Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Blackburn Murder: Change of Language

At the most sensitive times, Davey Blackburn, husband of murder victim Amanda Blackburn, experienced an immediate, intuitive change of language. 

He went from the strong, reliable pronoun "I", to the plural "we", though he was alone, and was addressing his own thoughts and his own feelings about his wife's murder, as well as having nothing "to hide."

This tells me that the subject has "something to hide.

Each time someone tells you that he has nothing to hide, there is something "in his pocket", that is, something he is thinking of while making this statement.  He is inviting you to guess.  

The guilt that is indicated within Statement Analysis is one of two things:

1.  Guilty knowledge connecting him to the shooter (s)

2.  Guilt of being freed from a bad marriage.   

He avoided any personal strong connection to Amanda.  He avoided the direct "love" to her, and from her. 

When he retreated to the pronoun "we", no matter who "we" is, he sought to hide guilt among a crowd; guilt over not mourning.   This type of guilt is so powerful that it impacts language to change.  

If he is not associated to the gang members, the guilt within him is powerful enough to change intuitive instinctive language. 

It is a serious guilt, whatever it is, and it appears stronger than just relief. 

This is the type of language that appears to be guilty of a crime, but when evidence says he is not guilty of a crime, it is guilt of something serious. 

In an case where a woman went missing, the husband's language showed intense guilt, and it eventually became evident what the source of guilt was:

The husband was having an affair. It was something powerful enough to produce indicators of guilt in his language. 

In a missing child case, the father had indicators of guilt and deception in his language:  he did not kill his daughter, but was under the influence from drugs and alcohol, passed out while his toddler wandered out the front door. 

It is something that is serious guilt.  

It could have been he had an affair, which would trigger powerful language changing guilt.  It would be an affair, to produce guilt that would have been active during the time of the murder.

It would not be guilt for having forgotten to lock the door, as this is something that most anyone would feel but would no impact language. 

The guilt is something that, just one month prior to the murder, he spoke freely of how bad the murder and pregnancy were for him.  When she was murdered, he used not only distancing language, but consistent distancing language. 

The violent language in the videos, and the waving of a gun, the open declaration of his sexual drive, and the degradation and humiliation, even subtle, in his language towards his wife tells me:  this is  a very disturbed narcissistic young man who's language appears sociopathic in nature.  

His own language caused the public to suspect him and police have been investigating him from the beginning. 

I will be patient through the investigation.  

That she was not raped changes the landscape for investigators observing the case from without.  I continue to watch the language and we have now seen a powerful shift in language that shows an awareness of criticism from the public.  

That he offered, 

"for us, we have nothing to hide" tells me one thing of certainty:

by refusing to issue a reliable denial, he offered in the negative, what is impossible: having "nothing" which means:

Blackburn has something to hide, even if he is not associated with the gang members arrested.  

"For us, we have nothing to hide..." even spoken to a junior high school principal would cause one to ask, "What are you hiding?"

Every parent knows that this is a challenge to search.  

It is not known what "we" are hiding, but it is something and it is something that associates him with someone else, which produced not only the "we" he so often used, but confirmation with the word, "us", which is a needless repetition that is intuitive.

Whatever guilt he is experiencing is powerful enough to produce a change of language and upon reading of the suspicion of the public, the awareness of such is now evident within the latest statement. 


  1. I'm also following along, waiting to see what, if anything, shakes out.

  2. Each time someone tells you that he has nothing to hide, there is something "in his pocket", that is, something he is thinking of while making this statement. He is inviting you to guess.

    Statement Analysis does not change with each new report from the news. The analysis remains the same. This is why experts often wait until more information is available; lack of confidence in their work.

    Something DB has done with someone else, and if "we" is him and "church", then it is something associated with the church, but it is something, and it is enough to produce a signal of guilt while talking of his wife's murder.

    All sorts of analysis and experts will change their tune with each new day's release and criticize what they do not grasp, but I remain patient.

    The husband of murder victim Amanda Blackburn has told us in his intuitive choice of words:

    he in correlation to at least one other person, is hiding something that is related to the death of Amanda.


    1. So, the local police chief called a spouse meeting about 10 months ago. At the meeting he told the spouses that they would find nothing bad about him online because he had already looked. He told them that they would only see a letter from a crazy guy.

      It was offered up by him, completely unasked for information. What would you think about that?

  3. Peter, I agree. Thank you for posting on this case. Your work is much appreciated. I come here often to get better understanding in cases like this. Mainstream news often leads us astray ~

  4. The murder was the answer to all his problems. Even Perry Noble seemed to feel that way, in his blog describing the overwhelming feeling of hope he experienced as he was approaching Amanda Blackburn's hospital room. After being so vocal about his unhappiness in his marriage, to audiences of hundreds of people, he might have felt the murder was an anonymous gift, from someone who supports him & his mission.

  5. Peter,
    Your analysis is so incredibly interesting to me. Thank you for your perspective.

  6. Hmm...I originally thought he may have left the front door open on purpose, and then sat in his car in the driveway for an hour talking on the phone, also on purpose. I also thought maybe he did those things accidentally, and then felt guilty. But, perhaps not. It is a stretch. Maybe I'm guilty of putting words in his mouth, so to speak. I'm not very good at SA, but I'm learning.

    The senior pastor at the church one of my adult children attends was recently caught in an affair that had gone on for quite some time. He, also, was (is) very egotistical and narcissistic.

    You're much more patient than I am, Peter. :)



  7. I don't think guilty knowledge of an affair can explain away DB's contrived, over-the-top emoting for the camera. The staring longingly at the wedding ring, the desperate attempts (and repeated failure) at trying to eek out even one tear, the large gulps and cracked voice that magically restores itself in the very next breath or at the mention of Jesus. Either this guy has no soul at all OR he was not surprised at what he found that morning. Putting the marriage aside for a moment, how do you witness that scene and then have to manufacture sadness or shock in ANY WAY? Even if she were a stranger, what he walked into that morning was a horror that curiously seems to be lost somewhere behind his dead eyes and dilated pupils.

  8. His signs of "guilt" are not the my-conscience-is-bothering-me kind of guilt; rather, it's the I'm-hiding-something kind of guilt.

  9. This has got to be the most bizarre case I have ever seen. Not just Davey and Perry Noble's statements and behavior. The police immediately clearing him (that can not be done) the three burglaries (two of which supposedly happened at the same time, or has that been cleared up), the sloppy and biased media coverage. It just doesn't add up. There is more to the story. I won't speculate and am really glad that Peter, and all of you are following and digging into the details.

    1. Read the affidavit. The first burglary was around 4:30 am and the resident waited almost an hour to report it out of fear. The second one was around 5:30 am

  10. I'm willing to be patient if I know that someone is still working on it. I want to know the truth, whatever it is, however long it takes.


  11. Someone I knew died in a horrific car accident last year. She was in her mid-30s, married, had a toddler, and was three months pregnant. Her car burst into flames, and she was trapped.

    Her husband is still a shell of his former self and focused on raising his son. But the stranger who tried to help her at the scene and actually witnessed what happened to her has been in therapy and unable to return to work since.

  12. Another off thing I read was that when he got home from the gym, he sat in his car on the phone for about an hour.



  13. I agree Carnival Barker. How do you come across a scene like that and not be a basket case. With his son upstairs!!! How do you not react with fear and anger and remorse when any human being is murdered in your home and your son is upstairs? How can anyone be that cold. How can you need to put on act- there should be raw emotion.

  14. OT:

  15. Peter The guilt is something that, just one month prior to the murder, he spoke freely of how bad the murder and pregnancy were for him. When she was murdered, he used not only distancing language, but consistent distancing language.

    You're leaking:) did you mean marriage and pregnancy? :)

  16. My thoughts when the sexual assault was mentioned and then retracted (or was simply misinformation) I wondered if DB was in 'need' of relief before he left for the gym and was rough with AB. I wonder if this was the confusion with police as to when the assault happened.
    I don't see DB being considerate in that area of their life at all. With that, I wonder if a rape kit was done.

  17. Does anyone have the link for the probable cause affidavit? Read it was posted online but can't find it.

  18. It does seem odd that in press conference when the question was asked regarding whether or not the gang-members knew the Blackburns, that the guy at the podium had to check with the police chief before answering.

