Sunday, December 7, 2014

Missing: Shane Montgomery

Family members of Shane Montgomery announced the reward for information about the whereabouts of the missing West Chester University senior, who disappeared early Thanksgiving morning after a night out with friends, has increased to $50,000.
Karen Montgomery, Shane's mother, announced the increase at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church of Manayunk on Rector Street Saturday afternoon.

"If money is the incentive to find Shane, then I would go to the ends of the Earth," Karen said 

Saturday. "I just need one courageous person to come forward."

"There's no confirmation of a picture, video," she continued. "The video that has been collected has 

been very grainy."

Day 10: Search for Shane Montgomery

[PHI] Day 10: Search for Shane Montgomery
NBC10's Monique Braxton explains the new focus in the search for missing West Chester University senior, Shane Montgomery. (Published Saturday, Dec 6, 2014)

The lack of visual evidence prompted Shane's relatives to announce a new strategy as part of their search efforts earlier this week -- asking others who were barhopping in Manayunk the night before Thanksgiving to check their phones for photos of the missing student.
"We are still looking for selfies, videos on Main Street with something in the background that might resemble Shane," said Karen, who was wearing a green ribbon Saturday to honor her son.

Shane, a West Chester University senior and Roman Catholic High School alumnus, was last seen around 1:45 a.m. on Thanksgiving when he was asked to leave Kildare's Irish Pub on Main Street in the Manayunk section of Philadelphia.


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  3. Ot Update:

    Bill Cosby's best friend Hugh Hefner distances himself from actor after claims he sexually assaulted 12 Playboy Bunnies saying 'I would never tolerate this behavior'

    Hugh Hefner has issued a statement on the recent wave of rape allegations against his best friend Bill Cosby
    'I would never tolerate this kind of behavior, regardless of who was involved,' said Hefner
    Former Playboy bunny P.J. Masten says star attacked her in 1970s and also claims many more bunnies claim to have suffered same experience
    She says she was prompted to speak out after Judy Huth claims Cosby raped her at Playboy mansion when she was 15 in 1974
    Two other former Playboy bunnies, Victoria Valentino and Carla Ferrigno, say Cosby also attacked them.


    'I would never tolerate this kind of behavior, regardless of who was involved,' said Hefner

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  5. MclmL, what do you think happened? Does it seem like he never left the bar? Something happened to him there?

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  8. interesting shanes mother speaks in past tesse of him. surely she did not kill him least of all because she wasn't present and she had no physical opportunity, yet she speaks in past tense. interesting example of innocent person speaking in past tense about missing person.

  9. since when do bar keeps walk patrons to the door?

  10. When someone goes missing, it is unusual for a Mother to speak in the past tense early on. As a parent especially a Mother, they will cling onto anything, not to accept that their Son/daughter is dead.

    The question is ?

    Does she believe he is dead?
    Does she know he is dead?
    Why would she believe he is dead? Have the Police told her something that would make her believe he is dead ?

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  11. OT:

    Man who claims he matches description of Lena Dunham's alleged rapist 'starts legal fund to clear his name and prepare for law suit against the Girls creator'

    Barry One has spent two months worth legal fees defending reputation
    Dunham says she was raped at Oberlin in book Not That Kind Of Girl
    One's attorney said they are preparing for potential legal suit against writer
    He said he has made repeated appeals to Dunham to say it wasn't him
    Dunham has been accused of being 'grossly irresponsible' publishing claim

    Read more:

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  14. "If money is the incentive to find Shane..." ___________________________> I wonder if there was a life insurance policy on Shane?

    "... then I would go to the ends of the Earth." _____________. She won't go to the ends of the earth, or only with money?

    "I just need one courageous person to come forward." ------------------ Why does the person need to be courageous? Can't anyone, even a non courageous person come forward?

    "There's no confirmation of a picture, video," she continued. "The video that has been collected has been very grainy." ---------------------- We've heard many guilty people say there is "no confirmation." She is trying to convince that because the video is grainy that no one can be identified.

    That's my attempt at SA.

  15. As far as the bar spokespersons saying that he wasn't drunk or acting drunk, they could very well just be trying to protect themselves. Maybe he really wasn't drunk, and it may not even really have anything to do with his disappearance, but I'm not inclined to fully believe them on that matter.

    If the mother had been speaking of him in past tense up until a specific point, maybe LE informed her of certain things that the public is not aware of. I don't think the mother is involved, but I do find her statements a bit odd. "If money is the incentive..." But, what if money isn't the incentive? Is his family well known, wealthy? Why would someone kidnap a college kid for ransom? I don't see that happening. Maybe she's just in denial or something, hoping that he's alive and being held for ransom?

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  16. Mom does seem to say a lot of hinky stuff.

    From various articles:
    Karen Montgomery, Shane's mother, tells us, "He is not that inconsiderate and he would be in touch with me by now if he could."

    "Montgomery's mother, Karen, said she felt bittersweet relief that her son had not been found in the murky canal.

    "Today I'm OK, because I know that Shane is not in that water," she said.
    " "Every time he came home, I asked him to just let me know he was here, and every time he went out, if he wasn't home or he got locked out, he would text me,'' Karen said. "I use my phone as my alarm, and I would come down and let him in."

  17. off topic


    Twenty-five-year-old Fehintola Omidele was found alive in El Campo on Sunday after she was reported missing on Dec. 30.

    Crews were out looking for her today when they heard the good news.

    A Walmart employee tells Local 2 she was having lunch at the Subway inside the store when the missing doctor approached her and asked to borrow her cellphone.
    Quick Clicks

    The employee didn't recognize her as the missing woman.

    Omidele had called her sister to tell the family where she was.

    Omidele was first reported missing a week ago after she never showed up for work. Her car, cellphone and purse were gone too. Omidele is a pediatrics resident physician who was interning at Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital.

    Her family continued to search for her and cameras captured the moments after Omidele's father was told his daughter was found safely.

    "I can't describe that," Sejuh Omidele said. "I mean there are no words to describe that. This is just unbelievable. It's unbelievable in our own eyes as human beings but this is just one of those things that is ordinary for Jesus to do."

    It was an unexpected twist to an already puzzling story.

    Omidele's father said she is now home safe and the family isn't ready to speak to the media because they're trying to figure out how and why she disappeared.

    The Walmart employee says the woman told her the pressure of residency was just too much to handle.

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  20. MclmL, this portion of the other statement you posted is also very odd:

    "I can't tell you how normal that night was," said Gill, who grew up on the same Roxborough streets as Montgomery. "Then I woke up the next morning, and it was 10 a.m. with no word. Then it was noon, and then 1 p.m., and then 5 p.m. . . .

