Saturday, January 14, 2017

Seeking Missing Information: Temporal Lacuane

Analytical Interviewing is the legally sound non-intrusive way of interviewing after a statement has been taken.  Prior to any interrogation, it gets more information than any other method.  It is based upon the subject's own words and the analysis done.  

"And the next thing I knew..." shows a skipping over of time in an open statement.  It indicates that information is missing at this point. 

"I went to the store to buy groceries.  I always go there. 
And there was this guy who asked me if he could borrow ten dollars.  
And then he said that he was desperate.  I told him I did not have extra money. 
And he told me he was going to wait for me in the parking lot.  

                                            Understanding Missing Information 

Buzzfeed reported the following:

On January 29th, 2017, the New York Jets played the New England Patriots for the Super Bowl.

Picture you watching the game on TV. 

It is the fourth quarter, the Patriots are up, 23 to 21, with mere seconds on the clock to play meaning that this is the last play of the game for the Patriots and they must simply protect the ball.  

Tom Brady  goes into a huddle. 

Suddenly, your TV goes black and then words appear:

"This game may be subject to blackout in your area."

You are furious!  You've watched the entire game and now, at the moment of truth, it is blacked out?

Just as you jump up in anger, the picture comes back and the Jets have flooded the field in celebration as Tom Brady walks dejectedly off the field, ignoring reporters' questions. 

You saw the game, and then you didn't, and then it came back on again. 

The game is the broadcast of a statement. 
The short blackout is the area of missing information.  

You are seeking to learn what happened even though you know the outcome.  

Since open statements go in chronological order, the word "And", (or other connecting words) indicate a pause of some form, that should be unnecessary.  Since the person is going chronologically, one event follows another, so the word "and" is not necessary. 

In fact, it means that the subject has paused and ejected information here.  He has "blacked out the broadcast" temporarily, considering no need to add in this information. 

Most of the time this is an indication of experiential memory in play because 70% of the time, it is truthful.  

With phrases such as "And the next thing I know", is also an unnecessary connection, but it is a longer pause and it takes more effort to produce more of these words. 

Here now comes a difference.  Where "and..." may be more related to truthful reporting and missing information being casual editing for clarity, the lengthier wording suggests the subject had to make an effort to skip over time. 

Remember:  you cannot withhold information that you do not have.  

We ask questions:

Not only, "what is missing?" but the more important:

"Why is the subject withholding information here?"  

What might be the 3 highlighted points of missing information in the above example?

Choose one: 

a.  the man became physically aggressive
b.  the words that transpired between them 
c.  someone else can by interrupting the verbal exchange  

Leave your answer in the comments section with a brief explanation why.  


  1. words transpired between them ...and the person doesn't want to talk about them as they are probably not complimentary and may have influenced what happened next.

    I am guessing the person attacked him coming out of the store.

  2. B.

    There was an escalation in the words between them.
    "Asked" escalated to "Said", which further escalated to "Told".

  3. Words transpired between them.

    The person did not have 'extra' money - as in ten dollars cash; she/he would pay by card and ask for cash-back from the cashier at the checkout? He would wait in the parking lot. He was already in the parking lot, accosting shoppers as they arrived?

  4. I say B, because the words changed from said and asked to told and told, with some probable chest thumping with the "told me he would wait for me in the parking lot".


  5. A suggestion: correct the spelling of a word in the title of this post. It's "lacunae."

  6. both a and b?

    He does not report what he said after the guy asked him if he could borrow 10 dollars.

    "I went to the store to buy groceries. I always go there.
    And there was this guy who asked me if he could borrow ten dollars.
    And then he said that he was desperate. I told him I did not have extra money.
    And he told me he was going to wait for me in the parking lot.

    Change in language from asked to said to told. The word "told" indicates an escalation in tension. The word desperate is in-between said and told which could mean the guy put his hands on him, grabbed him and he might have aggressively removed him from his person which is is followed by a veiled threat (waiting for him in the parking lot).

  7. I cant believe trump fired a general in the midst of deployment on inauguration day! what a beast! the general is a minority too!

