Tuesday, December 22, 2015

911 Call Faith Hedgepeth Murder 2012

Faith Hedgepeth, a 19 year old University of North Carolina student, was murdered in Chapel Hill, NC on September 7, 2012.   The link above contains audio of a 911 call placed on that date by Faith’s roommate.  Faith was temporarily staying in her off-campus apartment.  This note was found at the scene:

Here is the 911 call regarding the murder.  It is my understanding that the caller has been cleared as a suspect. 

September 7, 2012 11:01:44 AM

D = Dispatcher
K = Karena
The 911 call is here
Question for analysis:
Does the caller have guilty knowledge of the crime?  
Is the caller withholding any information? 

 (This would be a deliberate withholding.)
Statement Analysis of a 911 call uses the same technique as employed in other situations:  The Expected versus the Unexpected as the setting, and sensitivity indicators within language flagged.  
This means that there are general expectations within a call, even with a wide variety of emotions in play. 
*The caller will ask for help for the victim
*The caller's order, indicating priority, will be for the victim. 
When Statement Analysis finds other, unexpected words within the call, the analysis is thus to 'confront' these words or phrases. 
Keep in mind that even the phrase, 'excited utterance' recognizes that a 911 call is not scripted, but the subject is choosing his or her own words, from a vast internal dictionary of about 25,000 words, in less than a micro second of time.  Any disruption of this speed of transmission may indicate sensitivity, or even deception.  

The analysis is in bold type. 

D: Durham 911, where is your emergency?
The question is the location.  This should be answered immediately.  What we say first can reveal our priority.  

K: Hi. Um I just walked into my apartment and my friend is just like (unintelligible) unconscious.

The first thing one says is important as it sets priority.  Whether or not the question is understood, this is still the very first thing the caller needs police to know:  she was not in her apartment.  

This is to say that the caller has come before the victim in this call. 

If she did, in fact, hear the question about location, the priority of 'not being here' is further strengthened and should be seen as 'sensitive', no different than avoidance of a question. 
The question is not answered but the emergency is given.  Why is the question about location not answered?  We let the subject guide us. 

We  note the order:
1.  I just walked into my apartment; 
2.  My friend is just like...unconscious 
What we first note besides the unanswered question regarding the location (which is needed to help the victim) is that the caller's priority is that she not be held responsible for what happened:  she just walked into her apartment.  
This is to establish an alibi and is not expected in the 911 call.  We expect to hear the caller (subject) to ask for help specifically for the victim.   
Please note she calls her "my friend" which is an incomplete social introduction.  She should give her friend's name, though the distance without the name is not acute.  A complete social introduction, even in 'excited utterance' is expected; even if it is broken into two parts, as the subject should be in a hurry. 
"Hurrying" in 911 calls. 
Expected: The subject is in a hurry to save the victim's life
Unexpected:  The subject feels a need to portray herself as in a hurry.  
Why is it "my" apartment?  Is this a roommate calling and if so, it should be "our" apartment.  Here, the caller takes ownership of the apartment.  If it was her apartment, "my" is the expected.  If it was shared with the victim, "our" is expected.
That it was "my apartment" and not "ours" is appropriate if the victim was only staying there temporarily, and had only been there a short time.  

D: OK. What is your address ma’am?

"Ok" is to establish, "I heard you.  I heard that you were not home. Now please answer my question..."
Even without training, the 'sense' or 'feel' remains the same. The 911 operator needs the address and the caller may not know if the region possesses the instant address feature or not, but the operator, in having to get the address, may wonder if the caller is not hurrying the flow of information in order to facilitate medical intervention for the victim. 

In each interview, the Interviewer is generally given one of two impressions:
The subject is working with him to facilitate the flow of information  or
The subject is not. 
This is in all types of interviewing, including Analytical Interviewing, journalism, investigatory, and so on.  The simply responded, "okay", or 'agreed', recognizes intuitively the priority of the caller.  
People will respond, back and forth, to each others' pronoun usage.  This is called "reflected" or "parroted" language.  It is why interviewers, including 911 operators, journalists, and anyone interested in obtaining information must limit his own words to allow the subject to enter into the Free Editing Process, in which they are going into their own dictionary, and not borrowing another's. 
Married couples together for a significant amount of time eventually will give indication of sharing a dictionary.  This is what we call, "entering into" the language of another.  

K: I live at Hawthorne at the View

*Please note that she says where she lives, and not where the victim is who needs immediate assistance.  This may be in response to the specific question, however, with "what is your address?"

Expected is:  "we are at..." which would include the victim. 

If the victim is the roommate of the caller, this should be noted for distancing language.  Without giving the address, there is a delay. 
In any case: 
We expect to hear an innocent caller state the location of the emergency and what is wrong, asking for help for the victim.  That she went to where she, herself, lives, puts focus upon herself.  With a bleeding friend in her bedroom, this is not the most expected response, but to parrot back language is the easiest in which to answer questions.  I cannot put much weight into this; but still take note of it. 

D: Give me the address

The address has not been given. 
 This is no longer a question but in the imperative.  

The 911 operator appears to intuitively sense that the flow of information is not as expected.  This is where the 'confrontation' takes place, even for the untrained. 
The 911 operator is not hearing what was expected.   What has caused this delay?
We look for the subject to guide us with her own words: 

K: I just moved here, I’m gonna have to get it. (Pause) Oh my God. It’s um 5-6-3-9 Old Chapel Hill Road in Durham.
This tells us the sensitivity of the address.  This is therefore a concern that is now answered and a fact offered that should be verified.  
Here, the subject tells us why the address was not given:  "I just moved here."

Divinity noted.  

In Statement Analysis, any use of divinity is to be considered a sensitivity indicator and is statistically linked with deception.  It is not conclusive.  Someone might call upon Divinity to bear witness or testimony to her words:  this is closely related to deception, such as "I swear to God!", while others are just exclaiming a habit of speech. 

Please remember:  we do not discern deception under a microscope.  We look at various signals of sensitivity which can be in many 911 calls but it is only when the culmination of signals is viewed as 'one' overall statement, that we may draw a conclusion.  Divinity is considered a 'light' red flag to be noted.  We believe what one tells us unless they specifically give us cause not to. 

D: ok, repeat it to me so I make sure I got it correct

K: OK. 5-6-3-9 Old Chapel Hill Road it’s apt 1602.
D: 1602?
K: yes
D: what’s the phone number you’re calling from?
K: 201-321-8075

D: ok, you say your friend is unconscious?

We finally get to the victim.  The delay is noted. 

K: She’s unconscious. I just walked in the apartment and there (possible redacted section?)…it looks like there is blood everywhere (unintelligible)

There is repetition of "I just walked in the apartment" making it sensitive.  This is established as a priority above seeking help for her friend. 
Why would the caller place herself before the victim?
The first words to the 911 operator established the caller's alibi. This came before the victim's state. 
This leads us to questions:  
Q.  Does the caller fear being blamed? If so, why?
Q.  Does the caller have a need to tell police that she was not there when whatever happened to Faith took place?

