Sunday, February 26, 2017

HIDTA: Training Opportunities

HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area) training is an intensive program for analysts, law enforcement and other professionals.

The High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area program (HIDTA) is a drug-prohibition enforcement program run by the United States Office of National Drug Control Policy. It was established in 1990 after the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 was passed.
The mission of the program is "to enhance and coordinate America's drug-control efforts among local, state and Federal law enforcement agencies in order to eliminate or reduce drug trafficking and its harmful consequences in critical regions of the United States."

In Phoenix, for example, it is staffed by dedicated professionals of decades of experience, who not only provide quality in depth training, but in the two week course, come to know the students, both young and old, and develop professional  ongoing relationships with them for career support and guidance.  

The training is invaluable, as its the support.  The building of a resume couples with the preparation for the future; unknown challenges.  Inquire of your superiors about eligibility. 

In Deception Detection, the class last week of 55 was sharp, intuitive, and engaging.  

Many of them are 'sitting on a gold mine' of deception detection without realizing it. 

Here is why:

Some analysts work within incarceration.  They may monitor prison correspondence, for example, both in writing and in discourse (letters/phone calls).

By doing this, hour after hour, they develop a natural intuition to listen and observe. 

Imagine the possibilities when coupled with formal training in deception detection (both statement analysis and discourse analysis)!  

The pace is intense for them, and incessant, which forces a 'sink or swim' position.  The professionals keep their heads above water. 

Consider this: 

Once in formal training, they are now trained, in the beginning, to stop and highlight pronouns, for example.  As they do this hour after hour, day after day, consider the potential for high-expertise level of proficiency under training.  

It is immense. 

Although we do not know what future positions we may hold, training in Complete Statement Analysis holds value wherever communication exists. 

To enroll, please visit Hyatt Analysis Services

The training is done in your home, at your pace, with the complete course needing a minimum of 3 months (at full time) or 6-12 months part time pace.  

The training comes with 12 months of e support, which means you will be assisted each step of the way.  

Many within law enforcement find their tuition reimbursed, as do some in corporate; particularly as superiors see the immediate results.  

For law enforcement seminars as well as human resources and corporate seminars, please visit the link of "opportunities" for training.  


  1. o/t Reading about Mark Twain (and his Civil War experience). Note dropped pronouns after "'we' had done our share".

    In his fictionalized account of his war experiences titled The Private History of a Campaign That Failed describes the moment he decided to quit:

    “The last camp which wefell back upon was in a hollow near the village of Florida, where I was born – in Monroe County. Here we were warned that a Union colonel was sweeping down on us with a whole regiment at his heels. This looked decidedly serious. Our boys went apart and consulted; then we went back and told the other companies present that the war was a disappointment for us and we were going to disband.”

    On the road home Twain and his friends ran into General Harris who ordered them to get back to their posts.

    “Harris ordered us back; but we told him there was a Union colonel coming with a whole regiment in his wake, and it looked as if there was going to be a disturbance; so we had concluded to go home. He raged a little, but it was of no use; our minds were made up. We had done our share; had killed a man, exterminated one army, such as it was; let him [Harris] go and kill the rest, and that would end the war.”

    Twain learned later on that the Union general who had frightened him so much was none other than Ulysses S. Grant.

  2. Sorry, here's the link. ... and another quote:

    “I was a soldier two weeks once in the beginning of the war, and was hunted like a rat the whole time. Familiar? My splendid Kipling himself hasn’t a more burn’t in, hard-baked and unforgettable familiarity with that death-on-the pale-horse-with-hell-following-after which a raw soldier’s first fortnight in the field–and which, without any doubt, is the most tremendous fortnight and the vividest he is ever going to see.”

  3. why car burnings? why choose to burn cars in Europe? Is this coming to an American city near you?
