Thursday, May 26, 2016

Analysis in Second Language: Rape

This video is difficult to watch but useful for analysis. 

Analysis in 2nd language can be done, yet without some of the common detail we use in first language.  For example, while analyzing the transcripts from the Nuremberg trial, we may note the order in which information appears, as well as responses to questions, and sensitivity found in both deflection as well as in repetition.

Our words reveal us.

Here is a Syrian male addressing the rape of a Swedish woman.


Syrians have thus far in Europe, been shown to have extremely low IQ.  Some experts believe this is as a result of first cousin marriage, practiced over many generations.

Criminal psychologists have noted the combination of extreme low IQ with poor impulse control.

Cultural and religious belief:

The Koran teaches that the "kaffur" (the 'infidel') is inferior to the Islamist, but this is further heightened when it comes to gender.  Even Islamist woman's testimony is to be deemed "one half" the value of a man's.

The Koran also teaches that when in a foreign land, "Allah" has given to the Islamist male the females of the Kaffur to reward them by rape.   This means that the rapist must be physically sexually aroused by rape, itself, and that it is a sign of "Allah's favor" upon him.  Whereas most men would be incapable of sexual intercourse under the duress of rape, this is something that is not only cultural, but religious in nature.

We have heard that statistics from 2015 Sweden state that one of every four Swedish born women have been raped, documentation since that time suggest that this extreme number is, itself, deliberately underreported and that the true figure is between one of every three, and in some locals, one of every two.  It is called "the rape capital of the West."

The Swedish government responded by:

1.  Decrying the statistics, not as incorrect, but as "racist" and "Islamophobic" and threatens with arrest any quoting of the Koran that shows rape is a reward and a "right" given by the ideology.

2.  Giving out very short sentences for rape.

3.  Refusing to deport repeat offenders.

4.  Refusing to sentence some, at all, instead mandating state paid therapy.

5.  Employing state funded "imans" to teach the Koran but a 'toned down' version.

6.  Forbidding police to take descriptions of perpetrators because it is racist and Islamophobic.

7.  In some cases, the victims are held responsible; called liars, or told that their dress, appearance or use of alcohol caused the rape.

8.  Stated that the rapists are the real victims because they are suffering PTSD from war (this includes those who have not come from lands involved in war) and that PTSD as well as not having a job causes them to rape.

9.  Special "do not rape" instructional classes.

We have seen the European male response, including marching "in solidarity" while wearing mini skirts, as these males have grown up in a society that condemns masculinity.  

The rape victims suffer for the rest of their lives.  Some citizens have taken to dying their hair dark, while others are now wearing Muslim head garb and no longer going out at night.

How many more must be raped before any tangible response is made?  

Islam is a criminal ideology with specific sexual violence prescribed.  Here is an interview worth analyzing:


  1. Oh that's horrible! What do you make of him saying 'in our relationship'?

  2. special "do not rape" classes. utter insanity. we have to "meet them where they are". i attended a big-time ballet school in the 80's in nyc, and one of the pianists for the ballet classes was a russian-speaking stout middle-aged man who would, before class while young girls/women were warming up at the bars, walk the length of the bar messing with each girl, touching their breasts, butts, etc. Do you know what the school told those young women/girls? "You have to just tell him forcefully 'nyet!'. i guess 'nyet" is Russian for "no'.

  3. It was the most horrible feeling. Not only did the school do nothing to protect us from the creep pianist, it was almost sadistic of them to tell us "Just tell him 'NYET'! Say it forcefully!" I swear to God, I wish I could go back in time and 1) kick that guy in the gonads while yelling "NO" in English (Gee, do you think he'd understand?) and 2) getting a good lawyer and suing that stupid outfit "school".

  4. i wonder if Sweden is offering classes for young Swedish women on how to say 'forcefully say No' and how to "not tempt" the rapists.