A.   Yes.  It was not only a priority, but it was repeated.  
Anything repeated is sensitive, or important enough to have a need to emphasize it, via repetition. 

The roommate would have to be investigated regardless, but the investigation should also consider if the roommate had any knowledge about what happened to Faith prior to making the call. 

Note the lack of commitment of saying that there is a lot of blood in "it looks like..." which is to reduce commitment to the obvious.  

D: Ok listen to me, listen to me. Somebody’s already sending the ambulance. OK? I need to get some information from you and I’m gonna help, I’m gonna tell you how to help her, ok?

The sensitive repetition of "listen to me" signals that what is about to follow is very important and will require concentration on the part of the caller.  The operator may feel that the attention and/or cooperation from the caller is not what it should be; therefore, the need to emphasize by the operator. 

We note that the caller has not asked for help for the victim. 
Question:  Does the caller not believe the victim needs help any longer?
K: ok
D: ok, how old is she?
K: she’s 19….
Verb tense parroted.  
D: ok

K: I don’t know…I don’t want to touch her but….
It is likely that the caller knows that the vital medical information that is about to be given to her is direction of first aid application.  The caller refutes her own negative, which may suggest:
She is reluctant to apply first aid but will do so to follow directions.  
We do not know what causes such reluctance to help.  This is something that should be addressed in the interview. 

We have asked:  Does the caller know the victim is beyond first aid? 

The assertion, "I don't want to touch her but..." is consistent with death.  People do not like to touch dead bodies.  (See Billie Jean Dunn's statement about "seeing" what "looked like" her daughter, but "I did not touch her" in analysis and in upcoming new release on the murder of Hailey Dunn.  

D: Listen to me, is she breathing?
K: I don’t know

This is not a credible response.  This is instinctively found in the language of the 911 operator who then gives her the imperative of what she "needs" to do.
Recall:  the speed of transmission.  This lack of commitment is noted by the Dispatcher who then changes language to increase authority:  

D: you need to check and see, is she breathing?

K: ( pause) k, I don’t think so….I don’t think so
"k" acknowledges the authority

D: Ok listen to me

K: There’s blood everywhere
D: There’s what?
K: There’s blood everywhere
D: ok

K: I don’t know what happened

A negation is something that is offered in the negative and very important in analysis.  Here she offers what she does not know.  This is a very concerning statement.  She was not asked if she knew what happened but has offered this in the negative.  It is, in wording, strong, but it is not in result of a direct question.  It is unnecessary language.  
a.  I was not home when this happened
b.  I don't know what happened

The caller may fear being blamed.  The reason why she may fear this must be explored in the investigation.  This has not been a call in which confidence is evident in the 911 operator's language.  

D: ok is she on her back or is she on her…laying on her stomach?

K: she’s on, she’s on her back, but like I think she fell off the bed ‘cos she’s like off the bed, there’s blood all over the pillows like in the comforter and I just don’t know what happened

This is not expected:  the caller is describing a hypothesis into what may have happened while the Dispatcher is attempting to give First Aid instructions.  
Then we have the now repeated phrase, "I just don't know what happened...." making its initial strength weaken as we now need to ask,

"Why does the caller need to repeat this?"  
a.  Because she knows what happened
b.  Because she does not know what happened but fears being accused of knowing;
c.  She has an idea about who or what in this scenario

D: Ok, alright…listen to me alright?

K: Is someone coming?

This is actually a good question and although it does not ask for help for the victim, it does not ask for help for her, either.  It is a question that seeks confirmation of what is already expected.   

D: Yes I’ve got somebody coming. I’ve got somebody coming. I need you for you to help her. I need you to go up to her. We need to see if she’s breathing or not, ok?

K: I don’t think so

D: ok. Listen to me. Go up…the paramedics are on the way. I want you to stay on the line I’m gonna tell you what to do next. Alright? Are you right by her now?

K: Yes

D: Ok, listen carefully

The Dispatch operator shows doubt of the caller's ability 

K: She’s not moving.
D: She’s not moving, ok
K: No
D: OK, touch her arm tell me how does she feel….

K: She’s not moving

D: Ok ma’am, we need to find out if we can help her or not. You’ve got to help, you know, do as I’m asking so we can help her. Alright?

K: Ok.
D: Ok if you can, lay her flat on her back, remove any pillows.

K: Lay her flat on her back?

D: Flat on her back remove any pillows
K: Ok

D: Ok. Kneel next to her, look in her mouth for food or vomit.
K: There’s blood everywhere

D: OK, kneel next to her, look in her mouth for food or vomit
K: She’s (covered in?) blood (crying) I don’t…

D: Listen to me, what is your name?

K: Karena. I’m sorry, I’m really (tired?) There’s blood everywhere, I don’t know where it came from

This, too, is a negation; offered without being asked the source of the blood.  
Please note the words "I'm sorry" are flagged within 911 calls and are often found in callers where guilty knowledge is indicated.  This is an element of concern that "I'm sorry" has found its way into her language.  See Casey Anthony's 911 call for this inclusion (for any reason) in a 911 call.  

D: Listen to me listen to me alright alright, listen to me. When you touch her, how does she feel, does she feel warm?

K: (Pause) No she feels cold.
D: She feels cold? ok
K: Yes.
D: Ok. Alright. Don’t touch anything else ok? Don’t touch anything else.

The need for First Aid is no longer on the mind of the Dispatch operator. Preserving the crime scene is. 
The call has not been long enough for the body to turn cold.  Please note this with the answer to whether or not the victim was breathing. 

K: (unintelligible)….hurry

D: OK, they’re on the way I’ve got police on the way to you and I’ve got medics on the way to you

K: (unintelligible)…I can’t believe this.
D: Ok. What room is she in?

K: She’s in my bedroom.

This pronoun use is important to know in relation to how long the victim had been staying there, and where the victim slept.  

D: Ok I want you to go back into to the living room ok?

Dispatch has been told that the caller does not know what happened, even after the caller suggested what may have happened and now wants her out of the room.  

