Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Qualifiers in Analysis

Qualifiers, in Statement Analysis, reveals weakness. 

Sometimes the weakness is appropriate weakness, while at other times, it is a signal of deception.  Context is necessary as well as a more complete overall analysis. 

"I did not kill my family."


"I don't think I killed my family."

This is an example of inappropriate weakness. 

Appropriate weakness reflects a weak commitment by one who intends to be truthful:

"I think I locked my keys in the car."  He cannot say "I locked my keys in the car" due to uncertainty.  "I think I may have locked my keys in the car" further weakens the statement as the subject is likely entertaining other possibilities.  

It is used by both truthful and deceptive people.  

Ryan Braun's statemnet is an example of extremity in qualification.  When alleged to have used Performance Enhancing Drugs, he did not say, 

"I did not use PEDs."

Instead, his statement revealed his own feelings about the impact of PEDs in his life.  

Question for Analysis:  Did Ryan Braun use testosterone?

Statement Analysis rule:  If the subject cannot bring himself to say he did not do it, we are not permitted to say it for him.  

There is much revealed here.  The first thing to note is he 'allows' for the possibility of use.  This is a form of 'ingratiating' with him 'easing' psychologically, into 'acceptance' by his audience.  

If I had done this intentionally or unintentionally, I’d be the first one to step up and say I did it,” Braun said. “I truly believe in my heart and I would bet my life, that this substance never entered my body at any point."

Next, note "additional" wording:  these are words that, if removed, still allow for a complete sentence.  

How many words can you remove and still have a complete sentence?
This is an important point in the Law of Economy where the shortest sentence is best.  It takes more brain processing and more linguistic effort to reverse this process; increasing not only importance, but the element of attendant emotion. 

Next note the order:  "intentional" came before "unintentional" in priority.  

If I had done this intentionally or unintentionally, I’d be the first one to step up and say I did it.  I truly believe in my heart and I would bet my life, that this substance never entered my body at any point."

Lastly, not only has he come close to embedded admission, but the language shows that he is speaking from experiential memory.  

Note the sensory thought process of not only entrance into his body (think Kate McCann, recalling her last hours with Madeleine, goes to the topic of ingesting) with "at any point."

Testosterone is thick, oily and often leaves the athlete with a sore bottom at best, and infection and swelling at worst.  It is, therefore, a "memorable" occasion in life.  

Braun is not only deceptive, he is revealing his personality traits and his habitual patterns of deception that he employes.  This is a confident liar.  

Here is a video by RT that responds to the BBC's claims.  

Both clips and humorous satire, listen carefully for the qualifiers.

Qualifiers reduce commitment.  

Over time and experience, the trained analyst is able to use context to determine intent to deceive.  

As the world has moved to news, propaganda and now "fake news", that is, outright intent to deceive, far more than to persuade.  Journalists, readers, bloggers and others, trained in analysis, will learn to spot these, both technically, and accurately.  

Listen carefully, especially to the actual BBC claims to judge the quality of the qualifications offered:


  1. anyone is going to believe the BBC, ABC, or Washington Post?

    Seriously, "tweak" the polls?

    This is outright deception.

  2. Peter, I'd be very interested to see an analysis of this statement by trump. He's talking about the "golden shower" allegation, and I have to say, his wording is very concerning to me.

    “It’s made up. Never existed. Never happened,” Trump continued, speaking specifically about the unverified report regarding the prostitutes. “And the reason I say that so strongly because nothing is ever going to show up. There’s never going to be a tape that shows up. There’s never going to be anything that shows up. Now, I would be very embarrassed if a tape actually showed up, saying something like that. It would be double embarrassed because I’m saying there is no tape. There is no event. I was never even in that room for that period of time.”

    That's the statement I'm concerned with, and here's the link to the full story.

  3. Obviously if the alledged event is true entirely or partly then there probably is a recording. But theres nothing to go on at this point but the useless endless speculation continues.


    4:46 in video:

    FOX Ainsley Earhardt: CIA John Brennan, he responded to your Twitter, you said, you questioned whether or not he might be the leaker. He’s saying no he’s not the leaker. What’s your response?

    Trump: Well, I accept his, look, I accept it, but it came out of someplace and it’s fake news, it’s all fake news. You know, I can say something about George Washington, I can say something about Abraham Lincoln, I can say something about you, I can, just fake news.

    And they shouldn’t have been a part of it. They should not have been a part of it because it’s made up, never existed, never happened.

