Sunday, February 2, 2020

Missing: Gannon Stauch

Analysis forthcoming


"Ok I took care of Gannon for the past 2 years in our home because his mother didn't want to do it..."

And I would never never ever hurt this child...and I know there are some questions out there about..."

Interviewer, "So OK tell me what happened..."

"But that's up to the investigations when they end up letting you guys know...
But I've cooperated with them, even to the point that we were held by a gun, and my daughter, a 17 yr old who serves our country in the United States Air Force , who has never committed a crime or done anything wrong in her life , was put in hand cuffs over the keys that was in her purse so they could take her car...and they weren't even in her purse, they were in my pocket...

I didn't know it was a law enforcement officer because when he came out, I guess he was putting his jacket on and it wasn't necessarily his fault, he was adjusting and he happened to catch me, but I saw the gun and I panicked originally and kinda thought oh gosh ,I got...whose this guy and then once I realised it was the sheriffs office I was totally okay but they still had a gun and told me they were gonna shoot me...but I was really concerned about my daughter asking why she was being detained in handcuffs and things like that...when that shouldn't even happen for a child that shouldn't happen for someone who is standing inside of a store shopping because we couldn't have any clothes because all of our clothes were here, if we came here and got clothes ya know we would be harassed and so she went to purchase some underwear and things like that and was put in the handcuffs in the store, And ya know then she was brought out with me and the guns, and that's just not okay, ya know they could have approached me and said 'Hi, I'm with Pasco County can I please...instead of the way that it happened..."

Um, I think that a lot of people can see that I'm not missing, and see that I am being cooperative, and, but, to me it's okay that they think those things because my, the way someone thinks about me, I don't have a problem with that. My main thing is I would never want someone to think that I hurt Gannon or any of the children in our home cause that's just not the case. I've spent my whole entire life working so hard in education, um, there's even things online that was talking about my education license and I shouldn't even be a teacher, and they just didn't know that. Like, we moved on a military move, and I didn't finish out my contract so, I gave up my license in that state. Um, it had nothing to do with any criminal activity you know, or any of those things, and it just got blown out of proportion on my professional status you know and... "

"Secondly, I'm going to be so ecstatic when I am able to say to people that I hope they have a really sincere apology for all of these theories that have came  out online, for ALL of the things that they say that I have done, or people have done, and I just want everyone to know that we are going to find Gannon, and I love him so much, and I have been taking care of him for so long."

The reporter then asks her to tell him a little bit about GS.

"He was always so helpful with the dogs, " "He was always the person I could say, Gannon, could you go do this, and he would go do it right away…"


  1. There are some transcription errors above. Stepmom is a very fast talker.

  2. I = interviewer, T = Tecia, H = Harley

    Transcript Part 1

    I: Uh, You are
    T: I am Tecia Stauch, which is Gannon’s stepmother. Wearing sunglasses, facing away from camera.

    I: Uh. You’ve been a part of the investigation since the very first time you were the last person to see him. Is that right?
    T: Correct

    I: Uh, what, what did you see when you last saw him?
    T: Well, I’m not allowed to talk about anything with the case. I would moreso be, willing to talk about how the community needs to have faith and continue to work together and not make these false accusations, like the things that have been said - that I disappeared - from the community. I haven’t been there to help, but there’s lots of reasons behind that.

    I: Uh, reasons like death threats. Right?
    T: Right. Death threats are one of them. My family is getting lots of death threats. We counted over 20 some, death threats already. Um, two, my husband’s ex-wife is living in our home and of course I’m not coming home, to do these things. And to help with the family, when I was kind of like, told, I couldn’t. Um. And then, many other things that happened with the El Paso County Police Department, you know. And then, doing the investigation, I was told I wasn’t complying. And i- Can I elaborate on that?