K: I don’t know what’s going on, like there there’s stuff in my room, that like, was not here before, it looks like someone had came in here,

This warrants lots of follow up:  
If you walked into your apartment and found your roommate unconscious on the floor and were on the phone with the police, awaiting instructions on how to administer First Aid, would you have the presence of mind to note that there is some "stuff" in your room that was not there before?
If the room was disheveled, it would be obvious, but note her wording:
"stuff" is non descriptive and
"it looks like someone has been in here" is not only unnecessary, but it is also without any description.  The 911 operator here should ask, "like what?" to get a specific from her.  
The concern here is alibi building:
"I just walked in..." which means:  I was not here. 
This is repeated. 
"I don't know what happened" is unnecessary; making it important, but is repeated. This is coupled with the hypothesis of falling off the bed.
The additional information without description of any kind. 
*Does the caller have any knowledge of what happened, even if not "what happened" in precision, but by whom?
Please consider this:  
*Does the caller worry that someone might come back?
This would cause intense fear and would trigger repetition about:
-someone entered
-how soon will police arrive for her own protection. 
-Or, is the concern something else?
It could be for her own nervousness of being suspected, which is seen in her repeated emphasis that she was not in her apartment at the time of the event.  This suggests that she might be connected, or have some knowledge, especially in secondary  manner, of the murder. 
D: Ok ok
K: it really does.
This is unnecessary emphasis indicating that she has a need to persuade.  
Please note:  in these words, she is giving information about her room, but not about the victim. 

D: Alright, what did you say your name was again?
This is necessary to ask but it does signal to the already sensitive caller that attention, linguistically 

K: It looks like someone came in here….because

D: Ok I don’t… listen to me, don’t touch anything else in the room
Although Interviewers should not interrupt the flow of information, here necessity dictates.  The 911 operator does have a sense here that there may be something amiss about the caller.  Note the imperative.  

K: I’m not touching
This is not enough for the 911 operator: 

D: I want you to leave that room go into the living room. You need to make sure, make sure the door is unlocked so somebody can get in, so that the medics and the police can get in when they get there.

K: It’s unlocked. When are they gonna get here though?

D: Ok they’re on their way honey, they’re coming as fast as they can you just stay on the phone with me alright?

K: I am

D: OK, tell me again what your name is?

K: It looks like someone had been in there because she’s not like this at all I don’t know (unintelligible – how she was sleeping?)
The caller returns to the same theme:  someone had been in there.  She gives her reason (which is not clear on the call) but tells us that she has the need to explain not only that someone has been in there, but, perhaps, a need to state that the victim is not in her room normally (?), which is not clear due to unintelligible language. 
D: OK, I have let them know, we’ve got everybody on their way to help you. Now tell me again what your name is.
K: What?

D: What is your name?

K: (Redacted?)

D: You just sit down on the couch and don’t touch anything ok, you just sit down

K: I’m not touching anything

D: OK, I just want you to sit down because the police and the medics are going to be there – they’re coming just as fast as they can alright?
The 911 operator is protecting the crime scene. 
K: Ok

D: You just stay on the phone with me. Stay on the phone with me
K: Are you sure they’re coming?

D: Yes ma’am, they are on their way

K: I just can’t believe this. I know someone had to have been in there.
That "someone" entered is very sensitive to the caller.  This comes after "are you sure they're coming" which may suggest:  intense fear of an unknown assailant.  It is gender neutral. 
Please note that "I know someone" may be an embedded admission.  
It is offered information without being asked. 

D: OK, we’ve got first responders on the way, the fire truck is coming, there’s a medic coming and the sheriff’s department is on their way to you.

D: You just stay on the phone with me until somebody gets there with you
D: How old are you Karena?
K: I’m 20
D: You’re 20? Ok hon you’re doing alright, you’re doing alright, you just stay on….

K: I see the police
The word "they" is now specified as "police" 
It would be interesting (though not S/A) to see if there is relief in her voice inflection at this time.  

D: You see the police?
K: Yes

D: Ok, you let me know when they get in there with you then you can talk to them ok? I just don’t want you to be alone right now
The 911 operator is protecting the crime scene.  The 911 operator has heard enough of that which was not expected to have concerns.  

D: You just stay on the phone with me
K: Ok (pause…sound)
D: Are they in there with you? Are they coming in?
K: Yes, thank you
D: OK hon bye bye
K: Good bye

Analysis Conclusion:
There are enough signals here to indicate that police should investigate a possible connection between the caller and the killer. 

1.  The caller's priority is her own alibi more than the assistance of intervention for the victim.  This could be from fear of being blamed, which, if true, needs to be explored why she would feel such a need, including association.  Her entire association should be explored including tertiary and distance connection; but close enough to have 'an idea' of who might have done this.  
2.  The caller gives indication that she knew the victim was deceased or would be deceased shortly, but in either case, not in need of medical intervention.  There is no offering of detail in her language, about the victim, while she does off in the negative, of not knowing who did this, as well as offering that "someone" entered the home and that her room is not the same as it was previously.  These are given more words than the victim's status.  
3.  Note the inclusion of divinity.
4.  Note that the caller does not ask for help specifically for the victim. 
5.  Note the reduced commitment to the blood shed.  This is a type of minimization or distancing.  Who might have a need to do this?
a.  a form of denial of a very close friend.  This is not supported by the language. 
b.  one who has an idea who did this, but does not want to yield to having an extreme negative viewpoint or opinion of the person or persons responsible.  
Many people speak of an unknown killer in the masculine.  People intuitively know that men are more likely to commit murder than women.  Here, she remains gender neutral.  This may be due to wanting to conceal identity, but, as with other points, it is not definitive.  Analysis takes all the points together before seeking to draw a conclusion.  
6.  Note the unnecessary offering in the negative, "I don't know what happened" should cause investigators to learn why she felt the need to say this.  
It is likely to be technically truthful, in precision, but raises a suspicion that she has an idea of what may have happened.  
7.  "I know someone" may be embedded admission.  In any case, it is to state that which is not necessary; making it vital for analysis.  
The caller shows this in several ways, including stating that her room was different.  
These show linguistic concerns that this caller may have some connection or affiliation with someone associated with the killer.  

As to the note, the word "jealous" is more used by female writers than male. 


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  3. Interesting case. I knew nothing about it so I Googled Faith's name. Here is an interesting article:


    Apparently LE did not release the note until two years after her murder. Why on earth wait two years when the handwriting could have possibly been identified?

    I agree, indicators of sensitivity in the 911 call. The "I just got home" didn't send up a red flag for me, but it being repeated, and repeating someone was here while being asked other questions sure did.

  4. Interesting that the 2nd thing she says is
    "My friend is like ...unconcious"

    but only when prompted - after the whole what's the address dance - later on, revelas:

    "looks like there's blood everywhere"

    Wouldnt you notice "blood everywhere" first, if you had just "come in" before you come to the conclusion she's "unconcious"?

  5. OT - If you live in South Dakota...

    Convicted killer Robert Leroy Anderson's accomplice is being released on Thursday. They kidnapped and killed 2 young women. One body was never found.


    1. How is this allowed? I'll never understand... People like this are evil and do not change.

  6. Anon @ 2:24...

    I thought that too. If I walked in and saw blood everywhere, I wouldn't be so casual. I'd probably be more like, "My friend is lying on the ground and looks unconscious! There is blood everywhere. Please send an ambulance!!"

