Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Analysis of Nakea Darisaw Claim of Arsonist Racist


Nakea Darisaw posted the following at Facebook: 

"I live off of C-25 in Belleview and woke up to my home and vehicles vandalized with racial slurs on them and the word GO written on my front door. The woods in the back of my home were set on fire as well as my phone lines were cut outside. If anyone has any information please contact Marion County Sheriffs office. My children have been terrified by this"

The following are the pictures of the vandalism that were posted at Facebook with the imperative, 


This is followed by a  link to Go Fund Me.  

At Go Fund Me, the statement is:

"Our home and vehicles was vandalized while we were sleep. My children and I were terrified. We are looking to come up with enough money to repair the damages endured on my home as well as my vehicles. Anything Helps and will be truly appreciated."

We have several statements to analyze. 

1.  Her initial statement of what happened from Facebook

2.  The anonymous author writing (spray painted). 
3.  The Go Fund Me statement 

Question for Analysis:  Is Nakea Darisaw a genuine victim of racist vandalism, or is this "fake hate" for the purpose of financial exploitation. 


"I live off of C-25 in Belleview and woke up to my home and vehicles vandalized with racial slurs on them and the word GO written on my front door. The woods in the back of my home were set on fire as well as my phone lines were cut outside. If anyone has any information please contact Marion County Sheriffs office. My children have been terrified by this"

She begins with description of her location allowing for verification of location.  This is a priority for her.  Yet, the children "have been" terrified is incongruent with this priority.  One may also question if this arsonist racist is loose, why are the children not afraid, present tense? 

Also part of this priority sentence is that she "woke up" which presupposes she was asleep.  This is unnecessary for her to state. Yet, it is a priority:  she was asleep.  

Next, the word "GO" is highlighted separately from the "racial slurs."

"GO" is not "GET THE F*** OUT!" or a strong command.  This is soft language; not expected from an arsonist and racist. 

Note the language of where the phone lines were cut:  "outside" as unnecessary language. 

The Go Fund Me Statement: 

"Our home and vehicles was vandalized while we were sleep. My children and I were terrified. We are looking to come up with enough money to repair the damages endured on my home as well as my vehicles. Anything Helps and will be truly appreciated."

Again, we have the priority of the statement to include that "we" were "asleep."  If the author was asleep, the author could not have done this. This is where the subject chooses to begin her statement. 

Justification:  We always look for justification of a crime within the language.  It is most always subtle. 

Note: "endured" indicates ongoing suffering that is borne by the victim. 

If she was "asleep" she did not bear up or "endure" anything: she just woke up to this surprise.  

Note that to "endure" also signals a passing of time. She attributes the home and vehicles as having "endured" this.  This is to ascribe a human attribute (patience) to inanimate objects.  This is to link a human to them suggesting:  this work took a long time. 

This is not something you write if you slept through it. 

It is two indicators, in one word, that suggest the subject is the painter. 

Anonymous Author Identification in analysis. 

Advanced Analysis teaches how to identify the author of an anonymous threatening letter.  The training is very exciting and warrants a solid foundation of Statement Analysis, deception detection and content analysis prerequisite. 

Here we employ some simple principles upon the "author" of the spray painting. 

The Anonymous Author is the spray painter.  

Nigga and GO

This is soft language, with "nigga" not "nigger" and "Go" not the demand to get out. 

The linguistic disposition of a arsonist racist is expected to be very negative.  Neutral or soft language is "positive linguistic indication. 

"Nigga" is informal, often used by blacks and in particular, of teenagers.   It is not the negative, insult of "Nigger!" expected by not only a criminal, but a racist who is also an arsonist. 

Analysis Conclusion:  

 Police need to polygraph Nakea Darisaw or the author of the Facebook and Go Fund Me posts. 

The author knows the identity of the "arsonist-racist" and is concealing it.  This is "guilty knowledge."

There is incongruence, positive linguistic disposition, and the need to emphasize that she was asleep, unnecessarily, in her priority. 

She assigns human attributes to the vehicles and house, both inanimate objects, which is a strong signal of "human connection" which caused the objects to "endure" or patiently bear up under their "suffering." The painting took considerable time to accomplish. This theme of "time" is in the subject's language. It comes from experience; not from "sleep" or "waking up."

"Woke up" is alibi building. 


Arson is terrifying.  It is right from childhood and it spreads and is powerful and uncontrollable. Alone, it is far scarier than "nigga" spray painted.  This should be in the language and preclude a description of where she lives, as priority. 

Would you describe where your home is with a racist arsonist madman on the loose?

The need to portray herself as non visible (yet verifiable) is to explain away how much time had to pass to paint as much as she did. 

That the children are no longer afraid of the arsonist racist at large, is to be believed. They have nothing to fear. 

as per Pat Brown:  Teen should be interviewed as "Nigga" is a term used by teens.  

The arson, even in a minor way, is very concerning as to just how far one will go for money. This is not likely the first attempt of theft. 