    I: Please do.
    T: Yes. So, I asked for a attorney during the interview. Ah. And, I was denied that by them. I was held, because they were blocking the door, and I was told I couldn’t leave, and that if I would have touched them, they would have probably, you know, said I still wasn’t complying, or said I was, you know, trying to run away or something but; during the interview I asked several times could I stop the interview, could I get an attorney, could I stop the interview, could I get a- an attorney. I was denied. I was told I couldn’t get nothing to drink. I couldn’t go to the bathroom. I mean, it’s continuously, that my constitutional rights were violated.

    I: And, that’s why you, say that they said then, you weren’t cooperating.
    T: That’s why they said I wasn’t cooperating at that time. Correct.

    I: And, why did you ask for an attorney at the time?
    T: Well, I asked for an attorney at the time because there was one individual, er there was two, really good detectives, and so I’m not, you know, going to talk bad about detectives, but the tactics they started to get when I would answer questions they try to, you know. They’re detectives, they’re supposed to twist. Their one main goal is to find Gannon. But, during that time, some of those things made me feel uncomfortable, the way they were saying things. So I immediately stopped and it felt like, felt like an attorney would help me with some of the vocabulary and things like that, that I needed help with, in understanding some of the things that they were asking.

    I: I’m going to shift gears, to, what has become a huge online presence of people
    T: Right

    I: Obviously trying to do the right thing
    T: Mm hm

  3. Transcript Part 2

    I: Help find Gannon. But at the same time sometimes it just feels like (unintelligible). Have you seen any of those comments yourself?
    T: We have. And, see, that’s one of the main things we haven’t, uh, been around in the public eye because we did- I didn’t want to expose my family to it if all these things were going on. You know, there was comments about Gannon getting pushed off (looks awar from interviewer), the hike, and there was comments about this. And that’s just not true. I took care of Gannon for the last 2 years in our home because his mother didn't want to do it. And I would never never ever hurt this child. And I know there are some questions out there about, okay, so tell me what happened. That's up to the investigations when they end up letting you guys know, but I've cooperated with them, even to the point that we were held with a gun; and my daughter, a 17 year old who serves our country in the United States Air Force , who has never committed a crime or done anything wrong in her life , was put in hand cuffs over the keys that was in her purse, so they could take her car.

    I: And they weren’t in there
    T: They weren't even in her car, I mean, in her purse.

    I: And you
    T: They were in my pocket.

    I: You originally didn’t even know it was the, um, law enforcement, officer at this point?
    T: I didn’t know it was a law enforcement officer, because when he came out; I guess he was putting his jacket on and it, it wasn't necessarily his fault, he was adjusting and happened to catch me; but I saw the gun and I panicked originally and kind of thought oh gosh, I got to- Who is this guy? And then once I realized it was the Sheriff’s office I was totally okay, but they still had a gun and told me they were gonna shoot me. But I was really concerned about my daughter asking why she was being detained in handcuffs, and things like that, when that shouldn't even happen for a child. That shouldn't happen for someone who was standing inside of a store shopping, because we couldn't have any clothes because all of our clothes were here. If we came here and got clothes, you know, we would be harassed; so she went to purchase some, underwear and things like that and was, put in the handcuffs in the store. You know, and then brought out with me and the guns, and there was- That's just not okay, you know. They could have approached me and said Hi, I'm with El Paso County. Can I please get this, instead of the way that it happened.

    I: I’m just going to check our time. You’re doing great. (checks camera) I, I should try and clarify here. Not necessarily crime rates, but; the way that people are reacting online to rumors about you at the source.
    T: Oh, oh yes. Wow. The rumors have gotten so bad. Um. I pretty much have been told, at least ten different ways, that these people have these conspiracy theories. I guess they watch a lot of law shows and maybe they have all these theories on, how, um, Gannon is dead. And that’s what they’re saying. So, I’m like why are you saying Gannon is dead. He is not dead. We are going to find Gannon. And that’s the main goal that we all have. My family has. Just because you haven’t seen us, we have that same goal. We’ve been out searching. My, Aunt has been out searching. My family has been out searching. We all have been doing that together, so that we could protect each other.