    The caller just seems so casual like, "eh, whatever."

  7. I'm really digging the logic of SA, but have some concerns. I guess it is just a clue to dictate further questions, right?

    I would think the whole "someone's been in here" content could be related to completely natural fear and a sense of violation of space. If I was in that situation, I would call 911 first and then begin assessing the situation for more clues (naturally as I "acclimated" to the situation) As I assessed the situation, I would probably freak out as I realized it appeared that somebody had been in my bedroom and killed somebody. If I came home and found somebody dead in or near MY bed I would FREAK thinking I perhaps was the intended victim.

    As for invoking Divinity, isn't that very natural for someone in a shocking situation? I might even, as I just almost did as typing this, think "Oh my God!" as the realization that somebody was killed in my room and it could have been me hit me. I would probably say OMG a lot, and in fact DO repeat "OMG OMG OMG OMG" in freak out/high stress situations where I don't know what to do. My husband hates it. I did it Saturday when I thought my dog was choking. I certainly didn't cause the dog to choke but freaked out saying OMG OMG OMG OMG very fast repeatedly because I didn't know what to do. No guilt there, except for dissapointment in myself for not knowing doggy Heimlich. Turns out, she was fine, just had a treat stuck in her teeth and was acting super weird as she didn't know what to do about it.

    Seems like SA would be more meaningful with a "baseline" statement from the speaker to compare to. What is normal for THAT individual?

    There's about a zillion "what ifs" that could dictate behavior in a high stress situation like this.

    1. In statement analysis the "expected" is our baseline. It isn't really expected that the caller would point out (repeatedly ) that someone had been in there because it's kind of obvious that at least one other person had been to commit the murder seeing as how there's blood everywhere. Another unexpected is that in the midst of her saying someone HAD been there, there's no worry for herself that the killer could STILL be there. Wouldn't you worry about that?
      In a call like this I'd expect to hear:
      A plea for help for the victim.
      Ownership of the friend using the friends name.
      What kind of injury is being reported.

      Peter explains it way better but that's the gyst of it.

    2. Hi BB,

      To add to what elf said, a red flag, or sensitivity, doesn't automatically indicated guilt. It just indicates sensitivity, or emotional connection to the topic.

      Like in your case, your worry about your dog, caused you to exclaim OMG, repeatedly. It's sensitive to you, but not due to guilt, or guilty knowledge of being involved in his choking.

      We note all red flags, or sensitivities, and then let those guide the analysis. If many appear, clustered together, than that area is ripe for further questions. And exploration.

    3. Sorry for typos, I'm having to access through FB, and can't edit easily!

  8. The posted 911 call is a variation of what is out there. Depending on who the media wants to fry, it will vary.

    The caller had a restraining order out on an old boyfriend who had repeatedly broken into her apt. prior to moving in with the deceased. It isn't unusual for jilted lovers to start stalking and kill friends or family members. It isn't totally inconceivable that a stalker set a persons address and post a rape ad on their behalf (stalking by proxy).If he had done this, opened the door via his burglary skills, and someone else went in and raped and killed the girl he'd still be the murderer.Or, any variation of the above.

    The girl noticed things that weren't supposed to be in her room. I'm betting on him. A text went out from the deceased phone about the time of the murder mentioning the roommate. Her old boyfriend in involved, imo.

  9. "Many people speak of an unknown killer in the masculine. People intuitively know that men are more likely to commit murder than women. Here, she remains gender neutral. This may be due to wanting to conceal identity, but, as with other points, it is not definitive"

    Very interesting. I've not read this before in analysis of a 911 call. Something new learned.

    I doubt if 20 year olds intuitively know that men are more likely to murder.Especially after a night of drinking, people coming and going, "someone" would be appropriate.

  10. I never heard such an uncooperative 911 caller. Hard to listen to. That dispatcher sounds very professional. I think I would have gotten mad at the caller, after about the first 10 seconds.

  11. The note: "I'M NOT STUPID B*^@#. JEALOUS"

    Is that what the note says?

    When someone murders someone, do they leave a note like that, to the person they murdered?

    I'm not stupid. I'm jealous.

    And then leave it at the crime scene?

    It seems phony to me.

  12. OT- In relation to the Heather Elvis case... Is it possible to do an analysis on an article/blog? The author claims to be an "investigative journalist". http://truthvoice.com/2015/12/horry-county-police-bungle-missing-case-of-missing-girl-heather-elvis/

  13. Anon 3:46,
    If the girl that made the 911 call had a restraining order on an old boyfriend, then the language of the 911 call reveals that she had a suspicion that she would know who did this. SA is still accurate as to her having knowledge of who may have done this. She is naturally suspicious that the stalker ex may have come in and done it.

    Apparently this is a little tidbit of info on the roommates lovely little boyfriend...It explains her language on the 911 call.

    The boyfriend provided a statement to ABC (although not in quotes, but important none the less): At the time of Miss Hedgepeth's murder, Mr. Jones, told ABC that she was the ‘sweetest person in the world' and that whoever killed her 'deserves to burn'.

    --I'll say he does.

  14. Another thing bothering me...

    "I don’t know what’s going on, like there there’s stuff in my room, that like, was not here before, it looks like someone had came in here..."

    -K says her roomate is found in "my room", so on K's own bed?

    KR lived in apartment #1502 since at least July 5th, 2012
    KR + FDH move in together in August in apartment #1602 (is this a typo?)
    KR does not know the address of her apartment on September 7th, because she just moved there.

    KR: "I live at Hawthorne at the View" may indicate that she felt it was her apartment, and not FDH's. Nonethless, I find it odd that she does not say "We live at...." after being friends for years and roomates for some weeks. Plus it feels like she's stalling instead of giving helpful information.
    -Is this because she moved in first?
    -or is this distancing language?
    -or that she felt somehow superior or felt resentment towards FDH?

    If she were an airhead, and had no clue as to her street address, the indication "Hawthorne at the View, apartment 1602" would have been immensely helpful. If you google "Hawthorne at the View" the first listing is a google map with the address:
    Apartment Rental Agency
    5639 Old Chapel Hill Rd, Durham, NC 27707, United States

    (source for timeline: http://faithhedgepeth.blogspot.ch/)


  15. The note left behind makes sense now too.
    The use of the word "b*&%$ch" may be common for someone like Lakoy to use since thugs like him to be derogatory toward women. "I'm not stupid" - I think the sociopath may have felt slighted by the ex-girlfriend and was enraged. He took it out on the girl that was there, or being a narcissistic type felt that all "biatches" think he's fine so he tried to get it on with her room mate only to find that the poor girl didn't want his advances and fought back only to find herself at the receiving end of a violent animal. The caller knew who did it. Sure she did!!! She's lucky to be alive today. When you date these types, it's not a question of "if", it's a question of "when" they are going to come in and beat you. Shame on her for having stupid common sense.