    Oops..., Washington Post Fake News again.

    The genera resigned.

    Each new president receives the DC general's resignation on the day of inauguration and can either accept it or reject it.

    This one submitted his, refusing to stay on until after the inauguration and ran straight to the press feigning himself as bewildered over the firing but a "good soldier following orders."

    washington post fake news has 'corrected' their original story but Stars and Stripes has kept the original!

    manipulative general runs to fake news!


    Now you know one of the reasons I read here and learn.


  8. Well general which is it A B or C ?

    blog owner---when do we get the answer?

  9. when a hispanic does something bad is he a "white" hispanic?

  10. Interesting - some transcripts of K Kardashian statements to police.

    Analysis to follow.


  11. Before posting :

    What do you think ?

    Do you have a specific singular question first?

  12. If the claim is correct, how could she have been locked in the bathroom?

    Don't bathrooms lock from the inside?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I'm on the same page as tania.

    I've read that hotel does not have cameras anywhere. They are not allowed. Think about that. :0)

    Also, this story hit the news right after one of the Hadid girls was accosted in Milan. The press heralded her for being a strong woman (elbowing him in the face). Twitter lit up and Hadid's mom posted her pride.

    Then, suddenly!, Kim Kartrashian, princess of (fake) reality programming appears in the news. She was robbed! Oh dear! Does that not sound like a great story line for an upcoming episode? How does this stuff even happen? To a reality "star" no less! Oh, and I see she is in the news again. I wonder why?



    Kim Kardashian West Crime Scene Had No Security Cameras: Source

    PARIS — The private mansion in Paris where Kim Kardashian West was robbed at gunpoint was not equipped with any security cameras, a high-level judicial source close to the investigation told NBC News on Thursday.

    Security at the Hôtel de Pourtalès consisted of one concierge, but he was overpowered by the five armed men who robbed Kardashian West of around $10 million in jewelry early Monday.

    Image: Police stand guard outside the Hôtel de Pourtalès
    Police stand guard outside the entrance the Hôtel de Pourtalès on Monday. IAN LANGSDON / EPA
    The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said French police have had to rely on security cameras on the streets surrounding the residence.


    Public records also came to light this week showing that the security company of Kardashian West's bodyguard filed for bankruptcy just 10 weeks before the robbery.

    Pascal Duvier's German-based firm, ProtectSecurity, was dissolved on July 28, according to court records from the German city of Heidelberg.


    Play Officials: Kim Kardashian Robbed at Gunpoint of $10M in Jewelry in Paris Facebook Twitter Google PlusEmbed
    Officials: Kim Kardashian Robbed at Gunpoint of $10M in Jewelry in Paris 1:22
    PARIS — The private mansion in Paris where Kim Kardashian West was robbed at gunpoint was not equipped with any security cameras, a high-level judicial source close to the investigation told NBC News on Thursday.

    Security at the Hôtel de Pourtalès consisted of one concierge, but he was overpowered by the five armed men who robbed Kardashian West of around $10 million in jewelry early Monday.

    Image: Police stand guard outside the Hôtel de Pourtalès
    Police stand guard outside the entrance the Hôtel de Pourtalès on Monday. IAN LANGSDON / EPA
    The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said French police have had to rely on security cameras on the streets surrounding the residence.

    Those devices captured images of people arriving at the hotel and leaving on bicycles, the source added, but declined to comment further on this detail.

    Police have previously said that the attackers fled the scene on bicycles.

    Public records also came to light this week showing that the security company of Kardashian West's bodyguard filed for bankruptcy just 10 weeks before the robbery.

    Pascal Duvier's German-based firm, ProtectSecurity, was dissolved on July 28, according to court records from the German city of Heidelberg.

    Attorney Gordon Rapp, the liquidator in the case, told NBC News he was not authorized to comment on the details of the filing.

    The Hôtel de Pourtalès — which has been dubbed the "No Address Hotel" — is popular with A-list celebrities because of its privacy and exclusivity.