    "It's like a train has hit us."

    He can't tell how "normal" the night was... It probably wasn't normal and anyway, he admits he can't say it was normal. Next he says "then" I woke up and "then" is distancing language. His next sentence changes from speaking about his feelings and changes from "me and I" to "us." ______________________________________________________Weird that the mom and this guy speak like they have knowledge.

  21. I'm concerned about the friend, Gil's comments IF he is quoted correctly by media. He spoke in the negative, called the night normal, and distanced with "that"...all in one sentence. "Then I woke up" is understood and not necessary. It seems he's leaving something out.

    But, then again, the bouncer's behavior is suspect. He escorted Shane out...maybe. Today the bar's facebook page says the bouncer saw Shane outside an hour after that. That's kind of like giving yourself an alibi, suspicious. Now the police say it wasn't Shane the bouncer saw. It's all very strange and not looking good for Shane.

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  23. Are they sure he did not slip into water?

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  24. from: david t. krall per prior posts,
    there are some conflicting narratives
    regarding the disappearance of
    Shane Montgomergy. First I read he stopped in a bar late to see a relative and/or a friend who worked at Kildare's and left around 1:45Am. That he was asked to leave due to closing/last call and staff/mgt wanted to clean-up and close and that his relative/friend walked him to the door. I then read in a NYT report via
    the internet that he was asked to leave around 1AM by Mgmt due to his
    walking into some equipment. 1: what
    was the tone, scope and manner of any
    and all words and actions exchanged between Shane and all parties in Kildare's before and during his leaving Kildare's? including mgmt, any/all staff, bouncers, and other customers? Any video showing interaction and exchanges between Shane and any and all other parties or individuals? & Time entering, time spent and leaving? 2) why and how would the bouncer remember Shane
    and why would the (same?) bouncer
    state that Shane apoligized if:
    nothing happened at the bar?; and
    why would Shane be hanging around
    later on Main St, apparently alone
    when all of the bars were obviously
    closed, as the bouncer said he saw him later and further down on Main St. Apparently he, Shane, was alone at this time, as his actions and location are ONLY accounted for and by the bouncer. What was the bouncer doing at that time, & why was he out
    or hanging out so late and where exactly was this exchange said to have taken place so late after all the bar closed? And who was the bouncer hanging out with at this time, which was way past closing time for everything on Main St???
    Thoughts & Prayers are with you...
    David T. Krall
    This is odd since I understand Shane Montgomery lived very, very close by and was probably walKing home. The "inadvertent" exchange, now said to a mistaken ID is an anomaly as the bouncer said Shane apoligized? For what? And what would promt an exchange so late with
    a bouncer. now supposedly not near Kildare's that Shane just happened to bump into him on the way home(?)
    or was it away from and in an opposing or opposite direction (?)
    and felt complled or the need to
    apolgize??? Something wrong with this
    picture !

  25. just wanted to asks some pertinent
    questions for what its worth &
    help out in some way here.
    Hope the prior post helps and sorry about my name & email address in the middle of my post here.
    david t. krall

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  27. "Then I woke up the next morning, and it was 10 a.m. with no word. Then it was noon, and then 1 p.m., and then 5 p.m. . . .

    What time was it when he got home ?

    He tells us he "woke up at 10 a.m." He doesn't tell us he went to sleep. People don't lie out right they expect the reader to assume he went to sleep, if he doesn't tell us, then we are not permitted to say it for him. What time did he leave the bar ? He then goes on to say "with no word" telling us what didn't happen.

    "Then I woke up the next morning, and it was 10 a.m. with no word. Then it was noon, and then 1 p.m., and then 5 p.m. . . .

    We have 4 major leaps in time (Temporal lacunae) from the time he left the bar to the time he tells us "he woke up" "10 am"
    What time did Gill leave the bar ?

    What happened between 10 am and noon.
    What happened between noon and 1 pm ?
    What happened between 1 pm and 5 pm ?
    There is missing information here and lots of it.

    I would like to hear/read more statements from him, the bouncer and the other members of staff.

  28. Reports of Missing Student Sighting Debunked By Police.

    The man whom a Kildare's bouncer saw walking on Main Street in Manayunk, nearly an hour after missing student Shane Montgomery left the bar on the night he vanished, was not Montgomery, police say.

    Read more:

    Manayunk Kildare's Irish Pub Since we heard the devastating news of Shane Montgomery’s disappearance, we have diligently been working with FBI and Philadelphia Police Department to assist in any way we can. Kildare's has released two full statements regarding the details we were able to confirm with authorities about the time Shane spent in our restaurant. We waited to make any statements until we had the time to interview all staff members, guests and share our information with the proper authorities. We wanted to make sure we had adequate time for research, investigation and interviews so we knew exactly what went on within our establishment.

    Although we know speculation, rumors and finger pointing is expected - it takes away from the focus - which is finding Shane. We have stayed quiet and allowed people to voice their opinions, theories and anger for the past several days, but as of today we are asking for no other posts on our page. Our social media pages have been overrun with speculation that is causing conflict between our customers and taking away from time and energy that could potentially be used in helping to locate Shane.

    We are currently asking for no comments or further remarks on our Facebook page and we have deleted those that have been posted - both positive and negative - for the time being, as they are in no way aiding in this most important search.

    If you have any facts, questions or concerns - please direct them to the authorities. Kildare's has made two public statements regarding Shane's disappearance. These statements reflect what we know to be accurate based on our detailed four day internal investigations.

    Thank you for your support and patronage. #HelpFindShane.

    - Kildare's Manayunk

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  30. from: david t. krall

    per the prior post from JOHN at
    12/8/14 at 7:33 AM regarding regarding "sighting of missing College Student debunked by police". How and what mitigated a conclusion by police that this person "walking down the street" was not Shane Montgomery? and if so, according police and the bouncer,
    then WHICH DIRECTION WAS THIS PERSON WALKING? AWAY FROM OR TOWARDS THE BOUNCER? AND ON WHICH SIDE OF THE STREET? and if such a conclusion is stated, what prompted an initial report that the (same?) bouncer had
    some type of (additional?) exchange
    later on (way later on) where some- how according to the bouncer, he and Shane "just bumped into each other" & circumstances somehow arose where Shane felt the need to apologize?
    or apologize further (?), after the bouncer must have recognized and remembered him from an earlier interaction or exchange at Kildare's? If police are stating and debunking a report that the person seen (by the bouncer? & only by the bouncer?) walking down the street was NOT Shane Montgomery then that's another anomaly as to how this was confirmed as being or NOT being Shane
    Montgomery and if not Shane, did this person see the LATER exchange that took place at this time? What was the bouncer doing at that time that he was out so late and not near Kildare's, as EVERYTHING was
    long closed? See my prior related questions. Thoughts and Prayers...
    david t. krall

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  32. "I can't tell you how normal that night was," said Gill, who grew up on the same Roxborough streets as Montgomery. ""Then I woke up the next morning, and it was 10 a.m. with no word. Then it was noon, and then 1 p.m., and then 5 p.m. . . .

