Monday, July 31, 2017

Deception Detection Training: The Art of Conclusion

In training towards expertise in detecting deception, the analyst/investigator goes through various phases of both learning and professional growth. 

It often begins in zealous thirst for knowledge and the foundation establishment begins in earnest by trusting in the principles to guide you. 

The trust in the subject is something that is taught early, often and is reinforced throughout the career of the analyst.  It is, even in advanced work, something that surprises experienced analysts.  It is very difficult to lie in an open statement and maintain the lie.  The trained professional learns to glean a great deal of information from a lying subject.  

Another stage in development is the complexity of lies.  In a recent assault case, the subject was deceptive, but only in what information  was left out.  The need to portray it as a "left wing attack" was contrived, even with elements within it.   Deception is, for the most part,  complex.  

The analyst moves into a stage where the learning curve begins to yield to this pressure and perseverance and encouragement is needed. 


We ask questions; lost of them.  

We ask questions about words. 

Why this word?
Why this word here?
Why this word now?
Why not another word, instead?

I recently reviewed an expert's work where he highlighted the article, "the" in an open statement and brought it to a startling conclusion which matched all else known about the case.  He did it by focusing on the word "the", its over use, and what words the subject could have used instead.  It was brilliant.  

Next Step

In team analysis, the one with the solid foundation now moves to a critical stage:  application. 

Here is where deception detection, or "Statement Analysis" moves to the introduction of "art form" and relies upon not only the skill of the analyst and the quality of questions asked, but specifically, 

the experience of the analyst. 

Here is where the iron sharpens iron and new analysts rub shoulders with some of our nation's top analysts, and is also exposed to international influence:  analysts from around the world bring entirely new and shifting perspectives even while embracing the same principles. 

                                  "Tell Me About Yourself..."

This is a valuable tool in many fields but is especially useful in employment as well as investigations (including criminal, child abuse, journalism, etc) as it allows the subject to tell us what is most important. 

Remember, no one can tell us everything. 

They must choose:

What information to share and what not to share. 
What order to put the information. 
What words to choose.
What words to avoid.
Where to place each word. 

This is done for the purpose of communication.  Even with regional dialect and expression, the person is speaking with the presupposition of being understood.  Hence, analysis can and should be done. 

Here in the United States, non government companies are  limited as to what questions they may ask an applicant.  Companies fear being accused of discrimination which can have consequences beyond a suit.  Companies want to hire the best and brightest so that productivity and profits are either maintained or increased.  They do not want someone who is going to steal from them, including "gaming the system" with false allegations, nor to destroy their reputation.  They want excellence.  

In 2001, the U.S. Dept. of Justice stated that approximately 40% of those who stole from their company intended to steal during the hiring process.  That is, they planned it before they were even hired.  This is to deceptively withhold information (motive) in the employment process.  Withholding information is the most popular form of deception, outside of court where "I don't recall" is number one.  

This statistic, though it seems extreme, does not include the above reference to gaming the system through fraudulent claims.  Anecdotally, this is both popular and successful.  

The skill of lie detection can save companies and law enforcement from acute consequence of hiring the wrong person.  

"I am a hard worker.  I have a good heart.  I have a strong mind and strong body.  I cook at a homeless shelter.  I like to work with people.  I am a someone you can trust.  I have a good mind.  I..."

Here we have only the beginning of an applicant's description of self.  

We ask questions in our analysis. 

"I am a hard worker."

This is where the subject began his statement.  It begins with the pronoun "I" which suggests to us that if we are paying attention, we are very likely to gain reliable information.  This should make sense intuitively, as the applicant is "present" in the statement, psychologically, with the pronoun "I."

It is likely that the sentence, "I am a hard worker" is reliable.  This means that subject believes his own words.  His subjective understanding of "hard work" may or may not match ours, but he is not trying to deceive us.  


What is hard work to you?
Have you ever worked with those who did not work hard?
What was that like for you? (critical question) 
Have you worked with some who out-worked you?
What was the hardest work you've done?
What was the easiest?  

We ask questions about others as this encourages the subject to feel   free with his answers.  We often find information about a subject as the subject tells us about someone else.  This is a critical strategy used intuitively by parents, and by training in investigations.  Where one is concealing information about self, the information weighs heavily on the mind and may "leaks out" when the subject is talking about someone else.  

"I am a hard worker.  I have a good heart.  I have a strong mind and strong body.  I cook at a homeless shelter.  I like to work with people.  I am a someone you can trust.  I have a good mind.  I..."

In the above statement, I reported that the applicant likely has a criminal history and if so, the volunteer work may be court ordered.  

The company is permitted to run a criminal background check only in their home state,  and in this case, he had no criminal history.  

"I am a hard worker.  I have a good heart.  I have a strong mind and strong body.  I cook at a homeless shelter.  I like to work with people.  I am a someone you can trust.  I have a good mind.  I..."

a.  "I have a good heart.

Questions we pose applicants are for the interview.  
Questions we pose in analysis are for ourselves. 

Who says, in an open statement, that they have a "good heart"?

*Perhaps someone who has been told that he does do not have a good heart.  
*Perhaps someone who has been told that he does have a good heart. 

Which might it be?

When I assert one answer over the other, it is natural that another analyst disagree. 

The sentence structure is such that the subject believes it. 

How can we know?

This is where a new growth period takes place in the career of the analyst; a growth period that should never come to an end. 

This is where the analyst/investigator's exposure to language and hundreds of statements, on a regular basis, serve him in his conclusion. 

This is where a report comes down to the skill of the analyst.  

In open statements, those who assert having a good heart have often committed crimes with their hands (physical) and may have been told by one's own mother, for example, "but you have a good heart, son..." by way of attempting to encourage better.  

The ancient gnostic belief that separates us into "two" is common today and human nature's aversion to guilt only strengthens it. 

It is like me claiming to have a "very tall, thin handsome man living inside of me", humorously, to illustrate the point.  

It is not only a sense of minimization of an action, but it is to disassociate with what was done.  

This was something that I have seen in applicants before, enough times to know it needs exploration.  

But there is more.   "I am a hard worker.  I have a good heart.  I have a strong mind and strong body.  I cook at a homeless shelter.  I like to work with people.  I am a someone you can trust.  I have a good mind.  I..."

Analyst recognize that any word repeated is going to be important. 

Here, in this very short sample, he used "mind" twice.  It is important to him so it is important to us.  

Why is it important to him?

Once it is a "strong" mind, and the second is a "good"  mind. 

Questions for us to ask ourselves:  

Why does he need to assert that his mind is "strong"?
Why does he need to assert that his mind is "good"?
Why does he need to assert these things here, in the job application process?
Why does he need to assert it twice?
Why does he need to assert it very early in his page-long statement, increasing it as a priority?

Who asserts having  a good mind?

If we consider, "I have a good heart", in context, we may consider that this applicant is telling the truth:  he is smart.  The necessity of including it here and via repetition, suggests a need. 

Might this, too, be that upon doing something "not smart", someone encouraged him with, "But you have a good mind.  You must use it!"?

This would be consistent with having a "good heart" in an open statement. 

We know that women who assert in an open statement "I am a great mother!" have been likely accused of the abuse and/or neglect and may even have been investigated, formally, for such.  

This is not a moral judgment, but a question as to "Why would this person feel the need, in an open statement (not as a result of an accusation nor of a question) to make this assertion?

I believe our subject is telling the truth about his belief system.  I may or may not agree with him, about the definition of hard work, but it is in the necessity of assertion that we see missing information.  

"I cook at the homeless shelter."


Is the subject applying for a position as a cook, cook's assistant, or anything related?

If so, this is would be an appropriate point for him to make.  It would be relevant to the position and a point of strength (+) in the analysis.  

Here, it was not a cooking position.  

In having done many such statements, I have found an anecdote connection to  court ordered community service. 

My conclusion for the company was that this subject is likely  concealing information of a criminal nature.  The criminal activity, if true, is not only likely serious, but may have included assault.  

The criminal history was out of state. 

It was not one point, alone, that caused me to make this conclusion, but the points above, which were affirmed in the entirety of his application.  

The accuracy of the conclusion could not be reached without the experience of many statements with much repetition.  

This is essential for the professional.  

Some jobs, by nature of the work, are marvelous for such learning. A former court stenographer recently wrote to me about this.  Imagine confronting words at court, hour after hour, and what it provides?  

This fall, I will be teaching deception detection at HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area) where many analysts have duties that are marvelously conducive to Statement Analysis training experience.  Anyone working with words has exposure to the practice necessary for excellence.  Incarceration where letters must be screened provide hour after hour of practice.  

In law enforcement hiring, we are able to employ Statement Analysis to effectively screen out those prone to violence, as well as those who struggle with self control. Most importantly, we are able to screen out those with a deep need for respect from the public.  