    How long had the 911 caller been living at the apartment? How could she say she doesn't know the address if based on the article above, she had to have the locks changed because her ex boyfriend Takoy was breaking in and she had to file a restraining order. By then I'm sure the address would come to mind! Come on!

  16. "Jealous" is a word more associated with female writers.


  17. At 20 she most likely did not know how dangerous he could be. She was afraid for sure. Her friends and family were unlikely as afraid and chided her with 'boys will be boys' and stuff like that to keep her living in that type of environment. Someone talked her into a protection order, though. Usually the tipping point for a dangerous stalker.

    It's best to slip out the back, jack...make a new plan, stan...no need to be coy, Roy....you get my drift.

  18. Based on this article, the victim's former roommate called the Chapel Hill Police Department and stated that “between the months of May-July, 2012, Hedgepeth told her that [redacted] hated her (Hedgepeth) and told her he was going to kill her (Hedgepeth) if Rosario did not get back together with him."

    Apparently that person was Rosario's ex-boyfriend, Eriq Takoy Jones.


    These show his tweets, none of which don't say, "I'm off the hook because I didn't kill her!".

    If "jealous" is a word more associated with female writers then I would think he came with a girl to help him do the deed and she left the note. A cousin that he would be very close to maybe.

    Here is a bio from his reverbnation site, I guess like all thugs they are aspiring rap artists. (I don't know who wrote it, but it gives insight into his personality. I am inclined to think it was him with the help of a relative.

    In a one paragraph bio, it was important to quote him saying "I still don't allow any older artist make his self seem better than me nor talk down to me either!" - Yeah, God forbid. Maybe poor Hedgepeth got unwittingly caught up in the violent relationship her roommate and Takoy had, and he had to show her. By the way he keeps a little mini note pad in his back pocket (to write "punch" lines (spillage here) for an upcoming song that "he is going to write" (I wonder if he actually finished writing it) and writes them down to have for later. (That should help with handwriting analysis) not to mention that he has an affinity for "notes".

    With that said, I am open to being totally wrong!


  19. http://www.lyrics.net/lyrics/jealous

    3,231 lyrics with jealous in them.

    Likes notes, eh?

  20. Anon (Hop on the bus Gus!) 5:19 -
    I am speculating here that it was Hedgepeth who talked her into a restraining order and shining a bright light onto herself.
    I listened to a news article video where one of her relatives had discussed how she was against violence towards women, so more than likely she convinced her roommate to do this, not knowing the dangers of a sociopath. (speculation is not coming out of a vacuum though)

  21. C5,

    very good.

    The note is not a genuine note; it is left for a reason and is intended to deceive.


  22. Karena also says "I'm sorry" at one point; unprompted apologies slipping into language can suggest guilt, if I have understood correctly.

  23. He may have picked it up somewhere and planted it there. Her old boyfriend was the killer. He had threatened both before, been in the apt. of the caller before on more than one occasion.

    Wonder what additional stuff was found in her bedroom? Wonder what was taken that she may not even know is gone?

  24. Her stalking boyfriend appears to be black.

    Most likely knows or ordered the murder. A white dude would do it himself most times. Maybe a black woman wrote the note.
    Doubtful the stalker would want to be blamed but manipulated others.

    He's behind it.

  25. What a nauseating and distressing story. Such a beautiful young girl so horribly taken - her parents must be heartbroken, moreso for no 'justice' to date.

    I agree, the caller is unco-operative, I also think that pathetic edge-of-tears voice is put-on - I would not be easily convinced that discovering her friend's body came as a shock. 'My friend is just like unconscious' - 'just', minimising - 'like', similar to but different - 'unconscious' - easier to say than 'dead'. Karena had left the apartment seven hours earlier - Faith was cold, she'd been dead a while, the blood would probably have been dry and dark by the time she was 'discovered' obviously dead. The caller did not want to say she knew that Faith was dead - strange reluctance, as it would have been the most straightforward and obvious thing to say, uppermost in her thoughts - 'my friend is dead' rather than 'just like unconscious' and 'I don't want to touch her.'

    I read that Faith's body was covered with a blanket - it's normally someone close to the victim who finds a need to cover the body.

    The note looks as if it has been scribbled by a girl - the 'e' looks girlish, imo. Girls like to write each other notes, guys not so much? Is it maybe meant to suggest that it was written by a jealous girl, and that Faith was murdered because she was interested in someone else's boyfriend? It would be stupid to leave such a note if that was the case, or if it wasn't, as the note is 'unexpected' - murderers don't generally stop to write notes for their dead victims to read, or deliver notes from jealous rivals. and victims don't often have time to pen notes whilst being murdered in their beds. Strange - there's handwriting on Faith's Instagram, but I don't know if it is hers, if so, it doesn't match - her family would have given Investigators handwriting samples. I'd say a girl is involved, and that Karena knew Faith was dead when she made the 911 call - she also was not shocked at finding the body. There was unidentified make DNA on Faith, and in the apartment - so maybe not Karena's ex with the retraining order.

    Apparently, someone had used Faith's phone to attempt to lure one of her male friends to the apartment in the early hours - he didn't respond till hours later, but perhaps someone else was called over, or not - it seems possible the perpetrator/s were trying to set up one of her friends, or to have someone else discover her body.

    The caller's ex with the restraining order lived in the same apartment block - that was too close for anyone's comfort.

  26. DThe note may not even pertain to the murder. May have been something foolish the two girls had been doing or standing at their window flashing notes to a friend across the way.

  27. Hey Jude...makes sense he'd say he wanted the murderer to "burn."
    Bet he "burns" people everyday.

  28. The caller may be African American or mix. Real pretty girl. Looks mean in the eyes but who knows how long she'd been putting up with his crap.

    The victim looks to be a sweet innocent.

    The ex boyfriend of the caller has been arrested on drug charges and most photos he is in he looks stoned.

    The police have been out of state investigating. Likely linked to him...the "burn" guy.

    It is no coincidence the victim was found in her (callers) bedroom. He wanted her to find her where he'd violated her before-where she sleeps.


  29. 2:38 a.m: The two roommates leave the bar after Rosario says she is sick, and go back to their apartment in Hedgepeth's Nissan Altima.

    3:40 a.m.: A text message is sent from Hedgepeth's phone to the phone of her friend Brandon Edwards, a former boyfriend of Rosario’s: "Hey b. can you come over here please. Karena needs you more aha. You know. Please let her know you care."

    3:43 a.m.: A text message is sent from Hedgepeth’s phone to Edwards' phone: "Than."

    4:27 a.m.: Rosario leaves apartment, according to investigators.

    11:00 a.m.: Rosario comes back to apartment and discovers Hedgepeth’s body.
    4:16 p.m.: Hedgepeth’s phone receives an incoming text, reading “Who is this?”

