to the community.  This suggests discontentment.

The lack of sorrow is to recognize that "not belonging" is not such a powerful emotion.

"It's the truth":

The family has likely heard this before.

This specific term, "but its the truth" has likely been heard by them before, by the author herself, in making arguments about wanting to move, while meeting resistance.

It may be that this is an expression of the author in one where she feels that she has a better handle on reality that others, particularly in the family.

I venture a guess here:  co workers of the author have heard her use this expression.

The author appears to be:

Adult, not teen
Known to the family
2 years college, minimum, or business school--minimum of late 20's, likely older, but not retirement age; (well below, active)
History of moving around, dissatisfaction
has lived in other towns
is not a racist hating blacks,
may have history of civil rights interest,
financial struggles leading her to seek to capitalize on the current racial tensions in our country
Up on current events

*Has a strong connection to the family

Computer history searches similar interests

The author cares for this family but is seeking attention by a 'fake hate' letter.  The author is not a "racist" in that the author does not hate black people.  In fact, the author may not even hate white people, though the action is certainly "hateful" as it blames whites.  The author does not show personal animosity or racism in her words.  

Location Statistic:  the one who found it, statistically, could be the writer.

The writer does not hate black people, therefore, what is the motive?

It appears that the writer, who is either black, or is white, but does not hate blacks, wishes to capitalize on the current racial environment.  The author may have moved often, and has now been met with resistance. 

The author has previously lived in a black community and has a specific community in mind to move to.  

The author seeks recognition and may be looking to capitalize not only for fame's sake, but financially.  Moving, especially often, is cost prohibitive. 

While masquerading as a racist, she struggles to even use the vile, hateful language needed to persuade us.

We all give ourselves away in our speech.

This writer holds no contempt for black people, but is likely fame seeking, selfish, and uncaring about what impact this may have upon others who may be victims of racism.

This is often the case of "fake hate":

The false rape claims, for example, hurt actual victims, just as fake racism claims will make the public more skeptical of such claims in the future.

I would also look for someone who may have attempted to "game the system" in other ways, as well as one who may have lost her job recently, felt under appreciated and certainly, under-paid.  The business may have financial difficulties, or the many moves has caused much debt.  

The author does not feel connected to her community, and may have some social isolation.  This is sometimes seen in the opposite view in social media, where the introvert becomes an extrovert "online" only.  

The author thinks she knows how to get attention, so she may have experience in media and is young enough to risk this, while old enough to know what the current racial climate in America has become and knows how to do some research online.  

It comes on the heels of Baltimore riots, which not only suggests awareness, but that the author has timed it as such.  She is aware of current events and may have even:

commented on cases in which money was raised;

Opened a "go fund me" type account, or her computer will show searches upon such accounts, including pay pal, and others.

If the author thinks police suspect her, she may not seek public money as this might increase the charges against her.  

I expect the author to claim "racism" on the part of investigators, once accused of "fake hate." 

She likely has a search history on racial discrimination.

May be one who is a proponent or advocator for black or civil rights. The author is not anti-black people exposing herself in an attempt to sound anti-black.  This suggests some connection with being proud of her race.  She may have joined societies or social media groups or celebrated black history, or has black idols she looks up to.  She does not hate black people.  

In fact, look for "Black Pride" types of examples, where she associates with almost all black people, and celebrates black events, black history, etc. 

Those close to the author will likely affirm that she is not a racist, but will likely, with lengthy interviews, reveal how selfish she can be, unless, of course, they agreed to this before hand.  In this case, it will be neighbors, friends, or co-workers who will begin with, "I never would have thought she would do something like this!" initially, but upon further reflection (time to process), the same people will say how they saw elements of real selfishness and ambition that went "too far" within her.

I think she may have "gamed the system" or knows those who have, including the welfare system, or any other fraudulent claim, including "falling", or being "harassed" and so on.

When exposed, the family will affirm that they know who she is.  I believe, however, that the family will defend her, and may also accuse police of racism.  

As to the actual identity, it may be the woman who not only found the note, but who has spoken to the press, or someone she knows and may have put up to this.  If it is the woman, herself, the motive is not mental illness.