Law enforcement requires not only intelligence, but one who is personally secure in what he or she does, so that in carrying lethal force in authority, the law enforcement professional is more likely to react with appropriate restraint than one, for example, who craves respect from others and does not bear up with insult from an increasingly uncivil public inspired by exploitative politicians.  

For training in detecting deception, we offer both in -house seminars for law enforcement and business, as well as the Complete Statement Analysis Course which is done in your home, via lectures on CD (mp3) and workbook.  

For Tuition costs and enrollment please visit 

 Hyatt Analysis Services.  

Additional Trainings Offered  

We also offer Advanced Analysis for those who successfully complete the first course. 

We offer ongoing live team analysis training, month after month, for those enrolled or who have completed our first course.  

This can lead to formal certification and is accepted as Continuing Educational Units for professional licenses through the University of Maine (CEUs).  

For advanced professionals, including law enforcement, private investigators, and interviewers, we offer advanced seminars tailored to the skill and need of those attending.  This includes anonymous author identification, Analytical Interviewing and threat assessment.  

Sex Crimes Units:  we have entire teachings on the language of victims.  Where some adult victims sound deceptive, we are able to show those with experiential knowledge of a case, including perseveration from past trauma.  

Child Protective Services:  legally sound interviewing and analysis to protect children and families.  This includes content analysis and discerning such troublesome issues as coaching in language.  Forensic interviewing is enhanced through analysis.  

Employment Analysis:  Screening for discerning those who are most likely to steal, exploit, or cause damage to companies and departments.  This enables companies and law enforcement to hire the best and brightest.  

Next up:  emotions in Statement Analysis 


  1. Interesting! I look forward to the post on emotions in statements.
    I have noticed on FB a connection (in males) between posting about substance abuse recovery (detox), volunteering at food pantries, and complaining about how sore they are from working out (like whining about it & saying their body is in so much pain they may just watch s Tai Chi video instead. I used to power lift & that is the only thing that will cause a LOT of pain post will hurt to turn a steering a wheel, it will hurt when you do any motion, still I would have never dreamed of complaining. You pop a few Advil & love that you are getting stronger and toned.

  2. sorry OT

    Livestream Sydney Moorer Trial, stream began 30 mins ago
    Monday 7/31/2017 1:56pm is present time

    Heather Elvis


    Sidney Moorer says he was handcuffed to his bed the night Heather Elvis went missing

    Judge R. Markley Dennis denied a motion to kill a revised indictment charging Sidney Moorer with obstructing justice in two interviews he had with police after Heather Elvis’ disappearance.

    But Dennis is considering a motion to suppress one of those interviews in which Moorer said he never left his wife’s side and was even handcuffed to his bed the night Elvis went missing. In an interview with officers at the Horry County Police Department headquarters, Moorer said he never called Elvis that night, a statement he later corrected after police mentioned the call records and video evidence they obtained.

    “Had you used any other phones that night? Your wife’s phone? Did you make any payphone calls?” Detective Jonathan Martin asked Moorer in an interview that was replayed Monday in court during a hearing on pretrial motions.

    “Nope,” Moorer said. “Do they still have payphones?”

    “There was a phone call made to Heather that night from a payphone at the gas station on 10th Avenue. We have video from that. Did you try calling her for just a minute?” Martin asked in the recording.


    “Are you sure?” Martin asked in the recording.


    “How about we start again,” Martin says.

    “OK. I did. I called her,” Moorer admitted, but he said the call was only to tell Elvis to leave him alone and stop leaving notes on his car.

    In the interview, Moorer told police he didn’t want his wife to know he was calling Elvis so he parked across the street and walked to a payphone out of sight. But officers questioned that logic in the interview, adding that the payphone call lasted four minutes.

    Moorer said his wife had trust issues with him after learning of his affair with Elvis and he had agreed to be handcuffed to their bed each night for six months after she found out.

    Moorer struggled to recall exactly where he went with his wife the night anyone last heard from Elvis, which was another oddity Martin pointed out in court on Monday.

    “We’re talking about what you did two nights ago, not even 48 hours earlier and he was like, ‘Well, I think I went there. I may have gone there. No, no, I think we did that.’ And he said he hadn’t been drinking so for him to have such a loss of memory from two nights previous seemed out of context,” Martin said.