  19. DB back on Fox and Friends https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=968371633250433&id=111938618893743&_rdr

  20. If Blackburn had said "I have nothing to hide" as opposed to "WE have nothing to hide," would that be a more reliable statement? I'm wondering about all the times I've hear people say they've nothing to hide; I've even said it..Is it possible to lie to oneself?

    1. Using the word "nothing" is a sign there is something. He needed to say "I didn't kill Amanda" for it to have been reliable. There must be other ways he could've said it, but I'm a novice at this. But I know "I have nothing to hide" is considered suspicious.

  21. Thanks for the link, Amy. He is one piece of work!. He drags everything back to "Jesus".

    Your wife and un born have been murdered, and your preaching!!

    He knocks me sick!!

  22. Why would he spend nearly an hour in the driveway talking on the phone to someone?

    Doing that means he was talking to someone he didn't want Amanada to know about.

    Was it something he did often?
    Just how much of a coincidence is it that:

    He changed his routine and got to the gym late on the day his wife and unborn child was murdered.

    He sat in his car on his driveway for almost an hour talking on the phone whilst inside the house, his wife and unborn child were dying.

    Cell phone records will be telling.

    It is clear he did not love his wife.
    It is clear the marriage was in trouble.
    It is clear he resented the pregnancy.
    It is clear he is hiding something.

    Who was he on the phone to in his car that could not have been continued in the house whilst his wife was around?

    What was he talking about on the phone that he could not let his wife Amanda overhear?

    Was this something he did often?

    If it wasn't, what changed on that day that he sat in his car on the driveway for an hour whilst inside the house his wife and unborn child lay dying?

    Did someone call him?

    Did he call the other person?

    What was discussed?

    Why was it discussed?

    Had Amanda not been shot, how would he have explained away his sitting in his car on their driveway for almost an hour?

    What is he hiding?

    Why is he hiding it?

    Who else knows about what he is hiding?

    What will be the consequences of what he is hiding coming out?

    What would have been the consequences if Amanda had found out about what he is hiding?

    The documents said Taylor shot her in the upper body so he would not be scratched. Taylor then allegedly told his cohorts that "he leaned over her body and shot her in the back of the head. He leaned further, looked at her face, and watched her bleed."
    How is this possible?
    If she was lying on her side facing away from him perhaps?
    That way if he was behind her he could do the head shot and then lean over to see her face.
    This means though was the upper body shot to the front or back of her body?
    If it was a through shot, where was the exit wound?
    If he shot her in the back, how could she have been charging at him?

    1. They said that the "gunshot wound to her lower left arm traveled up her bicep...and another gunshot wound that entered and exited her upper back"
      She had "scratches on her left cheek, a split lip and a lower tooth knocked out"

    2. Se really suffered.

      Her body was not just a clean shot to the head. She was punched.

      This would traumatic me of it was a stranger.

      Davey shows no reaction. Even if he wanted her gone, the fact that seeing her like this (he found her) has not caused serious trauma is where I still feel he is involved.

      It's not even like he's a doctor and has seen horrible trauma where he is able to disconnect. And I don't think he's been in war. So this is likely the first time he has seen a body is such a horrible manner.

      It should have been tramautizing.

      Regardless of he loved her or not.

      Even if he's never connected to these men, it doesn't mean he's not.

    3. Excuse typos..doing this on my phone...

  23. I am even more puzzled with the arrest of these three young men. Things do not add up. So they saw Davey leave, went in to the house, robbed and killed Amanda... A neighbor heard gunshots and what sounded like a scream...this at a busy time of the morning, when people are getting up to go to work. They want us to believe that these guys were able to do all of this without attracting enough attention to provoke someone to call 911. I know if I heard these kinds of things in my neighbor hood, I'd be calling the police...so after they've robbed her, two guys LEAVE to get money from her card(s).. And the 18 year old Larry Taylor, the youngest and most inexperienced gang member, stays behind to kill the homeowner...seriously???????

    Larry Taylor's only available criminal record was a misdemeanour, public indecency...so all of a sudden he has graduated to capital crime, and he's willing to risk it all (high likelihood of getting caught) for this????


    I don't believe it...something stinks so bad here...


    1. And he supposedly wanted to kill people at the other house they robbed miles away at the same time, too. Bloodthirsty kid, right? Whole thing makes no sense.

  24. Yesterday, I wrote that DB seemed to exhibit signs of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) moreso than Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). They are often confused, and indeed they (probably) share a common neuro-psychological etiology.

    Both of them can be considered "identity-disorders" on some level. In the Narcissist, everything references back to the self. The needs of others either do not exist or do not matter. In the Borderline, everything references back to the LACK of a strong self. One's identity is entirely dependent on artificial, social supports. The Borderline lives in constant fear of losing those supports if the people close to them sense their core emptiness. One difference between Borderlines and Narcissists, in my experience, is that the former act VERY differently in one-on-one situations vs. group situations. I think we see this dynamic at work in DB.

    I want to talk about the role of shame in the BPD, because I am beginning to suspect that it is the proverbial elephant in the room here. Shame and guilt appear very similar superficially and behaviorally. Guilt is when a person feels that their ACTIONS or BELIEFS are wrong, inconsistent with their values. Shame is when a person feels that THEY are themselves wrong. Guilt is something that can be alleviated, often by confession. Shame is a tougher nut to crack.

    Shame is the black hole around which the BPD's entire galaxy of personality orbits. Shame motivates them. Shame drives their social relationships. Keeping shame at bay is their basic preoccupation in life.

    My question for Peter is: how would Statement Analysis differentiate between Shame and Guilt? I am not an expert by any means in SA--a novice, in fact. But I have a feeling that teasing out the difference between a core sense of shame versus "mere" guilt would not be an easy thing. Both emotional systems infiltrate language on a deep level. If you remove the social supports of a Borderline, place them under a microscope, wind them up, and simply let them talk...I think you would get something very similar to what we have seen in Davey's television interviews.

    All of this begs the question: so why would he do the interviews in the first place? I don't have a great answer for that except to go back again to the Borderline's absence of any identity without social supports. If DB is in fact a Borderline, then there is really no "Davey" without the key supports of Amanda and the church. One of those has been taken away. The other is very much at risk. It therefore does not surprise me that he would take extraordinary (if misguided) measures to protect "all that he has left."

  25. Thank you for standing your ground, Peter, and for not being intimidated into backing down. I am not at all convinced that Davey Blackburn is not hiding major, major guilt. MAJOR. Al these incidences of obvious guilt cannot ALL be coincidence. There is more here than meets the eye and it is MAJOR. ABB

  26. I've got to stop watching him. My anger towards him is annoying me for feeling anger. By the way, i'm showing more emotion in this post than he ever has, and i haven't just lost my wife and un born baby!!

  27. I forgot to add, how did they get her pin number?
    Why take her bank card and yet leave her credit cards and purse behind?
    Was there money in her purse?
    Ifd this was a robbery why not take anything of value such as jewelry or electrical which would be easy to fence?

    1. Read the affidavit. It's all outlined. She gave them the pin and 2 of them went to use the card leaving the other there to make sure it worked. I would give them anything they asked if I thought it would save my life. He slapped her across the mouth with his gun so she knew he was serious. So horrible. BC

  28. Sadly, the arrests of these guys has caused quite a big of a race war in the comments sections of Indy news facebook pages. Very disturbing.

  29. Absolutely. Totally. 100% John. Dead right, your post @9:46 am.

    If people like him don't turn others away from finding and following Jesus, or even having the desire too, I don't know what will! Lord help us. ABB

  30. Oh, and just as a postscript: I could of course be completely wrong about DB. He may be a Narcissist. He may be hiding something specific, rather than a generalized sense of shame. If he is hiding something, it could be an affair. It could be involvement or foreknowledge. It could be wish-fulfillment.

    Like most others, I'm going off of what I've seen so far, and my hinky meter has been going off just as loudly as everyone else's.

    I'm just trying to offer an alternate explanation that could fit with the facts of the case as we understand them today.

  31. I find it next to impossible to believe that Amanda charged him. If I confronted an intruder in my house I feel quite certain I would run the other way. Unless she was trying to put herself between the guy and her son I guess, but I wouldn't call that charging. IDK.