  16. Kim Kardashian’s Ex-Bodyguard Breaks Silence On Robbery After Her Statement Leaks

    Even though Pascal was reportedly fired by Kim and Kanye West, 39, following the robbery, he refuses to comment on the exact reason why he left the job after working for the family for more than three years. “This is a question that comes up often and to be honest it doesn’t matter if I do or I don’t [work for Kim and Kanye],” he said. “The client should be the one answering that question.”

    Though Kim’s statement was recently leaked and news surrounding the robbery continues to mount, it seems like Pascal is moving on from the situation. “I don’t like to waste my time on thoughts about ‘what if’ or ‘what could have been if…'” he said. “Many good and many bad things happen. Life is a chain reaction of decisions and actions you take, you can’t choose only to change certain things. Every change affects everything.”


    In this recent article he was reportedly fired, yet in the earlier report I linked to above, his company had declared bankruptcy in July.

    ** I remember when we first talked about this back in October, initially Kardashian's husband said that they wouldn't make a "claim". !!! But an insurance claim had to be done per the police investigation.

  17. Off topic BBM

    A chilling police statement in which a terrified Kim Kardashian described the moment she lost £8.5m worth of jewels in a Paris robbery was published today for the first time.

    The 36-year-old reality TV star told officers that she 'heard a noise at the door' and 'shouted out' but no one answered.

    She described how masked thugs grabbed her and took her out to the entry hall.

    She said: 'I was in a bathrobe, naked underneath. We went back to the bedroom and they pushed me onto the bed.'

    The statement release comes as the full names of the alleged gang members behind the robbery were made public, and Ms Kardashian prepared to travel to France to give evidence against them.

    The mother-of-two was in a state of severe shock when she was quizzed for an hour from 4.30am by detectives on October 3 last year.

    Less than two hours earlier five men broke into her central Paris apartment where she was sleeping alone after a fashion week dinner on a Sunday night.

    'I heard a noise at the door, like footsteps, and I shouted to ask who was there, but no one answered,' said Ms Kardashian in the statement leaked to Le Journal du Dimanche.

    She added that she called her bodyguard at 2.56am and saw trough her sliding doors two people arrive with a male reception who was tied up.

    The concierge was Mr Abdulrahman, 39, who was forced to take the gang to the flat at gunpoint.

    Referring to the robbers, Ms Kardashian said: 'Both men were hooded, one had a ski mask and he had a cap and a jacket with 'Police' on it.

    'The second man had the same 'Police' clothes, but did not have any ski mask. The man with the ski glasses was about 1.7m (5ft 6in), thin, black trousers, black boots.

    'The second man, also European, was taller and he stayed with the security guard. He was around 1.8 (5ft 9ins) and was dressed in the same way as his accomplice. It was the one with the ski mask who stayed with me.'

    Aomar Ait Khedache, a 60-year-old nicknamed 'Old Omar' and Didier Dubreucq, 60, and dubbed 'Blue Eyes' have been arrested on suspicion of robbery.

    Referring to one of the men, Ms Kardashian said: 'He had a strong French accent and asked me for my ring [In English]. He looked at what was on the bedside table. It is worth $4 million.'

    Following repeated requests to produce her diamond engagement ring, Ms Kardashian told the robbers that she 'didn't know' where it was.

    She said a gang member then 'took out a gun' and she 'showed him the ring'.

    'He had gloves. He asked me where the jewels and the money was. He grabbed me and took me out to the entry hall. I was in a bathrobe, naked underneath,' she said.

    She added: 'We then went back to the bedroom and they pushed me onto the bed. And at that point they tied me up and put

  18. plastic cables and scotch tap on my hands, and then taped my mouth and my legs. they took me to my bathroom, more specifically in my bathtub.

    The reality star then listed the jewellery they had taken.

    She said: 'In my jewellery box there were two Cartier diamond bracelets, a Jacob necklace in gold with diamonds, earrings with diamonds by Loraine Schwarz, and others by Yanina.

