Friday, August 28, 2015

Statement Analysis Course Offered

For those unable to attend a seminar, Hyatt Analysis offers a comprehensive Statement Analysis Course that is taken at your home or office.

It includes more than 6 hours of lectures, 100+ pages of material, homework, tests and a final.

What makes it different from every other Statement Analysis course is not simply its depth, but its psychology of the principles.

This is a critical difference for not only learning, but application.

When a formula is given for memorization, the brain must train itself in recall.  The processing is simple, and it often called "rote", or straight memorization.  There is little emotional connection.

"The dog was lost on Saturday, August 12th, at 4PM, in Westbridge Park, Satsuma, Florida."

This is a very simple sentence and has elements to commit to memory including:
a.  what got lost
b.  what date he got lost
c.  what time he got lost
d.  what park he got lost in
e.  what city this park is in
f.  what state this city is in.

If we add in an element of emotion to the memorization, the processing of the brain will have an additional factor, further strengthening it.

"The dog was lost on Saturday, August 12th, at 4PM, in Westbridge Park, Satsuma, Florida.  The little boy was heartbroken."

Even though more words have been added to the task of memorization, the second statement is more likely to be remembered because of the "narrative form" of the statement:  there is a story associated with it.

Here is an oft-repeated story:  a United States chess grandmaster put on a remarkable display of memory in a chess simultaneous exhibition.

This is where one grandmaster plays 12 different chess professionals at the same time.  This means he will move from board one on to board twelve, and calculate each one as he goes along.

To make this remarkable event even more stunning, the chess grandmaster does this blindfolded.

"You are on board seven, and this is move forty-eight" would be a common reminder for him.

It is amazing.  I have attempted to play a single game of chess, blindfolded, and usually get lost by the end of the game.

As the story goes (I apologize for forgetting the name of the GM), the opponents conspired against him, all making the exact same moves for the first dozen or so moves, but upon agreement, their next moves were all different and all had one thing in common:  each move was utterly illogical.  

The Grandmaster who could likely play 50 such blindfolded games, was lost.

Once logic was disconnected, his memory fell to pieces.

Whole language for children, by itself, has made companies wealthy, but has decimated reading scores as there is much less emotional connection to a picture of a word, versus that in the simple "phonics" method.

Application to Statement Analysis:

You may, correctly, identify a statement as "concealing information of a private nature" when you see personal hygiene in a statement, unnecessarily.  Yet, if you understand why the subject may have included personal hygiene, and even explore for Domestic Violence in her relationship, you are more likely to not only remember the principle, but to better apply it, and improve your skill at seeking information.

You may, correctly, identify that the subject has referenced herself as a "child" in an open statement and how this correlates to childhood abuse, but when you understand the dynamics that produced this word, and you are seeking to learn if this person will be a good employee, or should she work alone, or with others, or is detail orientated or is strictly task driven, or is...and on and on you go, as a Human Resource professional, using the information as a powerful tool.  You may learn, for example, that this particular male may have unresolved issues related to this, and in correlation with using language imagery that is aggressive, you now have reason to screen for potential violence, while with another, you have a subject who thrives on heavily regulated work (inspectors) and thrives...

As a therapist or counselor, there is no way of putting a value label on such knowledge.

As an investigator, be it criminal, or internal, or journalistic, the application of such knowledge is boundless.

In business, learning to simply analyze emails can save until damage and loss from deceptive people. For HR today, knowing that one is prone to false claims, as evident in the specific pre-screening questions we set up for HR professionals who enroll in the course.

With the course comes 12 months of ongoing e-support, which is invaluable, but there is something else to add in.

On different days each month, professionals gather in groups no larger than 12, at Go To to practice their skills in ongoing training.  This is less than the cost of music lessons and is heavily discounted for those who enroll for a year.  When one completes two years of this training, one is proficient in ways that were not previously thought possible.  It is exciting to watch such growth.

This ongoing, live training, is done in confidentiality agreement, as some of the statements are from live law enforcement cases, or civil investigations.  The learning, itself, is invaluable, but the contribution to society, especially in justice, is paramount.  It takes the "40% rule" and turns it on its head with "aha!" and "Wow!" moments.

This training is also applicable for CEUs from the University of Maine college system.  "Continuing Educational Units" can be applied for which is useful for professional licenses, as well as resume building.

Because this training is live and with mostly ongoing cases, only those who have formal training in Statement Analysis are permitted.