    There's also anther suspect that was with the victim prior. He isn't co-operating as expected.

    However, why would the murder happen in the roommates bedroom if it wasn't the ex boyfriend of the caller?

  30. Anon at 8.14 - the note was found on top of the bed covering, in the middle - it was more likely placed there after the murder, as there would have been a struggle, and the bedclothes, if they were additional to the blanket/cover, were likely to have been put back by whoever placed the note. Faith was found more on the floor than in the bed (by responders, not sure if Karena moved her), and a blanket had been placed over her. I haven't seen any crime scene photos, so don't know if the note was on that blanket/cover, or if there was also a different bed cover. It could have been written at any time, and just was conveniently, (or more inconveniently for whoever thought to put it there), hanging round the apartment - the note seems more like a girl than guy thing to do. The note could even have been found somewhere (fast food restaurant, as it was written on a fast-food wrapper, and procured for the purpose of making it look like a revenge attack by a slighted and insulted rival - probably stretching things a bit, there.)

  31. Anon @ 8.18 - I haven't looked him up, but he seems unpleasant. What does it mean when someone says they want someone to 'burn'? It's not something I hear - I'd think death penalty, but I thought that was all lethal injection these days.

    What would it mean to 'burn' people every day?

  32. This is depressing. Yet another story where somebody gets away with murder.

  33. I'm curious about the Elizabeth Smart 911 call, as her parents were obviously not involved in her kidnapping it would be insightful to hear, for comparison, an authentic 911 distress call. And read your SA on it.

    1. I've actually looked for that call with no luck. Theses cases would be great for showing how reliable SA is.

  34. 'to want someone to burn' is different from 'burning' someone. Okay?
    to want someone to burn means he wants them to do time or be killed for what they did.
    to burn someone would be to destroy them, cause another to attack them, or set them up for incarceration.

    He did it.

  35. They, he and an accomplice, basically choreographed her murder.

  36. Peter Hyatt said...

    "Jealous" is a word more associated with female writers.


    December 22, 2015 at 5:06 PM

    I agree Peter.

    I thought the writer was female before i read all the comments, i was going to post i thought it was a female.

    Bitch is used by both sexes.
    I'm not stupid smacks to me of an argument of some kind.
    i'm jealous

    If the note writer was male, what would he be jealous about?

    Would he be jealous of Faith being a student and doing well?
    A male writer wouldn't be jealous of Faith's looks or dress sense

    If the writer were female she could be jealous of Faith being a student and doing well.

    She could be jealous because Faith was considered prettier.

    She could be jealous that Faith was slimmer.

    She could be jealous because Faith had style.

    She could be jealous because Faith was dating a good looking guy.

    She could be jealous because Faith was dating a boy the writer had her eyes on

    She could be jealous because Faith was more successful at everything she did.

    The language used i more associate with a female writer rather than male.

    Although bitch can and is used by both sexes, it is primarily used by females fighting with another female.

    If the note was found at the murder scene, why would the killer leave incriminating evidence?

    Why would the killer leave a note indicating motive?

    If Faith was covered by a blanket, it would indicate the killer was someone known to her, it is a form of undoing the crime. (think amanda knox and her murdering Meredith Kercher with help from her then boyfriend and a friend)

    I wonder if they have interviewed the flatmate and also obtained a handwriting sample?

    I would get them to write out a long passage (dictation) as, if they tried to change their handwriting to conceal they wrote the note, it is hard to maintain an altered writing style for a long period of time and their real handwriting would soon start to show thr9ugh.

  37. an abuser could be jealous of the parking lot attendant saying good morning. Jealous of a pet, jealous of a phone solicitor not known to the object of his affections...jealousy is the rage that motivates the craziness.

    It wouldn't take much as the jealous person already feels inferior. As stoned as he looked, he feels waaaaaaay inferior.

    She, the caller, is a pretty girl. He is so-so. Her friend was the nice, sweet capable murder victims. His friends are most likely drug dealers and/or stoners.

  38. This reminds me of Meredith Kirtchner :/

  39. Maybe the victim wrote the note prior to the assault?

  40. i think the ex boyfriend thought there was a lesbian affair, and maybe there was, that's why he said I'm not stupid bitch Jealous

    I don't think room mate did it, because she is not at all disparaging towards victim, she's just dually concerned with realizing she may be in further danger. i think it's the ex

  41. Maybe the roommate killed her and write the note to throw suspicion toward her ex boyfriend.

  42. I doubt the note is relevant to the murder. If they were both college students, why write it on a bag? Perhaps something carried home by them while out somewhere. A joke between the two girls.

    Perhaps the police found it and wove it into the murder for journalist fodder. Maybe it was in the car. Something they did while driving.

    The bag doesn't add up.

    1. I think the bag was relevant to the murder. I think it was left earlier in th night by someone who was very angry. It was left for Faith to find. But she didn't. The note was left in haste and forgotton about. Whick is why it was found by police.

    2. I think the bag was relevant to the murder. I think it was left earlier in th night by someone who was very angry. It was left for Faith to find. But she didn't. The note was left in haste and forgotton about. Whick is why it was found by police.

  43. Anonymous said...
    I doubt the note is relevant to the murder. If they were both college students, why write it on a bag? Perhaps something carried home by them while out somewhere. A joke between the two girls.

    Perhaps the police found it and wove it into the murder for journalist fodder. Maybe it was in the car. Something they did while driving.

    The bag doesn't add up.
    December 23, 2015 at 9:21 AM

    The note was left purposely on a murder scene.

  44. I made the first post on this article and now I see it was deleted. All I said was "What a pretty girl, how sad, and that I had not had time to read the article but would get back to it." Or words to that affect. Now I see it was deleted and I'd like to know why it was deleted. What was wrong with it? Thank you. ABB

  45. If the 911 caller is not responsible, then she is indicating knowledge of who did it.
    The reduced commitment to the blood shed could be because she does have an idea who did it and is not saying, because of the fear. I think the killer left the note for the 911 caller. That is also why Faith was murdered in her room as well. I think the note was intentional for the 911 caller specifically. The note: "I'm not stupid", is very personal. I think that discovering your dead roommate in your bed with a note that starts, "I'm not stupid" is very personal. It also represents someone that is highly insecure and full of complexes. Not only that, but the personality that resorts to vicious violence when there is a perceived disrespect.
    If after the 911 caller's ex got his restraining order and he had spoken with the 911 caller and she had been denying that Faith helped her to get a restraining order on him, and there would have been a discussion between them as to "who" talked you into this, and there was no direct answer, then he could very well be showing that in fact he knows who and is "not stupid". It would be a very cut and dry message that was left behind. The killer murdered and took out his rage on the person that encouraged her to do the restraining order. "Bit**" was also for the 911 caller. After the killer commits the murder, now he wants to convey a message like "happy with what you made me do?" - I don't know, but I get the feeling, using that one word conveys this. It conveys a whole series of thoughts combined with the "I'm not stupid". I can just visualize her knowing it all with one glance of the scene.

