Monday, December 8, 2014

Live, On Line Training Announcement

There is no greater proof of success in Statement Analysis then to put the principles and the Instructor to a live test.  It should be that the Trainer will guide the class, cold, through a statement and reveal truth, deception and content.

For those who have completed Statement Analysis training, we are offering for 2015 live, online training, monthly, in which participants will be able to not only be instructed in Statement Analysis, but contribute to solving open live cases.

Here is how it works:

1.  A statement is submitted for analysis to the Instructor.

2.  The case file is not shared with Instructor nor participants.  This is to keep the file from influencing the analysis.  The information that is shared is the allegation, so that it is known why the subject has written (or spoken, in the case of transcripts) the statement.  (Critical extraneous information is shared, such as  English is his second language, this must be known before hand).

When the analysis is complete, the participant with the case file is then invited to share the evidence with the group to highlight the results of the analysis to see the accuracy.

3.  Confidentiality is insured by agreement.  No statement can be published, in any form.

4.  The statement is with the Instructor, in "Go To Meeting" website where the analysis on his lap top is viewed by all.

5.  Comments (analysis) is contributed by all participants, as well as question and answer.

6.  The training is 6 hours in length, with two 15 minute breaks.

7.  Continuing Education Units (CEUS) through the University of Maine can be awarded for professionals who need hours for their licenses, or for law enforcement hours who require ongoing training as part of quality assurance.  5.5 hours complete

8.  Cost Savings.  The cost of joining is less than piano or guitar lessons, with discounts given to those who sign up for multiple trainings, including 12 months of training.

The training is restricted in number and to those who have successfully completed Statement Analysis training either through an known and respected entity.  This assures progress is not impeded.

This training is dynamic and exciting, and it matters not what aspect of a statement is used, as we are not only solving crimes, but are studying language analysis.  An arson statement, for example, is of value to those who investigate financial crimes, or child abuse, as deceptive individuals follow certain linguistic patterns which we follow and uncover.

For more information, please see Hyatt Analysis and "Proof of Success"


  1. Good Luck Peter, This sounds like it would be a fascinating way to learn plus , if you are working on open cases, fersh eyes and a fresh perspective will help with seeing who did what and when and who didn't do what and why.

    As I have seen in the blog when we have had our sticky little mitts all over a breaking /cases, much can be learned when fresh eyes and minds are let loose, seeing little nuggets of information that may have been missed, or interpreting a word or phrase slightly differently due to personal experience which can open up a whole new vista and bring the case to a conclusion.

  2. OT: Peter, I would love for you to SA Gruber at the hearings today. Here's a sample:

    I noticed he was talking "baby-talk" maybe attempting to sound child-like, innocent and niave. It was different than his normal speaking voice. I also found indicators of deception today, but his "stupid American voters" statements appeared to be truthful, full of confidence, etc.

  3. Is the training open to anyone or is strictly for law enforcement?