The course for your home or office is done at your pace and I emphasize repetition, especially in the audio lectures.  Solid note taking and repetition will assist memory.  I have some lectures almost completely committed to memory, as I have listened to them over many years, including via headphones while mowing the lawn, or doing chores.  I implore investigators and students not to rush.  You may complete the course in under a month, but it is much better to practice while in the course and slow the pace down.

We do offer for those in need the ability to make payments on the course, and encourage those who wish to improve their understanding to enroll.  Those trained see a marked difference between formal and informal training, and those who are formally trained often feel as if the monthly training is "the real beginning of learning" as the statement is not simply an academic exercise, and there are no "anonymous" contributions.

Knowing that an analyzed statement is not only going to be used in an actual interview, but may be testified to in court, has a sobering impact upon speculative responses, something we must, by necessity, do, but it is in a 'safe' place; that is, while taking counsel with other analysts.

To sign up for the course go to HYATT ANALYSIS and request shipment and get started on your quest.  It will provide traction for your career, as well as resume support, and when you reach the point of 'no return', the discernment will be there.

When a person goes missing, it is a tragedy that impacts loved ones more than we may ever know.

When a statement is given, it is thrilling to know what happened to the victim, and how best to proceed with proving the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

The removal of the unknown is a powerful and psychologically addictive element in success that is further buttressed by the landing of justice.

You may not ever see the fruits of your labor published in the news paper other than "investigators produced new analysis..." types of statements, but knowing that you helped bring justice to a family destitute of their loved one, itself, is of great reward.

I once had a manager who inspired me to put in as much effort in investigating a small theft as any other investigation.  This discipline always stayed with me, even as I knew that a person who steals $10 from her employer successfully, will graduate

Lastly, our words reveal our personality type, background, experience and priorities in life.  This is the basic profile that emerges.

Even without studying profiling via analysis, the course will bring you to the point where you will begin to see the correlation between words and personality types, which is a powerful insight and can allow you to know precisely how to word questions to best elicit truthful responses.

Your understanding of human nature will change.  It will, in the very least, deepen.  You ability to predict future violence, not simply from past violence, for example, but upon language and past violence, will show greater accuracy.

Your ability to "read" someone, even in a car sales transaction, will improve.

For those of you of good instincts or intuition, you will only be made much stronger than you already are, as we place the "rules" all round you, guiding and strengthening you.

We welcome you aboard this marvelous journey in understanding!

1 comment:

  1. OT:

    Derrick Rose Gang Rape Allegations Are 'Completely False,' Says Lawyer

    An unidentified woman claims she was drugged and raped by Rose and his friends.

    Chicago Bulls point guard Derrick Rose has been named in a lawsuit alleging that he and two friends drugged and gang raped his ex-girlfriend in August of 2013, TMZ reported on Wednesday night.

    The ex-girlfriend, identified as Jane Doe in the lawsuit, claims that she and Rose dated from 2011 to 2013. During that time, TMZ reports, Rose repeatedly tried to commit infidelity with her friends and engage her in group sex.

    Here are the details of the alleged drugging and gang rape, according to TMZ:

    Rose’s accuser says the two continued to date until August 2013, when Rose and two friends, Ryan Allen and Randall Hampton (who is also Rose’s personal manager), invited her to Rose’s Beverly Hills house. She says there, they slipped a drug into her drink with the aim of raping her.
    The plaintiff says she escaped the house with a friend, but later that night, Rose and his friends broke into her apartment and gang raped her while she was incapacitated. She says she remembers only “flashes” of the incident, but can remember the defendants forcibly raping her.
    She claims she waited for two years to file the suit because she was “ashamed and embarrassed” of what happened and concerned her “conservative family” would find out.
    Early Thursday morning, Rose's lawyer, Lisa Cohen, vehemently denied the lawsuit's allegations in a statement provided to TMZ:

    The plaintiff’s allegations are completely false and without any factual basis. This is nothing more than a desperate attempt to shake down a highly respected and successful athlete. Mr. Rose was in a non-exclusive, consensual sexual relationship with the plaintiff for over two years. The plaintiff expressed no complaints about Mr. Rose until various lawyers began to surface and demand that the plaintiff be paid millions of dollars. This is the third lawyer the plaintiff has retained in this matter. Two years have passed since Mr. Rose ended the consensual relationship with the plaintiff and her claims are as meritless now as they were two years ago. We have complete confidence that the case will be dismissed and that Mr. Rose will be vindicated. This lawsuit is outrageous.
    Following Cohen's response, the Bulls declined to comment on Thursday:
