Sunday, February 16, 2020

Gannon Stauch: Change of Language: "Gannon" and "G"

The following was submitted by a law enforcement analyst. 

A brief introduction first--

the analyst is doing a single "snap shot" of the step mother's statement: Change of language. 

Language does not change on its own, but signifies a change of reality for the subject. 

For example: "My car broke down on I 95.  I got the vehicle towed to a service station."

You'll notice that the "car" turned into a "vehicle"--- context is key. 

We look for a justifiable or observable change in reality.  When it was being towed, it became a "vehicle"-- the driver (subject, speaker) will not pick up his "vehicle" but once it is working again, it will revert to being his "car." 

When we view social introductions and names, it is also context specific. 

The step mother of a boy she cared for should use the possessive pronoun "my"--- just as the Solomonic instinct is viewed in other cases. 

"We have a kidnapping" Patsy Ramsey ---this is contrary to the natural instinct of a mother to take personal possession of her young daughter while missing. Instead, Patsy used "we", sharing not ownership of the victim, but what she is dealing with. This can be further reviewed here at the blog or at the You Tube video.  

Tecia Stauch did not use the possessive pronoun "my" in the statements I have thus far reviewed.  

Here is the analyst's observations on the name change from "Gannon" to "G"--- 

We expect (natural) that "Gannon" could revert to a nickname, term of endearment, or shorter abbreviation.  It is when it is reversed that we find an increase in importance. "My son, Robert..." becomes "Bob" or "Bobby" naturally.  This is shorter and informal.  Should the writer return to "Robert", we must take notice.  

The name to nickname may also reveal the parent:

"Bobby loves to play and is in Little League.  Robert's grades are excellent."

Here, we find the reverse, from nickname to formal which the context reveals which activity is more important to the parent---school. 

Kids have long understood what it means when their parent uses their first name and middle name...attention needed.  

This professional is not associated with the case. 


"Saturday Night, G was helping me unload in the garage and cut his foot because there are a lot of tools because Albert does woodworking."
A couple of points: 

1.  Gannon vs. G

'Gannon' is used when he is being held up as the example we should strive for or when Gannon is safe and loved: 

1. praying endlessly to bring Gannon home safe.  Loved and cherished

2. To Gannon, please come home soon because your daddy is waiting to watch the new Sonic movie that comes out this week and the cool shirt I got you to wear to the theatre is in your closet. 

Loved and cherished

3. Let’s Do what Gannon would do. Be Kind to one another! an example to us all

4. Gannon would want everyone to get along and to focus on finding him. loved and cherished, an example of cooperation, etc

It changes to 'G' --- is this the common law of economy or has  Tecia's reality has changed in a manner not yet explained contextually: 

1. I would like to think that overall most people are genuine and want to do everything in their power to find G. 
followed by 

2. With that being sad, Please take a step back for a moment and let me explain to you a few details that were not released. 

Here's the change in reality: with that being said, there are other details pertaining to "G" that are by Tecia's own language not related to the loved and cherished Gannon, or the fine example set by Gannon; but pertain to this other person (in her verbalized perception of reality) of  whom we now know as 'G'

She wants to think that people would like to find "G"--- not that she thinks it, but "would like to..." 

'sad' vice 'said' - typo or leakage?

If the change to G occurred after the second sentence, that would be a suitable explanation; first we're talking about 'Gannon' the loved, cherished, and admirable then we're moving to what might be called the 'rest of the story' where the 'details that were not released' might alter Tecia's reality where Gannon, now 'G', is concerned.  

In a off-handed way, this is out of order information; not from a narrative perspective but from word choice as reflects reality.  This may suggest  that Tecia's perception of 'G' as shown in the perceived reality of her language has been 'G' from the start of this statement, which suggests a level of subterfuge as she presents us with 'Gannon', only to turn the corner to introduce us to 'G'

The first use of 'G' comes in the context of everyone's 'power' being directed towards finding him, which causes me to conclude matters related to his return or discovery (wherebouts, condition, who he's with, what he might tell authorities. etc) are sensitive to Tecia.  I don't have an opinion on whether Tecia caused his disappearance or harmed him in the context of the disappearance, only that this is sensitive territory for her.  It may be that his return would highlight her neglect or poor parenting, whether by his condition or by his actual words when interviewed. It also could signal that her treatment of him (as seen/heard in the video) caused him to leave the home. 

