Friday, September 8, 2017

Law Enforcement Employment Analysis: Alex Wubbels


Employment Analysis, the principles of psycho-linguistic profiling allow heavily restricted employers to not only hire the "best and brightest" but to specifically avoid those who are most likely to trouble the company. 

 These are deceptive individuals who linguistically signal inappropriate intentions and motives in hiring.

 As far back as 2001, the Dept. of Justice showed that 40% of those who stole from their company planned the theft prior to hiring.  This statistic does not include theft by legalized exploitation:  the filing of a complaint against a company in which money is sought and granted, whether through the courts, insurance or by direct payout.  

It is the most popular form of theft in business today due to its success.  

Companies would rather pay out than have accusations of racism, various phobias, or other politically correct divisive issues brought to the public.  

 In Employment Analysis, an advanced form of Statement Analysis, the applicant's background, experiences, motive and dominant personality traits are recognized and analyzed. This allows for proper screening and gives the employer direction, with specific questions, for discernment. 

Contrary to politicians' hopes, companies do not illegally discriminate.  They want their bottom line to improve so they seek to hire the best and brightest.  There is no invisible nation wide conspiracy as politicians report.  

Appropriate and Inappropriate Motives 

The motive, in particular, is critical for employers to know. Money, experience, resume building and such are all "appropriate" motives. Statement Analysts who are new to Employment Analysis are often surprised to see how one with an illicit or "inappropriate" motive will reveal himself in his statement. An example of this is one who sees himself as a "victim" in life will bring this ideology into the statement and poses a risk to a company for filing a fraudulent suit against them, knowing how generous courts can be.

 Employment Analysis training is done after a solid foundation of Deception Detection is built, with entirely new parameters for its principles. 

Alex Wubbels in Context 

 War On Cops 

Beginning in earnest upon his first election, former United States President, Barak Obama, fired the first verbal shots against police as he was able to "read the heart" of a Boston police officer's motive as "racist." 

This set up year years of the ideology of anarchy, established upon deception, which resulted in attacks and deaths of law enforcement professionals, and viral hatred of police we have today. 

 The ideology was a conspiracy:   police everywhere hate black males and use lethal force against them whenever and wherever they can; including black police officers. 

 Somehow, law enforcement was able to secretly communicate one with another, all across the country, risking being found out, just to share a common goal:  seek out black males for arrest, harassment, assault and death.  They were somehow able to communicate this in all 50 states, and in all differing departments, and all without being caught or revealed. 

 Although criminal statistics showed to the contrary, politicians stoked the rage of the public and was carried by an eager main stream media. This same media today condemns President Trump for "cozying up" with law enforcement. 

 At its core of deception, it is hatred of authority. 

Authority is built into the world for our good, beginning with parents, and then on to teachers, and so forth.  

 When a Dunkin' Donuts employee can boldly refuse coffee to a police officer and receive media acclaim, the psychological warfare against law enforcement is successful.  Had this same employee refused to serve anyone else she would be publicly  condemned.  


 Besides law enforcement and their loved ones as victims, perhaps the next most impacted victim is the 12 year old black boy who is taught to fear, not respect, police, of which translates into hatred of authority.  As videos show him cursing at a police officer, they have abusively filled him with rage that  gives traction to the life path  that ends up in prison. 

 In a job where incessant fear of being attacked is suppressed, law enforcement experiences depression, substance abuse and a myriad of health issues and is compounded by low pay and even the necessity of moonlighting. 

 To have added national hatred from the top, including allowing the terrorist organization, "Black Lives Matter" to access the White House, Obama successfully parlayed deception into political capital. 

 The Ferguson Effect 

 Statistics show that black communities have become more dangerous due to the lies of "Black Lives Matter", where even logic itself  is called "racist." 

Under the "victim status" lie of racism,  police are less likely to use force on a black suspect than a white suspect which has only  emboldened criminals, especially in places where citizens cannot lawfully defend themselves.  This is evident in both statistics and what law enforcement reports in training.  Black officers are targeted as "betrayers" and white officers are fearful of responding. Hispanic officers know that if targeted by media, they will be reported as "white hispanic."  