This is seen in the lack of self-loathing. The author does not hate black people.

If it is someone she put up to doing this, who partnered, the person who wrote it for her does not hate black people.

Computer history will help uncover the details leading up to this deceptive letter.

While examining motive, mental illness is evidenced often by self loathing. Its absence (there are no angry words in the statement) often leads to examining financial gain, even through fame.

The procedure is to :

Post on social media;

Make contact with local media

Seek national media and exposure.

Investigators should seek to learn, specifically, if the author is behind on her mortgage or rent, in Lindenhurst, or is having other financial difficulties, including recent loss of income, decrease of income, being passed over for a promotion, etc.  They should also seek to learn if the author has recently seen someone close to her "come into" money in any way, possibly provoking envy.

The use of the statistic of race indicates an understanding of computers and research, which is why the author's search history will yield much information.

Regarding self loathing:  This is not to say that the author does not have a history of depression, anxiety, or social phobias, etc.  It is to say that mental health, as seen in self-loathing, is not the motive for the letter.

One can be so  delusional that it becomes obvious that the anonymous letter was written from a very disturbed mind.

This is not an example of such.

This writer is self-contained.  She may have issues of 'not belonging' or social isolation, but it is not the reason for writing the letter, nor is the reason for writing to scare anyone, or exhibit hate.

unconfirmed:  the addresses of the person who found the letter and posted it on Face Book

Davenport Ave, Lindenhurst.

258 Westview Avenue Deer Park NY  11729 
View & Remove
Henrico VA  23233 
View & Remove
96 Birch Rd Amityville NY  11701 
View & Remove
258 Westview Ave Deer Park NY  11729 
View & Remove
291 Plantation Centre Dr N Apt 805 Macon GA  31210 
View & Remove
475 New Hwy Copiague NY  11726 
View & Remove
6300 Wilson Mills Rd Cleveland OH  44143 
View & Remove
185 Davenport St Lindenhurst NY  11757 
View & Remove
16015 Euclid Ave Apt 203 Cleveland OH  44112 
View & Remove
37 Overland Ave Amityville NY  11701 
View & Remove
711 E 99th St Cleveland OH  44108 
View & Remove
155 Parkside Ct Copiague NY  11726 
View & Remove
16 Grant Ave Amityville NY  11701 
View & Remove
291 Plantation Centre Dr N # 8 Macon GA  31210 
View & Remove
42 Nathalie Ave Amityville NY  11701 
View & Remove
16 W 16th St Deer Park NY  11729 
View & Remove
16015 Euclid Ave Cleveland OH  44112 
View & Remove
New Highway Copiague NY  11726 
View & Remove
Nathalie Avenue Amityville NY  11701 
View & Remove
Cleveland OH  44112 
View & Remove
Cleveland OH  
View & Remove
Amityville NY  11701 
View & Remove
Farmingdale NY  11735 
View & Remove
Amityville NY  
View & Remove
Parkside Court Copiague NY  11726 
View & Remove
View & Remove
Deer Park NY  11729 
View & Remove
E 99th Street Cleveland OH  44108 
View & Remove
Macon GA  31210 
View & Remove
Macon GA  
View & Remove
96 Birch Road Amityville NY  11701 
View & Remove
Copiague NY  11726 


  1. Excellent Analysis, Peter!

    I can't believe it's taking investigators this long to investigate this 'hate crime.' We know it's not a threat yet the media is feeding into it. I wonder if she realized how much attention this was going to stir up.

    After receiving what one would perceive a threatening note, you would think her first reaction would be to call the police first. She posts the letter on her facebook page making a joke out of it. She then adds "A hate crime investigator just left my home. Next step-- Broadcast Media." Exactly what she wants. Anyone targeted by a hate crime would be living in fear. She's not at all concerned. Once the media got involved, she played the game and is enjoying the attention of being a victim.

  2. Amazing! Yes, this analysis rings true to me!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great Analysis Peter.

