Saturday, December 17, 2016

Employment Analysis: Law Enforcement

In our advanced training, we begin to cover Employment Analysis; something of vital concern today.  

Although the work done with police is obvious, the work done behalf of police is not. 

Statement Analysis by advanced analysts,  helps departments discern those who are likely to give every law enforcement officer a bad name, before they are hired.  One bad cop brings societal hatred upon all.  

In Employment Analysis, we screen for personality type, including both aggression and poor impulse control.  In violence, as in theft (fraud), the most important element, however, is "human empathy."

There are elements within analysis that an employer must hear in either the application or the interview, in order to reduce theft, exploitation and work place violence. 

This is critical where deadly force is concerned.  We screen, specifically, for human empathy, as the third of three necessary elements.  It can come in any language, but it must be the applicant's own language.  

In law enforcement, we aim at childhood.   

We look for those who see victims of theft, deception, violence, etc, with empathy.  

Victims who experience trauma, including the trauma of deception, will often become either very empathetic to others, or cold and indifferent.  Few are unaffected. 

When an employee sees his or her company as "people" and not "faceless corporation of endless write offs", they are now even more constrained from harming them through theft, fraudulent claims, etc. 

We use this in law enforcement hiring. 

We screen for human empathy.  

We must have both bravery and human empathy, without conflict.  

This is where it gets critical. 

Experienced law enforcement agents who hire know they cannot hire an officer who "needs respect" from the public.  This is not nearly enough.  


Sports is training for life, war and 'policing' ourselves, our families, etc.  It builds confidence, strength, and character as one learns to push oneself to perceived limits, yet still maintain control.  

Sportsmanship is the ability to self-discipline, or self limit the expression of necessary aggression.  It is, in this sense, self-controlled aggression. 

Sportsmanship specifically defines the "rules" of controlled aggression.  

The one raised to be a sportsman, for example, does not want to win by cheating.  The inner sense of respect feels "disgrace" when fraudulently awarded a victory.  The sportsman would rather lose than win with deception.  Although western civilization, as portrayed in media and professional sports today, appears to have abandoned this, there are still men who, for example, raise their sons this way.  

We look to see the high level of aggression successfully used, but then "stopped" or "repealed" by the individual himself.  

This is why society use to penalize those who "taunt" the defeated foe.  This penalty came in the form of literal penalties assigned within specific sports, to public opinion.  Those who watch corporate media sports shows now see that those who are the most choreographic of taunters get the most media exposure, with agents fulfilling contractual promises of greater financial gain showing that 

"x amount of seconds on ESPN equates into x hundreds of thousands of dollars..."

Something difficult for human nature to resist.  Cheaters lie, and liars hold us in contempt.  Contempt can lead to attack.  Look at Lance Armstrong:  he not only lied to the world, but he sought to destroy the lives of those who discerned his lies.  This is the pattern.  

When the Islamist female lied about 3 attackers recently, her sister blamed police for "not believing" her lie.  Police blaming is popularized today by our politicians.  

Law Enforcement Hiring 

We want the victor to win, using his aggression to defeat his opponent, and then afterwards, show his self control and empathy for the loser. 

Training the child to control his emotions, via controlling his celebration, is key to this as an adult.  The child who hits a home run, score a touchdown, or make a goal, is going to feel elated.  At this very moment, if the child is taught to limit his or her reaction, the great training of self-restraint has begun. 

The athlete who boasts, carries on, taunts, etc, is one who is used to allowing his emotions to have control.  This translates into domestic violence.  These are athletes who care not to "turn off" their celebration, especially in front of their defeated foe, while the camera runs. 

The law enforcement interview must include a strong and thorough examination of childhood.  

There are practical 'trade secrets' within this training, that are understood in advanced analysis but suffice for now:

We look for candidates for law enforcement to show courage and bravery under extreme conditions, while exercising self control specifically under acute hormonal stress.

When a dangerous criminal is confronted, the same "fight or flight" hormone within the criminal rushes within the law enforcement professional.  

It is very difficult to control. 

The difference between the cop and the criminal, in this very moment, is the criminal has a history of indulging his passions to get what he wants.  

The cop must physically overcome the criminal to save not only himself, but society, from the violent self indulging criminal.  

Yet, while the two men do battle, one of them has no restraint on what he will do to the other, while the professional must limit himself to securing safety and no further.  

In a high speed chase, we have seen on video  an explosion of violence at its conclusion.  

It is of great challenge to stop the "black out" feeling from the acute and maintained high level of hormones by the officer, who has, for an extended period of time, had his life directly threatened by the high speed.  

How do we screen for self control?

While this chase is on, especially when the officer knows not only the violence the criminal has just done, but that the criminal is causing or forcing the officer to risk his own life; that which is not only precious to himself, but to his wife and children, just as our lives are precious to our wives and children, by this dangerous, high speed of unrestrained recklessness. 