  5. Oh.My.God. I've bolded the he*LL* out of this statement.

    It was the 13th of January and it was cold outside. (Perfectly placed "emotion".)
    I had my jacket that I bought because I am rich.
    That's why girls like me.
    I saw that she likes me too.
    I went to the bus stop and it was dark.
    It was at night and there were street lights.
    She sits down like this and open up her legs.
    I see that she has pink panties.
    String you know like those small that the girls use in Sweden,
    And I saw that she is wet.
    She was ready.
    And she says to me that she wants to have sex with me.
    (Did she literally say "I want to have sex with you?")
    No. She did not.
    I noticed it on her for I notice how girls feel.
    She said let's have sex.
    But she did not say it with her mouth. Do you understand?
    She said it like hey boy, wink wink
    That's how it worked in our relationship.
    I thought I have a girl.
    (Tell me what happened next.)
    I thought that we can not do it at the bus stop.
    There were street lights and stuff like that.
    There are bushes there but I don't know.
    There was dark.
    Come on, we can not do this.
    She was a bit against it but she wanted it. She wanted to.
    There I threw her down.
    She said yes I will but wait.
    And I said no here we go and she was like ok, it was ok
    (In the journals from the trial she said no several times.)
    She screamed no.
    I talked to her before the trial and told her not to say that.
    It was not that way.
    She said no... Do not stop 'cause I want more. (what's stated in the negative....)
    You know girls get one of those orgasm.
    She had orgasm several times and i came too.
    (How did you react when you found out that she would report it to rape? How did it feel?)
    I thought she was joking.
    She stood up and said that she had been raped.
    She had said no.
    Huh girl, you're kidding me but not...
    She was like I will call the police, 112.
    I need to report a rape.
    I hit her. (Truthful statement)
    No. I did not hit her. I patted her on her cheek. (patted her at 100 miles an hour)
    I said fix yourself and do not insult me.
    It is wrong to accuse me for you wanted it.
    I saw you wet XXX

  6. "I said fix yourself and do not insult me." . . .

    He is telling us who he is and what his reality is.
    If we do not understand this as an ideology, it is to our peril.

    Peter said: "Here is a Syrian male addressing the rape of a Swedish woman." I think his use of "male" instead of "man" is intentional. (Reading this blog reveals PH's subjective internal dictionary regarding the use of "man" :)

  7. What an utter piece of shit. I hope he suffers and dies in prison.

  8. Nic - Thanks for the transcript.


    Here is my attempt at analysing this:

    'it was cold outside'-
    He felt lonely, reportedly common amongst immigrants.

    'I had my jacket that I bought because I am rich. That's why girls like me.'
    He is from a poor background and now believes he is rich because he has a jacket - his newfound wealth makes him attractive to girls. Girls did not like him before he had his jacket and was 'rich'. He maybe was beginning to understand that he is not rich by Western standards and that girls don't like men simply on account of their ability to acquire jackets.

    'I saw that she likes me too. I went to the bus stop and it was dark. It was at night and there were street lights.'
    Did he follow her to the bus stop, as he 'saw that she likes me' before he went to the bus stop? The order suggests an earlier encounter. He mentions lights - an indicator of sexual abuse, and/or concern that the area was lit. (I wonder if 'water', 'lights' and 'door' references work the same in relation to statements made by people from other cultures?)

    'She sits down like this and open up her legs. I see that she has pink panties. String you know like those small that the girls use in Sweden, And I saw that she is wet. She was ready. And she says to me that she wants to have sex with me.'
    It was dark; it is unlikely he could see what he claims. Even if he could, and if it were true, it would not be an invitation - it is more likely an attempt to demean the victim. Here he speaks mainly in the present tense, though earlier he uses the past tense correctly - I think in this part he is not speaking from experiential memory.

    (Did she literally say "I want to have sex with you?") 'No. She did not. I noticed it on her for I notice how girls feel. She said let's have sex. But she did not say it with her mouth. Do you understand? She said it like hey boy, wink wink. That's how it worked in our relationship. I thought I have a girl.'
    'No. She did not.' She did not say she wanted to have sex with him. He projects fantasy onto his victim. 'Do you understand?' Defensive, sensitive questioning.

    'She said it like hey boy, wink wink'. 'Like' - she did not say it, there was no 'relationship', he only 'thought' he had a girl. 'I have a girl' - sounds a bit one-sided, perhaps. He possibly had some prior acquaintance with the victim. Was she perhaps a customer at a shop/restaurant where he worked, a neighbour, or a friend of a friend? It is odd that he says 'our relationship' if there was no previous acquaintance. I would wonder again if she had encountered him earlier and behaved in a standard friendly manner towards him.