    OT Update:

    Search for Myra Lewis continues through the FBI’s “Missing Children’s Day”

    Close to half a million children are missing throughout America and Wednesday the FBI brought attention to Missing Children's Day to highlight that law enforcement is a top resource in the community. Closer to home, one child who still hasn't been brought home after more than a year is Myra Lewis.

    She went missing back in 2014 and her family still has hope that she will come back.

    "If you have children you ought to know what I'm going through, waking up every day, not seeing my baby, not knowing where she's at. I just want you to bring her home," says Ericka Lewis, Myra's mother.

    It's been nearly a year and three months since Ericka Lewis saw her little girl walk into their Camden home for the last time, but she hasn't given up hope that Myra is out there watching.

    "I miss you, I love you. Everybody misses you and we, want you to come home," says Lewis.

    Lewis says she was leaving the house March 1, 2014, when she told Myra and her other daughter to wash up inside.

    When she came back, the toddler was nowhere to be found.

    Lewis says she's been living with stress every day since, "Wondering where she is, what she's doing, if she's ok. I'm just, begging for her to come home with, her family where she belongs."

    Special Agent in charge for the FBI Donald Always says there are no updates in the search for Myra, but her case is still active, "We're going to continue to look for her until we find her."

    According to the FBI, the recovery rate for missing children has increased from 62% in 1990 to 97% today.

    "I think it's really important to highlight the fact that we are a resource and part of the community and we all have children too that we're concerned about," says Alway.

    The FBI has an app called "Child ID" that parents can download and use to store data about their children.

    If anything were to happen, agents say, it's an easy tool to share information with law enforcement. The FBI is offering a $20,000 reward for anyone who finds Myra.

  5. Let's put the shoe on the other foot for a moment and consider another possible scenario:

    In attempting to read between the lines, it appears that the intended target of the letter (head of household) has had a problem (or a member of their family has) with meeting the demands of some city or county rule or regulation that has been unnecessarily difficult for them to resolve, but that would have been easier for them to meet the criteria if the person, relative, or family, had been white.

    Or, to carry it a step further, their problem could be at a school one or more of the family has been attending or attempted to attend, in the church they have been attending, or at a store or other retail outlet where they have been shopping or attempted to shop or frequent. Somewhere along the line, someone in this family has met with a very unpleasant and stressful situation due to their being black.

    It appears that the person writing the letter is familiar with the details of this problem and feels that the family's best recourse is to move from this area, even though costly and a great burden for them, into one that would be easier for them to live without these problems; an area where there are more blacks with less stress from members of local council or the governing bodies that be; or away from whoever/whatever the situation may be that has caused them this problem and who has had them embroiled in the unpleasant situation.

    It could be only one person in position of authority, and not a group, who has caused them the problem; perhaps even a relative of the caring person who wrote the letter, but certainly someone who is familiar with the situation, even if sitting on the sidelines and looking on.

    The person writing the letter sounds very sincere and could just as easily be white, (and more than likely is), one that is familiar with the problem and who cares about this black family's circumstances and their future and has empathy for them. IMO, this person is in a precarious position and does not wish to have his/her identity made known so as not to create a great controversy upon themselves. The letter could have been written by someone just like me.

  6. Off topic: A $50,000 reward is being offered for information on the disappearance of Kyron Hormon. It is so good to see that law enforcement is not giving up on him.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Let's put the shoe on the other foot for a moment and consider another possible scenario:

    In attempting to read between the lines, it appears that the intended target of the letter (head of household) has had a problem (or a member of their family has) with meeting the demands of some city or county rule or regulation that has been unnecessarily difficult for them to resolve, but that would have been easier for them to meet the criteria if the person, relative, or family, had been white.

    Or, to carry it a step further, their problem could be at a school one or more of the family has been attending or attempted to attend, in the church they have been attending, or at a store or other retail outlet where they have been shopping or attempted to shop or frequent. Somewhere along the line, someone in this family has met with a very unpleasant and stressful situation due to their being black.

    It appears that the person writing the letter is familiar with the details of this problem and feels that the family's best recourse is to move from this area, even though costly and a great burden for them, into one that would be easier for them to live without these problems; an area where there are more blacks with less stress from members of local council or the governing bodies that be; or away from whoever/whatever the situation may be that has caused them this problem and who has had them embroiled in the unpleasant situation.