  4. Transcript Part 3

    I: How does it feel, when not only you have a lost child, you are in care of, but then people blaming you for that child not being here?
    T: You know, I, I’m just ready for Gannon to come home. Most importantly, for him to see his family, but second, I am going to be so ecstatic when I’m able to say, to people that I hope they have a really sincere apology for all these theories that have came out online. For all the things they said that I have done, or people have done. I just want everyone to know that, (moves head side to side) we’re going to find Gannon. And I love him so much. I helped taking care of him for so long.

    I: Can you talk to me a little bit about him? I don’t know him.
    T: Gannon is so kind and - he loves to play video games. That’s one of his favorite things, he loves Sonic, and Mario and, you know. He’s always helpful - I and I- he was always so helpful, with the dogs, around the house, and we have two Loki(?) dogs. And he was always like a person I could say, Gannon, can you go do this, and he would do it right away. You know, sometimes with kids, we have to remind ‘em and things like that, and that’s ok, but, he was so sweet and able to help anyone; he could notice when you’re sick, and say, are you ok, and – such a kind heart.

    I: Um. I know you just said that you can’t say anything about the investigation, so you can just say so again if you can’t answer this, but, is there anything we can hear about the hike? Was there a hike? You don’t, like just, it seems irreverent right now.
    T: You know what? Um (looks away from interviewer). Could we bring uh, my daughter up here, ‘cause she can per- She can go and say that, you know, she came home, from work, after the hike, and she can verify that Gannon was at our home.

    I: OK, yeah. That’s fine with me. Eh, if she doesn’t want to that’s ok but you’re allowed to...
    T: That’s fine. I need Harley. I need Harley. ‘Cause they want you to verify was Gannon home after the hike. ‘Cause you didn’t go to the hike but you came home from work. Hm?
    H: Do you want me to say that-?
    T: No. Just answer the question yes. Y-, you came home from work. And you can verify Gannon was at home. Yeah. I told her she didn’t have to be too in depth ‘cause she is still, you know, a child. But I want to make sure that someone knows that there’s another, person to verify that Gannon.

    I: Sure
    T: Does she need to hold this?

    I: No.
    H: Yes, so I came home, later that evening. I was at work and I can verify that he was there that night. Sniff.

    I: So, there, there was a hike that you guys went on. But, then, you guys came home.
    H: Yes.

    I: Where’d you guys go hiking?
    T: Garden of the Gods

    I: Garden of the Gods. OK. Um. I guess we-
    T: And then we ate Burger King afterwards. So. You know. Ahuh.

    I: There you go.
    T: Yeah.

  5. Transcript Part 4

    I: Um. And then it just, was I’m gonna go to go play at a friend’s house.
    (video jump – Harley has left – interviewer asks same question to stepmom alone)
    And then it was just, ah, uh, I’m off to go to play at a friend’s house.
    T: Unfortunately I’m not able to, like comment on that anymore. And, for that reason is ‘cause some things have been turned and twisted and- You know, that was one of those stories you were talking about where people say things, um. We had to hear things like, who would let their child go out at dark. And, and things like that, and that- And that’s just why I don’t want to answer that. Um. If I had to give- n- I’m not going to say that part.

    I: That’s OK.
    T: Never mind.

    I: It’s alright.
    T: You can take that out.

    I: I understand that it, it gets tricky with (unintelligible)
    T: Yeah.

    I: Sigh. Do you feel like I asked you what I need to? Do you feel like this is going to help, kinda, turn the tide of, what feels like a witch hunt, in my opinion?
    T: I hope. Is, am I on camera now?

