Saturday, May 9, 2015

Statement Analysis: Professor Saidy Grundy Boston University

The following tweets were made by Professor Grundy and went viral.  She is professor of African-American studies. The tweets are good for you to practice Statement Analysis upon, and they are of particular value in that they may trigger an emotional response that you do not want to ignore, lest it influence your analysis.  

First, a short lesson on language.  

Tweets are often shorter, abbreviated and sometimes lack pronouns.  When this is so, the emergence of a pronoun is very important when the baseline is without pronouns.  Pronouns give ownership, responsibility, and strength to statements.  

With tweets, texts and emails, we seek to establish a baseline, and the analysis begins there.  We draw up the same "Expected versus Unexpected" standard for these that we do in all statements. 

Each one of us has a personal, subjective dictionary with, on average, 25,000 words. Exempt from the subjective nature of this vast dictionary are the following:

1.  Pronouns
2.  Articles
3.  Objective time on the clock

1. Pronouns are universal and instinctive.  They require no pre-thought, and are 100% accurate for analysis.  "We" will indicate more than a lone person, for example.  Where we find that the pronouns are "lying", it is conclusively deception indicated. This is such a powerfully intuitive element of the English language that it is our only exception to not indicating one for deception on a single red flag.  Pronouns do not lie.  

Possessive pronouns develop so early in human life, that they can pre-date discernible speech.  

Picture the one year old child opening and closing his hand with the notion of "my", taking ownership of what he wants, with "my" often being an early developed word.  When, for example, OJ Simpson said "for those of you who believe in my guilt...", he took ownership of guilt.  

When the killer of Sarah Cherry, Dennis Dechaine testified that "we were losing daylight", he signaled that he was not alone, as claimed.  This, alone, is 100% accurate and reliable.  

In trainings, we use a simple exercise to prove this point by first asking someone what they had for breakfast 2 days ago and watch them struggle.  Then, depending upon age, we ask them to consider telling us a true story from at least 20 years ago, without revealing the chosen story.  We then ask them if they know to begin the story with "I", or with "we", they find 100% accurate use of the selected pronoun, without having to tax the memory.  

By 3, pronouns are strong, and by 5, they are 'cemented' into the mind of the child to the point of no pre-thought (disruption of the speed of transmission necessary) they flow with ease.  

Pronouns recognize gender, plurality, and possession.  They indicate closeness, distances, and even quality of relationships between humans. See teaching on social introductions for more.  

2.  Articles.  

The English language takes time to learn, and it is that errors in language are corrected, not due to racism as now claimed, nor regionalism, but because the nature of this world:  things worth learning take effort, and the effort, itself, 'exercises' the brain, allowing for increase.  This is why English teachers of yesteryear "red penned" grammar and spelling mistakes to elevate the students' abilities in order to compete in adulthood.  

Articles:  "a, an, the" are simple to learn and once memorized, move, over time, to instinctive, though this may not be seen completely by age 5, but sometimes closer to age 7. 

Article:  "a" versus "an" takes even longer to use, but it is the article, "the" that 'cements in' or becomes intuitive also by age 7.  The most useful context in Statement Analysis is in introduction of a noun. 

Here is a brief example:  

"A man approached me from behind.  He had a gun.  He told me he would shoot me and pushed the gun into my back.   I gave the man my purse and ran"

It has 32 words in total.  

Here is the same statement with emphasis added highlighting only articles.  

"A man approached me from behind.  He had a gun.  He told me he would shoot me and pushed the gun into my back.   I gave the man my purse and ran."

You will note that he was "a" man, but once identified, he became "the" man of whom she gave her purse to.  Unknown to her, the subject, he was "a" man, but once identified, he rightfully and instinctively became "the" man.  She did not pause to consider which article to use.  

This is instinctive.  

On its form, the above statement is likely to be true.  

 Here is the same statement, with slight changes, including the location of the articles:  

 "The man approached me from behind.  He had the gun.  He said to me that he would shoot me and pushed a gun into my back.   I gave a man my purse and left"

Did you note the changes?

Did you note the location of the article, "the"beginning the statement?  

If this is an open statement, it is deceptive, and the interview will likely prove that she knows the gunman and is seeking to conceal this information.  

If this is an open statement it is deceptive. 

Why did I add, "if this is an open statement" to the text?