  32. OT
    I'd appreciate your analysis:
    Recently, my husband has started to greet me with "hey beautiful" instead of "honey." It seems to coincide with my recently complaining about looking old. Is he simply trying to assure me, or is he trying to convince himself? I feel irritated when I hear him say it because I know I'm not beautiful.
    Maybe I'm over-analyzing, but I can't shake the feeling he's not being truthful. I told him as much and he said something to the effect of "you'll always be beautiful to me." To which I replied, "lies!" I must sound so insecure. I AM insecure. Anyway, your thoughts? Thank you.

  33. And the whole thing of him sitting in the driveway for an hour, talking on the phone??? Really?

    All this commotion and trauma, and no one notices anything??? And he can sit there that long, and everything's just normal and quiet??the whole things makes my blood boil ... Too many unanswered questions!

    And reports say that he found her, but some news articles say, "when first-responders found her..." Which is it?


    Btw...I was grateful to find this website, to know that I'm not alone in thinking these things...and that we can analyze statements to find truth, at least to some extent, by what's been said and not said. I hope the police are questioning everything, and not closing the case now that they've made arrests.

  34. He was also on GMA again it seems.

  35. Mary, the only way to find out for sure is to ask him repeatedly if your butt looks big.

  36. Someone on Twitter who seems to like DB publicly tweeted my home address last night. I blocked and have made a report.

  37. Andrew, would you say it's true people with those types of personality disorders don't experience love? A friend I know quite well & whom I believe to be bpd lost a spouse of 40 years (died), and my friend was absolutely joyful and on a manic high for months after the death.

  38. Have today's interviews with DB run? I'd be interested to know what he said. I can't bring myself to watch the replays on video. I cannot stand listening to him and watching his gesturing. If someone has watched, would you paraphrase what he said?

  39. I believe in forgiveness, but NO WAY could I forgive this quick. Anger would be my 1st emotion. LA

  40. To Anon 10:04: Haha! :-))Thanks for the levity re:

    "Mary, the only way to find out for sure is to ask him repeatedly if your butt looks big."

  41. Amy Smith, that is so scary. That is so awful, I cannot express how horrifying that is.

    1. Along with my full name and a list of phone numbers

  42. I think if he were having an affair, he'd cover with an expensive gift to his wife...like a larger engagement ring or something equivalent.

    He responds to the demands of the mother church with larger numbers tuning in. The gift would be something known to her...only larger.

  43. Suspected killer of pastor’s wife ‘watched her bleed,’ court document says


    Afterwards, Taylor reportedly told Watson, Gordon and two others that he killed Blackburn, authorities say.

    “Taylor stated that she charged at him and he shot her somewhere in the upper body so he would not be scratched,” the document states. “Taylor then told them that he leaned over her body and shot her in the back of the head. He leaned further, looked at her face, and watched her bleed.”

    Her husband returned home from the gym around 7:30 a.m. that morning, but remained on the phone with a friend in the driveway until about 8:20 a.m., according to the affidavit. When he entered the house, he found his wife nude and face down in blood on the living room floor. At an afternoon news conference Monday, Marion County Prosecutor Terry Curry said there was “no sufficient evidence to file sexual assault charges.”

    Yet there is NO emotion from him! That image would be etched on my retina!


  44. I have been thinking and thinking about this. I wonder if sometimes the mind is so disordered that SA cannot use the usual norms. When thugs shot a baby in its stroller in Georgia, the mother's statements indicated her as guilty. She was not. She was schizophrenic.

    Now we have DB. Everything I saw in those love song videos and in his statements indicate Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Can his language which come from his thoughts, which are disordered...really be analyzed through set standards?

    Which brings me to my (hopefully) nondisordered thoughts. :-)

    1. An NPD spends his life deflecting negative emotions. It's not that he feels guilt or shame. They don't even reach him. He deflects them before they do.

    2. Therefore DB's use of "we" may be anywhere he is worried negative emotions will touch him. Not just guilt. It is engrained in him to deflect, to automatically go to "we."

    3. DB, as all narcissists, is scared to death to feel a negative emotion. He goes to Jesus to explain his peace and lack of emotion. When truly it is his narcissistic nature.

    4. I can't find the quotes now, so I will paraphrase. DB said he can't explain how he has such peace. That all those who put their trust in Jesus worry that when they are tested, they won't come through. They won't be able to just feel the peace, and not let their emotions rule them. He's all about not having emotions. And he uses Jesus as a crutch in doing that.

    I have changed my mind. I don't think DB has anything to do with his wife's murder. Poor Amanda must have been terrified in her last moments for her son and herself. She could feel. Even though she had a husband telling her she shouldn't let "emotions rule" her. DB likes to say he learned that from her. I don't believe so.

    Last thing, a narcissist has something so traumatic happen in their childhood that they turn off all emotions. They die inside. We will never know, but I wonder what DB's was.

  45. I keep going back to the 'we' thing, and I think it's a way of distancing, like Peter said, and I also think DB so deeply believes that everyone believes him that he's just assuming this in his speech - whether or not they ACTUALLY believe him. Messiah complex - "of COURSE they believe me." I do think that some in his inner circle have doubts, but the more DB says 'we', they are swayed to believe him. 'We' - 'everyone is on board, even if I'm not-so-honest. My good people believe me'. PN -"I believe Davey".

    Another thing I keep going back to was that trip to Chicago - who was 'minding the store', who was at the B's house, whether to water the plants, pick up the mail/newspaper, feed the dog, watch the baby, or was the house empty? I have a sense that things were happening during that trip on a couple of fronts: DB & AB - did a fight/argument/disagreement happen? What was happening at their house while they were gone? Any burglaries during that time? What were the 3 suspects doing during that time?

    In the 3 videos relating to that trip, DB's demeanor seems hyped up; AB seems to have many emotions - 'joining' DB's more upbeat emotions at times, seeming lost in her thoughts at times, at times seeming to be like: "oh there he goes again", other times seeming to struggle to support where DB is going - the frown, the set of her mouth, then she seems to 'turn on'... in Q&A 3, DB turns, and AB is smacking her lips around the 4:40-4:45 mark, while DB is simultaneously seeming to keep his lips tucked in, as if to keep from saying something while she's talking. While AB is doing the lip smacking, she's saying "It's really easy for a to submit to her husband WHEN (my emphasis) her husband is leading her well (lip smack- she seems SO uneasy saying that- it's a sticking point with them)". While she's talking in this vein, DB seems rigid, face impassive. Later in that vid, when AB talks about how she saw him doing his devotionals, she was inspired by his example- he softens and smiles- he likes when she's admiring of him, not so much when she's talking about 'the husband leading her well'.

  46. I wonder if DB and Amanda had a joint checking.

    I can't imagine them sending her a voicemail alert message saying there has been suspicious activity on her ATM card at 7:54 am and not sending DB a message as well, as he sat chatting with a friend for almost an hour in the driveway.

    I would also suspect they DID have a joint checking, since he was being monitored online by his pastor and Amanda, she would want to see the bank statements as well as weekly online reports.

    Sorry, this stinks to high heaven.

    RIP Amanda.
    I hope the truth comes out and to light

    1. We have joint checking and receive different notifications per card and have to have different logins for online banking. This is nothing unusual.

  47. @Anonymous 10:05

    I think it is fair to say that Borderlines do not experience love the way typical people do. They experience NEED. They need the validation of being loved unconditionally. But when they find someone who loves them, they recoil: "What is wrong with this person that they could love someone as horrible/empty/disgusting as me?" They will often act out in ways that seem calculated to push the other person away. Sometimes they are testing the other person to see if the love is "real."

    If the person starts to pull away, panic can set in, and they will pull out all the stops to hold onto them.

    This is not to say that Borderlines are incapable of feeling love. I'm sure that some of them can and do. It is also a condition that sometimes alleviates later in life, as a socially-derived identity fills in the gaps.

  48. I can't get past the unlocked front door. That bothers me. Who leaves their front door unlocked when leaving the house, especially when an infant child and wife are inside and it's early morning hours and there had been, purportedly, previous break-ins in the neighborhood.

    I can't get past that these murderers were robbing a house miles away and then happened upon that particular street (a court) to rob another house which happened to be uninhabited by the owners (which, purportedly, the neighbors knew the owners weren't home). Then the murderers see another homeowner a few doors down drive away and they walk to that house and enter through the unlocked front door.

    Besides the shady language of DB in all his myriad television statements, these things bother me immensely. I am still unconvinced of his absolute innocence.

    1. Lots of people I know leave their homes unlocked or garage doors open during the day. I don't but it's not out of the ordinary for some.