    Anything in the negative is sensitive.

    When someone describes something such as a normal day/normal night etc, it means it was anything but.

    Then we have a temporal lacuna between the night out and him waking up at 10 am.
    What happened during that time?

    He slips and tells us he woke up and no word.

    Why would he wake up and tell us there was no word if it had been a normal night?

    I would expect to hear this kind of phrase if something had happened and he was waiting to hear the result/conclusion of said event.

    Here it would be as an example Shane went off on his own/ met up with some other friends/girls and i/we didn't see him the rest of the night.
    We looked for him and asked the staff but they didn't see/recall him either as it was busy.
    I went home to bed expecting to hear from him/ hear he was home/with a girl and was fine.

    He doesn't tell us this though.

    Instead we have multiple temporal lacunas.

    He gives specific times.
    What was he doing in between those specified times?

    What occurred at those times that were important enough for him to remember and list them?

  33. "I can't tell you how normal that night was," said Gill, who grew up on the same Roxborough streets as Montgomery. "Then I woke up the next morning, and it was 10 a.m. with no word. Then it was noon, and then 1 p.m., and then 5 p.m. . . .

    Yes, what is missing is someone informing him of Shane's missing status. "I woke up when his mom called to..." Without that he's waiting for word that Shane's missing before actually getting word that he's missing.

    Note "that" night is distancing.

    "It's like a train has hit us."

    Leakage or just an idiom? Are there train tracks near that river they searched? Also, perhaps there's more to the quote than revealed, but here is where we see him move from first singular to plural.

    "It was all so surreal, so grim," Gill said. "I'm combing a riverbank, crawling into sewage pipes, looking for one of my best friends.

    It "was" surreal but then shifts to present tense "am combing, crawling, looking." Why doesn't he tell us he "looked"? If he knows, but is going through motions of "looking" can he actually say he looked?

    "How do you deal with that?"

    Why "you" rather than "I'm having trouble dealing..."

  34. I would like to hear more from the friend, Gil. As many have pointed out his few statements are "missing" something.

    I wonder if we are picking up sensitivity because he lost Shane earlier in the night.

    "It took [Montgomery] 15 minutes just to find me it was so crowded. It was easy to get lost in the mix."
    As Gil tells it Shane is looking for him and he justifies not being found twice. There is an unspoken "because" in there. Notice the "just". Gil is thinking of another choice rather than Shane finding him. Was Gil avoiding Shane? And who found it easy to get lost in the crowd? Gil or Shane?

    Possibly we're picking up Gil's guilt in leaving Shane alone to get home.

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  37. *Jim Townsend (from Kildare’s) quotes:

    "Some reports suggest that Shane was thrown out of Kildaire's in an intoxicated condition, needing a cab or other assistance," Townsend said, adding that bar management believed that was not the case. "Shane left the building politely with no altercations," he said.

    "Based on our investigation, Shane did not appear to be over-served by our staff, and at no point was there any confrontation when he was leaving the premises,"

    Townsend said. "His relative, an employee of Kildare's, walked with him to the front-door area and his interactions with our staff were polite, courteous and reasonable."

  38. I think the Mom's money comment may just be her putting that out there in hopes that if he was by chance being held for ransom, or in hopes of motivating people to help for the reward.

    Sadly, given all the known information, I think he has likely drowned, or otherwise succumb to the elements, after leaving the bar intoxicated. 

    The bar and their employees changing story about his level of intoxication, and whether he was asked to leave, that they don't believe he was over served, or thrown out in need or all sounds to me like they are trying to cover their butts for potential liability. 

    By 1:50, the bar would have already done last call. There would be no reason for a relative to have to tell him they were about to close, AND walk him outside with the help of bouncers, unless he was REALLY out of it.

    The bar's statement, and their assertion of how many beers his tab represents seems like an attempt to prove his competence. Obviously, he may have had many more drinks than the '3' beers he paid for, but their need to establish how many drinks were sold to him is notable.

    Combine that with the bouncers initial claim of an apology, (which only makes sense if he was kicked out, and which coincidentally only changed to 'wrong guy' to jive with the bar's newly released narrative), along with them stressing that he left 'on his own'. 

    It just doesn't add up. The original story was a logical progression to the outcome. *(He was drunk, got thrown out, stumbled around the area for a while, never made it home.) 

    The new story leaves no logical reason why he didn't text his friends to come out, (or just wait for them seeing as the bar closed in a matter of minutes) or why he is now missing. 

    If he was not made to leave the premises, then why wouldn't he have left with the group he came in with, or at least let them know he was leaving?

    If he was not extremely intoxicated, then why would he be escorted anywhere, by his relative or otherwise? 

  39. The bar is distancing itself from Shane's condition that night. I agree with Jen in that there is no reason for his cousin to walk him to the door and the bouncer to see him out unless he was not fit to head home on his own.

    It's notable that the bar keeps calling itself a restaraunt in its statements. Also, they are only telling what he drank there, NOT BEFORE. They have left out the condition he was served in.

  40. I agree about the bar covering from themselves. It really doesn't make sense that he would be told to go and the relative walking him out. Mr. Townsend did admit he knocked into the DJ equipment, but all was good. I just don't see that scenario happening (as others have also stated).

    According to the friend, Gil, they were meeting up there (had planned it) and then didn't hang out at all? Just spoke for a little bit and then Gil went home and had assumed Shane had too. Then the suspectious statements. I wonder if Gil and Shane got into it over something. Of course, they could have lost contact with each other if it was extremely crowded. However, if that were the case and they had planned to hang out that night why would they not text each other? THat is what everyone else does.