    I noticed that punctuation was eliminated from the note. For example, "I'm" didn't have the " ' ". Who is to say that the writer is a he and wrote "jealous" in a questioning form. She may have had previous conversations with her stalker ex about being jealous of her for being so pretty and wanting the "ex" to stay away because she would get "jealous". And that last word is the coup de grace, where he now asks her "jealous?" being ironic. No need to be jealous now.

    I think the guilty language on the 911 caller is an instantaneous realization that the murder occurred because of her. If she wouldn't have brought a roommate to live with her and if she wouldn't have done the restraining order, her new roommate would be alive.

    Another possibility is that the 911 caller may have had a previous conversation with her "ex" and admitted that Faith had encouraged her to do a restraining order and knew what was about to come and didn't warn her friend. This may also reflect the guilty knowledge, but now cannot tell the police for fear of being incriminated, and as a result there was an uncooperative 911 call.

    It doesn't look to me like the note was planted to deceive the cops though. It appears to be planted on purpose and the message was intended for one person. It was a message that states in so few words combined with the crime scene of "if you disrespect me again, you are going to get what's coming to you".

    I'm open to the possibility that this was also female's jealous rage as well and then trying to pin it on psycho ex-boyfriend as well. They both may have had means, motive and opportunity right?

  46. He used the word "bitc**" extensively in his two songs.

    This article provides a lot of information regarding the suspects.

    Jones gave investigators permission to search his cell phone. They found a text message Jones sent to a friend the day before the murder asking the friend to forgive him for what he was about to do. Jones also sent a tweet to someone else asking for forgiveness. Police said the cover photo on Jones’ Facebook page was changed to include, “Dear Lord. Forgive me for all of my sins and the sins I may commit today. Protect me from the girls who don’t deserve me and the ones who wish me dead today.”

  47. http://lordjonesswag.yolasite.com/background-info.php
    "As LJ was asked is there anything else to know about him that he want his fans to know, his response was, " I mean theres not much to know about me except i demand my respect!""

    --His “artist” name is “Lord Jones”. Gee willikers!

  48. Anon at 10.05 Thanks for the 'burn' explanation.


    Still thinking maybe the fast food wrapper was found and brought/taken to the apartment - the girls were students, chances are they would have plenty of notepads and bits of paper hanging round in the apartment. It's quite difficult to write on a greasy fast food wrapper - why would anyone, if there was likely to be even the back of an envelope, or any scrap of paper which was clean and easier to write on? I think it's quite possible the note was found at a fast food restaurant - kids having a spat might write notes across the table - if they had a pen on them, they may not necessarily have paper, but a food wrapper would do. Someone involved in the murder could have found the note, thought that would add whatever twist they were thinking of - plus, if they thought in that way, they'd know the handwriting wouldn't match the perpetrator's. It might - I don't know.

  49. http://abc11.com/news/autopsy-shows-brutality-of-hedgepeth-murder/296058/

    This article states that they have DNA evidence. She was brutally murdered and raped. It contains a good time frame of what happened prior to the murder. Additionally, the following link:


    Chapel Hill Police did report that at least one person refused to have a DNA sample submitted.

    This means that of the suspects, one did NOT submit a DNA sample.

  50. K: I don’t know what’s going on, like there there’s stuff in my room, that like, was not here before, it looks like someone had came in here,

    "...had came in here,"

    had is past tense and came is present tense. From this sentence, I would have to question whether "K" was there when it happened. "someone" not he or she, or they.

    Many things she says and doesn't say taken together would certainly make me want to question her more.


  51. Anonymous said...
    i think the ex boyfriend thought there was a lesbian affair, and maybe there was, that's why he said I'm not stupid bitch Jealous

    Based on the dialog in the 911 call, and the additional information posted from media on the relationship with the ex, I would tend to think that Karena was there when it happened. The ex was in a rage and felt it was the victim's fault she broke up and/or filed the PO.

    I have had personal experience with abusers and the first thing they do is blame other people for their "property" trying to break free. So, IMO, the note could have been written with the word "jealous" coming from the killer. He may have forced Karena to write it with the intention of stating the victim was causing problems because SHE was jealous of their relationship and wanted to break it up for her own benefit.

    If Karena were present and terrified, she would display shock/emotional trauma and guilty knowledge in the 911 call.


  52. The time of death would yield options to eliminate possible suspect.

  53. @Jude-you are most welcome. There are other descriptions but I did the best I could.

    I agree about the note on sack. It doesn't fit at all.

  54. I read someone left a note on a dead dog they'd kicked and beat to death. Laughing about the matter. Unusually cruel.

    Someone wrote the roommate looks to have aged 20 years since the murder. She must feel responsible. I believe she thinks her ex did it. Hopefully someone will get her out of the area and maybe out of the state for her own mental health.

    The ex fashions himself as a "lord" of some type. (slumlord, lord of the rings, lord-host of all holy, etc.)

    They would know if the suspect is black, white, Indian, etc.
    Someone wrote they never collected footage from a business near the club they/the victim was last at. The parking lot could have yielded info.
    What about the neighbors? A vicious beating must have made noise.

    Since the murder happened in the roommates bedroom, and they collected evidence, did they get the right evidence. The papers I read claimed the crime scene was the murder victims bedroom and not the roommates.

    The victim was lured in. Perhaps someone claiming they'd wait for the roommate. The 911 call clearly expresses the roomate shock stating...this isn't like her. (Like why is she in my room?)

    1. Is semen the only dna? Could be dna under her nails from the struggle.

  55. Thanx for the link, C5!

    demand MY respect.

    Good one!

    what about some respect? or, respect.

  56. Here is a list of things required for vpo which could include household members. Varies by state, but a general idea:


    The roommate knew her stalker as he'd kicked in her door before. She had a restraining order against him, but did that include her roommate, family members, etc.? It's just a piece of paper, but it's a start. Of course, paper isn't bullet proof.

    These girls need to know how dangerous these people really are! And, yes, a female could have participated.

  57. I'm surprised this has not been solved.

  58. Considering that dna(semen) was found on her body that matched Dan found in the apartment , I'm guessing the killer was a male. No doubt the angry ex boyfriend of the friend of hers. He hated her and posted days before the murder asking for forgiveness for what he was about to do. Too coincidental.

  59. I find it interesting that Karena seemed to imply affirmatively, "Ok," when the dispatcher told her to place Faith flat on her back. Faith was found hanging mostly off the bed. I also find it interesting that she didn't mention that Faith was severely beaten about her head and face. There would be obvious damage to her face. That plus lots of blood spatter would make me think immediately that she was beaten. Instead Karena keeps saying she doesn't know what happened.