Use of the word 'power' might indicate her perception of the relationship she had with Gannon. 

 Perhaps he was difficult and a constant challenge to her power as a step-parent or adult. The power to impress your will on another?  

I'd need to see more information from her concerning her verbalized reality of their relationship. That she would characterize the efforts of those looking for Gannon in terms of 'power' warrants further exploration.  

Then we get to the next sentence: 

"Saturday Night, G was helping me unload in the garage and cut his foot because there are a lot of tools because Albert does woodworking."

1.  She doesn't state he cut his foot on a tool;   we are meant to infer this as the cause of the injury. This may speaks of self-preservation; she needs to provide context for an injury that absolves her of bad parenting or abuse or neglect; it was an accident because of the tools, which subtly also blames Albert. 

2.  Her level of sensitivity here is extreme; "because' appears twice in the same sentence.  She twice articulates the presence of tools; they are there on the floor, and they are there on the floor because Albert does woodworking.  She does not state the tools caused his injury. 

This is important to note. 

3.  Here he's not the angelic idealized 'Gannon'; he's the 'G' involved in the few details that were not released; the one who's connected with the concept of  'power'
An injury sustained by 'Gannon' would be accidental and unintentional; with an injury to 'G' we must understand contextually, per her own personal dictionary, it connotes impatience, frustration, etc.  all the normal things that come with dealing with an 11 year old boy from time to time.  

If Gannon bled in the garage, the police would likely find it and want an explanation. Tecia is anticipating the possibility of having to account for an injury on Gannon that would explain the shedding of blood.  This would suggest she anticipates him being found at some point, whether dead or alive.

Could this be why she stated online that an "accident" had taken place? 

Note it is my assumption that at this point in the investigation, police would have already searched her home and if there was blood found, would have already questioned her about it.  

As she doesn't explicitly state 'G' was injured by a tool or that he actually bled in the first place, Tecia may be preparing to account for an injury on Gannon's body, whether on his foot or somewhere else.  She hoping it will have been plausibly explained in her statement and as such, authorities will just move on past it.  

According to Tecia, we have a house with two adults and an 11 year old boy living in it.  The house is surrounded by a fence, the fence has a gate; the gate is lockable and the lock is actuated by a key.  The only key to the gate is maintained by the minor child in the house who, least more than twice, has gone to the gate in the context of being 'injured' in some way in the presence Tecia, after being bandaged up and deemed 'good to go'.  Very alerting. 

At the end we have a return to "Gannon"

That can be scanned for actual time verification. Last, from day one the Sheriff's office has known a description of the person/friend whom Gannon left with. 

Here we have Tecia actually characterizing the individual who potentially has her missing and unaccounted for stepson as a 'friend'. 

Friend of hers or friend of Gannon?

Gender Neutral noted. 

'a' description, not 'the' description of the person/friend. 

 Is she minimizing her knowledge, or her personal opinion, of who this person/friend is or might be?

If she is able to qualify this individual as a 'friend', then she has to have some idea who it is.  

Why is she holding back? 

Why the gender neutral? 

This language shows a neutral to positive linguistic disposition (protection of identity) towards the purportedly unknown person who has her stepson, who himself is in God-knows what condition, if he's alive at all.  

Per her own personal dictionary, her use of 'Gannon' vice 'G' indicates in her perception, 'Gannon' is presently safe with this person/friend and is actually better off that when he was 'G' with her. 

If you wish to study deception detection, please visit Hyatt Analysis Services.

Individual study as well as seminars for law enforcement, business, social services, etc.  


  1. A thought on: "I would like to think that overall most people are genuine and want to do everything in their power to find G."