    I: You are still.
    T: Ok. Ok. Um, I think that a lot of people can see that I'm not missing, and see that I am being cooperative, and, but, to me it's okay that they think those things because my, the way someone thinks about me, I don't have a problem with that. My main thing is; I would never want someone to think that I would hurt Gannon, or any of the children in our home ‘cause that's just not the case. I've spent my whole entire life working so hard in education, um, there's even things online that was talking about my education license and I shouldn't even be a teacher, and they just didn't know that. Like, we moved on a military move, and I didn't finish out my contract so, I gave up my license in that state. Um, it had nothing to do with any criminal activity, you know, or any of those things, and it just got blown out of proportion on my professional status you know and-

    I: Do you feel like these are just internet detectives who think they know what they’re doing?
    T: It definitely is, and you know, here’s the thing that kind of saddens me. It’s like, if you’re gonna talk about someone like that, have a witch hunt out for them, why would you even care, like, about doing those things because this is a child. You’re telling me that you’re just as mean. You’re just as hateful to talk about someone else like that. That’s how I feel. Like, we just should not. We should all come together. Wait until the end and, and see what happens, because Gannon’s going to come home.

    I: Any message for Gannon?
    T: The message for Gannon I have is, Gannon, when you get here, you’ll be able to truly tell what happened. And then I really hope, I get a sincere apology from everyone who has made all those things, especially for my husband.
    (video jump – Interviewer is no longer visible)
    T: We just wanted to add a message to Gannon from my family, is that we love you we miss you and we want you to come home soon. Sniff. And Gannon I can’t wait you can, come home and let everyone know that you’re ok. We love you.

  6. ...he was so sweet... a; he could notice...

  7. Talks about Gannon in past tense. She knows he is dead.

  8. She took care of him for two years ... she helped taking care of him for so long...

    She is done taking care of him.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. ^^ Those words were from the interviewer.

  11. “I would never never ever hurt this child”
    An unreliable denial from Tecia Stauch. Over emphasized use of “never” to persuade the viewers. She could not bring herself to say Gannon’s name.

    There was no need to demean Gannon’s birth mother when stating that she was Gannon’s caretaker for two years. Tecia is portraying herself as a victim or target of unfair accusations instead of a concerned parent. She calls her teenage daughter over to the interview to validate her, but “coaches” her on what to say beforehand.

    No real concern about what Gannon might be suffering. Tecia is more concerned about herself and her situation concerning “death threats.”


    Another statement from Tecia:

    "I wanted to give everyone an update: I'm sorry if I haven't been able to write you back. We don't have any new updates today. We do know that he was at a store last night in Colorado but the camera did not pick up the car. Albert left his training and just landed. From point A to B was not possible by foot according to the time of camera A and B; therefore, he had to be in a car. We don't know with who or why because he wasn't old enough to have friends with a car that anyone was aware of. The national guard has activated public affairs officers and are working with the county police. They will upgrade it to a missing child today."


    "I'm sorry" and another past tense reference.

  13. "it" will be upgraded to a missing child

  14. More comments from stepmom shared here:

    Update: Elpaso County is going to make a public announcement.
    My husbands unit (public affairs) will be working with them as well.
    We do not have anything other than he was the store in fountain and there was no camera view of the car. We are 99 percent sure he was on Academy last night according to some pictures.
    He did not go to school today.
    Nor have we heard from him.
    Thank you everyone!

    This happened at after 3:30
    We talked to him then and told him to be home by 6
    He had to go to doctor for his stomach
    But he was here in the afternoon
    Honestly I don’t keep up with friends
    Albert lets them walk around the neighborhood
    I never did that with Harley so i don’t have any of their number.
    Albert had them

    I was told the Denver station who records had replay issues for the “Too Gannon” video. I wanted to write some instead. SEARCH PARTY lets remember analyzing past tense words and why people don’t cry a certain way does not mean a person has no emotions. Some people are private or silent cry and I was very upset that a majority of my search efforts were decreased through all the nonsense. I love Gannon, he is amazing, he is silly and kind. I have cared for him to last two years like he is my very own and because I wanted to. It does hurt that my participation was henered because of all the nonsense. It does hurt with all the false accusations. We are human and these comments that some make are th reason we have hate in the world and those will be the very same people who will show hate on this thread. Gannong does not like hate. Gannon was so happy on the hike and to eat his favorite place at Burger King.

