Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Deception Detection Training Opportunity 2021


For those who wish to enroll in our Complete Statement Analysis Course, please note our price increase is for 1 January, 2021.  

Those who enroll before this date will be honored at last year's tuition cost @1200 US$  with 12 months of e support.  



  1. Is Joe Biden being deceptive?

    Former Vice President Joe Biden admitted Thursday that he fractured his foot after he took a shower and tried to pull his dog’s tail.

    The former vice president detailed the incident in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper:

    What happened was I got out of the shower. I got a dog. And anybody who’s been around my house knows, dropped — the little pup dropped the ball in front of me, and for me to grab the ball. And I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom. And I grabbed the ball like this, and he ran, and I was joking, running after him to grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug, and I tripped on the rug he slid on. That’s what happened.

  2. OT: Joe Biden

    “What happened” is sensitive to Joe Biden as the words appear three times.

    “Anybody who’s been around my house knows” seems defensive, and is maybe a deflection from the anticipated question, which might be why the dog was in the shower-room, rather than around the house, or outside, with his ball. People may go around his house, and see his pup wanting to play ball, but they are less likely to know if the dog does that in his shower room. He does not commit to it - “I got a dog. “ but it’s anybody who has been round his house who knows the dog dropped the ball in front of him, rather than him.

    There is a change of tense with. “I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom.” Change to present tense might be due to the words not coming from experiential memory. He needs to tell the audience why he is walking through the alleyway,

    Again, a change from past to present tense, “And I grabbed the ball like this, and he ran, and I was joking, running after him to grab his tail.”

    “I grabbed the ball like this” - is how he grabbed the ball relevant to the fall? Is “like this” a need to persuade?
    “I was joking” seems incongruent, but maybe “joking” doesn’t mean telling a person jokes, or “pulling someone’s leg” in Joe Biden’s personal dictionary - it more seems to mean teasing, in intending to pull his dog’s tail. It’s a strange explanation, as dogs don’t like having their tail pulled. One jokes with people, plays with dogs?

    “And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug, and I tripped on the rug he slid on. That’s what happened.”

    There must be a quite long “alleyway” between shower and bedroom for Joe to have started out walking and taken to running before tripping on the rug.

    Is it dementia related - does he maybe not really remember what happened, thus the sensitivity in repeating “what happened” three times? Is he trying to avoid appearing frail and elderly by saying he was running after the dog? He conjures up a somewhat comical and unbelievable image of himself, naked, pursuing a dog down an “alleyway” in order to pull his tail. Perhaps he is trying to create the image of himself as vigorous and playful, more interesting than would be an elderly man rambling on about an otherwise uneventful fall. Why does he bother to pick up the ball, or even mention the ball, if he is running after the dog in order to pull his tail?

    It seems a poorly put together story - did he fall in the shower, or trip on a rug? “I tripped on a rug” could suffice. It’s not necessary for him to mention the shower at all if he tripped in the “alleyway”, yet the shower is where he begins. He fell getting out of the shower and is trying to make it sound more interesting, and less of an age related accident, but he can’t quite remember what he’s meant to say, thus the disjointed explanation?

  3. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/madeleine-mccanns-parents-believe-probe-23158045.amp

    Madeleine McCann's parents brand probe into prime suspect as 'beyond bizarre'

    1. We believe what they are telling us, not what they appear to want us to believe.
      "beyond bizarre" is what it is.

  4. OT
    Influencer claims "Attempted kidnapping" of her children
    Police cite inconsistencies in story

    In her initial videos, Sorenson sat in her car as she relayed the story of the alleged attempted kidnapping.

    'Of this week, my children were the targets of attempted kidnap which is such a weird thing to even vocalize but it happened and I want to share that story with you in an effort to raise awareness to what signs to look for and to encourage parents to be more aware of their surroundings and what is going on around them,' she began.

    'I think right now that we are so distracted with everything that's going on in the world that we are have our guard up so much about masks and wanting to keep out children safe that way that we're forgetting the most important way to keep them safe and that is with us.

    'I'm going to share a story in an effort to raise that awareness but I’m not ready, this is hard for me. I'm not ready to share this story but I know it's important and I would rather be uncomfortable and awkward and get the message out sooner than wait until I feel composed because I don't know if I'll ever feel composed talking about this,' Sorenson continued.

    She said that she had parked her car far away from the store as she always does on December 7 so as not to frustrate other customers when she is taking her double stroller in and out but that she would not be continuing to do this after the alleged incident.

    'That is the first thing that I will be doing differently if I ever choose to take my kids out again,' she said.