    And the reason I say that so strongly, because, nothing’s ever going to show up. There’s never going to be a tape that shows up. There’s never going to be anything that shows up.

    Now I would be very embarrassed if a tape actually showed up, saying something like that, it would be double embarrassed, because I’m saying it, there is no tape, there is no event, I was never even in that room for that period of time.

    They made stuff up and it started with the Republican party when they tried to beat me in the nomination and then it went on, the Democrats took over that work, supposedly, and by the intelligence giving it credence, a little bit of credence, by just even talking about it, it was very inappropriate, so I don’t know who the leaker was, I have no idea, but it’s fake news.

  5. Shannon Duane,

    This is my opinion:

    I would be very embarrassed if a tape actually showed up, saying something like that. It would be double embarrassed because I’m saying there is no tape. There is no event. I was never even in that room for that period of time.”


    "a" - introduced for the first time (something else)
    "something like that", not that, but something like it (that being distancing)

    I don't doubt that Trump has enjoyed escorts at one time or another (the man lost his first marriage because of extra curricular activities). I don't doubt that the man has a kink or two, which if played out for everyone to see would be "giddy balm" for the haters. But I do believe DT when he says there is no tape of what is being reported. That's not to say that there isn't "a" tape of him from another time, in a different room (in another city?) of him naked with someone else. It would be really hard to prove, though, because of the sort of technology available today -- to the mass -- when enables anyone to alter video. I linked to it in another thread, here it is again:

    If video does surface depicting Trump saying or doing anything, MSM has discredited themselves so much over such a prolonged period of time, I would have a hard time believing it. Rather, I'm searching the headlines to find out what it is we (The People,) are being deflected from.


  6. It sounds like someone may have sent prostitutes to Trump and his "people's" rooms. Remember, Trump said he tells his people to "be very careful of cameras". It sounds like some of his people may have asked them to pee on the bed, but that Trump was not there when it happened. Who knows? Maybe someone who disliked Trump asked them to pee on Trump's bed. I dont believe Trump has a golden showers fetish. He is germophobic, and he also just seems like a normal person. Marla Maples speaks highly of him as well as Melania--she is classy woman and noone can argue that. Anyway, it is utterly irrelevant. Pee on a bed in Russia--hurts noone. Democrat policy is responsible for heinous crimes against humanity including baby organ trade where these companies pre-order organs and PP alters their abortions, including doing illegal partial-birth abortions (only liberals would come up with that phrase "partial-birth abortion"--what it really entails is the baby's head is not yet out allegedly--although theyve proven many times the doctor just commits outright full-birth homicide) and the baby brutally murdered) . Only liberals would create such a stupid phrase as "partial-birth"--how can someone be "partially born"? Liberals distract with absolutely disgusting games of semantics. I think probably 70% of the country is sick and tired of liberals ruining this country, and I doubt anyone would care if Trump himself peed on the bed. I know I wouldnt care.

  7. “If I had done this intentionally or unintentionally, I’d be the first one to step up and say I did it. I truly believe in my heart and I would bet my life, that this substance never entered my body at any point."

    Oath. To bear witness. (Hand on heart and "swearing".) Except he doesn't say "swear", he says "bet".

    "My life" is more extra wording/NTP, the pronoun doubling down.

    He is really trying to persuade everyone he didn't take "this" substance.

    A bet is based on odds. He also qualifies this bet with "if". The word "if" qualifies the parameters of his "bet".

    IMO, the odds are not in his favour.

  8. There is really something to be said about the slippery slope people go down when they ignore the basic tenet "do unto others as you would want done to you". Liberals just ignore this rule. Would they have wanted to be partially born and then killed? Of course not!!! How do liberals have NO EMPATHY? Yet they are so concerned if a transvestite can use the bathroom he/she feels most comfortable in? FAKE EMPATHY FOR FAKE CAUSES.
    Also, they have NO RIGHT to claim they are speaking for ALL women or to use tax dollars (they just demanded the federal gov give them 3 TIMES AS MUCH FUNDING for something the majority is morally opposed to. Their stupid thing where they are wearing pink knit hats (hand-knitting them) to protest Trump's inauguration! How pathetic! How perverse actually--they are hand-knitting then--those are the same kinds of hates put on preemies (and full-term babies) to keep their heads warm. I hope God rises up with righteous fury at these people!!!!!

  9. Like H Ross said: the R's are experts at ruin. BBC says John Ellis Bush comissioned the dossier. Texas style corruption.

  10. The main thing is WHO WROTE it?

    I dont believe the "dossier" was written by an actual spy.