    We had a good talk about how he was thankful to live in Colorado and to have three loving parents. He talked about his switch and buying items for his baby sister. So take my emotions how you want because I am not crying. The truth is, I cried and cried but the weight of the world hits because so many people have opinions and names to call. On Monday, he was happy to stay at home and he did have a doctors appointment. I called the nurses line and worked on a remedy. Please stop making assumptions. Actions are big but sometimes a person’s heart loves and shows it differently. I’m sorry if you think that my hurt wasn’t good enough. But my love and care taking was. We say we love each other every single day. I would ask that people stop with the guilty stuff because Gannon doesn’t have a single family member who isn’t filled with joy and love. Share love and know that accusing someone is detrimental to their life and it wouldn’t be something that Gannon will like. He was sweet and loving and I love him so much. Please come home!


    I'm surprised she hasn't blamed Burger King for his stomach.

  15. Anonymous: February 3, 2020 at 2:50 PM

    "^^ Those words were from the interviewer."

    Thanks for pointing that out I removed the post. I had a serious case of brain fade there lol :)


  16. I and I- he *was* always so helpful, with the dogs

    "Gannon is dead" x2

    RIP 'lil fella. You didn't deserve yr fate.


  17. "I would never never ever hurt this child"

    Where there is a "This" there's a "That" - would she/has she harmed other children?

  18. OT:

    Streatham terrorist's father: 'I told him not to be naughty'

    The father of Streatham terrorist Sudesh Amman has told Sky News he spoke to his son a day before the attack and told him "not to be naughty".

    Faraz Khan, who left the UK three months ago, said he learned about his son's death through a cousin who messaged him.

    Amman was under police surveillance when he stabbed two people in south London while wearing a fake suicide vest before he was shot dead by officers.

    I spoke to Sudesh one day before he passed away. I didn't know he had become radicalised," said Mr Khan.

    Strong denial.

    He said his son spoke to him about religion and Islam: "He was reciting the Quran to me and he was translating that to me.

    He's never spoken to me about these kind of things. He would never talk to me about naughty things.

    "I heard they found a lot of things and I saw them on the news, but I never thought he would go this far"

    Mr Khan said he had "nothing bad to say about him" and described Amman as "a very calm and very good boy".

    "He got angry," he laughed. "Nothing else."

    The 20-year-old from Harrow, northwest London, had been released from prison in January after serving time for spreading extremist material.

    Amman was jailed for possessing and distributing terrorist documents in December 2018.

    He had been staying at a bail hostel near the south London area of Streatham where he carried out Sunday's attack.

    Mr Khan said he never visited his son when he was in prison, and was "shocked" when he found out about the stabbings.

    "He never talked to me about things like that. He said when his mother came to see him she brought him food - that's the kind of things he talked about."

  19. Search intensifies for 11-year-old Colorado boy Gannon Stauch missing for more than a week

    COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. -- The search has intensified for an 11-year-old boy in Colorado who has been missing for more than a week.

    The FBI is assisting multiple agencies and volunteers in searching for Gannon Stauch.

    "I'm begging, I'm pleading, if anybody has any type of lead, put yourself in my situation," his mother, Landen Hiott, said.

    She begged everyone to stay vigilant, as Gannon requires special medication.

    His stepmother, Letecia "Tecia" Stauch, was the last one to see him on Jan. 27. She said Gannon Stauch left to walk to a friend's house.

    However, neighbor Rockerick Drayton said he searched through his home surveillance video as the search intensified. Drayton said the video showed Letecia and Gannon Stauch get into a red pickup truck in the driveway of their home around 10:15 a.m. About four hours later, the truck returns to the house and Leticia Stauch gets out of the vehicle alone.

    The El Paso County Sheriff's Department has a copy of the video, but a spokesperson cautioned the video was only one part of the investigation.

    "This is just one piece in a very, very, very large puzzle," spokeswoman Jackie Kirby told ABC News Tuesday morning.

