Saturday, April 30, 2016

Dee Gordon Denies Intentional Steroids

If MLB or fans holds interest to whether or not a player will own and admit that he took PEDs in the thinking that taking responsibility matters, they will need to look twice at this statement.  

This is the statement Dee Gordon made.  

1.  Note passivity
2.  Note "ingested"
3.  Note the need to include passed tests 
4.  Note the need to include "prove this" 

By introducing this length of time (career), it is a signal that he is thinking of steroids and his career, suggesting that this was not a single, recent event.  

He does not lie outright and say "I ingested" but that tests show.  Tests can be wrong.  This is a good example of someone who avoids a direct lie, but is deceptive.  He uses "ingested" with the hope that this will be interpreted as "I ingested" but it is not his assertion.  

Interesting side note:  the failed test was for a combined substances that require a large needle to inject.  

From NY Post:

“I have no idea how it got into my body.” Well, if any of these guys really loved the game, they would tell MLB investigators where they are getting it. Then, at least one venue would be shut down and some better ideas of how the cheaters are cheating would be given to the good guys, so the cops would not always be so far behind the villains.


  1. OT Update:

    Sidney Moorer speaks about his relationship with Heather Elvis and facing kidnapping charges

    This is a long article.

    Read more here:

  2. OT

    Davey Blackburn at Newspring - his evening appearance, uploaded four days ago:

  3. This link is better,no music, goes straight to the talk:

  4. I've just tried to post an update on Jared Fogle and twice it has disappeared?

  5. OT... still no reliable denial

  6. But wouldn't he be passive (ingested) if he didn't do it on purpose? I mean the language may be distant because he wasn't aware that he had taken anything illegal at the time. Also, mentioning the tests shows a need to persuade, but is that always wrong? I mean if it was me, I feel like I'd want people to look at my track record if they had doubts.

    1. More....

      Is the need to persuade always wrong? Might one feel the need to persuade if they feel their integrity is in question?

    2. LOL @ your last sentence! I get it.

  7. Anonymous said...
    But wouldn't he be passive (ingested) if he didn't do it on purpose? I mean the language may be distant because he wasn't aware that he had taken anything illegal at the time. Also, mentioning the tests shows a need to persuade, but is that always wrong? I mean if it was me, I feel like I'd want people to look at my track record if they had doubts.
    Is the need to persuade always wrong..."

    Those who did not do it, state this very plainly. The combination of PED is generally for cattle and it is a big, painful needle of an oil based substance. Unless he forgot a big painful needle in his rear end, passivity is not expected. Yet, even if an inadvertent infestation took place, consider that the person has no knowledge of it, and will not allow for possible guilt. "I didn't take PEDS";

    it is interesting to note that this very thin guy had a great year and signed a 50 million dollar contract; perhaps based upon fraud.
    Also, ingesting accidentally is something that will issue a denial because the subject does not allow for it.
    Need to Persuade is acceptable in job applications, not denials.

    This one is statistically 'easy' for new analysts to discern.

    There are too many indicators of deception in the short statement.

    Consider the bank robber accused of stealing from an ATM.

    "I've gone to the ATM hundreds of times without robbing it!" as a need to persuade.

  8. I meant to post that under Peter's response.

  9. Is there a way to delete posts, because I've made a right mess of my responses, posting under the wrong post.

  10. "I don't know how it got into my body." This guy is an idiot. He shouldn't even be allowed to play anymore based solely on the fact that he is a lying moron. It's a wonder he can even find the ball.