  60. Another interesting thing... The articles I read stated this was a one bedroom apartment unit. Karena was asked what room Faith was in and Karena responded, "my bedroom." Why wouldn't she say "our" bedroom, or even "the" bedroom.

  61. Anon 3:46 very interesting information but makes me wonder why she didn't voice suspicions. When my cousin was murdered by a threatening ex, one of the first things my aunt said was something along the lines of OMG, he finally did it. If this girl felt like a threatening ex was sending her a message by killing her roommate, don't you think her exclamations would have been more specific, like OMG "he" was here, and wouldn't she have told the dispatcher she was afraid her ex might have broken in and killed her roommate?

  62. When I listened to the call I picked up on several of the things Peter highlighted in his analysis. First was that she didn't ask for help for the victim. She also didn't name the victim, just used "my friend". As Peter noted it was an improper social introduction which, if memory serves, is indicative of a poor relationship but I'm likely mistaken.

    The words she uses and how she uses them suggest to me, at least, that she has a guilty conscience. I do not, however, believe that she did it. Rather, I believe that she suspected something like this could have happened, and is withholding information of the perpetrator. I began to the think this when she said "I can't believe this", and later with the repetition of "I don't know how this happened" unnecessary information is information to pay attention to.

    I don't think she did it, but I believe she knows who did, and why.

  63. Re: "you're going to burn for this", I assume it means burn in hell. I've heard people in NC use this expression with that connotation. Burn in hell for their sin of (whatever), murder, in this case.

    Karena, the 911 caller, is Latina. One of the comments says she looks African-American or mixed.

    This "statement analysis", which is apparently trademarked and thus monetized to be a money maker for its inventor, has been disproven as effective in the courts. But I think the analysis has some merit.

    I do think its odd the caller fixated on someone had to have been in here.

    I've called 911 in several life-threatening emergencies, due to health. Once, I forgot how old my mom is. In the moment of seeing someone in a truly life-threatening situation (asthma attack), I think it could be realistic she forgot her street address. I lived in an apartment complex close to Hawthorn at the View. Students would refer to their residence by apartment complex name.

    I am somewhat surprised she first described Faith as "unconscious". I think most people would start with "there's blood everywhere, and my friend has been attacked". Unconscious could be from anything. That's why the 911 dispatcher asked her to put her on her back, see if she had something in her mouth, if she'd vomited. The dispatcher was probably thinking she swallowed something, or she was drunk and threw up and passed out, etc.

    Its also curious the caller states someone had to have been in there, but she isn't worried for her safety. I would freak out wondering if the attacker was still there. I'd be worried I'm in danger and want to know when the police were coming.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. If Karena was afraid of her ex, why didn't she move farther away than the same apartment complex? Because of a lease? Apartment managers would have likely let her out of her lease if she explained the situation to them. They would not want an incident to occur because it would be very bad for future renters to hear of. It would devalue the property.

    I agree with a poster above. She knew exactly what happened the moment she saw the room. Hadn't the ex already threatened to kill her. Why didn't she name him to the 911 operator? My feeling is she had a lot to do with her roommate's murder. More than just guilty knowledge. If she told the police and 911 operator about her ex's threats and the restraining order, then they would look into him, and a BIG problem for her would be gone. So why didn't she? Now he is still able to get at her. I wonder if he is still threatening her, or did they get back together?

    She had a chance to free herself of that pos, but she couldn't name him. She had a hand in this for sure.

  66. I believe that Faith's roommate knows everything that happened before she ever made that 911 call. As for the note, just throwing this out there, what if you read it bottom to top. "Jealous Bitch I'm Not Stupid"

  67. I just watched the 20/20 special on this case. I was STUNNED to find out that Karena was not alone while on the phone with 911. A friend, Marisol Rangel, had given Karena a ride from Karena's boyfriend/hookups house. Karena and Marisol both went into the apartment and found Faith's dead body. Marisol was in the apt. while Karena was on the phone saying she was alone. Very confused as to why the need to lie about Marisol's presence. The 20/20 reporter interviewed Marisol Rangel and didn't ask her about this. The reporter also tried to get an interview with Karena but she isn't talking. The note and the pen had dna on it that matched the sperm in and on Faith's body. Now, because of new technologies the DNA was tested for ancestry, race, physical attributes, eye color, etc. They are looking for a Latino man with brown or hazel eyes.

  68. When this first happened, before I found this blog, I thought that was the most bizarre 911 call I've ever heard and immediately thought the caller knew exactly what happened.

    I too, was stunned to find out that Karena was NOT ALONE when she made the call. WTH??

    Karena is up to her eyeballs in this. She refuses to talk.

    If I had to guess? Karena and her ex BF and another man, or Karena and another man killed Faith. I would think over a love triangle type deal and Karena was calling the shots. Perhaps Karena's BF liked Faith better? Karena was jealous, Karena wanted revenge. I would bet my life that Karena was in that room when Faith was murdered.

    I hope LE is coming down HARD on Karena.

  69. May be over the top, but they went to the club and Karen wanted to go home 90 minutes later.... Maybe someone told Karena something in the club about Faith that pissed her off, perhaps that Faith was hooking up with one of Karena's exes? She got pissed, said she wanted to go home instead of confronting Faith just then... Once she got home, Karena contacted the man who Faith had hooked up with and asked him to come over (maybe the man whose house she went to after the murder had been committed) That man (soccer player) came over and brought a "friend" with him... maybe once they got there, Karena confronted both of them and that's when things got ugly and Karena left with the guy and the friend (mystery DNA) so she had an alibi as to not being home? That's when she and the men came up with what she was going to say to the 911 operator (Say she's unconscious so it sounds like you have no idea what happened)

    - Or maybe Karena had nothing to do with it, her and Faith had been in Karena's room laying on the bed talking and Faith fell asleep on Karena's bed... Karena left and Eriq went in the house and room thinking he was going to find Karena, he startled Faith, she 'disrespected' him and he beat her and raped her...

    Either way, the note WAS NOT written before hand, if this was a planned attack I'm pretty sure the killer would have brought a weapon of some sort instead of picking up a nearby empty bottle. Maybe Faith used the bottle to hit him and that enraged him he got it from her and killed her with it.


  70. This is the most aggravating 911 call I’ve ever heard. It’s impossible to listen without wanting to throttle the caller... the operator had the patience of a saint.

  71. "Several people were questioned at the time of Hedgepeth's death in 2012, some offering DNA for testing. In the beginning of the investigation, police initially focused their investigation on several men, including the ex-boyfriend of Hedgepeth's roommate and a man she was last seen with outside a Chapel Hill night club hours before she died."

    The caller may have been suspicious of her ex boyfriend or of someone Faith met that night.