    According to the police statement, Sorenson said that she noted the suspicious behavior of a man and woman as they followed her and her children around the store and made comments about their appearance.

    She told police that they followed her out to her car and lingered by the stroller as she placed her kids back inside the vehicle.

    Police said Sorenson had not wanted to have anyone arrested when she filed the report but 'wanted to draw attention to the concerning behavior exhibited by the couple'.

    In an interview with KTVU after she posted the videos, however, Sorenson relayed further details of the couple's alleged behavior.

    'I heard them talking about the features of my children, but I was totally paralyzed with fear, I just couldn’t bring myself to say anything,' she said.

    She claimed that she had spotted the man looking at her in the parking lot before she went inside and that the couple had stood behind her in the checkout but then followed her outside without buying anything.

    She noted that when she reached her car, a white van was parked alongside her, which she thought was strange given how far from the store she was.

    Sorenson also claimed that the couple took two steps forward and then two steps back as the watched her load her children into the car.

    'Very awkward. There is no other explanation to why they would do that other than they were building up the courage' she alleged.

    Sorenson told the station that the man had reached out and grabbed the stroller but that another man walked past at the time and she began to scream for help.

    She claimed the couple fled the scene in a car, but a third man emerged quickly from the white van. She said he acted like he was trying to help her before fleeing himself.

    'I saw these people, they didn't look necessarily clean cut,' Sorenson told KTVU.

    'I felt uncomfortable around them, and instead of making them uncomfortable with my discomfort, I chose to remain in my discomfort.'

    Sorenson told Buzzfeed that she felt very overwhelmed to the reaction to the videos.

    She said that she wanted those sending her negative comments to note that she was 'faced with a traumatic experience, it is impossible to function at full capacity'.


  5. ^^^

    She sure likes calling it a "story" x3

  6. More O/T on Biden.


    The accusation was that Hunter Biden violated tax and money laundering laws in his business dealings in foreign countries, especially China.

    "The people who want to make hay in Washington are going to try to use your adult son as a cudgel against you."

    When the subject uses the "you" and “your” pronouns he is not talking about himself.
    He wants us to believe that others want to use his son Hunter as a means of bashing him politically.
    But that is not what he is telling us.
    We can only believe what he is telling us, and this is that other people's adult sons are getting used as "cudgels" but not Joe Biden's.

    “We have great confidence in our son,” the president-elect responded. “I am not concerned about any accusations made against him. It’s used to get to me. I think it’s kind of foul play. But look, it is what it is, and he’s a grown man. He is the smartest man I know [in terms of] pure intellectual capacity. And as long as he’s good, we’re good.”

    This is an example of not reliably answering the accusation.
    A good answer would be “Hunter did not violate tax laws”
    He was not asked if he had confidence in him, or if this concerned him (Joe Biden), or if Hunter is a grown man, how intelligent he is etc.
    “I think it’s kind of foul play”
    I am sure the press have made unsavoury allegations in the past that could be both true and fictitious. Rumours can get started.
    However, shorter sentences are the best.
    A better sentence would be “This is foul play” or “The accusation is untrue” or “He didn’t do it”
    The words “think” and “kind of” are unnecessary and weaken his assertion. They also mean he is unsure.
    We believe him when he says he is unsure if this allegation is foul play.
    He is not referring to the specific allegation.

  7. Re my OT, Adoptive parents of missing children speak out. This is a better interview, We have the majic question @19 seconds. "Tell us what happened the night the kids went missing"?


  8. Full interview:

    Cal city missing toddlers adoptive parents interview


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. John Mc Gowan said...
    Full interview:

    not looking good on the part of the parents.

    starts off with it being cold, his priority? but doesn't tie it to missing children linguistically.
    dropped pronouns.
    no concern for what the children are going through.
    talked about how it affected them and not the children.
    thanked searchers (for not finding them??)
    why mention the "dirt"?? this maybe important.
    says, "sorry"

  11. OT
    Missing toddlers' adoptive parents did not participate in search efforts.

    No reliable denial.
    They nod and agree when they are told that they are suspected of involvement, man gives a rambling answer, including "Guess what, that's no".

    Their body language is notable during the interview, as they speak the adoptive parents sway and rock back and forth and are hugging themselves in self-comforting positions, while explaining why they did not search, thanking searchers who did not find boys.

    No tears.

    Does not look good for these two children.

  12. If i find time tomorrow i will write the transcript. There is a lot to go on.

  13. Cal city missing toddlers adoptive parents interview:

    Part one:

    Adoptive Mum (AM)
    Adoptive Dad (AD)

    Ok guys, whenever you're ready.