"Endured" is very likely leakage of justification.  Thieves and exploiters see themselves as victims having "endured" and need payback.  In context, I would not be surprised to hear her declare racism and one having "endured" poverty via racism, etc. 

I also recognize that police departments are under stressful political pressure in these cases.   Recall and review analysis of Lindenhurst, NY fake hate claim.  

When one has "endured" much, they want redress.  This is often seen in theft from one's own employment where the subject thinks he or she must "balance the accounts" and get "payback" for real or imaginary hurts. 

She posted this shortly ago:

Nakea Darisaw
2 hrs · 
Goodmorning everyone it sort of hurts me to know that some people can be so cruel with their comments regarding my family circumstances. I have a past yes but who doesn't I am not ashamed of anything because it has helped me to be the strong person that I am today. And I know without of shadow of doubt that if it wasn't for God being a part of my life who knows where I would be. Everyone is looking at my vehicles and home but don't even no the struggle I went thru to get where I am today . I am not a thug or drug dealer but a educated business woman. Please know everyone that if God was able to change me of all people he can change anyone. I am not a respecter of person. I have NEVER in life asked or had anyone to ever do anything for me until now. I pray that God's love will prevail thru all of this. Blessings everyone and that my life will be used as a living testimony of what an AWESOME God we serve.

She appears to have "endured" a lot to get to where she is. 

Motive:  Exploitation via Go Fund Me. 

For Deception Detection  Training, please visit Hyatt Analysis Services. 


  1. A picture is worth a thousand words! Wow..

  2. Whoa ! That picture seals the deal. That was very good work Peter !

  3. the picture isn't mine; an analyst sent it to me.

    So many good comments on this one that I didn't do the work. Perhaps I should always put it out there, let others do it, and then claim credit!

    I don't know if the photo is genuine but it is comical enough to add to language that, itself, brought a chuckle.

    Dangerous arsonist on the loose but let's raise some money!


  4. Nakia responds to analysis or doubts of her account?

    I not only expect a RD, but that it would not be called "family circumstances."


    Nakea Darisaw
    2 hrs ·
    Goodmorning everyone it sort of hurts me to know that some people can be so cruel with their comments regarding my family circumstances. I have a past yes but who doesn't I am not ashamed of anything because it has helped me to be the strong person that I am today. And I know without of shadow of doubt that if it wasn't for God being a part of my life who knows where I would be. Everyone is looking at my vehicles and home but don't even no the struggle I went thru to get where I am today . I am not a thug or drug dealer but a educated business woman. Please know everyone that if God was able to change me of all people he can change anyone. I am not a respecter of person. I have NEVER in life asked or had anyone to ever do anything for me until now. I pray that God's love will prevail thru all of this. Blessings everyone and that my life will be used as a living testimony of what an AWESOME God we serve.

  5. Maybe her phone line was cut, but I’ll bet their cable tv line or tv satellite dish wasn’t messed with, lol. Forgive me.

  6. She asks that anyone who "has any information" should contact the sheriff's office. But she notably does not ask for help finding and arresting the racist arsonist.

    At what point did she and her children become terrified? What were they terrified of? Also, at what point did they stop being terrified? Any why did they stop being terrified?

    She wants GFM money to repair damages, but she doesn't ask for any money to install an alarm or surveillance system.

    Interesting FB post by her prior to the vandalism:

    April 6: "Please note: I don't like NO drama at all. I enjoy my life just like it is simple and boring at times"

  7. Looks like a history of this deceptive behavior?


  8. There’s a link on the GoFundMe page called “report campaign”, to report instances of fraud.

    1. She ended it because she wantedtoi be able to get the money before they stopped it for fraud.

  9. Well bless her heart! LOL The serious side of this is that the police department has more important things to do than tip toe around this nonsense. And what if that fire had spread? She needs to be arrested.

  10. I would like to point out that less than a month ago she was trying to sue her car dealership for getting a bad vehicle! Kind of funny how that worked out that her car was spray painted all over....

    1. is that person even connected to this story!?

  11. I added her follow up statement to analysis and touched on leakage.

  12. I confirmed the photo with a comparative photo but I don’t know how to post it.

  13. "I am not a respecter of person."

    No. Apparently not.


    Peter can you or any good analysts give this a look? This is from my town and my daughter goes to kindergarten at this school. I'm a fan but not qualified to tell if this is real or someone trying to stir things up in my sleepy little burb.



  15. I am not a person to usually post but today I was deeply disturbed by what I saw. After school I decided to take my children with a neighbor to play on the playground at Evergreen school. While there I noticed a group of older kids walk over from a game being played at the high school. While these kids were on the playground they were using inappropriate language, among other things and mingling with young aftercare children, while the aftercare staff were suppose to be there watching the small children. After a while the older kids left and my children continued to play but noticed a word on the blacktop, which is exactly where the older kids were standing “NIGGER”. I find this completely offensive and I am outraged by this racist word being written on anything, especially school grounds. This happened during aftercare while small children were playing and these kids wrote such a hateful, offensive and hurtful word. My children who attend Evergreen and all under the age of 8, had know idea what that word is and now I unfortunately had to explain it to them under this circumstance. I am deeply offended by this and would hope for some kind of better education for our youth within our community.