Here is why: 

If the investigator interviewed her before the statement, the statement is "contaminated" and likely to be influenced by him and show up in the language.  If in the interview (which should be obvious) she talked about "a man" with the investigator, by the time she wrote this, he is now "the" man, since he has been identified. 

Always get a written statement first, whenever possible.  Those proficient in Statement Analysis will move to "Discourse Analysis" in which they eventually catch these elements "live" while being verbally expressed.  For our example, however, and how we learn:
We crawl first, then we walk, and when we are proficient at walking, we begin to jog, and so on, with the hope of becoming an Olympic sprinter of analysis.  It takes practice, practice and more practice.  

Let's go back to the statement under the assumption that it was an "open statement", either verbal or in writing, and there was no discussion first.  

Did you catch the change in communicative language?  

In the first statement, she used "told", which is authoritative and "expected" in a coercive action.  The presence of a weapon and the stronger, "told" is consistent.  

However, in the deceptive statement, she did not outright lie.  In fact, she is 100% truthful.  Remember:  few people will lie outright.  Most all deception is missing information.   

Sentence by sentence a deceptive statement can be true, but simply missing the most critical information:

She knew the gunman.  

Did you note the change with "left"?  It is at the point of leaving, or 'running away' in the deceptive version, that indicates missing information. 

 Let's break it down. Here is the deceptive statement:

 "The man approached me from behind.  

"The man" is a male (gender identified) that she knows, therefore, the use of the word "the" is appropriate for her. This is a signal that she knows him.  

He did, in fact, approach her from behind, as planned in a fake robbery report.  

He had the gun. 

In a pre planned scam, the participants know what weapons they have.   This is 100% truthful. 

 He said to me that he would shoot me and pushed a gun into my back.  

In this staged robbery, he did not "tell" her, but he "said" it to her, as part of a script, and, in fact, this is a truthful account to her.  

Yet, why did she then get mixed up and say "a" gun?

This may reflect knowledge of him having more than one gun.    

He really did push it into her back, too, making her sentence complete.  

Another 100% truthful sentence. 

 I gave the man my purse and left."

This is also true.  Later, when the purse was found without money in it, investigators learned that in the staging of the 'robbery', she didn't put any money into it.  She did not feel it necessary for the 'show.'

The 'show' was for a grainy old-school video security camera which was too weak to show faces.  

In most cases, it is an outright fabrication and the articles reveal as much.  There was no "man" and because it comes from the imagination, deceptive subjects sometimes confuse the articles. 

Articles do not lie.  
Pronouns do not lie.
People lie.  

This was a truthful, deceptive statement.  It was truthful, A - Z, on its own, but withheld the fact that she knew the man and planned this beforehand.  

"Left" indicates missing information.  Her mind was on what happened, or was said, perhaps, that a video only security camera would not pick up.  

3.  Time on the clock is objective.  (versus the subjective time passing that we measure in analysis).  

When one says it is "2PM", it will be two hours past noon for all of us.  There is no subjectivity here. This one is simple, and needs no examples for analysis.  

These are the three 'exemptions' to the law of the personal dictionary.  

Each of us has a subjective personal vocabulary of approximately 25,000 words.  When recounting or answering the question, "What happened?", the person will go into this vast dictionary, choose what words to use, where to place the words, what verb tenses to use, what words and information not to use and structure it in an order that is important to the person:

all in less than a second.  

This is the speed of transmission.  

A disruption in this speed causes internal stress. 

It is this stressful disruption that gives us our signals that something is amiss. 

In the following tweets from Saidy Grundy,  what questions, specifically, do we need answered?

Using the above principles, write out what questions you would need for her to answer in order to complete an interview, based upon the tweets, alone.  Stay within principle.  

Hint:  while staying in principle, be aware of your emotional response to the topic itself. 

It is fine to comment on the texts, but first get the most important questions written.  Also, consider adding something about how you felt going through the statements.  It is not only part of emotional intelligence, but the self awareness can inspire others in the same. 

Since our words reveal us, what do you know about Grundy?   

hint:  stay within principle.  be open  minded.  

I am interested in reading your analysis, commentary, as well as any profile of the subject that you feel emerges.  

Here are the tweets of Saidy Grundy. 

The emphasis is added in the underlining only.  

“White masculinity isn’t a problem for america’s colleges, white masculinity is THE problem for america’s colleges"

Note what is stated in the negative is of higher importance to the subject than that which is in the positive.  In this tweet, it begins in the negative, elevating its important.  The capitalization of "THE" is the author's emphasis.  