Anything and everything they say is under extreme and unjust scrutiny.  

Body Cameras are needed, not just to protect the public, but the officers, themselves.  

 In Baltimore, the absurdity of politicians deception came to light for the nation to see. Single party rule for 50 years has worsened the community for Americans trying to earn a living in Baltimore and stay safe, even as the demands for money have been answered.  The problem is not in the money but is in the politicians' deceptions.  

 To understand this, listen to the short video here, or to the presentation of facts by Ben Shapiro (youtube) as he seeks to assist black communities in sharing the American dream by embracing personal responsibility and calling for more policing; not less, in their communities.   

 You'll see why agitating college professors, who call for boycotts and even violence against Shapiro don't  debate him. They leave that to their students.  They are the students' "champions" of whom free speech must be silenced.    


 This is important because it sets the context of which nurse, Alex Wubbels made headlines. It comes at a time (contextually) where the war against police is the norm in America.

 Law Enforcement professionals around the county twinge at the bad behavior of one, as politicians use the singular incident to exploit votes by portraying hundreds of thousands of police by the behavior of one. 

Politicians capitalizing on it for votes, increase hatred, which leads to heightened danger, including in normally safe communities. 

 Employment Analysis 

In Employment Analysis, the job is the primary context. This means that the criteria for hiring shifts the paradigms of Statement Analysis dependent upon the expectations of employment.  

What do we learn from Alex Wubbells?

There are several things we screen for in hiring law enforcement that are specifically related to the carrying of lethal force in authority.  

This is very different than a lawfully armed citizen who is permitted to use force only in self defense.  

The authority that rests in one who is to "enforce" laws, is phrased by the term:  "to protect and serve."

For most law enforcement professionals, this is not a job, but a calling.  It is who they are, within themselves.  At any given time, a "rotten apple" can provide the worst optics for an eager and waiting  narrative driven media. 

                               What do we screen for?

In a traffic stop, the driver is approached, from the rear, by someone who is carrying lethal force. 

This is a distinct situation in which trauma may be induced. 

The officer approaching the driver, from the rear, does not know if the driver is carrying lethal force, legally or illegally, and does not know the driver's intention, but knows the driver's hormonal response is elevated. 

This is a distinct situation in which trauma may be induced. 

It is an inescapable situation in which either party may experience significant trauma. 

When you add to this hormonally heightened tension deception the potential for harm, to either, is increased. 

This is what politician have done.  

The driver may now believe that the officer has evil intentions, reading the officer's mind just like the President of the United States did, especially if the driver's pigmentation is darker than others. 

The officer is now walking towards the unknown, considering whether or not this person is not only armed or intends to bring harm, but if this person has fallen victim to the psychological warfare of racist and anarchist views from the exploitative politician. 

Both driver and officer are in a now needlessly heightened state of hormonal response.  

When we are afraid, we sometimes act in ways we would not have had we not had our thinking clouded by fear. 

It is vital, therefore, that those chosen for employment to carry lethal force in authority be chosen on criteria that represents the best interests of all of us. 

To hire someone on the basis of pigmentation is not only arbitrary and  racist, it is illogical  dangerous.  

Screening for Law Enforcement 

We look for those who have "protect and serve" embedded into their DNA.  Specifically, we look for those who find emotional satisfaction in protecting others and in serving others. 

Consider these two elements very carefully. 

Protect is often easier to understand, yet still missed by many, while "servitude" has become a "sin" in the religion of "State" or "leftism" today.  

It is vital, therefore, to screen out those who:

Rather than protect, will exploit and those who

Rather than serve, demand respect.  

1.  Protection 

how can we tell in the interview if an applicant has "protection" in his DNA or personality?

The open ended "tell me about yourself" is the key.  We use this specifically in the written statement prior to the interview, where the applicant will tell us what is most important to him, for us to learn. 

If the applicant chooses to not use up the pages provided, we note the refusal to follow orders (see "Serve" below) but of those who follow the directions we find that they, like all of us, reveal themselves. 

With "protection" we seek not only the requisite courage, but we seek that which is the foundation of appropriate protection: 

human empathy.  