    I think the writer is female due to the writer's desire to be clearly understood by ALL by putting explanations for things MOST people would understand in parantheses.
    Who would use the phrase "defiling the bed", etc? There are "religious undertones".
    It sounds like a cheesy spy novel. Some sections sound kind of like a Danielle Steele novel, where the writer explains what doesnt need explaining like how some info attained: "eavesdropped conversations, etc."--there is something of a Danielle Steele quality to the style of writing, the way the writer lays out scenarios.

  11. Someone who dont like dTrump wrote it most likely.

  12. Anonymous said...
    The main thing is WHO WROTE it?

    I dont believe the "dossier" was written by an actual spy.

    I think the writer is female due to the writer's desire to be clearly understood by ALL by putting explanations for things MOST people would understand in parantheses.
    Who would use the phrase "defiling the bed", etc? There are "religious undertones".
    It sounds like a cheesy spy novel. Some sections sound kind of like a Danielle Steele novel, where the writer explains what doesnt need explaining like how some info attained: "eavesdropped conversations, etc."--there is something of a Danielle Steele quality to the style of writing, the way the writer lays out scenarios.

    Are you saying that there is a difference between how men and women write? That would mean that there is a difference in how men and women think...

    are you sure?



  13. Lol Peter, Yes I do agree there is a difference in how men and women think :)

    Anonymous letters/ dossiers fascinate me--I find it to be difficult even identifying the gender of anonymous writers, but working on it certainly illuminates that there are differences in how men & women think that comes across in their writing.

  14. The MSM are still angry and the Donald isn't even in office yet. Let's see how it goes. A Trump presidency might surprise us all. It should be great for workers in the fossil fuel industry, tax-payers and the military. In my mind there was no doubt out of the two, Hillary Clinton was the candidate most likely to drag the US (and consequently the rest of us) into more pointless neo-liberal wars. Trump doesn't want war with Russia, which is surely a good thing?

    Soapbox over.

  15. The neo liberal wars are the same as the neo con wars. Look at a map.

  16. I've let my mind ponder a few word choices Trump has used, including this one, and I fully believe it's made up. He has unusual speech patterns to say the least. He couldn't articulate how to brush your teeth but at the same time won over millions because he is believable!

    Regarding Braun's statement - he does sound like an accomplished liar trying to provoke the feelings of others with "what he truly believes in his heart" it's a basic yes or no answer. I feel sorry for the fools he's played.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Lol Peter, Yes I do agree there is a difference in how men and women think :)

    Anonymous letters/ dossiers fascinate me--I find it to be difficult even identifying the gender of anonymous writers, but working on it certainly illuminates that there are differences in how men & women think that comes across in their writing.

    then, the next step is that they speak differently because they think differently then they may be better suited for different things!

    uh oh!

    Most bizarre is that just a few years ago, this was not an issue in the culture.

    We now have 57 genders and when one points out the difference between male and female, one is judge mental, hateful, bigoted, and filled with irrational fear.

    Yet, in analysis, on both sides of the statement, it is essential.

    There are things within analysis that a female analyst is superior to the male, generally.

    In anonymous letter writing, we need to identify the sex (or one of the myriad genders) for identification purposes.

    Absurdity: NYE 2015 more than 1,000 sexual assaults in a single small city.

    NYE 2016 the police profile Islamist migrants from north africa and the middle east and reduce the sexual assaults by more than 80%.

    Result: Safer women and less victims but the police are now "racists" as obama/merkel seek to make "MENA" a new "race" so to enforce their "hate speech" tyrannical laws.

    It is like a group of men on a football field doing everything they can to kill, maim, injure each other, but when one calls the other a name, the MSM and politicians are up in arms.



  18. If the media just decided to NOT report something unless they can prove it is true, no problem. If I make up a story about Obama or Hillary, they wouldn't look at me twice, even if I wrote a story and said, 'hey, I've got proof'
    The media is no longer to be believed or trusted.
    After this past election and the proof that their reporting and polls were a bunch of bunk, you'd think they would change the plan. But no, everything they report on Trump is negative, not to say he doesn't produce some negative, but they obviously don't care that the people in this country wanted HIM as President. They know what we need, not us. Just like liberals, entertainers, the Obamas and Clintons.
    I'm a big girl, I'll just think for myself, thank you.

  19. Peter wrote:

    "then, the next step is that they speak differently because they think differently then they may be better suited for different things!

    uh oh!

    Most bizarre is that just a few years ago, this was not an issue in the culture.