  49. @ScottWTHR: Davey Blackburn did not want to see the mugshots of suspects yet but now knows their names. #WTHR #AmandaBlackburn https://t.co/IwyphioBci

  50. @daveyblackburn: "[The Lord] will swallow up death forever, and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces . . ." -Isaiah 25:8

  51. Fascinating article as usual Peter. I like that you succinctly summarized what narcissistic attributes you saw in Davey's videos before the murder. I think that my familiarity with this type of church sort of blinds me to his character flaws. For whatever reason I was not seeing his behavior as abnormal. It just seemed that he was doing his evangelical thing like they do. I'm aware now though that most people think his behavior in the sermons and videos before the murder is not normal, and not expected.

  52. @daveyblackburn: Amanda's favorite verse: “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Isaiah 26:3

  53. Sus, your Freudian analogy was convincing. Convincing to me that you do not believe in religion. Prayer is used worldwide to derive peace. Let's face it:it's a negative world out there and a refuge is needed to cope. Yes, refuge from the world;not a crutch.

  54. That verse doesn't say there will not be tears but that the Lord will wipe them away. First there has to be tears to wipe away.

  55. Amy, you need to report that to the police. And please be extra cautious. I am concerned about your safety.

  56. Lots of people hung-up on the unlocked door. It is a red herring, imo.

    Plenty of people leave their doors unlocked. I do it often in my safe midwestern suburb. Heck, I used to do it living in New York City.

    Leaving a door unlocked is not that unusual.

  57. andrew, it seems to me that often borderlines lack a normal conscience, or seem sociopathic. One that comes to mind is the "hiccup girl" who ended up murdering someone.

  58. I doubt the woman whose home he invaded in the "we" hours of the night left....her door unlocked.

  59. Anonymous 10:32, there were 3 people on the porch that saw us when we left!

  60. that post at 10:37 was a joke. a play on some SA lessons. plz disregard, not even funny.

  61. Red herrings, a pink sweater and a bag of oranges.

  62. @Donna 10:14 // Can you tell me where to find the Q&A 3 you reference? I've searched in vain on the Resonate website for any Q&A with D&A besides Love Song Week 6. Thanks.

  63. Jenny, it's on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQJMlgc1O7A

  64. When I see the words 'red herring,' I am reminded of people who think they can dupe others, eg, "No one locks their doors in this town." (To imply there are no "bad apples" here other than the victim.) Or, it doesn't have any effect on my life...let them take what they want, I have insurance (not believing someone may actually kill them as they have no enemy in the world).

    A form of grooming/

  65. He is guilty of hiding SOMETHING- either a girlfriend (Meg) or knowing more about he investigation than he lets on.

    I know he has his faith - and every one of his followers just applauds him for that, but he stated publicly today (back in the limelight again I see, this won't be the last of Davey Blackburn or Perry Noble (wonder if Noble is Perrys true last name lol))

    That he FORGIVES her killers.
    Couldn't look at their faces- but he forgives them.

    I don't think he could look at their faces bc the media was probably trying to get his reaction to seeing them on camera- now why wouldn't you want anyone to see your reaction if you had nothing to hide?

    Curiosity is human nature.
    Chances are if your husband, wife, child was killed, possibly raped, brutally - you would WANT to see their killers pictures.


  66. I think I'm going to step back from all of this for awhile. It is starting to look more conclusively like DB had nothing to do with Amanda's murder. Unless and until the police say otherwise, I'm going to accept that as fact.

    That being the case, I'm personally not comfortable continuing to place the man under the microscope. He has experienced a terrible tragedy. His reactions to it strike many of us as bizarre, but "there but for the grace of God..."

    At this point, I see no good purpose that can be served by analyzing his every word and behavior. Even narcissists and borderlines have feelings and deserve to be treated with decency and respect, especially in times like this.

    1. Thank you for your thoughts, and insights, Andrew.
      Hope to see you back again someday.
      It is good to step back awhile and get a clear mind.

    2. I totally agree! I too questioned his involvement by his interviews but picking apart sitting on the phone in the driveway to finish a conversation (I've done that) or leaving the door unlocked (I've done that) Going to visit family with violent suspects on the loose is certainly understandable why did didn't want to be in that house.

  67. Please pray for the internet bullies of Davey -think I'll just sit in the driveway for an hour - Blackburn.

  68. @Donna ... oh yes I'd seen this several times. I thought I was looking for another onstage-at-"church" thing. Amanda's face ... it breaks my heart. She's going to the big city for a romantic getaway with her man but she didn't bother even to fix up. That speaks to me of depression and despair, of inner conflict around the event itself. Her light has gone out. Their eyes are hidden and that's not good; I realize they're outdoors but it doesn't look like an overtly sunny day. He appears mean and aggressive ... "We [men] are called to DIE" ... ???? She looks heartbroken and concerned. She's not on board with what they're doing. Not at all.

    Plus which, I think making that video on that train platform at that time is just plain weird. And then later (on Twitter) he claimed they were "tears" -- I believe he meant IN tears -- watching the Elevation Church vid of Levi Lusko while on the train. Going for a romantic getaway, you're watching a "sermon" on a device instead of holding hands, looking out the window, chatting about the day? I don't care how much you claim your life is all about Jesus 24-7-365, that's just odd behavior.

    I cannot stop thinking of the agonies she must have suffered, right up until the end. She's on my mind day and night. God please rest her soul.

  69. @April_Kelsey: @watchkeep I heard #daveyblackburn might know or have counseled one of the suspects in the past. Have police confirmed this?

  70. And let's add here- no human emotion from this man. He forgives.

    He's not having trouble sleeping at night- Oh no, not Davey.

    He is not haunted by scenarios in his head.
    He isn't wondering how badly they hurt her, before they killed her.
    What her last thoughts were and if she was begging for him to come and save her and lay down his life for her and her unborn child and Weston.

    He isn't suicidal with grief wondering if in her last moments she cried out for him to help her.

    He isn't enraged at the enjoyment these thugs took in brutally murdering his beautiful willowy bride.
    He isn't seething with anger knowing that one of them purposely knocked out her teeth.

    And where is the anger at her possibly being raped - when she had only ever been with one other man, her husband, Davey, and they possibly took that from her- something she wore a purity ring for, that Davey waited for that was sacred to them both, they stole from her.

    He doesn't feel guilty that he sat outside happily on the phone, "doing life!" With a good friend, as the life slipped out of his wife and unborn child.

    He isnt going through a million what ifs- if I stayed home, if I locked the door, if I got back early I could have rushed in and saved her, what if they would have killed Weston too I would have lost my entire immediate family.

    Not a signed one of these he is doing.

    Good for him.
    I don't buy it.

  71. Jenny, I think DB is 'onstage' all the time. I agree with your assessment of the video- mean and aggressive. I'll light some incense for Amanda.

  72. Narcissists have feelings (yes they do) and deserve to be treated with decency and respect. And murderers too. Especially in times like this.
    Wait, what?

  73. Andrew, could you re post your last comment please. It disappeared so fast I thought I was having a psychotic break.My education level and reading skills aren't a match for yours.

  74. @Anonymous 11:05:

    I'll be back. In fact, I'll probably continue reading Peter's analysis and everyone else's comments.

    I'm just not comfortable participating anymore. In the absence of any evidence from the police that Davey is a suspect, this is starting to take on a bit too much of a lynch mob feel to me.

    People are making some extremely dangerous, damning assumptions about him based on relatively scant information. And while is demeanor may be "off" in all kinds of ways, that really doesn't matter much if he is what the police say he is: a husband whose wife and unborn child were just brutally murdered.

    Cognitive dissonance is one of the most powerful forces in the human psyche. Once we "decide" on something, it is pretty amazing what we will do to retain our certainty...

    Sorry--I know I'm getting a little preachy about this, which is just more evidence that I need to step away.

  75. I'm so disturbed by the timing of all this. He leaves for the gym very late from his normal pattern. He comes home and sits in his car on the phone for an HOUR on the phone -- with whom at that hour of the morning? What's left seems like it could only be a very tightly scheduled intrusion into the home and he knew exactly that timing. It's as if he wanted to make sure she had plenty of time to bleed before he went inside. OR he truly is innocent, the timing is a totally horrible coincidence, and he has major guilt that he 1) sat out in the driveway for an hour and 2) doesn't feel any loss but feels relief that she's gone. It seems so unlikely that the weird timing that morning just happened, but you have to be open to it. Also, it seems so weird that ANYONE would rob a suburban street at 6:45 when people are getting up and going to work, coming out to get their newspapers, walk the dog etc. You'd have to be stupid to not think you'll be seen at that time. Also, why didn't neighbors notice all these men going in and out of the house at that hour?