    'There were three gold necklaces by Jacob, little bracelets, jewels, rings. A necklace by Loraine Schwarz with diamonds, another little necklace with six diamonds underneath.

    'Another diamond necklace with the name of my son "Saint" on it. There was also a Jacob diamond cross. There were two rings in yellow gold. I think they robbed me of $5 million.'

    In fact, the total haul was worth around $10m, or £8.5m.

    Ms Kardashian continued: 'Then they ran away. During the theft, they had the hotel's mobile phone and it did not stop ringing, and they spoke in French.

    'I got the impression they were saying they had to leave. Then I succeeded in pulling off the tape from my hands and my mouth. I guessed that they were a bit inexperienced in the manner in which they had tied me up.'

    Asked if she was would recognise the attackers, Ms Kardashian said: 'Perhaps the small one, with the ski mask, but I'm not sure.'

    Aomar Ait Khedache and Didier Dubreucq have been charged with a range of offences, including armed robbery.

    Ait Khedache is said to have admitted his involvement in the well organised heist after his DNA was allegedly found on ties used on Ms Kardashian's wrists.

    His son, Harminy Ait Khedache, 27, is one of eight others also charged. Pierre Bouainère, a 72-year-old alleged career gangster, and a woman named only as Christiane, 70, who was the girlfriend of Aomar Ait Khedache, have also been charged.

    Yunice Abas, 63, has reportedly admitted his involvement, according to judicial sources. He is said to have dropped a piece of jewellery as the gang escaped on bicycles.

    Ms Kardashian is being kept informed about all developments in the case, and her lawyers have made it clear that she is prepared to return to Paris to give evidence.

  19. Monday, October 3, 2016, 4.30am.

    My name is Kardashian Kimberley.

    I was born on October 21, 1980, in Los Angeles.

    I live in Ventura, XXX. My phones have been stolen and I can be reached through my bodyguard Mr. XXX.

    Regarding the facts :

    I came in Paris by plane for the fashion week.

    I came back around 12 midnight to go to bed.

    I was attending a fashion diner. I came back with Simone Harouche and my sister Kourtney.

    We all moved up in my room 1A and friends, a couple, went to my room and left around 1am.

    I have to make it clear that Simone hadn’t come with us and that she was sleeping when I came back.

    My assistant Stéphanie and my sister Kourtney changed clothes. Then, I went to my computer upstairs and I worked.

    I heard noises at the door, like footsteps, and I asked ,shouting, who was there, no one answered.

    I called at 2.56am my bodyguard. I saw through the sliding door two people coming, plus the man from the reception who was strapped.

    The two men were hooded, the one had a ski mask and he had a cap and a jacket with 'Police' written on it.

    The second individual had the same clothes but didn’t wear ski goggles.

    The individual with the ski goggles rips out my Blackberry phone

    The one with the ski goggles was 1,70 meters high, slim, black pants, black boots, he spoke to me in French. He was a European-type individual.

    The second individual was also European, he was taller and stayed with the security agent. He was around 1,80 meters high and he was dressed in the same way.

    It’s the one with the ski goggles who stayed with me.

    He asked me with a strong French accent where my ring was. It was placed on the bedside table. It costs $4 million.

    I answer him that 'I don’t know', he takes out a weapon and I show him the ring.

    He pointed the weapon toward me. He takes the ring, he was wearing gloves. He asked me where the jewels and the money are.

    They caught me and took me in the lobby. I was wearing a bathrobe, naked underneath. Then we went in the room again and they pushed me on the bed.

    And, at this time, they strapped me with plastic cables and tape on my hands, then they taped my mouth and my legs.

    They carried me in my bathroom, more specifically in my bathtub. I forgot to tell you that when they pushed me on the bed, they headed toward my handbag and they cleared everything.

    My Vuitton jewellery box was near my bag and, at that time, he said something to the other individual, shouting.

    In my jewellery box, there were two bracelets by Cartier, all with diamonds, a necklace by Jacob all in gold and diamond, diamond earrings by Lauren Schwartz, and the others were by Yanina.