What will cause the officer to use all of his aggression to stop the violent criminal and go no further after subduing him?

Police particularly point to training as the answer. 

It is not so. 

The most successful training in the world only happens when the product is first disposed to the training.  

In other words, there is something within this professional law enforcement officer that pre-deposes his successful reaction to training.  It is an invisible and often overlooked, tiny element that makes all the difference in the world.  

Human empathy.  

I hear this daily from law enforcement professionals, and even more so from those in analysis:  they see, even in justice, the element of human empathy. 

What must be understood in hiring, is that if it is not given to the officer in childhood, male or female (though testosterone levels are far in excess in males, increasing the potential for unrestrained aggression), all the training in the world can still lead to trouble; more trouble than most realize. 

Those who lack human empathy become bullies.  

Bullies give police professionals a bad name, even in small towns.  Good, decent, and service orientated police are seen in a negative light due to the bully. 

Interviews are ruined by the bully who uses his own aggression to shut down the flow of information, rather than engaging the confident, well trained mind. 

Traffic Stops

Traffic stops are frightening for both the police officer and the driver.  

The police officer has lethal force; the driver is at his mercy and the driver will quickly discern if the officer's ego is fragile. 

The police officer is approaching the unknown where being shot is 'relatively easy' due to the darkness and ambush aspect of hiding a weapon.  

In seminars, I ask officers to consider which fellow officers they would be have no concerns over should their own teenaged son or daughter be pulled over late at night.  I insist that no public answer be made. 

Screening for Human Empathy 

In early sports training, sportsmanship taught, during the critical developmental stage of the brain, to publicly show human empathy (respect) for the defeated. 

Hockey players sometimes go into a fight, but afterwards, meet for a beer.  They have their own code of honor within the fight. 

The Marquis of Queensbury rules for boxing were set up to control aggression.  

"Women and Children First" societies, after the sinking of the Titanic, became popular because western civilization sought to honor and protect weakness, rather than exploit it. 

In battle, just as in sports earlier, we must exploit the weakness of our opponent.  Nations attempted to set up rules of warfare, including how captives were to be treated.  The Bataan Death March showed Americans how little they knew about non-western ideology.  Although atrocities always take place in war, Nazi soldiers, in late 1944 and early 1945, did all they could to surrender to the United States, rather than be captured by the Soviets.  These soldiers understood the difference in ideologies.  

Sportsmanship afterwards, in the aftermath of defeat, shows a respect or honoring of the foe.  

While wanting to celebrate self, the sportsman denies himself to show respect to the defeated foe.  

Practical Screening 

There are many ways to screen for "human empathy" but here is one that is very successful and will help law enforcement hiring practices. 

Screen for human empathy.  

While we must get strength and bravery (indispensable) we must have self control.  If the applicant feels empathy for those vulnerable, we can go forward with the interview process.

If the applicant does not, under no conditions nor circumstances, should he be offered a job.  It is an insult to those who protect and serve, not as a job, but as a calling in life.  It is an insult that is nationwide. 

How it is accomplished begins in childhood, but here is a practical way. 

Consider showing a  video of sports where someone is brutally and painfully injured. 

What is the normal human reaction?

It is the "train wreck" response where both interest and disgust (looking away) is present, together.  

Show a video of a football injury that is horrific, and see the reaction of the applicant (or give a verbal description of such):  

  You want to see and hear evidence of empathy.  

Yes, it is fascinating ("train wreck") but it should not be 'enjoyable', particularly if you can find a video or make a description of an injury that came to your applicant's favorite team's opponent, that is, against his favorite team.  

If you see enjoyment, little exploration is needed beyond that.  You are looking at someone who should never carry lethal force.  

If you see what you perceive of sexual arousal, you are looking at a very dangerous person in society, not just in law enforcement.  
The sexual arousal is so powerful that, using the lens of statement analysis, you are likely to hear a linguistic association, in the interview, close to the showing of the video.  (or if you do not show a video, a verbal description will suffice).  

Rapists are sexually aroused by violence.  

The applicant's linguistic disposition towards  those who are vulnerable, injured, or in any way limited, is critical.  

When someone enjoys the pain of another, it has come from childhood and training is not going to fix it. At best, it will masquerade it, but eventually, it will surface, often in small, troublesome ways. 

When there is an incident of violence, there is always a trail of warning signs along the way.   

This person will make threats and sometimes even win awards, which only increase the danger to the public, to the department and to law enforcement professionals nationwide, as his status only affirms his unsympathetic personality, increasing the demand on co workers and the public to "respect" him. 