  41. I just read that his friends deleted their text messages from that night. Why would they do that?

  42. from: david t. krall
    the night before thanksgiving is known as one of the biggest, if NOT THE biggest night of the year for bars and drinking. So the time frame between 1AM and 2AM had to be very busy crowded with auto and "foot" traffic entering and then mostly leaving the bars on Main Street including Kildare's. So what about adjacent security next to or nearest to Kildare's and/or right across the Street from Kildare's, e.g., security
    cameras, etc. Also, do any of the traffic intersections here have cameras to monitor traffic as this is a very busy & high volume area with many events at different times of the year, not to mention the number of bars and restaurants. Do any of the owners, of any or all of the properties, (rented or owned) have cameras/video/security
    equipment that is mounted along, or near the top of any nearby buildings?
    or within a proximate distance or location? Has it been established if
    Shane frequented this bar, Kildare's
    prior? Not just that night but on prior occasions? I have read that Kildare's security was "down & out"
    that night. On the busiest night of the year??? was it "down" before that? If so why & how? If not, it could & should be used & studied in congruence and with any AND all neighboring, adjacent street/traffic security equipment. Have cell phones and "smart" phones of ALL Kildare's
    staff been look at and analyzed?
    And finally (for now...) can a ping
    from a cell phone be pinpointed/ located or "zero'ed in" as to its
    approximate location? This ping is an
    another anomaly and clearly shows
    something was amiss and went wrong
    sometime after 2AM, late that night.
    Thoughts and Prayers....
    david t. krall

  43. Anonymous said...
    I just read that his friends deleted their text messages from that night. Why would they do that?

    Hi, do you have link ?


  44. from: david t. krall
    some more additional points and questions:
    Any examination of any & all taxi-cabs and buses that rode thru and/or near that area at the time frame in question, between 1AM and 3AM, the night of the disapparance? Some buses and cabs may have some record via dispatch confirming who and/ or where they where going and/or possibly some possible audio or video equipment? and what about any delivery/supply trucks for any bars/restaurants even though the night before or the morning of Thanksgiving that may have entered Main Street at that time or later? Some restaurants/bars do get supply/inventory deliveries late at night from their food suppliers. Perhaps some info can be obtained from this perspective as well?
    just some more insights to help out here...
    david t. krall

  45. Shane Montgomery's Mom: 'It's A Nightmare I Can't Wake Up From'

    Note the strong use of the pronoun "I"

    She then switches to "We" this is expected as it is a collective effort.


  47. Respectfully, I don't see where Gil tells us he woke up at 10am.

    "Then I woke up the next morning, and it was 10 a.m. with no word. Then it was noon, and then 1 p.m., and then 5 p.m. . . ."

    It was ten am and he had heard no word, but that's not to say he hadn't been awake for hours by then.

  48. As far as the mother referring to Shane in the past tense, I am reminded of the mother of Sierra LaMar. She referred to Sierra in the past tense often, and in one interview looked to the sky when speaking of her, and hinky meters went wild. In the end, she simply had advance notice from the police that Sierra was gone from this world. I wonder if that is the situation here.

  49. As the search for a missing Roxborough student stretched into its 12th day, investigators asked patrons at the bar where he was last seen to send police any photos they may have taken that night.

    Shane Montgomery, 21, disappeared after leaving Kildare's Irish Pub in Manayunk early on Thanksgiving.

    Investigators have combed the area for surveillance cameras and trawled through hundreds of hours of footage with no trace of Montgomery, a law enforcement source said.

    Now, investigators searching for any leads in the West Chester University student's disappearance are asking Kildare's patrons to send in any photos taken at the bar the morning he disappeared, the source said. Patrons are asked to e-mail the photos to

    Investigators have said there was no video from the bar itself, and cameras on Main Street in Manayunk are scarce, spurring some, including City Councilman Curtis Jones Jr., to call for more surveillance in the area.

    With few leads in the case, the source said, investigators are following up on any and all tips fielded by police and the FBI.

    Over the weekend, Montgomery's family increased the reward for information about his disappearance to $50,000. Anyone with any information on the incident is asked to call police at 215-686-TIPS, Northwest Detectives at 215-686-3353, or the FBI at 215-418-4000.


  50. Jim Townsend (from Kildare’s) quotes:

    "Some reports suggest that Shane was thrown out of Kildaire's in an intoxicated condition, needing a cab or other assistance," Townsend said, adding that bar management believed that was not the case. "Shane left the building politely with no altercations," he said.

    "Based on our investigation, Shane did not appear to be over-served by our staff, and at no point was there any confrontation when he was leaving the premises," Townsend said. "His relative, an employee of Kildare's, walked with him to the front-door area and his interactions with our staff were polite, courteous and reasonable."

    Quote (from a source) in the same article:

    A police source close to the investigation said: "We are desperate for clues," the investigator told the Daily News. He said Montgomery's disappearance had not been ruled suspicious, adding that investigators have no idea what became of the young man after he left Kildare's about 1:45 a.m. Thursday.

    Police on his exit:

    “A bouncer there asked him to leave after he accidentally tripped into a DJ booth, police said.”

    In same article:
    He texted a cousin at 1:15 a.m. and called a friend at 1:28 before leaving the bar, his mother said, and officials traced his cellphone to a tower in Lower Merion that indicated he was within 4,500 feet of a CVS store on Main - less than a mile from the bar - at 2:38 a.m.

    Quote from Lt. John Stanford, a police spokesman:

    "We know something happened, it's just - what?" he said. He said investigators were still conducting interviews and "working every angle."

  51. From On Sunday, the marine unit searched the Manayunk Canal, but found no sign of Montgomery. The unit conducted another search Monday, with the same result, said Lt. John Stanford, a police spokesman.

  52. I'm going to be cautious here. I don't know, if these"quotes" are from the same time as reported, but by different journalist's and printed at different times ? The reason being is, that there is a change in language.

    *Jim Townsend (from Kildare’s) quotes:

    "Some reports suggest that Shane was thrown out of Kildaire's in an intoxicated condition, needing a cab or other assistance," Townsend said, adding that bar management believed that was not the case. "Shane left the building politely with no altercations," he said.

    Note: He calls the bar where he works/employed a "building". Not a Bar, restaurant etc. For me, this is distancing language. Now why would he distance himself from "Kildare’s" ?

    Then we have this from another article from the same bloke.

    ""Based on our investigation, Shane did not appear to be over-served by our staff, and at no point was there any confrontation when he was leaving the premises,"

    Here we see the change in language from "a building", distancing language to the premises," also distancing language. Why will he not name the bar ?

    Now, the change in language i believe, is difficult to put into context. Given, if, these "quotes are at different times. However, there should be a constant, unless there is a change in reality.

    This is where, i would like for others to give their opinion on his change in language ?