  76. But, you decide not to repost about the shame and guilt thingy, andrew?

  77. Jenny, the train station videos were heartbreaking. When CD talked about having to change Weston's diaper, (duty/doodie) Amanda looked ineffably sad. Like she was really missing her baby. A happy, loving family does not need a weekend away from their 15 month old baby. I don't think she wanted to go away without Weston. She was missing him before they had left the train station. Davey, not so much.

  78. @JMTO 11:03 // Spot-on and that's one of the more on-point analyses -- aside from those of Peter himself -- to emerge here, especially the part about her closely-guarded purity, a thing they both so cherished. I don't buy it either.

    Being a Christian, with all the peace of God at your disposal, does NOT make you an automaton. It does not deprive you of normal human emotions such as overwhelming grief and justifiable anger in the face of unthinkable events. It does not make those feelings of (temporary) utter hopelessness and traumatic heartbreak inappropriate or irrelevant. On the contrary; it puts you more in touch with the full range of God-given emotions. It makes the heart more tender, not bulletproof and impervious to tragedy.

    No matter what he did or didn't do in this case, Davey's a sick puppy. I feel for Weston whose heart is destined to be "shepherded" by this cold, soulless person.

    1. Thank you, Jenny.
      I appreciate that very much.

  79. Full interview on Fox news.

    It is Amanda's Dad (Phil) sitting next to db.


  80. I have been up down and All around with whether DB is involved or not. I am convinced he has a personality disorder in the least. So you have a Narcissistic sociopath who rants about women, lack of sex, bad marriage whose pregnant wife is brutally murdered. Add in he left the door unlocked and sat in the driveway for nearly an hour talking on the phone and... Well... Kinda sounds like if he is innocent maybe God hates him. (Exaggerated for dramatic effect). I mean, this guy is the poorest saddest Sap around. But he is damn near joyful it seems.

    My hinky meter has not slowed down much since this case began. Something's not right. There is still more information out there to come out. This is not over. This is what my intuition says: more to come.

  81. @Anonymous 11:23:

    Here is the original post:

    Yesterday, I wrote that DB seemed to exhibit signs of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) moreso than Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). They are often confused, and indeed they (probably) share a common neuro-psychological etiology.

    Both of them can be considered "identity-disorders" on some level. In the Narcissist, everything references back to the self. The needs of others either do not exist or do not matter. In the Borderline, everything references back to the LACK of a strong self. One's identity is entirely dependent on artificial, social supports. The Borderline lives in constant fear of losing those supports if the people close to them sense their core emptiness. One difference between Borderlines and Narcissists, in my experience, is that the former act VERY differently in one-on-one situations vs. group situations. I think we see this dynamic at work in DB.

    I want to talk about the role of shame in the BPD, because I am beginning to suspect that it is the proverbial elephant in the room here. Shame and guilt appear very similar superficially and behaviorally. Guilt is when a person feels that their ACTIONS or BELIEFS are wrong, inconsistent with their values. Shame is when a person feels that THEY are themselves wrong. Guilt is something that can be alleviated, often by confession. Shame is a tougher nut to crack.

    Shame is the black hole around which the BPD's entire galaxy of personality orbits. Shame motivates them. Shame drives their social relationships. Keeping shame at bay is their basic preoccupation in life.

    My question for Peter is: how would Statement Analysis differentiate between Shame and Guilt? I am not an expert by any means in SA--a novice, in fact. But I have a feeling that teasing out the difference between a core sense of shame versus "mere" guilt would not be an easy thing. Both emotional systems infiltrate language on a deep level. If you remove the social supports of a Borderline, place them under a microscope, wind them up, and simply let them talk...I think you would get something very similar to what we have seen in Davey's television interviews.

    All of this begs the question: so why would he do the interviews in the first place? I don't have a great answer for that except to go back again to the Borderline's absence of any identity without social supports. If DB is in fact a Borderline, then there is really no "Davey" without the key supports of Amanda and the church. One of those has been taken away. The other is very much at risk. It therefore does not surprise me that he would take extraordinary (if misguided) measures to protect "all that he has left."

  82. I agree with Andrew about the door being unlocked; I live in N. Charleston, S.C which is known to have a higher crime rate than many other cities in the state and I know people (myself included until quite recently) who still leave their doors open. I'm more suspicious about the killers confidence on "knowing" the front door would be open.

    OT re: keep asking if your butt looks big. That made me smile, thanks.


  83. Andrew,
    I agree. This is a blog for analyzing statements. Peter is the professional guiding those of us trying to learn.

    Big cases often bring in new people who are interested. Some are truly interested in looking at the statements and finding truth. Some are set on one side or the other.

    I was leaning heavily to the side that DB was involved. Not because of his post murder statements, so much as his pre-murder behavior. It showed the agitation and stress if someone leading up to an identity split. I could explain his post statements through his narcissism.

    Now the facts are showing someone else killed Amanda. Yet, DB's statements show guilt, according to Peter. I am of the mind they show guilt for a NON mentally ill person. I am interested in delving into his statements from the standpoint that he is mentally ill.

    I hope you stick around. This is a nice place to be and learn to decipher the truth. Ignore those who have another agenda.

  84. I want to talk about the role of shame in the BPD, because I am beginning to suspect that it is the proverbial elephant in the room here. Shame and guilt appear very similar superficially and behaviorally. Guilt is when a person feels that their ACTIONS or BELIEFS are wrong, inconsistent with their values. Shame is when a person feels that THEY are themselves wrong. Guilt is something that can be alleviated, often by confession. Shame is a tougher nut to crack.

    Shame is the black hole around which the BPD's entire galaxy of personality orbits. Shame motivates them. Shame drives their social relationships. Keeping shame at bay is their basic preoccupation in life.

    ---------------tkx andrew

    Let's talk about putting people under a microscope then. In doing so, how easy would it be to transform human flesh into mere puppets for one's own use?

  85. To the poster who asked, here is the Probable Cause Affadavit link:

    Here are my first questions after reading this document:

    1. Have the LE found the murder weapon? (CI said Taylor was carrying a .38 with him the morning of the murders).

    2. Was the Blackburn's gun stolen? (LE found a Taurus 9mm at the apartment where Watson and Gordon were staying).

    3. How did the suspects choose the Blackburn's neighborhood to rob?

    4. Where were the homeowners at 2230 Sunnyside when their house was robbed? Who called 911?

    5. Did the suspects have keys to the house 2230? (PC says they cut through a screen and unlocked a deadbolt on a patio door).

    6. Why did the suspects choose the Blackburn residence? (LE postulated that they saw DB's car pulling away and assumed the house was empty, but this is not corroborated in the PC Affadavit).

    7. Why did the suspects change up their point of entry for the Blackburn home invasion? (access for two previous robberies through sliding glass patio doors where they cut screens and let themselves in).

    8. What was Amanda doing during the minutes in which Taylor left the house to hand her debit card to his cohorts? Was she restrained? Was she unconscious? Was she already dead?

    9. Were there any signs that Amanda had been restrained? (A roll of duct tape was found on the living room floor).

    10. Who took the Macbook pro out of the Blackburns residence (Taylor wasn't carrying it in the photos from surveillance),

    11. If Taylor had already taken laptop and cards and walked out of house a first time without raising alarms, why go back into the house?

    12. If all the suspects knew within 24 hours that Taylor had murdered why the lack of concern for being caught (especially given the immediate media attention, overwhelming LE presence). They didn't leave town, dispose cell phones, effectively get rid of anything linking them to crime, eg. how hard would it have been to take the pink sweater and ATM receipts to a dumpster across town)?

  86. I've never attended Carl Sagan's "Spock-like" intelligence church. You may be onto something there mr. andrew.

  87. Now I am beyond confused. Watson and Taylor both arrested on murder charges? The reports are that Taylor shot Amanda while Watson and the other one were at the ATM. It has been reported, many times, that Taylor told witnesses he shot her. So why are they both charged with murder? So much about this does not add up.

