Saturday, September 3, 2016

Katelyn Markham: John Carter's 2016 Denial

hat tip: John

In this interview, John Carter 'denies' killing Katelyn Markham.  Is he truthful?

Statement Analysis of his 911 call show "Guilty Knowledge" of her missing status, and his radio interview a few days later takes it even further:

John Carter revealed that Katelyn was dead:  She would not be found alive.

As he said, of his missing finance' "her parents loved her" , he put the human emotion of "love" between biological parents and child as in the past. This is something we do when we speak of the dead.

John Carter deceptively withheld information on what happened to her, at the time period where they left her apartment until the next morning (911 call) and then slipped out that he knew Katelyn would not be found alive.

From the youtube video:

 John Carter: "People are gonna say what their gonna say, you can't stop them" 

He gives us the scenario where he knows that "people" are saying he caused the death of Katelyn Markham.  Direct lying causes internal stress and 90% of deception is through missing information or avoidance.  Here as he sets the scenario or context, we expect the innocent to say,

"I didn't kill Katelyn" using the pronoun "I", and commitment to the past tense, "didn't" or "did not" (both are acceptable) and to use "kill" (in some form) because Katelyn was not injured, but murdered.  Anything less than addressing the murder is minimization; a form of avoidance.  Because they were engaged to be married, we expect an emotional connection of using Katelyn's name.  This is something he did not do. 

In his interviews, he also repeatedly avoided using Katelyn's name.  

The analysis is plain:  John Carter, when he called the police, knew what had happened to Katelyn, and that Katelyn was dead.  

 Voice over: "23 year old John Carter may not be able to stop the comments but he can certainly make sure that people know how he feels." 

 John Carter: "I'm not gunna acknowledge the ridiculous things that people are saying...Because, I know (clears throat) I mean nobody's gonna know...about me, they don't know me, and err, I know me, I know that I would never hurt Katelyn ever in a million years. 

Here, he does use her name, while he does not deny killing her;

a.  "would never" is not "did not" and does not uses the simple commitment to the past tense event. It is future - conditional and often used by the deceptive.

b.  "hurt" is minimization. Katelyn is dead, not injured and recovering.  Someone did not "hurt" Katelyn, someone murdered her.  

 Voice over: "Fairfield police have little evidence and know suspects" 

 JC: "That's pretty much it, there's nothing, and it's.......horrific. 

That is "pretty much it" qualifies the minimization telling us:  there is even more.  That it is "horrific", we agree.  He gave us other linguistic signals, in other interviews, of a struggle.  

 VO: Carter felt the animosity towards him when he was confronted when he was handing out flyers"

Next is also something the guilty will use while avoiding denying the murder:  you have to 'know' them; that is, "really" know them.  It is indicative of self justification.  Somehow, in his mind, he must justify what he did.  

Here we have the full quote and the Unreliable Denial.  At this point, we are well past the free editing process where a denial should have been issued years ago, yet as he speaks, he is even able to frame the words "the boyfriend did it" without saying "I didn't...", as the internal stress remains upon him. 

 JC: "I guess he didn't know who I was and he was just like,I heard the boyfriend did it. And just..I was just like I'm the boyfriend I would never do anything to hurt her".

This is not a subject who would be able to hold up in the Analytical Interview.  He would admit what he did (guilty knowledge) though he would not agree that what he did was morally wrong.  He has found ways to blame Katelyn in the subtle way that human nature seeks to shift off blame.  This need to shift; this need to blame the victim, is a strong indicator, not just of guilt, but of the interview strategy. 

John Carter knows exactly what happened to Katelyn and he suppresses the information whenever confronted.  The insights into his personality formulate the strategy for the interview.  

Focusing upon the "black holes" of his account, judging by his need to deflect and minimize, is likely to produce the admission.  


  1. John is great keeping us readers abreast of on-going cases.


    It must be so frustrating for Katelyn Markham's family to watch this type of interview.

    I just finished reading an interview Katelyn's dad did last December about the missed opportunities and the poor investigation into Katelyn's murder his local LE have done.

    It's so frustrating to read that their own LE is the roadblock to justice for Katelyn. Has anything changed since this reporting? If not, hopefully the recently released documentary will put pressure on the process and see the case transferred out of Fairfield and into better skilled and motivated investigative hands.



  2. If I remember correctly, he was doing interviews for a few days, each interview resulting in more and more people feeling suspicious of him, and then he quit talking to the media.

  3. John Carter asked for the public's help and received it. Literally hundreds of people participated in the searches and vigils.

    The reason he stopped talking about Katelyn was he didn't anticipate all the media's questions, and was not prepared with a rehearsed script.

    He knew Katelyn wasn't coming home. Already hitting on girls in the circle a couple months after August.

  4. This guy needs to pay and Katelyn needs justice.I don't know how her parents and loved ones do it...

  5. John killed Katelyn. I dont think I have ever seen a weaker denial.

    What if someone is accused of killing, let's say, their child. But they are innocent. A horrific situation to be in, losing their child and on top being wrongly accused.

    Would such a parent be able to use the words "I did not kill" as opposed to "I did not harm"? I think that the word kill would be too heartbreaking to use for someone very close to the victim? Wouldn't they try to minimize it for themselves, instead of having to face the reality that the child is dead?

    And yes, I use the word child. I don't know any other words for a child, but the word "kid". Which I never use. Animals have kids, people have children.

  6. I wouldn't give a crap about the suspicions of other people - this guy isn't bothered about his missing girlfriend, he's just annoyed about what people think of him. He's acting like a victim. He can't say "I didn't kill Katelyn," and we are not permitted to say it for him!!

  7. I got shivers down my spine while watching that clip of John Carter's weak denial. There's something wrong with that man. His eyes are ice cold.

  8. "I" am not gonna acknowledge, because "I" know, "because nobodys gonna know" is telling also "I" know me "I" know that "I".. five mentions of I before her name.
    "would never hurt" also stands out to should have been "I did not"