    Peter, what do you think ?

  53. from: david t. krall
    regarding prior post from John at 12:33PM/today...I see your point
    but then I thought well this person is using the words & saying, "leaving the building.." for emphasis and sort of like saying there's no more to say, BUT (!) when I thought about it for a few more seconds, sort of dawned on me if Shane Montgomery had any type of interaction or exchange with anybody else in another part of
    this bar/restaurant, away from the bar or bar area. e.g. near, in and outside of the restroom. Under that circumstance I could see someone using the words,
    "leaving the BUILDING..." and not say
    or use words like "kildare's", bar or restaurant. What was tone of the exchange, assuming one took place,
    between the DJ and Shane, and did this initial exchange involve a bouncer? And where & what time
    was this "bumping into some equipment" said to have taken place
    inside Kildare's?
    just thought I respond in a constructive manner and share some
    additional insights...
    david t. krall

  54. Per the Help Find Shane Montgomery Facebook Page: The reward money has been raised to $65,000 dollars. If anyone has any information, please call 215-418-4000. We have been looking for our Shane for 11 days at this point with no leads. All it takes is one brave person, or someone who knows something they believe inconsequential. That small piece of information might be the break in the case and could bring Shane home. Please keep sharing and praying. We need to keep Shane's story alive and relevant until he comes home

  55. Hi David, the word "left/leaving said by someone/anyone is flagged as the color code blue in S/A, along with the words, "because, so etc as a crucial part of a statement.


    "70% likely missing information due to rushing, time, traffic, but 30% likely critically withheld information. (LSI)"

    Either or, should always be flagged. Along with the distancing language, me, personally, i would want to know more of his activities of that night ?

  56. Would be helpful to know what he said in phone conversation with friend and text with cousin.
    He texted a cousin at 1:15 a.m. and called a friend at 1:28 before leaving the bar, his mother said, and officials traced his cellphone to a tower in Lower Merion that indicated he was within 4,500 feet of a CVS store on Main - less than a mile from the bar - at 2:38 a.m.

  57. Here are some observations that I wanted to point out regarding the Shane Montgomery case.

    1. I am not sure the location of the links- but haven't police made statements that Montgomery's text at 1:15 was to his cousin asking him where he was? Is this the same cousin that works at Kildare's? Police have said Shane arrived at the bar at 1 a.m. - why would he text his cousin after being there for 15 minutes? Was it possible he was asked to leave the bar much earlier than 1:45 a.m.?
    2. Like others have noted, if he was asked to leave, whether through a scuffle or because it was closing time, why was he walked to the door by his cousin? His mother and staff at Kildare's have noted he was well known by everyone there and only lived a mile or so away- surely he knew where he was going?
    3. Montgomery surely wasn't the only person left in the bar at 1:45 a.m. on the busiest night of the year. What about all of those people that left around the same time from Kildare's? They didn't see anything unusual? Or even remember what direction he walked in?
    4. If he was asked to leave at 1:45 a.m. it probably would have been easy for him to find his friends - since the bar had (I'm guessing) cleared out a little. Why did he make no effort to find his friends, or text them after he left/was asked to leave?
    5. I'm not making any judgments but the neighborhood of Manayunk/Roxborough that Montgomery would have walked through, doesn't look the safest - especially at 2 a.m. I know police/search parties have combed through the canal, but what about the extensive network of row homes in the area? Surely some are abandoned right? Is it possible he is inside one?
    5. The canal that Montgomery could have walked along is just a short distance from the river. Are the two connected? Is it possible his body is now in the river versus the canal?
    6. I am guessing Kildare's is working with a PR professional at this point- which guilty or not is the reason for their language. The tab being $17, which buys 3 craft beers, is accusatory language on their part, just because $17 buys 3 beers there, doesn't mean that's what he ordered. Also was his tab paid before he left?
    7. If Montgomery didn't pay his tab and was subsequently robbed on his way home without his card or cash, is there a chance the mugging turned ugly at that point?
    8. The language used by Gill is very interesting and I'm not saying its not important - but just like the language used by the mother- there's a good chance the family knows more surrounding Montgomery's state than they or the police have told the media.
    9. Montgomery's mother made a statement very similar to the statement made by the mother of a boy who went missing last year in the same area. Remember the college student from Rhode Island who was traveling to his parent's home in Skippack? The boy never made it home. His cell phone pings and the timings related to it also didn't make sense with where he should have been along his travels. His mother made a statement while he was missing that he would have never went missing on his own volition and that if he could call, he would. The boy they had painted as a wonder boy, courteous and a medical student, was found n south Carolina weeks later, hanging with his buddies. I'm not saying that Montgomery went missing on his own, but lots of times when family members make statements that the 'missing' wouldn't do something - especially without being asked, there's underlying doubt there that maybe they would. How was Montgomery doing in school? Was he on track to graduate? Did he have any history of drug use, not necessarily abuse? Did he have a girlfriend? These are all important things I think police need to look at further if they haven't already.

    And Lastly, just because Montgomery's cellphone was pinged at the CVS or within 4,500 feet of the CVS doesn't mean he was there. Have police used that last location and searched for his phone?

    1. 1.) It is not Shane's cousin who works at Kildare's. The person the bar spokesman called his "relative" is not a blood relative. I read online that Shane's uncle is married to the Kildare's employee's aunt.

    2. 5.) Manyaunk is one of the safest neighborhoods in Philadelphia. Many college kids, just-out-of-college, and new families live there.

      The canals and Schuylkill River were searched by the Marine Unit.

    3. "...police marine unit ended its inch-by-inch search in the frigid Manayunk Canal, failing to turn up any trace of Montgomery."

      "Authorities have also searched the Schuylkill River, which borders Main Street."

  58. The lack of first person statements, and NOT edited, either by a piece to camera or in print will yield more for us to analyze.

    Apart from his Mum, as far as i'm aware, no-one from the bar, from management down to the bouncer etc, or close friends have come forward to say what they seen or heard that night, that is in person, on camera.

    The quotes that we are getting, may well be from said people. My point is, why haven't they all come forward to eliminate themselves. Yes, they may have to LE, but if it was me and the way social media is, i would be the first to broadcast my movements on that night. There is a lot of back covering, what it is i don't know, but, someone knows something, who ?.

  59. Timeline according to Philadelphia newspaper:

  60. Link to video of Shane Montgomery's cousin speaking with the news.

  61. i think he was too drunk and fell in water. and people are talking funny maybe they feel guilty for not anticipating the need to protect him but not because they are guilty.

    ot amazing that med student was found after a year.