Does the applicant see the driver in the car, and consider how it must feel to be pulled over by someone with lethal force and the authority to take away freedom?

We must hear elements of human empathy as the appropriate motive behind protection.  

We do not want someone working out his or her deficiencies on the public.  We want those who feel for victims; even if the victim has brought circumstances upon himself.  

How do we get this information?

In different interviews, it is done in different ways, dependent upon the analysis of the written statement, but here is one way which is very successful:


A few years ago, a detective/analyst told me about a law enforcement official who urged him to watch a football video in which the quarterback was severely injured.  The official loved the video and talked about it incessantly.  He loved to see that which makes most people turn away due to the horrific pain felt.  It is something we explicitly screen out in hiring.  Regrettably, this official is known for making threats and attempting to use his position to intimidate.  It is who he is; weak and bullying.  He should never have made it beyond the interview.  

Sportsmanship is almost generationally gone from American sports but it remains key for properly discerning those who have true empathy for others.  

Sportsmanship is the name given to specific behaviors that have one thing in common:

respect for the defeated. 

Once one is defeated, the "game is over."  The defeated have lost and been conquered.  We now look to see what the response of the victor is towards the defeated. 

The defeated, humiliated and down, is positioned against the victor, proud and standing.  

Does he offer a hand to help him up?
Does he feel a touch of sadness amongst the exhilaration of victory?
Does he offer a handshake?  

Or wil he laugh?

or even worse:  sexual arousal over the infliction of pain upon others, including pets.  

This attitude is critical in hiring someone who will have lethal force carried, quite specifically, in authority over civilians.  

When we see sheer enjoyment along with taunts, ridicule, or any behavior and/or words which seeks to add to the defeated's pain or position of subordination, we are seeing "unsportsmanlike behavior" revealing a distinct lack of human empathy.  

This is not someone we should arm with lethal force in authority.  

This is the bad apple that is used to condemn the orchard.  

When a victor celebrates his victory, it is the unleashing of emotion greatly fueled in effort.  We don't seek the one who shows no emotion (this is unnatural) but one of whom there is a slight mix of emotion:  great jubilation with a touch of empathy for the loser.  

It is something taught in childhood.  

Consider the studies that showed the difference between citizens raised in the same locales, in the same socio-economic circumstances where one was incarcerated and one was not.  In what should have not been a startling find, researchers showed:

Both sets of children were taught, "Do not hit your sister" but those who ended up incarcerated lacked the follow up lesson:

"Don't hit your sister; it hurts her. "

The Rule of the Negative

That which is stated in the negative has higher sensitivity or importance in analysis because it has higher impact upon humans.  The young boy who is taught to show respect to his defeated foe, rather than taunt, is taught how to exercise self control.

In board games, little Johnny beat his sister but is told he is not allowed to make her cry.  It is not only wrong, but it hurts her.  

These lessons are invaluable. 

Domestic Violence 

I have interviewed countless victims and perpetrators of Domestic Violence. 

The common thread I found was the inability to not satisfy an impulse.  

In other words, the stronger male could not deny himself the satisfaction of "victory" in competition with his wife or girlfriend.  In the interview, I brought many of them back to school days and asked them to describe game playing and then on to sports.  

The lack of empathy, whether seen verbally or in unsportsmanlike taunts, was evident.  

Today we even have music that glorifies violence against women and to disagree with it is to be "racist."  

Think of a 10 year old boy who gives it "his all" in effort, hits the winning home run or scores the winning goal with a crowd cheering him on.  All of his ten years of emotion are built up to this joyous celebration of success.  

To get him to not add to the defeat, in anyway, only comes successfully in early training.  

I was once criticized for not allowing my son to overly celebrate his home run.  

He was 7 years old.  

The pitcher was crying.  

He was allowed to celebrate (release of emotion) but only to a point and we talked about the little boy who could not hold back his tears.  

One can compete strongly, while not losing control over his own self.  

The Need For Respect 

 Those who demand respect of their authority are weak, bring trouble, and never should have been hired.  They bully, threaten and intimidate because they enjoy it.  