    AM: Erm, we just want to thank everybody in the community for all the support we've seen, we've felt so helpless and seeing everybody out here really looking and helping out really meens alot.

    Interviewer: So, tell us what happened the night the kids went missing?

    AD: Ok -- AM: oh my god

    AD: It was cold i was going to make a fire, theres a lot of wood in this, this are right here next to our house i opened up that gate i'm throwing wood bringing it inside the house, my wifes inside she was actually wrapping gifts so we thought it was a good idea that they, are youngest two outside an play with chalk on the back patio. Do not let them go on the dirt in the backyard keep them close. Playing with chalk, came in the house saw them there, went in the house came back out i didn't see them there. I immediately went back in asked my wife did you see the boys? She said no they should be outside playing with chalk, i said (inaudible) i didn't see em so i came back outside and i started searching my backyard, i searched the whole thing i realised that i left the gate open..and i panicked came inside the house searched the house me and my wife.

    Once that.. hadn't pan out i got in the van i looked down the street both directions it was getting dark getting cold and i got in the van and hit a bunch of corners, i went down this street (nodding to his right) i turned my light on i searched i searched. (What sounds like, called their names) talked to a gentleman on the other side over there and he didn't see (inaudible) so then i came home i told my wife you need to call the cops, i, it's getting dark and i need help (inaudible) so i called the cops the cops came, First thing they did was tell us to stay in the house so that they can get hols of us and they had us just sitting there and we want to keep searching. But everybody came out in droves and i wanted to thank you guys , that night when we couldn't go outside.

    AM: The cops told us the best are out here...AD..The best are out here searching and we appreciate it and nobody ever could tell, could never talk to anybody (Inaudible)

    AM: We just want to thank everybody...AD: We really thank you guys..AM: Please if anybody has seen them, please call..let somebody know.
    AD: If if, call the cops..call.. telephone (Inaudible) city Police department. Call them and let know what you've seen if you see anything. Our boys, they, they are going to be ...Rambunctious, ok, they are going to be here in this area and i really would like to go in the houses , but it's not because i want to invade peoples privacy, i just want to know if...AM: Make sure. AD: Make sure thats it. Because.

  14. Part two:

    Adoptive Dad nods towards the journalist and says "go ahead i'm sorry, you got any questions.

    Journalist: Oh no your good, was just gunna say this is the first time we're hearing from you guys and i can't imagine..what you're going through i can't evn fathom it. ermm..For you guys, for people who are thinking, ahh, that there is some kind of foul play involved ermm you know we just spoke to the biological mother she said she had a conversation with you guys, ermm, and that she thinks theres some kinf of foul play involved, she think you guys did something. What your response to that?

    AD: That's understandable, i would think the same thing. (Noise interruption and or redaction).. if we can find our our babies guess what thats enough and that's all i want is to find our babies that's it. And i talked to her this Morning and i really wanted to tell her that i'm completely sorry because we were entrusted with the children, and it came to us and it became our children, we named them and they they are our children, so, we want em back. So please if, get back on your, what you guys are doing, we we should be able to get a hold of somebody but they took all of our tech, they want to, i guess rule us out which would make sense in the investigation. So, that's pretty much it.

    Journalist: Have you guys, erm, you talked to the police all last night.

    AM: Yeah

    Journalist: Erm. What, so you guys wilfully gave them you technology... AD: Yes. Journalist: The car. AD: Yes.
    Journalist: Did they get, how did they get a search warrant? Did you guys..AD: I, i don't see why they got one, but they got one, we wouldn't let them take anything, we would've tell them take everything, we got em come and search with us, we we asked them come do that.

    Journalist: What did they take?

    AD: Just tech..and that's it. (i don't know if a question was asked to this response)-- Like our phones.

    Cars going by, lots of over talk.

    AM: We need to be out here. Err, again, we were cold upset, told to stay put, they have more questions.
    Literally talk with us the whole time in there.


    AD: They had us sitting down, (inaudible) sitting down. AD and AM over talk.


    Journalist: What time did you guys notice the kids were missing? And at what time were they reported missing to the Police?

    AD: It's about, i believe, i think it was about 4:30..5ish. Thats when everything played out.

    Journalist: And then when did you guys call the Police to report them missing?

    AM: Actually we searched a little bit around here, it was dark so we were deffinitley, where we got worried.

    Journalist walks away and say to himself. "ok folks im leaving that conversation that through me for a loop. when somebody says when it played out.