  62. Some things I noticed after reading Shane's mothers' statements in a Huffington Port article:

    "It's a nightmare I can't wake up from," Karen Montgomery told The Huffington Post. "I'm in despair -- not knowing anything and not finding him." "Somebody knows what happened to him," said the distraught mom. "I just need one courageous person to dig deep in their soul and come back and say what happened, without worrying about the consequences of what might happen to them. This is my child. People love him. Come forward and tell me what happened to Shane and where I can find him." "We're doing everything we can on our end to keep it out there and try to figure out what happened," said Karen. "We've been distributing fliers, we've collected a reward, we pray every day and community volunteers have searched up and down the neighborhood."
    It's very difficult for me to get out of bed in the morning," said Karen. "I lay there and think, 'I'll never get out of bed again.' But then I decide I have to. I have to keep going until I find him. And that's what gets me out of bed."

    Things that I found very odd from the mothers statement:
    There were THIRTEEN, (13!) references to herself (I, me) in the statement.

    There were zero references to if she wonders if Shane is okay, if he is safe, that kind of language..

    She said "People love him," not "I love him."

    She said "My child," not "My son."

    She said "..tell me what happened to Shane and where I can find him," sounds like she is asking for someone to tell her where to find his body, so is assuming he is dead already?

    When there is mention of action (fliers, raise money, pray): it turns into "WE". Why the switch?

    And is the use of "him" and only using his name once distancing language?

    Hopefully the people here who are better at this could give me some feedback! I could be way off base, but I've been an avid reader of the website and now am finally trying my hand at it and trying as best I can to follow Peters' rules of course!!

    Hope everybody is having a safe and Happy Holiday Season!! - Suze

    1. I think she changes from I to we in reference to the actions because there are hundreds of people who are volunteering - posting fliers, looking for him, raising awareness. The local community has been strong supporters in the effort and she is acknowledging it.

  63. Police Search River for Shane Montgomery

    “Credible” tip puts the missing student near the Manayunk canal.

    6ABC reports that police have descended upon Manayunk today in an intensified search for Shane Montgomery:

    Additional police officers have been sent to the Manayunk section of Philadelphia amid the search for missing college student Shane Montgomery.

    Those officers were searching the water on Wednesday after, police say, a new and “credible” tip came in that put Shane near the Manayunk canal.

    This, as the reward in the search for the 21-year-old West Chester University student reached $65,000.

    That announcement was made on the family's Facebook site seeking help finding Montgomery:


  64. A newly surfaced surveillance video shows missing college student Shane Montgomery leaving the area of a Manayunk pub, walking toward a bridge over the Manayunk Canal - and vanishing, according to law enforcement sources.

    A spokeswoman for the FBI task force investigating the disappearance would not confirm or deny the existence of the video.

    Sources said the video shows Montgomery heading across Main Street shortly after 1:50 a.m., when he left Kildare's Irish Pub, walking toward a footpath over the canal. That footpath opens onto an isolated parking lot on a thin wedge of land that sits between the canal and a steep, unguarded bluff over the Schuylkill River.

    The video, surveillance from a nearby nail salon, does not show Montgomery emerging later from the footpath area.

  65. from: david t. krall
    per post from John, following my prior
    post/message. Now sure I follow you here, regarding your first 3 paragrahs/ sentences of 12/9/14 at 4;08pm.
    To me the critical and precise time frame to look at is between 1AM and 3AM and 1) any and all interactions upon entering, during and leaving Kildare's. e.g. to and from bar area (restroom) also did he mingle/ interact/any exchange with anybody that he innocently "bumped into" while walking around, I'm assuming, was a crowded bar. Chatted with anybody that may have "bothered"/insecurely ticked off a friend or boyfriend of someone that he had been just friendly with for a short time, while at Kildare's? Where was he before Kildare's??? has it been confirmed that he was on his way home, via texts to friends or meeting up somewhere to meet later? (e.g. for late night food somewhere?)? 2) what was the tone, scope and "level" of the reaction and exchange between him and the DJ, after he "bumped into" the DJ's equipment? and did this exchange involve a bouncer? The same (or another bouncer?) that seems to have seen and/or oddly interacted with Shane later and this interaction caused & motivated (according to this bouncer) an oddly additional apology from Shane. That would only be if "some type of words" were exchange at this later time, which motivated a further apology???
    Human nature dictates such actions and interactions such as this. This
    "late nite" exchange is a something of a anomaly and yet revealing.
    2) the ping is another anomaly that also shows something was amiss & wrong as it shows a possible separation from his phone, and at the very least shows a wayward inclination of NOT reaching ANY intended destination.
    And no communication shortly before
    and anytime after that ping signal. Could any investigator
    from the phone company of his cell phone detect the source, locations and specific direction of that ping signal, via satellite feed and transmission? Did his phone have a GPS/tracking device in his phone???
    just some more insights to help out...
    david t. krall

  66. It looks as if video has been released that may show Shane drunkenly crossing the bridge over the canal towards the isolated parking lot along the river. Reports say he did so at 1:50 a.m. according to surveillance video from a nearby nail salon (4436 Main Street, Philadelphia).

    Shane's phone though was last pinged at 2:36 a.m. not a short distance away (of course that doesn't mean he moved his location, just that his phone pinged the nearest tower).

    Reports have said his friends texted him several times asking where he was and yet he didn't answer and there's no video of him coming back over the canal bridge.

    I wonder if he was going to meet someone there? Maybe someone from Kildares, or a friend, someone that obviously didn't show up and now has this guilt.

    We may never know what happened in those 46 minutes before his phone stopped working. It certainly wouldnt take it that long to stop working if it was submerged in water right?

    If he did just drunkenly wander and slip and fall down what reporters are calling a steep slope, why did it take him 46 minutes to do so? It's only a block away. Or did his phone die and is still on dry land and he fell much earlier?

    This new report also clarifies something for me: the reason for Kildares constant statements that Shane was not drunk when he left. Clearly he was, and maybe since there was a personal connection between Shane and the people that worked there, they decided to not cause a scene and just ask him to leave politely when he bumped into the DJ equipment. Maybe he even posed a greater issue but Kildares is declining to mention as to not accuse themselves of wrongdoing.

    If Shane did die from his drunken state I wonder the liability at Kildares, since they clearly over-served someone - to the point they wandered into a river. (I'm of course not blaming Kildares for all of Shane's drunken state, but did they administer the one beer too many?)