This leads naturally to contempt, not just for this officer, but for every law enforcement official around him. Fellow officers are conflicted because they like to support each other, but they know the "loose cannon" of weakness when they see it.  They encounter it every day; they don't like seeing it in their home departments.  They know it threatens them all. 

  Seeing the bully in need of respect  approach their car, even a non trained person recognizes body language that lacks empathy for others.  His need for respect is acute and it is unwelcome.  

In the interview process, video of the quarterback injury can be used. 

What we look for is the "train wreck" response:  wanting to look away but not looking away out of curiosity.  

What we do not want is to see an expression of joy on the face.  Even worse is sexual arousal over violence; an element within rapists.  This is for another article.  

Protectors have this in their personalities;  they like to protect the vulnerable, sometimes even when the vulnerable are the bad guys.  

Consider the adrenaline maintenance of a high-speed chase.  The officers involved have elevated hormonal response that remains elevated for a significant amount of time.  The elevation is not just the chase; it is the inherent risk of one's own life at such speeds. 

While this commences, the officer instinctively knows that the suspect is risking citizens' lives and his own life. 

When he finally apprehends the suspect, the only thing that keeps him from beating the suspect under the hormonal state is the training that specifically targets pre-existing human empathy. 

Think of the stories of WWII vets who fought the Japanese in hand-to-hand combat, such as Eugene Sledge has reported.  

Consider what it would be like to be 20 years of age, extreme height of testosterone, crawl through a jungle for days on end, fearful each step taken, and to come upon a close buddy who is dead, tied to a tree, and has his genitals in his mouth.  

Picture this same soldier coming upon a wounded Japanese soldier, filled with rage and pent up hormonal tension.  

The only way the training of restraint can be successful is if the one being trained can retain his human empathy under the severest of tests. 

This is why hiring "the best and brightest" leads to more verbal deescalation than violence. 

It leads to our second point:  

2.  Serve 

how can we tell in the interview if an applicant has "servitude" in his DNA or personality?

The one who serves does not demand respect.  His service orientated countenance commands it.  

This is the officer who can hear any vile word thrown at him and not personally react. 

Training is successful only when working with one predisposed to strength; not insecurity.  

Insecurity plus lethal force equals abuse. 
Abuse destroys lives.
Abuse destroys police reputations.

The one who serves has a sense of humility.  He sees himself as the servant, not the master.  

He does not verbally demand respect; he commands it by the strength of his humility. 

He takes correction well.  He respects authority, therefore, he can exercise authority.  

This is why interviewing school teachers of prospective hires, even if it means a 30 minute phone call, is so valuable.  Here we learn the reaction to correction; inherent in school. 

The Weak Demand Respect; the Strong Command It

Alex Wubbels met someone who needed respect; not someone who respected others, his job, or authority in general.  His demand unmet, he resorted to bullying. Even when listening to his superior, Lt. Tracey, the escalation of demanding respect is evident. 

 It rose to the surface when tested and even the testing was not extreme, as in immediate aftermath of  high speed chase.  There was a cooling down period where reason was being used.  This logic went against the officer and emotionally, he could not handle this.  This is emotion over reason. He was condescending and showed that the argument, linguistically, was "personal."

He was told "no" and did not like it. He refused to talk to the hospital policy expert.  He was not speaking for law enforcement or policy or safety:  he was speaking about himself.  

First the officer's lieutenant's attitude likely impacted the  officer as well as helped escalate the situation:   

"I'm trying to tell you what I need legally. Your policy is right now contravening what I need legally...(he talks about getting a warrant, the proper legal way) and adds, "we should have a conversation with before I am told no no no no no no no no no" with the word "no" repeated 9 times.  

This is personal; not professional.  

This is not someone who takes lightly to being told "no", even when it comes from hospital officials.   He argued that his officer should be allowed to break the law and let the hospital seek civil remedy later.   

"I've done this for 22 plus years.  I know what the law is when it comes to search and seizure, alright?  

Later, he said, "my law."  This is not leadership that will produce service. 

This likely impacted the attitude in the department and specifically from the man-handling officer. 

The officer revealed his own personalty trait saying he was going to get revenge on the hospital in his position as a paramedic: 

"Moving forward I am going to take all the transients here and the good patients elsewhere."  