    In case the link didn't work here is the text. Someone wrote the N word in chalk at the playground.


    1. The subject has a need to announce her offense at that which requires no pronouncement. This is to example how easily she can be exploited by politicians.

      If she speaks to others and finds someone who is more outraged than she is, she will respond in competition.

      Then, they must condemn someone less outraged.

      Once the topic is exhausted, she will move on to new topics where the moral superiority competition can continue in earnest.

      With this, there is always a need for an enemy.

      This is where violence begins.

      It all began with “unnecessary” language and a need for relevance.


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  19. I may be wrong but idk of any racist person that I've ever heard of using that word in that way, they don't edit I they use the real word with the er at the end, bc that's a race thing.

    No racist person is guns vandalize a home or car using that word with an A that the end bc most people use that as in like hey what up my.... As in friend nd shit which is also stupid but if she was guna do all this she could of made it look a lot more real...

  20. If it was a serious racist attack, why set the trees alight (any pictures) and not the vehicles

  21. Oh, good grief! There's an easier way to make money. It's


  22. Nakea Darisaw
    12 hrs ·
    Insurance fraud of all things really! I can pay to have my vehicles repaired myself and my home repainted. I work hard everyday. My vehicles has more than a broken windshield and spray paint all over them. But I guess you guys didn't see that but you assumed that you saw red spray paint can on my kitchen counter it wasn't red paint though that's the thing.I have red paint in my home but it's gallons of red paint that I used to paint a room in my home. I owe No money on my vehicles. I would never do anything to cause my children to be afraid. I work hard every single day. I have Never filed any type of claim until now not even when our things were stolen during the hurricane. Don't try to judge me and come up with any conclusions without even knowing me

  23. Nor sure, ima.grandma. So far she has raised $8000 in two days

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. You're right Lars. Right on the money!
    Easy money, easy come and easy go.
    Easy money, easy come, where it goes, we'll never know.





    great citizens

  31. It's truly funny she asks for help and what little bit anyone can give can help.. But there very next day

    You can see the post here:

  32. I disagree with some of what is written. At first blush, my opinion was she did it.

    However, after rethinking the situation, perhaps it is a teen and a female suitor or someone jarred.

    I think the person who did it is black and female.

    However, it took more than one can of spray paint to do all that.

    If she's constantly posting photos online, it would be easy to figure out which paint to buy.

  33. What I find even shitter ( I only live about 20 minutes away from this), is that I volunteered my own children to go over and help her clean it up. I also offered to help with the cost of the paint to repaint her home. Of course she didn't take anyone up on that, it was simply "donate to the Go Fund Me account", which I did not!

    1. That says it all right there. Wow

  34. The funny thing is, she didn't even have to do a gofundme to begin with. There were plenty of people in the community that were willing to come take care of every last bit of it for her, at no charge. This was definitely a bid for money.

  35. Thanks for looking at the post about the grade school Peter. You are of course right! The facebook comments were an exercise in virtue signaling and lamenting the state of the country with Donald Trump to blame for all this "racism everywhere". I wanted to comment to bring a more rational viewpoint but stopped myself. I didn't want to be tarred and feathered in type on facebook by a bunch of people I might see on the streets of my town.


  36. John, the post about the grade school was written by a professional victim. The first sentence, tells us what she is not, ie "a person who usually posts". A quick look at her fb history would, in all likelihood, debunk that assertion. Next she tell us her reason for posting, ie. She is "deeply disturbed". That's probably true, as an embedded admission. "I decided to take" rather than "I took my children" and I noticed a group walk" rather than "a group of kids walked" is storytelling. She uses the word school 4 times, and education once. This shows her motivation. She wants the school to respond to her story, probably by apologizing and initiating "some kind of better education". ie racial sensitivity training.

    She says she was offended by what she saw, but, although she claims that she heard inappropriate language, she does not say she was offended by what she heard. She also accuses the older kids of "using inappropriate language amongst other things" but does not clarify what the "other things" were, for some reason.

    The writer says that her children had "know idea what that word is". Know idea? Is that leakage. Do her children know what that word is?

    She goes on to say that she "unfortunately had to explain it to them". If the kids had "know idea", why not just tell them it's a naughty word and they will be in trouble if they use it? The word was written in chalk, (what "older kids" carry chalk?). If the word had been a different word, eg, the f-BOMB or the C-word, would the writer have felt compelled to explain it to them? No. Of course not.

    By the way, was there a photo accompanying this deeply disturbed woman's facebook post?

    John, you are wise not to respond to this type of person. She is a trouble making drama queen and a virtue signalling liar.

    1. Thanks so much for the great analysis. It seemed over the tooat best to me also. There was a photo it wasn't impressive the "word" scrawled out in yellow chalk not very big either. She could have solved the whole issue with about 12 ounces of water.


  37. Now let's chase some bigger fish to fry eh? $8,000 is nothing compared to trillions stolen....