    I know when you sell the drugs that kill someone its a first degree felony, punished by up to 40 years in prison here in PA, its called death by delivery. Any bar owners, lawyers, journalists, police officials or bartenders know what the equivalent would be for this case? Or know of a standard where an argument like that was used against a bar?


    1. Kildare's could possibly be liable under Dram Law.
      Had Kildare's not served him/flagged him they would not be liable. Because they did serve him (even if he was drunk upon arrival) they (possibly) can be held liable.

  67. from: david t. krall
    per two prior posts, it is not possible to even assume he was drunk or that Kildare's would be liable since he is MISSING and has been for SEVERAL days, and only 3 beers on his tab are accounted for and recorded. That doesn't mean somebody/anybody else didn't give or buy him other beers or drinks, but that s what is accounted for.
    If he was that drunk it had to be part of major/prior drinking at another bar BEFORE he entered Kildare's. Which is highly possible.
    But would that explain him walking off and even if drunk, wondering off in very familiar territory, his "home turf" and getting lost or becoming
    confused and losing his sense of direction? And would his walking near
    a canal (which sounds desolate) and/or by the river be consistent when he could and would meet somebody at that late hour time frame. If so,
    somebody would have confirmed it, as his possibly meeting with friends or other parties he was headed to meet. But why meet then and there when all his friends were probably (?) nearby when the bars closed??? if he was drunk, he would have just gone home If it is him on some video, was this or would it be consistent with the direction and bearing (including any short-cuts) to his heading home???

    One more possibility and avenue of
    exploration: private clean-up and private trash haulers emptying
    large bins and other debris after all the bars closed. Perhaps, if so,
    any staff (drivers/pick-up) should be questioned. Also, if any possible
    equipment on such private trash hauler trucks would have "seen" anything". I can bet, just like what I mentioned in a prior post about possible taxis/buses and food delivery trucks later, near and/or after all the bars and restaurants closed, a lot of the bars may have
    private trash retrieval and and collection after Main St. "shuts down"...just another point to ponder...thoughts and prayers...
    david t. krall

  68. If Kildare's were still serving him when he was drunk, and he has had an accident through being drunk. This maybe why we see the distancing language from staff when referring to Kildare's on that night.

    "a building, the premises"

  69. from: david t. krall
    If Kildare's is distancing themselves
    due to his being drunk and he then later disappeared either due to a fatal physical mishap that still does NOT explain his NOT still being found.
    It may explain his clouded mind when he left Kildare's, which is important, no doubt, but if so, then we then at that point due to his (possible) excessive inebriation need to look "above" this for other related tangent / parallel
    points such as other post/later interactions & exchanges (BEFORE & immediately after he left Kildare's)
    such as:any video, any possible sightings, any/all communication including all audio and texts from him, to him and also ALL communications between any and all mutual friends of his who, apparently all seem to have gone their separate ways and appear to have gone home for the night. I would assume most people don't make plans after a night out and then walk off into the darkness to a desolate area. That would defy common sense. One more note, based on tendencies, proclivities/
    habits: he lived near by, so he was totally familiar with the area, and chances are his home is somewhat close-by, and this would be not the first time he was on Main Street hanging out later in an evening. Also, if he took a fatal mishap/mis-step somewhere or a fatal accident and his disappearance was the direct result due to such an unforeseen and unplanned accident, mistep or mishap especially drunk then his presence and where-abouts, including his cell-phone have eluded, stymied and so far puzzled Police, The FBI, Family, Friends and Neighbors. Which leaves only two other possibilities: either his still unknown whereabouts are or were the result of some pre-planned nature to just "walk-off" OR some encounter took place with an other individual or parties still unnamed and unexplained...I totally lean towards the later, likely probability that some exchange and encounter took place which resulted is his disappearance.
    Regards (for now)
    david t. krall

  70. I like your contributions, David T Krall. I hope you stick around beyond this case.

    I'm a little unclear what you're saying though- that if he was drunk, fell off a bridge into a canal or river, he definitely would have been found by now, so that means either he "ran away" on his own and is still hiding or someone else must have taken part to conceal his whereabouts?

    I'm increasingly believing he fell into the water and they just haven't been able to find his body.

    Though here's something that I saw in a video and am unclear on: there was someone- I think a cousin- interviewed who said they went through every nook and cranny of his apartment. Is that a roommate or something and they are searching for evidence Shane ran away? Or do they suspect this cousin in Shane's disappearance? Anybody have insight on why this exhaustive search of someone's apartment took place?

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Well, they found new video evidence of where he was walking afterwards. Otherwise, something isn't adding up and it sounds fishy to me! I hope they find closure soon.

  73. I'd like to clear some things up that continue to be mis-stated.

    Kildares did not say that he only had three beers while there. In fact, they never said what he drank while there. What they *did* say was something like "His tab was $17.00. That is about the cost of three craft beers." It was a very sneaky way of making anyone reading that think that the guy had three craft beers. They did not say that, however.

    And yes, they can be held liable (possibly) depending on if/when this guy's body is found (if deceased) and he is found to have had a high level of alcohol in his system at the time of death. Bar personel are taught to gauge a person's intoxication level and to cut them off at a certain point. If not, and the person in question gets in an accident or some other type of mis-hap, the bar itself, and anyone that served him (at the last place he was served) can be held liable.

  74. From: david t. krall
    first regarding reply to Anonymous on
    12/11/14 at 9:53AM...Thanks for the compliment and commnents. I appreciate them. What I was trying to say or convey was that if drunk, even totally inebriated, disoriented /inpaired and losing his sense of his direction, not to mention his losing basic coordination/motor skills involving balance, walking and visual abilities, have continued to limit the possibility of his being found due to an unplanned accident or unforeseen event involving only himself, due to such a sudden, unforeseen mishap as opposed to a "mishap" involving someone else, which would NOT have been an accident. If missing due to a sudden mishap, it could not have been so sudden if he was maybe depressed. But if so, then his not being found would
    have been due to he being really drunk and thus limited that ability or chance of NOT being found. Basically what I'm saying is that if he had a tragic mishap or took fatal misstep, his chances of being found or his remains, would be lessened if it was a planned self-willed decision to not be found as compared to be the unfortunate victim of an unforeseen accident, because of a drunken unplanned misstep or mishap where his inability and loss of basic skills contributed to his STILL & CONTINUED
    BEING MISSING...which (to me) makes the possibility or "avenue", "far and wide" that another party or parties
    were involved in and contributed to
    his (continued) disappearance. That fact that he's been missing this long and no cell phone contact and that also is missing is an indication, to me, that foul play or some tragic UNmistep & encounter with others took place.
    Also, regarding post and comments from mmmagique, thanks also for your
    reply comments...It would awefully hard, actually impossible to determine 3 weeks later, when and if found, the exact time frame (specific time or near it) as to when death resulted, let alone IF ANY FURTHER
    BEERS resulted or didn't in his being drunk. Especially and significantly because of his STILL BEING MISSING.
    ANYTHING would be difficult to prove, depending on how crowded it was, since I heard it would be difficult to confirm since cameras were "down and out at Kildare's. Can it be assumed that the security cameras not working ALSO (?) included THE CAMERAS AT THE BAR, the bar area??? Any check or which check or tab was or NOT his and what was consumed and paid for by Shane Montgomery, as anybody else could have bought him a beer, would be hard to prove (or disprove), especially 3 weeks after his disappearance, & not driving,
    and taxi or cab driver to witness
    the inebriated/impaired party in question, Shane Montgomery. Unless strong statements by credible witness were given, it would be hard to prove
    as to the exact reason, if true, IF and as to WHY he was asked to really leave Kildare's.