This weakness should have been seen, easily, in the interview process.  The hospital did not insult him personally, or even refuse him personally.  They had not issue other than to follow the law.  

The stronger the applicant, the more at ease he or she will be in situations of servitude that the job requires. 

The stronger embrace the lower position and do not consider it "beneath" them to politely answer someone raging at him or her.  This is why "servants" can deescalate dangerous situations  whereas the weak, flustered and with rising testosterone, heighten tensions.  

The officer in the Alex Wubbels video has been terminated from his part time paramedics job. It is not known what action, if any, his department may take. 

His need for respect was due to weakness. 

He does not represent police nationwide.  

Law Enforcement are underpaid and under-respected.  They were forced by politicians to change hiring standards which damaged them.  

Recently, an analyst said she did not wear her uniform when picking up her daughter to school. 

Does this even resemble our America?

Their work has always been almost impossibly difficult and to add in the national hatred has led to not only decrease in morale, but in resignations, lowered enforcement and increased danger to citizens, but also untold depression, suicidal ideation, self medicating and broken families.  

They deserve better. 

Alex Wubbels said she did not intend to sue the police; she only wanted them better trained. 

Given what she experienced, it reveals her own strength of character.  I hope she stays the course rather than yield to predatory offers.  

Law Enforcement must be without politics and funding for training must be a priority.  With proper screening, the appropriate cadets can be trained intensely and enforce our laws. 

America was founded upon the principles of laws; not lawlessness nor anarchy.  

There are nations where one cannot pick up a phone and have a police officer respond immediately.  

America needs to be thankful and show its appreciation for the men and women who serve and protect.  

It begins with our children.  

For Training for your department, Human Resources, or as individuals, please visit Hyatt Analysis Services.  


  1. "Moving forward I am going to take all the transients here and the good patients elsewhere."
    That right there is a terrible statement. Transients can be good people and good patients. People that can afford to pay and have great health insurance can be awful people and awful patients.

  2. OT: Eric Bolling accused of sexual harassment claims was laid off by Fox News Station

    "The news comes a month after HuffPost reported the host sent unsolicited lewd texts to female colleagues." - HP

    "A former co-host of Fox News' The Five, Bolling was suspended amid an investigation into reports he sent lewd text messages to coworkers at the network." - US news <--- This is the person's account that had made the story & claims by Eric Bolling

    Mr. Bolling even sent mssgs to male colleagues apparently

  3. Re: "Body Cameras are needed, not just to protect the public, but the officers, themselves."

    A couple of decades ago, the County of Sacramento installed high definition surveillance cameras in its jail facilities. The sheriff's union initially opposed the cameras but it was quickly revealed that they captured inmate misconduct MUCH more frequently than guard misconduct. In particular, inmates often attempted to injure themselves then blame the jail guards/police officers and the cameras proved what had actually happened.

  4. "This is why hiring "the best and brightest" leads to more verbal deescalation than violence. "
    when are they going to get that program started?

  5. @anon 12:13 9/11

    The Chronicles of Paul=loads of arguments.As good as grabbing the apple from the tree and chomping. Someone and Jim?


    The female Mayor of the town that last fake KKK letter was in, Cape Coral, got a beat down from her husband in public and is now standing up for herself on social media and said she wasn't responsible for him beating her and would people please quit trying to get her to take the blame. (Something like that, I don't remember exactly)

    Loads going on down there with the storm, the gay guy thing and the mayor.

  6. CSLewis

    “Atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning…”

  7. Off topic

    The first trial of one of Holly Bobo's accused killers has finally begun, six years after the young nurse went missing, with jurors hearing stomach-turning accusations of drugs, rape and murder.

    Zachary Adams, 33, took the defendant's chair in a Savanna, Tennessee courtroom Tuesday as the trial began six years after Bobo, the cousin of country music star Whitney Duncan, first disappeared.

    Prosecutor Paul Hagerman told the jury that Adams lived in a 'dark, dark world' of meth and morphine, and had abducted the nursing student from her rural home.