    We now have 57 genders and when one points out the difference between male and female, one is judge mental, hateful, bigoted, and filled with irrational fear."

    I agree, women and men are biologically different and that includes how they think. The culture seems to be losing track of this fact in ways that lead to deep identitiy issues...I do find it scary when I see, as I have recently in my newsfeed, a woman who turned into a man (full gender surgery), who then gave birth (instead of his female wife) and who was then "chestfeeding" the baby. I am certainly no psychiatrist, but I can only imagine that to doubt one's gender could point to some type of catastrophic "fracture" or "break" in the ego where the individual's doubt of who they are (and maybe doubt also as to who those around them are--doubting the integrity of the people around them?) has penetrated deep into the foundation of that person's psyche. Hardly something to be celebrated!

    Also there is just something still to be said of a man doing things that a woman would probably not prefer to do like crawling under a car to change the oil or lifting very heavy things. (but that is a person opinion lol!) Nevermind I'm sure most women would prefer to be the one giving birth yet apparently that is not the case with every couple lol!

    We'll only have to see where things head in the next decade or so! It ought to be interesting!

  20. The embracement of this came from politicians.

    Politicians are the source of most wars, too.

    They exploit, for short term advantage, anything they can.

    My hope is America returns to a rule of law, common sense, and decency.

    8 years of absurdity, lawlessness, and divisive racial politics has deeply sickened us as a nation.

    Crudeness is the pendulum swing from political correctness.


  21. What's funny as hell is, 8 years ago, both Obama and Hillary were AGAINST same sex marriage. Now anyone against it is labeled as the biggest hater/homophobe on the planet.
    I wish I were in charge of a news agency. I play those tapes over and over. And laugh my azz off while I did it.

  22. 2009: George W Bush boo'd by leftists in purple hair with appearances leaving you to guess if male or female...
    Republicans: no rioting no arrests

    2017 Obama politely applauded by Republican crowd
    while almost 100 arrests so far for violence against police, weirdos carrying starbucks coffee while smashing starbucks windows (seriously)

    lets take down the freak flag for 8 years and get 100 million people off welfare and out to work, bring back jobs, respect police, respect the laws, bring back free speech bring back logic and science and reason and have only 2 genders instead of 63

  23. well, trump told a big old lie yesterday and then he sent his press secretary out to make it even more of a whopper. Spicer should resign as he doesn't have the integrity to refuse to lie and what he said falls well within the lines of being flat out PROPAGANDA. Then Kellyanne refuses to apologize or acknowledge the lie and comes up with a new word "alternative facts", and she said it with a straight face. At least Chuck Todd of NBC didn't let her get away with it and stated, "alternative facts aren't facts, they're falsehoods."

  24. Maybe ur right lynda. But, DT shouldnt answer every criticism. He doesnt have to. Probably should let the small stuff pass rather than looking petty.

  25. This country has been known as one of the most politically stable countries in the world. This is accomplished largely in part because of the peaceful transition of each and every US president. The wrath being displayed by organized protests, unorganized protests, violence and the vicious inaccuracy of the mainstream media is destabilizing our country and it has to stop.

    Clinton supporters and the media should take note that they are seriously destabilizing the country with their antics.

  26. After all the things Josh Ernest and the one before him (I can't remember his name)have said with a straight face, I find it totally insane that someone has the nerve to call out this new guy.
    But what do I know. These democrats aren't going to stop until this country is socialist, communist or completely crashed and burned.
    Same idiots that went to a Trump rally, caused trouble and got their azzes kicked, then the media blamed it on Republicans (???) are now being bused around (who's paying for those buses???) to cause more trouble.
    people need to remember that Trump won the election. If you don't like it (I didn't like it when Obama won, but some of us have the class to suck it up and wait for the next election) , hate it for you.
    I need to get off here and move on, I'm so sick of the media, and the protesters and the trouble makers.
    My Dad likes to say, 'what's this world coming to?' I'm afraid it's coming to an end.

  27. Anon said: lets take down the freak flag for 8 years and get 100 million people off welfare and out to work, bring back jobs, respect police, respect the laws, bring back free speech bring back logic and science and reason and have only 2 genders instead of 63

    That makes so much sense, I would love to see that happen!

  28. rob and Anon,

    Destabilization - that's what happens when one has too much idle time. It makes for the devil's work. Seriously, what is good is now bad and what is evil/bad is good. If people get back to work, their minds will be elsewhere. Their off time will be spent on their dreams (travel, leisure/fun). Read: out of MSM/mind control and manipulation.

    People need to disengage. Unplug.