We have had eight years of "war on police" by politicians, from the White House on down.  The answer is not to weaken police, as some politicians in Europe have begun.  The answer is to strengthen police, and not give occasion for its enemies to preach contempt towards authority and teach children, via lies, to have disrespect towards police.  

The focus is here on the male, due to biological differences as related to violence, but consider the danger this former law enforcement officer posed to blacks, as well as fellow law enforcement:  Cynthia Witlach's racism not only terrorized an innocent elderly male, but consider the damage she could have done to reputations of police around the country.  Consider how media gave less coverage to this case, betraying justice, for political correctness. 

Then, consider how someone so obviously psychologically disturbed, passed the hiring process in the first place.  She drove around her partner showing off how she "gains respect" from frighting the public.  

For specific law enforcement training in this area, please contact us through the website, Hyatt Analysis Services

Even those with many years experience in hiring know how sometimes the "bad apple" slips through.  Although here the emphasis has been upon law enforcement and protecting society and the reputation of police, those who lack self restraint trouble businesses, and are those who, if "offended" or feel slighted, may file fraudulent claims against their company.  These are those who see the company as "endless write offs" and not people.  

They, too, can be screened out before they bring damage.  

I am privileged to work with the best and brightest around the nation.  

None seek to submit final analysis without a second opinion.  This is not only done to protect accuracy, but because none is willing to falsely accuse anyone. 

Human empathy. 

Strength, courage, service, education, and human empathy.  


  1. Just a quick question Peter. It's only been a few weeks since I got introduced to this fine blog - by way of Richard D Halls interview concerning the McCanns I might add.

    Do you know if there is a need for software tools that can assist in the analysis of text in the areas that you are interested?

    In a previous career life I was tasked with writing software modules (in C++) for analysing phrases and sentences in medical text which I found really interesting. You would take a sample of what the industry calls "clinical narrative" - basically doctor's notes, and use fancy algorithms to extract further information from these as a means of automating what is a lengthy and arduous process of extracting meaning.

    An example could be "58 year old African American woman, diabetic, denies drug taking...." etc etc and from this the analyses would extract the relevant clinical coding as classified by bodies such as ICD-10 (International classification of diseases) or SNOMED (Systematized Nomenclature Of Medicine). The software was also clever enough to mop up spurious characters, spelling mistakes etc.

    One specific task was to apply what is known (I think) as "chunking" - one example being putting the words in a text sentence into an easily retrievable data structures such as trees or linked lists or maps, and then further sub-divide the text into what were called "adjective noun" or "adjective adjective noun" pairs - I forget the further specifics as this was about 5 years ago. One metric used was the Jaccard index which was used to measure the similarity and diversity of text samples. There are loads of other algorithms I could mention.

    I was just wondering if there exists anything similar in your line of work. I would very interested in getting involved in this area once again.

  2. happyuk

    there is not a software yet developed but you present a fascinating idea. I know of an analyst in training, very talented and also very close to certification, who is interested in development. The one out there now may be of some value to a most elementary beginner, but should quickly be obsolete.

    Yesterday, I perused two MSM outlets.

    Reuters reported "Donald Trump choosing mostly white males for cabinet..." which is a racist comment, not in an editorial, but a regular news article.

    Another refused to question the extreme qualification of Obama's denial of terrorist attacks; no comfort to the families of San Bernandino, Orlando and Boston, and reported his boasting (and "negative offerings") without question.

    I will call his attention to your post....

    this is how, sometimes, great things happen!

    thank you,


  3. Happy UK, why would it take software to do that? To look at a doctors notes "58 year old woman with diabetes" and to then classify her disease? Why?
    Noone would even want software that could do that. It would be prone to making so many errors. How could it understand context? The diabetic woman who denies taking drugs could actually be being seen by a doctor due to a heart attack!
    Then you state that the text gets attached to a "tree" (symbol I assume you mean) so it wont "get lost"?

    And why in the world would it break a doctors notes into adjective noun--adjective-noun pairs??

    What would be the point?
    To further confuse the computer?

  4. And why would it be needed to compare similarities and differences in text samples of doctor's notes? Why?

    It sounds like something that would be useful in science, in experiments, not doctos's notes.

  5. I think a proprietary Statement Analysis software would be incredibly valuable, or at least, a searchable database of words and phrases.

    Peter often states that certain words are statistically linked to various indications.

    Are those statistics provided in training?

    Or, is it that various indications guide development of interview questions?

    (I may have answered my own question)

  6. Hi Peter many thanks for your comments I would definitely be interested in finding some subject area where these software techniques could be of benefit, possibly a rough and ready prototype just to proof of concept things. What makes this promising is that it appears to use definite logical techniques and not a black art thereby making it ripe for programming.

  7. This is an excellent post with valuable applications for parenting and life in general.

  8. This is an excellent post with valuable applications for parenting and life in general.