  9. (Tell me what happened next.) 'I thought that we can not do it at the bus stop. There were street lights and stuff like that. There are bushes there but I don't know. There was dark. Come on, we can not do this.''
    He uses 'we' to claim unity with his victim. Here he is trying to create the impression that the victim wanted sex, while he was reluctant ('I don't know') because it was a public place and they might be seen. He wants it thought that he didn't drag her into the bushes to rape her, but that they would be out of sight if they had consensual sex in the bushes.

    'She was a bit against it but she wanted it. She wanted to.''
    She was 'a bit against it' - she was 'against it'. Repetition of 'she wanted' - sensitivity and need to persuade.

    'There I threw her down. She said yes I will but wait. And I said no here we go and she was like ok, it was ok'. '
    He threw her down - truthful statement. She tried to stop him, but he was forceful - it was not okay.

    'She screamed no.' 'Truthful statement.

    'I talked to her before the trial and told her not to say that. It was not that way. She said no... Do not stop 'cause I want more. You know girls get one of those orgasm. She had orgasm several times and i came too.' '
    He admits to intimidating the victim before the trial - he 'told' her not to say that. He feels entitled to tell women what to say and think.

    'You know girls get ONE of those orgasm. She had orgasm SEVERAL times and I came too.' 'You know' - possible attempt to persuade. 'Girls' - rather than that particular girl (so not her?) He wants people to believe that his victim orgasmed several times while he just 'came too'. Why does he not simply say 'she had an orgasm'? Why does he say 'you know girls get one of those orgasms' - he generalises through distancing language, and says what he knows is 'supposed' to happen. He is thinking that through before claiming it did happen, not only once, but several times. I'd say story-telling.

  10. (How did you react when you found out that she would report it to rape? How did it feel?)
    'I thought she was joking. She stood up and said that she had been raped. She had said no.
    Huh girl, you're kidding me but not...She was like I will call the police, 112. I need to report a rape.''

    'I thought she was joking' - it is doubtful he thought it was a joke, but he may have believed she was not serious 'She stood up and said that she had been raped.' He mentions her posture - he was aware of upset on victim's part. 'She had said no.' Embedded confession, furthering the existing confession of violence and non-consent.

    'Huh girl, you're kidding me but not...She was like I will call the police, 112. I need to report a rape.
    I hit her. No. I did not hit her. I patted her on her cheek. I said fix yourself and do not insult me.
    It is wrong to accuse me for you wanted it. I saw you wet.''

    'Huh girl, you're kidding me but not...' Contempt and arrogance rather than concern; concern and apology would be expected if he really believed he had not raped her - impossible in view of his admission that she screamed 'no', and of his violence.

    'She was like I will call the police, 112. I need to report a rape.' Did she say this to him, or to someone at the bus stop? 'I need to report a rape' sounds like something she would say to emergency services, or to someone other than him. Did he hit her as she was calling, or asking someone else to call emergency services?

    'I hit her. No. I did not hit her. I patted her on her cheek. I said fix yourself and do not insult me.
    It is wrong to accuse me for you wanted it. I saw you wet.''

    'I hit her.' Truthful statement. He minimises violence so that he only 'patted her on the cheek'. He displays arrogance, interprets women as he wishes, feels entitled to rape, but to be called a 'rapist' is an insult to him. 'Magical thinking' comes to mind, but I don't know if that's quite what it is.

  11. I just watched the video again - this also made me feel nauseous the first time I viewed it - this time it made me angry, His contempt for the victim is horrible, especially in the way he mimics her. He seems to have poor impulse control, and a very ordinary jacket. I think he did hit her whilst she was calling emergency services as he is also mimicking the making of a phone call while he recounts that part. I think he is low intelligence, nasty, and unlikely to attract girls, let alone a life partner.

    All the recent subjects have made me feel nauseous, though I still want to read about them - I need to man/woman up. :). Or #pushthroughpain as Davey would say, though he isn't feeling any, except from possibly wearing his clothes too tight.