    There were three necklaces by Jacob all in gold, little bracelets, jewels, rings.

    A necklace by Lauren Schwartz all in diamonds, another necklace with six little diamonds on it. A last necklace with my son’s name 'Saint' all in diamond.

    I also had just a cross-shaped diamond, by Jacob. A watch by Rolex all in yellow gold. There were two rings in yellow gold.

    I think they robbed me for $5 million. They didn’t rob my cash. They took my iPhone 6, the number is XXXXX, and the Blackberry. Then they left, running.

    During the heist, they had the hotel’s mobile phone which didn’t stop ringing and they were speaking in French. I thought they said they got to leave.


  20. Then, I removed the tape from my hands and my mouth, I removed the plastic. I realised they were a bit young because of the way they strapped me.

    I removed the tape on my legs. I ran to Simone’s room. Then I called my sister Kourtney with Simone’s phone. Simone called her bodyguard because she was hearing some noise.

    Question: Would you be able to recognize them?

    Answer: Maybe the smaller one with ski goggles but not sure.

    Question: Are-you injured?

    Answer: No.

    Question: Would you like to file a complaint?

    Answer: Yes, I would like to file a complaint.

    Question: Do you have something else to add?

    Answer: I would like to leave and to go back to my children in the United States. A private plane is waiting for me at the Bourget.

    After reading done by M. XXXX, Madam Kardashian Kim persists and signs with us the present. It is half past five in the morning.

  21. What stands out is she uses the pronoun we in relation to going into the bedroom (unexpected)

    present tense.

    How did she know they had the hotels mobile phone.

    When she says strapped does she mean carrying a weapon and if so did she not think it strange?

    Her tenses start off with past tense appropriate and then they wander between past and present in relation to the crime.

  22. OT
    I was wondering does SA uses statistics in analyzing? If so do you have an example? If not? Why not?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. She said: 'In my jewellery box there were two Cartier diamond bracelets, a Jacob necklace in gold with diamonds, earrings with diamonds by Loraine Schwarz, and others by Yanina.

    'There were three gold necklaces by Jacob, little bracelets, jewels, rings. A necklace by Loraine Schwarz with diamonds, another little necklace with six diamonds underneath.

    Other jewellers are available. Unless your'e looking for freebies!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. John mcgowan said...

    She said: 'In my jewellery box there were two Cartier diamond bracelets, a Jacob necklace in gold with diamonds, earrings with diamonds by Loraine Schwarz, and others by Yanina.

    'There were three gold necklaces by Jacob, little bracelets, jewels, rings. A necklace by Loraine Schwarz with diamonds, another little necklace with six diamonds underneath.

    Other jewellers are available. Unless your'e looking for freebies!

    LOL John, great minds think alike.

    Given the huge debts they are carrying, were they owned by them or on loan as is often the case with celebs and freebies, with designers offering goodies in order to get free advertising?

    Were they even genuine since many celebs wear paste jewellery outside especially if high value whilst the real thing is stored safely?

    Was there a difference between a Jacob gold necklace with diamonds and then the three necklaces by Jacob?

    I wonder who the necklace with six diamonds was made by sionce she gives it no name?

    Jewels could mean anything.
    Were they precious stones just lying around as beloved in treasure chests etc?

    What did Yanina make since she doesn't tell us although she identifies necklaces, bracelets, little bracelets, rings?

    I would assume they were all insured and had photographs taken that would enable them to be identified if stolen, a requirement i would assume by insurance companies to prove ownership and authenticity.

    Diamonds could be chips as seen in high street jewelers, sounds good, worth pennies.

    I still think there is stuff we are not being told, I am a suspicious Hobs :)

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Here's my second, more coherent attempt.

    "I went to the store to buy groceries. I always go there.
    And there was this guy who asked me if he could borrow ten dollars.
    And then he said that he was desperate. I told him I did not have extra money.
    And he told me he was going to wait for me in the parking lot."