    I finally found a link to the probable cause affidavit. Hopefully reading it will answer some of these questions. Here is the link: http://www.wthr.com/story/30582162/man-questioned-in-amanda-blackburn-case-arrested-for-murder

  88. Persons with BPD do feel love. It's their response to love that can be disjointed and their actions are derived from the confusion with all the noise in their head. The way they express their love is what can look "off"

    A poster said it quite well, that BPD sufferers struggle with monumental shame. Justified or unjustfied, shame none-the-less. This shame can surface in our words. Further, most BPD sufferers take this out on themselves, not others.

    However, there are functional BPD ones and non-functional ones. As with any mental illness.

    A functional one is that way because A) they are still in denial and their mental illness is on a war path of consuming evrything in their lives, subtly or otherwise. B. ) they are well into the recovery process and lead their lives by the strictest of skills.

    The latter is quite taxing and can feel overwhelming. The former is a place where if DB where to classify as BPD, I would place him. In that state however, his shame would not be over-running his words, as he would still be in denial and blaming others for the misery and pain he is feeling.

    If DB were in the recovery stage, he wouldn't be doing what he is. Skills would take precedence in order to survive this. Further, if he were a non-functioning BPD, he would not have the coherence that his life had prior to Amanda being murdered.

    Those are some of my own personal thoughts on DB/BPD subject.

  89. OT - LIVE CHAT


    Would you be willing to announce the Live Chat events a little bit in advance? I missed the last one. :(


  90. Thank you Sherrie, much appreciated!

  91. I just watched a video where one of Amanda's friends since childhood referred to the brutal murder as "Amanda's accident." Whaaaat? WHY are all the people close to Amanda using such soft language! No tears from that friend either, just lots of smiles. These people are cold.

  92. Thank you, John, for the interview cite.

    There is a noticble difference as DB and Amanda's father describe her. Amanda's father, unlike DB, said he loved Amanda. This is something DB has never said.

    There is also a noticeable difference as they describe how their belief in Christ has helped them.

    DB talked about forgiveness. He told how Jesus looked out from the Cross and forgave. He then expressed , as he pointed to himself, something about feelings of forgiveness in US. He definitely uses plural verbs to deflect emotions.

  93. They said that the "gunshot wound to her lower left arm traveled up her bicep...and another gunshot wound that entered and exited her upper back"
    She had "scratches on her left cheek, a split lip and a lower tooth knocked out"

    This doesn't seem to match the murderers description of her being shot. He says the "upper body" not her back or arm. And if one hit her arm and traveled to her bicep..he was either on the ground shooting up or she was laying down? I'm struggling to picture an angle for that.

  94. Anonymous at 11:23 a.m. said:

    "A happy, loving family does not need a weekend away from their 15 month old baby."


    That is not true. It's not like they went on a month-long jaunt across Europe. Parents need a break sometimes. Couples need time alone sometimes. I miss my son when my husband and I take even a very short trip without him, but I also enjoy being able to rest the eyes on the back of my head every now and then.

    Also, I disagree with the assertion that Davey was talking on the phone in the driveway because he was trying to hide the conversation from Amanda. My husband does it more than I do, because he has to deal with business calls and I don't, but it's not unusual for one of us to finish a conversation in the driveway before entering the house because my son interrupts a lot, plus our house often sounds like a carnival of cartoons and video games and toy fire trucks.

  95. Could it not be guilt from sitting in the driveway for an hour? I mean, I understand why he would have done that: 1) he's a pastor, & the conversation could have been confidential, & 2) he had a 15-mo old who may have made it hard to hear. My husband & I do that all the time.

  96. In response to trustmeigetit 12:06 p.m.:

    Aren't our back and arms part of our "upper body"?

  97. Does anyone know if Blackburn's official statement to police and 911 call will be released? I understand he's not been charged with anything, but I'd like to know if that's a prerequisite for police to release such information OR will we have to wait until a Freedom of Information paper is filed by a news company?

  98. He probably talks about forgiveness so much because he wants it for himself when all the truth comes out.

  99. I am on lunch break and in with analysts in scheduled session. I will post tonight.

    Xian, the analysis shows guilt, but the source of guilt is not yet known. It could be as you say or it could be a number of other things, but it is more than just average guilt.

    The father of a murdered teen lamented that years earlier, he had moved his family to that state. "If I had not moved my family, she would be alive today" (some of you will remember this live interview on radio)

    Every husband and father will have guilt in some way ,but this guilt is blunted by fact. The above quote was from an intelligent doctor. It is instinctive. It is from high intellect and low intellect.



  101. Thinking about the sitting in the driveway on the phone situation makes me uneasy. I hate talking on the phone so I wouldn't ever talk on the phone for an hour but my sister would and would sit in the drivewway while she finished her call. I don't think she would sit there for an hour though even that seems long for her. And she would never start a phone call when she was almost home. She would do this if the other person called her but would never initiate a phone call right before she was almost home. She would go in, get settled, and then make the call she was planning to make. So did the person call him? If he called the person why not wait until you got in your house. I'm assuming he worked from home because he didn't actually have a church building. So he would have a home office for privacy. I'm sure Amanda knew to let him have his time in his office since a lot times Pastor's counsel and do things that require confidentiality. So while a lot of people do this "driveway talking," even some of it seems off to me.

  102. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous at 11:23 a.m. said:

    "A happy, loving family does not need a weekend away from their 15 month old baby."

    If parents are attentive parents, they need frequent breaks.

    Don't look for things that are not there. The lack of sleep, alone, from a toddler, demands a break and with her family far away and his drive for success, likely meant an exhausted Amanda. Add in his sexual demands and complaints....


  103. Guys - this is who he was talking to in his driveway for an hour....


  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. It shows 8:18 for me, I'm in EST. ?

  106. I'm still having issues on the time frame, could someone help (too lazy to look it up lol)...
    We know he left around 6:10 to go to the gym (which was 40 minutes later than normal) and then he was back home at 7 something? where he sat in his driveway talking on the phone to a friend who then made sure to tweet that he had a good morning talk with Davey (or something along those lines)... so how long was he at the gym that day? Because I'm considering drive time there and back and a shower and I'm wondering how long his workout was? Didn't he spend hours at the gym daily?

    Another thing... our local new said last night that Amanda was shot because she "charged" the murderer - kind of like it was self defense for the murderer to shoot her because he was then scared for his life?? But she was shot in the back of the head?

    Still not making sense. - TJC

    PS- please do a live chat, Peter! :)

  107. Delaware and Michigan are in the same time zone.

  108. Mine says 5:18... what time zone is Delaware in? I'm in Indiana.

  109. That's odd... I know for sure that Indiana and Michigan are in the same time zone... why is one saying 7:18 and one saying 5:18? -TJC

  110. So weird. How is that possible?

    Kenneth Wagner ‏@kennethwagner Nov 10
    Love my weekly convos with @daveyblackburn! So refreshing to have a true friend to do life with.
    LoriMitch CartrettePalmer
    7:18 AM - 10 Nov 2015 · Details
    Reply Retweet

  111. Greek rad,
    Whether you pull the trigger, or not, you can be charged with murder in the commission of a felony. My guess is that the third guy is talking so he isn't charged with murder. He's pleaing out to all the burglaries.

  112. I don't have an issue with the driveway talking--I've done it. What I have issue with is the never ending list of coincidences.

    Davey just happened to leave the door unlocked

    He just happened to use a gun in a violent depiction on stage a few days prior

    He just happened to be at the gym

    The killers/robbers just happened upon his street from 17 miles away

    He just happened to use soft language/distancing language and be a nonemotional man after his wife's brutal murder

    He just happened to be unhappy in his marriage

    What else? Seems like this is either a perfect storm or something is rotten in Denmark.

  113. What if this is bigger than Davey Blackburn and has been staged to stir up racism, hatred and mistrust? Think about the climate that has been created by white on black/black on white crimes recently...

  114. Mine says 5:18 - I'm in Massachusetts.

    Could the Daylight Savings switch have something to do with it? I've thought that maybe that's why DB went to the gym at a different than usual time.

  115. This is a timeline someone put together and posted it on the Justice for Amanda facebook...


  116. it will show your time in relation to the time he tweeted. For me it shows 5:18 AM - 10 Nov 2015

    I am in the UK

  117. What was the sermon recently where he talking about knocking teeth out and then we find out Amanda had a tooth knocked out?