From January:  

“Every MLK week I commit myself to not spending a dime in white-owned businesses. and every year i find it nearly impossible.”

Why is white America so reluctant to identify white college males as a problem population?'

We take particular note of a question in an open statement even if it is considered "rhetorical", as the subject may be speaking to herself. 

Boston University responded to concerns that the Professor will be grading white male papers:  

“Professor Grundy is exercising her right to free speech and we respect her right to do so,” Boston University spokesman Colin Riley.


  1. “White masculinity isn’t a problem for america’s colleges, white masculinity is THE problem for america’s colleges"

    Tell me about black masculinity

    Tell me about white masculinity

    Whatsay you if a white female had said “Black masculinity isn’t a problem for america’s colleges, black masculinity is THE problem for america’s colleges"

    Why do you say that?

    Tell me about yourself.

    Have you ever had any kind of relationship with a white man?
    (I ask this since she is black and clearly biased against whites.
    Is this because of how she was raised?

    Is this because of a poor relationship with white males?

    Is it something else?)

    Are there no other problems in American colleges?

    Why did you not capitalise the word American?

    Tell me about your time studying at college.

    Tell me about your work currently

    “Every MLK week I commit myself to not spending a dime in white-owned businesses. and every year i find it nearly impossible.”
    What is your definition of a 'white owned' business.

    Why only that week if you feel so strongly?

    How would you feel about working for a 'white owned' business?

    Do you currently work in a 'white owned' business?

    Have you previously worked for a 'white owned' business?

    Would you boycott a business even if it had a high number of black employees and a white owner?

    Why do you say that?

    Does this apply only to small local businesses or to all businesses including multinationals?

    You say nearly impossible, why is that?

    What do you think could be done to change that?

    What is your definition of racism

    Would you consider yourself to be biased in some way?

    Why do you say that?

    Do you consider yourself to be biased against men in general?

    Why do you say that?

    Do you consider yourself to be biased against men of a particular color?

    Why do you say that/

    Everyone has preferences, tell me yours.

    Why do you say that??

    Do you have a preference for certain types of student?

    “Why is white America so reluctant to identify white college males as a problem population?'
    Why do you not also ask “Why is black America so reluctant to identify black college males as a problem population?'

    Have you ever had a white male being a problem.

    What happened?

    What happened next?

    Have you ever had a black male being a problem?

    What happened?

    What happened next?

    Have you ever had a white female being a problem?

    What happened?

    What happened next?

    Have you ever had a black female being a problem?

    What happened?

    What happened next?

    Have you ever had a problem with a male of any other ethnicity?

    What happened?

    What happened next?

    Have you ever had a problem with a female of any other ethnicity being a problem?

    What happened?

    What happened next?


    It seems she has a chip on her shoulder against white males, is this down to experience or something else?
    What i see is prejudice and yes racism (it works both ways)
    She has a sense of entitlement which makes me wonder if she was passed over for promotion or felt a white male teacher did give her what she felt she deserved perhaps grade wise.

    She makes no mention of white females of blacks of other genders.
    I would wonder about her experiences of men in general.
    Was she raised in a single parent household?
    Does she have siblings?

    She is racist and i wonder if she is gay.
    She has a huge chip on her shoulder and feels the world owes her and blacks in general .
    She has a massive sense of entitlement and, i wonder how many complaints she has put in over the years regarding teachers etc and then once she left college how many against members of staff, students and employees anywhere.

    I suspect she is not a popular member of staff and that there are and have been numerous problems wih her and caused by her.
    She is a liability.
    I wonder who atends her lectures and how she would feel if she had white students?

    How would she feel if there was a professor of White-American studies?

  2. “White masculinity isn’t a problem for america’s colleges, white masculinity is THE problem for america’s colleges"

    What is her definition of "white masculinity"? "Masculinity" can be both male and female. So which gender does she speak of?

    Why is it a/THE "problem"?

    The capitalization of "THE" puts greater emphasis "The problem" although whats said in the negative comes first.

    The repetition of “White masculinity" is sensitive given it is repeated? Why is this sensitive to her?.

    She also repeats "american colleges" making it sensitive, why is this?

    Does she believe that none "american colleges" have no "white masculinity"? If not why?