    I think it's most likely a woman - a man would more likely tell him to buzz off and not be drawn in by a sob story. Also women do more grocery shopping, and beggars are more likely to find sympathy from women. Next I wonder, because she volunteers that she 'always' goes there, which seems unnecessary information, and because she says she went to the store to buy groceries, also unnecessary information, if she is lonely, and maybe goes there to be amongst people.

    She found the guy friendly as he is described as 'this guy' - maybe she had seen him before, or maybe his attention flattered her - she says 'me' several times - 'asked me', 'told me', 'wait for me'.

    He asked if he could borrow ten dollars - ask is polite. He most likely gave a reason why he needed ten dollars, which reason she does not share, she just says he goes on to say he was desperate. Perhaps he gave some invented confidence as to why he desperately needed ten dollars.

    She told him she did not have extra money - she did not have a spare ten dollars in cash to give him.

    I think she told him she would do her shopping and ask for cashback at the checkout so she could give him ten dollars.

    He told her he would wait in the parking lot. I think he most likely was already in the parking lot, and he approached her before she went in the store. She went to the store 'to buy groceries' - but as she speaks about him asking her for money without saying she was already in the store shopping, I think she encountered him first. If he wanted cash, he maybe was asking people before they had chance to use it up in the store.

    I think she uses 'told' due to his 'desperation' creating an air of intensity rather than because there was an argument or she felt threatened. They maybe agreed he would wait in the parking lot while she did her shopping.

    Why is there missing information - is it because he told a tall story and she was embarrassed she was drawn in, and scammed, or worse?

    If she felt threatened she could have called the police or asked an assistant to see her to her car. I am curious as to what the statement is about. What happened next? Also, was the shopper a woman?

  29. On topic:
    I would think A, B and C could be the missing information, it would depend on further telling of what happened when getting at the parking lot.
    A. The man began to touch him, maybe even came closer, pointing his finger or somethin in a aggressive manner, while saying he would be "wait for him in the parking lot!"
    B.He could have left out some of the words he himself spoke what made the others man "who's desperate", angry (or hurt) what made him say he's gonna "wait for him in the parking lot.
    C. "The next thing I new", could also refer to someone interfering the situation (depanding on what's comming after this is said)

  30. To the Kardashians story.
    I notice some inconsistencies in both of them (where both of them original statements of her from different places/sources, but hers?)

    If so (for what I it is), then she's telling different things.
    "Less than two hours earlier five men broke into her central Paris apartment where she was sleeping alone after a fashion week dinner on a Sunday night."
    "I have to make it clear that Simone hadn’t come with us and that she was sleeping when I came back."
    Before she says " I came back with Simone Harouche and my sister Kourtney." But then suddenly Simone hadn't come along and was sleeping?
    So was she sleeping alone or was she not?
    "My assistant Stéphanie and my sister Kourtney changed clothes. Then, I went to my computer upstairs and I worked."
    Now there are even two more people in the home. Where did her assistant Stephanie came from? Did she suddenly appear fallen from the sky? And why the need to change clothes, when comming back and was going to sleep? Then she is going to work 'to her computer' upstairs.......She does not say she goes to sleep or is a sleep when she hears noise, she also does not tell if Stephanie and Courtney left or were still present after they "changed clothes".

    "....two people coming, plus the man from the reception who was strapped."
    (this is 3 people in total)
    The 'first' article claims there were 5 individuals who broke in. At this article the receptionist becomes a congierce at one point (stopped being receptionist? What happend?), but still only "three" people are entering the room, not 5.

    "a terrified Kim Kardashian described the moment she lost £8.5m worth of jewels in a Paris robbery.
    I don't read 'terrified' sound in her saying. She never mentioned her being scared or any other emotional feeling that you expect a victim of such a violent robbery would have. I only read what material damage she has because of this robbery, nothing about being lucky to having survived, or relief or some state of mind in which you would expect a person to have after experiencing such an scary event. Even disbelieve would be appropriate, but I don't read anything of it in her statements.

    "'He had gloves. He asked me where the jewels and the money was. He grabbed me and took me out to the entry hall. I was in a bathrobe, naked underneath,' she said."