  118. Tania - thank you for clearing that up about the time.

  119. http://www.indystar.com/story/news/crime/2015/11/23/amanda-blackburn-court-documents-charges-larry-taylor-and-jalen-watson/76282316/
    court docs

  120. One thing for sure, if this can happen to a young pregnant mother living a quiet peace filled life in middle America it can happen to anyone. I now have decided to forever lock my front door down so hard no one could enter even if they took an ax to it. Same for my patio door. The garage door will stay closed and only opening to leave in my locked vehicle. Cameras have been ordered. Window chimes engaged.

    1. My house is Fort Knox! I lock the door behind my dog going out to potty. What surprised me is the number of security signs in front of homes on that block that did not deter these guys. We're living in scary times.

  121. I just finished reading the entire document. After reading especially pages 11, 12, and 13, I am almost certain Davey Blackburn had nothing to do with any of it.

  122. I've been reading twitter posts written by Blackburn's friends and they are really angry at SA. No anger has been directed at Amanda's killers though & no demands for an apology from the killers either, just forgiveness. What the heck is going on? SA did not kill Amanda.

  123. I saw a similar situation a couple years ago when a pastor and wife lost their toddler, I can't remember the cause but it was a disease of some kind. They showed no sense of loss or sorrow, immediately started using it as an 'evangelism' tool. It was so off-putting!! I think a situation like this is a wake up call to the fact of how well narcissistic or personality disordered individuals can perform the office of pastor. I've been looking into the prevalence of abuse by pastors/church leadership recently and it is horribly prevalent.

    On a different note, someone posted that they had a live-in babysitter?

  124. Interesting timeline from the phone records. Could also add info from police affidavit, such as 1) 5:23 AM = 911 call from San Clemente residence re break-in and theft of Sebring; 2) 5:36 AM = disabling of security camera at Blackburn neighbor's house

  125. I live on the east side of Indianapolis and I carry a gun at all times. Even inside! I also have metal holders I fit 2 x 4 s in to fortify my doors at night when we go to sleep. I have two Rottweiler mixes indoors as well. My adult keeps a gun in his room because Indianapolis is dangerous but I still think the good pastor is complicit in the planning


  126. Two plead not guilty in murder of pastor's wife


  127. I don't get how he stayed in his car for an hour in the driveway and didn't go in or find it odd that his wife didn't look out at him to check on him? My husband will sometimes get home and still be on the phone, I always poke my head out to check on him or wave hi. The fact that she didn't acknowledge him during that whole time, wouldn't he find that strange and go in to check?

    Also do you think the killers shut the door? I mean I just imagine it obviously looking broken into when he arrived back home.

  128. Does anyone know what determines the release of a 911 call? The police have to okay it? What are the reasons for releasing it and the reasons for NOT releasing it? Some I suppose are never released. Is it released simply in an attempt to be transparent, help assuage public questioning?

  129. Just saw Davey on his most recent interview. He doesn't look like he's lost an ounce of sleep. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. No weight of worry, or loss on his mind what-so-ever. He's had a facial recently, too. Possible got his eye brows waxed.
    He looks much different.

    Happy, rested, manicured, fresh haircut, now the sweater (cracks me up). He went from looking like a boy to man overnight. Talk about about protecting image. Is there ever a time with he talks like a regular person without going into Pastor mode?

    1. Really stretching now to ridicule him for every action.

  130. @ green tea -- yeah b/c he's available now.. wants to appeal to all the single ladies. New image, new wife as he said "the best is yet to come"

  131. green tea,

    Could you please post a link to this video here?


  132. This, as all the crimes we review on here, has been a good lesson in SA. Down the road maybe we'll hear of details that will help explain the unexpected use of pronouns and unexpected behavior. In the meantime, I'm not going to participate in further SA or behavior speculation in this case. It's a tragedy and whatever other transgressions DA may or may not be involved in, I feel I may be hurting Amanda's family, husband, son, friends, etc with further speculation at this point. SA is a difficult study and this case was a good reminder.

  133. I also have metal holders I fit 2 x 4 s in to fortify my doors at night when we go to sleep.

    OMG @ 1:14 PM

    We did the same thing. I didn't want to say it but yes, I am now that afraid we had to go to those extremes.

  134. Murder, No Apparent Motive
    Around 42 minute mark

    When speaking of Denise Naslund, who was killed by Ted Bundy in July of 1974 (one of the two Lake Sammamish killings) her mother Eleanor Rose, a devout Catholic, said this, 10 years later:

    "All I can think about is what he did to her.
    What were her thoughts.....how long did she suffer.....and those thoughts are with me all the time."

    And with that, I am going to step back as well.


  135. Sorry, ladies, but it looks like this soap opera is coming to an end. And it's not nearly as dramatic as you wanted it to be.

    You were hoping against all hope that he was involved.

    But you'll justify it by saying "there's still something clearly wrong with him." DB's not perfect, no one is. His marriage wasn't perfect, no marriage is. He preaches every week about how imperfect he is and how badly he needs a savior. But you ladies wanted to use his admitted weaknesses against him, as if you & your marriages are perfect.

    Back to watching Lifetime.

  136. Thanks so much, BH.

    Bless your sweet little heart!!

    But - just so you know- I like to watch Dr. Phil!


  137. Saw an interview with her father, also a preacher. What a stark contrast to DB's interviews? He still talks about leaning on our Lord and Savior but he is a broken man. So so different from Davey's interviews.

  138. OT -

    Ahmed Mohammed "Clock Kid" demands $10 Million USD...

  139. Amanda's father is so much more real and natural in his feelings and emotions.


  140. I'm afraid that LE just plain got this one wrong. Both defendants are pleading not guilty. Was this a quick arrest due to pressure from this national news story? So far the evidence against these guys seems flimsy at best. Amandas DNA on a sweater that may have been around their face? That doesn't even make sense. None of this does. I'm really really hoping and praying this isn't going to be a wrongful conviction. They happen, unfortunately, quite often.

    1. Of course they're pleading not guilty. Last year where I live a jealous husband killed the date of his estranged wife when they were coming out of the movie theater. There were plenty of witnesses who saw this and took the guy down until police arrived. No surprise that he pleaded not guilty...

  141. Davey's father seems totally devastated in contrast to Davey.

  142. Anon 2:44

    Spot on. The father is living in the real world. DB is psychotic. I am a Bible believing Christian, been one for 37 years, pastored for 15 years... what DB taught his church and how it reflected his lack of love for Amanda is sickening. He needs to be the one who is asking for forgiveness. If he were my son-in-law, I would have to knock the crap out of him... HE LEFT THE DOOR UNLOCKED.

    1. News flash... Many people do this. I'm sure he's beating him self up after what happened but geez nobody envisions this is going to happen in their suburb at 6 am.

  143. Pastor #daveyblackburn left home unlocked then returned to find wife nude & dead says court docs https://t.co/jJf5KQzHvM #AmandaBlackburn

  144. Wait for a month DB will be arrested

    This was an execution

    Now its obvious the younger guy was sent in to Earn His Membership by performing the Hit

    All we need to know is how the Delano guy knew Davey

    Because there is a link there trust me


    No grieving husband SMILES religious or not, when hes found his so=called Much Loved wife murdered on the floor.


    This little freak will be caught

    NB: police presser said Investigations are Ongoing

    I bet they are....

  145. Anon 2:53

    Have you ever lived in a neighborhood like theirs. You don't leave it locked there is early in the morning. A husband/father just does not do that. If your do your an idiot.

    1. So you have polled every person in suburbs across Amercia? Yes people do leave the house unlocked during the day.

  146. Having read the affidavit I do not think Davey had anything to do with it. I had concerns with the time line but the affidavit clears that up. There are many coincidences and inconsistencies that caused me to believe he had something to do with it but not after reading the facts. I think we can all agree that within the science of SA Davey has demonstrated guilt (or shame Andrew), and there are many possible reasons. His lack of anger, pain, and emotion is unexpected and disturbing and can probably be explained by any number of personality disorders. He is clearly immature, shallow and narcissistic and he probably does believe it was God's plan and that Amanda is with Jesus now. While I cannot relate to his behavior I do know people who have such faith in God's plan they never question it or allow themselves to doubt it. My opinion of them is not high and I see Davey right there with them. I am not knocking faith in God, just saying it can be extreme which I think is the case with Davey and with Amanda's family and friends.