    Moorer’s wife, Tammy Moorer, raised her hand when the judge asked defense attorneys if they had any witnesses to call in support of their motion to suppress. No witnesses were called.

    Defense attorneys argued that the interview should be thrown out since Moorer was not read his Miranda rights before the interview with Martin began.

    But Martin was one of four officers Moorer spoke to at the station that day, according to testimony. The first officer was former Detective Allen Large, who Martin said was not a lead detective on the case.

    Large is facing six charges of misconduct in office and five charges of criminal sexual conduct.

    The judge said he would consider the motion and make a ruling on a later date.

    Sidney and Tammy Moorer have been charged with kidnapping in the disappearance of Heather Elvis, who was last seen in December 2013. Sidney Moorer is set to go to trial on the obstruction charge Aug. 28.

    Tammy Moorer was initially set to have a hearing Monday on a contempt of court charge after she was accused of violating a gag order in the case. That hearing was continued.

    Sidney Moorer was found to be in contempt for violating the gag order last July and served 61 days in jail after speaking to a reporter during the first trial on his kidnapping charge. That trial ended with a hung jury, but the state announced plans to retry the kidnapping case. The new trial — yet to be set — will be held in Georgetown County.

    No trial date has been set for Tammy Moorer’s kidnapping charge

  4. Was Terry at the trial watching?

  5. off topic

    LOS ANGELES – A California man pleaded guilty Tuesday to killing his 5-year-old son after a family trip to Disneyland, setting off a search for the boy that lasted more than two months before his body was found near a lake.

    Prosecutors contend Aramazd Andressian Sr., 35, killed his son, Aramazd Andressian Jr., to get back at his estranged wife. Investigators have refused to say how the boy was killed or what evidence linked the father to the boy's death.

    The boy's mother, Ana Estevez, was loudly weeping in the front row of the courtroom as she held the urn with her son's ashes. She was surrounded by family members — all holding hands and sobbing.

    Andressian Sr. entered the plea to first-degree murder in Los Angeles County Superior Court in Alhambra. He previously pleaded not guilty to a murder charge and was being held on $10 million bail.

    Los Angeles County sheriff's investigators have said they believe the boy was killed April 21 after a family trip to Disneyland. The next day, his father was found passed out in a park and police began searching for the boy.

    Andressian had taken prescription pills and was found in a car doused in gasoline in an apparent suicide attempt, sheriff's officials have said.

    The boy's body was found on June 30 near Lake Cachuma outside Santa Barbara — about 145 miles (233 kilometers) away from Anaheim, where Disneyland is located.

    Andressian told investigators that he drove to the lake the day his son was killed. Investigators had searched the lake several times before the boy's remains were discovered but have not said what led them to the body.

  6. off topic further info on above.

    A California man pleaded guilty Tuesday to killing his 5-year-old son after a family trip to Disneyland set off a two-month search for the boy's body.

    Prosecutors say Aramazd Andressian Sr., 35, killed his son, Aramazd Andressian Jr., to get back at his estranged wife Ana Estevez while they were going through a divorce.

    After investigators repeatedly combed the area surrounding Lake Cachuma in Santa Barbara County, they found the boy's remains on June 30. It remains unclear how he was killed or what evidence linked the father to his death.

    Andressian Sr. made national headlines in June when he cracked a joke during his extradition hearing. A police officer also said his behavior was inconsistent with that of a grieving parent.

    On Tuesday, Estevez was surrounded by sobbing family members as she wept in the front row of the courtroom while holding the urn with her son's ashes.

    Andressian Sr., who wore yellow jail scrubs, entered the plea to first-degree murder in Los Angeles County Superior Court in Alhambra.

    He previously pleaded not guilty to a murder charge and was being held on $10 million bail.

    Los Angeles County sheriff's investigators believe the boy was killed in the six-and-a-half hours after he left Disneyland and headed to Lake Cachuma about 150 miles away with his father on April 21.

    When Andressian Sr. failed to hand the boy over during a planned custody exchange on April 22, Estevez reported her son missing.

    Officials believe the 35-year-old had attempted suicide after he was found alone the following day in Arroyo Seco Park, passed out from prescription pills in a car doused with gasoline.

    While Andressian Sr. was unable to account for his son's whereabouts, investigators believe the murder was 'pre-planned' and motivated by the divorce from Estevez.

    Investigators searched the area surrounding Lake Cachuma several times before the boy's remains were finally discovered on June 30.

    Officials have not explained what led them to find the body, and how the boy died.