    Hagerman said that Adams drugged, raped and shot Bobo before discarding her body and bragging about it to friends.

    He promised that a co-conspirator would testify to Adams' role in the sick crime during the course of the trial.

    Adams has pleaded not guilty to kidnapping, raping and killing Bobo, who was 20 when she disappeared from her home in the rural town of Parsons on April 13, 2011. Her remains were found in woods in September 2014.

    Adams' defense attorney, Jennifer Thompson, said her client is not guilty.

    She said in her opening statement that authorities found no hair, fingerprints or DNA belonging to Bobo in a search of Adams' home before he was charged in 2014.

    The first witness called by prosecutors was Bobo's father, Dana Bobo, who recalled learning that his daughter had been abducted from a phone call at work.

    'Holly's been taken,' he recalled hearing through the phone.

    Holly Bobo's boyfriend Drew Scott, neighbor James Barnes, mother Karen Bobo, and brother Clint Bobo also took the witness stand on Tuesday to testify.

    Karen Bobo, asked to identify items in evidence including a sandwich she had packed for her daughter's lunch on the day she was kidnapped, fell faint on the witness stand and had to be attended by EMTs.

    Paramedics treated her and the trial resumed after a brief recess.

    Judge C. Creed McGinley moved the trial to neighboring Hardin County because of widespread attention it received closer to Bobo's home.

    The jury was selected Saturday. It is being sequestered.

    Adams faces the death penalty if convicted of first-degree murder.

    Adams' brother, John Dylan Adams, and another man, Jason Autry, also are charged with kidnapping, rape and murder in the case.

    Autry's attorney told the judge in February that there is no need to schedule a trial for him, raising the possibility that Autry could testify in return for a reduced charge. No trial date has been set for him or John Dylan Adams.

    McGinley has ordered Bobo's friends and family to refrain from wearing T-shirts or other displays of support in court.

    Bobo's brother told authorities he saw his sister walking away from their home with a man in hunting camouflage on April 13, 2011, the day she went missing.

    Investigators and volunteers scoured the town and surrounding pastures, barns, flowery fields and dusty back roads. Residents adorned lamp posts and store fronts with pink bows, symbols of hope. Pink became the color associated with Bobo because she was wearing a pink shirt when she disappeared.

    Adams' property in Decatur County was searched days before his arrest.

    God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a dead world. (The Problem of Pain)       C.S. Lewis

    I'm drawn to Lewis and his works. His writings have been instrumental in my recovery over the past year. 

    To those that will understand this admission: I lied in a comment I posted back in May '16. I lied to ease my guilt at not being there for my parents. I'm sorry Peter and to you, fellow posters.

  9. Ima who knew words would cure your countless ailments! What a blessing! Praise Jesus!

  10. Toronto June 2010 G20


  11. I'm not sure about interviewing teachers of prospective hires, particularly later in life. People can - and do - change their character after their school days. Religious conversion, going into recovery from alcohol or substances, simply realising that you don't want to repeat patterns your parents taught you, therapy, there must be other examples of how this is done.

    I'm also in two minds about the comments regarding enjoying pain, suffering or humiliation. Are you saying that people who enjoy "fail" videos all have questionable character?

    Also, there is a difference between a rapist, and a sadist. I defend the rights of people to do what they want, even if I think it is dangerous and damaging. Lock up / castrate / kill rapists. Leave consenting adults to do what they want in private.

  12. Ceri Black said...
    I'm not sure about interviewing teachers of prospective hires, particularly later in life. People can - and do - change their character after their school days. Religious conversion, going into recovery from alcohol or substances, simply realising that you don't want to repeat patterns your parents taught you, therapy, there must be other examples of how this is done.

    **all screened for in Employment Analysis -- its an advanced form of analysis and it takes quite a bit of time and experience --lots and lots of exposure to applicants in various settings

    we often find the "change" is a reverting to childhood lessons; re-embracing what was abandoned in late adolescence or early adulthood.


    I'm also in two minds about the comments regarding enjoying pain, suffering or humiliation. Are you saying that people who enjoy "fail" videos all have questionable character?

    ** No

    This is about a distinct lack of human empathy that employers learn leads to trouble.