    I. "most people" - Who are these other people that wouldn't want to find "G"? Herself? Anyone else?
    II. "are genuine" -- Is SHE not "genuine" in wanting to find "G"?
    III. "in their power" - L/E genuinely want to find "G" and are doing everything in their "power". Does she view LE as a "power"? Why the word power. Does she feel L/E has more power? How does the power of L/E make her feel?


  2. Thanks for sharing that. It is excellent work.

  3. Thanks for this very informative and interesting analysis. Is it possible she says G. instead of Gannon whenever she is not entirely truthful and/or talking about something she deems unlikely/undesirable (e.g. find G.)? Maybe she finds it easier to tell a lie/half truth without saying his name (because it makes it less specific?).

    The repeated reference to “gate” and “locked” and “key” could be subconscious hints at something hidden. A secret in the house. She also says “in your closet” (strange detail about the t-shirt) -> does she have a “skeleton in the closet”?

  4. This is excellent work and easy to follow.

    Is it also possible that she uses Gannon when her best interests are at heart and can be used to exemplify herself and when she uses G it's more negative including distancing (plus conditional comments) and minimising. could "Gannon" be positive for self interests and "G" where she lets slip her possible negative views?

    She says, "Last, from day one the Sheriff's office has known a description of the person/friend whom Gannon left with." Who gave the the Sheriff's office the description. There is also the leaving with a gender neutral person. Distance and sensitivity. Could "Gannon" be positive here because it in her mind cannot allegedly appear to be her fault as she was not with him at the time?

  5. “we did a hike on Sunday (cleared), and shopping on Monday ( cleared as well for him getting out of the other side). Please [don’t think] for a second that [there isn’t] enough of technology to determine [shadows] and [movement] around the truck.”

    She does not say Gannon was seen at the time she went shopping. In the negative she talks of shadows and movement around the truck. If he was clearly seen we expect she would say so, but she doesn’t. This tells us that he was not clearly identified. The simple statement would have been “he was seen on camera at the shopping mall”, she doesn’t say it.

    I believe the neighbour had them leaving the house on his security camera but only the stepmom returning.


  6. frommindtomatter said...
    “we did a hike on Sunday (cleared), and shopping on Monday ( cleared as well for him getting out of the other side). Please [don’t think] for a second that [there isn’t] enough of technology to determine [shadows] and [movement] around the truck.”

    yes she did not add (cleared) regarding the day he went missing.

  7. “There was also proof from my phone that we had taken a selfie in the truck in our driveway that was time stamped. We always send pictures to Albert when we are out and about or when he is away. That can be scanned for actual time verification.”

    The proof is not from her, but from her phone (“from my phone”). She does not use the pronoun “I” in this portion of her statement. She could have said “I took a picture” or “I have proof”, but she does not commit to her words and instead it is her phone which has proof.

    She says they “always send pictures to Albert” but does not say she sent the one she mentions. The listener may well conclude that she has done by her suggesting it is something they “always” do. She did not say that so we should interpret that she did. Note the proof is “from my phone”, if she had sent the picture to Albert then the proof would be on his phone too, but again she does not tells us that. If Albert had received this picture then he would have the time he received it in his phone as well as the picture itself, which is evidence in itself. She says of the picture:

    “That can be [scanned] for [actual] time verification.”

    The statement includes the extra word “actual”, it is not needed and if removed the sentence still functions perfectly well as shown below.

    “That can be scanned for time verification.”

    By including the word “actual” we know she is holding another thought, she is comparing one thought against another. She is thinking of two times, and comparing one of those times against the other. This leads to the use of “actual time” in her language. The question is what are those times? One explanation could be that she took a picture at a certain time and did send it to Albert, albeit at a later time. This would lead her to compare those two times in her mind and cause her to use the word “actual”.

    Another possibility is that she took a picture at a certain time, but altered the “time stamp”. She then produced this picture saying it was proof of another time. Here again we would have her comparing the time she would have altered the picture against the “actual” time it was taken.


  8. Question about the part about "praying endlessly" - could it mean that she thinks the prayers to find Gannon won't end because he won't be found?