    Drayton said he showed the video to the boy's father Sunday.

    "He just broke down crying and said, 'she lied. She lied about the time. He didn't go to a friend's house,'" Drayton said.

    Leticia Stauch denied having anything to do with the boy's disappearance and said her family has received death threats since the boy's disappearance.

    "I took care of Gannon for the last two years in our home. I would never, never, ever hurt this child," Stauch said.

    Authorities on Monday night searched a new area about 10 miles from where the boy vanished, but heavy snow complicated efforts.

  20. What was Tecia's "remedy"?

  21. I don't know if you have heard, but police got a video from a neighbor and went back to the Stauch house yesterday and removed a ton of evidence and took the car

  22. Stepmom deception:

    I: Uh, what, what did you see when you last saw him?

    T: Well, I’m not allowed to talk about anything with the case. I would more so be, willing to talk about how the community needs to have faith

    “Well” is a pause for thought as she searches for words. She then tells us “I`m not allowed to talk” which suggests she is being restricted by a higher authority, but she doesn’t say who. If she had said “I have been asked” or “I have been told” to remain silent by the Police she would make it clear to us why she can’t answer the question. She can avoid telling a direct lie by saying “I am not allowed” and not connecting it to anyone. It is likely she is the one not allowing herself to talk about the case.

    That her opening words are deceptive is revealed by the words that follow. In keeping with her first statement I expect her to say “but I am allowed” or “I can talk about” other things. In her next sentence she introduces the word “willing”, she says ““I would more so be, [willing] to talk about”. This is not in harmony with her previous statement. She is saying “I would be more willing to talk about”, which shows us she is making a comparison against what she is not willing to talk about. The only other thing she has said is “I`m not allowed to talk” so we deduce this is what her comparison is against. This reveals her first statement is a lie, and she lied as she was asked something she was not willing to talk about. She is the higher authority who is restricting herself in what she can say but she wants us to believe otherwise. She wants us to fill the blanks in for her and assume it is the Police who have told her to be silent.


  23. Well, here's a disturbing update.


  24. I: And, why did you ask for an attorney at the time?
    T: Well, I asked for an attorney at the time because there was one individual, er there was two, really good detectives, and so I’m not, you know, going to talk bad about detectives, but the tactics they started to get when I would answer questions they try to, you know. They’re detectives, they’re supposed to twist. Their one main goal is to find Gannon


  25. What I find intriguing is she personalizes and humanizes, Gannon. Usualy we see distancing language omitting names.

    I think she says his name 15 times in the interview, 14, openly, and once paroting back from the journalist.

    I did notice the change in language from Gannon to "child"


  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Well, here's a disturbing update.

    Thankfully the news team did some research in the neighborhood and uncovered this evidently incriminating footage of stepmother, even before LE.

  27. When the stepmom is asked about Gannon by the interviewer,

    I: “Can you talk to me a little bit about him? I don’t know him.”

    She chooses to include in her language the below:

    “You know, sometimes with kids, we have to remind ‘em and things like that, and that’s ok, but, he was so sweet and able to help anyone; he could notice when you’re sick, and say, are you ok, and – such a kind heart.”

    She generalises her statement saying “with kids” and “we have to remind em” which avoids directly connecting her words to Gannon.

    “we have to remind ‘em and things like that” – Again she omits what kids need to be reminded of but it would be a safe guess that she means that they need to know their place with reminding meaning telling them off. She adds to the act of reminding and tells us “and things like that”. She is saying there are other things that are like reminding, there are other things connected to telling a kid off. I can guess what she is alluding to although she won’t say it, (physical punishment). It is interesting she said “we” have to remind them as opposed the “you” which is more commonly used when generalising. It seems that she wants to group herself with others (the general public) when speaking.

    She then minimises/ negates her previous words with the word “but” and follows it with “he was so sweet”, with the word “so” being included as a need to convince. He wasn’t just sweet, but “so” sweet. Of course the glaring past tense use of “was” stands out suggesting in her mind his sweetness was a thing of the past.