    Dram laws & liability would apply, but if applied and sustained due to
    a KNOWN mishap or accident, involving himself and/or harming/involving others, due to his own over drinking, and direct, overt and confirmed contribution to this over-drinking by Kildare's. If he was that drunk, that a bouncer and/or a mgr asked him to leave, which I have seen conflicting reports of, than how he did manage to becoming "so missing" & for "so long" due to an accidental misstep, as to elude discovery of himself or remains or even his cell phone 3 weeks after
    his disapparance..??? Which brings me back to my initial point to Anonymous.

    I worked in a very, very busy & crowded bar/restaurant for over 17 years. Trained, certified, tips-trained bartender. Trust me I seen it all! Anything, and I mean ANYTHING (!) you can imagine, I and some great co-workers and managers seen it, witnessed it and 'dealt with" and handled properly, adroitly and with quick agility.
    Just trying to help out her with a friendly and constructive rapport and exchange...
    david t. krall

  75. from: david t. krall
    for anybody that is interested
    The Today Show this morning (Friday Morn-12/12/14) aired a good and lengthy segment on this story.
    & per prior post, at the end, supposed to read as "Just trying to help out here..."
    david t. krall

  76. Surveillance video shows missing Roxborough man's last known location but little else

  77. Search narrows for missing Philadelphia college student

  78. IF LOVE COULD RESCUE Shane Montgomery, he'd have been home by dinner on Thanksgiving.

    The search party of relatives and friends who walked the Manayunk Canal and the streets of Roxborough that day would have found him - maybe at a friend's house, after a night of Thanksgiving Eve fun at Kildare's Pub.

    They'd have reamed him out for giving them a fright, brought him home, shared turkey at his grandma's house on Rector Street and bumped chests when the Eagles destroyed the Cowboys that day.

    If community support could rescue Shane, he'd have walked through the door the day after Thanksgiving, when 200 volunteers joined Shane's family in the search. Or on Saturday, when that number ballooned to 400.

    He would have said "Hey, Pappy" to his dad, Kevin. He would have tugged the toes of his sleeping mom, Karen, and said "I'm home," like he always did before heading to bed after a night out.

    "He'd be here," says his aunt, Marianne Wittman. "If love and support could bring him home, he'd be here."

    Instead, more than two weeks after Shane, 21, disappeared from that Main Street bar, the days without him have grown longer, colder and harder. Last week, the biting winds, bleak snow and gray Schuylkill blew a fresh wave of despair over his family. Shane was wearing a thin shirt and hoodie the night he vanished. What protection was that against weather so cruel?

    Shane's big extended family has known tragedy. A cousin died at 16 of cancer. A niece perished in a car wreck at 23. Those losses were searing. But Shane's disappearance has taken the family's suffering to a place they could never have imagined.

    The limbo is excruciating. And yet, each day that he remains missing is a day when he might be found alive, no matter how unrealistic that may seem. Surveillance video from a Main Street salon shows Shane walking toward the Schuylkill the night he vanished. So far, no video shows him returning. But that doesn't mean he never did, says Inspector James Kelley, commanding officer of the Northwest Police Division.

    If Shane is not found, "this will remain an open case and we will follow up on it," says Kelley. "We are not ready to give up on it."

    The diligence of law enforcement has heartened the family.

    "They are not Philly's finest; they are the nation's finest," says Kevin Verbrugghe, Shane's godfather. He was brought to tears when he saw the police, marine, K-9 and aviation units swarming with federal agents on Main Street when Shane vanished.

    "Even strangers are searching for my godson," he says. "In this day and age when there is so much evil in the world, I have seen so much good come out of something so bad. The love has been overwhelming."

    Says Wittman, "It's the only thing that gets us out of bed every morning."

    Such support is crucial in missing-person cases, says Todd Matthews, spokesman for the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System. Overseen by the U.S. Department of Justice, it's a centralized repository and resource center for missing persons and unidentified decedent records.

    The families of the missing are often isolated from others who've suffered tragedy, Matthews says.

  79. "Humans are prepared to face death," he says. "When a loved one dies, others know what you're going through. But we are not prepared to face the mystery of a disappearance. When a person remains missing, life goes on for the rest of the world. But for the family, life just stops."

    Matthews' agency maintains a national database of 40,000 unidentified bodies; and there remain 80,000 Americans reported missing over the years whose absence has not been resolved.

    "I call it a 'silent massacre,' " he says. "If we lost 120,000 people in a tornado, everyone would understand what everyone else was suffering. But these numbers are spread out over space and time. It isolates families. But if they can stay surrounded by people who've walked with them through their darkest hours, it can help."

    Or so he thinks. Matthews knows, when he is telling a family to stay strong for their missing loved one, that he has no idea what he's talking about.

    "I don't know how they put one foot in front of the other," he says. "I tell them to stay positive and that they will survive. But if I were in their position I don't know how I would go on."

    How does the Montgomery family go on, not knowing what happened to Shane?

    How do they let go of the rail-thin young man who could eat like a horse, whose wiry red curls defied the goops and gels he tried to tame it with? Who loved music and jokes and his job at Pierogi Kitchen, his life at West Chester University, his big family and gang of friends?

    "He's not perfect," says Wittman, brokenhearted. "No one is. But he's ours. We have to bring him home. We just have to."


  80. from: david t. krall
    per two prior post from Anonymous,
    well said, well said! Respectful and
    poignant...kind & thoughtful words...
    david t. krall