  9. In my opinion it could. She chose the word “endlessly” as opposed to a word like “continuously”. Something which is endless has no limit as there is no point defined for it to stop. Something which is continuous carries on until it is interrupted.

    In context with the situation the praying can only go on until it is interrupted, which would be by Gannon being found. If Gannon was never found then the praying would be endless as it could never stop.

    Continually praying for something would indicate a belief in the prayer being answered, whereas “endlessly” praying suggests the person praying believes the opposite. That their prayer must go on forever as it will not be answered.


  10. Gannon is the person separate (literally and figuratively) from her: the one with whom she isn't interacting and is idealized because he isn't present to dispel the myth she's crafting about how much he's cared for; he's literally not present. G is the one she actually interacted with and dealt with. For her, he's G, for the rest of the world he's Gannon. If Gannon is deceased, then he'll always be Gannon to everyone.

  11. O can't not do s search for the video of her torturing that little boy or o will just freaking lose it for this month. Uggggggg


  12. Regarding her need to explain in advance why Gannon's blood was found in the garage:

    If Gannon REALLY cut his foot on a tool in the garage and was not already dead, he could tell the police himself about his cut foot when he is located. This suggests that she knows he can't tell the police about cutting his foot because either he didn't cut his foot or he is dead

  13. I saw your recent video on the Madeleine McCann case. I'm curious about the political motivations of the parents supporters. There were allegations of involvement of important political people in this matter. Can you tell if someone is saying something based on blind faith in a cause?

  14. OT:
    Amber Alert is issued for 15-month-old Tennessee girl who was not reported missing for two months

    The Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office began investigating the disappearance of Evelyn Mae Boswell on Tuesday, after the Department of Children’s Services reported the child as missing.

    Evelyn's last sighting was two months ago, on December 26, 2019, according to a press release from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.

    Sheriff's Captain Andy Seabolt said at the outset of the investigation, Evelyn's case did not meet the criteria required for an AMBER Alert, but after conferring with TBI, the alert was issued on Wednesday, reported WJHL.

    Officials worked through the night and into Thursday following on leads as part of the search for the toddler.

    'Right now we’re not sure of her exact location,' Seabolt told the station WCYB. 'It could be anywhere from what we know.'

    He added that investigators are trying to determine why Evelyn was not reported missing earlier.

    The news station reported that the toddler's mother and father are involved in the investigation.

    The child's biological father, Ethan Perry, who is an active-duty US Army soldier stationed in Louisiana, posted a brief status update addressing his daughter's disappearance on Wednesday: 'I’m currently working with authorities trying to find Evelyn. I can’t say much more than that at the moment.'

    Many Internet sleuths and Facebook commenters have raised questions about Evelyn's mother, Maggie Boswell, who has not spoken out publicly about the toddler's disappearance.

    Her most recent post, dated November 3, 2019, consisted of a photo of Evelyn sitting on a bench; the same image is now being used by TBI to look for the toddler.

    Boswell welcomed Evelyn on November 21, 2018, becoming a teen mom.

    In September 2019, she posted a touching tribute to her baby daughter, then aged 11 months: 'I'm not the best mom in the world, but I try so hard for this little beauty. I can't even explain the love I feel for her, and i know she loves me too.

    Lately my lifes been really sucky but she'll come reach for me and say "mom mom" and my heart melts and I'm reminded of her unconditional love. You can say whatever you want about me being a young mom, but I promise you my life is so much better with this angel.

    My life wasnt ruined when I had her, she gave me a purpose and a reason to wake up everyday and to better myself. Theres no love like the love from your child!'

    Neither Boswell nor Perry have been accused of any wrongdoing in connection to the disappearance of their daughter.

    Evelyn is described as 2 feet tall and weighing 28lbs, with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was last seen wearing a pink tracksuit, pink shoes, and a pink bow.

  15. Your blog has been linked to a reverse speech pattern on Youtube. It's somewhere between Mommiemadness and psychic readings.

    You've gone big time!