    Andressian Sr. was arrested and released when police didn't have enough to keep him behind bars.

    He later moved to Las Vegas, where Lt. Joe Mendoza said his behavior was inconsistent with that of a grieving parent.

    'I can only speak for myself. If my son was missing, I would be doing things that (the boy's mother) was doing. Circulating fliers, looking for your son,' Mendoza said. 'He was not doing that. He was socializing in Vegas.'

    Mendoza also said: 'He has not been cooperative, whatsoever.'

    Investigators also noted that he lightened his hair and appeared to be making plans to travel outside the country in order to avoid extradition.

    But Andressian Sr. appeared carefree and made national headlines when he cracked a joke during his extradition hearing in late June.

    The judge informed him that California authorities had 30 days starting Tuesday to claim him, but 'obviously given the media they're going to come pick you up'.

    Andressian smiled and then laughed when he said: ''They'll probably take me with them!'

    Estevez spoke to NBC4 after Andressian's bizarre court appearance and said: 'No justice in the world will bring my Piqui back,' Estevez said, using her son's nickname. 'However, Ara will pay tenfold for all that he has done.'

    She also released a statement saying: 'My heart is shattered and I will miss my son immensely each and every second of every day for the rest of my life.'

  7. OT Update:

    Family Files Lawsuit Against Man Rescued At Sea

    July 17, 2017 6:03 PM

    BOSTON (CBS) — The aunts of Nathan Carman have called him a murderer and filed a lawsuit to prevent him from inheriting the millions left behind by his late grandfather and presumed-dead mother.

    John Chakalos, Carman’s grandfather, was found murdered in 2013. Three years later, Carman’s mother Linda Carman, went missing at sea while on a mother-son fishing trip.

    The family has faced repeated tragedy because of the “heinous act out of malice and greed” by Carman, said the court documents of Valerie Santilli, Elaine Chakalos, and Charlene Gallagher.

    A statement from the women’s lawyer Dan Small said, the “surviving sisters cannot stand idle while their father’s killer, and perhaps their sister’s killer also, profits from his actions.”

    Last September, the 23-year-old was found at sea after floating alone on a life raft for days off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard last September.

    He and he mother were out fishing on their boat, Chicken Pox.

    Carman stated his mother tragically never made it to the lifeboat when they realized the boat was taking on water.

    The lawsuit accused Carman of leaving his mother behind on purpose.

    “On information and belief, Nathan put on one of the boat’s life jackets; he never gave one to his mother. He deployed and entered the Chicken Pox’s sole life raft, with his bag of provisions. He left his mother behind.”

    The aunts also claim that Carman deliberately told neighbors that he was fishing in a different location that he intended and left holes in their boat, which made the vessel “more dangerous and easier to sink.”

    Court documents said Linda Carman was set to inherit several million once her father Chakalos’ estate was settled and argued Carman left her at sea for the money.

    Carman was Linda’s only living descendant and would have the trust passed onto him when she died.

    Officials have long been aware that Carman was most likely the last person to have seen his grandfather alive. Chakalos was found shot to death in his Windsor, Connecticut home on December 20, 2013.

    No one was ever arrested in connection to his murder.

    “According to investigators, Nathan purchased a Sig Sauer 716 Patrol .308 caliber semi-automatic rifle from a gun store in New Hampshire prior to John’s murder. This is the same caliber weapon used to kill John,” said court documents.

    The lawsuit also claimed that Carman threw out the hard drive of his computer and the GPS in his car the same day his grandfather died.

    If the lawsuit is successful, Small said they would use the funds to investigate the Chakalos’ death and Linda’s disappearance. Anything leftover would go to charity.

    He also said, “this is not about money, it is about justice.”

  8. OT
    EDMONTON, Alberta, Canada) — A Canadian mother is hoping to bring awareness to the dangers of indoor heatstroke, which she said could have taken the life of her 3-year-old daughter.

    Jenn Abma of Edmonton, Alberta, told ABC News that she went upstairs to wake her toddler, Anastasia, from her hour-long nap on July 13. Abma said Anastasia was overheating in her bedroom and would 
    not wake up.

    “I had a gut feeling something was wrong,” Abma recalled. “I went upstairs and it was extremely hot. It was like a sauna in there. The curtains were closed and the windows were open and she was in the direction of the direct sun. Being that hot outside, even with the window open, it’s not circulation — it’s just heat.”