    It could be only one person in position of authority, and not a group, who has caused them the problem; perhaps even a relative of the caring person who wrote the letter, but certainly someone who is familiar with the situation, even if sitting on the sidelines and looking on.

    The person writing the letter sounds very sincere and could just as easily be white, (and more than likely is), one that is familiar with the problem and who cares about this black family's circumstances and their future and has empathy for them. IMO, this person is in a precarious position and does not wish to have his/her identity made known so as not to create a great controversy upon themselves. The letter could have been written by someone just like me.
    May 29, 2015 at 8:03 AM

    Choose a name with your profiling?


  8. What we have so far is:

    The letter is not "hate speech";
    The letter has no threat, nor demand
    The letter shows concern for the family's well being and even convenience.

    The writer is likely a female. She is either black, or very close to blacks, in general.
    She is intelligent and has some formal education; i.e., college, business school, etc.

    The writer has a connection with the family.

    She has moved around a lot and has empathy for moving around, and how difficult it is.

    She does not show angry racism towards whites, either, though the results have been a wholesale indictment of the community of Lindenhurst.

    The writer does not have a good relationship with Lindenhurst and has a very specific town she wishes to move to, in mind.
    The community lack suggests difficulty integrating and may have some self esteem issues.

    The writer likely is proud of being black and likely has mostly black friends.

    She also likely has the cooperation of some in the family circle.


  9. Anonymous is suggesting that the note was intended to provide the family with advice? Advice that they should move to a community where they won't have the same problems? So the letter writer felt they couldn't tell in person to the family so they choose to do it in a anonymous letter? That is an interesting idea.

    Perhaps the letter writer was trying to give the family a reason to move, a justification to move. So they thought they'd send them a little racist letter to scare them on there way because the author knows what the family needs.

  10. You are missing one important point: The letter writer knew not to send the letter through the mail, realizing it could be more easily traced back to the sender and did not wish to take this chance. The writer wishes to remain anonymous.

    1. Then why did Copes post a picture of an envelope with a postmark next to the picture of the letter?

      What are you claiming? The envelope is fake but the letter isn't?

  11. Scroll down. The letter/ (racist) note and envelope are clearly post marked, with the exception of the whole address, which is for obvious reasons, is there for all to see..


    Could someone please look at this and tell me what he's trying to convey?

    Why does this tragedy not get any media attention? And why is this investigation all about talking, or people not talking. They never mention evidence. Like the video tape at the conv. store, or the crime site where she was burned, or her cell records.

  13. My apologies, John, Red Meat and others. I was mistaken. You are correct, the letter was mailed. Sorry.

  14. Can you do statement analysis on this hoaxer's story? She has peddled this to the Canadian media, who have unfortunately reported on it as if it is credible (which it is not).

    The story begins with "This is my story…"

  15. Ronica Copes

    Yesterday at 09:13 ·


    Good Morning FB! Don't forget to get your tickets for tomorrow's Pretty Girls Can Cook event. We're almost at capacity but there are still some seats left. Great food and so much fun! Inbox me for don't want to miss "The Experience".

    I do not know how these "events" work, whom does the money go to? Is it for charity or does she keep the money. If it is the latter, then the "fake racist note" may have been nothing more than a ruse to drum up sympathy and custom to line her pockets. This "event" comes 5 days after the alleged "note" was mailed to her. Was this planned before the "note" was posted? Yes people can move on, and maybe having this "event" is something to get their minds away from the "note" and "trauma" (my words). Food for thought (pun intended)

  16. This is the expected: if someone received a note telling them to move, the community is white, they don't belong, etc., they are going to be scared, anxious, worrying if something will happen to them or to their children.

    The unexpected: Ronica Copes went on fb and joked about it, enjoying the comments of her friends telling her to report it. She then involves the police and broadcast media.

    It's a win win for her. When they announce that she's the one behind the letter, she'll move on to part 2 of her attention seeking behavior-the martyr. She'll cry that they are blaming her because they can't find the real person, the police are racists, why would she do something like this, and she'll gain sympathy.