    Does she believe that African Americans, Espanics etc do not show "masculinity in "american colleges"?

    We seek to find what makes these words sensitive to her and ask follow up questions based on her answers,language and words used, and do not introduce new language.

    From January:

    “Every MLK (I don't know what MLK means) week I commit myself to not spending a dime in white-owned businesses. and every year i find it nearly impossible.”

    She says she "commits" but doesn't actually say she doesn't "spend a dime", we see this in the next sentence.

    "and every year i find it nearly impossible.”

    "Nearly" is not to say she doesn't, thus qualifying and weakening her statement. What does "nearly impossible" mean? Does she only use "white-owned businesses" when it is convenient to her?

    This is also said in the negative making it sensitive "Not spending" Why is it she doesn't want to spend money in "white owned business's? What is her definition of a "white owned business"

    She then starts the next sentence with the word "and". When the word "and" begins a sentence, it means that there is missing information in between the sentences, as "and" is connecting one word to the other. What is the missing information in between sentences?

    “Why is white America so reluctant to identify "white college males" as a problem population"?

    The shortest sentence is best. The word "so" is unnecessary making it important to her. Is this to bolster her question be it rhetorical or not?

    "problem population" What does she mean by this? Specifically "population"


    a. All of the people inhabiting a specified area.
    b. The total number of such people.
    2. The total number of inhabitants constituting a particular race, class, or group in a specified area.
    3. The act or process of furnishing with inhabitants.
    4. Ecology All the organisms that constitute a specific group or occur in a specified habitat.
    5. Statistics The set of individuals, items, or data from which a statistical sample is taken. Also called universe.

    Where does her definition fit in, if at all?

    Here we now a change in language from "“White masculinity" non gender specific to “White college males" gender specific. What has caused the change in language? Is it because of the passage of time, given this part was said back in january? has she had trouble recently with "White masculinity" "White college males"

    We also have another change in language from "white masculinity being THE problem for america’s colleges" To "white college males as a problem population"?

    Does she believe that it is only "white college males/population/masculinity are the only problem and not females too or any other "population"?

  3. “White masculinity isn’t a problem for america’s colleges, white masculinity is THE problem for america’s colleges"

    -What does "White masculinity" mean?

    -What problem (s) are you referring to?

    -What do you consider to be an 'American college'?

    -How does white masculinity differ from black masculinity? Or Asian masculinity? Or Indian? Etc.

    -What experiences shaped your opinions of white masculinity?

    -Could anything be done to change your opinion about this?

    -What specifically would have to take place to change your opinion?

    -Do you believe that tweeting something like this serves to improve the 'problem'?

    -Do you want to see the problem improve?

    -How could the problem(s) be solved, or improved?

    “Every MLK week I commit myself to not spending a dime in white-owned businesses. and every year i find it nearly impossible.”

    -Why do you call it MLK 'week'?

    -Do you feel that a one day (national holiday) is inadequate to honor MLK?

    -What do you consider a white owned business?

    -Do you consider your own employer a 'white owned' business?

    - How much money do you typically spend in white owned businesses?

    -You said you commit yourself to "not spending a 'dime' in white owned businesses" you buy items by check, or with your credit or debit cards?

    -What you mean by 'nearly impossible'?

    -Have you ever had a negative experience at the businesses you commit to not spend money in?

    -If so, what was it?

    -What impact do you feel your commitment to "not spend a dime in white owned businesses" makes?

    -If you feel this is important, why do you limit this action to only MLK 'week'?

    -What did you hope to accomplish by publishing this comment?

    -Did you achieve your desired result?

    -How would you react if a white student refused to attend your lectures because you are black?

    -How do you feel about a white person who refuses to patronize black owned businesses?

    -Do you feel your actions are racist?

    -Why, or why not?

    -If a white person posted the same thing about black owned businesses, would you be offended?

    -Why, or why not?

    “Why is white America so reluctant to identify white college males as a problem population?'

    -Who is 'white America'?

    -What defines a "White college male"?

    (Age cutoff? Wealth?)

    -What do you mean when you say "problem population"?

    -What specific problem(s) are you referring to?

    -Do you have any first hand experience with these problems?

    -If so, what happened?

    -How did you conclude that white America is reluctant to identify this problem?

    -Do you consider yourself to be a part of white America?

    -If yes, how?

    -If no, why?

    -If no, then how do you feel qualified to speak about what white America does, or does not identify?