    Abma, a mother of two, dialed 911 and EMS immediately arrived, she said. Anastasia’s blood glucose level read below average, so first responders administered glucose liquid to raise the sugar in her body, according to Abma. Her body temperature reached 104 degrees Fahrenheit before EMS were able to cool the child down and she awoke minutes later, Abma said.

    According to, the temperature in Edmonton was at a high of 84.2 degrees Fahrenheit on July 13, the day Anastasia was affected by heatstroke.

    Abma said she does not have an air conditioning unit in her home, but noted that it had never been an issue until now.

    “This is her first summer in the house and I was unaware that bedroom got hotter than the rest,” she added.

    The EMS of Alberta Health Services responded to Abma’s call, she said. “Alberta Health Services EMS did respond to a call for Anastasia,” a spokeswoman told ABC News.

    Moments after EMS had answered Abma’s emergency call, Abma said she snapped a photo of her daughter in the middle the ordeal.

    “They [EMS] said, ‘You should probably share this with your family and friends,’ so they were there when I took the photo,” Abma said.

    The next day, Abma shared the image on Instagram to raise parents’ awareness of heatstroke dangers.

    “No it is not my fault this happened to her but it is hard not to blame yourself, this is a lesson learnt [sic] & hopefully other parents can take something from this & make sure you are checking the rooms in your house because thy [sic] can be as dangerous as a hot car,” Abma wrote on July 14. “Still I’m shook and I can’t imagine what would have happened if I didn’t go check on her.”

    Abma said she has received mixed responses on the post about her daughter. She also said that she invested in an oscillating fan and heat-resistant curtains since the incident.

    “People are [saying], ‘How are you so stupid that you didn’t know the bedroom was that hot?'” Abma said. “For every nasty comment, there’s something positive though. It has done a lot of good and I am glad that I shared it, despite the rude things that have been said. It is that hot and it’s going to be again. You hear about kids in hot cars dying daily, but to think this could happen in a bedroom … I can’t have someone else lose their baby and that’s why I shared [Anastasia’s] story.”

    Dr. Venkatesh Bellamkonda, emergency medicine specialist of Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, said indoor heatstroke is possible depending on the conditions.

    “Heatstroke is about being in a room or environment where the body temperature is forced to rise unnaturally,” Bellamkonda told ABC News. “It can be in a boiler room, in a greenhouse, it can be in front of the sun. Heatstroke might be something other than the person’s own body causing that temperature [to rise].”

    Bellamkonda said there are three different levels of heatstroke. The first is heat stress, where the body becomes uncomfortably warm. The second is heat exhaustion, where the body temperature rises above 100 degrees, water levels are decreased and the person begins to feel dehydrated and fatigued. And the final stage, the most dangerous, is when the body temperature rises to 104 degrees or above.

  9. OT cont'd:

    "THIS was my evening, this was the scariest moment I've had to imagine, THIS is severe heatstroke. There is nothing scarier than not being able to wake your baby up. THIS is clear proof a child doesn't need to be in the sun to get heat stroke. It took us 20 minutes to wake her up, when ambulance came, they came with investigators because they didn't know what to expect as did I. This was proof how fast things change. Anastasia put herself for a nap, I had no idea how hot her bedroom was until I went to wake her up soaked in sweat, red face, boiling and unable to wake her for 15 minutes, ambulance arrived faster then I could have ever imagined and took her sugars which were 1.2 and should be above 4, they administered sucrose and in minutes she started crying clearly scared. No it is not my fault this happened to her but it is hard not to blame yourself, this is a lesson learnt & hopefully other parents can take something from this & make sure you are checking the rooms in your house because thy can be as dangerous as a hot car. Still I'm shook and I can't imagine what would have happened if I didn't go check on her. We definitely had god on our side yesterday and I am thankful for emergency services and Jay who came as fast as possible to keep me together" ???????? #iloveyou #summertime

  10. ima.grandma


    she shows distancing language from her daughter.

    "No it is not my fault this happened to her but it is hard not to blame yourself, this is a lesson learnt & hopefully other parents can take something from this & make sure you are checking the rooms in your house because thy can be as dangerous as a hot car."

    It is mostly about herself. What she went through. What about her daughter.

    Parents will often blame themselves even in small accidents. When their son/daughter trips over a parent will blame themselves. Why didn't i watch them closer, why didn't i see the small stone etc..what they tripped over.

    She takes no responsibility.

    I suspect neglect.
