Saturday, October 24, 2015

Powerful Quote

"Extraordinary accustations must be followed by extraordinary proof."

To which the accuser said, 

"Why not be followed by just proof?"

Does anyone recognize who made this statement?


  1. Wow!


    In recently watching a documentary, it is stunning to hear him speak with barely anyone recognizing his inability to deny PEDs.

    Only one journalist said he felt uneasy about the statements.

    In the years that I analyzed Armstrong, he has never denied PEDs.

    I was a fan of his, watched the races, and even bought the DVDs, along with my sons.

    When the first allegations began, I dismissed them as envy from the French, that is, until Armstrong started to speak up.

    From there, it went downhill.

    It was sad breaking it to my sons. We had all read his book, too.


  2. I knew I'd heard the phrase before but couldn't remember where. Trying to open that door in my brain to retrieve it, I asked myself "why would I remember that?" then the door opened half way. It was from an old space show my husband and I used to watch together in the early 70's. I went downstairs to ask him if he could remember. He knew right away. It was a man named Carl Sagan. I came back up to get the iPad and just when I started to type his name, it came to me. I remembered "hearing" the phrase from his astronomy tv show but knew I'd "read" it somewhere. It took about 10 more seconds to "Eureka!, I've got it." It arose from reading an article about Armstrong. I remembered thinking along the lines of "what a bum! he took Sagan's motto, changed a few words and tried to make it his."

  3. Thanks Peter
    An old lady's mind at work. Sometimes I can better remember things from many years ago than from last week.
    See what all you young folks have to look forward to...

  4. ima.grandma, you could be 257 and have a dozen greats attached to your grandma title and that ain't NO "old lady's mind" you've got running in there!

    I defy any sound SA veteran out there to prove otherwise!

  5. Oh my foodie, I feel myself blushing. Some days are just better than others but thank you for the nice compliment.

    1. You see, how many billion people with internet access, and not a single one disagreed. :^D

      Hey, I lived up the road from you in OKC (down? never could navigate...) for a few years in the 1990s, including the April 19. Hopefully your loved ones weren't personally affected.

      Lance Armstrong always set off my creep-meter. I never would have imagined such widespread sociopathy and evil, but he always gave that vibe of slimy arrogance, with a viper just under the surface, ready to pounce and destroy anything or anyone that would defy him.

      He is one of many over the years where I would be in the minority among friends and co-workers suspecting or believing anything, but I could never articulate what I felt, beyond a feeble, "It's right there! Look at them! Listen to that, how can you NOT get it?"

      THAT is statement analysis, and even looking back years the basic SA principles jump out so prominently!
      The lack of reliable denial; confession by pronoun; switching to present tense, etc. Susan Smith, Darlie Routier, Scott Peterson, Drew Peterson (no relation that I've read).

  6. girl recounts being forced to kill babies, I can't find signs of deception


    Peter, I think it is interesting that people keep reporting about her in the negative and her dad cant say anything without qualifying it. He seems to introduce the possibility that she did this on purpose. Am I reading this correctly?

    1. horse c, I thought it unusual he kept calling her gentle, and timid!
      I believe his tears are genuine; I can't even imagine having your son or daughter do something so destructive and evil.

    2. I didnt watch the video. You are probably right. The gentle and timid widened my eyes too. I am trying not to read anything into that mug shot. It is hard. I can be very judgey.

    3. horse c, I fluctuate between hard, cold and blank shock.

      As to the father, I couldn't have typed my thoughts less clearly with my feet -- I agree his comments about her being gentle and timid sound like he's desperately in denial, reaching.

      She may have been so as a toddler, her first day of school, etc., and that's all he can hang onto with at least four people dead and dozens badly injured, and no way around that she is the sole cause.

      His speech may refer to her doing this intentionally, but before he issued his statement there was already strong speculation she looked alert and in control so he might have been addressing that.

      However, her attorney is already insisting she had a mental breakdown, and that no drugs or alcohol are involved.

      If he tries to claim "temporary" insanity and get her zero time in jail or a mental health facility I really will wonder if she did it out of malice and cruelty, and he won't be any better. (the attorney, not the father)

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    1. I.G., since you have an account and delete powers, would you be willing to post your spam e-mail address on your blog at a set time for five minutes, then delete?
      I really want to talk/ask more but don't want to load too much off-topic; Peter is quite generous as it is.

      I promise I'm not a spammer or a mad forwarder, don't have Twenty Millions Dollurs stashed that I need help accessing, and can give you a reliable reference you can meet in person there. :^D

  13. Horse chestnut,

    That you are thinking as you read, asking questions and considering as you go, is a great start. I'll check the article but kudos for engaging!

    I've asked my daughter to read Columbus diary. She's gotten better and better at what you're doing and it's a great place to be!


    1. Peter, "thinking as you read" : Do you first read all of the way through uninterrupted to capture the subject's personality and writing style, or are you stopping and making notes as you go right from the start?

      That might be just individual learning style of any new material, but I'm curious if you approach SA information differently than hard facts where you aren't weighing reliability and guarding your emotions?
      For example, complex math or a new language?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Just sent one to your name @ blogspot dot com, with Statement Analysis in the subject line; some of these automatically create a box for you.

      It might be flagged as junk due to the odd name (which is explained. :^D)

  15. ima, I have to run out, but I just copied all of them.

    I'm grateful you're kind enough and strong enough to share, but of course don't speak for Peter, the actual owner. (but I'm sure you shouldn't be embarrassed especially considering the subject!)

  16. Thank you Peter. I love your blog and read everything now through the lens of MY understanding of SA which is usually a bit off when compared to what is actually happening. But I have been reading your blog for about 7 years. It has been a great help to me in my personal life, although I am just now getting to where I dont listen when people say thats paranoid. I wish I had listened to SA more often!