    -Does the acknowledgment, and recognition of college rape culture not qualify as "identifying white (AND black) college males as a problem population"?

    -IF not, then why?

    -What else do you feel needs to happen to qualify the problem as 'identified'?

    -Do you feel there is also a "black college male problem population"?

    -If so what problem(s) do black college males pose?

    -How does they differ from white college male problems?

    -Do you have first hand experience with these problems?

    -If so, what happened?

    -What was your objective in posting your question?

    -What type of responses did you expect?

    -What type of responsibility session did you receive?

    -Did you achieve your desired result?

  4. I'm not sure why, "What type of RESPONSES did you receive", auto corrected to "responsibility session", lol.

    My question for my tablet is:

    What IS a 'responsibility session'?

  5. Tania- I really love how you ease right past the statement and go for her jugular. You'd make a great prosecutor in the states!!!

  6. Hi Red meat, thanks for the compliment

    Hugs xx

  7. She has a sense of entitlement which makes me wonder if she was passed over for promotion or felt a white male teacher did give her what she felt she deserved perhaps grade wise.

    Didn't not did

  8. John: "“Every MLK (I don't know what MLK means)..."

    There is so much irony in this one statement.

  9. Anonymous said...
    John: "“Every MLK (I don't know what MLK means)..."

    There is so much irony in this one statement.

    Hahhahaa. :)

  10. OT:

    First Lady: 'Sting' of Racism 'Didn't Hold Me Back'

    During a passionate address at historically black Tuskegee University Saturday, Michelle Obama said she refused to let the "sting" of racial bias define her.

    "Over the years, folks have used plenty of interesting words to describe me. One said I exhibited a little bit of 'uppityism,'" the first lady said. "Cable news charmingly referred to me as 'Obama's baby mamma.'

    "All of the chatter, the name-calling, the doubting, all of it was just noise," she said. "It did not define me, it didn't change who I was, and most importantly, it couldn't hold me back."

    Conjuring up the incidents in Ferguson and Baltimore, Obama told graduates, "Here's the thing, the road ahead is not going to be easy. It never is, especially for folks like you and me.

    "There will be times, when you feel like folks look right past you or they see just a fraction of who you really are," she said.

    The first lady recalled watching passersby cross the street when they saw her, as though afraid for their safety, and department store clerks who kept extra close watch on her and her husband.

    "But graduates, today I want to be very clear that those feelings are not an excuse to just throw up our hands and give up, not an excuse to lose hope," she said. "We can take on these deep rooted problems and together, together we can overcome anything.

    "Vote, vote, vote, vote, that's how we move forward," Obama said, telling graduates to focus on their own truth.

    "I love our daughters more than anything in the world, more than life itself. And while that may not be the first thing that some folks want to hear from an Ivy-league educated lawyer, it is truly who I am. So for me, being mom-in-chief is and always will be job number one," she said.

    Speaking of mothers -- the first lady had a "public service announcement" for her audience: "For anyone who hasn't bought the flowers or the cards or the gifts yet … I'm trying to cover you."


  11. No, michelle, just make sure your hands are free to help the customers at Target..


  12. Considering this tweeter's apparent age, she has had a lifetime of public indoctrination in every school she ever went to.
    This indoctrination is so thorough, has been so ingrained, and now, so manipulated by the community organizers, that, were you alone with her in an interview room, you would never think that she is American.

  13. I hate the term african-american.

    You don't hear people saying i am irish-american, english-american, italian-american,polish american if they are born in the states.

    You don't hear the term in the UK, I am pretty sure you don't hear people saying i am african-french, african-german, african italian.

    If you are born in America you are American.

  14. Update:

    Cops in Freddie Gray case want top prosecutor out

    BALTIMORE - Attorneys for six Baltimore police officers charged in the death of a man who died of a spinal injury he received while in custody asked a judge Friday to dismiss the case or assign it to someone other than the city's top prosecutor, who they say has too many conflicts of interest to remain objective.

    At a minimum, State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby should be replaced with an independent prosecutor, the lawyers state in a motion filed in Baltimore District Court.

    Read More:

  15. Professor Saidy Grundy: Right on, Sister. You have every right to be racist. Two thumbs up and a twist roll of the neck.

    The nerve of you people having a problem with Professor Grundy being a racist! Is not this what you want... a race war? Then, why are you angry when a black/african american express his/her opinion about white americans.

    Tell me about yourself.
    Why do you say that?
    She do not have to explain a damn thing to you. Do you not get tired of asking questions you already know the answer too?

  16. Black Power,

    Would it be okay for the school to have a professor who says that he avoids all black owned business on Washington's birthday and that black females are "the" problem with schools today?

    Would this be free speech?

    Racism is ugly, on either side, but more than that, it is folly.

    A business who by-passes talent due to pigmentation deserves to miss the "best and brightest" for themselves.

    Better to suffer the financial loss than to have government dictate morality.

    I do support professor Grundy's free speech statement and I believe her tweets are useful for students' parents who have the choice whether to advise their son or daughter to take Grundy's class. They can make an informed decision.

    But I must now support the racist who chooses to boycott Black businesses on Washington's birthday, so that I may be consistent in free speech.

    Interesting post.


    1. "But I must now support the racist who chooses to boycott Black businesses on Washington's birthday, so that I may be consistent in free speech."

      I'm sure foregoing hair weaves will be a great sacrifice, but a symbolically important one ;)

  17. Tania,

    Imagine the baggage this professor will project upon her class?

    You word the questions as I would.

    To all others:

    I am curious as to if anyone thinks she is a "faux racist" who seeks her 15 minutes.


    1. Jen's questions were much better.

  18. Hi Peter,

    I wondered about her intentions as well. Her posts don't indicate that she is seeking a solution, or a change, in the perceived problems she addresses.

    She is making inflammatory blanket statements, and providing no explanation/examples for her comments. She may be seeking fame by capitalizing on the recent flurry of racial discord.


  19. These community activists aim for noise, lots of noise, and publicity.

    It's the ideal narcissist's job.
    Teaching limits your audience to classroom size.

  20. Something to ponder

    We are all familiar with the term African-American and associate it with someone who is black.

    This is based on their ancestors having been drought over from Africa,

    The term African-American can also be applied to white people.

    How so you may ask.

    South Africa is a prime example as it has a high white population.

    Back when there was slavery, i am pretty sure that there were children born in Africa to white parents and also mixed race couples, white father black mother.

    If their descendants migrated to America, they are legally of African descent,They are entitled to call themselves African-American, for the same reason blacks do.

    1. I know right! I forget- what's the story behind whites being deep in the dark areas of Africa?

      But it is true that more and more can reidentify themselves. Think of all the Muslim families who can proudly call themselves British like you and little Charlotte! Why, Jihad John, raised and schooled under the Union Jack can be called a British terrorist!

  21. I consider myself British and, if given the option English.

    My ancestors include English, Irish, Scottish ,Welsh, Romany (just going back to my grandparents)

    Then we get to Italian, Egyptian, Norwegian, American and even Africaand umpteen other nationalities (we got around a bit)according to our family bible, and that goes back several hundred years.

    Working on the same basis that i am seeing in America, i could be one of the above-English.

    In the UK we don't refer to blacks as African-English, nor do they refer to themselves that way either.
    They are English or Irish or Scottish or Welsh or simply British.

    The UK is a real mixed bag due to the millennia of invasions and immigration.

    There are very few who can claim all through their ancestry to be singly English/Irish/Scottish or Welsh.

    As to jihadi john, he was actually born in Kuwait though he did obtain British Nationality ( i am not sure if that has been revoked) if it hasn't then it should be.

  22. I'm a female, white college professor.

    I say the same thing, except use: black, Asian, Hispanic, Middle Easter, etc... instead of "white".

    I'm labeled a racist and my employer fires me.

    Yep, gotta love FREE speech!

  23. I am a white male college grad (some time ago) so I have no comment on her supposed racism or lack thereof. my military experience also leads me to this comment. Freedom of speech under the first amendment only protects you from the overbearing force of the government - there is NO protection from consequences of your speech from your employer or your community - free speech has never employed such protections. If she teaches African American studies - then why would any white males even be concerned that she might have racial bias in grading? I doubt she has even a half a dozen white male students in any given academic year. If she does, well then they should not be surprised by their grades. Her statement on the problems in America's colleges is misplaced - since white males are a preponderance of the males in American colleges they are likely the cause of most of the problems - the question she should be asking is why aren't there more black male college students, that is the problem for America and America's colleges - though the answer goes back further it why aren't there more black male high school graduates...etc. etc.