    In her statement we expect the focus on Gannon who is missing and in danger. She chose to include language related to the punishment of “kids” and was distant in its use by generalising he words. When thinking about Gannon her mind moves to punishment which is worrying in light of all the other statements she has made.


  28. Harley after being coached by her mother gives the brief statement below:

    H: Yes, so I came home, later that evening. I was at work and I can verify that he was there that night. Sniff.
    He first word is the not the pronoun “I”, instead she precedes it with the word “so” which is a word which speaks to justification of an action and is a highly sensitive word. When someone has to justify their actions we know they have sensitivity to them. Why did she come home? She doesn’t say the expected “I came home after work” or something similar.

    “So” is also a word of comparison. If someone says “It’s not [so] bad” they are comparing the situation against another one which is not as bad.

    In structure she separates coming home later that evening and I was at work. The simplest sentence would have been something like – “When I got home from work Gannon was there”. I believe her when she says “I was at work” as it is a strong statement, but she does not connect it to coming home later that evening by using the law of economy in her statement.

    I expect Harley to start her statement with the pronoun “I” and say “I came home”, but she didn’t as her mind in a millisecond sent the word “so” to her mouth instead. It is possible she is justifying coming home which is not necessary unless it is sensitive to her, or she is comparing what she is saying with something else.


  29. This narcissist step mother has no concern for the boy. She doesn’t even know when to shut up. Obvious coaching to her daughter.

  30. Um, yeah...

    We are human and these comments that some make are the reason we have hate in the world and those will be the very same people who will show hate on this thread. Gannon does not like hate. Gannon was so happy on the hike and to eat his favorite place at Burger King.

    Share love and know that accusing someone is detrimental to their life and it wouldn’t be something that Gannon will like.

    How stilted and robotic, like a Dick and Jane primer. Clearly Tecia went and read somewhere about SA after verbal interview; or, at minimum, that she should be using his name; because none of this constant repetition of his name sounds normal either.

  31. Is that you, Terri Horman? This case brings back memories of Kyron´s disappearance. :(

  32. "Ok I took care of Gannon for the past 2 years in our home because his mother didn't want to do it..."

    Gannon disappeared while the stepmother ‘took care’ of him yet she finds it appropriate to cast his biological mother, who she must know is distraught, in a negative light.

    She’s not saying she took care of Gannon because she wanted to, rather because his mother didn’t want to “do it”, so from the off, things don’t sound great for Gannan - the same might apply for his sibling.

    “for the past two years” - maybe she was counting the days.

    “In our home” are extra and unnecessary words. No-one expected that she ‘took care of Gannon’ in a parking lot.

    “Our home” - rather than in his mother’s home? Gannon maybe did not feel quite at home in his father and stepmother’s home - the stepmother had an issue with Gannon “in our home” - she makes him sound additional to the home, rather than part of it.


    The stepmother has since said that she took care of Gannon because she wanted to - that’s not what she said in the interview. She’s manipulative in saying what Gannon would and wouldn’t like.

  33. I took care of him for the past two years . . . in our home . . . because his mother didn't want to . . . He, not Gannon, was in - her home, not his. was . . . was . . . was . . . She finds use of using Gannon's name or simply using references to him to avoid answering questions. I would like to know if her relationship with Al was on the fritz - so she took it out on Gannon. She wasn't losing "her" house.

  34. her BS about Gannon going to a friend's house. he just casually told her he is going to a friend's house. I am going to a friend's house. Kids just don't say that. First of all they ask if they can go. And if they bring it up themselves they say, "I am going to a specific person's house, is that OK?" She's making this stuff up as she goes. He is sick and she never says, I don't think, OK, you can go to your friend's house. People don't talk like that. John's house? Gary's house? He is sick and he tells her he is going to a generic place no need to mention names and she finds no reason to know where he was leaving to that day even though he was so sick? Not real.