    "They caught me and took me in the lobby. I was wearing a bathrobe, naked underneath. Then we went in the room again and they pushed me on the bed.

    If iam correct caught would mean you were walking away or moving away and was 'caught', grabbed would mean he just hold her arm or maybe he put his arms around her body, she's not telling so we can not say it for her. She's just not moving when grabbed. Or am I wrong?

  31. Where in all this was the receptionist/congierce?
    When they want jewelries why would they take you out of the room to the entry/lobby (and making the time of getting caught bigger), to then go back to the room (where was a bed)
    All this time Simone was a sleep and didn't hear a sound?
    Was she sitting with her bathrobe (named underneath), 'to her computer' or was she "sleeping alone"?

    "And, at this time, they strapped me with plastic cables and tape on my hands, then they taped my mouth and my legs. "
    It's only "at this time", her hands are strapped and mouth is taped.

    ". I forgot to tell you that when they pushed me on the bed, they headed toward my handbag and they cleared everything" (story telling?)
    Adding some more material/objects stolen. "They cleared everything"
    (But they didn't took any cash with them, so wasn't this cash in her handbag?)
    "They didn’t rob my cash."
    And what was in the handbag from which "they cleared everything'?

    "they had the hotel’s mobile phone which didn’t stop ringing and they were speaking in French"
    Suggesting it's hotel personnel who's doing this? It's the middle of the night, would it be to be expected the "hotel's mobile phone", to not stop ringing at that time?

    "Ms Kardashian told the robbers that she 'didn't know' where it was.

    She said a gang member then 'took out a gun' and she 'showed him the ring'."

    From robbers to gang members? With clothing on of 'police'.

    List of stolen items:
    - "Blackberry phone"
    - engagement ring
    -two Cartier diamond bracelets, a Jacob necklace in gold with diamonds, earrings with diamonds by Loraine Schwarz, and others by Yanin
    -three gold necklaces by Jacob, little bracelets, jewels, rings. A necklace by Loraine Schwarz with diamonds, another little necklace with six diamonds underneath.
    -Another diamond necklace with the name of my son "Saint" on it. There was also a Jacob diamond cross. There were two rings in yellow gold.
    - "everything cleaned from handbag"
    - a watch rolex
    - iPhone6
    "Then I succeeded in pulling off the tape from my hands and my mouth. I guessed that they were a bit inexperienced in the manner in which they had tied me up.'
    "Then, I removed the tape from my hands and my mouth, I removed the plastic. I realised they were a bit young because of the way they strapped me."

    And they arrest two 60 year old men? 8 are charged of which a 27 year old and a 63 year old, 70 year old and a 72 year old. (Inexperienced and young?)

    "I removed the tape on my legs. I ran to Simone’s room. Then I called my sister Kourtney with Simone’s phone. Simone called her bodyguard because she was hearing some noise."
    So after they ran, she freed herself she ran to Simone's room, who just also called her bodygaurd
    "I called at 2.56am my bodyguard" (what took him so long to come? Or would it been after the attack? And if so how did she call, after being robbed of 2 phones?

    No sign of any fear, scareness and she's not saying it either.

  32. how does the way she is tied indicate the men were young?

    if they use plastic ties (cable ties?) how did she manage to remove them since they cannot be undone?

    Tied me becomes strapped me.
    A change in language is a change in reality, what prompted the change?

    "everything cleaned from handbag"
    Cleaned not stolen or taken?
    Cleaned is an unusual word to use

  33. as an aside, if they used plastic ties on her hands, (cable ties?) how did she get them off if they were pulled tight?

  34. Anonymous @ 8:29 Jan 15,

    It's true. Fakestream media trust people have amnesia.

    On the flip side, it's interesting to see who Trump has been, and is, up against.

    Power corrupts, as they say...Dems threatening entertainers' lives -- pathetic "little" people.

    Quitting the entertainment industry is as lucrative as quitting smoking. I'm treating my family to a vacay this summer. :0)