  147. Anon @2:53,
    I am not surprised they plead not guilty. No doubt they have defense attorneys who have convinced them they will find a flaw in the case and get them off or get them a reduced sentence. Sadly, jurors are easily swayed and practically need a video of the deed and smoking gun to convict. So they are taking their chances and pleading not guilty.

  148. When my daughter was about four, I walked into her un-announced. she quickly put both hands behind her back, looked right at me and said just one word "nothing." I immediately knew something was up.

  149. I meant: I walked into her room

  150. @watchkeep: "Information provided by a confidential informant to police about how #AmandaBlackburn ended up dead..." https://t.co/3cwBTOH5VZ

  151. We have concluded our analysis.

    Live Chat up:


  152. Geek Rad,

    What in the affidavit has helped you come to a conclusion?



  153. The timeline. I thought LE got it all wrong that it was the same people. They were clearly on burglary spree and it was the same people. And some of the witness statements about Taylor said.

  154. Peter Hyatt @ 12:25 p.m.

    Your post made me think of something I had not considered before. I would love to know if Weston was crying in the background of the 911 call. Reading the Probable Cause docs in excruciating detail, this was a noisy murder- Amanda actively fought, furniture was knocked over, there was screaming & yelling, there was discussion among the perpetrators formulating who'd be going to the ATM & getting the PIN number from Amanda, followed by multiple guns shots (heard by the neighbor; one of which lodged in the stairway wall), multiple doors being opened and closed, and very possibly Amanda crying (either out for help or in pain). I'd like to know if Weston was crying when the FD arrived or had visibly been crying. Even the best of sleeping babies would have been hysterical. Weston should have been clinging to Davey for quite awhile afterwards as well.

    Sus @ 12:06 p.m.- You are right again! Davey has not said he loved Amanda once for 14 DAYS. He said: "Amanda loved people"; "Amanda loved everyone"; "Amanda loved the unlovable, the unforgivable"; "Amanda loved Weston". What's missing from this list? DAVEY! He has never said Amanda loved him either, which in in direct contrast to her many tweets of I love you, love-related sayings, and inside couple jokes.

    So, I have to ask, what's Davey's definition of "love" between a husband and wife? Unlimited any time I want, kinky, throw your wife on the counter or floor when you first step in the house from a trip before you even find out if she's felling o.k. and your child's alright? Is his definition realistic, reasonable, normal, healthy, feasible? Or not? By it's omission, he seems to be implying that she failed at loving him according to his standard, in addition to sexually satisfying him. BAD RELATIONSHIP =Stuck for a lifetime in a bad relationship, with one child to support and a second on the way. Can't divorce without losing his following, his reputation, his church/business livelihood, his property (at least half and likely she'd be awarded the house as primary caregiver for Weston's stability and having the lesser income or forcing the sale of his house, paying long-term alimony & child support, and his lifestyle (he seems to have an abnormal amount of "free" time for pastoring a church, being married, and having a child). Then there's the likelihood of incurring additional expense for child-care (as well as when Weston became school age),not to mention having to actually parent Weston on a regular basis.

    IMO, Davey was under a lot of pressure to perform ,growing Resonate into a mega-church. He was also under pressure to present a good working marriage-good husband, spiritual leader of his household, good involved father, in addition to the pressure to look/talk/act young, fit, hip, relevant, charismatic.

    14 DAYS of utter silence regarding their personal relationship, while carefully correcting every other omission of the expected, is a form of speaking in itself. 14 DAYS of carefully and methodically avoiding discussing their love for one another and the personal impact on Davey.
    14 DAYS of consciously diverting and attempting to control interviews and promoting his church?brand of Jesus instead.
    14 DAYS following the very violent, bloody, traumatic, protracted death of the person he described as his "ministry partner" and "support".
    14 DAYS

  155. That poor woman endured so much fear and pain in her last minutes. My heart hurts so much for her. I guess that's why Daveys behavior is so hard to understand. I have so much grief for a woman I've never met. I go to church every Sunday and consider myself a devout Christian. Despite my religious beliefs, or maybe because of them, I am so angry at this deplorable crime and at the people who killed this poor woman. It's not just that she's gone, but that her exit from the world was so brutal and that she must have been in so much fear. God rest her sweet soul.

  156. THEORY:

    Could it be possible that these mega Churches that Davey is connected to would be paying some of the cops to keep their mouth shut and pin this on someone else (like those gang members)? I don't doubt that those three men aren't gang members but it is weird to me that they were only into robberies and then all the sudden murder a pregnant woman that has a baby home!? WHERE WAS THE DOG AS WELL!? I admit that I am suspicious of people but everything that has been coming out is just WEIRD and makes no sense! Anyone else thing the mega Church paying some cops off could be a possibility?

  157. Fools,
    I'm only pointing out Peter's point. (Alliteration at its finest haha). DB has never said he loves or loved Amanda, but her father brought it out on his first interview. He also had such great things to say about her as a person.

    I can't wait to hear the Tuesday group analysis. Did they see today's interviews?

  158. @ anon 3:309. Ridicule? You clearly do not understand the definition of the word so I will share it with you.

    noun 1. speech or action intended to cause contemptuous laughter at a person or thing.

    This is nothing to laugh about. And we are not laughing. What we see through our eyes and hear with our ears is up to our interpretation. When one goes on National television to speak to a nation...well you get the rest.

    The word ridicule does not fit here.

    What I see with my eyes and listening skills is an anon undercover Davey/friend/Pastor/church member.

    I haven't changed my mind about Davey, arrests or no arrests. He's been outed. It hurts.

  159. Thinking of his happy face on the news today...

    O.J. smiled. Scott Peterson smiled. Amanda Knox smiled. The McCanes smiled. the Ramseys smiled. And all while on camera. In fact they didn't just smile, they smiled with a coy chuckle.


  160. Do you really think the Ramseys did it?

  161. Anon 3:37, just watched crime watch daily and one of the segments was a bout a district attorney,his wife, 3 California Highway Patrol Officers and a liquor store owner being involved in suppressing information about the murdere of a 26 yr old scrap metal stealer Korey Kaufan. Former chip officer Walter Wells was charged with murder and the other two cops were charged with obstructing the investigation so it's possible.

  162. Korey Kaufman and it should have said defense attorney although I think he ran for district attorney in Turlock California

  163. @ScottWTHR: "Grief is a process. There's no manual on how you're supposed to grieve" - Davey Blackburn #AmandaBlackburn #WTHR https://t.co/0Fgc4I9NrI

  164. I am wondering about the Affidavit for Probable Cause. Should I take that as a reasonably reliable description of what actually happened? I'm assuming the police put it together by interviewing, separately, all the people involved.

    1. The information on how she was assaulted and shot was provided to police by a confidential informant.

  165. Amy - maybe he's not familiar with the manual.


    1. He will be in time for the next round of tv probably.

  166. A confidential informant? Do you mean someone who was present (Taylor)? Or do you mean a 3rd party to whom he had described it to afterwards?

  167. I am wondering how many females he went to school with or lived in his neighborhood did he abuse prior to his young life of crime? Are there any African-Americans forced to provide for these boys?

  168. Here's what's happening

    The confidential informant is the one who is Not Arrested

    They are now building evidence against Davey

    This evidence will be - cash missing from church/personal accounts, a prior tie to the arrestees (somehow, I suggest through his "Ministry" there's a link), all this takes time.

    They have to tie him in Without Reasonable Doubt.

    He will have excellent lawyers.

    He has and is trawling for, a lot of Public Support.

    Stupid people (most of America, soz) look at his handsome grinning face and think "Poor Davey!!"

    This is their Potential Jury Pool

    The case needs to be rock solid

    They need to find an Actual Physical Link between DB and the arrestees

    Be it money, prior contact w perps, phone calls to perps (I bet the smartarse used a payphone)

    DB thinks he Got Away With It

    and Police are allowing him to think that

    also while I remember


    You read it here first

  169. Amy, thanks for clarification. Should we assume the affidavit is meant only for the public, and that there is much more information that is not being shared with us? I was most curious about the description of how it seemed a split-second decision to hit one more house (the Blackburns) b/c they "decided they wanted more money", and then they left Taylor alone at Blackburn home (while they went to ATMs) and then when they almost didn't go back to retrieve Taylor, he threatened to kill the woman if they didn't come back. Should we assume all that to be a fairly accurate accounting?

  170. What a contrast seeing Amanda's Dad.

